The "First Night" Steering Committee held its regular meeting
on Wednesday, November 5, in the Conference Room. Present
were: Co -Chairpersons Rosemary Fletcher and Nancy DeCandis,
Pam Bushnell, Clyde and Cindy Sullivan, Peggy Neville, Lisa
Goodrich, Suzanne Judas, Thelma Fugere, Nancy Bodge, Dezmond
Waters, Barbara Thurston, Alice Gartland, Alice Van Nostrand,
Donna Zimmerman, and Carl Walker, Board Coordinator.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Nancy DeCandis
and self -introductions were made by those present. Thelma
Fugere moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting, as
written; Donna Zimmerman seconded and the motion carried.
Thelma reported on logistics/operations, advising that ar-
rangements have been made for Public Works employees to per-
form the set up of the tents, chairs, etc. and is coordinat-
ing these efforts through Timmy Johnson. She also has met
with Chief Thompson regarding the issues of traffic control,
safety, fire support, etc. Following Thelma's report, gen-
eral discussion followed on related logistical issued and
decisions were made on most of the items in question.
Lisa Goodrich reported on programming, advising that most of
the contracts with the artists have been signed and returned
and the few remaining ones have firm verbal commitments.
There was also brief conversation on the sculpture and the
committee was advised that the decision on it was still
pending before the Commission.
Nancy Bodge, for children's activities, distributed a diagram
showing the proposed table placement for the auditorium at
A. B. Elementary. There was some discussion on details and
requirements. Cindy Sullivan then outlined the proposed de-
corations which include rental of ficus plants, at $10.00
each which includes delivery and pickup. Small white lights
will be used to decorate the plants. Balloons in netting
which also be used. Discussion on banners and signage was
also discussed as well as additional decorations needed.
Suzanne Judas, Finance Chair, advised that she needed an up-
date on committee expenses and a recap of donations received.
Carl will furnish this to Suzanne. She also reminded sub-
committee chairpersons to furnish her with their committee
budget projects so that she can determine what groups are to
be over or under their assigned budgetary amount.
Pam Bushnell explained the recent publicity which has already
been issued or is to be released within the coming weeks. She
also stressed that members let her know, no later than the
next meeting of November 19, the names for all sponsors, in-
cluding any with "in-kind" donations so that they may receive
the proper publicity.
Pam also advised that the "hotline" is already in effect and
will be until the end of January. Posters are to be dis-
tributed on November 15. It was agreed that buttons will be
sold at two locations the night of the event, the school/
church area and also Russell Park. Consideration was given
to also selling the buttons at the Adele Grage Community Cen-
ter. Photographers have been secured and banners were also
Nancy read portions of a letter recently received from AT&T
Universal Services regarding their inability to fund the
project, by grant, due to their pending sale. She also ad-
vised that the next regular meeting date will be in two weeks
and that in the interval she recommended that the sub -commit-
tees meet to finalize plans and to interact with other com-
mittees, if necessary.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Nancy
DeCandis at 8:45 PM.
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Carl Walker
Board Coordinator