April 28, 1999
A regular meeting of the First Night Committee was held Wednesday, April 28, 1999, in the City Hall
Commission Chambers. Present were Mayor Suzanne Shaughnessy, Chairperson Cindy Grossberg,
Eloise Koerber, Mary Jenkins, Nancy DeCandis, Suzette Abrass, Debbie Monte, Nancy Bodge, Jill
Easton, Elise Sloan, Valerie Pickett, Carol Mikell, Chinta Perera and Staff Member Susan Dunham.
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Grossberg at 7:37 p.m.
Aanroval of the Minutes
Mary Jenkins motioned to approve the minutes, Nancy DeCandis seconded and the motion carried.
Treasurer's Renort •
• Cindy Grossberg will tum in one report next month for all fund-raiser proceeds and expenses. Cindy
asked that all Committee members submit their expenses before the next First Night Committee meeting.
Program for Fund -Raiser
Cindy discussed creating a program to thank business sponsors and artists, and that it be distributed at the
Fund -Raiser event. Carol Mikell estimated that the price for these programs would be approximately
$150. The Committee approved moving forward with the programs. Mayor Shaughnessy suggested
changing the program to read, "Community and Business Partners." Also, to add the City of Atlantic
Beach as a sponsor.
Carol Mikell is working on the flyers. When the flyers are completed, she will take them to Adele Grage
to be picked up by the Steering Committee members.
Schedule of Events
The Committee discussed the schedule of events to put into the program.
Suzette Abrass was able to obtain a four -night cruise to the Bahamas (at cost) for $700. The Committee
will offer the raffle tickets at $10 per ticket. Suzette offered to front the $700 through her travel agency if
she could be reimbursed when cash from the raffle is collected. Mayor Shaughnessy approved Suzette's
offer and Cindy Grossberg advised her to pay for it and then to request reimbursement. Suzette stated
that she would incur the loss herself if the cost of the cruise was not recovered in the raffle. Suzette will
be responsible for providing the raffle tickets.
Free Tickets
The Committee discussed the need for a method to determine how many free tickets were to be
distributed to business sponsors, artists, Homblowers, Sliders, etc. Cindy Grossberg asked the Committee
members to provide her with a list of people who will be receiving free tickets.
Set Up and Take Down
Cindy Grossberg's husband will rent a U -Haul to pick up the tables and chairs. He will meet the
volunteers Saturday, 10:00 a.m. at Atlantic Beach Elementary. The Committee members will get back to
Cindy about assisting her husband.
Nancy DeCandis, Debbie Monte, Elise Sloan, Eloise Koerber and Chinta Perera volunteered to set up
decorations from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Nancy DeCandis will call Clyde to see if he would be willing to help set up for the silent auction.
Nancy DeCandis, Eloise Koerber, Mary Jenkins, Suzette Abrass, Nancy Bodge, Elise Sloan and Tom
Mikell volunteered to assist at the registration tables.
Polaroid Shots
Cindy Grossberg advised the Committee that there would be a table set up for Polaroid shots. Total cost
would be $600 minus expenses of $215. First Night would gross $385. The Committee approved hiring
the photographer.
Fund -Raiser Cruise Committee Reports
Suzette Abrass will prepare the parking signs and balloons. Valerie Pickett will prepare a check request
for the $250 gratuity for the wait staff. The Committee discussed the placement of the band, food, bar,
etc., on the ferry. Carol Mikell will be responsible for contacting wholesale liquor distributors.
Convention Report
Nancy DeCandis, Suzette Abrass and Eloise Koerber thanked the Committee for sending them to the
Next Meeting
Suzette Abrass asked the Committee members to bring to the next meeting anyone who would like to
volunteer or help.
Cindy Grossberg requested all Committee members to straighten up their notebooks and bring them to the
next Committee meeting.
Steering Committee List; Budget and Check Requests
Cindy passed out the Steering Committee list, Budget and the new check requests to all the Committee
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
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