04-19-00v• AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF FIRST NIGHT STEERING COMMITTEE April 19, 2000 City Hall Commission Chambers 7:30 p.m. I. Call to Order II. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of March 15, 2000 III. Introduction of Members and Commission Liaison Mr. Bomo IV. Budget for Moonlight Cruise — Chair V. Presentations of Committees A. Invitations B. Beverages C. Ferry D. Entertainment E. Auction F. Marketing G. Publicity VI. Update on future configuration of First Night Atlantic Beach VII. Other Business VIII. Adjournment • • MINUTES OF FIRST NIGHT COMMITTEE April 19, 2000 A regular meeting of the First Night Committee was held Wednesday, April 19, 2000, in the City Hall Commission Chambers. Present were Chairperson Suzanne Shaughnessy, Suzette Abrass, Commissioner Mike Bomo, Nancy DeCandis, Rich Dunham, Mary Jenkins, Eloise Koerber and Staff Member Susan Dunham. I. Call to Order Chairperson Suzanne Shaughnessy called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. II. Annroval of Minutes of Meeting of March 15. 2000 Minutes of the meeting of March 15, 2000 were approved by the First Night Committee. III. Introduction of New Members and Commission Liaison Mr. Borno There are no new members. Suzanne Shaughnessy introduced and welcomed First Night's new Commission Liaison, Commissioner Louis M. "Mike" Borno. Commissioner Bomo offered suggestions for policies and procedures to assist in planning future events and the benefits of increasing the amount of funds raised and to reduce expenses. IV. Budget for Moonlight Cruise — Chair Suzanne Shaughnessy distributed the budget (attached). Last year's actual expenses totaled $6,195 and this year's anticipated expenses total $5,220. Rich Dunham will rent the truck for pickup of tables, chairs and table linens and will contact the Teen Council for assistance with loading. V. Presentation of Committees A. Invitations: Mary Jenkins showed the invitation to the Committee members. The fundraiser will be held May 13 from 7:00 pm to 11:00 p.m., and the river cruise is from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 150 invitations have been sent to participants of previous events. The invitations will be dry mounted and placed on stands with reservation forms at Shelby's, Bookmark, Sliders and City Hall. Posters will also be placed in windows around Town Center. Eloise Koerber will pick up checks/reservation forms and deliver to Susan Dunham for deposit. Flyers will be distributed as follows: Rich Dunham: CSX; Mike Borno: Sea Turtle, BioMax and Wine Club; Mary Jenkins: City Hall, Shelby's, Bookmark, Sliders and Sticky Fingers; Nancy DeCandis: St. Paul's By the Sea, Beaches Episcopal and Aqua East; Suzette Abrass: Toys That Teach; Susan Dunham: Atlantic Beach Trading, Break -N -A -Sweat and Jaz7ercise; Suzanne Shaughnessy: Sun Dog, Neptune Beach City Hall and Jacksonville Beach City Hall; Eloise Koerber: Mail Boxes, Etc. Suzette Abrass advised the Committee that she would not be in town for the fundraiser. The company who rented the props last year (pirates, trees, etc.) will deliver and set up the props for $50. Suzette prepared a diagram for setting up the decorations. Nancy DeCandis will attempt to locate someone to donate six ficus trees and two palm trees. Susan Dunham will be the contact person for decorations. Suzette Abrass left the meeting at 8:35 p.m. B. Beverages: Commissioner Borno will contact Coca Cola for soft drinks and will attempt to get the beer, wine and cups donated. Commissioner Borno strongly recommends setting the price of beer and wine at $3.00/drink and to be sold by tickets. Suzanne Shaughnessy stated that the City has requested that a taxi service be available in case any one drinks to excess. Suzanne suggested contacting Gator City Taxi. C. Ferry: Suzanne Shaughnessy informed the Committee that the ferry was confirmed and that the Committee would have access to the ferry Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. D. Entertainment: SunJammers will be the entertainment for the fundraiser. Their normal fee is $1,400 but they are charging First Night only $600. • • • ',Minutes of First Night Steering Committee April 19, 2000 Page 2 E. Auction: Suzanne Shaughnessy distributed a list of items that were donated in previous years. Committee members determined who they were going to contact this year for art donations. All art is to be collected by May 8. F. Marketing: Marketing discussed under Invitations and Publicity. G. Publicity: Ronda McDonald will send press releases to Shorelines and Beaches Leader. Mary Jenkins will deliver pictures to Ronda McDonald to be included with the press releases. Suzanne Shaughnessy will contact television and newspaper companies. Nancy DeCandis will make a list of three or four radio stations, contact person and telephone number for Suzanne Shaughnessy to contact. VI. Update on Future Configuration of First Night Atlantic Beach Discussion ensued regarding the future configuration of First Night Atlantic Beach. VII. Other Business Susan Dunham distributed the City purchasing procedures. VIII. Adiournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. 51A.ZitAiALC. il4.LGy Suzanne Shaughnessy, C s erson� • • • First Night Fundraiser 2000 Last Year Actual This Year Budget This Year Actual Income: $ 12,665 Expenses: Invitations 497 500 Entertainment 600 600 Decorations 436 600 Beverages 1,195 800 Ferry 1,000 Insurance 2,370 500 ,Supplies 57 60 Port -O -Lets 300 Overtime pay Rental Truck 58 60 Photos 375 -0- Gratuities 250 450 Postage 350 350 Total Fundraiser 6,195 5,220 600