November 17, 1999
City Hall Commission Chambers
7:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of November 3, 1999
3. Treasurer's Report — Donna Arias
4. Committee Reports
A) Fund Raising — Nancy Bodge
B) Logistics — Eloise Koerber
C) Public Relations
1. Buttons — Mary Jenkins
2. Printing — Carol Mikell
3. Merchandising — Valerie Pickett
4. Publicity — Nancy DeCandis/Ronda McDonald
D) Children's Programs - Lynn Charest/Jill Easton
E) Programming — Chinta Perera
F) Decorations — Suzette Abrass
G) Processional — Ronda McDonald
H) Volunteers — Donna Zimmerman
1) Liaison Report — Susan Dunham
5. Chairman's Wrap Up
November 17, 1999
A regular meeting of the First Night Committee was held Wednesday, November 17, 1999, in the City
Hall Commission Chambers. Present were Chairperson Nancy DeCandis, Suzette Abrass, Nancy Bodge,
Jill Easton, Mary Jenkins, Eloise Koerber, Ronda McDonald, Debbie Monte, Chinta Perera, Karen Sadler,
Suzanne Shaughnessy, Elise Sloan, Donna Zimmerman, Staff Member Susan Dunham and Visitors Jim
Corcoran and Chris Corcoran.
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Nancy DeCandis at 7:35 p.m.
2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of November 3. 1999
Nancy Bodge moved to approve the Minutes of the meeting of November 3, 1999; Mary Jenkins
seconded and the motion carried.
3. Treasurer's Report
The Treasurer's report was distributed to Committee members.
4. Committee Reports
A) Fund Raising — Nancy Bodge: The Beaches Merchant fund raising is complete. The Committee has
collected funds from the following merchants: Sea Horse Oceanfront Jim, Hibernia, Atlantic Home
Mortgage, Zimmiz Hair Designers, Dr. Randolph Hayes, Mezza Luna, North Florida Health Services,
The Beach House, Environmental Services, Inc., and Book Mark. In addition, City Bank has given a
deadline of next week to apply for funds for next year.
B) Logistics — Eloise Koerber:
1. Processional: the walk from the school to the beach is a leisure 10 -minute walk;
2. Generators: have secured three generators;
3. Shuttles: two shuttles are confirmed and the Committee is attempting to locate more;
4. Tables/Chairs: all Navy and Fleet Landing tables/chairs are committed to other functions, so
tables and chairs most likely will have to be rented;
5. Flyers Announcing Street Closure: Eloise Koerber will speak with Chief David Thompson
regarding street closures. Susan Dunham will prepare a flyer to deliver to residents to advise
them of the street closures. The flyer will be delivered to the residents December 18 by Susan
Dunham, Suzette Abrass, Debbie Monte and Suzanne Shaughnessy;
6. Large Portable Construction Lights: Eloise Koerber will meet tomorrow with Timmy Johnson to
get information about a company that provides large portable construction lights;
7. Mini Lights: Eloise asked the Committee to think about how to best utilize mini lights, which
will require electricity. There are approximately 40-50 lights available;
8. Fireworks: Elise Sloan informed the Committee that the fireworks in Mayport will be shown on
the north side of Mayport, not the south side.
C) Public Relations:
1. Buttons: Mary Jenkins confirmed the following locations for button sales: K -Mart in Neptune
Beach, Zimmiz, The Book Mark, Shelbys and Aqua East. They are attempting to get City Bank
and Winn-Dixie to sell buttons too. The buttons will be ready December 1. Susan Dunham will
check to see if buttons can be sold at City Hall. A fact sheet will be prepared to give to Georgia
Horn for any calls she may receive about First Night.
2. Printing: The programs have been ordered and it is too late for any changes to be made.
3. Merchandising: The globe lights, necklaces and rings have been ordered. Suzette Abrass has
placed on consignment 50 millennium time capsules which include a camera, year 2000 confetti,
magnets, glasses, etc.
Minutes of First Night Steering Committee
November 17, 1999
Page 2
4. Publicity: Nancy DeCandis has a few more items to gather before giving the information to
Willman & Company. Help is still needed with publicity. Nancy would like the volunteers to get
recognition in the newspaper.
D) Children's Programs — Jill Easton: The update on the sponsored activities is as follows: Hartsong:
jingle sticks; Toys That Teach: decorative bags; Montessori Tides: noodle necklace; Community
Presbyterian: festive hats; Atlantic Beach Potters: clay project; Planet Pottery: tiles; Beaches
Episcopal: noisemakers; Weaving With Kim: loom; Prudential: cookie decorating; magician;
storyteller; and puppeteer.
E) Programming — Chinta Perera: Chinta recommended that next year the artist contracts include a
clause stating that the artists must return their contracts within 2 weeks upon receipt. Chinta spoke
with a member of Benkadi who informed her that they would not be able to perform at First Night.
Suzette Abrass suggested setting up an information booth with information about each of the
performers. Nancy Bodge mentioned the need for a `green room' for the performers. Suzanne
Shaughnessy suggested someone approach the Commission regarding a Resolution of Esteem to
recognize Gabe Goodman of Community Presbyterian and Ali Register of Atlantic Beach
F) Decorations: Suzette Abrass priced banners at close to $4,000. It was determined that banners would
not be ordered this year. Susan Dunham advised the Committee that banners were not allowed on
public property.
G) Processional: The wagon brigade will begin at 8:30 p.m. Ronda McDonald requested ideas for a
unifying activity for the processional. Ronda will be preparing updates to send to the Times Union
and the Beaches Leader. Ronda will also be contacting youth ministers at various churches and club
activity directors at the local schools to send out a call for youths.
H) Volunteers: Donna Zimmerman introduced two visitors, Jim Corcoran and Chris Corcoran. Donna
requested that each Committee give her a headcount of volunteers needed. It was determined that
volunteers will not be charged admission.
I) Liaison Report: No update.
5. Chairman's Wran Un
A) 2000 Budget: Nancy DeCandis asked everyone to keep a close watch on their expenses.
B) Positions: Nancy suggested that everyone think about who will chair First Night next year.
C) 2001 Budget: Nancy suggested adding $5,000 to the budget next year for the purpose of hiring
an administrative person.
D) Telephone Line: Nancy needs some volunteers to monitor the telephone calls.
E) Videotaping First Night: Ronda McDonald will contact Fletcher High School to see if someone
could videotape First Night.
F) Mistakes: Two mistakes have been made: In one instance, we did not get Commission approval
on an order above $2,500 and, in another instance, an order was placed with a relative of a
member of the Committee.
G) City Bank: Discussion was held on the amount to request from City Bank next year.
H) Fund Raiser: It was determined that a fund raiser would be held next year.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Nancy DeCandi, Chairperson