March 7, 2001
A meeting of the First Night Committee was held Wednesday, March 7, 2001, in the City Hall Commission
Chambers. Present were Kim Armstrong, Cindy Grossberg, Mary Jenkins and Michelle Tipton.
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m.
2. Approval of Minutes of January 24. 2001 and February 7. 2001
A motion was made by Michelle Tipton, seconded by Cindy Grossberg and unanimously carried to
accept the Minutes of January 24, 2001 and February 7, 2001.
Discussion was held with regard to making a recommendation to the Cultural Arts Board as to how the First
Night Board of Directors should proceed. Mary Jenkins stated that more people came to the volunteer kick-
off meeting than any other First Night meeting. She stated that she made telephone calls this week to people
that she saw as potential First Night leaders. She said that she spoke with Kathleen Smith Beaudreau and
that she has (1) agreed to chair the marketing committee and, (2) did not rule out chairing the event. In
addition, Mary Jenkins. said that she spoke with Robert Frary and it was clear that he is quite knowledgeable
about First Night. She said that she was very encouraged by this and asked him what he saw as his level of
commitment. Mary Jenkins stated that Robert Frary responded that he would be willing to help out any way
he could, that he would be willing to chair a committee and, as far as chairing the event, he would let the
Board make that decision. She said that he described himself as someone who is good at motivating people
and appreciative of volunteers. Mary Jenkins stated that she thinks that First Night has potentially good
leadership and that they may be able to get Al Monte involved and that he would be more than capable of
chairing the programming committee.
Mary Jenkins further advised that in tallcing with Robert Frary, he said that what they found at First Night in
Roanoke is that the interest and enthusiasm for First Night was cyclical. The first year or two the people
were real enthusiastic and wanted to help but by the third year, it seemed like work. They see it as a three or
four-year cycle and in the fourth year, they became emeritus members of the board. Mary Jenkins stated that
it was comforting to hear that what First Night Atlantic Beach had just experienced is normal. Cindy
Grossberg responded that in an ideal world, the chairs would take the position for two years and have a vice
chair in the position who is ready to succeed them.
The Board discussed the possibilities for chair positions as follows: Caryn Best: publicity; Al Monte:
programming; logistics: Debbie Monte (did not indicate that she would be willing to chair but she is
knowledgeable and capable); operations: John Meserve and Bob Tipton. Michelle Tipton stated that she
expressed to Bob Tipton her concern with regard to lack of turn out at the kick-off meeting. She further
stated that Bob Tipton spoke with Mayor Meserve and he is willing to chair operations and Bob Tipton and
the Exchange Club could work in another committee. Cindy Grossberg advised that she might be willing to
chair logistics and that she thinks Suzette Abrass may help with the decorating committee. Mary Jenkins
advised that there are two people who said that they would consider chairing the children's committee.
Cindy Grossberg mentioned that the Board needs to locate someone to chair fundraising so that they can stay
in contact with groups that in the past have agreed to support/sponsor First Night. Cindy Grossberg
suggested Nancy Bodge for the position since she is already familiar with these groups.
4 Wirst Night Committee/Board of Directors Meeting
March 7, 2001
Page 2
Cindy Grossberg suggested soliciting volunteers at the First Night fundraiser where there is a captive
audience of 400 people. She suggested setting up committee tables on the boat and asking the audience to
visit each table and see if there is some small way in which they can help with First Night. Cindy Grossberg
said that one of their ideal goals was to get each person doing a little bit so that the chair people do not have
to do all these tedious things—instead, the chairperson can oversee all of these people. Discussion was held
with regard to breaking down the duties involved for each month for each committee and soliciting help with
specific jobs instead of a generic call for help.
Michelle Tipton stated that she would like to work to obtain strong commitments from the volunteer list for
committee chairs. She also said that co-chairs and workers need to be located. Michelle Tipton suggested
that the list should be split up and each Board member talk with volunteers to determine their level of
commitment. She also suggested that the Board discuss what the chair positions entail and ask each
volunteer if they would be comfortable with locating their own committee.
Mary Jenkins expressed her concern that the Cultural Arts Board is ready to stop holding the First Night
event. She recommended that the First Night Board continue moving forward with First Night. She
suggested that between now and May 12, the Board members continue to try to locate committee chairs and
Cindy Grossberg said that she did not think it was time to "turn in the towel." Michelle Tipton stated that
she was feeling very favorable with regard to Robert Frary but that she was not willing to go beyond her
commitment to the Board. She further stated that they need to give the people who attended the volunteer
kick-off meeting a fair chance to say whether or not they want to hold the event. Mary Jenkins said that she
felt they should go ahead with First Night.
Cindy Grossberg suggested that the Board members talk with the volunteers for the purpose to establish
commitments for chair positions. Then, the mentor and chairperson of each committee can meet to establish
procedures and timelines.
Kim Armstrong agreed to speak with the Cultural Arts Board and the City Commission with regard to
moving ahead with First Night.
6. Adiournment
There being no other business or discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 a.m.
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Mary Jenkins