11-16-20 Commission Workshop Adopted minutesATTENDANCE:
Also Present:
Commission Workshop Meeting
Monday, November 16, 2020 - 6:00 PM
Commission Chamber
Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1
Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 (District 1306)
Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 5 (District 1312)
Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM)
Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC)
Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA)
Lori Diaz, Deputy City Clerk
Bruce Bole, Commissioner -Elect Seat 2 (District 1308)
Michael Waters, Commissioner —Elect Seat 3 (District 1307)
Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at
6:00 PM.
A. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Mayor Glasser called the meeting to
order at 5:30 P.M. Meetings
Regular meetings
Workshops (i.e. Priority Setting/Visioning, Budget, Projects, etc.)
Town Halls
Special Called meetings (i.e. Appeals, Waivers, Emergencies, etc.)
Mayor Glasser explained the goal for the meeting,
CM Corbin spoke about the upcoming process of introducing the Commissioner elects
to various city department staff, facilities and operations.
Mayor Glasser provided an overview of the various Commission meetings, beginning
with regular meetings. She stated that regular meetings take place at 6:30 p.m., on the
second and fourth Monday of each month. She provided information regarding
Workshops, Town Halls and Special Called meetings. She stated the placeholder for
Workshops is 6:00 p.m. the third Monday of each month and often before regular
meetings at 5:30 p.m. Se reported the Priority Setting Workshop takes place in early
January and Town Halls as quarterly. She spoke about the purpose for holding Special
Called Meetings.
CA Durden provided information regarding the upcoming waiver.
Commission Workshop
November 16, 2020
Mayor Glasser inquired on whether there were any conflicts with meeting dates and
times. She requested proposed dates for scheduling of the Priority SettingNisioning
Discussion ensued regarding dates.
CM Corbin proposed January 13th or 14th for the Priority SettingNisioning Workshop.
Staff to reach out to Linda Lanier for confirmation of a date.
B. Scheduling/Calendar
Mayor Glasser provided information regarding the calendar and the sending out of
Outlook invites for acceptance. CC Bartle reported that Executive Assistant to City
Manager Yvonne Calverley maintains the 90- Day calendar and that confirmations to the
calendar are made during regular Commission meetings.
C. Agendas
CC Bartle spoke regarding agenda item deadlines.
CM Corbin requested that agenda items/topics be presented to him for discussion and
Mayor Glasser spoke regarding items for discussion and the need for the public to know
what the item is. CM Corbin stated this generates discussion with the community.
CA Durden also spoke regarding sections of the agenda for placement of proposed
CC Bartle stated the order of the agenda is in our code.
D. Invocation
Mayor Glasser reported on the process of Invocation and provided details. She stated the
current Commission began the procedures in 2017.
CA Durden spoke regarding case law and what it encourages and does not encourage.
CC Bartle reported the Invocation schedule is located at each seat of the dyas, in the 90 -
Day calendar and via email invites. She requested to accept the invite.
E. Meeting Rules
Mayor Glasser provided an overview of the rules of conduct and procedures at meetings,
as detailed in the agenda packet.
CA Durden spoke regarding rules and procedures.
Mayor Glasser reported CA Durden as our parliamentarian at meetings.
Commission Workshop
November 16, 2020
F. Process for Public Comments
Courtesy of the Floor
Public Hearings
Mayor Glasser provided an overview of the process of Public Comment. She explained
the speaker form and stated the speakers address and other information is optional.
G. Newsletter
Mayor Glasser stated that Yvonne Calverley is the contact person. She added that DCM
Hogencamp is our Public Information Officer and can assist in preparation.
CC Bartle reported on who receives the newsletter.
H. Civility Pledge
Mayor Glasser spoke regarding the Civility Pledge. She stated that Commissioner Norris
drafted the pledge. Mayor Glasser requested Commissioner Norris to update the pledge
based on experiences, such as the addition of social media.
Mayor Glasser requested to place the item on the agenda twice.
I. Use of City Email
CC Bartle explained how the city email works. She explained the City Manager and
Deputy City Manager will receive a copy of emails received. She reported the city email
includes a disclaimer.
Mayor Glasser emphasized the importance of not using the "Reply to All" function. She
stated that there is a bit of a learning curve and that Commissioners do not see each
other's replies.
CA Durden emphasized the importance of using the City email for retention of public
There was further information provided regarding public records and the email archiver.
J. Identify issues of importance in the short term.
Mayor Glasser spoke regarding Commission Priorities. She requested to stick to the plan
for the year.
CM Corbin reported on adapting to the recent changes due to COVID.
K. Mayor Pro Tem
Mayor Glasser reported that Commissioner Norris is our Mayor Pro Tem. She requested
that she continue in the role, if a change is suggested contact CM Corbin for placement
on the agenda.
L. Board/Committee Liaison Assignments
Commission Workshop
November 16, 2020
Mayor Glasser listed the Boards and Committee liaisons. Commissioner Kelly suggested
Mr. Bole to move into the liaison role of the Pension Board.
Mayor Glasser reported on her duty to create special committees. She requested input on
Commissioner Norris, as committee liaison, spoke regarding the duties of the Board
Member Review Committee (BMRC). She stated she wishes to continue in that
committee. Commissioner Kelly reported she wished to continue as liaison of the
Environmental Stewardship (ESC) committee.
Mayor Glasser spoke regarding the purpose for a liaison. It being so committees and
Commission remain in sync.
Mayor Glasser requested to remain as liaison to the Youth Council and also agreed to
remain liaison of the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee.
CC Bartle to provide Board/Committee member lists to Commissioner -elects.
There was discussion regarding the option of Mr. Bole to transition from member to
liaison of the Pension Board. Mr. Bole to consider and confirm at a later date.
M. Training
Code of Ethics, Public Records, Public Meetings (Sunshine Law)
Institute of Elected Municipal Officials - Florida League of Cities (FLC)
CA Durden explained the required elected officials ethics training - (4) hours annually.
N. Miscellaneous
Mayor Glasser spoke regarding the expiration of the Governors State of Emergency
Executive Orders and the order put into place by CM Corbin and herself for hybrid
meetings. She explained the requirements and process for the hybrid meetings. She
explained the process of public comments throughout the State of Emergency. She
requested CA Durden and CC Bartle to advise on administrative rules for public
comments being made via email during a State of Emergency. CM Corbin reported on
challenges to this.
She requested to think about this topic and discussion can be made at Mondays
Commission meeting.
Mayor Glasser spoke regarding Sunshine Laws and the need to be cautious when
commenting on social media. She stated she is not Facebook friends with fellow
Commissioner Norris suggested to keep comments for the meetings in the Commission
Commission Workshop
November 16, 2020
CC Bartle informed that the social media comments are also public record that must be
made available if requested.
CA Durden emphasized the need to be keep track of comments/text messages on any
platform for public records and suggested call her with any questions regarding ethics.
CM Corbin reported that we have an app for your phone for retention of text messages.
Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 7:30 PM.
Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Ellen Glasser, Mayor
Date Approved
Commission Workshop
November 16, 2020