02-16-00v• • AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF FIRST NIGHT STEERING COMMITTEE February 16, 2000 City Hall Commission Chambers 7:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of January 19, 2000 3. Treasurer's Report 4. Procedural Discussion of Future of First Night • • • • • MINUTES OF FIRST NIGHT COMMITTEE February 16, 2000 A regular meeting of the First Night Committee was held Wednesday, February 16, 2000, in the City Hall Commission Chambers. Present were Chairperson Nancy DeCandis, Suzette Abrass, Elaine Kenny, Eloise Koerber, Rose Metter, Debbie Monte, Suzanne Shaughnessy and Staff Member Susan Dunham. 1. Call to Order Chairperson Nancy DeCandis called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. 2. Annroval of Minutes of Meeting of January 19. 2000 Suzette Abrass moved to approve the Minutes of the meeting of January 19, 2000; Eloise Koerber seconded and the motion carried. 3. Treasurer's Renort Nancy DeCandis distributed the Treasurer's Report. First Night 2000 income totaled $54,798 and expenses totaled $44,063. Carry forward for First Night 2001 totals $23,491. City of Atlantic Beach financial records reflect a balance of $27,905.47. Eloise Koerber corrected the button sales figure to $11,438. The Committee requested that Valerie Pickett report to the Committee on whether or not the unsold glowing necklaces will last until First Night 2001. If not, the Committee requested that Valerie Pickett return them to Chemical Light. 4. Procedural Discussion of Future of First Nit Discussion was held regarding how to continue First Night since no one has volunteered to chair First Night 2001. The Committee determined that committee heads would rotate chairmanship each month. Elaine Kenny will chair the March meeting. The Committee determined that recruiting new volunteers was a high priority. Suzette Abrass will speak with MOPS, Elaine Kenny will speak with the Exchange Club and Newcomers, Nancy DeCandis will speak with the Rotary Club and Debbie Monte will speak with Baptist Beaches Hospital Community Relations. Committee chairs filled are Programming: Rosemary Fletcher/Chinta Perera; Fund Raiser: Suzanne Shaughnessy; Publicity/Marketing: Elaine Kenny/Mary Jenkins. Committee chairs still needed are Decorations, Operations, Logistics and Children's Playmarket. Rose Metter offered the suggestion that the dance in the school cafeteria could be more interactive and fun. Rose suggested two rotating circles of people who grab the closest partner when the whistle blows. When the whistle blows again, release your partner and return to the rotating circles. This would allow more community interaction. Suzanne Shaughnessy will chair the fund raiser. The Committee picked May 6 for the date for the fund raiser and Suzanne Shaughnessy will contact Hornblowers. Suzette Abrass will assist with decorations for the fund raiser, and Eloise Koerber and Nancy DeCandis will assist with the auction. It was determined that instead of Elaine Kenny chairing the March meeting, Suzanne Shaughnessy will chair the March, April and May meetings. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Nancy DeCandis, fhairperson