The "First Night" Steering Committee held its regular meeting
on Wednesday, February 18, in the Commission Chambers. Pre-
sent were: Co -Chairpersons Nancy DeCandis and Rosemary Flet-
cher, Pam Bushnell, Dezmond Waters, Cindy Grossberg, Nancy
Bodge, Cindy Sullivan, Woody Winfree, Ree Theofan, Mayor Su-
zanne Shaughnessy, and Carl Walker, Board Coordinator.
Rosemary Fletcher called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM and
a motion was made to approve the minutes of the last meeting.
The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Rosemary advised that the main focus of this meeting was to
continue establishing the structure of the committee for the
"First Night '99" event. Toward this end, Rosemary asked
that those present identify what area they felt they could
best handle and what role they would play in that function.
Nancy Bodge announced that she and Mary Jenkins were to co-
chair the children's activities events. Cindy and Clyde Sul-
livan advised they would like to continue handling the de-
corations, as was the case last year. Rosemary asked that
Cindy and Clyde assist with other areas since, primarily, the
decorations could be handled later in the year.
Woody Winfree announced that she could not chair again the
programming responsibility, although she could assist the
person who undertakes that chairmanship.
Cindy Grossberg advised that she could chair logistics but
not the operations area. The distinction between the two
were discussed. Rosemary asked Cindy Sullivan to check with
Clyde to see if he could handle that area. She will advise.
Ree Theofan agreed to again chair the marketing responsibil-
ity but could not undertake the full Publicity/PR chair.
Pam Bushnell cannot chair that function again but will assist
and can do some functions in that area.
Mayor Shaughnessy suggested that, perhaps, some of the com-
mittees could be consolidated since so many of the talented
people have already been tapped or utilized. She also re-
commended that a "search committee" be established to locate
additional people willing to serve in leadership capacities.
Following discussion, it was agreed that the primary areas
yet to be covered were fundraising, finance and programming.
Pam and Lisa will help recruit individuals in the areas
needed, attempting to match people with needs.
Further discussion took place on the overall leadership of
the steering committee. Both Nancy and Rosemary were reluc-
tant to serve again for another year but both will consider
that possibility and advise at the next regular meeting.
Nancy advised that the next regular meeting would be used to
complete the structuring plans. She also reminded members
that material which could be reused from last year (signs,
banners, etc.) should be turned in at the Adele Grage Com-
munity Center for storage purposes.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned
at 8:55 PM.
Carl Walker
Board Coordinator
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