03-19-97"FIRST NIGHT" STEERING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING OF MARCH 19, 1997 The "First Night" Steering Committee held its regular meeting on Wednesday, March 19 in the Commission Chambers. Present were: Co -Chairpersons Nancy DeCandis and Rosemary Fletcher, Woody Winfree, Thelma Fugere, Karen Summers, Lisa Goodrich, Suzanne Judas, Dezmond Waters, Barbara Benisch, Donna Zimmer- man, Cindy Grossberg, Donna Glover, Nancy Wieglus, Peggy Ne- ville, Pam Bushnell, Commissioner Suzanne Shaughnessy, and Carl Walker, Coordinator. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM and introductions were made by those present. Karen Summers moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting, Woody Winfree seconded and the motion carried. Lisa Goodrich reported on the progress of the programming committee. The call for artists will be sent out at the end of April or by the first of May. A response will be requested by May 31. Several repeat performers from last years event will be contacted. Suzanne Judas suggested some changes in the artist's contracts. For operations/logistics, Thelma Fugere advised that she had obtained prices for tents, chairs, and flooring for dancing. She is also in the process of checking an food vendors. Donna Zimmerman reported that there would be some changes in the recruitment of volunteers, suggesting that they be con- tacted to fill certain specific needs. It was also recom- mended that a chairperson be secured for decorations. Pam Bushnell advised that the projected budget for public relations/advertising would be approximately $8000, some of which would be donated as "in-kind". There was some discus- sion on the number of buttons to be purchased this year and a figure of 3,000 was tentatively agreed upon. Barbara Benisch reported on fund raising efforts, advising that focus was to be placed on developing a listing of spon- sors from the business community. She identified some of these and others were suggested to be added to the list. To encourage individual contributors, Barbara recommended a series of small parties to be hosted, with invited friends as guests to secure donations of $250 or less. Other sug- gestions were made to promote fund raising. Suzanne Judas distributed copies of the revised proposed budget showing the actual figures for last years event and the projection for the forthcoming one. Some minor adjust- ments were made. A tentative goal was set at $10,000 for corporate and individual contributions. Suzanne was thanked for her efforts with the budget analysis and preparation. Karen Summers announced details of the art exhibit sponsored by the Cultural Arts Advisory Board and which will open on Sunday, April 6. Members were urged to attend. With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:58 PM. Carl Walker Staff Coordinator