527 Atlantic Beach Ct POOL21-0018 pool permitOWNER:ADDRESS:CITY:STATE:ZIP: MICHAEL AND HOLLY IZARD 1661 ATLANTIC BEACH DR ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 COMPANY:ADDRESS:CITY:STATE:ZIP: POOLS BY JOHN CLARKSON, INC.600 ST JOHNS BLUFF RD JACKSONVILLE FL 32225 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: REAL ESTATE NUMBER:ZONING:BUILDING USE GROUP:SUBDIVISION: 169505 1415 ATLANTIC BEACH COUNTRY CLUB UNIT 02 JOB ADDRESS:PERMIT TYPE:DESCRIPTION: VALUE OF WORK: 527 ATLANTIC BEACH CT SWIMMING POOL SWIMMING POOL RESIDENTIAL SWIMMING POOL $50894.00 LIST OF CONDITIONS Roll off container company must be on City approved list . Container cannot be placed on City right-of-way. 1 PUBLIC WORKS EROSION CONTROL INSTALLATION INFORMATIONAL Notes: Full erosion control measures must be installed and approved prior to beginning any earth disturbing activities. Contact the Inspection Line (904-247- 5814) to request an Erosion and Sediment Control Inspection prior to start of construction. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. MUST CALL INSPECTION PHONE LINE (904) 247-5814 BY 4 PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION. ALL WORK MUST CONFORM TO THE CURRENT 6TH EDITION (2017) OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, NEC, IPMC, AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CODE OF ORDINANCES . ALL CONDITIONS OF PERMIT APPLY, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. 1 of 2Issued Date: 6/30/2021 PERMIT NUMBER POOL21-0018 ISSUED: 6/30/2021 EXPIRES: 12/27/2021 SWIMMING POOL PERMIT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 FEES DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QUANTITY PAID AMOUNT BLDG 2ND PLAN REVIEW FEE 455-0000-322-1006 0 $50.00 BLDG 3RD PLAN REVIEW FEE 455-0000-322-1006 0 $75.00 BUILDING PERMIT 455-0000-322-1000 0 $284.00 BUILDING PLAN CHECK 455-0000-322-1001 0 $142.00 PW REVIEW RESIDENTIAL BLDG 001-0000-329-1004 0 $100.00 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0700 0 $8.27 STATE DCA SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0600 0 $5.51 ZONING REVIEW SINGLE AND TWO FAMILY USES 001-0000-329-1003 0 $100.00 TOTAL: $764.78 2 PUBLIC WORKS ON SITE RUNOFF INFORMATIONAL Notes: All runoff must remain on-site during construction. 3 PUBLIC WORKS POOL WELLPOINT INFORMATIONAL Notes: Pool Wellpoint (if used) must discharge into vegetated area 10 foot minimum from street or drainage feature (swale, structure or lagoon). 4 PUBLIC WORKS ROLL OFF CONTAINER INFORMATIONAL Notes: Roll off container company must be on City approved list. Approved list can be obtained at the Building Department at City Hall. Roll off container cannot be placed on City right-of-way. 5 PUBLIC WORKS RIGHT OF WAY RESTORATION INFORMATIONAL Notes: Full right-of-way restoration, including sod, is required. 6 PUBLIC WORKS RUNOFF INFORMATIONAL Notes: All runoff must remain on-site. Cannot raise lot elevation. 7 PUBLIC WORKS DECKING REMOVED INFORMATIONAL Notes: All old decking and debris must be removed from job site by Contractor. 8 PUBLIC WORKS INFRASTRUCTURE INFORMATIONAL Notes: Any damage done to infrastructure must be repaired by Contractor. 2 of 2Issued Date: 6/30/2021 PERMIT NUMBER POOL21-0018 ISSUED: 6/30/2021 EXPIRES: 12/27/2021 SWIMMING POOL PERMIT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Final Plumbing Final Electrical Final HVAC CC Final Final Building* Swimming Pool Steel Swimming Pool Safety Electrical Grounding & Bonding Swimming Pool Final (Bldg) Swimming Pool Final (PW) Formed Columns/ Beams* Masonry Cell Fill Structural Steel* OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: Power Pole Silt Fence Piers/ Stem Walls Underground Plumbing Underground Electric Foundation/ Footing Slab** Retaining Wall Footing Driveway Sewer (Building Dept) Sewer Tap (Utilities Dept) Rough Electric* Rough Plumbing/ Top Out* Rough Mechanical* House Wrap Wall Sheathing Roof Sheathing Tie-down Framing Connections Rough Framing Roofing In Progress Window/Door In-Progress Insulation Ceiling Insulation Wall Exterior Lath Stucco Scratch Coat Exterior Siding In-Progress Brick Flashing & Ties Early Power Gas Rough Gas Final* * When all rough electric, plumbing, mechanical are complete but before any work is covered up. * When all gas piping is complete and wallboard is installed but before gas is attached to any appliance. All outlets must be capped and pipe pressurized at a minimum of 15 lbs. * For new living space: When all construction work including electrical, plumbing, mechanical, exterior finish, grading, required paving and landscaping is complete and the building is ready for occupancy, but before being occupied Additional inspections may apply to your project if your project contains these elements: INSPECTIONS REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMITS To verify compliance with building codes, inspections of the work authorized are required at various points of the construction. The following inspections are typically required for residential projects: Date: Initial: Date: Initial: _____________________________________________________ Permit Type ____________________________________________________ Permit No. __________________________________________________________ Job Address ____________________________________________________ Contractor POST THIS CARD WITH PERMITS AND PERMIT DOCUMENTATION IN FRONT OF BUILDING Construction Hours per City Code: 7am—7pm Weekdays; 9am—7pm Weekends Building Department Public Works/Utilities Fire Department Phone: 904-247-5826 Phone: 904-247-5834 Phone: 904-630-4789 Fax: 904-247-5845 Fax: 904-247-5843 Fax: 904-630-4203 * When forms and reinforcing steel, anchor bolts, sleeves and inserts, and all electrical, plumbing and mechanical work is in place, but before concrete is poured. * When all structural steel members are in place and all connections are complete, but before such work is covered or concealed. ** FORM BOARD ELEVATION CERTIFICATE MUST BE ON-SITE FOR SLAB INSPECTION Permit Number: POOL21-0018 Site Address: 527 ATLANTIC BEACH CT City, State Zip Code: ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Applied: 5/14/2021 Approved: Issued: Parent Permit: Parent Project: Applicant: <NONE> Owner: MICHAEL AND HOLLY IZARD Contractor: <NONE> Description: SWIMMING POOL Finaled: Status: UNDER REVIEW Details: LIST OF REVIEWS SENT DATE RETURNED DATE DUE DATE TYPE CONTACT STATUS REMARKS Review Group: 2ND REVIEW 6/11/2021 6/11/2021 SUBMITTAL COMPLETENESS Permit Tech APPROVED Notes: 2 ATTACHMENTS from debbi@pbjc.com 6/11/2021 6/14/2021 6/25/2021 BUILDING Building DENIED Notes: few correction items will not be accepted. Correction Comments: 1. Thank you for updating the code date era for the current building code. Please update the NEC electrical code date are also on your business cover page and resubmit that cover page. Review Group: AUTO 5/14/2021 5/14/2021 SUBMITTAL COMPLETENESS Permit Tech APPROVED Notes: 7 ATTACHMENTS from debbi@pbjc.com 5/14/2021 5/19/2021 5/28/2021 ZONING Zoning APPROVED Notes: 5/14/2021 5/20/2021 5/28/2021 BUILDING Building DENIED Notes: Correction Comments: 1. Please update the cover page for your business, the code eras are not correct. Resubmit corrected please. 2. The Valuation of the work to be performed space on the permit application was left blank making the application incomplete. Please resubmit the application completed. Printed: Wednesday, 16 June, 2021 1 of 2 Permit Reviews City of Atlantic Beach 5/14/2021 5/19/2021 5/28/2021 PUBLIC WORKS Public Works APPROVED W/CONDITIONS Notes: See Conditions of Approval that will be printed on Permit. Printed: Wednesday, 16 June, 2021 2 of 2 Permit Reviews City of Atlantic Beach OAPS The Association of -A- Pool & Spa Professionals ANSVAPspncc ENERGY EFFICIENCY COMPLIANCE INFORMATION FOR RESIDENTIAL SWIMMING Poms PROJECT MME:CONTRACTOR NAMEAND ADDRESS AND ADDRESS: OWNER:CONTRACTOR PHONE: Thb Information sheet was prepred by the APSP-IS Residertlal Swimn•ing Pool and Spa Energy Efficienq Stmdard Writhe CMM"tttee of Assocbtim of Poo/(APSP). not part of the Amerian National Standard ANSI/APSP/}CC-15a 2011 but b hd'ded informatim Conü•ct0ß shoWwith the mSVAP9DCC-1Sa 20M starord an 1. 55.2.1: Cakulated pool volume a. at nw.•psp.org. b. Calculated Gallons:(surface area) X Caladated mtratlon now rate(Pool solume + or 36gpm whWiever larær) Pipe sizing: (average depth/ X 7.48 (gal/ftA3) =2. a. Mlnknum suction pipe diameter(Enter met Tabk a 6fmfiow the son* mwe than Rem 2J b. Minknum sucdon branch pipe diameternem 2.(wm) + Brmch bronchßwEnter Ape s&efmm rabk wfth 0 6fps#w cqodty the sane more tbWJ be c. Minimum retum pipe diameter(Enter smaBest p'pe säefmm Tobk wkh a d. Minimum retum brarxh pipe dlameter(Cala.llate: Item 2._____tgpn) + Brmdl Same more hem 2J roteEnter the smakst pjpe s&efrom Table with a 8fpsßow capacity be same or more thereturn bronch flow mteJ Fitter type and size: a. Filter type: (Cartridge, DE, Sand) b. Minimum filter area (Calculate: Item 2.m) *filter factor (gpm/fiA2))4b.90 Filterfactors• ridge-0.375 Sand=15, Diatomaceous Earth— Backwash valve:Yes, No?(When usltw a "he, enter rwl#t M hem 3c or 2 hches 6. Single-speed pump selection (when used): hmer)s. 55.1.2, 53.1: For single-speed pumps with a total horsepower 0.99 or less, find and enter a compliant pump from the Poo) Pump pump a. Pump model 6a.selection b. Total horsepower 6b.7. Mum-speed pump selection (when used): 55.32.1: Pools 17,000 gallons or less, select pump* from the database Mth a Curve-A gpmßow equal to item 2 or kss.55.322: Pools 17,m1 gallons or more, select Altnp from the with o Cune-Cgpm fbw equal to item 2 or less.or*Mufti-speed pumps must have one speed listed that satisfks thB requirement. a. Pump model •b. Pump now 7b.34(, 532.2: Applicable A or C gpmßow In data— 10/21/14 ANSI/APSP/ICC• IS Standard Writing Committee Form gallons gpm inches Inches sq. ft. inches gpm lof2 POOL21-0018 ANSI/APSP/ICC 15 ENERGY EFFICIENCY COMPLIANCE INFORMATION FOR RESIDENTIAL SWIMMING POOLS Heaters Pool systems 4.4.1ai 43.2 5.1.1 5.3.1 53.3 53.4 5.5.2 5.53 5.6 Heater has no Readl& accessible switch mounted outside of thé heater No resisunce heatlrw unless for round spa with twit fittitw wit' RÆ or for pool with 60% of documented pool Heater effdency•. gas/oil fired heater Pool fi}ter pump listed in daubase from on-site solar or enerf. at least 78%, beat punp COP at 4.0 Pool filter pump with total horsepower 1.0 or more is multi-speed Multi-speed pump cmtroller programmed to default to the filtration now rate Mien no pool loads are operating wiU1in 24 hours and pr%rammed with temporary werri& apabnty for servidtw Single-speed pump controller capable operathw pump dumg decüic demand. Pipe before pump has at least 4 diameters of strabt pipe. System wtth solar, or setup for the future addtdon of solar equipment by installing 18 inches of horizontal or verdcal pipe after the filter and before a heater, or badlt-•in or built-u connections, or dedicated toandfromthe pool. Directional inlets for pool 15 Coma*tee Fom POOL21-0018 POOL21-0018 Building Permit Application City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Phone: (904) 247-5826 Fax: (904) 247-5845 Job Address:Permit Number: Legal Description -1 O Y - ) Updated 12/8/17 - /S Valuation of Work (Replacement Cost) $Heated/Cooled SF Non- Heated/Cooled Class of Work (Circle Alteration Repair Move Demo Pool Window/Door• Use of existing/proposed structure(s) (Circle one): Commercial esidentialIf an existing structure, is a fire sprinkler system installed? (Circle one): Yes No N/A• Submit a Tree Removal Permit Application if any trees are to be removed or Affidavit of No Tree RemovalDescribe in detail the type of work to be performed: Florida Product Approval #for multiple products use product approval formProperty Owner Information Name: {l 140 J -z-Nr-d Address: . SA 7- C k.City c State FL Zip 33 Phone (o +0 -AGS— OE-Mail Owner or Agent (If Agent, Power of Attorne r Agency Letter Required) Contractor Information Name of Company: i -S Qualifying Agent: U 8 CAddress o City State ZipOffice Phone PO 3 - Y oSo Job Site/Contact Number 2State Certification/Registration# C PC i q S g 4 c E-Mail ebbArchitect Name & Phone # Engineer's Name & Phone # Workers Compensation Exempt / Insurer / Lease Employees / Expiration DateApplication is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation hascommenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all the laws regulationgconstruction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS,WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of thispermit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, andthere may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, orfederal agencies. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with allapplicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDIN Y UR NOTI E OF COMMENCEMENT. (Signatul' of Owner or Agent) (including contractor) Signed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me this 3 d day of , by (Signature of Contractor) Signed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me thisA3 day of [ ] Personally Kno M Produced Ident Type of Identificat (Signature of Notary) CYNTHIAC. GRADY MYCOWlSSlONtGG335775 Bonded TMJ Known OR [ Produced Identificatio Type of Identification: (Signature of otary) CYNTHAC. GRADY MYCOMMlSSlON#GG335775 EXPIRES: ALTSt4,2023 POOL21-0018 TREE & VEGETATION AFFIDAVIT FOR INTERNAL OFFICE USE ONLY City of Atlantic Beach PERMrT # Community Development Department 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 NC) trees beiro repu (P) 904-247-5800 h?BSc SITE INFORMATION ADDRESS beck cm Q k SUBDIVISION BLOCK LOT 2 q L 9 S 0 S - 19) S RESIDENTIAL C] COMMERCIAL C) OTHER APPLICANT INFORMATION NAME ADDRESS CITY I EMAIL PHONE* (CHG-AGS-C I C c (3 CELL # {J STATE CODE OWNER [3 LEGAL AUTHORIZED AGENT I affirm that I have reviewed the provisions of Chapter 23, "Protection of Trees and Native Vegetation", of the Municipal Code of Ordinances for the City of Atlantic Beach Florida and/or I have participated in a pre- application meeting with the Administrator of those regulations. Subsequently, I affirm that no regulated trees and no regulated vegetation will be damaged, destroyed and/or removed from the above-described property and/or adjacent properties including right-of-way. 1 HEREBY CE TIFY THAT ALL NFORMATION PROVIDED IS CORRECT: Signature of Property Owner(s) or Authorized Agent SIGNATURE OF APPLICANF PRINT OR TYPE NAME DATE SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT (2)PRINT OR TYPE NAME DATE Signed and sworn before me on this 3 day of Identification verified: Oath Sworn: Yes CYNTHkC. GRADY MY 335775 EXPIRES: Atwd4.2023 Bonded PtNc by State of County of ) Nota ignature My Commission expires 04 TREE AND VEGETATION AFFIDAVIT 03.01.2018 POOL21-0018 POOL21-0018 - 8" DEEP SUNSHELF - UMBRELLA SLEEVE -10" -3" -3" 29'-5" 0" +6" 17'-2" 13'-0" 6'-6" Company Info Address:600 St. Johns Bluff Rd. N. City:Jacksonville (GOLF COURSE) COVERED LANAI NOT INCLUDED NOT INCLUDED State/Zip:Fl / 32225 Phone #:904.223.4050 Fax #:904.223.0735 E-mail:Info@pbjc.com License #:CPC 009595 & 1457425& 1459376 & CBC 1263546 Revision Gen. Plan Deck Area:361 ft² Lanai Area:n/a Pool Perimeter:81' 11" Hydraulics 3'-6" DEEP 5'-0" DEEP (3) W/Rs Gallons:9,955 gallons Pool Area:352 ft² BENCHMARK TOP OF POOL BEAM-7 3/4" BENCH SCALE:1/8"=1' TOP OF TILE-7 1/4" Date: TOP OF COPING-6" Date: +6" Date: Date: Date: Notes:- Drainline from Skimmer #1 - Maintain min. 1" step down from all doors & stucco/ siding band - Travertine skimmer lid - $1,000 allowance for electric homerun - Corrdinate dig w/ Chesley Scott 407-491-0001 to haul dirt RE:RE: - MAX 18" EXPOSED - 8" THICK WALL/BEAM - STUCCO FINISH (#3) 6" O.C.E.W INTO POOL COVE RE: RE: RE: (2) +6" RAISED WALLS - +12" RAISED WALL - (2) 36" SHEER DESCENTS ~10' BRL ~PROPERTY LINE EXISTING BAR-B-QUE TO REMAIN DEMO EXISTING STEP 5'5' 6"6' ACCESS SEE ATTACHED NOTICE: BONDING GRID - OPTION "C" # 8 BARE COPPER CONDUIT A-2 3 A-2 3 A-2 3 A-2 3 TRAVERTINE PAVER COPING STANDARD DECK DRAIN STANDARD DECK DRAIN A-2 1 - FOOTER INC. - MAX 34" EXPOSED WALL - STUCCO FINISH A-2 2 24W24W SAFETY 2:PGRM-2 Pool Guard Alarm Address:527 Atlantic Beach Court Project Manager:Edmund Zip:32233 Designer Name:Russ Client Name:Izard Residence Builder:Residential Neighborhood:Atlantic Beach C.C Specs Customer Info Safety Notes Spa Area:n/a - VSSHP220AUT - CS 250 - PLC 1400 - JXi 400NK - CONFIRM ELEC. ALLOWANCE @ PRE SITE - 6614 AP-L PURELINK - RS-PS4 - iQ20A - 4424 JVA (SHEERS) - PX 100W TRANSFORMER - 3 PORT J-BOX - (2) JLU4C 24W 100' LTS PURELINKJ-BOX LST:21 GPMs Job #:2819 HST:41 GPMs Dist to P/E:55' Footer:40' Spa Perimeter:n/a SAFETY 1:Existing Fence NN TRAVERTINE PAVER DECK MDX W/ SDX FUTURE POLARIS 360 FUTURE POLARIS 360 - SKIMMER #1 - DRAINLINE PUMP #1:MDX-R3 & SDX ON SIDE Branch Line:3" Trunk Line:2.5" Return Line:2.5" Skimmers:1 Jandy Pump:VSSHP220AUT Jandy Filter:CS 250 Heater:JXi 400NK Minimum TDH:~54' Maximum Flow:117 GPM's POOL21-0018 3' 6"3' 6"6' 3" 13' 3"5' 6"5' 6" 6' 9"2' 6"Company Info Address:600 St. Johns Bluff Rd. N. City:Jacksonville State/Zip:Fl / 32225 Phone #:904.223.4050 Fax #:904.223.0735 E-mail:Info@pbjc.com License #:CPC 009595 & 1457425& 1459376 & CBC 1263546 Revision Detail Page A-2 Deck Area:361 ft² Lanai Area:n/a Pool Perimeter:81' 11" Gallons:9,955 gallons Pool Area:352 ft² Date: Date: +6" Date: Date: Date: Notes:- Drainline from Skimmer #1 - Maintain min. 1" step down from all doors & stucco/ siding band - Travertine skimmer lid - $1,000 allowance for electric homerun - Corrdinate dig w/ Chesley Scott 407-491-0001 to haul dirt RE:RE: RE: RE: RE: - (2) +6" RAISED WALLS - TRAVERTINE PAVER COPING TOP - TILE FACE & SIDES - STUCCO BACK - +12" RAISED WALL - TRAVERTINE PAVER COPING TOP - TILE FACE & SIDES - STUCCO BACK - (2) 36" SHEER DESCENTS 8"EXISTING GRADE #3 @ 12" O.C. 18" MIN. LAP #3 @ 6" O.C.E.W. POOL MAX 18" FINISH GRADE 3" 1'-4" 2 1/2" 1'-0" HEIGHT VARIES 34" MAX. HT. PAVER 3,500 P.S.I MIN. C.I.P. CONCRETE #3 REBAR VERT. CONT. @ 12" O.C. #3 REBAR HORIZ. CONT. @ 12" O.C. (2) #3 CONT. & #3 P.E.R.P. @ 12" O.C. COMPACTED SUBGRADE @ 95% COMPACTION Exposed Pool Wall Scale: nts A-2 1Exposed Pool Wall Scale: nts A-2 1 Mono Wall Scale: nts A-2 2 Sheer Descent Detail Scale: 1/8" : 1'A-2 3Sheer Descent Detail Scale: 1/8" : 1'A-2 3 SAFETY 2:PGRM-2 Pool Guard Alarm Address:527 Atlantic Beach Court Project Manager:Edmund Zip:32233 Designer Name:Russ Client Name:Izard Residence Builder:Residential Neighborhood:Atlantic Beach C.C Specs Customer Info Safety Notes Spa Area:n/a LST:21 GPMs Job #:2819 HST:41 GPMs Dist to P/E:55' Footer:40' Spa Perimeter:n/a SAFETY 1:Existing Fence 3' 6"3' 6"6' 3" 13' 3"5' 6"5' 6" 6' 9"2' 6"Company Info Address:600 St. Johns Bluff Rd. N. City:Jacksonville (GOLF COURSE) COVERED LANAI NOT INCLUDED NOT INCLUDED State/Zip:Fl / 32225 Phone #:904.223.4050 Fax #:904.223.0735 E-mail:Info@pbjc.com License #:CPC 009595 & 1457425& 1459376 & CBC 1263546 Revision Layout Plan Deck Area:361 ft² Lanai Area:n/a Pool Perimeter:81' 11" Hydraulics Gallons:9,955 gallons Pool Area:352 ft² BENCHMARK TOP OF POOL BEAM-7 3/4" SCALE:1/8"=1' TOP OF TILE-7 1/4" Date: TOP OF COPING-6" Date: Date: Date: Date: Notes:- Drainline from Skimmer #1 - Maintain min. 1" step down from all doors & stucco/ siding band - Travertine skimmer lid - $1,000 allowance for electric homerun - Corrdinate dig w/ Chesley Scott 407-491-0001 to haul dirt RE:RE: RE: RE: RE: ~10' BRL ~PROPERTY LINE EXISTING BAR-B-QUE TO REMAIN 3'x6' DEMO EXISTING STEP ACCESS SAFETY 2:PGRM-2 Pool Guard Alarm Address:527 Atlantic Beach Court Project Manager:Edmund Zip:32233 Designer Name:Russ Client Name:Izard Residence Builder:Residential Neighborhood:Atlantic Beach C.C Specs Customer Info Safety Notes Spa Area:n/a PURELINKJ-BOX LST:21 GPMs Job #:2819 HST:41 GPMs Dist to P/E:55' Footer:40' Spa Perimeter:n/a SAFETY 1:Existing Fence NN PUMP #1:MDX-R3 & SDX ON SIDE Branch Line:3" Trunk Line:2.5" Return Line:2.5" Skimmers:1 Jandy Pump:VSSHP220AUT Jandy Filter:CS 250 Heater:JXi 400NK Minimum TDH:~54' Maximum Flow:117 GPM's 30'9' 6"7' 2" 23' 3"12'9' 2"5' 6"6' 32' 5" DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY PAID PermitTRAK $764.78 POOL21-0018 Address: 527 ATLANTIC BEACH CT APN: 169505 1415 $764.78 BLDG SUBSEQUENT PLAN REVIEW FEES $125.00 BLDG 2ND PLAN REVIEW FEE 455-0000-322-1006 0 $50.00 BLDG 3RD PLAN REVIEW FEE 455-0000-322-1006 0 $75.00 BUILDING $284.00 BUILDING PERMIT 455-0000-322-1000 0 $284.00 BUILDING PLAN REVIEW $142.00 BUILDING PLAN CHECK 455-0000-322-1001 0 $142.00 PUBLIC WORKS PLAN REVIEW $100.00 PW REVIEW RESIDENTIAL BLDG 001-0000-329-1004 0 $100.00 STATE SURCHARGES $13.78 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0700 0 $8.27 STATE DCA SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0600 0 $5.51 ZONING PLAN REVIEW $100.00 ZONING REVIEW SINGLE AND TWO FAMILY USES 001-0000-329-1003 0 $100.00 TOTAL FEES PAID BY RECEIPT: R16200 $764.78 Printed: Wednesday, June 30, 2021 8:32 AM Date Paid: Wednesday, June 30, 2021 Paid By: Debbi Werling Pay Method: CREDIT CARD 474767991 1 of 1 Cashier: JJ Cash Register Receipt City of Atlantic Beach Receipt Number R16200