07-27-20 regular Commission meeting adopted minutesMINUTES Regular City Commission Meeting Monday, July 27, 2020 - 6:30 PM via Videoconference INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Kelly led the invocation. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Due to extraordinary circumstances, the meeting will be held via videoconference, pursuant to Governor Desantis's Executive Order Number 20-69 and COAB Emergency Order. Mayor Glasser reported Item 10A. Public Hearing - WAIV20-0001 Waiver Request is deferred to September 28, 2020 as noted in the Final Agenda. City Clerk Bartle called the roll. ROLL CALL: Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2 (District 1308) Blythe Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 (District 1307) Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 (District 1306) Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 5 (District 1312) Also Present: Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Lori Diaz, Deputy City Cleric 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES IA. Approve minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting on April 27, 2020. 113. Approve minutes of the Commission Workshop on April 27, 2020. Mayor Glasser asked if there were any corrections or changes needed. There were no corrections to the minutes. Mayor Glasser stated the minutes stand as submitted. Regular City Commission July 27, 2020 2 COURTESY OF FLOOR TO VISITORS PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Glasser explained the process for public comments for electronic meetings and opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. Senior Systems Engineer, Bob Cimon stated there were no registered speakers for Courtesy of the Floor. DCM Hogencamp stated written comments were received from one person, Carol Girardey (which are attached hereto and made part of this official record as ATTACHMENT A). DCM Hogencamp reported Ms. Girardey's comments will be entered into the record and not read due to being over the 300 word requirement. Mayor Glasser closed the Courtesy of the Floor. ATTACHMENT A - Written Comments, July 27, 2020 3 CITY MANAGER REPORTS 3A. City Manager's Report CM Corbin reported on the following: • Budget is in progress, state projections looking positive, hoping to bring forth a balanced budget. • In response to racial equity workshops, an update on policies will be presented (Interim Chief Gualillo to report) Interim Police Chief Gualillo shared draft language to be added to the De-escalation/ Use of Force, vascular neck restraints/choke hold, Response to Resistance/Duty to Intervene, and Rules of Conduct/Duty to Report Misconduct policies. We continue to push forward on racial equity initiates and to draft a racial equity plan. Atlantic Beach Ocean Rescue Coordinator, Capt. John Phillips, provided an update on the Thor Guard System which is equipment purchased for Lifeguards to use to make the public aware of lightening approaching. He reported results have been effective. He thanked the City for purchasing the equipment. CM Corbin requested clarification regarding the mechanics of the system and how alerts are handled. Capt. Phillips spoke regarding the sensors, the remotes, the process of alerts and requested additional remotes, specifically for Ahern Street and the Oceanwalk area. Mayor Glasser expressed appreciation for Capt. Phillips' leadership, all the lifeguards and the efforts to put this system into place Regular City Commission July 27, 2020 3B. Accept the 90 -Day Calendar There was CONSENSUS to accept the 90 -Day Calendar. 4 REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Anderson congratulated the Fletcher High School graduates and thanked Mayor Glasser for her attendance. Commissioner Kelly thanked the staff for their consistent hard work during this season. Commissioner Waters congratulated the graduates of 2020 and thanked Interim Chief Gualillo for his efforts on updating of the necessary policies. Mayor Glasser congratulated the Class of 2020, and suggested citizens to visit the Tide Views Preserve where the twenty trees for the class of 2020 were recently planted. She reported the executive order for virtual meetings is expiring on July 31 st and expects it to be extended. She thanked Interim Chief Gualillo for working on policy language. 5 UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS None. 6 CONSENT AGENDA 6A. Acknowledge receipt of the Monthly Financial Report for June 2020. 6B. Acknowledge receipt of the Building Department Activity Report FY2020 through Q3. Motion: To pull Item 6A for discussion. Commissioner Anderson pulled Item 6A for discussion. She requested clarification on revenues and asked how this this year's budget would be affected. Finance Director (FD) Burns responded that state revenue reporting runs one to two months behind. Commissioner Anderson inquired about current projects budgeted for this year and asked if not completed this year will they make next year's budget. CM Corbin reported hopefully recommendations can be presented at Thursday's meeting. Commissioner Kelly inquired about "Fines and Forfeitures" on page 32 of agenda packet. She asked what the source was and why it is so far behind. Interim Chief Gualillo reported traffic citations have gone down in recent years and we haven't had any large forfeitures. Regular City Commission July 27, 2020 MOTION. To approve Items 6A. and 613. on the Consent Agenda. Motion: Blythe Waters Second. Brittany Norris Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson For Blythe Waters (Moved By) For Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris (Seconded By) For Motion passed S to 0. 7 COMMITTEE REPORTS None. Mayor Glasser asked to deviate from the order of the agenda by moving Item 10C to after Item 7. MOTION. To move Item 10C. to after Item 7. Motion: Candace Kelly Second. Cindy Anderson Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson (Seconded By) For Blythe Waters For Candace Kelly (Moved By) For Brittany Norris For Motion passed S to 0. 10C. Fagade Improvement Grant CM Corbin reported on the details regarding the application. Planning and Community Development Director (PCDD) Amanda Askew provided slides of the Fagade Grant application and project details which are included in the agenda packet. Applicant Jeff Klotz was present for questions. Commissioner Anderson inquired about the removal of certain trees, his plans for the flowers and bushes already there in regard to his future landscaping plans. Mr. Klotz responded the trees are diseased and need to be replaced, and he plans to keep as much of the existing shrubbery plus additional landscaping to add color. Regular City Commission July 27, 2020 Commissioner Norris inquired about the use of native species for his landscaping. He stated he is open to suggestions and guidance. Commissioner Waters asked Mr. Klotz to report on the background of the building, such as improvements and renovations. Mr. Klotz provided a detailed report of what has been done and future plans. Mayor Glasser thanked Mr. Klotz and invited other businesses' to follow suit and take advantage of this grant. MOTION: To approve grant request. Motion: Brittany Norris Second. Candace Kelly Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson For Blythe Waters For Candace Kelly (Seconded By) For Motion passed S to 0. 8 ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS 8A. RESOLUTION NO. 20-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA ADOPTING A FUND BALANCE POLICY AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. CM Corbin provided a brief summary. FD Burns reported the only change made was that funds can be used for land acquisition, as requested. Commission Anderson asked how or if the new policy affects Resolution No. 04-10. She suggested to add language for clarification. Mayor Glasser stated this is a good time to update Resolution No. 04-10. CA Durden agreed and discussion ensued regarding how to proceed. CA Durden provided language for Resolution No. 20-27, adding a new Section 2. current Section 2 would become Section 3. The new sentence to read: Regular City Commission July 27, 2020 "To the extent Resolution No. 04-10 conflicts with this Resolution, the provisions of this Resolution shall supersede Resolution No. 04-10." Mayor Glasser clarified the amendment to this Resolution does not change the Fund Balance Policy, Commissioner Kelly inquired if anyone else would be interested in retaining a specific percentage for debris removal or disaster recovery. CA Durden reported that debris removal is out of a separate fund. MOTION. To approve Resolution No. 20-27 as amended to add the new Section 2 (as stated by the City Attorney) "To the extent Resolution No. 04-10 conflicts with this Resolution, the provisions of this Resolution shall supersede Resolution No. 04-10." Motion: Cindy Anderson Second. Brittany Norris Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson (Moved By) For Blythe Waters For Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris (Seconded By) For Motion passed 5 to 0. 8B. RESOLUTION NO. 20-28 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE FEDERALLY -FUNDED SUBAWARD AND GRANT AGREEMENT NUMBER Z1612 AND ANY AMENDMENTS THERETO; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. CM Corbin provided a brief summary. FD Burns reported it covers police overtime related to COVID-19 and any emergency protective measures. All questions were answered. MOTION. To adopt Resolution No. 20-28 as read. Motion: Candace Kelly Second. Brittany Norris Regular City Commission July 27, 2020 Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson For Blythe Waters For Candace Kelly (Moved By) For Brittany Norris (Seconded By) For Motion passed S to 0. 9 ACTION ON ORDINANCES 9A. ORDINANCE NO. 70-20-20 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 20, TAXATION; ARTICLE V, ADDITIONAL HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION; AMENDING SECTION 20-82, ADDITIONAL HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION; INCREASING THE AMOUNT OF THE ADDITIONAL HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser read the Ordinance by title. CM Corbin reported this on the agenda for consideration as an option for our low income seniors. FD Burns reported the impact to the City will be $3300.00 if all 52 eligible properties applied. She stated it would take effect January 2021. Questions and discussion ensued about the application process, who would notify those eligible, and the language in Section 20-82 on Page 51 of agenda. FD Burns responded that the language came out of our Code. CA Durden provided clarification and stated she believed the word additional should stay. She recommended to note the typo - there is no section 2. , it jumps from section 1. to section 3. Mayor Glasser requested that be added to the motion. MOTION: To adopt Ordinance No. 70-20-20 with the amendment to renumber sections as stated by City Attorney. Motion: Candace Kelly Second. Cindy Anderson Regular City Commission July 27, 2020 Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson (Seconded By) For Blythe Waters For Candace Kelly (Moved By) For Brittany Norris For Motion passed S to 0. 9B. ORDINANCE NO. 65-20-41 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CHAPTER 19, STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES, ARTICLE I. GENERAL PROVISIONS, AMENDING SECTION 19-4 SPECIAL EVENTS TO INCLUDE PUBLIC ASSEMBLY AND PARADES; RENUMBER SECTIONS 19-5 INTERSECTIONS; SIGHT DISTANCES REQUIREMENTS AND SAFETY ZONES, SECTION 19-6 TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES AND SECTION 19-7 CONSTRUCTION OF DRIVEWAYS IN RIGHTS-OF-WAY, REPEALING SECTION 21-3, PERMIT REQUIRED FOR PARADES AND PROCESSIONS IN CHAPTER 21 TRAFFIC AND MOTOR VEHICLES PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT, FOR SEVERABILITY, AND FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser read the Ordinance by title. CM Corbin reported on previous discussion regarding where people could and could not protest and special event permitting. Planning and Community Development Director (PCDD) Amanda Askew reported Interim Chief Gualilllo stated the language supports what needs to be accounted for in this Ordinance. CA Durden emphasized the need for language to withstand judicial review. She suggested an update of procedures and current codes to reflect the need for safeguards regarding discretion of the City Manager. She provided case law. Lengthy discussion ensued regarding clarity of the 50ft rule, review by CA Durden, the picketing section, a lack of clarity in the changes made and needing further discussion before moving forward. Discussion ensued regarding restriction of free speech and constitutional rights. Regular City Commission July 27, 2020 MOTION: To defer Ordinance No. 65-20-41 until September 14, 2020 with intent to hold a workshop immediately before the Commission meeting on that date. Motion: Brittany Norris Second. Blythe Waters Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson For Blythe Waters (Seconded By) For Candace Kelly For Motion passed S to 0. 10 MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 10A. Public Hearing - WAIV 20-0001 (2446 Seminole Rd) Request for a waiver as permitted by Section 24-66 to waive the provision of a minimum 75 foot lot width as required by Section 24-105 to allow the subdivision of an existing nonconforming lot into two lots. The current lot is 72.60' x 600' (1 acre) in size. (Please Note: The applicant requested that this item be rescheduled for September 28, 2020, after the public hearing was advertised for July 27, 2020; therefore, public hearings will be held at both meetings.) CM Corbin provided a summary. CA Durden reported on the challenges of holding a Quasi -Judicial hearing by zoom. Questions and discussion ensued regarding the deferrals and when to schedule the hearing. CM Corbin suggested September 28th for an in-person meeting. Discussion ensued. CA Durden suggested language for the motion to allow adequate time. Mayor Glasser opened the Public Hearing. Senior Systems Engineer, Bob Cimon stated there were no registered speakers at this time. DCM Hogencamp stated there are five written comments received (which are attached hereto and made part of this official record as ATTACHMENT B). DCM Hogencamp read the written comments into the record. Commissioner Kelly asked about the Fire Department's ability to access property if sub- divided and if the back of the property backs up to the Selva Preserve as well as any draining requirements. Regular City Commission July 27, 2020 PCDD Askew responded the Fire Dept. only requires a minimum of a 1Oft access and the north side of the property backs up to Hannah Park. MOTION: To defer WAIV 20-0001 and continue the Public Hearing to August 10, 2020. Motion: Blythe Waters Second: Candace Kelly Commissioner Waters stated she understands the advertising and communication issue, and is in favor of the August 10th date. Commissioner Anderson is in favor of the September 28th date. Commissioner Kelly concurred with Commissioner Anderson. Commissioner Norris concurred with Commissioner Waters. CA Durden clarified she is not advising against holding the hearing via zoom, she is advising on setting of procedures. Mayor Glasser was not in favor of changing the date that has already been set. Commissioner Anderson concurred with CA Durden on clarification of the process for a quasi- judicial hearing via zoom. Commissioner Norris was open to September 28th as an electronic meeting if CA Durden can prepare the City. Ellen Glasser Against Cindy Anderson Against Blythe Waters (Moved By) For Candace Kelly (Seconded By) Against Brittany Norris For Motion failed 2 to 3. MOTION: To defer this Public Hearing on WAIV 20-0001 until September 28, 2020, either in a Special Called Meeting or as part of the regularly scheduled Commission Meeting, as determined best by the City Attorney. Motion: Cindy Anderson Second: Candace Kelly Regular City Commission July 27, 2020 Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson (Moved By) For Blythe Waters For Candace Kelly (Seconded By) For Brittany Norris For Motion passed 5 to 0. ATTACHMENT B - Written Comments for Public Hearing Item 10A. - July 27, 2020 10B. Setting Preliminary Millage Rate for Fiscal Year 2021 Budget FD Burns reported that the preliminary millage rate along with the date of the first public hearing is submitted to the Property Appraiser. She reported the first public hearing is scheduled for September 14th, platform undetermined. She requested the current millage rate set at 3.2285 be maintained and stated it is the lowest rate in the county. MOTION: To set the Preliminary Millage rate at 3.2285 Motion: Brittany Norris Second: Blythe Waters Commissioner Anderson commended our City for holding the lowest millage rate in Duval County. Mayor Glasser reported property tax revenue is increasing. Candace Kelly Ellen Glasser Cindy Anderson Blythe Waters (Seconded By) Brittany Norris (Moved By) Motion passed 5 to 0. 10C. Facade Improvement Grant Item l OC. was acted on earlier in the meeting. For For For For For 11 CITY ATTORNEY/CITY CLERK REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS CC Bartle reported on the budget workshop and an email sent to Commissioners. Regular City Commission July 27, 2020 12 13 CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COMMISSIONERS AND CITY MANAGER Commissioner Anderson requested a shade meeting to inform City Commissioners of pending litigation. Commissioner Kelly missed receiving the weekly department reports. Commissioner Norris open to a shade meeting. Commissioner Waters open to a shade meeting. CM Corbin stated he will continue working on the budget. Interim Chief Gualillo spoke regarding the recent shooting and thanked the citizens and the Commission. He stated the officers involved and the Police Department are extremely grateful to the community. He shared the sad news of retired Police Officer David Archer's passing and shared memories of his tenure at the AB Police Department. He provided information regarding the memorial service. Mayor Glasser thanked Interim Chief Gualillo for his report and expressed gratitude towards citizens and Commission. ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, Mayor Glasser declared the meeting adjourned at 9:39 p.m. Attest: Awl -n4 Donna L. Bartle, City Cleric �& cl"A�,,� Ellen Glasser, Mayor )-/zz Z 1 Date Approved Regular City Commission July 27, 2020 Firefcx littps:lloutlook.o!'ltce365.comiiiiaiI/inboxiid/AAQ',,,ADJn,/rtlMO... ATTACHMENT A July 27, 2020 Minutes My purpose for writing this letter is to give the members of this board some Insite Into what is going on with the Codes Enforcement Division of Atlantic Beach. It would seem they pick and choose what is right and what is wrong and who should have to abide by the rules and who does not have to abide by the rules, I had a meeting on June 16, 2020 with the Code Enforcement Committee regarding a variance I filed on an 8 foot fence I installed in my backyard due the disgusting yard that is behind me I have enclosed pictures I told the Committee I installed the fence for privacy reasons and because no one would want to took at a disgusting yard like the one behind with gutters, etc sticking 9 feet in the air, rats coming into my yard and a house painted 5 different colors with a clothes line between the trees. While I realize that the 8 foot fence is not normal I do believe that I a justified in having it. I could never sell my house if someone saw what I have had to look at. I nought In this neighborhood because I was told it was up and coming, but that Is not true The Code Enforcement has done nothing about the dumps that still exist in this area. The yard behind me has been this way since I bought the house In 2014 Code Enforcement tells me they cannot do anything about junk that cannot be seen above the fence. I know there is a properly maintenance code as I have read it and they have been given pictures so that should be enough On top of that they denied my fence and told me I had to take it down to 6 feet. Now my neighbor has a 6 foot fence with two feet of lattice work on top so I asked if I could add that to put vines on it so I could block out the property behind me, yet 1 was told no. So explain to me how It is okay for him to have the lattice fence but not me and yes it can be seen from the road as It abuts my property in the front No on ever showed to the meeting to fight my fence yet they denied it anyway I also brought letters from neighbors stating that they have no issue with the fence that nay yard is gorgeous and i have increased their property values i gave them to the Committee they put them down and never read any of them, Pour of my neighbors carne over this week and told me they called about the meeting and asked if they could come and were told if they were arguing the fence being installed yes but if not no. My neighbors said they are all for leaving the fence up so they told them they could not come to the meeting. I ask you where is the justice there. Neighbors were 325 royal Palms Drive and 738 Vecuna Load. My neighbors who wrote the favorable letters were at 320 Royal Palms Drive, 736 Vecuna Goad and 326 Royal palms Drive. So I put In a request to replace my fence in the front yard before all this happened The fence has been up since 2014 and they denied the request stating I could not put up 6 feet in the front yard As you look at my house on the right side the fence has always been 6 feet since i bought the house On the left side a portion was 4 feet but in 20161 raised that section to 6 feet because I felt threatened by my neighbors who are renters They mouth off referring to me as a whittle and they congregate in the yards (6 - a of them at a time) The police have been called by several neighbors but it continues so no I dont feel safe. My point to all of this is that I have seen 8'foot fences throughout Atlantic Beach and the lattice work fence has been up next door to me since 2013 so why if he can do it why cant I and no one has made him remove It. As I stated earlier there Is no uniformity at all for they do what they do or reject 3 of`4 V22/2020, 4:21 PM Firefox fi tips:ltoutlool(.otYtcc365.com/iniiiilitibox/id/A A QkA D)niZm MO. .. ATTACHMENT A requests. July 27, 2020 Minutes It Is so bad that my neighbors are moving because of this issue because new peopled coming In cannot do anything to Improve these properties and it takes forever to get any approvals. I see my neighbor who has had a tarp on her house for two years on Vacuna Road and nothing has been done. 742 Vecuna is a total dump yard and nothing has been done, house on the corner or Royal Palms and Triton Road yard is a total dump and nothing has been done and then there is the house on Royal Palms Driver with the entire back yard Oiled With tents up and 8 cars in the yard. All of these issues are overlooked I have Improved my property and spent a great deal of money on it and they continue to deny, deny. While I realize an 8 toot fence is not the norm (but I have seen many of them around here) my reason for doing it seems justified. I ask that perhaps I might get some assistance With this so I can just live a quiet lire and continue on If not, I will probably sell my house as well because I cannot live in filth and look at it everyday. I told Code Enforcement I have no problem taking the back fence down to 6 feet if I can put up the lattice but I do have a problem taking down at 6 foot fence that was here when I moved in and noting has been said about it for 6 years and now they are noticing it I rnean really As far as taking the smell section to 4 feet in the front yard I really would not feel safe as then they can look right into my yard and I live alone plus there are banana trees that really block the fence That fence has also been up since 2016 and they are just noticing It now. Again, I ask where Is the justice in this when this part of town is filled with problems that they are not addressing. My neighbors have not complained at all the fence, If they have of read the letters I brought with me Instead of discarding them as not important perhaps they would have seen this. I 8rn asking for your assistance on some level to help me. Thank you for your time I appreciate it, Ju"j OL ("140EY- I am sending photos to follow of the back yard that tacks up to my property where I installed the 8 Foot fence 4 of 4 7/22P-020,4:21 PM ATTACHMENT:A July 27, 2020 Minute 1 ,fes' KIF � c � ;�� fr a 0` I It `%'• � 1' `f . t ~ �4f �/ ` ' �.�%� ����+� •j�•r~ �r JOY ;'II �t �4 �t ( .t i. �'��a. r!t• �II 14 I�I III 1;I���' �;t' " I II',�LI'� "��V Ili .,t � II �•-III � i�1lll,l f��ll; , I I!•rlt I _�I�/ I I I I i �� I�IJ�I I I: i I .;��� '� �,'I �I ��) �� rll�' �� I !� �'r� r �f� �� 111:, �I �•�I, � � I'� t �t,� t.: ''i �!')y I � I,i� "-���, ,i �' -I,� t•�II 1 , -j ' J,i I I 1 �� 111= �'�I I ,h' j _ ',� I t: I'I' I I 'f I1 � �' if I .III(.'i F l'I "I'�'�; t I ,� I'I �� �1.� I SII 4t• � i �, t = �. l •. I I I � i' I '��- I -� ._ I f ' I;II Ill �.l li,lll'� z_, I IF,�II,I' ;J lil I f ,;3 1, II' III . �d'I � I 4; � i £ � � 'tl i 1? I �i� 11 � �I 1 a�`'•111 I � ,IS I ''I II (�. I �� 1 r',�.. � i •al �� I �h .-�. 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'SI i `f /�i�..` ori r�i'�1"f: fi'Sr. ILK v • y � ?5)� r+r �,Ri..�t vJ�`r' , t I t '.�5i- :'i►'y;.� 4�;� `J Kms. :.r' ri ,y , r � v• rJ r: e3 e ATTACHMENT B July 27, 2020 Minutes Bartle, Donna From: Joseph Tarantino <josepht172@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, July 27, 202011:53 AM TO: Bartle, Donna Subject: Subject; Written Comments for Courtesy of the Floor, City Commission Meeting, July 27, 2020 We are in Nar in agreement for Request of Waiver for 2446 Seminole Road (WAIV20»0001) for Paula Coughlin. The lot should siay as one lot and not be allowed to be subdivided. Thank you, Joe and Liz Tarantino 127 Oceanforest Drive North Aticuitic Beach, Florida 32233 josepht 17201mai i.com 772.260.2$44 ATTACHMENT B July 27, 2020 Minutes Louis M Borno, Jr 223 Ocean Forest Dr, N. Atlantic Beach, FI 32233 H: (904) 246-9383 C: (904) 607-3256 To: City Commission From: Mike Borno Subj: Project, Item No. WAIV20-001, Address: 2246 Seminole Road, Applicant: Paula Coughlin Public Hearing,.iuly 27, 2020 at 6:30 PM Request for a waiver to allow an existing nonconforming lot, by changing the frontage with from 72.60 foot X 600 feet in depth into a frontage of 60 foot X 300 foot depth. I. 1 AM AGAINST ANY WAIVER BEING GRANTED TO FURTHER CHANGING AN ALL READY NONCONFORMING LOT IN TO AN EVEN MORE CHOPPED UP NONCONFORMING TWO LOTS. 2. History of required minimum lot sizes In Atlantic Beach has been worked on by many past commissions and one of the main reasons was to support the all strained Storm Water runoff system in our City. By granting a waiver would in fact allow the owner of the existing nonconforming lot to sell the 2"d lot and allow for construction of a house on said 2°' lot, This therefore will add stress to an already nonconforming lot and storm water runoff into a restrictive area where storm water collects and pools Into multiple pools which become standing water mosquito breeding ponds. These breeding ponds infest the surrounding properties for hundreds of yards with continuous mosquito infestation year round. 3. This Is self-serving and not caring about the impact on the surrounding neighbors. 4. 1 respectfully request that the City Commission NOT approve this Waiver request now and ever In the future, for the above stated reasons. R/ Mike Borno, AB Mayor 2009-2013 ATTACHMENT B July 27, 2020 Minutes P-"U-BLIC NOTICN� To Wilolll it illay concern, Notice is hereby given to all property owners within 300 feet of flee address below, and as shown ill 1110 snap below, that a Public Hearing rog4ding the case described in this notice will be held by the ideutificd governing body or bodies 'via videoconforenGe. PROJECT iter(( No: WAiV20-0001 A.ddresst 2446 Seminole Rod Applicant: Paull C:tlttgtllin PUBLIC H) AIUNG(S) Body: City Coil) inission Date; Jttty 27, 2020 111ne: 6:30 PM Properly Location Map 1 ri I_ 2147 23411 2335 232'1 Request: Request For n NvluvOr ns permitted by Section 24-66 to wiiive file provision of a nllrrimunl 75 foot lot wvidlIt as required by Seed oi 12 4-105 to allow the subdivision of nn existing nonconforming; lot 111 to two loth. The ourrent lot is 72.60' x 600' (t acre;) in size. Summary: The npplicant is rcquoing lite ability subdivide one 72.6 (bot wide into two lots. The Int with rho oKisting, homy is proposed as a 60 root lot with,. The proposed lot with, for ilio new lot is 12 Foca in width. This ,law lot w+,rlld ciente a "flag Int' mint each lot would he approx. 300 feet In depth. Pursuant to Governor ReSanlis', EXeoytiye Order Number 20-89, issued on March 20, 2020, "Loon( government bodies may utilize communications media technology, such as telephonic and video conferencing, as provided in Section 120.54(6)(b)2. Florida Stiatutes," Pursuant to Section 24103, Code of Ordinances, and to an emergency oder executed March 27 2020_1M the Mayor and City Manarier, the City Manager has adopted administrative rules that are necessary and appropriate to implement communications media technology, and to scat the time, place, rules of conduct and procedure for the City Commission meeting, Public Input may I)o made in advance by email; by placing written comments in the drop box located in front of City Hall, 80D Serninele Road, Atlantic Beach; or during the meeting via video conference. Instructions are provided below, This mantling will be live -streamed and video recorded, as usual. The video recording with closed cap(loning will be posted wllhin four 1)u6Iness days nn the City's website at www.coab.us. To live -stream the meeting or to access the ATTACHMENT -B — --- video recording afterward, click on lheJ1LdYy2Zo44ic *d§t%g Video' lab on the City's home page. In acoordanoe with the Americans wlih Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation for this hearing should contact Donna Bartle, City Clerk, at 247-6809 or at ghartie&c a4 kin by noon Friday, July 24, 2020, INSTRUCTIONS FOR VIEWING AND PROVIDING PUBLIC COMMENTS: The July 27, 2020 Atlantic Beach City Commission meeting and this publio hearing will be a webinar conducted electronically (or "virtually") with no members of the public in attendance tit the City Hall Commission Chamber. As always, members of the public may view the meeting and this hearing electronically by visiting hops:/Iwviw.coab.usl,06/Meeting-ViBeos and cilolcing on the video. Please choose this option for viewing the meeting and hearing if you do not pian to provide public comment before or during this public hearing. Members of the public may provide written comments (1) to be read during the meeting or (a) to be entered into record without being read during the meeting. To do this: 1. Emall your comments and/or materials to Clty Clerk Donna Bartle by noon, Monday, July 27, 2020 at dbartle6coab.us, or place them In the Drop Box outside of City [loll, 600 Seminole Road, by noon, Friday, July 24, 2020, " Title your comments: 'Written Comments for Courtesy of the Floor, City Commission Meeting, July 2.7,2020", 2, Provide your name (required), address and email address, and 3. If you desire for your written cornnientf to be read Into the record during the meetini,, please indicate so and limit them to 300 words, Only written comments of 300 or fewer words will be read Into the record during the meeting. All other written comments received by the deadline will be entered into the meeting record and distributed to the City Commission and the appropriate staff before the start of the meeting. Members of the public who opt to comment during electronic meetings – rather than providing written comments before the meeting -4 may do so by registering to provide public comment. To register, clickon the "Register to Provide Public Comment" link at haps://wwvl.caflb.us/ 0C,/Meeting-Vi-lecis. Please register only for the meeting you wish to provide public comment on at least one hour before each meeting starts. if you wish to provide public; conintent. tut outer meetingt, you must register for and Join oach meeting separately. When you connect, you will see the message"I'lease wait, the meeting host Will tet you In soon". Due to new security Suldellnes, "you will not he able to connect after the meeting starts. For additional information or assistance, please contact the following before the meeting: • For pUblit comment questions: Donna Bartle, city Clerk, rlbartletaroah.us. or (904) 217-5809. + rorquestions regarding the kYaiver request: Amanda Askew, Platin Ing and Community Development Director, aoskew„9cdahlus or 904,247-5841, 40 For questions on connecting to the electronic meeting: Rol) Cimon, IT Senior Systems Engineer, rcimon «coab,us or (904) W-0783. ATTACHMENT B July 27, 2020 Minutes From., cdcliao@aol.com Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2020 1:2 7 PM To: Bartle, Donna Cc: cdchaoftaolxorn; Rich ird,boohme@neuro-in stitute.net; anntrait@att.net; iiaf)c,ycliao@coi,ncast.net Subject: Written corninents for courtesy of the floor, City Commission Meetinq, July 27, 2020 Name: Don and Nancy Chao Address: 217 Oceanforest Dr. N, 32233 email: cd&liao@aol.com Please read these comments during the commission meeting and enter them into the meeting record reference WAIV20- 0061. All properties In the area are zoned single fat -oily. This property was so zoned when purchased. Property is currently a nort-coriforming property. The waiver would make this property even more non -conforming, and create an additional non -conforming property. Approval of the waiver would set a precedent for the owners of the properties a 2434 and 2428 Seminole Rd to request and expect to receive approval of the commission to sub -divide their similarly positioned properties. This may not be the Intent of the current owners, but who is to say what the intent of future owners may be. That increased density in this restricted access area Would be undesirable, *Safety issues. The subject property Is the last property at the north end of Seminole Rd. adjacent to the Fianna Park fence. It appears the only emergency access to the proposed newly formed lot would be the 12 foot wide easement that would be carved out of the current 72 foot frontage on Seminole Rd. Emergency vehicles Would have a very difficult time accessing the proposed new non -conforming lot, and maneuvering equipment once on the property. Additionally, the added traffic created by the formation of more lots at the dead end of Seminole is undesirable, Each of these issues Is a safety concern. We respectfully request that the waiver be denied, Doti and Nancy Chao ATTACHMENT B July 27, 2020 Minutes Bartle, Donna From: Patricia Fosko q)fosko2@grnail.corn> Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 9:08 AM To: Bark, Donna Subject., Subject: Written Comments for Courtesy of the Floor, City Cornmission Meeting, July 27, 2020 Subject: Written Col"Inents fol- Coul-tesy of the IlPloo v, City ('ontinission Mecting,.1uly 27, 2020 We are in NOTin agreement For Request of Waiverlbi, 24-16 Seminole Road (WAIV20.0001) for Pattla Cough stay as one lot and not he allowed to lie subdivided, Thank you, Patty and Scott Fosko 121 Ooeanfores Dr N Atlantic Beach ATTACHMENT B July 27, 2020 Minutes From: Part) Hathaway <pamhathaway@rnac.corn> Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2020 4:47 PM To: Bartle, Donna Subject: Written Comments for Courtesy of the Floor, City Commission Meeting, July 27, 2020 We are In NOT In aweernent for Request of Waiver for 2446 Seminole Road (WAIV20-0001) for Paula Coughlin.The lot .should stay as one lot and not be allowed to be subdivided. Thank you, Parn and Rick I-lathaway 115 Oceanrorest Drive North Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 parnhathaway@roac.com 904 571-3053 Sent from my IPad