09-28-20 Special Called Commission meeting adopted minutesMINUTES
Special Called Meeting of the City Commission
Monday, September 28, 2020 - 4:00 PM
Commission Chamber
Mayor Glasser reported that Commissioner Waters is running late. Following the Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM. City Clerk Bartle called the roll.
Discussion ensued whether to recess or proceed. The meeting was recessed until 4:20 PM.
Meeting reconvened at 4:20 PM.
Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1
Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2 (District 1308)
Blythe Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 (District 1307) — arrived at 4:29
Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 (District 1306)
Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 5 (District 1312)
Also Present: Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM)
Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA)
Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC)
Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM)
Lori Diaz, Deputy City Clerk
A. City Attorney Procedural Reminders
CA Durden provided an overview of waiver hearing procedures (which are attached
hereto and made part of this Official Record as ATTACHMENT A)
ATTACHMENT A - Waiver Hearing Procedures
B. Disclosure of Ex Parte Communications, if any
Commissioner Anderson: stated she received and responded to an email from a
constituent regarding objections to the requested waiver.
Commissioner Kelly: stated she met with the waiver applicant in March at Panera
Bread. She confirmed her decision will be based on this meeting's evidence.
Commissioner Waters arrived at 4:29 PM)
Special Called Meeting of the City Commission
September 28, 2020
Commissioner Norris: stated she received emails as presented in the record, no Ex Parte
Commissioner Waters: stated she received emails as presented in the record, no Ex
Parte communications.
Mayor Glasser: stated she received emails as presented in the record. She corresponded
with applicant via email for set up of an in- person meeting. She stated she met in person
with the applicant on February 20 at home of applicant. She confirmed her decision will
be based on this meeting's evidence.
C. Swearing In of All Persons Who Will Speak
All speakers were sworn in by City Clerk Bartle.
D. City Staff Overview, Documentation and Presentation/Testimony
Planning and Community Development Director (PCDD) Amanda Askew presented an
overview of WAIV20-0001 via a PowerPoint presentation, (which is attached hereto and
made part of this Official Record as ATTATCHMENT B)
PCDD Askew invited questions. Mayor Glasser held questions until after Public
ATTACHMENT B - WAIV20-001 2446 Seminole Rd. Staff Presentation
E. Coughlin Documentation and Presentation/Testimony
The appellant's attorney, Christopher A. White referred to language in the code's Section
24-66, specifically, grounds for a decision. He provided an overview of appellants'
request. He emphasized the uniqueness of this request and lot. He referenced the 2030
Comprehensive Plan Goal 8.1. He requested the Commission to consider the context and
stated that this waiver application does nothing contrary to or in contradiction of the
goals and objectives of the 2030 Comp Plan. He stated that Table A-1. of the
Comprehensive Plan permits a Residential Low (RL) of up to (6) dwelling units per acre.
He spoke regarding the Comprehensive Plans adoption in 1990, addition of the Waiver
Ordinance in 2010, and the RL density requirements. Mr. White questioned "Why do we
have this Ordinance? Is it realistic, reasonable, or practical to limit the owner of a
partial to only one dwelling unit when the RL density requirements allow up to (6) per
acre?" He proposed the reason for the Waiver Ordinance as to address unique situations,
such as this. He pointed out that allowance of this waiver would not create a safety issue,
fire code violations, additional congestion, or additional density.
Attorney White stated he will save additional comments for rebuttal.
The appellant, Paula Coughlin, stated she has lived in AB since 1995, and explained her
plan for the property. She stated her plans include a tree survey, to maintain the natural
beauty and privacy, and for it to remain as natural as possible. She spoke of being
considerate of her neighbors, and expressed gratitude toward the Commission for their
Special Called Meeting of the City Commission
September 28, 2020
Public Comment
City Clerk Bartle stated there are four speaker cards. Mayor Glasser stated five minutes
will be allowed for each speaker.
Paul Eakin stated he is present on behalf of Dr. and Mrs. Richard Boehme, adjacent
land owners to the south of appellant's property. He stated that approval of the waiver
would increase the density, and referred to the staff report on page 2. He spoke regarding
surrounding lot sizes and emphasized the end result of approval of this request is the
creation of two nonconforming lots. He emphasized the purpose of our ordinances, and
local laws and read from Sec. 24-105(d) Minimum lot area. Existing legally established lots of
record may exist, which do not meet the following requirements. These lots may be developed subject to
all applicable land development regulations; however, all lots created after January 1, 2002 must comply
with these minimum lot size requirements in order to obtain building permits authorizing development.,
2484, and 2484(b)(3) No lot or parcel in any zoning district shall be divided to create a lot with area
or width less than the requirements of this chapter and the comprehensive plan.
Scott Fosko stated him and his wife's property is adjacent to the applicant's neighbor's
property. He expressed concerns with the precedent that would be set with approving a
nonconforming lot be further subdivided into two (2) nonconforming lots. He stated
there is not good cause to approve this waiver as it is in violation of the current zoning
Rena Coughlin spoke in favor of granting the waiver. She referred to the three (3)
grounds for the decision and stated it is an incredibly reasonable request.
Mayor Glasser closed Public Comment.
F. Closing Comments
The appellant's attorney, Christopher White, explained competent, substantial evidence.
He suggested that the strict application of the land use regulation regarding lot width to
Ms. Coughlin's lot is unreasonable (due to size of the lot), unpractical and does deprive
her of significant beneficial use, which results in good cause to grant the waiver. He
asked the Commission to consider a motion to approve Waiver 20-0001 permitted by
Section 26-66 to waive the provisions of the minimum 75 foot width as required by
Section 24-105 and to allow the subdivision of an existing nonconforming lot into two
lots as requested in the application.
Commissioner Norris inquired of staff how many requests have been made to split lots,
in an attempt to figure out precedent. PCDD Askew referred to CM Corbin. CM Corbin
replied the last one as 18-009. She inquired if the waiver was granted could an additional
split be made. PCDD replied potentially it could, but would require going through the
waiver process again. She inquired about the amount of lots in the City similar to this.
PCDD replied she did not know.
Commissioner Kelly inquired if the applicant could build an additional house on her lot
as it is. PCDD Askew replied no. She inquired about the proposed driveway ownership,
and requested clarification of prohibition of going from one nonconforming lot to two
nonconforming lots. PCDD Askew provided clarification.
Special Called Meeting of the City Commission
September 28, 2020
Commissioner Norris requested CA Durden to provide case law precedent. CA Durden
replied, they are determined on a case by case basis and City code. She inquired about
provisions for consideration. CA Durden replied.
Commissioner Waters inquired what year the minimum 75 foot lot size provision was
put into place. PCDD Askew replied she was unsure and would need to research that.
Commissioner Norris asked what would be the potential second lot minimum setbacks
and position of the front yard. PCDD Askew provided code requirements.
Mayor Glasser inquired about standard driveway width, and referred to the photos on
pages 46 and 4 of the agenda packet. She stated there is not much space after a driveway
for anything on either side. PCDD Askew provided the standard driveway width and our
code requirements.
Commissioner Kelly inquired about the photo of the driveway on page 46 of the agenda
packet. Applicant Paula Coughlin explained the photo and provided measurements.
Mayor Glasser asked Ms. Coughlin what the space was between the fence in the photo
and the neighbor's home. Ms. Coughlin replied 7 1/2 feet.
Commissioner Norris asked if the 7 1/2 feet space between the fence and neighbor's
house was within code requirements. PCDD Askew stated yes.
Commissioner Norris asked the applicant if she is open to conditions on a waiver
approval. Ms. Coughlin replied yes.
Ms. Coughlin spoke regarding precedent and provisions. She stated these cases are
based on case by case basis not by precedent.
Commissioner Norris inquired of staff about a provision to not allow further split of the
lot. CA Durden provided recommendations on recording of conditions.
Commissioner Waters inquired about development of the 2428 property. PCDD Askew
and CA Durden replied yes, but it would have to go through a subdivision process.
CA Durden explained motion requirements Commissioner Anderson questioned the
language for a motion to deny. CA Durden read the conditions in Section 24-66.
MOTION: To Deny waiver request for failure of showing of good cause after receiving
Motion: Cindy Anderson
Second: Blythe Waters
Special Called Meeting of the City Commission
September 28, 2020
Commissioner Anderson stated her reason for making the motion as being mindful of the
ordinances that govern our City that were put into place by previous Commissions in an attempt
to cut down on the subdivision of lots. She provided examples of previously denied waivers and
stated we should apply the same rules to people who live on the north side of town as we have
to the south side.
Commissioner Kelly stated she is sympathetic but is not in favor of allowance of the creation
of two nonconforming lots, especially the flag shape.
Commissioner Norris spoke regarding previous waiver applications and the larger size of this
applicant's lot. She stated the standards do cause undue hardship to the applicant and limits her
rights as a property owner to utilize her property. She is in favor of granting the waiver, with the
option of restrictive covenants with approval.
Commissioner Waters stated based on the provisions of findings, and the specifics of the code
she is not in favor of allowance of the waiver.
Mayor Glasser stated based on the provisions of findings, and City code, she is not in favor of
the waiver.
Cindy Anderson (Moved By) For
Blythe Waters (Seconded By) For
Ellen Glasser For
Candace Kelly For
Brittany Norris Against
Motion passed 4 to 1.
There being no further discussion, Mayor Glasser declared the meeting adjourned at 6:03 p.m.
41.4, .141,,,ee.
Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk en Glasser, Mayor
Date Approved
Special Called Meeting of the City Commission
September 28, 2020
September 28 2020 Minutes
2446 Seminole Road
Quasi-judicial proceedings, such as rezonings, uses by exception, variances and waiver
requests, are not controlled by strict rules of evidence and procedure, but certain standards of basic
fairness must be adhered to in order to afford due process. In quasi-judicial hearings, the parties
must be able to present evidence, cross-examine witnesses and be informed of all of the facts upon
which the Commission acts. The hearing must be fair and impartial and contain the following
Quasi-judicial hearings can be very informal. The record must be made at the hearing
and the parties must be able to comment on the evidence or to introduce contrary
Written decision. The decision must be based on the record as it is produced at the
hearing and should include an analysis of the applicable statutes, ordinances,
regulations and policies as well as the facts
Fairness protections require an unbiased decision maker and decisions are to be based
on information presented at the hearing and made a part of the record
Suggested Procedure for Waiver Hearing, WAIV20-0001
Mayor to Open Hearing
City Attorney — Procedural reminders/correspondence made part of record
Disclosure by the Commission members of any ex parte communications (per
Resolution 95-26, each Commissioner must disclose the subject of the communication
and the identity of the person, group or entity who made the communication before
final action).
Staff presents an overview of the subject matter and timeline of the application.
Applicant, Paula Coughlin, and Applicant's legal counsel, Chris White, present the
request and support for approving the waiver request and Applicant's witnesses, if any,
make presentations.
Public comments — 3 or 5 minutes, depending on number of speaker cards submitted to
Closing comments/rebuttal by Applicant (may include cross-examination if requested).
Commission deliberation and action, based on provisions set forth in Section 24-66,
Land Development Regulations, Waivers, which will be memorialized in the writing.
Commission may approve, approve with conditions or deny the waiver request.
Per Section 24-66, a waiver may be approved only upon a showing of good cause and
that an alternative to the specific provision (here, §24-105(d)(2), Lot Width) will be
provided which conforms to the general intent and spirit of the Land Development
Regulations. The Commission may not approve a waiver unless it finds that compliance
with the subject Code provision (§24-105(d)(2)) would be: 1) unreasonable; 2) in
conflict with the public interest; or 3) a practical impossibility.
September 28, 2020 Minutes
2446 Seminole Rd.
Request for a as permitted by Section 24-66 to
waive the provision of a minimum 75 foot lot
width as required by Section 24-105 to allow
the subdivision of an existing nonconforming lot
into two lots.
September 28, 2020 Minutes
Deferred at the request of the applicant at the Feb. 24th
Deferred to the March 23rd meeting but Commission meeting was
cancelled due to Covid-19
Meeting was scheduled for July 27th but due to the quasi-judicial
nature of this case and electronic (Zoom) meetings the applicant
requested this matter be deferred to the September 28th
September 28, 2020 Minutes
Site Context and Details
Currently one lot with one home
Existing lot is 72.6 feet wide
Existing lot is 600 feet deep
September 28, 2020 Minutes
Site Context and Details
Property is zoned RS -1
Corresponds to the Residential Low (RL) designation of the FLUM
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Divide one lot
into two lots.
Existing lot would
be 60 feet wide
New lot would
create a "flag" lot
width 12.6 feet
at street for
approx. length of
300 feet.
Section 24-105
requires at 75 ft
lot width and a
min. of 7,500 sf
feet per lot size
September 28, 2020 Minutes
September 28, 2020 Minutes
The proposed new lots would meet the min. lot size
7,500 sf)
New lots would not exceed the density limitation on the
Future Land Use Map of the Residential Low (RL) — up
to 6 units per acre
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September 28, 2020 Minutes
Grounds for Decision
Section 24-66(e)(1)
A waiver from the land development regulations may be approved only
upon showing of good cause, and upon evidence that an alternative to a
specific provision(s) of this chapter shall be provided, which conforms to
the general intent and spirit of these land development regulations. In
considering any request for a waiver from these land development
regulations, the city commission may require conditions as appropriate to
ensure that the intent of these land development regulations is enforced."
Section 24-66(b) requires the applicant submit to Commission a written
request stating the reason for the waiver and the facts to support the
1) Compliance with such provision(s) would be unreasonable; or
2) Compliance with such provision(s) are in conflict with the public
interest; or
3) Compliance with such provision(s) are a practical impossibility.