03-08-21 Regular City Commission Adopted Minutesrsr�t)��ra3 MINUTES fRegular City Commission Meeting =`l Monday, March 8, 2021 - 6:30 PM >% Commission Chamber INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Norris led the invocation. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. City Clerk Bartle called the roll. ROLL CALL: Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Bruce Bole, Commissioner - Seat 2 Michael Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 5 Also Present: Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Lori Diaz, Deputy City Clerk APPROVAL OF MINUTES IA. Approve minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting on February 8, 2021. 113. Approve minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting on October 12, 2020. Mayor Glasser asked if there were any corrections or changes needed. There were no corrections to the minutes. Mayor Glasser stated the minutes stand as submitted. 2 COURTESY OF FLOOR TO VISITORS PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Glasser explained the process for public comments and opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. City Clerk Bartle called each speaker to the podium. Joyce Freeman expressed thanks and gratitude for placing Francis Avenue on the agenda for discussion. Steve Fouraker asked questions about the Tree Code updates regarding violations, penalties, licensing tree trimmers, an arborist on retainer, a tree code violation hotline, mitigation, and how to tie a tree to a property. Mayor Glasser closed Courtesy of the Floor. Regular City Commission March 8, 2021 3 CITY MANAGER REPORTS 3A. City Manager's Report • We have put out an RFP for waste haulers and are negotiating a short term contract with Waste Management to cover any gaps in service. • DIG Local Market - We have offered to open up parts of Jack Russell Park that don't typically allow parking for the vendors as well as try timed parking. We made the offer two weeks ago and have not yet received a response. He stated it is our understanding they are looking for an alternative location in Jacksonville Beach. • Lily Street - We are working on a draft purchase agreement with the property owner, will present in an upcoming meeting. • The internal beach access parking count is underway and will be complete in approximately two weeks. He reiterated this does not replace the state's official count, but will be used to make sure we are on target with what the state has on the books. • Art in the Park - We are reaching out to the artists in consideration of rescheduling this event to November. We continue to monitor COVID - 19 protocols. • Update on 18th Street cameras (Commander Cameron to report) Commander Cameron reported on the camera's views and explained the digital blocking using actual footage. Mayor Glasser confirmed with Commander Cameron that the camera policy will be presented at the next Commission meeting. Discussion and questions ensued regarding access to raw footage without the digital blocking, if footage is reviewed live or retroactively, whether the cameras record sound, and changes to the digital blocking. Mayor Glasser asked for consideration to block out driveway doors shown on Beach Avenue. Commander Cameron replied he will speak with the Chief and CM Corbin. Commissioner Waters emphasized the residents want police presence on the street. Commander Cameron answered all questions. 3B. Accept the 90 -Day Calendar There was CONSENSUS to accept the 90 -Day calendar with the notation of confirming the Town Hall on April 10. 4 REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Bole thanked Commander Cameron and encouraged visiting Lily Street at different times; high tide and low tide. Regular City Commission March 8, 2021 Commissioner Waters requested staff to research paid parking in other cities and solutions for utilization of Hannah Park for parking. Mayor Glasser stated she is working on Hannah Park utilization, welcomed anyone to come help at the food giveaway at 1800 Mayport Road on Wednesday, at 12:00 pm, expressed support of DIG Local Market and spoke on safety challenges with capacity. She recognized Dorothy G. Kerber, who passed away last month. She listed the numerous committees Ms. Kerber served on and stated she does not believe that anyone else has made that type of volunteer contribution to our City. She requested staff to come up with a way to memorialize Ms. Kerber's contributions to the City; such as a plaque on a bench or tree. 5 UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS None. 6 CONSENT AGENDA None. 7 COMMITTEE REPORTS None. 8 ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS 8A. RESOLUTION NO. 21-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, OPPOSING FLORIDA SENATE BILL 522 AND HOUSE BILL 219, WHICH WOULD PREEMPT REGULATION OF SHORT-TERM RENTALS TO THE STATE; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. CM Corbin reported on the Resolution. Mayor Glasser reported our Ordinance on short term rentals dates back to 2006 and that surrounding beach cities have prepared similar Resolutions. MOTION: To adopt Resolution No. 21-17. Motion: Brittany Norris Second. Candace Kelly Commissioner Norris expressed concerns that this legislation treats Florida like we're all the same. Commissioner Waters concurred with Commissioner Norris. Commissioner Bole is in favor of the Resolution and agreed there is a need to look at each municipality differently. Regular City Commission March 8, 2021 9 Commissioner Kelly stated the state override does not take into consideration the issues we have in small cities such as Atlantic Beach. Mayor Glasser emphasized concerns with the direction that our state legislature is going with trying to interfere with our Home Rule. Candace Kelly (Seconded By) For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Ellen Glasser For Bruce Bole For Michael Waters For Motion passed 5 to 0. 8B. Resolution No. 21-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 21-14 AND AWARDING BID NO. 2021-01: MULTI-YEAR CONTRACT FOR ORTHOPHOSPHATE TO CARUS LLC; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. CM Corbin provided a summary of the Resolution as detailed in the agenda packet. Mayor Glasser stated this is a redo. MOTION: To adopt Resolution No. 21-18. Motion: Brittany Norris Second. Michael Waters Michael Waters (Seconded By) For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Ellen Glasser For Bruce Bole For Candace Kelly For Motion passed 5 to 0. ACTION ON ORDINANCES None. Regular City Commission March 8, 2021 10 MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 10A. East Coast Greenway Link to www.greenway.or� CM Corbin reported Jim Knight from FDOT would be joining via zoom. Mayor Glasser reported that Mr. Knight has worked with us for four years and stated FDOT has been extremely responsive about anything we have inquired of them. Mr. Knight spoke regarding the following: • background on the project • mini study determined it is a feasible project • total project cost - $5.5 million for construction, $1 million for design and $1 million for inspection • what a proposed typical section would look like Mr. Knight spoke on the functionality which included: • safer for bicyclists • widens the median • speeds will go down due to narrower lanes • facelift for the corridor Mr. Knight further discussed concepts for minor intersection upgrades. He stated this is in an early stage of planning development and can change when we further develop the plan. Discussion and questions ensued regarding the safety of a bicycle path alongside a 45 mph road, the concept being a separated path, improvements to the flyover intersection, and traffic flow with the lane reduction. Mayor Glasser thanked Mr. Knight and FDOT. CM Corbin explained the East Coast Greenway is a trail that goes all the way from Maine to Key West. 10B. Francis Avenue City Engineer (CE) Steve Swann provided an overview of slides on pages 73-80 of the agenda packet. Discussion and questions ensued regarding this being a piece of the long term plan for solutions, Stanley Road properties, the impact this will have on Mayport Road, what funds this project, the history of acquiring these parcels and concerns about maintaining the drainage basins that we do not own. Mayor Glasser stated she plans to discuss long term plans in Monday's Workshop. Regular City Commission March 8, 2021 10C. Tree Code Update Community Planning and Development Director (CPDD) Amanda Askew presented a PowerPoint (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as ATTACHMENT A), CPDD Askew stated that that the ESC continues to review, and requested Commission feedback on the updates. Discussion and questions ensued regarding the need to move forward, Tree Code appeals, conflicts with required stormwater and required tree mitigation, and addressing Mr. Fouraker's questions. CA Durden provided feedback regarding Mr. Fouraker's questions. CM Corbin provided information discussed when he was Planning Director regarding the idea to create a training program for trimmers. He stated completion of the program would acknowledge that they were knowledgeable of our code; when they need and did not need a permit, etc. He added we could make a list of trimmers who had completed the training for the residents to choose from. Commissioner Kelly stated she liked that idea. Commissioner Waters commented on the aggressive tree trimming around the power lines by JEA. Mayor Glasser requested examples of what is involved in different scenarios of cutting down trees, and to see the plan for enforcement. She stated she is in favor of more than a quarter of a mile for mitigation replacement credits, and of having an arborist on retainer. She requested to see a more aggressive option for people that clear cut lots for new construction. Mayor Glasser stated there will be open discussion on this topic at the Town Hall. There was further discussion about who to call if someone wants to report a violation. CM Corbin reported a Tree Code Workshop is scheduled for March 22 at 5:00 pm. ATTATCHMENT A - Chapter 23 Status Report Presentation 11 CITY ATTORNEY/CITY CLERK REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS CC Bartle agreed with Mayor Glasser on coming up with a way to honor Dorothy Kerber. Regular City Commission March 8, 2021 12 13 CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COMMISSIONERS AND CITY MANAGER Commissioner Bole asked the deadline date for responses to the RFP for Waste Hauling Services. Commissioner Kelly reported on the Oceanside Rotary Project to build a covered patio at Jordan Park for the kids. She reported completion around the end of the month. Commissioner Norris encouraged her fellow Commissioners to remain vigilant in communications with Tallahassee. She requested staff to have posters and printouts for the upcoming Town Hall. CM Corbin reported on the large maps in the lobby for community review and input of the Connectivity Plan. He reported a budget amendment will be coming up on some important projects including the East Coast Greenway, Francis Avenue, improvements to the Water Treatment Plant and others. He stated the bulk will come out of Enterprise Funds and very little from the General Fund. Commissioner Waters encouraged residents to come and let the Commission hear their voices in person and thanked CM Corbin for working on the parking count survey. Mayor Glasser spoke regarding public involvement, usage of Gail Balser Center, City of Jacksonville's Capital Improvement Plan, the Johnston Island purchase money, expanding the size of the Gail Baker Center, and items she will discuss at Monday's Capital Improvements Workshop. Mayor Glasser provided a handout of the Gail Baker Community Center Annual Usage (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as ATTACHMENT B). She recognized members in the Chambers that work with our kids, Jane Stevens and Jesse Dattilo. 12A. ATTACHMENT B - Gail Baker Center Annual Usage handout ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, Mayor Glasser declared the meeting adjourned at 8:41 p.m. Attest: Donna L. Bartle, City Cleric R46n Glasser, Mayor 4/1- 1vz./ Date Approved Regular City Commission March 8, 2021 x v3 _ mn m M r n n M �. -� O m O -q -t O 3 crm =1 —• m O r+ r+3 r) • 3O OIQ 3 r"f 3 m -• m N I -� N � 3 m m CL r+rn (TQ n n N vi C7 C7 CD o. 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