1. Call to Order
January 24, 2001
8:30 a.m.
Adele Grage Community Center
2. Committee Breakdown
A. Suggestions for the mentor/chairperson
3. Basic structure of the meeting February 21
A. Atlantic Beach marquee in place
B. North Shore in progress
C. Signs for shops
(1) Making them
(2) Distributing them
D. Working with Tom Mikell regarding the postcards for mail out
(1) Without another meeting before deadline of mail out, how would you like
me to proceed
4. Annual Conference Decision
5. Set a consistent date for Board of Directors meetings
6. Suzanne Shaughnessy and the Fundraiser
A. She would like us to put in writing the offer and what is expected of her
B. If we have any conditions that we want to place, we should include them in the
C. How would you like me to proceed with this?
7. Unfinished Business, Questions and Concerns
8. Adjournment
January 24, 2001
A regular meeting of the First Night Committee Board of Directors was held Wednesday, January 24, 2001,
in the Adele Grage Community Center. Present were Kim Armstrong, Cindy Grossberg, Mary Jenkins and
Michelle Tipton.
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:45 R.,9
2. Committee Breakdown
The Board determined that the committees would be as follows: programming, logistics, publicity,
volunteers, marketing, decorating, fundraising, operations and children's events.
It was suggested that a volunteer interest form be distributed to attendees at the beginning of the volunteer
meeting listing each committee and interest areas. Cindy Grossberg volunteered to create the rough draft of
the volunteer interest form and Kim Armstrong will handle the printing.
A. Suggestions for mentor/chairperson: Discussion was held with regard to asking previous
committee chairs to volunteer as mentors for new committee chairs. Suggested mentors were: Woody
Winfree and Rosemary Fletcher for programming, Cindy Grossberg for logistics, Donna Zimmerman
for volunteers, Carol Mikell for marketing, Suzette Abrass for decorating, Nancy Bodge for
fundraising, Nancy DeCandis or Eloise Koerber for operations.
3. Basic Structure of the Meeting February 21
Discussion was held with regard to the structure of the meeting. The Board determined that they would
invite the above -suggested mentors to attend the kick-off meeting and see if they would be interested in
Kim Armstrong advised that she would place meeting information in the Beaches Leader and the Shorelines.
She also advised that the notice is up at the Atlantic Beach City Hall marquis and she is working with North
Shore regarding the same. It was suggested that presentations be made to the PTAs of the local schools and
that Kim Armstrong locate community and school newsletters where the meeting can be advertised. Mary
Jenkins will assist Kim Armstrong with regard to creating posters and the Board members will assist in
distributing the posters.
4. Annual Conference Decision
Kim Armstrong advised that the annual conference is scheduled for April 25-29 in Ontario, Canada. The
Board determined that Kim Armstrong should attend and that the Board would wait until after the kick-off
meeting to determine who else would attend the conference after evaluating the commitment of committee
5. Set a Consistent Date for Board of Director Meetings
The Board determined that the Board of Director meetings would be held the second Thursdays of the month
at 9:30 a.m.
• Minutes of First Night Committee Board of Directors Meeting
January 24, 2001
Page 2
6. Suzanne Shaughnessy and the Fund Raiser
Kim Armstrong advised that Suzanne Shaughnessy stated that she wanted an offer in writing of what was
expected of her. Mary Jenkins read a draft invitation letter to Suzanne Shaughnessy. Discussion was held
and the Board determined that they would like a monthly summary from Suzanne Shaughnessy and that all
major decisions have to be approved by the Board of Directors. Mary Jenkins will assist Kim Armstrong in
preparing a letter to Suzanne Shaughnessy.
Mary Jenkins stated that the Board needs to determine the financial liability of the Board members once they
become a 501(c)(3) organization. Kim Armstrong advised that she spoke with Alan Jensen who advised that
there is liability insurance available to protect Board members.
7. Unfinished Business. Ouestions and Concerns
8. Adiournment
There being no other business or discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.,9
Mary Jenkins