06-14-00v• • • First Night Children's Committee June 14, 2000 Meeting Committee members present: Christine Kirk Lauren Goldenberg Beth Mary Schrock Discussed: • Committee positions still open and Beth volunteered to help with Volunteer Coordinator and will be in charge of ensuring there are volunteers to man craft tables. • Christine will go to the next Steering Committee meeting and she will ask : - What/how/when will Bob Tipton's (who gets groups of volunteers together him/us/both of us?) - When will she get letter head to send out letters to the artisans? • Other things discussed: Letters to artisans will ask for acceptance letters to be returned within the next month. - Lauren will go to the storage bin to get materials. Lauren suggested having a poster board with map of activities. Possibly have people wearing apron with pockets filled with puppet shows, prizes, etc to entertain kids in the craft room. Another idea is to have clown(s) to entertain kids in the craft room. Mary ask Sharon Elliot if she interested in doing pocket puppet show. Mary ask Bob & Lois if they want to do clowning or face painting? Find out so Christine can send them a letter. Mary Schrock go to Steering Committee meeting the 3rd Thurs in July at 7pm/7:30pm at City Hall. Mary email or mail minutes to committee members and Susan of the City and Kim Armstrong. Email Susan when the next meeting will be. - Christine will call Karen Sadler to see if she can get some entertainers. When will Jodi call businesses about corporate discounts and then send out information to artisan volunteers of the places offering discounts? Janice can help Jodi with corporate discounts and then be a floater and assist others as needed. • Attached is a list of committee member email or mailing addresses. • Next meeting Sat., Aug 11th, 9:30am at Shelbys.