The "First Night" Steering Committee held its regular meeting
on Wednesday, May 21, in the Commission Chambers. Present
were: Co -Chairpersons Nancy DeCandis and Rosemary Fletcher,
Suzanne Judas, Dezmond Waters, Cindy Grossberg, Pam Bushnell,
Donna Zimmerman, Peggy Neville, LCDR Conrad Chun, City Com-
missioner Suzanne Shaughnessy, and Carl Walker, Coordinator.
Also present were newcomers Valerie Pickett, Carol Neville,
and Carol Maier.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM and introductions
were made by those present. Donna Zimmerman moved to approve
the minutes of the last meeting, as read. The motion was se-
conded by Cindy Grossberg and unanimously passed.
Rosemary Fletcher reported on fund raising activities and ad-
vised the committee details of the forthcoming fund raising
party scheduled for July 10. It is to be held at Suzanne
Judas home in Oceanwalk. As a part of that event, there will
be an auction of art work which has been donated. Invitations
will be sent out by June 10 with an RSVP date of June 30.
There was discussion about displaying the art work prior to
the auction, perhaps in the City Hall lobby.
Rosemary also reported on contacts which have been made to
corporations/businesses requesting funding. Follow ups are
in the process of being made and these accounts, as well as
other sources, are actively being solicited.
Cindy reported on operations/logistics, advising that due to
expected increased attendance, it was felt that the use of
shuttle buses would better accommodate the crowds instead of
vans. Some suggestions were made, including the use of the
two city vans, and/or school buses. There was also dis-
cussion about hayrides and it was expressed that horse-drawn
ones would be preferable. Thelma is still checking on prices
and sources for food vendors.
In the absence of Lisa and Woody, Rosemary advised that re-
sponses had been received by artists and/or groups to the
"call for artists", some of whom were repeats from last years
event. She then presented to the group the recently framed
weaving which had been created at "First Night '97 ". It was
suggested that it be presented to the City Commission at an
upcoming regular meeting, with the request that it be placed
in a public building, preferably the City Commission Chamber.
Suzanne Judas, Finance Chair, reported that since the last
meeting, a total of $362.00 has been spent from the "First
Night" account, leaving a balance of $6,934.86. It was also
reported that Karen Summers, as Chairperson of the Cultural
Arts Board, has submitted a budget proposal to the City for
the fiscal year '97 - '98. A copy of that proposal was pas-
sed around.
Pam Bushnell, for Publicity and P.R., announced, with regret,
that Nancy Wiegulus, would be leaving the committee due to a
transfer/promotion for her husband to Colorado Springs. Pam
asked that members suggest names as a replacement to help
with handling marketing. Two press releases have recently
been issued, one for volunteers and the other on call for
artists. Pam intends to continue having press releases is-
sued on a regular basis.
A workshop forum followed on the subject of a mission state-
ment for the committee as well as thoughts on what should be
the primary focus. The possibility of other neighboring com-
munities or areas holding their own "First Night" was ex-
plored and what the effect would be on this undertaking, if
any. It was decided that Pam should prepare a draft of a
mission statement and present it to the group at a future
Nancy requested that a report be prepared by each committee,
to be used as a six-month review. These will be discussed
at the July meeting (July 16). The next regular meeting
will be held on Wednesday, June 18.
There was no other business and Nancy DeCandis adjourned
the meeting at 9:02 PM.
Carl Walker
Board Coordinator