12-29-99• • • AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF FIRST NIGHT STEERING COMMITTEE December 29, 1999 City Hall Commission Chambers 7:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of December 15, 1999 3. Treasurer's Report — Donna Arias 4. Committee Reports A) Children's Programs — Lynn Charest/Jill Easton B) Decorations — Suzette Abrass C) Volunteers — Donna Zimmerman D) Processional — Ronda McDonald E) Programming — Chinta Perera F) Logistics — Eloise Koerber G) Public Relations 1. Buttons — Mary Jenkins 2. Printing — Carol Mikell 3. Merchandising — Valerie Pickett 4. Publicity — Nancy DeCandis/Ronda McDonald H) Fund Raising — Nancy Bodge 1) Liaison Report — Susan Dunham 5. Chairman's Wrap Up • MINUTES OF FIRST NIGHT COMMITTEE December 29, 1999 A regular meeting of the First Night Committee was held Wednesday, December 15, 1999, in the City Hall Commission Chambers. Present were Chairperson Nancy DeCandis, Suzette Abrass, Jeff Banks, Jill Easton, Mary Jenkins, Eloise Koerber, Ronda McDonald, Carol Mikell, Debbie Monte, Chinta Perera, Valerie Pickett, Elise Sloan, Donna Zimmerman, Staff Member Susan Dunham and Visitors Chief Campbell, Kori MacDonald and Marie MacDonald. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Nancy DeCandis at 7:40 p.m. 2. Annroval of Minutes of Meeting of December 15. 1999 Donna Zimmerman moved to approve the Minutes of the meeting of December 15, 1999; Eloise Koerber seconded and the motion carried. 3. Treasurer's Renort Nancy DeCandis distributed the Treasurer's report. As of today, our income totals $47,612 and expenses total $36,321. Nancy DeCandis requested that all committee members turn in expenses as soon as possible after First Night. 4. Committee Renorts Agenda items were taken in the order as shown. A) Children's Programs — Jill Easton stated that everything was going as planned. B) Decorations — Suzette Abrass informed the Committee that all the trees are painted and the lights are hung. D) Processional — Ronda McDonald described the sea serpent to the Committee and stated that everything was on track with the processional. The bottles and birdseed are purchased and ready to make the noisemakers. E) Programming — Chinta Perera asked the Committee if Kerry L. Dunn, an impressionist artist, could hang his artwork at Adele Grage as part of Rising Stars. The Committee approved this request. Also, Chinta invited the First Night Committee members to a reception hosted by her parents on January 1 beginning at 7:00 or 7:30 p.m. F) Logistics — Eloise Koerber 1) Bonfire: Swamp Man is sick so he is unable to deliver the wood and build the bonfire. Instead, City workers will pick up the wood on Thursday and the Boy Scouts will build the bonfire on Friday. 2) Photographer: The contract with the photographer stated that he would be listed in the program, which he was not, so he will not be taking pictures. Instead, Robbin Bach will take photographs when she is not performing. 3) Clamp Lights: Elise Sloan requested clamp lights from Committee members. 4) Walkie Talkies: Codes to be used: Code Jack—lost boy; Code Jill—lost girl; Code Red— emergency fire and police; Code Blue—medical emergency. 5) Barricades: Susan Dunham will contact Public Works about availability of barricades. 6) Explorers: Kori MacDonald of the Explorers discussed placement of the barricades and roping off the dunes during the bonfire. 7) Boy Scouts: Troop 37 will be assisting at First Night. G) Public Relations 1. Buttons — Mary Jenkins advised the Committee that button sales to date equals $3,380.00. At the event, buttons will be for sale for $7.00. However, Citibank employees will only pay $5.00 per button since Citibank is a major sponsor. Packets will be put together for site captains that will include buttons, programs and change. Mary showed the Committee members the laminated ._� • `R,Minutes of First Night Steering Committee ' December 29, 1999 Page 2 volunteer badges, the neighbor ribbons and the artist ribbons. Volunteer badges are to be turned in at the end of the evening. 2. Printing — The programs and posters were printed by Tom Mikell of Printed Products. Nancy DeCandis advised that they would be sending copies of the programs and posters to First Night International. 3. Merchandising — Valerie Pickett will talk with Donna Zimmerman to get a volunteer to sell the merchandise at the event. 4. Publicity — Rosemary Fletcher has agreed to be the contact for the media at First Night. Jennifer Waugh of Channel 4 has advised Nancy DeCandis that they will be at First Night all night. Sliders has agreed to provide free food to the press. Nancy will work on getting more publicity for Electric Diamond. H) Fund Raising -- Nancy DeCandis stated fund raising is finished. I) Liaison Report — Susan Dunham stated she had nothing new to report so asked if Chief Campbell could speak at this time. Chief Campbell requested the following: 1. The name and cell phone number of a contact person for the police department. 1. One volunteer on Friday at the police station to handle telephone calls. Donna Zimmerman did not have a volunteer at this time but will continue working on it. 2. Please have all artists enter at the same location. 3. Someone to clean up on Saturday. Chief Campbell and Chief Thompson will both be working from 7:00 a.m. Friday morning to 7:00 a.m. Saturday morning. Chief Campbell requested that police dispatch be called if there are any problems. Eloise Koerber will give walkie-talkies to Sgt. Alexander and Lt. Prior. C) Volunteers — Donna Zimmerman presented a large diagram to the Committee members showing the venues and the volunteers scheduled for each venue. Donna suggested preparing certificates to thank the First Night volunteers. 5. Chairman's Wrap Un Nancy DeCandis stated that they had found a volunteer to videotape First Night. Also, volunteers are needed for luminaria distribution and lighting. Nancy DeCandis will prepare the evaluation baskets and evaluation forms. Valerie Pickett will provide refreshments for the artists. Nancy DeCandis will speak with the mayor regarding the opening ceremonies. Mamadou will handle the countdown at the bonfire. Nancy told the Committee members that she really appreciates and values the work that all the Committee members have done. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Nancy DeCan , Chairperson •