10-02-96r4 "FIRST NIGHT" STEERING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING OF OCTOBER 2, 1996 The "First Night" Steering Committee met in the Commission Chambers on Wednesday, October 2. Present were: Dezmond Waters, Karen Summers, Nancy DeCandis, Rosemary Fletcher, Pam Bushnell, Peggy Neville, Tim and Lavinia Kubiak, Thelma Fugere, and Carl Walker, Board Coordinator. Also attending was new member Elaine Kenny. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM and Dezmond re- ported that the stage/platform would not be available from the City of Jacksonville as it was being used for Gator Bowl activities. He suggested that tents could be used. Nancy, reporting for Logistics, advised that all of the site locations are confirmed with the exception of the Church; she is waiting on a return call from them. Additionally, she and Thelma are in the process of completing the "Special Event" application to be turned in to Timmy Johnson, Recre- ation Director for the City. She suggested that the fireworks or bonfire could be held on the beach with Russell Park as an alternate location. Nancy also reported that she would be tabulating the needs of the performers based on the information in the contracts. Discussion followed on the handling and securing of vendors for the event. It was finally agreed that this could be a sub -committee under Logistics. Pam spoke on the progress of Publicity/Marketing, advising that new member Nancy Weilgus had developed a marketing plan. Pam recommended that Nancy be named as Co -Chair of their sub- committee and she and Nancy would divide responsibilities. Pam outlined a tentative timetable which included buttons, printing of programs, posters, etc. Marketing of the buttons was discussed and it was agreed that approximately 1500 could be made and sold at a cost of $5.00 each. It was also agreed that 250 of the two-color posters were needed, some of which could be used for event identification at site locations. Pam also advised that John McManus had agreed to do the prin- ting, charging only for the material cost. She also plans to approach local newspapers to see if they will do an insert in their publication at no cost. In return, they would be shown as an contributor/sponsor. The holding of a meeting for all volunteers was discussed and it was agreed this should be held in early November and again in the first part of December. Peggy Neville will work on this undertaking. Rosemary reported for Programming, advising that almost all of the contracts had been signed by the performers. The ball- room dancers are not available and she is looking for a re- placement for them. The group working on children's activi- ties has contacted residents of Fleet Landing for volunteers. Rosemary is searching for someone to be a coordinator for the teen events. Suggestions for additional outdoor events or performers were made and Thelma volunteered to contact some of them. Karen advised that, so far, efforts to find a major corpo- rate sponsor have been unsuccessful; she is going to renew efforts to solicit support from smaller businesses. Some possibilities were suggested and discussed. With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM. bc)PA-qi' Carl Walker Staff Coordinator