09-28-20 Regular Commmission meeting Adopted minutesMINUTES Regular City Commission Meeting Monday, September 28, 2020 - 6:30 PM Commission Chamber INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation led by Commissioner Waters. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. City Clerk Bartle called the roll. ROLL CALL: Present: Also Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2 (District 1308) Blythe Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 (District 1307) Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 (District 1306) Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 5 (District 1312) Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Lori Diaz, Deputy City Clerk 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1A. Approve Minutes of the June 8, 2020 Regular Commission meeting. 1B. Approve minutes of the June 22, 2020 Commission Workshop. Mayor Glasser asked if there were any corrections or changes needed. Seeing none, Mayor Glasser stated the minutes stand as submitted. 2 COURTESY OF FLOOR TO VISITORS PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Glasser explained the process for public comments and opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. City Clerk Bartle called each speaker to the podium. Rick Carper congratulated Chief Gualillo on his promotion. He commended the City Manager and Finance Director for providing a user friendly, informative budget final draft. He provided additional suggestions to the budget. He requested Commission to consider the delay of "wants" projects, and to evaluate projects that require engineering for grants assistance. He is in favor of proceeding with Aquatic Gardens Stormwater and Donner Road improvement projects. He inquired on the Waters Park mailbox. Regular City Commission September 28, 2020 Lenny Jevic spoke regarding forming a street sign dedication program that shows support for our Veterans. Mr. Jecvic shared various ways the City of Atlantic Beach can move forward to enact this program. Mayor Glasser closed Courtesy of the Floor. 3 CITY MANAGER REPORTS 3A. City Manager's Report Recognize Chief Gualillo's appointment to Chief. Security cameras placed on 18th Street (2 installed). Aquatic Gardens Stormwater Improvements - City Engineer (CE) Steve Swarm to report.(See Below) Traffic Calming at Main Street and 9th Street Intersection - Planning and Community Development Director (PCDD) Amanda Askew to report. (See Below) Centers for after school programs have been reopened - (CDC Guidelines apply) CE Swann presented a PowerPoint on the Aquatic Gardens Drainage Improvement Project, (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as ATTACHMENT A). Neighborhood meeting scheduled for 6 pm October 8, 2020. PCDD Askew shared slides that announced the notice for a meeting on the proposed mini -roundabout at Main Street and West Ninth Street for 6:30 P.M. Wednesday, Sept. 30. ATTACHMENT A - Aquatic Gardens Drainage Improvement Project 3B. Accept the 90 -Day Calendar (October through December 2020) There was CONSENSUS to accept the 90 -Day Calendar. 4 REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Waters provided clarification of the Facebook Live post, time commitments and demands of this job. Commissioner Anderson thanked Mr. Jevic for his proposal for the Veterans support. Requested that the website show updated votes from the Commission. Mayor Glasser congratulated Chief Gualillo on his appointment and shared condolences on behalf of the City for Elizabeth McNew, who passed away with COVID related issues. Mayor Glasser shared comments on moving forward with the Veterans Designated Sign Program. Regular City Commission September 28, 2020 5 UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS None. 6 CONSENT AGENDA 6A. Acknowledge receipt of the Monthly Financial Report for August 2020. MOTION: To approve Consent Agenda as presented. Motion: Brittany Norris Second: Candace Kelly Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson For Blythe Waters For Candace Kelly (Seconded By) For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Motion passed S to 0. 7 COMMITTEE REPORTS None. 8 ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS 8A. RESOLUTION NO. 20-37 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ENTER INTO THE 2019 JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT DIRECT PROGRAM. Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. Police Chief Gualillo explained the purpose of the Justice Assistance Grant as detailed in the agenda packet. MOTION: To adopt Resolution No. 20-37. Motion: Brittany Norris Second: Blythe Waters Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson For Blythe Waters (Seconded By) For Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Motion passed 5 to 0. Regular City Commission September 28, 2020 8B. RESOLUTION NO. 20-38 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA INCREASING THE CAPITAL ASSET THRESHOLD FROM $1,000 TO $5,000 AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. Finance Director (FD) Melissa Burns reported on the purpose of raising the Capital Asset and what "Capital Asset" means. MOTION: To adopt Resolution No. 20-38. Motion: Brittany Norris Second: Candace Kelly Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson For Blythe Waters For Candace Kelly (Seconded By) For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Motion passed 5 to 0. 8C. RESOLUTION NO. 20-39 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AUTHORIZING A ONE-YEAR AGREEMENT CONTINUING THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OF LANGTON ASSOCIATES, INC.; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ANY CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS AS NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THE PROVISIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. CM Corbin explained the relationship with Langton Associates and their assistance with grant writing. Representative Lisa King, Sr. Vice President of Langton Associates, addressed the Commission and presented an overview of the annual report of grant funds which is included in the agenda packet. MOTION: To adopt Resolution No. 20-39. Motion: Brittany Norris Second: Blythe Waters Regular City Commission September 28, 2020 Ellen Glasser Cindy Anderson Blythe Waters (Seconded By) Candace Kelly Brittany Norris (Moved By) For For For For For Motion passed 5 to 0. 8D. RESOLUTION NO. 20-40 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF $50,000 IN "BETTER JAX" SALES TAX PROCEEDS TO BE USED FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE OF FUNDING A SMALL BUSINESS RELIEF GRANT PROGRAM TO ASSIST ELIGIBLE LOCAL BUSINESSES ADVERSELY IMPACTED BY THE COVID- 19 PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY; ESTABLISHING SMALL BUSINESS RELIEF GRANT PROGRAM GUIDELINES AS DETAILED IN EXHIBIT "A"; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. CM Corbin reiterated the discussion to implement a Small Business Relief Grant Program. Virtual meetings were held with local businesses and positive feedback and interest was received. DCM Hogencamp shared the "program elements" and the requirements of the program. Questions ensued regarding examples of eligible businesses, essential vs. non-essential businesses and this being a fluid document with flexibility on a case by case basis. Also questioned was how the funds would be tracked or reported, use of the funds, and when or how the funds would be applied. Mayor Glasser addressed CM Corbin regarding occupancy requirements and our position on tents out, street activity, etc. CM Corbin replied we are remaining flexible. MOTION: To adopt Resolution No. 20-40 with the update regarding the priority language to read "will be applied" as opposed to "may be applied" and to include provisions on reporting before the October 5th start date for the applications. Motion: Brittany Norris Second: Blythe Waters Commissioner Norris thanked the Mayor and staff for this funding. Commissioner Waters thanked the Mayor and City staff to making this funding available to businesses. Regular City Commission September 28, 2020 Commissioner Anderson was in favor of the program, but is not content that businesses must have at least one employee, other than the owner or will not be eligible. Commissioner Kelly shared concern with administrative/personnel costs. Mayor Glasser noted a plus with going through this pandemic was the growing relationships with businesses. She thanked Commission for this consideration. Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson For Blythe Waters (Seconded By) For Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Motion passed S to 0. 8E. RESOLUTION NO. 20-36, Public Hearing on Adoption of Resolution No. 20-36 for the Millage Rate. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA LEVYING THE AD VALOREM PROPERTY TAX MILLAGE RATE FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2020 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021; STATING THE PERCENTAGE BY WHICH THE MILLAGE TO BE LEVIED EXCEEDS THE ROLLED -BACK RATE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. FY21 Budget Final Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. CM Corbin reported that the millage rate remains consistent from the previous year. Commissioner Norris inquired about the savings of applying the roll -back rate. FD Burns did not have the information on hand, but believed it to be less than twenty dollars ($20). Mayor Glasser read the following: The Tentative Millage Rate is 3.2285. The Roll -Back Rate is 3.0588. The Tentative Millage Rate is 5.55% higher than the Roll -Back Rate. The purpose for adopting the millage rate of 3.2285 is to maintain a level of ad valorem tax revenue sufficient to maintain adequate funding for the existing level of services at the estimated cost and to continue to maintain the City's infrastructure. Regular City Commission September 28, 2020 Mayor Glasser opened the Public Hearing. No one wished to speak. Mayor Glasser closed the Public Hearing. MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 20-36, levying a Final Millage Rate for operating purposes of 3.2285. Motion: Brittany Norris Second: Blythe Waters Mayor Glasser offered discussion by the Commission. There being no comments, Mayor Glasser asked CC Bartle to call roll for the vote. Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson For Blythe Waters (Seconded By) For Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Motion passed 5 to 0. 9 ACTION ON ORDINANCES 9A. ORDINANCE NO. 20-20-157, Public Hearing and Final Reading on adoption of Ordinance No. 20-20-157, establishing the Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2020/2021. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE FINAL BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2020 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021. FY21 Budget Final Mayor Glasser read the Ordinance by title. CM Corbin explained the changes to the budget since the first reading. Mayor Glasser opened the Public Hearing. No one wished to speak. Mayor Glasser closed the Public Hearing. MOTION: Adopt Ordinance No. 20-20-157. establishing the Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2020/2021 of $42,185,107. Motion: Brittany Norris Second: Candace Kelly Regular City Commission September 28, 2020 Mayor Glasser thanked City staff and acknowledged Rick Carper for asking really good questions. Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson For Blythe Waters For Candace Kelly (Seconded By) For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Motion passed 5 to 0. CM Corbin commented on the completed budget and expressed gratitude. 10 MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Item 10B. was moved to before item 10A. 10B. Facade Grant Application -1941 Mayport Road PCDD Askew presented slides with an overview of the location, incentives and costs, as detailed in the agenda packet. Questions ensued regarding what is included such as landscaping and driveways. All questions were addressed. Donnie Hutto, applicant for grant, spoke regarding the exterior renovations. MOTION: To approve grant as requested for 1941 Mayport Road, adding stipulation that 10% of the allocation be used for landscaping improvements as the owner sees fit. Motion: Cindy Anderson Second: Brittany Norris Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson (Moved By) For Blythe Waters For Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris (Seconded By) For Motion passed 5 to 0. Regular City Commission September 28, 2020 10A. Art Grant Application - 645 Mayport Road PCDD Askew presented slides and an overview of the location, incentives and costs, as detailed in the agenda packet. CM Corbin added to discussion the relevance of this location and the artist. Representative for the applicant, Ryan Borden, spoke regarding progress on the main mural. MOTION: To approve grant request for 645 Mayport Road in the amount of $7,500.00. Motion: Brittany Norris Second: Blythe Waters Commissioner Anderson approved of the artwork Commissioner Norris approved of the artwork currently on the property. Commissioner Waters approved of the artwork currently on the property and using local talent. Commissioner Anderson approved of the artwork and appreciated the value. Mayor Glasser approved of the artwork and appreciated the value. Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson For Blythe Waters (Seconded By) For Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Motion passed 5 to 0. 10B. Facade Grant Application - 1941 Mayport Road This item was taken out of sequence and acted on earlier in this meeting.) 11 CITY ATTORNEY/CITY CLERK REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS CC Bartle commented on the previous discussion from Commissioner Anderson regarding the tracking of votes on the website. Regular City Commission September 28, 2020 12 CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COMMISSIONERS AND CITY MANAGER Commissioner Norris requested updates on reports from the Committees. Commissioner Waters thanked Mr. Jevic for the proposed Veteran sign project. CM Corbin thanked the Commission for supporting the Art and Facade Grants. 13 ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, Mayor Glasser declared the meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m. Attest: 41141.4, '0/7a442-iel Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Ellen asser, Mayor 21l'i/20 Date Approved Regular City Commission September 28, 2020 ATTACHMENT A September 28, 2020 Minutes Aquatic Gardens Pr' Drainage Impr ATTA ptember 2 8 0 Minuti nsCreekBasin Se, 2 Afternoon Thunderstorm ATTACHM September 28, 2020 Minutes August 2016 pnqc„ MAfternoon Thunderstorm September 28, 2020 Minutes anACHMEN.A 10 -Year Flood Event September 28, 2020 Minutes W AN. Ytrm," - . L•14i. 1 It!!.%yam' k $ ." Jm to fiNg r=te° Vg iftr i qr r, 10-Yr/24-Hr Storm = 7.3" ATTACHMENT A Septem 25 -Year Flood Event 25-Yr/24-Hr Storm = 9.2" ATLANTIC BLVD ATTAcHmERroposed Improvements September 28, 2020 Minut APPROX. LOCATION OF 40 FT DRAINAGE EMENT INSTALL SHEET PILE ALONG EDGE OF EXISTING CURB 1111111111 WIDEN CHANNEL BOTTOM AND TIE IN TO EXISTING SLOPE AT 3 1 4-111 Lti! INSTALL DOUBLE 1191 BOX CULVERT 8'X6' Feet . , OEXECZI — ATTAcHmEProposed Improvements September 28, 2020 Minut RAISE BERM HEIGHT TO 5.25 FT DREDGE POND TO CREATE MORE STORMWATER STORAGE e i Oe 4 0• 4• D• e•O O Oi• RECONSTRUCT POND OUTFALL CONSTRUCT PERMANENT POND PUMPING FACILITY ATTACHMENT A September 28, 2020 Minutes Timeline & Cost Timeline Design Complete Award Bid Complete Construction Cost Design Construction Total Cost Funding Sources HMGP Design Grant HMGP Construction Grant Legislative Appropriation CDBG-MIT Grant Nov 2020 Jan 2021 Dec 2021 314,000 2,400,000 2,714,000 236,000 - Awarded 1,500,000 - Awarded 200,000 - Awarded 1,854,000 - Under Review 3,790,000 With CDBG-MIT Grant award — Additional ditch widening and replacement of the box culvert at Cutlass Dr. will be completed