The "First Night" Steering Committee met in the Commission
Chambers on Wednesday, January 15. Present were: Karen
Summers, Nancy Wielgus, Rosemary Fletcher, Dezmond Waters,
Donna Zimmerman, Tim Kubiak, Thelma Fugere, Barbara Benisch,
Karin Clark, Karen Summers, Alice Gartland, Cecile Purcell,
Commissioner Suzanne Shaughnessy and Carl Walker, Staff.
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM. Dezmond Waters
read to the group the resolution of esteem the City Commis-
sion passed at their recent meeting. Karen Summers thanked
all present for their individual efforts in making the "First
Night" event a success. She also presented a cake which was
served to celebrate the committee's accomplishment.
Following refreshments, there was some discussion on any out-
standing bills which are due. Members were urged to bring
any receipts or invoices to Carl no later than the next meet-
ing date. Acknowledgements/thank you notes to contributors
and to volunteers were also discussed. It was suggested that
two lists be made and that one listing receive handwritten
correspondence, the other computer created letters.
Various situations needing improvement or correction for
next years event were discussed. It was suggested by Karen
that members write down these suggestions so that they can
be further reviewed and discussed at the next regular com-
mittee meeting.
Karen also emphasized the need for structure of the committee
and sub -committees and defined areas of responsibility. This
changed several times last year and was felt that it confused
the volunteers and also created duplication of tasks. She
also explained the tie-in of the committee to the Cultural
Arts Board. As chair of that Board, she has requested that
Nancy DeCandis and Rosemary Fletcher establish a steering
committee organization chart and act as co -Chairpersons.
The remainder of the meeting was spent on general discussion
of improvements or additions to next year's "First Night"
event. Karen again suggested that members submit briefly, in
writing, any recommendations or changes from this years event
which could be considered as improvements. These will be re-
viewed at the next regular meeting.
Minutes, First Night Committee, January 15, 1997 meeting
It was announced that Suzanne Judas, who was unable to attend
tonight's meeting, had requested that a special meeting be
held on Wednesday, January 29, for the purpose of discussing
the budget and related financial matters. Carl will send out
notices prior to that meeting date, as a reminder.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.
Carl Walker
Staff Coordinator