A regular meeting of the First Night Committee was held Wednesday, October 21, 1998.
Chairperson Cindy Grossberg called the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M.
Present were:
Cindy Grossberg Mary Jenkins Pam Bushnell
Rob Judas Pete Dowling Nancy DeCandis
Rosemary Fletcher Anita Abdullah
StaffLiaison(s): Timmy Johnson
Pat Williams
Cindy motioned to approve the minutes of the last regular meeting, September 16, 1998. Nancy
seconded and the motion was carried.
Cindy gave the financial report in Stacey's absence. Once again, the Committee's books have
balanced with the City's report. Cindy went over the financial report and stated that all areas are
under or have met budget at this time. Cindy told everyone they must use the check
disbursement/reimbursement form for all expenses. Because the Committee must follow the
City's purchasing requirements ,make sure either she or Stacey approve any purchase over
$50.00. Any expense over $500.00 must have 3 quotes and if the vendor is the sole source of the
product, back up must be provided. Timmy said to include the Vendor's full name and address
where check is to be mailed. Cindy also suggested using the check request log as well as the in
kind service log to help validate the date requests were sent in and to keep accurate track of in
kind services.
Cindy thinks the easiest way to make money is with the $125.00 business card ad. She suggested
working out a better method for reaching more people for this type donation next year.
Presently, there are two major sponsors: Baptist Medical and PGA Tours. There is a grant from
Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) that may come through. Also, Nancy D. stated the
Committee is on the short list of the Citibank Universal Card Grant for 1999 in the amount of
$10,000.00 with a check for $2000.00 for 1999, if First Night is accepted.
The Committee has purchased 100 First Lights and Cindy suggested, depending on how sales go
this year, soliciting businesses to pay for a certain amount of the lights and having their name or
logo on the light. There is no estimate yet as to amount of money to be raised through button
sales, T shirts and concession sales.
Nancy D announced that Pete Dowling is the new Logistics chairperson and Cindy introduced
Anita Abdullah who is new to the decorating committee. She did not wish to place Anita on the
spot and ask her about chairing Decorations but did ask her if she would come to the meetings
and report on the work of the Decorations committee. Anita said she would do that. Cindy has
had a few more calls in for volunteers that she will pass on the Pete and Anita.
First Night Steering Committee
Regular meeting minutes October 21, 1998
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Cindy stated there is no chair for volunteers; therefore the Committee should submit a list of
volunteer needs by the next meeting so it could be determined how to handle each committee's
needs. Also, site captains are still being sought. Presently, the Community Presbyterian Church
needs a site captain as well as Adele Grage Community Center. Rob stated that van drivers can
be hard to get. Rob will talk to Reverend Goodman to see if he can get volunteers to drive his
van. Fleet Landing will only let their own drivers drive their vans and if First Coast is used, tip
money must be provided.
Nancy D. said Kim has suggested the exclusive use of Country Caterers for food service. The
food is good and they will share an amount of the profit with First Night. Kim stated that
Country Caterers also has a slide that you slide down on a burlap bag and a photographer
available for a fee. They would be willing to give First Might a part of the proceeds of those two
attractions if we were interested.
Pete stated he is ready to do his new job. He has list of artists and his next step is to find out their
site needs and requirements. Lucy Stewart of Mayport Elementary School has approved the
concept of artists displaying their works in the media center. Each artist would be responsible for
their area. Art will be for sale and Alice & Nancy will talk to artists about a commission for First
Pam reported that the programs are ready to go. Wilman & Co.will assist with media relations.
Charlotte Roland is the graphic designer assigned to First Night. She will present her designs at
First Night's Public Relations committee meeting Oct. 22. Pam'stated we also have a
commitment from Frank Serio, Photographer, to photograph the whole event. He will stay from
set up through clean up and present all pictures in a book. He also committed to do the
assignment for Committee's budgeted amount. Also, Liz Morgan from Wilman has contacted
Bowles School where she is doing outreach and she is hoping to get some media students to take
First Night on as a project and get some creative videos. Hopefully, this will be in kind work.
Pam needs list of everyone to be recognized f rom all Committees, by the 30' of October for the
program layout to -be completed in November for distribution in December. If info not in, they
will have to be recognized next year. The Committee will recognize in kind sponsors. Cash and in
kind sponsors will be ranked according to how much given, highest to lowest. Sponsors will be
recognized the same as last year. Only three categories of sponsors at this time, but the
Committee can add more if needed. Pam needs a list of all chairpersons and volunteers who plan
• to distribute programs and buttons by end the of month.
First Night Steering Committee
Regular meeting minutes October 21, 1998
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Cindy then asked where we are going to distribute buttons this year and if the Committee is going
to distribute at a location off the beaches. After discussion, it was decided to approach Barnes
and Noble at The Avenues and Regency and to use the same sites 'on the beaches that were used
last year. Pam will contact each site and firm up list. It was decided that posters displayed at
sponsor sites could have a sticker stating the site is a First Night sponsor. Pam will contact poster
people to see if this can be done this year, if not it will be considered as a budget item for next
year. Pam needs volunteers to man phone lines after December V. She is working on form that
has answers to all commonly asked questions. Elaine Kinney will distribute posters Sat., Nov.
14' and could use some volunteers
Cindy displayed new merchandise in Ree's absence. It was decided to continue with Tshirts, first
lights and buttons for this year.
Rob stated he will work closely with logistics and programming. Rob's big appeal is for each site
captain to let him know their needs for chairs, tables, vans drivers and any other site needs by
Nov. 10. Rob questioned who is in charge of bonfire. Cindy stated Rob only needs to make sure
ample wood is available for lighting. Clean up will be handled the same as last year.
Mary stated volunteers usually call to volunteer their time. Last year Donna Zimmermann worked
with organizing of volunteers. Cindy will call to find out if Donna will assist again this year and
Cindy will also call the school to see if she can get volunteers. Mary stated she has five confirmed
artists and 5 not yet confirmed. There will be 2 Pottery artists on stage for older children (12 &
older). There will also be a raffle for a free birthday party again this year. Margaret Sherrill, 246-
4041, will be on site coordinator for children's play market. Karin Clark will contact Pete
concerning logistics.
Cindy found two people to help Anita with decorations. Cindy and hopefully Rosemary will also
help her. Cindy will call Peggy Neville to ask if she and her family will provide luminaries again
this year.
Nancy asked what we can do about proper traffic direction and proper lighting in Howell Park
this year. Timmy Johnson stated he will get with Pete Dowling and a report will be presented at
the next meeting.
Cindy stated the Committee needs to start having two meetings a month in December. The
regular meeting in November will be followed by a meeting Dec. 2nd and Dec. 16' with a last
minute problems meeting on Dec. 30. Everyone agreed with these dates.
Meeting adjourned at 9.15 P.M.