03-15-00v• • AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF FIRST NIGHT STEERING COMMITTEE March 15, 2000 City Hall Commission Chambers 7:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of February 16, 2000 3. Introduction of New Members 4. Discussion and possible related action on First Night 2000 event a. Event Chair: Paid or volunteer. If paid, who hires? b. Legal issues with regard to Steering Committee and Cultural Arts Board c. Implications of Event on fundraising activities 5. Discussion and possible related action for May Fundraiser a. Report on preliminary commitments for Fundraiser — Chair (1) Ferry (2) Refreshments (3) Band (4) Invitations (5) Photographer (6) Logistics (7) Auction (8) Committees: structure, assignments 6. Reports and Announcements 7. Adjournment MINUTES OF FIRST NIGHT COMMITTEE March 15, 2000 A regular meeting of the First Night Committee was held Wednesday, March 15, 2000, in the City Hall Commission Chambers. Present were Chairperson Suzanne Shaughnessy, Suzette Abrass, Nancy DeCandis, Mary Jenkins, Valerie Pickett, Michelle Tipton and Staff Member Susan Dunham. 1. Call to Order Chairperson Suzanne Shaughnessy called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. Annroval of Minutes of Meeting of February 16. 2000 Minutes of the meeting of February 16, 2000 were approved by the First Night Committee. 3. Introduction of New Members Kim Armstrong was introduced. Suzanne Shaughnessy informed the Committee that it is a pleasure to be a part of First Night and the Chair of the fundraiser. 4. Discussion and nossible related action for May Fundraiser a. Event Chair: Paid or volunteer. If paid, who hires? Suzanne Shaughnessy stated that there are volunteers to chair committees but that there is no one to chair the event. Nancy DeCandis stated that the Cultural Arts Board came to the conclusion that a part-time staff person should be hired to assist the Chairperson. The Cultural Arts Board determined that volunteers are lost due to the amount of work they are performing and that a part-time person could assist, thereby alleviating some of the workload. The Board suggested that this person work an average of 20 hours per week at a rate of $25/hour. b. Legal Issues with regard to Steering Committee and Cultural Arts Board: Suzanne Shaughnessy moved that the Committee authorize her, Alice Gartland and Nancy DeCandis to meet with members of City staff, Commissioners, legal counsel for the City and legal counsel for First Night to discuss issues such as insurance, opening a bank account and a part time staff person. The motion passed umanimously. Suzanne Shaughnessy moved that First Night hire a staff person to be paid by, work for and report directly to the First Night Steering Committee. The motion passed unanimously. c. Implications of Event on fundraising activities: Suzanne Shaughnessy brought up the following point: If there is no event chairperson and the event is not held, is it fair to collect money in the name of First Night for the fundraiser? Suzanne Shaughnessy suggested that all invitations read "All proceeds to benefit City of Atlantic Beach Cultural Arts Board and First Night Steering Committee." This would allow proceeds to be carried forward for use next year if the event is not held or to possibly be used by the Cultural Arts Board. Mary Jenkins moved to ask for a stipulation that the money be held in an account for First Night for a period up to 24 months from the date of the fundraiser after which it may be reprogrammed by majority vote of the Cultural Arts Board. The motion passed unanimously. Suzanne Shaughnessy informed the Committee that Commissioner Borno is now the liaison to the First Night Steering Committee. • • Minutes of First Night Steering Committee -'March 15, 2000 Page 2 5. Discussion and possible related action for Mav Fundraiser a. Report on preliminary commitments for Fundraiser: Suzanne Shaughnessy stated that the date for the fundraiser has been changed to May 13. (1) Ferry: The ferry is available. (2) Refreshments: Valerie and David Pickett will contribute the food for event. (3) Band: Sunjammers is available for the event. (4) Invitations: Suzanne Shaughnessy requested that invitations be mailed three weeks prior to the event. Sliders will be mentioned in the invitation along with the statement "All proceeds to benefit City of Atlantic Beach Cultural Arts Board and First Night Steering Committee. The Logistics Committee will determine procedures for selling tickets. Suzanne Shaughnessy moved that the ticket price be $25. The motion passed unanimously. The Committee decided that the ticket price at the event would be $35. Susan Dunham reminded Committee members that all expenditures have to be processed through the City purchasing system. Nancy DeCandis left the meeting at 8:40 p.m. (5) Photographer: After discussion, Michelle Tipton moved that no photographer be hired for the fundraiser this year. The motion passed with Suzette Abrass opposed. (6) Logistics: No City staff required this year. (7) Auction: Valerie Pickett suggested that the auction be held during band breaks. Suzanne Shaughnessy suggested that each Committee member attempt to get two pieces of art or non -art for the auction. (8) Committees: Invitations: Lynn Charest, Jill Easton, Mary Jenkins, Kim Armstrong Food: Valerie Pickett Logistics: Barbara Burkhardt, Eloise Koerber, Rich Dunham Entertainment: Suzanne Shaughnessy Decorations: Suzette Abrass Auction: Nancy DeCandis, Eloise Koerber Publicity : Suzanne Shaughnessy, Kim Armstrong Reservations/Money Receipts: 6. Reports and Announcements After discussion regarding a lost banner, Suzanne Shaughnessy moved that First Night replace the Sliders banner that was lost at the fundraiser last year. The motion passed unanimously. Suzanne Shaughnessy reviewed the fundraiser budget with the Committee. Suzanne Shaughnessy moved that the decorations budget be increased to $600. The motion passed unanimously. After discussion regarding gratuities, a motion was made that six Sliders employees be paid $75 each as a gratuity for the evening. The motion passed unanimously. 7. Adiournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Suzanne Shaughnessy, Chairrson