11-3-99• • • AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF FIRST NIGHT STEERING COMMITTEE November 3, 1999 City Hall Commission Chambers 7:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of October 20, 1999 3. Treasurer's Report — Donna Arias 4. Committee Reports A) Fund Raising — Nancy Bodge B) Logistics — Eloise Koerber C) Public Relations 1. Buttons — Mary Jenkins 2. Printing — Carol Mikell 3. Merchandising — Valerie Pickett 4. Publicity — We need a volunteer!!! D) Children's Programs - Jill Easton E) Programming — Chinta Perera F) Decorations — Suzette Abrass G) Processional — Ronda McDonald H) Volunteers — Donna Zimmerman I) Liaison Report — Susan Dunham 5. Chairman's Wrap Up PLEASE BRING COMMITTEE REQUIREMENTS TO THIS MEETING (i.e., TABLES, ELECTRICITY, PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS, ETC.) • • MINUTES OF FIRST NIGHT COMMITTEE November 3, 1999 A regular meeting of the First Night Committee was held Wednesday, November 3, 1999, in the City Hall Commission Chambers. Present were Chairperson Nancy DeCandis, Suzette Abrass, Nancy Bodge, Lynn Charest, Mary Jenkins, Eloise Koerber, Carol Mikell, Debbie Monte, Valerie Pickett, Chinta Perera, Coral Williams (Fletcher High School), Donna Zimmerman, Mayor Suzanne Shaughnessy and Staff Member Susan Dunham. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Nancy DeCandis at 7:35 p.m. 2. Annroval of Minutes of Meeting of October 20. 1999 Eloise Koerber moved to approve the Minutes of the meeting of October 20, 1999; Mary Jenkins seconded and the motion carried. 3. Treasurer's Renort Donna Arias was not in attendance. 4. Committee Renorts A) Fund Raising: Nancy Bodge is working with Aqua East, Carrabas and Harry's regarding a possible raffle. B) Logistics — Eloise Koerber: 1. Shuttles: Eloise has secured two shuttles from Fleet Landing. Eloise is still working on shuttles from First Coast Transportation. 2. Walkie Talkies: 15 walkie talkies have been rented. 3. Large Portable Construction Lights: Still working on renting the lights. C) Public Relations: 1. Buttons: Mary Jenkins showed the Committee the revised proof and will order 3000 buttons. Mary will order 150 laminated cards for volunteers and 106 sponsor ribbons. 2. Printing: Carol Mikell will get a price on a "Welcome to First Night" banner to place inside Atlantic Beach Elementary School. Also, Carol showed the Committee a sample of the program. Carol will send the program to print on Friday. Nancy DeCandis will write a "Welcome To" letter for the program from the First Night Committee and will deliver it to Carol Mikell by Thursday. Carol Mikell will call Nancy DeCandis tomorrow with prices on posters. 3. Merchandising: Valerie Pickett has ordered the globe lights, necklaces and rings. 4. Publicity: Nancy DeCandis is working with Willman & Company. Ronda McDonald has agreed to help with publicity. 5. Food Vendor: Sticky Fingers has agreed to be the food vendor. Sticky Fingers has agreed that if they make a profit, then they will make a donation to First Night. D) Children's Programs: Lynn Charest requested four street performers from 6:15 p.m. — 8:30 p.m. to perform inside the school. The children's processional will begin at 8:30 p.m. E) Programming: Chinta Perera has booked the following types of performers: folk singer, traditional African drumming and dancing, new age/contemporary classical, storyteller, wholesome rap group, theater, singer, dancer, oboist, horn player and violinist. F) Decorations: Suzette Abrass will find out if First Night can hang flags along Atlantic Boulevard. G) Processional: Ronda McDonald was not in attendance. H) Volunteers: Donna Zimmerman is working on volunteers and needs a headcount from every Committee. Donna is working with City Bank regarding volunteers. • • • Minutes of First Night Steering Committee November 3, 1999 Page 2 I) Liaison Report: Susan Dunham advised the Committee that the City of Jacksonville has approved the bonfire. Timmy Johnson has agreed to prepare the bonfire. Also, the City Manager has agreed to allow First Night to deliver a flyer to homeowners on 3rd Street advising them of the processional. Suzette Abrass and Debbie Monte volunteered to help Susan deliver the flyers. In addition, Susan Dunham handed out purchasing procedures for all First Night Committee members. 5. Chairman's Wran Un A) Selling Tickets: Nancy DeCandis stated that the Committee needs to determine the cost of tickets and where to sell them. B) Media: Suzanne Shaughnessy agreed to handle the media the day of the event. C) Hay Rides: Suzanne Shaughnessy will reserve a horse drawn wagon and a motorized wagon for four hours, from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., for a cost of $1,000. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Nancy DeCandii, Chairperson ,