March 29, 2001
A meeting of the First Night Steering Committee was held Thursday, March 29, 2001, in the City Hall
Commission Chambers. Present were Chairman Robert Frary, Executive Director Kim Armstrong, Jane
Ambler, Caryn Best, Sally Clemens, The Gavron Family, Cindy Grossberg, Mary Jenkins, Kim Magley,
Mayor John Meserve, Kathleen Smith-Beaudreau, Bob Tipton, Michelle Tipton.
1. CaII to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m.
Kim Armstrong, Executive Director of First Night, stated that the purpose of this meeting was to discuss the
Committee positions and determine if there were any open positions. She also stated that if the Committee
members know anyone who might be interested in participating in First Night, to have them call her. Kim
Armstrong distributed a telephone list of the First Night Steering Committee members.
Robert Frary introduced himself and described his background with First Night in Roanoke, Virginia.
Kim Armstrong displayed an organisational chart of First Night Atlantic Beach. She stated that each
committee should have enough members to get the job done and suggested that each chairperson contact
their mentors. She also suggested that each chairperson become familiar with the timelines in their books.
Kim Armstrong advised that the Steering Committee would meet each month to get feedback from each
chairperson as to the status of each committee. She further advised that this information would then be taken
to the Board of Directors who consist of President Mary Jenkins, Vice President Cindy Grossberg and
Secretary Michelle Tipton. Kim Armstrong said that the Board of Directors would make any executive
decisions and ensure that the committees are following their timelines.
Introductions were made as follows: Publicity Chair Caryn Best, Children's Events Chair Kim Magley (who
also expressed interest in chairing the Decorating Committee), and Jane Ambler who stated she is not
chairing a committee but is willing to help.
Kim Armstrong stated that First Night is currently a branch of the City of Atlantic Beach but they are
working to become a 501(c)(3) at which time they will separate from the City of Atlantic Beach. She
advised that First Night must follow sunshine laws which means that all meetings are on record and that
everything is recorded. Kim Armstrong stated that Susan Dunham, who was unable to attend this evening, is
the City Liaison for First Night. She further stated that the City Manager, Jim Hanson, has advised that when
we separate from the City, all meetings must be posted in a public location and Minutes must be taken.
Introductions were continued as follows: Volunteer Chair Bob Tipton; Operations Chair John Meserve,
Fundraising Chair Penny Parks and Marketing Chair Kathleen Smith-Beaudreau.
Kim Armstrong advised that Clear Channel is very interested in helping First Night. She stated that Clear
Channel Communications owns radio stations, Fox and WB television and Eller billboards.
Sally Clemens introduced herself and stated that she is not a Chair but volunteered to assist with the
Volunteer Committee and Fundraising Committee.
First Night Steering Committee Meeting
March 29, 2001
Page 2
Kim Armstrong advised that the fundraiser is in the planning stages and is scheduled for May 12 on
Hornblower's ferryboat. She stated that there would be an auction, a band, food and dancing. She also
stated that Ms. Suzanne Shaughnessy is chairing the fundraiser and if any committee members had any extra
time to assist with the fundraiser, please call Suzanne Shaughnessy.
Kim Armstrong introduced the Gavron family who she stated would be donating their time as a family.
Cindy Grossberg advised that she would chair the Logistics Committee if no one else were located. In
addition, Kim Armstrong stated that she spoke with Al Monte who is not interested in chairing the Logistics
Committee but would be willing to assist.
Mary Jenkins stated that the Programming Committee needed to begin the "Call for Artists" (arranging the
talent who will perform at First Night). She asked for names of people who the committee thought might be
interested in the Programming Chair position. Mayor John Meserve stated that he would contact Mary
Carson Bailey and Michelle Tipton stated that she would contact Karen Sadler.
Kim Armstrong requested that within the next 30 days, the chairpeople become familiar with the timelines
within their committees. Robert Frary stated that he would like to meet with each chairperson to understand
what their committee was doing and what he could do to assist.
Discussion was held with regard to artists. Cindy Grossberg stated that in the past there were too many
artists for the number of venues so she would rather have one artist per venue.
Bob Tipton stated that he would talk with Todd Booth of the Alhambra in regard to programming. Mary
Jenkins suggested calling Chinta Perera to see if she would be interested in either chairing the Programming
Committee or preparing the "Call for Artists." Robert Frary agreed to contact Chinta Perera.
Kim Armstrong suggested that the Steering Committee meet within the next 30 days. She suggested that the
chairs become familiar with their committees and gather volunteers. The First Night Steering Committee
scheduled their next meeting for April 19, 2001, at 7:30 p.m.
6. Adiournment
There being no other business or discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
R� ert Frary, Chairman L� \