02-22-21 Regular City Commission Adopted MinutesMINUTES z� Regular City Commission Meeting - Monday, February 22, 2021 - 6:30 PM Commission Chamber INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Kelly led the invocation. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. City Clerk Bartle called the roll. ROLL CALL: Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Bruce Bole, Commissioner - Seat 2 Michael Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 5 Also Present: Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Lori Diaz, Deputy City Clerk 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES IA. Approve minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting on July 27, 2020. 1B. Approve minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting on December 14, 2020. Mayor Glasser asked if there were any corrections or changes needed. There were no corrections to the minutes. Mayor Glasser stated the minutes stand as submitted. 2 COURTESY OF FLOOR TO VISITORS PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Glasser explained the process for public comments and opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. City Cleric Bartle called each speaker to the podium. Daniel Meyer spoke of the unsuitable conditions for parking at Lily Street and is opposed to a park on the property. Naaman R. Harrell Jr. provided clarification of a letter sent to the City by the owner of the property which suggested questioning of the Mayor, staff and Police Dept.'s integrity. He stated Regular City Commission February 22, 2021 that is untrue and not the intention. He is unsure why it was put out that way. He is not against conservation, he is against a park on the property due to the unsuitable road structure. JoAnn Wallace spoke about the mission of DIG Local Market and asked if the community and City consider the Market as vital, essential, and if they matter. She stated as of March 6 they may be required to relocate and asked the community and City offices to realize the importance of their services, especially for our vulnerable population. She spoke about the Market recently being targeted by anti -maskers and incidents that have caused vendors to operate in fear. Brian Vonn provided positive praise and thanks to the City for our park system. He stated Lily Street is not suitable for a park or kayak launch and expressed concerns of additional traffic on the unsuitable road conditions. He is not in favor of spending money for those purposes but is in support of purchasing the property for preservation efforts. He stated the grant proposal did not separate two different potential uses. Katherine Borello is in favor of the purchase of Lily Street for preservation and is not in favor of its use as a park or for recreation. She expressed concerns with the proposal as written, adding parking spots in a secluded area and clarified her stance on the letter from Mr. Abdoullah. She stated she would never suggest that the police are incapable of doing their job and is in complete support of our police. She expressed concerns about the inability of emergency vehicles to reach the homes should parking be added on such a small road. Catherine Meyer stated that the addition of the proposed parking spots at Lily Street would create danger for the residents on the street. Dustin Kaloostian Co-owner of Beach Buggy introduced himself and welcomed working together to provide solutions. Paul A. Stanford reported the proposed kayak launch area only has water for the last two hours before high tide and two hours after, goes bone dry and anyone that gets in the water would not make it back. He stated he lives very near and anything built as proposed will go underwater five or six times a year. He proposed instead, a water access for kayakers to stop for breaks. City Clerk Bartle read the name and comment from the citizen who did not wish to speak as follows: Tammy Weeter is opposed to Item 3A. 0 Lily Street. Kalen Weeter is opposed to Item 3A. 0 Lily Street. Adam Bauernfeind is opposed to Item 3A. 0 Lily Street. Jan Stanford is opposed to Item 3A. 0 Lily Street. Mayor Glasser reported there were no written comments submitted. Regular City Commission February 22, 2021 Adam Bauernfiend commented on the mention of the homeless in the letter referred to by Mr. Harold. He spoke about an incident with a homeless man found sleeping on his porch and being told by the police that the man has been dangerous in the past. He stated he will do what he can to help them but is personally opposed to welcoming more of that sort of population. 3 CITY MANAGER REPORTS 3A. 0 Lily Street 0 Lily Street Prospective Land Purchase CM Corbin explained the process is in early stages and will require many more public meetings (8 to 10). He also explained a Resolution passed directed him to perform due diligence for knowledge of what "could" be done with the property. He explained inclusion of the kayak launch remained in the grant application because it had to be submitted before a deadline. He reported if approved the grant would pay for almost 75% of the asking price. He reported that the City has created a project page for 0 Lily Street under Departments -Projects. Commissioner Bole inquired if one could purchase the property and solely make it a protected property for conservation only. CM Corbin replied yes. Mayor Glasser spoke of the purchase of Selva Preserve.CM Corbin spoke about a deed restriction or conservation easement. Commissioner Kelly spoke regarding the four opposed comments read by CC Bartle - is unclear of the reasons for them being opposed. Commissioner Waters stated it does not sound like it is developable. CM Corbin responded that per staff research there are two building sites that could be utilized on the property. Commissioner Norris spoke about similarities with the development at Camila Street. She requested to prioritize looking at infrastructure concerns, i.e. road safety. Public Works (PW) Director Scott Williams spoke about the drainage problems with Lily Street being a tidal area He also reported on a project to clean out 20 ditches on the west side that will help move the water along. He reiterated it is a tidal area and that is a problem within itself. He stated the project is out for bid now. Commissioner Norris requested staff to address the comments made regarding the end of the road and the inability to turn around without interfering on neighbor's property. Mayor Glasser requested information on how we can bifurcate whether we purchase the property as preservation versus for a park and whether a conservation easement is a viable option. 3B. North Beaches Paid Parlang Program Regular City Commission February 22, 2021 Website: Atlantic Beach Residents Registration CM Corbin reported that in response to Commissioner requests he has invited multiple speakers to present information on the paid parking program. Before introduction of the first speaker, he shared his screen and walked through the online paid parking form on the COAB website. He invited Megan Steward, Mobility Management Director, to present. She introduced herself and stated she was hired by Neptune Beach four months ago, in October of last year. She presented an overview of her report (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as ATTACHMENT A). Richard Arthur, President of the Beaches Town Center Agency, introduced himself and reported Emilie Christenson and Julie Weber from the Beaches Town Center Merchants Association are present to provide feedback received from the North Beaches Parking survey. He stated the survey was distributed last year to Town Center merchants and was updated this past weekend. He stated he is available for questions. Emilie Christenson, Secretary of the Merchants Association, introduced herself and provided a brief background. She reported the survey presented on page 53 of the agenda packet was not the most current and provided a handout of current results (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as ATTACHMENT B). She provided an overview of the results. Julie Weber, President of the Merchants Association, and owner of T - Dub's, was invited to introduce herself. Discussion and questions ensued regarding the number of citations, number of merchants that responded to the survey, variances in enforcement, and where revenue received goes. CM Corbin replied there is revenue information in the agenda packet and going forward will be included in the financial report for tracking. He reported on the agreement for use of the generated parking revenues. Commissioner Kelly requested input on allowing or banning commercial E -scooter companies. There was none. Commissioner Norris asked if the City of Neptune Beach was considering expansion of paid parking. Ms. Steward stated she did not know of current plans to do so. Mayor Glasser requested the amount to pay off the infrastructure and requested report requirements. CM Corbin reported he did not believe there is an additional requirement and will continue to work with the City of Neptune Beach on requesting updates. He also reported the City is not receiving regular complaints. Regular City Commission February 22, 2021 Mr. Arthur also mentioned the number of citations in the report and the need to distinguish how many of them were warnings. He spoke about the scope and goals of the program. Mayor Glasser thanked all for the presentations. ATTACHMENT A - AB resolution report ATTACHMENT B - North Beaches Parking Program Merchant Current Results 3C. Garbage and Trash Collection Contract CM Corbin reported we have been in contract since 2014 and the contract is due to expire end of May. He provided additional background on the recent change of management, trouble with the service, consideration of an RFP and the decision to try a short term contract with the new management, Waste Management. He reported that in response to the proposed rates it was decided to put out an RFP. He stated a representative of Waste Management was present to speak on the extension offer. Greg Huntington provided an overview of the following: • Service History • Short Term Contract Extension • Rate Adjustments Due to Cost Increases; Rising Recycling Costs, Industry Costs Compared to CPI Indexes, and Aging Vehicle Fleet Maintenance Costs • Recommendations Discussion and questions ensued regarding the rate increase, service related issues, comparison of rates to other municipalities and other waste disposal ideas. Public Works (PW) Director Scott Williams reported on the complaints received. He emphasized that service needs to improve or liquidated damages will be billed. Mr. Huntington stated they will continue to work to rectify the issues. CM Corbin reported the RFP will go out tomorrow. Commissioner Norris suggested the new RFP to consider fleet requirements, new programs, renewable energy, electric vehicles, and new technologies. Mayor Glasser thanked Mr. Huntington. 31). Accept the 90 -Day Calendar Mayor Glasser requested a Workshop on the Tree Ordinance and an Open House on the Connectivity Plan. There was CONSENSUS to accept the 90 -Day Calendar with the addition of a Workshop be scheduled on the Tree Ordinance. CM Corbin to suggest dates. Regular City Commission February 22, 2021 It was confirmed that the March 4 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Meeting is cancelled. 4 REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS 4A. Proclamation in Recognition of United Service Organizations Day (Mayor Glasser) Mayor Glasser reported United Service Organizations Day was on February 4, 2021 and marked their 90th anniversary. She recognized the Mayport office for service to 31,000 service members last year. She stated she will be presenting the Proclamation at one of their upcoming events. Commissioner Kelly asked if the City is still planning on holding the Arts in the Park event. CM Corbin reported we are currently planning on holding our outdoor events but continue to discuss what we can and cannot require and safety protocols. Commissioner Norris stated she met with citizens of Main Street regarding traffic calming initiatives and solutions. She is thankful for the public input on Lily Street and remains in favor of purchase of the property. She expressed support for DIG Local market. Commissioner Waters stated he remains uncertain about Lily Street and what can be done with it. He is in favor of holding outdoor events but remains concerned about safety protocols being followed. He stated the presentation by Mr. Huntington was helpful in understanding costs but remains open to explore other options. Mayor Glasser reported on the Beaches Go Green community clean up event, and active legislation. She requested CM Corbin bring forth a Resolution to oppose short term rental legislation for next meeting. She expressed concerns with the public comments regarding DIG Local and emphasized she values what the market brings to the community. She encouraged that we work on assisting with the anti -maskers issues. 5 UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS 6 CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Glasser read the Consent Agenda. 6A. Acknowledge receipt of the Financial Report as of January 31, 2021. MOTION: To approve Consent Agenda as presented. Motion: Brittany Norris Second: Candace Felly Regular City Commission February 22, 2021 7 Candace Kelly (Seconded By) For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Ellen Glasser For Bruce Bole For Michael Waters For Motion passed unanimously 5 to 0. COMMITTEE REPORTS None. ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS 8A. RESOLUTION NO. 21-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, DESIGNATING A 51 -INCH -DIAMETER LIVE OAK TREE AND A 43 -INCH - DIAMETER LIVE OAK TREE AT 1911 NORTH SHERRY DRIVE AS A HERITAGE TREE. Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. Planning and Community Development Director (PCDD) Amanda Askew reported on the Resolution as detailed in the agenda packet. Commissioner Kelly inquired if the heritage tree designation plaque purchase comes out of the Tree Fund. PCDD Askew replied it comes out of the Planning and Community Development's budget. Mayor Glasser applauded details on the map and suggested adding Heritage trees to the other side of Mayport Road. She suggested one at the Dutton Island Preserve, next to the pavilion MOTION. To adopt Resolution No. 21-10. Motion: Brittany Norris Second: Candace Kelly Candace Kelly (Seconded By) For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Ellen Glasser For Bruce Bole For Michael Waters For Motion passed 5 to 0. Regular City Commission February 22, 2021 8B. RESOLUTION NO. 21-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA ESTABLISHING THE CITY'S 2021 PRIORITIES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. DCM Hogencamp reported on the Resolution and welcomed discussion and recommendations. He stated that Mayor Glasser will review her suggested recommendations/amendments to the document EXHIBIT A, which is on page 107 of the agenda packet Mayor Glasser opened discussion for proposed amendments. Mayor Glasser provided a handout of her proposed amendments - GLASSER SUGGESTIONS, 2/22/21 (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as ATTACHMENT Q. She requested review and a motion to accept the changes if in agreement. MOTION: To amend Exhibit A with the modifications submitted by Mayor Glasser. Motion: Bruce Bole Second. Brittany Norris Ellen Glasser For Bruce Bole (Moved By) For Michael Waters For Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris (Seconded By) For Motion passed S to 0. MOTION. To adopt Resolution No. 21-11 with the amended Exhibit A. Motion: Brittany Norris Second. Bruce Bole Ellen Glasser For Bruce Bole (Seconded By) For Michael Waters For Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Motion passed S to 0. Regular City Commission February 22, 2021 ATTACHMENT C - GLASSER SUGGESTIONS TO EXHIBIT A 8C. RESOLUTION NO. 21-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR SPECIAL MAGISTRATE SERVICES FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT WITH SUZANNE W. GREEN, P.A., AT A BIMONTHLY RATE OF $3,000, PLUS $1,000 ANNUALLY; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND AS NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THE PROVISIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. CM Corbin reported on the Resolution as detailed in the agenda packet. Brief discussion ensued about her ongoing contract/ services to the City and the length of this contract. All questions were answered. Mayor Glasser thanked Ms. Green for working with our City. MOTION: To adopt Resolution No. 21-13. Motion: Candace Kelly Second. Brittany Norris Ellen Glasser For Bruce Bole For Michael Waters For Candace Kelly (Moved By) For Brittany Norris (Seconded By) For Motion passed 5 to 0. 8D. RESOLUTION NO. 21-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AWARDING BID NO. 2021-01 MULTI-YEAR CONTRACT FOR ORTHOPHOSPHATE. Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. CM Corbin reported on the Resolution as detailed in the agenda packet. CA Durden cautioned that these multi-year contracts are mandatory not to bind a future budget, each of these contracts are only good through the fiscal year that we are in and they are subject to budgeting for in the upcoming years. CA Durden stated she has made changes to include this language to other resolutions such as this but it continues to not show up. Regular City Commission February 22, 2021 Discussion ensued whether to add this language. MOTION. To adopt Resolution No. 21-14 amended to include a new sentence at the end of Section 3 that says, "The contract is subject to annual appropriations by the City each year." Motion: Brittany Norris Second: Michael Waters Ellen Glasser For Bruce Bole For Michael Waters (Seconded By) For Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Motion passed S to 0. 8E. RESOLUTION NO. 21-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AWARDING BID 42021-08 FOR THE AQUATIC PARK WALKING TRAIL. Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. CM Corbin was excited to report on this project. He stated it has been talked about for several years and is in the budget. PW Director Williams reported on the project as detailed in the agenda packet. He reported the bid came in under budget. He provided details of the construction layout, and materials. Discussion and questions ensued regarding usage of this trail on a per month basis, frequency of having to re -sod, the obstacles, and if the surface would be pervious. PW Director Williams answered the usage could be tracked through usage fees at City Hall, we re -sod twice a year and the trail will be a pervious asphalt. He reported the park will need to be closed for the 30 days of construction and the need to discuss how to credit/refund patrons. There was Commission agreement for CM Corbin to work on a plan for the patrons. MOTION. • To adopt Resolution No. 21-15. Motion: Brittany Norris Second. Candace Kelly Regular City Commission February 22, 2021 9 Ellen Glasser For Bruce Bole For Michael Waters For Candace Kelly (Seconded By) For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Motion passed 5 to 0. 8F. RESOLUTION NO. 21-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE TRAINING REQUIREMENTS FOR MEMBERS OF BOARDS AND COMMITTEES BY CHANGING THE TIMELINES AND ADDING STAFF LIAISONS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. Commissioner Norris reported on this Resolution as detailed in the agenda packet. Discussion and questions ensued regarding vagueness of what the training includes, how we will log completion and what happens if not completed. CC Bartle responded members must certify they completed the training and that they understand their roles. She reported she will log completion via an online form the member must submit to her upon completion. She stated there is no written rule as to what would happen if the training is not completed. CA Durden explained that this Resolution will make the training mandatory and provided options to consider if the training is not completed. MOTION. To adopt Resolution No. 21-16. Motion: Candace Kelly Second. Brittany Norris Ellen Glasser For Bruce Bole For Michael Waters For Candace Kelly (Moved By) For Brittany Norris (Seconded By) For Motion passed 5 to 0. ACTION ON ORDINANCES None. Regular City Commission February 22, 2021 10 11 12 13 MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS None. CITY ATTORNEY/CITY CLERK REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS CA Durden reminded the Commission to complete the 4 -hour mandatory Ethics Training prior to the June 3rd deadline. CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COMMISSIONERS AND CITY MANAGER Commissioner Bole thanked the residents of Lily Street for their input. He stated that if purchased, and proper restrictions placed on the property, it could be a positive. Commissioner Kelly spoke on use of the land for protection of adjacent properties, and it becoming part of our adaptability plan. Commissioner Norris reported on data regarding intrusion, the need to maintain the natural water barrier, benefits of taking steps to further the quality of life on that side of town and protecting the future. Commissioner Waters asked for the status of the internal parking space survey. CM Corbin reported on its process and progress. CM Corbin provided background on the use of Russell Park by DIG Local Market and expressed support for the market. He reported on parking issues, and the start of baseball. He stated the market replied no when asked to switch days, hours, or venue. He stated the City continues to work on a solution and hopes to find one by March 6th. Mayor Glasser stated she remains optimistic regarding the DIG Local Market and finding a solution. She mentioned the Parking and Pedestrian Safety and Advisory Resource Committee (PPSARC) and their work completing an internal parking space survey. She suggested the City find it to use as a point of reference. She stated the input regarding Lily Street was beneficial and reiterated the property is developable. She mentioned a letter stating that 18th Street must be closed until it is made compliant with FDOT regulations for public safety. She stated we have had a legal presentation of what we can do with our historically platted streets. She mentioned the need to consider implications to beach renourishment if 18th Street were closed, she invited comments by the Commission if they feel it should be closed. ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, Mayor Glasser declared the meeting adjourned at 9:48 p.m. Attest: Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Ellen Glasser, Mayor 4/,!2 / ;?—, 0 ;-7 Date Approved Regular City Commission February 22, 2021 2019�2020_ North= _ Beaches -7 tw E Parl(*in = .� r -ow c h i _ -__ - - — Report = _ �� _ -_ At[a nti c Beach Prepared by Megan S. Steward Mobility Management Director parl<ing@nbfl.us (904) 566-9410 r- ATTACHMENT A February 22, 2021 Minutes YOUR PARKING TEAM �ta Mobility Management Director Atlantic Beach, FL (Dutton Island Rd) Parking Ambassador and Certified Parking Enforcement Specialist Atlantic Beach, FL (Beach Avenue) Parking Ambassador and Certified Parking Enforcement Specialist Atlantic Beach, FL (Beach Avenue) Parking Ambassador and Certified Parking Enforcement Specialist Jacksonville, FL (Northside) New Team Member Parking Ambassador and Certified Parking Enforcement Specialist Atlantic Beach, FL (First Street) ATTACHMENT A February 22, 2021 Minutes ATLANTIC BEACH RESOLUTION 19-54 • Requires City Management to complete and present a pilot program 18 - month summary report to the Commission by April 2021. • Interlocal agreement executed by Atlantic and Neptune Beach in October 2019. • Data in this report spans October 2019 - December 2020. 18 month pilot program summary report - to be completed by City Manager or designee no later than March 31, 2021, and presented to Commission by City Manager in April, 2021. 1. Trend assessment of monthly reports tracking; a. parking turn -over rates b. peak parking times c. number and substance of complaints, comments and compliments d. number of Beaches Town Center employees using employee parking e. number of customers using app f. number of customers using kiosks g. number of parking violations issued h. number of parking violations paid and outstanding I. number of kiosks out of service and length of time they were out of service J. number of registered handicapped vehicles in non -handicapped spaces k. number of Atlantic Beach resident vehicles registered for discounted parking rates 2. Financial documents as required by Interlocal Agreement 3. Trend analysis of seasonal and other outside influences (new or closing businesses, weather. construction, etc.) on parking demands and patterns 4. Input from the Beaches Town Center (BTC) agency 5. Results and recommendations of the North Florida Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) parking study to be completed during the summer of 2020. ATTACHMENT A February 22, 2021 Minutes PAID PARKING INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT EXHIBIT A INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PAIL) PARKING PROGRAN1 AT BEACIILS TOWN CENTER i"" THIS INTERLOCAL AGRf:FMFN'r ("Agreement"), made and entered into on 7 dttV of 2019 (tile-111MLetive Date"), by and between the City of Nephu e Beach, a municipal corporation V -- located al 116 First Street. Neptune Beach, Florida 32266 (hcreinaller. "Neptune Beach"), and the City of Atlantic 13cach. a mmilcil,nl corpnradion Ideated it 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach. Florida 32233 (hcreinal)er, "Allantic Reach"), Neptune Beach and Atlantic [tench 5111111 he relerred to collcctiwly as, the "parties". WHEREAS. tri the extent the terms in this Agreement millicl with farms exchi81Ye to parking management in the 1996 lnterincnl Agreement between Ncptune Beach. Atlantic Bunch, the City of Jacksonville and Beaches Town Center Agency, the terms of this Agreement shall control. NVI 11.10"AS, Nepnnle Bench intends to install, operate+, and administer a pay -for -parking progruiil in the 13ea1ches Town ('0110' area as more pnrtieularly described in Aunchmaenl A, attached hereto and nlado a part hurcol (tile North I3eaclles Parking Program, hereinafter the "[larking Program"). Wl IULAS, the Parkin; Program will encompass certain publicly -owned property and rights of way located within the boundaries of Atlantic Reach and Neptune Beach, its more parliculorly described in Attachment A, WIIERFAS, Neptune Beach and Atlantic Bunch intend to cooperate and coordinate in ilia implernentation and administration of"the Parking Program. NVI W`REAS, Neptune Beach and Atlantic Beach have enacted prod parkin. ordinances to address the 11011111 ir. rnld re:gulntcny schame associated with the Parking, llmgr1ul: NVIIIiRGAS, Nepumv Beach and Atlantic Much intend to,jointly designate it Disu•ict Parking Operator ("1)110") agreeable to Will cities to implcalent (lie Pairking Program as footer dellncll belmv In occorda nce with ilia applicabke ordinances orNeptune Beach and Atlantic Beach, Neal IGRI AS. to More elllcienily and eiicetively adnlinisler the harking program, Ilia Partics intend to memorialize their respnnsihilities rmd obligations with regards to said Parking Program. NOW, I'I II'iRRV SRH, in tonSider(llioll orthe 111nitnd plimilis" and covenmlls contained herein, the ladies aline as Mimes: Obligations of the Parties and Cost Shariirg`pf ltit: Parking Progrinn I. '1'110 nhnve reciluls nru incorpi�raled as iiscl I"arlh ri111y hcrcin. Neptune Beach shall be solely r•e.,ptlnsible to enter into an agreement with a-joinlly-desi`lonmed D110 For Ills purpose of implementing the. Parking Program and providing the service• as more particularly described herein. Noptune Beach may, in its discretion, upon ninety (90) dun's prior I ATTACHMENT A February 22, 2021 Minutes EXHIBIT A written notice to Atlantic Beach, elect to proceed without a DPO at any time. In such event, Neptune Beach shall be responsible for all obligations of the DPO under this Agreement, provided, however, Atlantic Beach may elect to terminate this Agreement in accordance with Section 8 or 13, as may be applicable. 3. Neptune Beach, either directly or through the DPO, shall be responsible for all costs for materials, hardware, software, installation of equipment, repair, maintenance, replacement, and upgrades of equipment, employee training and certification, if needed, and other such related costs to administer the Parking Program. 4. Neptune Beach shall cause the DPO to maintain and keep all appropriate accounting records related to the operation of the Parking Program and shall provide to Neptune Beach and Atlantic Beach a monthly accounting report, identifying all revenue, costs and expenses of the Parking Program, including without limitation, the specific amount of gross revenue generated from parking spaces located within duly designated parking zones within Atlantic Beach and Neptune Beach, respectively. In the event of Neptune Beach's failure to cause the DPO to do so, Neptune Beach shall be responsible for same. 5. Neptune Beach shall annually, on or before July I of each year, prepare and provide to Atlantic Beach, an annual proposed budget for the Parking Program, Atlantic Beach shall have the right, at its expense, to audit the Parking Program records of the DPO and Neptune Beach. 6. Neptune Beach shall remit to Atlantic Beach, on a monthly basis (with Year One to begin on October 1, 2019 and end on September 30, 2020 and years Two, Three, Four and Five to likewise follow), a total of seventy percent (70%) of all gross revenue generated by the fees, fines and rentals of the parking spaces located within duly designated parking zones within Atlantic Beach. 7. The remaining thirty percent (30%) of said gross revenue shall constitute Atlantic Beach's entire obligation towards the costs and expenses for the operation of the Parking Program and shall be retained by Neptune Beach. S. The Parties agree that annually, but no later than September I of cacti year, they shall cacti review the proportional amounts described in Sections 6 and 7 above and determine whether any adjustments should be made. In the event the Parties do not agree on the proportional amounts for the fiscal year going forward, then either Party may provide written notice of termination to the other Party no later than September I of the applicable year, which termination shall be effective as of October 1 of the same year. 9. The Parties respective performance and obligations under this Agreement are contingent upon each Party's adoption of an annual budget containing appropriations as may be appropriate and necessary to carry out this Agreement. 2 ATTACHMENT A February 22, 2021 Minutes EXHIBIT A Parking Program and DPO Responsibilities 10. The agreement between the City of Neptune Beach and the DPO shall generally provide for the following: a. The jointly designated DPO shall administer and operate the Parking Program in accordance with this Agreement, the Neptune Beach and Atlantic Beach Codes of Ordinances and Florida law, as applicable. b. With written consent from the City Manager of Atlantic Beach and the City Manager of Neptune Beach, the OPO may make modifications, alterations, adjustments, and other such decisions related to the administration, operation and enforcement of the Parking Program in accordance with the paid parking and other applicable ordinances of Neptune Beach and Atlantic Beach, respectively. d. The DPO shall be solely responsible for collecting all parking payments, enforcement penalties and fees, and other such revenue generated from the Parking Program in accordance with the ordinances of Neptune Beach and Atlantic Beach and shall remit same to Neptune Beach. The DPO shall provide to Neptune Beach and Atlantic Beach monthly accounting reports regarding all revenue and expenses associated with operation of the Parking Program, including without limitation, the information referenced in Section 4 above. Default and Remedies 11. A default shall consist of the breach or anticipatory breach of any covenant, agreement, representation, provision or warranty entered into between Atlantic Beach and Neptune Beach relating to the Parking Program. If a default, breach or anticipatory breach occurs, the Party not in default may, at any time or from time to time, pursue to enforce its remedy under this Agreement by suit in equity, action at law or by any other appropriate proceeding, for damages or other relief, or proceed to take any action authorized or permitted under applicable laws or regulations; provided, however, the Parties shall, prior to initiating any court proceedings, initiate the conflict resolution procedures set forth in Chapter 164, Florida Statutes. No Party shall act upon any default until it has given the Party in default written notice of the default and thirty (30) days within which to cure the default. General Provisions 3 ATTACHMENT A February 22, 2021 Minutes EXHIBIT A 12, Tenn. Subject to the provisions of Section 9 above, the term of this Agreement shall be for a period of five (5) years from the Effective Date, This Agreement may be extended thereafter on an annual basis by way of written approval of such extension from each of the Parties following the adoption of Resolutions by the Parties' governing boards. 13. Termination. Except as provided in Section 8 above, either Party may terminate this Agreement by providing ninety (90) days written notice of its intent to do so to the other Party. a. in the event of any termination by Atlantic Beach pursuant to this Agreement, Atlantic Beach shall pay to Neptune Beach prior to the effective date of the termination, a termination fee calculated as follows; • if during Year One (October 1, 2019 through September 30,2020),$45,126.90, decreased on a pro rata basis for each month prior to the effective date of termination; • if during Year Two (October 1, 2020 through September 30,2021),$24,392.29, decreased on a pro rata basis for each month prior to the effective date of termination; • if during Year Three (October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022), $18,294.22, decreased on a pro rata basis for each month prior to the effective date of termination; • if during Year Four (October 1, 2022 through September 30,2023),$11,433,89, decreased on a pro rata basis for each month prior to the effective date of termination; • if during Year Five (October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024), $5,716.94. Thereafter, should the Parties extend the term of this Agreement, no termination fee will be due. Further, should Atlantic Beach desire to retain the kiosks located within Atlantic Beach, Atlantic Beach shall also remit to Neptune Beach an amount equal to $9,081.00 for each kiosk, prorated at a depreciation rate of 12.5% per year. b. In the event Neptune Beach terminates this Agreement, then Atlantic Beach may, in its sole discretion, elect to discontinue the Parking Program at no cost to Atlantic Beach or elect to continue to operate the Parking Program within the boundaries of Atlantic Beach, in which case, Atlantic Beach would be responsible for operating expenses as of the effective date of termination and, should Atlantic Beach desire to retain the kiosks within Atlantic Beach, Atlantic Beach shall pay to Neptune Beach an amount equal to $9,081.00 for each kiosk, prorated at a depreciation rate of 12.5% per year. 14. Bindin . This Agreement binds the Parties and their respective successors and assigns in all respect to all terms, conditions, covenants and {provisions of this Agreement. Nothing herein shall be construed as creating any personal liability on the part of any officer or agent of any of the Parties, ATTACHMENT A February 22, 2021 Minutes EXHIBIT A nor shall it be considered as giving any right or benefit hereunder to anyone other than the Parties, their successors and assigns. 15. All Parties agree to comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, federal, state and local, in its performance under this Agreement and its implementation. 16. No waiver by any party at any time of any of the terms, conditions, covenants and agreements herein, orof any default, shall be deemed or taken as a waiver at any time thereafter of the some or any other term, condition, covenant or agreement herein contained, nor of the strict and prompt performance thereof. 17. Entirety. This Agreement constitutes the entire present agreement between the Parties. No change in, modification of, or supplement to this Agreement shall be valid or enforceable unless it is enacted in writing and executed by each of the Parties. 18, Conflicts. No member, officer or employee of the governing body of the City of Atlantic Beach or City of Neptune Beach, and no other public official of either such City who exercises any functions or responsibilities with respect to the Parking Program during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in any contract or subcontract, or the proceeds thereof, for work to be performed in connection with the Parking Program maintained under this Agreement. 19, Notices. Notices to be provided in accordance with this Agreement shall be delivered by U.S. Mail, return receipt requested, hand delivery or traceable overnight delivery service and addressed as follows: City of Neptune Beach c/o City Manager 116 First Street Neptune Beach, FL 32266 With acoPto: Zachary Roth, City Attorney 8818 Goodby's Executive Drive Suite 100 Jacksonville, FL 32217 City of Atlantic Beach c/o Joe Gerrity, City Manager 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 With a copy to: Brenna M. Durden, City Attorney Lewis, Longman & Walker, P.A. 245 Riverside Avenue, Suite 150 Jacksonville, FL 32202 ATTACHMENT A February 22, 2021 Minutes EXHIBIT A 20. Indemnification. Atlantic Beach, to the extent of a claim or judgment by any one person which does not exceed the sum of $200,000 or any claim or judgment, or portions thereof, which when totaled with all other claims or judgments arising out of the same occurrence, does not exceed the sum of $300,000, shall indemnify Neptune Beach for any and all damages relating to the Parking Program, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs (prior to and at trial, and through appeal) to the extent arising from the negligence or willful misconduct of Atlantic Beach and its officials, agents, contractors and employees. Neptune Beach, to the extent ofa claim or judgment by any one person which does not exceed the sum of $200,000 or any claim or judgment, or portions thereof, which when totaled with all other claims or judgments arising out of the same occurrence, does not exceed the sum of $300,000, shall indemnify Atlantic Beach for any and all damages relating to the Parking Program, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs (prior to and at trial, and through appeal) to the extent arising from the negligence or willful misconduct of Neptune Beach and its officials, agents, contractors (including without limitation, the DPO) and employees. Nothing in this Agreement nor any action relating to this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of sovereign immunity beyond the limits set forth in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, by either Atlantic Beach or Neptune Beach. Additionally, there are no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement. 21. The Parties agree that the DPO may initiate services under this Agreement prior to October 1, 2019 and that reports, fees and data shall be provided in accordance with this Agreement, but that any period prior to October 1, 2019 shall not be included in Year One under this Agreement. "SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW" ATTACHMENT A February 22, 2021 Minutes FXHIBITA CI'T'Y OI' A''LAN'I'IC BLACll, l'LOKIDA 1 (Alen Glasser, Mnyor Attest: �YIIJGZLr✓G� Domin I.. Hartle, City Clerk Approved ns In Farm /and Cootenl: $ nn {ni4—" CityAttorney CITY O NEPTUNE BEACH, FLORIDA 'I'm ro��'n, Attest: Cnthcnnc Ponson, City C:Icrk ZacharyItp?(11Cily Attorney ATTACHMENT A February 22, 2021 Minutes 1A: PARKING TURNOVER RATES Month (2020)' - Average of Daily Turnover Rates Ilan 2.146889401 !, Feb 1.794950739 Mar 1.34544335 Apr 0.390306122 May 2.001152074 i J u n 1.989880952 !:Jul 1.685483871 Aug 1.665322581 1,Sep 1.430357143 j Oct 0.803571429 Nov 1.110416667 Dec 1.36952765 Grand Total 1.422592114 Turnover rate daily averages (by the month) !Weekday - Average of Turnover Rate Sunday 1.626395089 Monday 1.150892857 Tuesday 1.042914747 Wednesday 1.095604396 Thursday 1.235989011 Friday 1.661564626 Saturday 2.138888889 Turnover rate daily averages (by the weekday) • Our busiest peak days show a space turnover rate of 3 or higher. • This data substantially underreports the turnover of spaces due to: Registered residents who don't use the app or a kiosk; and Visitors who park for 30 minutes or less and don't use the app or a kiosk. Time Period e Average of Turnover Rate +, 2019 1.105133929 -i 2020 1.558035714 L+ Qtr1 1.771067416 i -i Qtr2 1.236682809 Apr 0.390306122 May 2.001152074 Sample of low and high average turnover ATTACHMENT A February 22, 2021 Minutes 111: PEAK PARKING TIMES Atlantic Beach Parking Usage Histogram 4500 4700 3500 3000 2`00 2000 1500 1000 500 0 A 12 7 S 4 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 10 11 AM AM AM AM AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Histogram based on Atlantic Beach transaction data (app and kiosk). ATTACHMENT A February 22, 2021 Minutes 1C: NUMBER AND SUBSTANCE OF COMPLAINTS, COMMENTS, COMPLIMENTS • No quantitative data available. • Substance of comments to the DPO -- phone calls, conversations, etc.: • Residents who feel that the number and/or placement of signs is inadequate (occasional). • Residents calling in to confirm a registration from 2019 or 2020, or with questions about the program (occasional). • Thank you messages for issuing a warning to a first-time violator (rare). • Problem with parking session, usually a plate number entered incorrectly (rare). 1D: NUMBER OF BTC EMPLOYEES USING EMPLOYEE PARKING • Dozens of employees utilizing employee lots daily to park o Neptune Baptist Church o Bank of America o Kmart • Parking program is continuing to work on getting all employee plates registered. ATTACHMENT A February 22, 2021 Minutes 1E: FLOWBIRD MOBILE APP USAGE (ATLANTIC BEACH) Average mobile app transactions per month Total mobile app transactions completed through 12/2020 Percentage of transactions completed through app 1F: KIOSK USAGE (ATLANTIC BEACH) Average kiosk transactions per month Total kiosk transactions completed through 12/2020 Percentage of transactions completed at kiosk ATTACHMENT A February 22, 2021 Minutes 1G -H: PARKING VIOLATIONS ISSUED Violations issued through year-end 2020: • This data is program -wide. • Aggregation of warnings and citations. • Administrative voids have been removed. 11: KIOSKS OUT OF SERVICE uration _ - Terminal Code Peripheral - - - Status ---- - - - Type of Failure - - - Date 0:29:21 36330003 Bill/Note Reader Note payment failure (collection incorrectly finished) Reboot Required 20/12/2019 0:02:36 36330003 Bill/Note Reader Note payment failure (collection incorrectly finished) Reboot Required 3/2/2020 0:52:06 36330002 Printer Printer failure (no paper) Out of Paper 2/6/2020 0:05:13 36330002 Bill/Note Reader Note payment failure (collection Incorrectly finished) Reboot Required 2/6/2020 0:05:02 36330002 Main Board Payment failure (no payment method available) Reboot Required 2/6/2020 0:03:09 36330002 Operation Indexes missing Reboot Required 2/6/2020 0:03:06 36930002 Operation Indexes missing Reboot Required 2/6/2020 24:22:03 36330002 Bill/Note Reader Note payment failure (collection Incorrectly finished) Reboot Required 15/06/2020 71:26:47 36330003 Bill/Note Reader Note payment failure (collection Incorrectly finished) Reboot Required 27/07/2020 0:00:42 36330002 Printer Printer failure (no paper) Out of Paper 27/08/2020 0:02:22 36330003 Operation Indexes missing Reboot Required 2/9/2020 0:02:53 36330002 Operation Indexes missing Reboot Required 2/9/2020 40:02:40 36330002 Printer Printer failure (cutting sensor fault) Repairs Required 1/10/2020 71:33:41 36330002 Battery Power supply failure (on -load battery voltage insufficient) Repairs Required 23/10/2020 .11:55:06 36330002 Battery Power supply failure (on -load battery voltage insufficient) Repairs Required 26/10/2020 25:26:24 36330002 Battery Power supply failure (on -load battery voltage Insufficient) Repairs Required 31/10/2020 19:46:20 36330002 Battery Power supply failure (on -load battery voltage insufficient) Repairs Required 1/11/2020 0:03:39 36330002 Operation Indexes missing Reboot Required 9/11/2020 44:26:15 36330002 Battery Power supply failure (on -load battery voltage insufficient) Repairs Required 28/11/2020 0:02:53 36330002 Operation Indexes missing Reboot Required 30/11/2020 44:21:49 36330002 Battery Power supply failure (on -load battery voltage Insufficient) Repairs Required 30/11/2020 0:04:13 36330002 Operation Indexes missing Reboot Required 2/12/2020 19:19:03 36330002 Battery Power supply failure (on -load battery voltage insufficient) Repairs Required 3/12/2020 0:02:47 36330002 Operation Indexes missing Reboot Required 4/12/2020 95:33:39 36330002 Bill/Note Reader Note payment failure (collection Incorrectly finished) Reboot Required 10/12/2020 19:27:21 36330002 Battery Power supply failure (on -load battery voltage insufficient) Repairs Required 13/12/2020 0:02:38 36330002 Operation Indexes missing Reboot Required 14/12/2020 38:06:26 36330002 Battery Power supply failure (on -load battery voltage insufficient) Repairs Required 14/12/2020 0:03:42 302 Operation Indexes missing Reboot Required 16/12/2020 Overall outage rate of kiosks through year-end 2020:12% o This is much higher than average outage rate of the entire BTC due to ongoing issues with the kiosk at Ahern and Ocean. • Ahern kiosk currently being repaired to address the issues you see above. ATTACHMENT A February 22, 2021 Minutes 11 NUMBER OF HANDICAPPED VEHICLES PARKED IN NON -ADA SPACES • No data available to track this. • Anecdotally, visitors with ADA placards or plates do sometimes park in paid spaces. FS 316.1964 mandates that visitors with a valid ADA plate or placard may park for up to 4 hours at no charge. • We have a map available of ADA parking spaces located throughout the BTC. Beaches Town Center Accessible... ro-t.,�:n • ter w.,y 8 Accessible Parking Space tnnk krt the hat? ADA lcnnr. to Undo .,�:.Ilde ;i ,!� •;� �'ISQ IrCCR ,.,,�� Ahern Sr , A711,1'.a irYr • fr�',r<IY R P'+l king rtinces at the oeswes TOWS Conte, M 4 Nt Itehlurw beach and Allamic @each Fl, 113 vte vs P Pne's f amn an f0 Atlantic Beach Ore , POtte Ocean Resort I All changes caved in wive n,•60 •� Add la ei —1+ Shale O Pleviry )' Coup 303 negTutw 7aroent, $aaCuud b Gtille Q 1atN`4(rr>��,r i,`S'hvtl•G4Itie17 ✓ Beaches town Center Accessible... 1.! O orf &Paddle 0 ;j Atlanticutvd j • lndivtttvsl Atlantic 81uJ Ii (� Accessible Parking space n 7 North Beach fish Cantil P�:eaill &I rheSeahcrs �Accessible PatktngSpace ro-t.,�:n • ter w.,y 8 Accessible Parking Space 0 Accessible Parking space b Accessible Parking space Region; Ba;b ® Accessible Parking Space 4 0 LN.1?inn 5t 4 ? LemaP Oceanfront 1: Mearo Luno niaturonle�t'rlrvro Bar Lemon Bw iii T Lennon Svcrt Neptune Beach BnarhAccfµn Lnt Polite Department 4 Lentoo5t�IR'a® Gongle My N+1ps Scurhen, �runtJs �o h Preview of interactive Google Map ATTACHMENT A February 22, 2021 Minutes 1K: ATLANTIC BEACH RESIDENTS REGISTERED TO 2,192 00 through January 31st, 2021 • Residents fill out an online form showing proof of their residency to register (or they can call Megan for assistance). • Every applicant receives an a -mail confirming their registration and explaining the rules of the program. • If they would like to, residents can use an AB kiosk to get an exact time stamp of when their free session will expire. • At this point, using a kiosk is not required for resident free parking. North Beaches Parking —Th WMt,northbeufwesparkingcot)I 190.11-5G5.9.i10 Insert card or bills RLSIRENTA I VISA 3 CL P L L)A ONCL PER L1A ua"toil $LOOP[RRALFu MAX: E7OW" 17) Accepted: $1, $5, $10 R and credit r,.•,- FNfDi2(.E(k 11AR{ 12 WAW SUNDAY ATTACHMENT A February 22, 2021 Minutes 2. FINANCIAL DATA AS REQUIRED BY INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Monthly transaction data is sent from NB finance department to AB finance department before payment is disbursed. Total Revenue (AB) 70% Disbursed (AB) 10/2019 - 12/2020 10/2019 - 12/2020 ATTACHMENT A February 22, 2021 Minutes 3. TRENDS AND SEASONAL ANALYSIS ATLANTIC BEACH: TOTALS Number of Parking Sales & Parking Duration j - D,nDo f. ... .. 4,000 ...' __._. _— ... '.-�`-,_'"mss:-._..,,�_•,�.,_..��.�..—. .2.000 J` 0 October 2019 November December January2020 February2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August2020 September October 2020 November Dee 111ba 2019 2019 2020 2020 2020 <> Total AJnoUnt r -J Tran3a000Ns •D- Total Parking Tlule ATLANTIC BEACH: AVERAGES Number of Parking Sales & Parking Duration u October 2019 November December January 2020 Fe0mary 2020 March 2620 Apd12020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September October 2020 November December 2019 2019 2020 2020 2020 iia ?kWfage AOoutii II- AvelagePaid DJ+ hC4 ATTACHMENT A February 22, 2021 Minutes FULL PARKING PROGRAM TOTALS AND AVERAGES Number of Parking Sales & Parking Duration NJ 000 48.000 s w ��-�1111IIIIIIII1��i, J.�111111 1 t Oc1o0e 2019 November December J3rmary2020 February202O Maun2020 Apr112020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September October 2020 November December 2019 2019 2020 2020 2020 G Total Amolml rkxnber Of 1)aq=.actions 0 Total Pa;MngTlme Average Amount l ��. Averam Paid Walton SUMMARY April of 2020 marked a dramatic drop in parking program use, as reported COVID-19 cases in Duval County began to increase. A state of emergency was declared in Florida in March, and on April 1 st, Governor DeSantis issued Executive Order 20-91. After April's lull, visitors dramatically increased in May of 2020. Typical of the Beaches Town Center seasonal trends, the parking program saw its highest transaction numbers in the summer, slowly tapering off into less frequent transactions through the winter. ATTACHMENT B February 22, 2021 Minutes North Beaches Parking Program Merchant Surrey Results 2.20.2'1 Do your CUSTOMERS feel that parking in Beaches TownCenter is; 17 responses L3eile) More ulfl+cull • I think the program has helped trernendously in creating more spaces for our shoppers. • They are getting use to it somewhat • Some like the program and some don't • There is not enough signage to alert customers of paid spots and location of the kiosks r So many questions from customers regarding the parking kiosk and app. • Now most can find a spot. They may have to pay for it, but they can park. o Our customers have a love / hate relationship with the parking program. Love that they found a place to park, hate the kiosks. Once the app is explained they are appeased. o As people get use to the using the system there are less complaints - people hate change • Our lot is still waiting for Metered Parking. As one of the few remaining FREE lots, Poe's and Ragtime employees all park there, beach goers, shoppers. Zero parking for our customers. Never an available spot, It's a nightmare. • They find parking easier during the weekdays. Staff around the area do not take up all the parking when they have to pay for it. e They find it complicated, kiosks not working, apps not clear on where the location is, and not having increments lower than 30 minutes. « Its a 50/50 split. • We encourage the valet for our guests who are upset about the pay to park situation. ATTACHMENT B February 22, 2021 Minutes Do your EMPLOYEES feel that parking in Beaches TownCenter is: 15 responses S�Itot Aaequaly Mow UYficull • We have always parked in employee lots - glad to see everyone else is finally using them! • Only place to park at night is the Kmart lot and crossing 3rd St is perilous • Same complaints as the consumer • They don't know where to park anymore • Same as above. As tenants, we have to fight for our parking in the luck of out' stores with Poe's and ragtime employees. It's insanity. • We carpool and use on site parking • a pprovedlcontract employee parking is not adequate and far from the shops • Locals quit coming • Most of our staff ride bikes to work or park in the back ATTACHMENT B February 22, 2021 Minutes PARKING RATES are reasonable. 16 tesponszs Sirengly Agree Agree _ Neutrol D'segree Strongly Disagree 1 • Would like a discount for validation and lower increments for time • We don't'know. We are not polling people. We've heard people say that compared to other cities, they felt like it was reasonable. • Locals will never pay to park • A new employee tried to park street side on Sunday, 2121120. She tried to use the app but it wasn't working so she went to the kiosk. She wanted to pay for Ors. The cost for 4 hours was $16. Simply outrageous and unacceptable. We were told it would be $1 for 1/2 hour and the first 1/2 hour was free. ATTACHMENT B February 22, 2021 Minutes PARKING SIGNAGE is satisfactory. 17 responses • Areas should be more clear • The "ll" on each space Is too small • Lots of people never see it • lot of people do not see the signs or terminal • Customers are constantly coming to the store for questions regarding parking. They have no idea where the kiosk are and don't understand which spots are paid parking. They also are always paying before 11 am. There is no signage to tell them the first 1/2 hour is free and no paid parking before Ilam PARKING STAFF and communication/education re: the parking prograrn is satisfactory. 17 responses Slrc,ngly Agree Agron Neuln-0 iO Magree 4 Strongly Disagree a More people out and about helping people understand the system would be helpful. • The app has been a problem for some clientele - it does not always work - various ways • Can be incredibly rude, not consistent in enforcing • It's hard to be at the right place to answer questions. They are usually driving around • would be nice to have representatives out and about interacting with the customers on how to use the kiposk etc • Who do you contact for questions? SlrortglyAgree h�+::rte Agree Neolra( ij �J, i3 [Jlsagiea 71 Strongly l�lsnarce • Areas should be more clear • The "ll" on each space Is too small • Lots of people never see it • lot of people do not see the signs or terminal • Customers are constantly coming to the store for questions regarding parking. They have no idea where the kiosk are and don't understand which spots are paid parking. They also are always paying before 11 am. There is no signage to tell them the first 1/2 hour is free and no paid parking before Ilam PARKING STAFF and communication/education re: the parking prograrn is satisfactory. 17 responses Slrc,ngly Agree Agron Neuln-0 iO Magree 4 Strongly Disagree a More people out and about helping people understand the system would be helpful. • The app has been a problem for some clientele - it does not always work - various ways • Can be incredibly rude, not consistent in enforcing • It's hard to be at the right place to answer questions. They are usually driving around • would be nice to have representatives out and about interacting with the customers on how to use the kiposk etc • Who do you contact for questions? ATTACHMENT B February 22, 2021 Minutes PARKING PROGRAM CITATION / NON COMPLIANCE process is satisfactory. 16 responses Strongly Agree Ilgrap Noulral Strongly Dlaagree • Not sure exactly how this works and what is being enforced at this point • Not consistent • For those that abuse the system, they haven't been penalized • No comment • Are you giving warnings or tickets? What do I tell customers? Do you use the MERCHANT VALIDATION program re: your business 17 rasponres Yes Na Dant know about this npllem + We like having this ability - it's important to be able to offer to customers who hate the program even if they don't use it, • Wanted to but it's dollar for dollar and expensive • I will use the validation option on special occasions. • Still waiting for program to be rolled out in Shopper of Northshore. Can't wait for enforcement. • don't know enough to be able to offer it • We need to learn more about this and will look into it ATTACHMENT B February 22, 2021 Minutes Has CUSTOMER TRAFFIC to your business changed since the new parking system was installed? 17 rewnnsen Traffic has increased No chango in tralhc Traffic has dccroased • Not sure if it's due to parking or other factors • We have a lot more tourist but also local clients - parking could be a factor • Happy Hour has been drastically affected, Atlantic Beach locals do not want to pay, • Now that the restaurant employees are parking, "off campus" spaces are readily available. And the first 112 hour free is a bonus for gift buying. • Customers can't park, they drive around and give up. • I don't know if It's just the parking situation , but it has Increased. • No effect on our business • Hard to determine that one • Locals go elsewhere • Customers say they have found parking sooner • Locals are complaining constantly about having to pay for parking. Most will not patronize us because they have to pay for parking. ATTACHMENT B February 22, 2021 Minutes If CUSTOMER TRAFFIC changed, how much did it change vs. last year for the sarne tirne period? 12 rt -Spouses 0 Increased grealer than 1014, 0 Increased bfAmen 1% and W% Decreased between 1 °ib and 10"�5 Decreased greeter than 10% • We've seen a consistent decrease since mid December • With Covid it is hard to tell • it is too soon to say because of the effects of Covid on customer shopping. What are possible causes of TRAFFIC changes at your business if .any (mark all that apply)? lb responses Paid Barking WeNtior Ecoliomy 7 ,,1a8'x;) All of flln above 1 (6.31A) Increased conlpetitlan 1 (6.3%) UVe are seeing more fnurisls A ronventla... 1 {G.3ib) COON 0 2 4 U 0 10 • People don't like change so it will take time to know if this is a good or bad thing • More restaurants dividing up the same number of potential guests • As previously stated locals are not happy with paid parking and as a result not patronizing. 10 (G2.5%) ATTACHMENT B February 22, 2021 Minutes Have you downloaded the PARKING APP? 17 re;pOnses • Hard for older folks to use How would you rate the PARKING APP? 13 responses Ycs Na Don't know about it 5 -Stars EXCELLEN-r 4 -Slays GOOD 3 -Stars AVERAGE �` l 2-5tars FAIR t -Star POOR • Needs to be more user-friendly AND the private lots need to pop up LAST and not first. Also, there are too many choices and no one {mows what "bubble" to choose when selecting a tot in the app. • doesn't always process credit card according to our clientele • make it free, guests are irritated by the 35 cents • More dear zone • it works - the younger people have no problem with it - the older generation are learning • From customers response that the app is confusing. ATTACHMENT B What improvements could be made the OMAWPAMW*overall? • More communication to the merchants and public about what's working and what improvements are on the table. • Flyer we could hand out - simple terms about how it works - might already exist? • Better signage, clearer instructions, better employee parking. • ENFORCEMENT • Both cities should agree on parking for residents. • Printed flyer we could put in our customers bag that explains in simple terms how to use the app - the more they come into contact with this information the more familiar with the term and signage the better it will be • People struggle to use kiosk all the time. • Signage • Weekday parking til 2pm free or discount pricing. Make a monthly parking pass available for purchase re: office tenants in the area. Additional comments and feedback re: the North Beaches Parking Program: • The jury is still out - we'll see I guess! • Stop dancing around this program. All IN and let's fix this. We're tired of fighting with offenders, we're supposed to be running businesses. Reconsidering choice of location before even a one year anniversary. Not recommending area at this stage to prospective tenants. • taking into consideration, areas such as ours, most often charge for parking and their systems are not always as convenient or inexpensive. • Advertising we have parking, keeping it simple. We have had complaints it is hard to do. People say it is not clear. ATTACHMENT C February 22, 2021 Minutes Consider impacts of spending decisions in terms of debt managernent and pension liability. MAYPORT ROADCORRIDOR An Initiative to improve neighborhood identity, safety, and business and cultural opportunities via: ■ Exploring the development of a community redevelopment plan and the viability of utilizing tax - increment financing to address the unique needs of the Mayport Road corridor. Exploring community interest: and the viability of-­e*pimin tc'nclin;; Atlantic Beach's norther-nwn !st boundary vki4 nGwWon-, ■ Partnering with the Florida Department of Transportation to enhance safety by adding bike lanes along Mayport Road from Atlantic Boulevard to Dutton Island Road. M Enriching the physical environment by partnering with ArtRepublic and local artists, and providing art grants to landowners and businesses, MOBILITY & PARKING An initiative to provide safe, convenient and efficient travel ways and parking via: ■ Developing a connectivity plan that connects people to places. Developing a complete -streets policy that promotes safe automobile, bicycle and pedestrian rr;a el ■ Procuring a traffic engineer, as needed. ■ Refining street -by -street reviews of challenges and opportunities associated with parking citywide. u Improving public confidence in the Beaches-1=rAwn-Center-mA-Ing-pregr-am. North Beaches Parking Pra ,r,1r11 ■ Exploring the viability and community acceptance of a fee program to address parking congestion near beach accesses. CITY SERVICES An initiative to develop and improve systems to equip and motivate employees to provide high quality customer service to residents, businesses, contractors, and stakeholders via: • Support public safety efforts that promote personal safety, secure neighborhoods, road safety, public trust, and officer well-beinp. • Complete an audit of the City's permitting systems to delineate opportunities for improved efficiencies and service. ■ Continuing to foster the City's relationships with small businesses by developing and Implementing a land -use and zoning -regulations education outreach initiative. ■ Developing and instituting a formal employee welcome, recognition and appreciation program. ■ Implementing the City's new online human resources portal to Improve efficiencies and outcomes in recruiting, hiring, equity and retention. Continuing to foster productive partnerships with ireighboring municipalities, state and local governmental agencies, and legislators.