April 23, 2001
7:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Fundraiser
3. Board of Directors Report
4. New Business
A) Event Overview
5. Adjournment
April 23, 2001
A regular meeting of the First Night Steering Committee was held Monday, April 23, 2001, in the City Hall
Conference Room. Present were Chairperson Robert Frary, Kim Armstrong, Caryn Best, Lauren
Goldenberg, Mary Jenkins, Christine Kirk, Kim Magley, Penny Parks, Suzanne Shaughnessy and City
Liaison Susan Dunham.
1. Call to Order
Chairperson Robert Frary called the meeting to order at 7:42 p.m.
2. Fundraiser
Suzanne Shaughnessy stated that the fundraiser event is a cruise on the St. John's River to the Dames Point
Bridge and back with dinner by Sliders, a cash bar, a live art auction and a Hawaiian shirt contest. She stated
that the purpose of the fundraiser is to help pay for the First Night event on December 31.
Suzanne Shaughnessy advised that many of the local artists are happy to donate their art for the art auction.
She further advised that almost all the arrangements have been made for the fundraiser and she is in the
process of collecting art auction items. Robert Frary informed the Committee that last year's fundraiser
cleared approximately $12,000.
Discussion was held with regard to issues with last year's event. Suzanne Shaughnessy advised that the
parking issue should be resolved since most of the construction is complete at Mayport. In addition, she said
that there would be two lines for food and three bars would be serving drinks for the first hour in addition to
the margarita machine. Kim Armstrong informed the Committee that the posters advertising the fundraiser
have been hung at local establishments. She also stated that reservations could be made at City Hall, Adele
Grage, Shelby's and Sliders.
Suzanne Shaughnessy stated that she wrote letters to 37 artists thanking them for their contribution in the
past and asking them for their support again. She also stated that the Coast Guard has reduced the number of
people who are allowed to board the boat from 400 to 350 which means that the fundraiser would most likely
be a sell-out event. In addition, she advised that Sliders has donated the food for the last four years (totaling
approximately $8,000 per year) but this year First Night would be paying Sliders.
Suzanne Shaughnessy solicited help from the First Night Steering Committee. Christine Kirk, Lauren
Goldenberg and Caryn Best each volunteered to sell tickets for one hour. The following
decisions/suggestions were made:
• Mary Jenkins suggested that more volunteers be available to assist in the check in line. She also
suggested the possibility of selling drinks on the dock to those people in line waiting to check in.
• Discussion was held with regard to when the food should be served. Kim Armstrong advised that she
spoke with Valerie Pickett who said they would begin serving food immediately and then offer snacks
later in the evening.
• Kim Armstrong stated that she would talk with Bob Tipton to see if the Exchange Club could pick up the
van and chairs and deliver them to the ferryboat.
• Caryn Best advised that she prepared a press release to send to The Beaches Leader, Shorelines, The
Times Union, Waters Edge, Folio and television community calendars.
• Kim Armstrong stated that Bob Tipton would be manning a table at the fundraiser to recruit volunteers.
• Caryn Best stated that she would donate a prize for the best Hawaiian shirt contest.
. Minutes of First Night Steering Committee Meeting
April 23, 2001
Page 2
• Robert Frary said he would talk with Mayor Meserve to see if Fleet Landing would deliver the tables to
the ferryboat on Friday.
Suzanne Shaughnessy announced that she would not chair the fundraiser next year.
3. Board of Directors Renort: Mary Jenkins advised that the paperwork to incorporate First Night has
been mailed to the State of Florida and that they would also be applying for tax-exempt status. Discussion
was held with regard to when to file for the tax-exempt status.
4. New Business
A. Event Overview: Robert Frary distributed a list of key message points prepared by Caryn Best. He
stated that this list was created to assist the Committee members in responding to questions about First Night.
Discussion was held with regard to creating a website for First Night. Penny Parks agreed to talk to her
contacts about creating a website.
Robert Frary stated that he met with the principal of Atlantic Beach Elementary School and she has given her
permission to use the school location. He also stated that this year is the Chinese year of the snake and the
possibility of using this as the theme for First Night. He also stated that Kathleen Smith-Beaudreau has
suggested using lots of percussion both at the start of the event and the processional to the beach. Robert
Frary said that he would like to start the flow of ideas so that the Committee can pick a theme by no later
than two meetings from today. Caryn Best suggested a beach related theme.
The Committee discussed programming:
• Adele Grage: Robert Frary suggested using Adele Grage for the Rising Stars program and a teen
program. Suzanne Shaughnessy stated that at the original First Night event, a live band and food were
located at Adele Grage for the teens but no teenagers came because they were not involved in the
planning. Kim Armstrong advised that they have already planned to contact the Teen Council and have
had conversations with Fletcher High School students.
• Community Presbyterian: Robert Frary suggested using the Fellowship Hall at 8:30 p.m. or 9:00 p.m.
for dance instructors to teach a basic dance step.
• Bull Park: Christine Kirk suggested a skateboarding theme at Bull Park and possibly hiring a pro
skateboarder to give a demonstration.
Robert Frary advised the Committee that the Committee members must follow the sunshine laws. A
discussion ensued with regard to sunshine laws. City Liaison Susan Dunham advised that when the sub-
committees meet, the meetings must be posted at City Hall at least 24 hours in advance, the meetings must be
open to the public, and Minutes must be taken and filed with the City Clerk. City Liaison Susan Dunham
also discussed the purchasing procedures of the City of Atlantic Beach.
Suzanne Shaughnessy requested assistance in preparing sponsor banners for the fundraiser. Kim Magley
stated that she would order the banners.
Robert Frary stated that future meetings of the First Night Steering Committee would be held the third
Thursday of every month and would be held in the Commission Chambers. In addition, the Committee
determined that future meetings would begin at 7:00 p.m. Robert Frary asked that each Committee Chair
begin thinking about how many volunteers would be needed for each committee. Discussion was held with
regard to copyrighting the logo. Caryn Best stated that she would follow up on this issue.
Minutes of First Night Steering Committee Meeting
April 23, 2001
Page 3
5. Adiournment
There being no other business or discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Robert rary, Chauperso