02-22-21 Handout - GlasserATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION PRIORITIES ESTABLISHED JANUARY 21, 2021; RATIFIED FEBRUARY 22, 2021 GLASSER SUGGESTIONS, 2/22/21 LIVABILITY An initiative to improve health, education, housing conditions, culture and leisure, and other quality - of -life indicators via: Taking part in the assessment of City of Jacksonville's prospective participation in Blue Zones, a comprehensive communitywide well-being improvement initiative to help make healthy choices easier for everyone Providing support to local nonprofits that provide health, wellness, education, recreation and affordable housing services to youth, senior citizens, low-income residents, and others. Promoting equity and neighborhood identity. Advocating/lobbying for workforce housing. Solidifying AB's status as a military- and veteran -friendly community through partnerships and programming, and by serving as an information resource. ENVIRONMENTAL LEADERSHIP An initiative validating COAB's commitment to ecological integrity, resiliency and sustainability via: Advocating a no -net -loss of the tree canopy by planting trees and updating the tree -protection code. Establishing a City policy requiring departments to use proven techniques to prevent waste, maximize recycling and decrease the amount of plastic pollution generated by City government. Establishing plastic -reduction, reuse and recycling standards for individuals and groups utilizing City facilities and venues. Continuing efforts to understand the potential impacts of local sea level rise and work towards improving community resilience. Improving the City's LEED silver -certified community performance score across the five categories -- energy, water, waste, transportation, and human experience. PLANNING & BUDGETING A financial and infrastructure planning initiative to prepare future needs via: Updating/adopting long-term capital improvement plans for the following, and incorporate them into the City's budgeting process: o Public Utilities Potable water treatment and distribution Sewer collection and treatment. o Public Works Stormwater management Adaptation and resiliency Streets and sidewalks Parks Facilities Ensuring that spending and programming is equitable throughout the entire community. Consider impacts of spending decisions in terms of debt management and pension liability. MAYPORT ROAD CORRIDOR An initiative to improve neighborhood identity, safety, and business and cultural opportunities via: Exploring the development of a community redevelopment plan and the viability of utilizing tax - increment financing to address the unique needs of the Mayport Road corridor. Exploring community interest and the viability of--expaci.€1444g in extending Atlantic Beach's northerrwest boundary Partnering with the Florida Department of Transportation to enhance safety by adding bike lanes along Mayport Road from Atlantic Boulevard to Dutton Island Road. Enriching the physical environment by partnering with ArtRepublic and local artists, and providing art grants to landowners and businesses. MOBILITY & PARKING An initiative to provide safe, convenient and efficient travel ways and parking via: Developing a connectivity plan that connects people to places. Developing a complete -streets policy that promotes safe automobile, bicycle and pedestrian travel ways. Procuring a traffic engineer, as needed. Refining street -by -street reviews of challenges and opportunities associated with parking citywide. Improving public confidence in the '- • . • - - - - - - - . . -• . North Beaches Parking Program Exploring the viability and community acceptance of a fee program to address parking congestion near beach accesses. CITY SERVICES An initiative to develop and improve systems to equip and motivate employees to provide high quality customer service to residents, businesses, contractors, and stakeholders via: Support public safety efforts that promote personal safety, secure neighborhoods, road safety, public trust, and officer well-being. Complete an audit of the City's permitting systems to delineate opportunities for improved efficiencies and service. Continuing to foster the City's relationships with small businesses by developing and implementing a land -use and zoning -regulations education outreach initiative. Developing and instituting a formal employee welcome, recognition and appreciation program. Implementing the City's new online human resources portal to improve efficiencies and outcomes in recruiting, hiring, equity and retention. Continuing to foster productive partnerships with neighboring municipalities, state and local governmental agencies, and legislators.