1. Call to Order
April 13, 2001
9:30 a.m.
Adele Grage Community Center
2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of February 21, 2001
3. Old Business
A. First Night International Conference
B. Finalize Plans for Filing 501(c)(3) Incorporation Papers
(1) Questions/Concerns (including: IRS tax exempt application, writing ofby-
laws, BOD insurance, signators on bank account)
(2) Discussion
C. Plan for Creating Executive Director Job Description
4. New Business
A. Update from Executive Director
(1) Fundraiser
(2) Steering Committee
B. Role of FNAB Board of Directors in the Future
(1) Purpose, size, terms, etc.
5 Adjournment
April 13, 2001
A regular meeting of the First Night Board of Directors was held Friday, April 13, 2001, in the Adele Grage
Community Center. Present were Kim Armstrong, Cindy Grossberg, Mary Jenkins, Michelle Tipton and
Susan Dunham.
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:55 a.m.
2. Annroval of Minutes of Meeting of February 21. 2001
A motion was made by Cindy Grossberg, seconded by Michelle Tipton and unanimously carried to
approve the Minutes of the First Night Committee meeting of February 21, 2001
Mary Jenkins advised that Attorney Jeff Snead was expected to attend this meeting to answer legal questions.
3. Old Business
A. First Night International Conference: Kim Armstrong advised that there are three people who would
like to attend the First Night International Conference in Toronto: herself, Robert Frary (Chairperson of First
Night) and Kathleen Smith Beaudreau (Programming Chair). She advised that the cost to attend the
conference for all three people would be approximately $2,000 to $2,500. Mary Jenkins stated that she was
very excited that these three people are so enthusiastic about attending the conference. Kim Armstrong
stated that each person attending would benefit for different reasons: Robert Frary with an emphasis on the
event, Kathleen Smith Beaudreau for programming information and herself for the structural development of
Atlantic Beach First Night. Michelle Tipton stated that it is a great idea and would be well -utilized funds and
Mary Jenkins stated that she felt it was an investment for the future of First Night Atlantic Beach.
A motion was made by Michelle Tipton, seconded by Cindy Grossberg and unanimously approved to
support Kim Armstrong, Robert Frary and Kathleen Smith Beaudreau attending the First Night
International Conference.
The Board directed Kim Armstrong to ship 250 programs and buttons to the conference so that they would
be available to share with conference attendees.
The Board discussed locating someone who would volunteer to create a website for First Night Atlantic
B. Finalize Plans for Filing 501(c)(3) Incorporation Papers: This item was moved to the end of the
Agenda at the request of Mary Jenkins.
C. Plan for Creating Executive Director Job Description: The Board discussed creating a job description
for the Executive Director position. The Board determined that the job description would include everything
they would like this person to accomplish. Mary Jenkins stated that she would create a draft job description
for the Board's review.
4. New Business
A. Update from Executive Director: Kim Armstrong stated that she would provide an update on the
fundraiser at Monday's meeting. Cindy Grossberg stated that she would temporarily chair the logistics
committee and suggested that a co-chair be located. Kim Armstrong advised that the next steering
4 - Minutes of First Night Committee Board of Directors Meeting
April 13, 2001
Page 2
committee meeting had been moved from April 13 to April 23. She further advised that all future First Night
Steering Committee meetings would take place on the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. The Board
discussed and agreed that all future First Night Board Member meetings would take place on the second
Wednesday of each month at 9:30 a.m.
Mary Jenkins advised that she spoke with Ms. Zeren Earls, the President of First Night International, who
advised that there is no liability until the event occurs. Mary Jenkins also stated that to obtain the insurance
for the Board of Directors and the event would be part of the process but it does not have to happen ahead of
filing the 501(c)(3) paperwork.
B. Role of FNAB Board of Directors in the Future: Mary Jenkins asked the Board members for their
thoughts on the future role of the First Night Board of Directors. She asked for specifics on the purpose of
the board, the size of the board and the terms of the board members. The Board gave the following ideas for
ideal Board members:
• Financial or legal expertise
• Name recognition
• Financial support
• Have something to contribute
• Know people, have connections
• Expertise only, not the day-to-day work
• CPA (ideally with not-for-profit experience)
• CPA, attorney and two community representatives
It was suggested that the Board members bring to the monthly meetings names of people they have in mind
for Board of Director positions.
3. Old Business
B. Finalize Plans for Filing 501(c)(3) Incorporation Papers: Cindy Grossberg said that she has been
comfortable proceeding with the 501(c)(3) from the very beginning. Kim Armstrong stated that she feels
more comfortable now that First Night is stronger in our committee chairs, accountant services and legal
services. Mary Jenkins stated that her comfort level has increased since speaking with Mayor Meserve and
Zeren Earls. Michelle Tipton stated that with the process of securing an attorney and with the understanding
that they have insurance prior to the event, then she is comfortable proceeding.
A motion was made by Cindy Grossberg, seconded by Michelle Tipton and unanimously approved
that we proceed with the 501(c)(3) and that the Executive Director submit the paperwork.
The Board discussed when to file the tax-exempt paperwork with the Internal Revenue Service. The Board
directed Kim Armstrong to talk with Alan Jensen to determine this filing date.
Mary Jenkins advised that the next special called meeting of the First Night Board of Directors is scheduled
for Monday at 9:30 a.m. and the next regularly scheduled meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 9.
5. Adiournment
There being no other business or discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m.
410 Mary Jenkins (,)