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07-08-2021 CESM Agenda Packet
City of Atlantic Beach Agenda Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Meeting Thursday, July 8, 2021 - 2:00 p.m. Commission Chamber City Hall, 800 Seminole Road Page(s) 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2.A. Approve minutes of the regular meeting of the May 6, 2021 Special Magistrate meeting. 05-06-2021 DRAFT Minutes 3 - 5 3. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH 4. OLD BUSINESS 4.A. Case #: 20-109 Name: Tom Wall Address: 885 Amberjack Lane Case Details 20-109 CE 885 Amberjack Lane Case #20-109 7 - 43 5. NEW BUSINESS 5.A. Case #: 21-087 Name: Thomas Patrick Bourdon * Address: 342 19th Street Case Details 21-087 CE 342 19th Street Case #21-087 45 - 69 5.B. Case #: 21-066 Name: Madelyn N. Woods Address: 404 Whiting Lane Case Details 21-066 CE 404 Whiting Lane Case #21-066 71 - 83 5.C. Case #: 20-154 Name: Manuzon Rolando Figueroa * Address: 1340 Violet Street Case Details 20-154 CE 1340 Violet St. Case #20-154 85 - 119 5.D. Case #: 20-106 121 - 167 Page 1 of 212 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate - 08 Jul 2021 Name: Seminole South LLC Address: 705 Atlantic Blvd. CE 705 Atlantic Blvd. Case #20-106 Case Details 20-106 6. REDUCTION OF FINE REQUEST 6.A. Case #: 12-00000013 Name: Bobby Knight Address: 945 Plaza CE Lien 945 Plaza (2012) 169 - 212 7. ADJOURNMENT * Homesteaded Properties This meeting will be live-streamed and videotaped. To access live or recorded videos, click on the Meeting Videos tab on the city's home page at Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chamber. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this me eting should contact the City Clerk’s Office by 5:00 PM, the Friday prior to the meeting. If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may ne ed a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26 of the Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk's Office not less than three (3) days prior to the date of this meeting at (904) 247-5800 or 800 Seminole Road. Page 2 of 212 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate May 6, 2021 MINUTES Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Meeting Thursday, May 6, 2021 - 2:00 PM Commission Chamber Present:Suzanne Green, Special Magistrate Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement (CE) Officer Kim Flower, Records Clerk 1.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Magistrate Green led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 2.CALL TO ORDER Magistrate Green called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M. 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES A.Approve minutes of the regular meeting of the March 18, 2021 Special Magistrate meeting. The minutes were approved as submitted. 4.ADMINISTRATION OF OATH Magistrate Green administered the Oath to the attendees - staff and respondents. 5.OLD BUSINESS A CASE #: 20-109 NAME: Tom Wall ADDRESS: 885 Amberjack Lane The slideshow presentation was entered into the record as evidence. Testified: CE Officer Irizarry, Tom Wall Respondent: Tom Wall was present. Action: The City shall review the permit application to determine if the Respondent’s application is approved or denied. If denied, the Respondent shall forthwith remove the metal shed structure. The matter will be placed on the July 8, 2021 agenda for determination of compliance. B.CASE #: 20-142 NAME: Regina Rosenstein Trust ADDRESS: 501 Mayport Road Agenda Item #2.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 3 of 212 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate May 6, 2021 Testified: CE Officer Irizarry Respondent: Regina Rosenstein Trust representative was not present. Action: The Respondent is found in violation and has 15 days from the date of the Order to come into complete compliance. The matter will be removed from the July 8, 2021 agenda if the Respondent has come into compliance. C.CASE: 20-161 NAME: David E. Reed ADDRESS: 812 Ocean Blvd. Testified: CE Officer Irizarry Respondent: David E. Reed was not present. Action: The Respondent’s compliance shall be deferred until the July 8, 2021 hearing date for the City to review the current stamped plans submitted by the Respondent. 6.NEW BUSINESS A.CASE #: 21-007 NAME: Solomon Properties Inc. ADDRESS: 695 Atlantic Blvd. Testified: CE Officer Irizarry Respondent: Solomon Properties representative was not present. Action: That the Respondent submitted a sign permit. Due to the City denying the permit as to exceeding maximum coverage, the matter is deferred until the next code enforcement hearing to determine if the Respondent has come into compliance. 7.ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, Magistrate Green declared the meeting adjourned at 2:17 PM. Attest: Kimberly M. Flower, Records Clerk Suzanne W. Green, Special Magistrate Agenda Item #2.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 4 of 212 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate May 6, 2021 Date Approved ___________________________________ Agenda Item #2.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 5 of 212 Page 6 of 212 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 20‐109 Printed: Tuesday, 06 July, 2021 1of 4 Description: Boat Canopy ‐ No Permit Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: RESIDENTIAL Opened: 9/11/2020 Closed: Last Action: 7/23/2021 Fllw Up: 3/1/2021 Site Address: 885 AMBERJACK LN ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 171179 0000 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details: CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES STOP WORK ORDER POST Angela Irizarry 7/7/2020 7/7/2020 SWO Posted at property by Mike Jones NOV REG Angela Irizarry 9/11/2020 9/11/2020 NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 10/2/2020 10/2/2020 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 10/20/2020 10/20/2020 Tracking Number: 70131710000216918267Your package is moving within the USPS network and is on track to be delivered to its final destination. It is currently in transit to the next facility. Status In‐Transit October 9, 2020 In Transit to Next Facility CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 11/10/2020 11/10/2020 Per certified letter is still in transit. Agenda Item #4.A.08 Jul 2021 Page 7 of 212 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 20‐109 Printed: Tuesday, 06 July, 2021 2of 4 NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 11/10/2020 11/10/2020 Sent new certified letter. usps never delivered prior letter. CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 11/30/2020 11/30/2020 Per the certified letter is still in transit. CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 12/29/2020 12/29/2020 2nd Certified letter still not delivered. per, it says its still in transit. Posting notice at property. NOV POST Angela Irizarry 1/4/2021 1/4/2021 Posted notice on the owners property on Linkside Drive MISC NOTES/ACTION Angela Irizarry 1/21/2021 1/21/2021 Schedule for hearing once new magistrate is selected NOTICE OF HEARING Angela Irizarry 2/6/2021 2/12/2021 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 3/3/2021 3/5/2021 NOH Letter has not been picked up by Respondent yet. Need to post notice for meeting NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 3/5/2021 3/5/2021 Posted NOH for 3/18 hearing on front door of owners residence address on Linkside Drive and at City Hall. CODE ENFORCEMENT AGENDA Kim Flower 3/12/2021 3/12/2021 SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Kim Flower 3/26/2021 3/26/2021 CODE ENFORCEMENT ORDER Kim Flower 3/30/2021 3/26/2021 3/18/2021 Hearing ‐ Respondent given 10 days from date of order to obtain proper permit or $250/day fine. TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 3/30/2021 3/30/2021 Received a phone call from Kim. She stated that they live at 885 Amberjack and not at 1228 Linkside. PA records are not up to date. Meeting was set up to help her with the information she needs in order to submit a permit Agenda Item #4.A.08 Jul 2021 Page 8 of 212 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 20‐109 Printed: Tuesday, 06 July, 2021 3of 4 application. MEETING WITH RESPONDENT Angela Irizarry 3/30/2021 3/30/2021 Met with Kimberly at the property along with Mike Jones, who initially posted the SWO. The unapproved structure is a boat canopy that is anchored into the ground. It is too close the the side property line as it is installed but can be moved if necessary. Mike explained to Kim what is required for a permit application and what paperwork he would need in order to do a plan review. Owner needs to obtain engineering drawings from the manufacturer of the canopy. NOH LTR Angela Irizarry 4/26/2021 4/26/2021 Posted NOH of hearing letter at Property. Kimberly came out of the house and stated that she sent in most of her permit application and needed to send in a copy of her survey with the structure listed on the survey. MISC NOTES/ACTION Angela Irizarry 5/3/2021 5/3/2021 Checked records for permit application. A partial application was received on 4/9. Called Kimberly and she stated she sent everything in from the ups store but would stop by and drop off another hard copy. PERMIT APPLIED FOR Angela Irizarry 5/3/2021 5/3/2021 OTHER Building 5/13/2021 5/13/2021 Review comments sent to respondent by building department. Application incomplete. CEB MEETING Angela Irizarry 5/18/2021 5/18/2021 Hearing ‐ Respondent was given 10 days to obtain a valid permit or fines would be issued at $250 / day. NOTICE OF HEARING Angela Irizarry 6/3/2021 6/3/2021 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 6/5/2021 6/5/2021 NOH for 7/8/2021 hearing was delivered on 6/5/2021 per CODE ENFORCEMENT Kim Flower 7/6/2021 Agenda Item #4.A.08 Jul 2021 Page 9 of 212 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 20‐109 Printed: Tuesday, 06 July, 2021 4of 4 AGENDA CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL OWNER TOM WALL 1228 LINKSIDE DRIVE ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTIONS INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES INITIAL INSPECTION AI REINSPECTION AI 10/1/2020 10/1/2020 VIOLATION CONTINUES Metal structure is still in side yard and no permit application has been received. REINSPECTION AI 10/14/2020 10/20/2020 VIOLATION CONTINUES VIOLATIONS VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATIONREMARKSNOTES SWO Florida Bldg Code Angela Irizarry 9/11/2020 FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. Agenda Item #4.A.08 Jul 2021 Page 10 of 212 Irizarry,Angela From: Michael jones <> Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 2:48 PM To: Irizarry,Angela Subject: SWO @ 885 Amberjack Attachments: 20200706_122915.j pg Shed/storage installed without permit. MJ. Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone 1 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 11 of 212 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT (904) 247-5826 NOTICE This building has been inspected and work re Q A N General Construction Mechanica,No a3 Concrete and Masonry Electrical 7.-_o x a Plumbing Gas Piping' D Nam v IS NOT ACCEPTED AND MUST CEASE CORRECT AS NOTED BELOW, BEFORE ANY FURT`-i f r r-Ia i kt3 o1 j v r -I- w;2 k_CA iD-4"r Yr - P„ I {, 2,yr,,rep/ P.r my c e- i.., sit,ro5y vyr 1- ADDRESS:— F. 8- 5 fi.,. b4ack L a n e, r 19-(R- Please contact our department regarding this notice within 10 days. If you do not,this violation being forwarded to the CODE ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT. The posting of this placard by its contents shall serve as due notice DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE Inspector:yYl Date: 6 ?C20 1 2 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 12 of 212 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 13 of 212 ell V l 01 y void. APP Ali w R f' s, 1 ice} ` r' •' y M • ji:^ } t'.— J' .. , Y t='' I. r yam''^ / • yi i .% a•" j. S i "'+ . i ". r. !.. 4'• !•, j' i•• t I l".' - ' rj ^', _ f .- ti a.• / dw. 4P IL sr4y .. ' mislay ` _ ! ^-• Z' .,; i„•,:} • •.. ' ..-' ' 1 0 AW JP 77 do or _ qo y r I V ' t Y'= mow ' t• ._ • ; ir'•-.• '' ` F •' I • - ; s _... . Amid, or, t F L .- ' T\ . • •• ; _ i` , .. `° moi_ i i +': 40 dOI Aw we op IF a. s f'`• - - " So 9z JI " `%,- '- . •^:, its s • 7 , f /•+ RJB . • - fij• R;:. old i.'• r f * Or` 0 and \ r `' moi , ;•`... , M I VO1IF 4A 4 AN 10, xv 06 lot• ` ; ' 1 , ` r;,'' : i • `•. ``: 1111 ` l-` ' • 1 , I" .+ , a r \ • , , ` ' f sr i i' o_ ifS _ 6' ia".:' •. L. a -.. "+ \ ' . TS.- i. i _. j P`+. ! ' ' v t.-. .. v` Z i ' • mow , r` r Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 14 of 212 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 15 of 212 3-e' :ri. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH sj 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ri 414 c ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 s. PHONE (904)247-5800 4 9/11/2020 TOM WALL 1228 LINKSIDE DRIVE ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 171179 0000 Case Number: 20-109 Location of Violation: 885 AMBERJACK LN, 30-60 17-2S-29E ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 LOT 25 BLK 4 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 885 AMBERJACK LN was conducted on 9/10/2020. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required.Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair,remove, demolish,or change the occupancy of a building or structure,or to erect, install, enlarge, alter,repair,remove,convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system,the installation of which is regulated by this code,or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. NATURE OF VIOLATION: A metal canopy/boat cover has been installed on the western side of the house. This structure requires a valid building permit and no permit is on file for this canopy structure. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by submitting a permit application to the City of Atlantic Beach within ten(10)days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. I, j , z -c)(1\-' hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. Sinely, Angela Irizarry CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 16 of 212 3 ill' '' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH sA 800 SEMINOLE ROAD iii ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 J r' v PHONE (904) 247-5800 CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7013 1710 0002 1691 8267 10/2/2020 TOM WALL 1228 LINKSIDE DRIVE ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 171179 0000 Case Number: 20-109 Location of Violation: 885 AMBERJACK LN, 30- 60 17-2S-29E ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 LOT 25 BLK 4 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6- 16. A code enforcement inspection at 885 AMBERJACK LN was conducted on 9/10/2020 & 10/1/2020. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct,enlarge, alter,repair,remove,demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure,or to erect, install,enlarge, alter,repair, remove,convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings,electrical,gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code,or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. NATURE OF VIOLATION: A metal canopy/boat cover has been installed on the western side of the house. This structure requires a valid building permit and no permit is on file for this canopy structure. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by submitting a permit application to the City of Atlantic Beach within ten (10)days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I, 'k-NSe Z - ` , hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. Si erely, @I ng- . fridge, CODE EN . CEMENT Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 17 of 212 3/12/2021®-USPS Tracking®Results USPS Tracking® FAQs > Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70131710000216918267 Remove X Your package is moving within the USPS network and is on track to be delivered to its final destination. It is currently in transit to the next facility. In-Transit cp October 9, 2020 CY In Transit to Next Facility Get Updates u Text & Email Updates Tracking History October 9, 2020 In Transit to Next Facility Your package is moving within the USPS network and is on track to be delivered to its final destination. It is currently in transit to the next facility. October 5, 2020, 4:29 am Departed USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER October 2, 2020, 7:38 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER 1710 0002 1691 8267 1/2 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 18 of 212 3/12/2021®-USPS Tracking®Results Product Information See Less , Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. FAQs m CD CD Q v 1710 0002 1691 8267 2/ 2 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 19 of 212 11.rL`tr v1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ss\ 800 SEMINOLE ROAD s)ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7013 1710 0002 1691 3897 11/10/2020 TOM WALL 1228 LINKSIDE DRIVE ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 171179 0000 Case Number: 20-109 Location of Violation: 885 AMBERJACK LN,30-60 17-2S-29E ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 LOT 25 BLK 4 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 885 AMBERJACK LN was conducted on 9/10/2020 & 10/1/2020 & 11/10/2020. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required.Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter,repair,remove,demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge,alter,repair,remove,convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings,electrical,gas, mechanical or plumbing system,the installation of which is regulated by this code,or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. NATURE OF VIOLATION: A metal canopy/boat cover has been installed on the western side of the house. This structure requires a valid building permit and no permit is on file for this canopy structure. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by submitting a permit application to the City of Atlantic Beach within ten (10)days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 58555 or if you have any questions or need additional information.( I, ' ISQ\.0 hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. erely, 416411 Angela Iri .4 CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 20 of 212 3/12/2021®-USPS Tracking®Results USPS Tracking® FAQs > Track Another Package -I- TrackingTracking Number: 70131710000216913897 Remove X Your package is moving within the USPS network and is on track to be delivered to its final destination. It is currently in transit to the next facility. In-Transit November 15, 2020 cr In Transit to Next Facility Get Updates u Text & Email Updates Tracking History November 15, 2020 In Transit to Next Facility Your package is moving within the USPS network and is on track to be delivered to its final destination. It is currently in transit to the next facility. November 11, 2020, 9:05 pm Departed USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER November 10, 2020, 7:30 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER 1/2 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 21 of 212 3/12/2021®-USPS Tracking®Results Product Information u See Less /\ Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. FAQs CD CD O. 0 v C) 2/2 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 22 of 212 0Nr CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH YJ 800 SEMINOLE ROAD 0 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 0-° op)PHONE (904) 247-5800 0111FP POSTED ON PROPERTY AND ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 1/4/2021 TOM WALL 1228 LINKSIDE DRIVE ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 171179 0000 Case Number: 20-109 Location of Violation: 885 AMBERJACK LN, 30- 60 17-2S-29E ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 LOT 25 BLK 4 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6- 16. A code enforcement inspection at 885 AMBERJACK LN was conducted on 9/10/2020 & 10/1/2020 & 11/10/2020. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required.Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge,alter,repair,remove,demolish,or change the occupancy of a building or structure,or to erect, install, enlarge,alter, repair,remove,convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings,electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system,the installation of which is regulated by this code,or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. NATURE OF VIOLATION: A metal canopy/boat cover has been installed on the western side of the house. This structure requires a valid building permit and no permit is on file for this canopy structure. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by submitting a permit application to the City of Atlantic Beach within ten (10)days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I, S(C, - _l terry hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accu ate. ii ely, /iI Angela U CODE E ORCEMENT Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 23 of 212 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 24 of 212 01-4141:rjr, CODE ENFORCEMENT is CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING tom On •c-) 2/ 12/2021 Case Number: 20-109 TOM WALL Certified Mail Return Receipt: 1228 LINKSIDE DRIVE 7016 0910 0001 6799 4493 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 885 AMBERJACK LANE ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on March 18, 2021 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 885 AMBERJACK LANE,30-60 17-2S-29E ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 LOT 25 BLK 4. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6- 16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required.Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct,enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: on July 7,2020 a stop work order was posted on the property by Mike Jones,Building Inspector for installation of an accessory structure(metal canopy) without a permit. A notice of violation was mailed on 9/11/2020 and posted at your home at 1228 Linkside Drive on 1/4/2021. To date, no application has been received and the structure has not been permitted or inspected. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received,the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 25 of 212 r presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, P\-Cse_\61, ZOw C hereby swear and affirm that the above statement i rue and accurate. Angela Irizarry 41 Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: 4) ` ?,024,7C....r' Kim Flowers,Records Clerk 7016 0910 0001 6799 4493 N ,Q R. 314° y q 3 m Q%1 C T tL N z m 70 m i3 o p \%if m i al o m 5gZ ?m a a 9 min o N. -,:;) m m m f m m y m N 4 ' 1 0 A Z 0 id to S» 5»P° Q a ` G 0 31 0 Qi 0 3@ T yr .. r< U) O W C a y 8 K 2 1, 3 v .rt 3 aia _ aa ft-r3 _ m - g H s sus m3i aON o www« n D 5•w 0 N 0 N M N \/ M ec N N y3N00 O m d O Cn 6 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 26 of 212 3/5/2021®-USPS Tracking®Results USPS Tracking® FAQs > Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70160910000167994493 Remove X This is a reminder to arrange for redelivery of your item or your item will be returned to sender. Delivery Attempt Reminder to Schedule Redelivery of your item m CD Get Updates u Text & Email Updates Tracking History Reminder to Schedule Redelivery of your item This is a reminder to arrange for redelivery of your item or your item will be returned to sender. February 18, 2021, 3:35 pm Notice Left (No Authorized Recipient Available) ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 February 17, 2021 In Transit to Next Facility February 15, 2021, 7:04 pm Departed USPS Regional Facility 2C 1/2 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 27 of 212 3/5/2021®-USPS Tracking®Results JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER February 12, 2021, 9:58 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER Product Information See Less /\ Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. m a a- n) FAQs 2/2 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 28 of 212 h,CODE ENFORCEMENT J' 1 4,4,40e ' 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 01t19f" POSTED AT PROPERTY AND ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 3/5/2021 Case Number: 20-109 TOM WALL 1228 LINKSIDE DRIVE Property Address: 885 AMBERJACK LANE ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on March 18, 2021 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road,to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 885 AMBERJACK LANE,30-60 17-2S-29E ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 LOT 25 BLK 4. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required.Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct,enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system,the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER:on July 7,2020 a stop work order was posted on the property by Mike Jones,Building Inspector for installation of an accessory structure(metal canopy) without a permit. A notice of violation was mailed on 9/11/2020 and posted at your home at 1228 Linkside Drive on 1/4/2021. To date,no application has been received and the structure has not been permitted or inspected. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received,the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 29 of 212 You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, l0 1 21 hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true an ccurate. 1. if 1 ic-1,....-6)---.6A\ tela Iri t Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: L ) 1 Kim Flowers, Records Clerk Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 30 of 212 r- s ..-L' j Pr J CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 01,, 4?1 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 v PHONE (904)247-5800 JS31c) NOH POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 20-109 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances,I, Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer,City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations:( 1) Date Posted: , I iaoa l Location: 1228 Linkside Drive,Atlantic Beach, Florida 2) Date Posted: v I-G I Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 01 i i dr Angela Ir' a i , Code Enfor iiient 6 County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this /a-6- day of /Y2i9,PLY-/ 200?I , by Angela Irizarry,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement for the City of Atlantic Beach. Per . . 'i . : , led s ement: NO:L. Rip/SeriONNE CALVERLEY i7142-/142 4. .;. MY COMMISSION#GG 974233 to Public, State of Fl i a EXPIRES:July 29.2024r.oi R' BondedThni NotaryPublicUnderwtp Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 31 of 212 11 11 rmit Reviews of Atlantic Beach Permit Number: ACC21-0032 Description: BOAT CANOPY Applied:5/ 3/2021 Approved: Site Address:885 AMBERJACK LN Issued: Finaled: City,State Zip Code:Atlantic Beach,Fl 32233 Status:AWAITING REVISION Applicant:<NONE> Parent Permit: Owner:TOM WALL Parent Project: Contractor:<NONE> Details: OWNER BUILDER SENT DATE RETURNED DUE DATE TYPE CONTACT STATUS REMARKS DATE Review Group:AUTO i 5/ 3/2021 5/3/2021 SUBMITTAL Permit Tech APPROVEDCOMPLETENESS Notes: ONE ATTACHMENT 5/ 3/2021 5/5/2021 5/17/2021 ZONING Zoning DENIED Notes: Set backs:Accessory structures shall be 5 feet from side and rear property lines and shall not be closer than 5 feet to any other structure on the same lot.Plans show that the"boat canopy"is less than 5 feet from the existing shed and less than 5 feet from the side property line. Height:Please provide the overall height of the structure.The submitted documents show two different heights. Buildings:The total number of buildings on any lot zoned for single-family use shall not exceed 3 including the principal structure and any other detached structures.The survey shows 4 buildings on the property. 5/3/2021 5/13/2021 5/17/2021 BUILDING Building DENIED Notes: Correction Comments: 1.On the building application the space marked for LEGAL DESCRIPTION and RE#were not filled in with the correct information.The space are for information that describes where your building lot is located in Duval County.The needed information may be found at the Duval County Property Appraiser's Website.Please resubmit the application with the corrected information. 2.Engineered drawings,manufacturer's installation instructions and the Florida Product Approval Number is needed the storage shed constructed on your lot. 3.The site plans shows that the shed's location is not compliant with accessory structure setbacks. 5/3/2021 5/5/2021 5/17/2021 PUBLIC WORKS Public Works DENIED Notes: Section 24-66(b)of the Land Development Regulations requires on-site storage for increased run-off if adding250 SF or more impervious surface. Provide Delta volume calculations and on-site retention required per Section 24-66(b). Provide a detailed plan of water retention area and how water runoff gets to water retention areas and then to street. Printed:Friday, 14 May,2021 1 of 2 CENTRALSQUARE Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 32 of 212 Permit Reviews y City of Atlantic Beach µ5/3/2021 5/3/2021 5/17/2021 PUBLIC UTILITIES Public Utilities NOT APPLICABLE TO DEPARTMENT Notes:Printed:Friday, 14 May,2021 2 of 2 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 33 of 212 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ORDER City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, Petitioner First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested: 7019 2970 0000 9865 5053 vs. Property Address: 885 Amberjack Lane Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Tom Wall 885 Amberjack Lane Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Respondent. CASE NUMBER: 20-109 REAL ESTATE NUMBER: 171179-0000 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 30-60 17-25-29E ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 LOT 25 BLK 4 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL ORDER ON CASE No.20-109 THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on March 18, 2021, and the Special Magistrate having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, issues findings of fact,conclusions of law, and orders as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Respondent owns the property located at 885 Amberjack, Lane, Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. Notice of the hearing was sent by Certified Mail twice but not delivered. 3. On July 7, 2020, the City of Atlantic Beach posted a stop work order on Respondent's property due to a metal shed being built on the property without the proper permitting as required by Florida Building Code section 105 Permit 105.1. 4. A Notice of Violation letter was also posted on the front door of the Respondent's residence at 1228 Linkside Drive, Atlantic Beach, FL and at Atlantic Beach City Hall. 5. A Notice of Hearing was posted on the front door of the Respondent's residence at 1228 Lindside Drive, Atlantic Beach, FL and Atlantic Beach City Hall. 6. The Respondent did not appear at the hearing. 7. The City of Atlantic Beach stated the violation continues and the Respondent has not made application to the City of Atlantic Beach Building official to obtain the required permit. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 8. The Respondent was provided proper notice of the violation and hearing and remains non-compliant. Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 34 of 212 ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent shall have 10 days from the date of this Order to obtain the proper permit as required by the Florida Building Code and the Codes and Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach. If the Respondent fails to comply within the 10 days, the Respondent shall be assessed a fine of 250 per day. In addition, fines shall include the administrative cost to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. DONE AND ORDERED THIS 26TH DAY OF MARCH,2021. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA COD ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ATTESTC7 "`( , li luec Kimberly M. Fl. , Records Clerk Su anne W. Green, Special Magistrate Executed this 26th day of March 2021. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes § 162.11 requires that any appeal of this order must be filed in the circuit court for Duval County within 30 days of this order's execution. cc: 1228 Linkside Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested: 7019 2970 0000 9865 5060 U.S. Postal Service- U.S. Rostal Service`"' CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT m Domestic Mail Only II Domestic Mail Only 1.11 O For delivery information,visit our website at`.For delivery information,visit our website at®. OFFICIAL USE Ln OFFICIAL USE Certified Mail Fee Certified Mail Fee cD $ c0 $ p"' Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) Cr Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ O 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark 00 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here IM 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here 0 Adult Signature Required $0 Adult Signature Required $ 0 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ l7; 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ O Postage O Postage p- $ r.. $ 0' Total Postage and Fees 0" Total Postage and Fees fU ru Q" Sent To h n ,orL' C Q `- 23"_""' City,State,2113+44 2 City,State,ZIP-1-45 PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-az-coo-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 35 of 212 USPS Tracking® FAQs > Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70192970000098655053 Remove X Your item has been delivered to an agent for final delivery in ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 on March 29, 2021 at 12:43 pm. Delivered to Agent for Final Delivery 0 March 29, 2021 at 12:43 pm a. ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 a) x Get Updates \/ Text & Email Updates u Tracking History n March 29, 2021, 12:43 pm Delivered to Agent for Final Delivery ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Your item has been delivered to an agent for final delivery in ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 on March 29, 2021 at 12:43 pm. March 28, 2021, 6:44 pm Departed USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 36 of 212 March 28, 2021 In Transit to Next Facility March 26, 2021, 11:07 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER Product Information u See Less " Can't find what you're looking for? m co Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions.0. v 0 FAQs Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 37 of 212 rj rLl 4-1 CODE ENFORCEMENT sem. t;\ 3 S CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING triE POSTED AT PROPERTY AND ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 4/26/2021 Case Number: 20-109 TOM WALL 1228 LINKSIDE DRIVE Property Address: 885 AMBERJACK LANE ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on May 6,2021 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall,Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 885 AMBERJACK LANE,30- 60 17-2S-29E ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 LOT 25 BLK 4. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required.Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct,enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: on July 7,2020 a stop work order was posted on the property by Mike Jones,Building Inspector for installation of an accessory structure(metal canopy) without a permit. The case was heard at the March 18 hearing and you were given 10 days to submit a permit application to the City of Atlantic Beach. A meeting was held at the property to discuss the application but to date, no application has been received and the structure has not been permitted or formally inspected. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 38 of 212 You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, Pnen-e V ___ 0 hereby swear and affirm that the above statementy i 1 e and curate.` Angela I f I: y Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: K _ PAciAJer- Kim Flowers, Records Clerk Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 39 of 212 CODE ENFORCEMENT Jy s. a 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 0511 6/3/2021 Case Number: 20-109 TOM WALL Certified Mail Return Receipt: 885 AMBERJACK LANE 7017 0660 0000 3856 5552 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 885 AMBERJACK LANE ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 8,2021 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 885 AMBERJACK LANE,30-60 17-2S-29E ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 LOT 25 BLK 4. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required.Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct,enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: on July 7,2020 a stop work order was posted on the property by Mike Jones,Building Inspector for installation of an accessory structure(metal canopy) without a permit. A permit application was submitted on May 3,2021 but has not been approved. To date, there is no valid permit on file for the metal structure located in your side yard. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received,the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 40 of 212 C. a_i, hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is . e and urate. A_____ Angela I . Code Enforcement Officer, ity of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: 461Z --F6Ck-C4 ' Kim Flower, Records Clerk U.S. Postal Servicer' CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT ru Domestic Mail Only Ln For delivery information,visit our website at www.usps.comLi" r 1 k t7 U) Certified Mail Fee I* $ m Extra Services&Fees(check box add fee as appropriate) 0 Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark O 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here 0 Adult Signature Required $ Adutt Signature Restricted Delivery$ CI Postage OTotal Postage and Fees NSent To ib m (20 — I r: O Stre t andA t.,,,,..„..paBox(Vo. 1 v ck_ Lane. City,State,ZIP+4 r ii` 1. I 1 • .' * ) T C. , PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 41 of 212 flc - c ei)C A \n USPS Tracking® FAQs > Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70170660000038565552 Remove X Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 12:17 pm on June 5, 2021 in ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233. G Delivered, Left with Individual cp June 5, 2021 at 12:17 pm 0_ ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Get Updates u Text & Email Updates u Tracking History June 5, 2021, 12:17 pm Delivered, Left with Individual ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 12:17 pm on June 5, 2021 in ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233. June 4, 2021, 5:59 pm Departed USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 42 of 212 June 3, 2021, 8:42 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER Product Information See Less /\ Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. FAQscp CD a o- a) c) Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 43 of 212 Page 44 of 212 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐087 Printed: Tuesday, 06 July, 2021 1of 3 Description: Tree Removal with no permit Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: RESIDENTIAL Opened: 4/20/2021 Closed: Last Action: 7/23/2021 Fllw Up: 5/14/2021 Site Address: 342 19TH ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 172020 1242 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details: CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES STOP WORK ORDER POST Angela Irizarry 8/3/2020 8/3/2020 PERMIT APPLIED FOR Angela Irizarry 8/19/2020 8/19/2020 NOV REG Angela Irizarry 4/20/2021 4/20/2021 MISC NOTES/ACTION Angela Irizarry 4/20/2021 4/20/2021 Owner submitted an after the fact permit application but has not completed any mitigation action. NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 5/10/2021 5/10/2021 CMRR RECEIVED W/SIGNATURE Angela Irizarry 5/17/2021 5/17/2021 Letter was delivered on 5/15/2021 per green card. NOH LTR Angela Irizarry 6/3/2021 6/3/2021 NOTICE OF HEARING Angela Irizarry 6/3/2021 6/3/2021 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 6/5/2021 6/5/2021 Respondent signed for NOH on 6/5/2021 Agenda Item #5.A.08 Jul 2021 Page 45 of 212 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐087 Printed: Tuesday, 06 July, 2021 2of 3 CODE ENFORCEMENT AGENDA Kim Flower 7/6/2021 7/6/2021 EMAIL RECEIVED Angela Irizarry 7/6/2021 7/6/2021 Recieved email from Karl Sanders, atty for Respondent. He asked for an extension. Responded that I would forward his request for an extension to the magistrate. CODE ENFORCEMENT ORDER Kim Flower 7/20/2021 SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Kim Flower 7/23/2021 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL OWNER BOURDON THOMAS PATRICK 342 19TH STREET ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTIONS INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES INITIAL INSPECTION AI REINSPECTION AI 5/3/2021 Agenda Item #5.A.08 Jul 2021 Page 46 of 212 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐087 Printed: Tuesday, 06 July, 2021 3of 3 VIOLATIONS VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES Tree Penalties Angela Irizarry 4/20/2021 Sec. 23‐51. (d) Sanctions for failure to obtain a permit. (1) Regulated trees or regulated vegetation removed in violation of this chapter shall require an after‐the‐fact permit, the fee for which shall be two (2) times the normal established application fee specified in section 23‐26. In addition, as a condition of the permit, the applicant shall immediately complete all remedial work as necessary to stabilize the site and mitigate all damage to the site and adjacent properties. (2) Regulated trees removed in violation of this chapter shall be assessed at two (2) times the normal established rate of mitigation specified in section 23‐33. Sec 23‐46. ‐ Violations. Violations, including failure to make proper application for a tree or vegetation removal permit as required by these provisions, or failure to implement any requirements or conditions of a tree or vegetation removal permit, shall be deemed a violation of this chapter, and shall be subject to code enforcement procedures as set forth within chapter 2, article V, division 2 of this Municipal Code of Ordinances and any other remedies available under applicable law. Agenda Item #5.A.08 Jul 2021 Page 47 of 212 Page 48 of 212 Agenda Item #5.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 49 of 212 IF Or IP a s M c y L_. 4 / W I. 7' f" IIV y r IV M .; b I -.. i,` ... d. IV/ pl 4 F a of \ a wFdI l 'ic VI cl I. v r VI I IV 'INJ, 4 r ittfolt' ' ej r y F VZ AD te4,' /r. q liir§P1 3'/ l `( F. r .f i yyaYs' , 7r v 1=—/.>l4, V C i e . r_ :• 14 33 i ,.T' T ' rte i y IfII F OPS• \ r J 7r >. r INA It 1 If p If IV t' _= v4 lyz. 1 ll l-/ '''' .. 1I;"—..? i%„.. 1 .,Y, -•_ r - VIM, Vl 1 A If PIIIIIPI I,. lis . V. I,yy. }7s r' . PV" arI r•e } ," l +i•.. u r , n' y/ IfAOv ' 'aarno, iY Vt r. r Y . ,' / /iI : J. - r _ Y V IV VIC n' iA Ail VI, IV s ItoI, t' .J. ,:% - ^.'-`la.'-Y:"cr37c..' _ ••'C— !4 ``l- *ad R.' Agenda Item #5.A.08 Jul 2021Page 50 of 212 Ito IFI off off,. ;i , y ,0 , Y , • ,. I f Y[. w a • tr. rofIt Ifoot; soI 00Ae X34 : 4O T ! r I to so v of I o ownt ItSqA w , r f, , y Yl4 t r!tir yam: it+l, t.: sq daj . + i + aIt fit 1 r• F Y s. t , l Y., J :1 t:i. t ,. i of ' Itt lit so It ItiIts iow mot 4 1,41111W It %.1 iif P .too I , t , [ or c 0 or for ko, tot'. tIts so for I 4F 1. 1NdP>/, foo it t AJ //. r 1s Lijh 'x \ t iG cy y ' i tr JI. Alt. t> r E x i i r ° 1. ns I"i `. / 4, i111 i. t u d IL J las.= J, t I It t " Mr r•. Y , 1 , OR lot i ,. .J..I I-w't I i.Y b+-jt mss'._ trot ! -; a ., tn1 ''}i.. St i , z '• Y e so of to i,f, ..,,'.r e,p. ! I ,. •i.aK i'l hf .'t / t •`, 1 + - 91,,•' . , wt*43 %-i.< J.Y= ani a .o l' a''.'/ It, IFAI top r. ! fT7 , v "'• 1 YT K !,> fy.7/ r1t 1I,A - to Ytl1'" OF ' to Agenda Item #5.A.08 Jul 2021Page 51 of 212 a . ykY TMIN r Irk 1 • K • , 11.1 y L Itz Ise. Ifj Pr a Pi+r3• _ i'I` t{/' -r ;E ,F .;F `'-L •,`cf;< - i IF LIF r 17 IllILI1 If ILI 0. mL I LL- ILL z _ a L-L_ Imoz OLLW_.: / t _ 40. P - - ILI Ilk ILI- LIP aw - - ice _ • : rry - r ILL - LO If ILI ILI- LAP ILILIP, ILI J _ ILL ILI 144 A; ILIAILL ILL IL- LIL Lf. 44 LL, F _ LP i x ILL s add f II rk rF LI L-LILL 7 * Nr,- r-000 Or ILL. i T l AM ILI_ N, _ _. K.S ••. i;' ``i• TL f -`- ' y -# fes _ } lH _ h ' 3 LI 1fII P .t . .,. m/ fi y ILI i*`• . I l_ • Agenda Item #5.A.08 Jul 2021Page 52 of 212 O w ,/. Art 14 ;, 00 ou li11 l WAMW YI Y !AI I d' oof Ayr AyoP s 1 / AWOk AL rh / 1100'el dd Of 41 do 4 I' i - AN it # ip X FC 4 I t r 910 I r /-.(y,1 r, r i "7 r' ti ts;4 ti w ' - Agenda Item #5.A.08 Jul 2021Page 53 of 212 QWF. f2 a J F QLLC f u Agenda Item #5.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 54 of 212 Agenda Item #5.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 55 of 212 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH A =f 800 SEMINOLE ROAD4s)ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 j''-/- 011 ? 4/20/2021 BOURDON THOMAS PATRICK 342 19TH STREET ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 172020 1242 Case Number: 21-087 Location of Violation: 342 19TH ST, 36-64 09-2S-29E SELVA MARINA UNIT 12-A LOT 5 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 342 19TH ST was conducted on 4/20/2021. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-51. (d) Sanctions for failure to obtain a permit. (1) Regulated trees or regulated vegetation removed in violation of this chapter shall require an after-the-fact permit, the fee for which shall be two (2) times the normal established application fee specified in section 23-26. In addition, as a condition of the permit,the applicant shall immediately complete all remedial work as necessary to stabilize the site and mitigate all damage to the site and adjacent properties. (2) Regulated trees removed in violation of this chapter shall be assessed at two (2)times the normal established rate of mitigation specified in section 23-33. Sec 23-46. - Violations. Violations, including failure to make proper application for a tree or vegetation removal permit as required by these provisions, or failure to implement any requirements or conditions of a tree or vegetation removal permit, shall be deemed a violation of this chapter, and shall be subject to code enforcement procedures as set forth within chapter 2, article V, division 2 of this Municipal Code of Ordinances and any other remedies available under applicable law. NATURE OF VIOLATION: A stop work order was posted on the property on August 3, 2020 for removal of trees on the property prior to issuance of a tree removal permit. A tree removal application was received on 8/19/2020. To date, no approved mitigation plan has been implemented. Agenda Item #5.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 56 of 212 This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by obtaining and implementing an approved mitigation plan within ten (10) days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247-5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I, x- at1 e IDgI-efarNi hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurgt . rely, Angela Irizarry CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #5.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 57 of 212 i ` s CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD Z-1,.:NJ j ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 o , '- CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT tri7017 0660 0000 3856 7280 5/10/2021 BOURDON THOMAS PATRICK 342 19TH STREET ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 172020 1242 Case Number: 21-087 Location of Violation: 342 19TH ST, 36- 64 09-2S-29E SELVA MARINA UNIT 12-A LOT 5 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 342 19TH ST was conducted on 4/20/2021. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-51. (d) Sanctions for failure to obtain a permit. (1)Regulated trees or regulated vegetation removed in violation of this chapter shall require an after-the-fact permit,the fee for which shall be two (2)times the normal established application fee specified in section 23-26. In addition, as a condition of the permit,the applicant shall immediately complete all remedial work as necessary to stabilize the site and mitigate all damage to the site and adjacent properties. (2)Regulated trees removed in violation of this chapter shall be assessed at two (2)times the normal established rate of mitigation specified in section 23-33. Sec 23-46. -Violations. Violations, including failure to make proper application for a tree or vegetation removal permit as required by these provisions, or failure to implement any requirements or conditions of a tree or vegetation removal permit, shall be deemed a violation of this chapter, and shall be subject to code enforcement procedures as set forth within chapter 2, article V, division 2 of this Municipal Code of Ordinances and any other remedies available under applicable law. NATURE OF VIOLATION: A stop work order was posted on the property on August 3, 2020 for removal of trees on the property prior to issuance of a tree removal permit. A tree removal application was received on 8/19/2020. To date,no approved mitigation plan has been implemented. Agenda Item #5.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 58 of 212 This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by obtaining and implementing an approved mitigation plan within ten (10) days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247-5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. 1-i2I, Q r hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accur e. cerely, Angel izarry CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #5.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 59 of 212 ENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and d. A. Signature Print yekr name and address or-the reverse X l ent so that we can return the card to you. Addresse Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Deliver or on the front if space permits. C—( ' ' -L-Z_9 S-- - ZG 1 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? El Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: No DGAi-13 c C a1_0-7 II I I 11 III 11111111 1IIII I I II I I II I I 3. Service Type Adult S gn turee Restricted Delivery 00 Registered0 PriorilMail RestrictExpress 9590 9402 4495 8248 3545 96 Certified Mail® Return0CertifiedMailRestrictedDelivery Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise 2. Article Number(Transfer from service label) 0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation, 0 Signature Confirmation 7 017 0660 0000 3856 7280 Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery DS Form 3811_July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receicr Agenda Item #5.A.08 Jul 2021Page 60 of 212 USPS TRACKING# II I I 111 First-Class Mail ISI ( I i II 1: t7C)I Postage&Fees Paid I I i l. IUSPS Permit No.G-10 9590 9402 4495 8248 3545 96 United States Sender: Please print your name,address,and ZIP+4°in this box* Postal Service RECEIVED CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD MAY 17 20?.1 ATLA TIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233 040'. I t En-Q.:6cA Per•i r.i lllr f}!!'r}}I Iilrrrrr}rrlr,r Ir,rrulrllrr lrrrr}r!!r!Agenda Item #5.A.08 Jul 2021Page 61 of 212 0 yLyrJrl CODE ENFORCEMENT e N q , `' ill CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA4-_, apit) r) NOTICE OF HEARING WO 6/3/2021 Case Number: 21-087 BOURDON THOMAS PATRICK Certified Mail Return Receipt: 342 19TH STREET 7013 1710 0002 1691 3705 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 342 19TH STREET ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 8,2021 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road,to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 342 19TH ST, 36-64 09-2S-29E SELVA MARINA UNIT 12-A LOT 5 Atlantic Beach, Florida. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances 1. Sec. 23-51. (d) Sanctions for failure to obtain a permit. (1)Regulated trees or regulated vegetation removed in violation of this chapter shall require an after-the-fact permit, the fee for which shall be two (2) times the normal established application fee specified in section 23-26. In addition, as a condition of the permit,the applicant shall immediately complete all remedial work as necessary to stabilize the site and mitigate all damage to the site and adjacent properties. (2) Regulated trees removed in violation of this chapter shall be assessed at two (2) times the normal established rate of mitigation specified in section 23- 33. 2. Sec 23-46. - Violations, including failure to make proper application for a tree or vegetation removal permit as required by these provisions, or failure to implement any requirements or conditions of a tree or vegetation removal permit, shall be deemed a violation of this chapter, and shall be subject to code enforcement procedures as set forth within chapter 2, article V, division 2 of this Municipal Code of Ordinances and any other remedies available under applicable law. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: A stop work order was posted on the property on August 3,2020 for removal of trees on the property prior to issuance of a tree removal permit. A tree removal application was received on 8/19/2020. To date, no approved mitigation plan has been implemented. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received,the case may be Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #5.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 62 of 212 presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, ‘-VOR vQ -, \_! f N hereby swear and affirm that the above statement e and curate. 62_ A eaI Code Enforcement Office , ' of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: e;<cln Kim Flower, Records Clerk U.S. Postal Service T,., CERTIFIED MAIL,. RECEIPT art (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided)Lc-2 m For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.COm® ra a- J3 Postage $ rR Certified Fee IU Postmark D Return Receipt Fee Here O (Endorsement Required) O Restricted Delivery Fee O (Endorsement Required) rR N Total Postage&Fees r9 111 Sent ToTailsictxi.ack Bou 0on ..1 —0 r or PO Box No. Street,Apt.N. 3!....1„2, i Q st re of Cary,State,ZIP+4 A 3, 33 PS Form 3800,August 2006 See Reverse for Instructions Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #5.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 63 of 212 ENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature Print your name and address on the reverse X cli (7 0 Agent so that we can return the card to you.0 Addressee I Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Deliver) or on the front if space permits.C— I rl f Z 4 J Z Z I. Article Addressed to: ..D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes hovna C f1 fret £aurdpil If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No CE L1 - lo? 7 11111 III Ell HI nil. I III I III 3. Service Type 0 Adult Signature Priority Mail Express 0 Registered MaiIT^ 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restrict( Certified Mail® Delivery 9590 9402 4495 8248 3547 70 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise Article Number(Transfer from service label) Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation.. ail 0 Signature Confirmation 7013 1?10 n 0 n n 1691 3705 all Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery DI S Form 3811.July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #5.A.08 Jul 2021Page 64 of 212 Irizarry,Angela From: Irizarry,Angela Sent: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 11:31 AM To: Karl J. Sanders'; Askew, Amanda Subject: RE: Tree Removal/Permit Issue at 342 19th Street (Bourdon Property) Good Morning, I just tried to call you back and left you a voicemail. According to our records, Amanda offered the two options for moving forward on June 9. As of today, we still have not received an application for either option. I will be happy to forward your written request to the magistrate for an extension but we need to make sure things keep moving forward. This original stop work order was posted back in August of 2020 which prompted Mr. Bourdon to submit an after the fact permit application after which communication ceased. Notices were sent in April, May and then the hearing notice in June. From: Karl J. Sanders [] Sent:Tuesday,July 6, 2021 11: 19 AM To:Askew, Amanda <>; Irizarry,Angela <> Subject: Re: Tree Removal/Permit Issue at 342 19th Street(Bourdon Property) Hey, Angela. I tried to call you last week, but your voicemail was full . . . I just left a voicemail at your office a few minutes ago. Amanda and I spoke again last Monday, June 28, regarding the status of this matter. I advised her that Mr. Bourdon has retained a landscape architect to review the tree removal/mitigation issues, and he is currently reviewing the City's mitigation calculations and compiling a list/size of the trees that Mr. Bourdon preserved to determine whether he is entitled to any credits for same. We anticipate that he will have completed his research/review within the next 7 — 10 days, at which point we will resume/finalize discussions with Amanda's team. In light of the fact that we are actively trying to resolve this issue (i.e., the tree mitigation calculations), we were under the impression that the Code Enforcement hearing would be continued/deferred to the next scheduled hearing date so that we could finalize these discussions and, hopefully, avoid the need for any hearing. Additionally, I have a previously scheduled work commitment this week Wednesday evening through Friday), and will not even be in town this week for any hearing. Could you please confirm that this hearing will be continued/deferred, or otherwise let me know what additional information/documentation that you need from me to confirm same? Thanks so much, and please feel free to give me a call if you'd like to discuss further. Best regards, Karl Agenda Item #5.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 65 of 212 Karl J. Sanders, Esq. KiS kjsanders© 904.868.7929 I Office LA v, 561.386.1216 I Mobile From: Amanda Askew <> Date:Tuesday, July 6, 2021 at 10:46 AM To: "Irizarry,Angela" <> Cc: "Karl J. Sanders" <> Subject: FW: Tree Removal/Permit Issue at 342 19th Street (Bourdon Property) Good morning Angela, You inquired about the status of this case since it is scheduled to go before the special magistrate on 7/8. I spoke with Mr. Sanders (attorney for property owner) on 6/ 9 about the tree permit removal process. We have not received any documents/request for this property since the email was sent below. From:Askew, Amanda Sent: Wednesday,June 9, 2021 4:07 PM To: 'Karl J. Sanders' Cc: Genest, Abrielle (; Irizarry,Angela Subject: RE:Tree Removal/Permit Issue at 342 19th Street(Bourdon Property) Attached you will find info. about the two permits (roof and remodel) for 342 19th Street. To appeal staff's interpretation of Chapter 23 (i.e., size, type and number of trees) you would follow section 23-52(g)(2). We have not officially issued a draft permit. In order to appeal, the applicant has to do so within 5 business days of the written draft permit approval. We would issue a draft permit approval with conditions (conditions would be the replanting and/or payment shown on the tree removal calculations form). Let us know if you want to go this route and we'll issue you an official permit with conditions so that you can appeal. To seek a variance or reduction in the total trees to be mitigated you would use the waiver process. It is much like a variance process but instead of going to the Community Development Board it goes directly to City Commission. I have included the minutes and a PowerPoint from the last tree waiver the city conducted for you to review. 2 Agenda Item #5.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 66 of 212 From:Askew, Amanda Sent: Wednesday,June 9, 2021 10: 34 AM To: 'Karl J. Sanders' Cc: Irizarry,Angela Subject: RE:Tree Removal/Permit Issue at 342 19th Street(Bourdon Property) How about 3pm today? From: Karl J. Sanders [] Sent:Tuesday,June 8,2021 5:26 PM To: Askew, Amanda Cc: Irizarry,Angela Subject: Re: Tree Removal/Permit Issue at 342 19th Street (Bourdon Property) Hey, Amanda. Thanks so much for the reply . . . my schedule is pretty flexible tomorrow afternoon . I'm available from noon-4:00 (have to leave office for another meeting at 4:30). Let me know what works best for your during that timeframe and we'll get it scheduled/confirmed . . . I can either do a zoom call or "old school" conference call . . . whichever you prefer. Also, I received an email from my client yesterday regarding another Code Enforcement Notice that he received (see attached). This notice states that the matter has been set for hearing on July 8? I'm assuming that Code Enforcement did not receive word that you and I have been communicating/attempting to schedule a time to discuss this matter (and, hopefully, resolve same). Ms. Irizarry — I'd like to see if the noticed hearing will be canceled or otherwise continued/held in abeyance until such time as Amanda and I have had a chance to try and work through these issues. Of course, if we are unable to come to a mutually agreeable resolution of the issues, the hearing could be regarding-noticed for a future date. But, again, I'm hopeful that won't be necessary. Please let me know your thoughts on this. Amanda — Just shoot me an email with a time that works best for you between noon and 4:00 tomorrow (and preference for either Zoom or Conference Call), and I'll send you an invite to confirm same. Thanks again, and talk soon. Best regards, Karl Karl J. Sanders, Esq. KS kjsanders@> 904.868.7929 I Office LAW,.x 561.386.1216 I Mobile 3 Agenda Item #5.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 67 of 212 From: Amanda Askew <> Date: Monday, June 7, 2021 at 9:38 AM To: "Karl J. Sanders" <kjsanders@kislawpa.corn> Cc: "Irizarry,Angela" <> Subject: RE: Tree Removal/Permit Issue at 342 19th Street (Bourdon Property) Hey Karl, I'm looping in the code enforcement officer, so she knows you are communicating with us. I'll be happy to meet/zoom/conf call with you. I'm available: Tuesday (6/8) 9am or 10am Wednesday open all day Thursday 2pm or 3pm From: Karl J. Sanders [] Sent: Friday,June 4, 2021 4:59 PM To: Askew, Amanda Subject: Re:Tree Removal/Permit Issue at 342 19th Street (Bourdon Property) Hey, Amanda. I left you a vm message just a little while ago and wanted to follow-up with a quick email. I was hoping that we could schedule a date/time next week to discuss the status of this matter and potential options for resolving same. Please let me know what date(s)/time(s) might work best for you. Looking forward to it! Talk soon. Best regards, Karl Karl J. Sanders, Esq. 904.868.7929 I Office LAWPA 561.386.1216 I Mobile From: "Karl J. Sanders" <> Date:Thursday, May 20, 2021 at 6:14 PM To: Amanda Askew<> Subject: Tree Removal/Permit Issue at 342 19th Street (Bourdon Property) Hey Amanda. I just left you a voicemail message at the office, and wanted to follow-up with a quick email. Actually, I thought I had sent an email to you when we last spoke two weeks ago on May 6, but I just now saw that it's in my "Drafts" folder for some reason (I'm guessing I must have had a computer/server issue and it rebooted before sending). 4 Agenda Item #5.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 68 of 212 At any rate, I'd like to see if we could schedule a time to discuss the status of the tree removal/permit issue that my client (Tom Bourdon) has been trying to resolve with City Staff since August of last year. As we discussed a couple of weeks ago, Mr. Bourdon received a letter from Code Enforcement about this issue last month, and my understanding was that those efforts would be put on hold until you had a chance to review the file again and re-familiarize yourself with the issues so the two of us could discuss a potential resolution of same. That being said, Mr. Bourdon notified me that he received a certified-mail letter from Code Enforcement this week (see attached), so I wanted to reach out again and ensure that this matter (Code Enforcement Case No. 21-087) was being held in abeyance, pending our efforts to see if we could work out a mutually agreeable solution to those issues. For your ease of reference, I've attached a copy of both the tree mitigation proposal ($33,448.00) that the City previously sent to Mr. Bourdon, as well as the above-referenced Code Enforcement notice dated 05/10/21. Please let me know if my understanding of the status of this matter coincides with yours (and if Code Enforcement has been advised of same). Assuming that we are in agreement on the status, let me know how your calendar looks for the next couple of weeks so we can try to coordinate/confirm a date to meet/discuss in detail. Thanks again for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing from you again soon. Best regards, Karl Karl J. Sanders, Esq. s 1 904.868.7929 I Office LAW.A 561.386.1216 I Mobile Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email to Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications, including your email address, may therefore be subject to public disclosure. Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email to Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request.Your email communications, including your email address, may therefore be subject to public disclosure. 5 Agenda Item #5.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 69 of 212 Page 70 of 212 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐066 Printed: Tuesday, 06 July, 2021 1of 3 Description: RV Parking Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: RESIDENTIAL Opened: 3/26/2021 Closed: Last Action: 7/23/2021 Fllw Up: 5/14/2021 Site Address: 404 WHITING LN ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 171444 0000 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details: CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES NOV REG Angela Irizarry 4/13/2021 4/13/2021 NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 4/27/2021 4/27/2021 CMRR RECEIVED W/SIGNATURE Angela Irizarry 5/4/2021 5/4/2021 Certified letter signed for on 5/1/2021 NOTICE OF HEARING Angela Irizarry 6/3/2021 6/3/2021 TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 6/7/2021 6/7/2021 Received call from Yvonne Espinoza. She said Madelyn Woods is the owner of the property and she is the tenant. The letters were coming to Madelyn Wood so she wasn't opening the mail. She did not know they were in violation and said she would correct it right away. I reviewed the survey with her to let her know how to find the approximate front property line. CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 6/7/2021 6/7/2021 Received signed green card. Letter was delivered to agent on 6/5/2021 CODE ENFORCEMENT Kim Flower 7/6/2021 7/6/2021 Agenda Item #5.B.08 Jul 2021 Page 71 of 212 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐066 Printed: Tuesday, 06 July, 2021 2of 3 AGENDA TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 7/6/2021 7/6/2021 Received phone call from Aaron Spencer who stated he was the tenant of the property. He stated that he would move the RV this afternoon. CODE ENFORCEMENT ORDER Kim Flower 7/20/2021 SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Kim Flower 7/23/2021 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL OWNER WOODS MADELYN N ET AL 404 WHITING LN ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTIONS INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES INITIAL INSPECTION AI REINSPECTION AI 4/21/2021 4/27/2021 VIOLATION CONTINUES REINSPECTION AI 5/7/2021 6/3/2021 VIOLATION CONTINUES VIOLATIONS VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES Agenda Item #5.B.08 Jul 2021 Page 72 of 212 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐066 Printed: Tuesday, 06 July, 2021 3of 3 HEAVY VEHICLE STORE (FYD) Angela Irizarry 3/26/2021 Front Yard Sec. 24‐163. (c) Recreational vehicles, boats, and trailers of all types, including travel, boat, camping and hauling, shall not be parked or stored on any lot occupied by a dwelling or on any lot in any residential zoning district, except in accordance with the following requirements: (2) Recreational vehicles, boats or boat trailers or other type of trailer shall not be parked or stored closer than fifteen (15) feet from the front lot line and shall be parked in a manner that is generally perpendicular to the front property line such that length is not aligned in a manner that extends across the front of the lot it being the intent that recreational vehicles, boats and trailers that are parked forward of the residence and should not excessively dominate the front of the lot. Agenda Item #5.B.08 Jul 2021 Page 73 of 212 Page 74 of 212 Agenda Item #5.B. 08 Jul 2021 Page 75 of 212 Agenda Item #5.B. 08 Jul 2021 Page 76 of 212 t ,. 5,\J,,,,.. 4, ° , CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH IA 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 yr KV PHONE (904) 247-5800 4/13/2021 WOODS MADELYN N ET AL 404 WHITING LN ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 171444 0000 Case Number: 21-066 Location of Violation:404 WHITING LN,31-016 17-2S-29E R/P OF PT OF ROYAL PALMS UNIT 2 A LOT 1 BLK 12 Atlantic Beach,Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 404 WHITING LN was conducted on 4/12/2021. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: Sec.24-163.(c)Recreational vehicles,boats,and trailers of all types, including travel, boat,camping and hauling,shall not be parked or stored on any lot occupied by a dwelling or on any lot in any residential zoning district,except in accordance with the following requirements: (2)Recreational vehicles,boats or boat trailers or other type of trailer shall not be parked or stored closer than fifteen(15)feet from the front lot line and shall be parked in a manner that is generally perpendicular to the front property line such that length is not aligned in a manner that extends across the front of the lot it being the intent that recreational vehicles, boats and trailers that are parked forward of the residence and should not excessively dominate the front of the lot. NATURE OF VIOLATION:A white and tan camper RV is parked in the driveway so that it is less than 15 feet back from the front property line. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by removing or relocating the ry within five (5) days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I, aQTf 'l Tarr•-{hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate.• V 1 erely, c. Angela Irizarry CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #5.B. 08 Jul 2021 Page 77 of 212 i r'nr!,' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH rs s to, is J 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 zrPHONE (904)247-5800.' JR19' CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7016 0910 0001 6799 4318 4/27/2021 WOODS MADELYN N ET AL 404 WHITING LN ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 171444 0000 Case Number: 21-066 Location of Violation: 404 WHITING LN,31-016 17-2S-29E R/P OF PT OF ROYAL PALMS UNIT 2 A LOT 1 BLK 12 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Bcuch Cudc of Ordinanccm in Chapter 6, Article II, Scctinn 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 404 WHITING LN was conducted on 4/12/2021 & 4/27/2021. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 24-163. (c)Recreational vehicles, boats,and trailers of all types, including travel, boat,camping and hauling,shall not be parked or stored on any lot occupied by a dwelling or on any lot in any residential zoning district,except in accordance with the following requirements: (2) Recreational vehicles, boats or boat trailers or other type of trailer shall not be parked or stored closer than fifteen (15)feet from the front lot line and shall be parked in a manner that is generally perpendicular to the front property line such that length is not aligned in a manner that extends across the front of the lot it being the intent that recreational vehicles, boats and trailers that are parked forward of the residence and should not excessively dominate the front of the lot. NATURE OF VIOLATION: A white and tan camper RV is parked in the driveway so that it is less than 15 feet back from the front property line. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by removing or relocating the ry within five (5) days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I, VQ J ..\ZO.rry __ , hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. 41,ly i IV ai\i' slaIri. CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #5.B. 08 Jul 2021 Page 78 of 212 ENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. SignatttrQ IS Print your name and address on the reverse X e-435-' r avAgent so that we can return the card to you. Addresse( Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, eived by -rintedName) C. Date of Delivery or on the front if space permits. i a A--...--I v I 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is deliveI address different from item 1? 0 Yes i C .' A kg\\4 n n If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No e.,_... ..... ,, ....obt, 1111111111111IIIIIIIIII II I II II' 'III II 1111111IIII( 3. Service Type Adult Signature 0 Priority Mail Express® 0 Registered Mailrro 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restrict( 0 Certified Mail® ery 9590 9402 4495 8248 3539 95 0 Certified Mail estricted Delivery 0 Reettu Receipt for 0 Collect on Delivery Merchandise 0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation^ tail 0 Signature Confirmation 7 016 0 910 0001 6799 4 318 hall Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery 0) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #5.B.08 Jul 2021Page 79 of 212 USPS TRACKING# First-Class Mail 11111 111 111 'I 111 I, I 113ZI 1 11 11 Postage&Fees Paid USPS Permit No.G-10 9590 9402 4495 8248 3539 95 United States Sender: Please print your name, address,and ZIP+4®in this box' Postal Service City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Fl. 32233 ru C Ate: 61°Agenda Item #5.B.08 Jul 2021Page 80 of 212 s CODE ENFORCEMENT r A Ss CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA J NOTICE OF HEARING 6/3/2021 Case Number: 21-066 WOODS MADELYN N ET AL Certified Mail Return Receipt: 404 WHITING LN 7013 1710 0002 1691 9028 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 404 WHITING LN ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 8, 2021 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 404 WHITING LN 31-016 17-2S-29E R/P OF PT OF ROYAL PALMS UNIT 2 A LOT 1 BLK 12 Atlantic Beach, Florida. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: A white and tan RV is parked in the driveway so that it is less than 15 feet behind the front property line. Notices were sent on April 13, 2021 and April 27, 2021 requesting that you remove or relocate the camper. To date the camper remains in the driveway. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 24-163. (c) Recreational vehicles, boats, and trailers of all types, including travel,boat, camping and hauling, shall not be parked or stored on any lot occupied by a dwelling or on any lot in any residential zoning district, except in accordance with the following requirements: (2) Recreational vehicles, boats or boat trailers or other type of trailer shall not be parked or stored closer than fifteen(15) feet from the front lot line and shall be parked in a manner that is generally perpendicular to the front property line such that length is not aligned in a manner that extends across the front of the lot it being the intent that recreational vehicles, boats and trailers that are parked forward of the residence and should not excessively dominate the front of the lot. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #5.B. 08 Jul 2021 Page 81 of 212 hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and and accura . Sinc( iØ1 40. 41.P Angela I • y CODE ' ;ORCE ATTEST: Kim Flower, Records Clerk U.S. Postal ServiceTM CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIPTcci ru (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) a- For delivery Information visit our website at® rq 0- 0 Postage $f—R Certified Feeru Postmark Return Receipt Fee HereEndorsementRequired) Restricted Delivery Fee 1=3 (Endorsement Required) N Total Postage&Fees $ Sept t cm Y-in woacts M 021_0 ,ap Ag No.; f•-• or PO Box No. LL k vAN.4-1. ,A5City,State,ZIP+4 PS Form 3800,August 2006 See Reverse for Instructions Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #5.B. 08 Jul 2021 Page 82 of 212 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature J Print your name and address on the reverse X Agent so that we can return the card to you. r 0 Addressee Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, I ' '- eived by tinted Name) C. Date of Delivery or on the front if space / ` -L'(' 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is deli e address different from item 1? P Y. I . ` ^,e j y (,000:-Is ET AL If YE' enter delivery address below: CA— 2L— o ( CO II I IIIIII I'I I)I I30 Adult Signature Service Type 0 prio,; IIID 11111111 III II I I III Adult nat re Restricted Delivery l Reg a 0 9590 9402 4495 8248 3542 68 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Collect on Delivery 2. Article Number(Transfer from service label) 0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Deliver, ed Mail ation 7 013 1710 0002 16 91 9028 ed Mail Restricted Delivery Delivery 500) I PS Form 3811.July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #5.B.08 Jul 2021Page 83 of 212 Page 84 of 212 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 20‐154 Printed: Tuesday, 06 July, 2021 1of 5 Description: Accessory building x2 and fence, no permit Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: STOP WORK ORDER Opened: 12/15/2020 Closed: Last Action: 7/23/2021 Fllw Up: 5/28/2021 Site Address: 1340 VIOLET ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 171060 0010 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details: CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES OTHER Angela Irizarry 12/11/2020 12/11/2020 Written complaint was sent to Kevin Hogancamp with a photo of an accessory building taken from a neighboring upstairs window. There is no permit on file for the building. STOP WORK ORDER POST Angela Irizarry 12/15/2020 12/15/2020 Structure can be seen over the fence from the street. Posted stop work order for the structures and new fencing. TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 12/15/2020 12/15/2020 Received call from respondent. Explained that the needed to submit plans for the accessory buildings on the side and rear of the house as well as the fence. MISC NOTES/ACTION Angela Irizarry 1/5/2021 1/5/2021 Checked files for permit application. No application has been submitted. NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 1/5/2021 1/5/2021 MEETING WITH RESPONDENT Angela Irizarry 1/11/2021 1/11/2021 Owner came into the office and picked up application paperwork. Explained to owner that he needed to submit for the fence and accessory buildings and went over what paperwork he needs to submit. Agenda Item #5.C.08 Jul 2021 Page 85 of 212 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 20‐154 Printed: Tuesday, 06 July, 2021 2of 5 CMRR RECEIVED W/SIGNATURE Angela Irizarry 1/12/2021 1/12/2021 Per green card, Certified NOV letter was delivered on 1/8 PERMIT APPLIED FOR Angela Irizarry 1/14/2021 1/14/2021 Per Building department records, permit application for a shed was submitted. MEETING WITH RESPONDENT Angela Irizarry 1/20/2021 1/20/2021 Met with owner onsite along with Dan Arlington to conduct site visit and discuss permit possibilities. Building is a wide as rear property and encroaches on rear and side setbacks. Almost the entire back yard has been covered in concrete that the owner installed himself including around the large tree in the back yard. Dan and I explained that the shed could not be approved as built or submitted and that the concrete exceeded impervious allowed by code. Owner stated that he would need two weeks to remove the concrete and shed. TELEPHONE MESSAGE Angela Irizarry 1/22/2021 1/22/2021 Per Dan Arlington, the owner called him back and said he and his wife had discussed the building and realized that two weeks was not enough time to get the violation corrected. Dan stated that he told them to reach back out in two weeks and we would evaluate progress. TELEPHONE MESSAGE Angela Irizarry 2/4/2021 2/4/2021 Called Rolando and left message to set up a time to review progress on correcting the violation. NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 4/13/2021 4/13/2021 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 5/18/2021 5/18/2021 Post office still not showing that they have picked up the letter. NOV POST Angela Irizarry 5/18/2021 5/18/2021 Posting notice of violation at the property and at City Hall Agenda Item #5.C.08 Jul 2021 Page 86 of 212 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 20‐154 Printed: Tuesday, 06 July, 2021 3of 5 TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 5/19/2021 5/19/2021 Received call from respondent. He stated that he does not have the money to remove the structure. Advised him to respond to us in writing. NOTICE OF HEARING Angela Irizarry 6/3/2021 6/3/2021 NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 6/21/2021 6/21/2021 Posted NOH on front door, city hall and mailed a copy regular usps mail. CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 6/21/2021 7/21/2021 Still in Transit per CODE ENFORCEMENT AGENDA Kim Flower 7/6/2021 CODE ENFORCEMENT ORDER Kim Flower 7/20/2021 SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Kim Flower 7/23/2021 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL OWNER MANUZON ROLANDO FIGUEROA JR 1340 VIOLET ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTIONS INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES REINSPECTION AI 5/17/2021 REINSPECTION AI 2/3/2021 4/13/2021 VIOLATION CONTINUES Agenda Item #5.C.08 Jul 2021 Page 87 of 212 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 20‐154 Printed: Tuesday, 06 July, 2021 4of 5 VIOLATIONS VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES Fences No Permit Angela Irizarry 12/15/2020 New 6ft wood fence Sec. 24‐157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24‐17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. Impervious Surface Angela Irizarry 4/13/2021 (f) Building restrictions. Building restrictions within the RG zoning district shall be: (1)Maximum impervious surface: Forty‐five (45) percent. SWO Florida Bldg Code Angela Irizarry 12/15/2020 Accessory building in back yard FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. Zoning District Angela Irizarry 4/13/2021 Chapter 24. Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24‐151. ‐ Accessory uses and structures. l. Storage Agenda Item #5.C.08 Jul 2021 Page 88 of 212 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 20‐154 Printed: Tuesday, 06 July, 2021 5of 5 and tool sheds, not to exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet and twelve (12) feet in height. Only one (1) detached storage or tool shed shall be allowed on any single residential lot, and such structures shall be a minimum distance of five (5) feet from the rear and side lot lines. Zoning District Angela Irizarry 4/13/2021 Chapter 24. Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24‐151. ‐ Accessory uses and structures. d. Unless otherwise specified within this section, accessory uses and structures shall not be located within required front yards and shall not be closer than five (5) feet from any lot line. Agenda Item #5.C.08 Jul 2021 Page 89 of 212 Page 90 of 212 Irizarry,Angela From: Irizarry,Angela Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 1:38 PM To: Hogencamp,Kevin Subject: RE:Violet St structure FYI...I can see this from the street so I am opening a case. From: Hogencamp,Kevin Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 3:23 PM To: Irizarry,Angela<> Subject: Re:Violet St structure Sorry. 1340. May not see it from the road, which I know presents a challenge. They may have electricity running to the structure. Somebody may be living in it. Kevin Hogencamp Deputy City Manager City of Atlantic Beach, Fla. w. (904)477-5325 c. (904) 247-5804 Please be advised that due to Florida's very broad public records law, correspondence to and from public officials is considered a public record and must be disclosed upon request. From: Irizarry,Angela<> Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 2:50:24 PM To: Hogencamp,Kevin<> Subject: Re:Violet St structure What address is this?And I'll see if I can see it from the street. Angela Irizarry Code Enforcement City of Atlantic Beach On Dec 11,2020,at 2:22 PM, Hogencamp,Kevin<>wrote: The person who shared this info doesn't think this backyard structure was permitted by COAB—and would know. Please let me know what you find out. <Image jpeg> Kevin Hogencamp Deputy City Manager City of Atlantic Beach, Fla. w. (904)477-5325 c. (904)247-5804 1 Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 91 of 212 Please be advised that due to Florida's very broad public records law,correspondence to and from public officials is considered a public record and must be disclosed upon request. 2 Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 92 of 212 1•: 4. _ I _ t ,r ext •.1. t i'•i nf,"KI C 1 /•: 1 r, .. \ ,:``JNNF a1 l - 1,. n.,; / N .a fi 1 r \l. WAIF , )'' 'G 771 tti i' 1 r'J : ry ...a\i / :.1 \ rrlo- l/1. ` k. ..aa ::hSS\. eRv `. yJ.• I.1oI.N > v yys 1 Y \ 1 - 1 Zc10w` i f fl _ YeC x t t af}y 1 7 . r 5..1 ( \ ',., ,h`\ C Lx'`.` 1 rid. iIF.'. a f y . j+, A _ },,./ L;, ' U` I'. 7 1 p 111. . M 1 lI h IF r `w 1• 1 f,- d tlib ,` pts \ r !r'r` r ^ G. {) 1 '\._: LR!>(' .,` r7 byy \ j'•: rjI IN No r. 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No,ki No fJ1#40 , r ' I r' n No e7 M do T,r,.w Je, IN No IF T to e • l vito I` rINI,t r fN 'S ri.r,q OFF ,d r r IN Y n ` f •{ sv INFIr Nor Not r,•'r It" rd • r '{ TV, dyi'•yYa 1l hT 1S 5w1 ( If, 1IF F, F- 1 •Qi ' 4 r „/ SO1 It., l_i kifl', 11i . 1 •'( iIF l ..- i f 1. 1` d Fro Y l/ N Il OF ol At sr IFNINoN N IF or V00092 I F n k J 1 . , - YiY f y It IL No s r' IF dry, 7— IS\°\ ; / p. No No 7 -AWN 4 Not too411 1 ' .p Ya `z 1 - No 1A No, No 4No No Nor IF to 2 lotFoc IF 1r It 'i l • P y yI( R NI e\Y j go, pt, W 1d O 10 " Nof R Fit 40 Agenda Item #5.C.08 Jul 2021Page 93 of 212 STOP WORK No SCI .,., Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 94 of 212 moo. 10,010000, N Agenda Item #5.C.08 Jul 2021Page 95 of 212 I riza rry,Angela From: I rizarry,Angela Sent: Monday,January 11, 2021 11:01 AM To: Hogencamp,Kevin;Johnston,Jennifer; Giles, Christian;Gindlesperger,Toni Subject: RE:Violet St structure From: Hogencamp,Kevin Sent: Monday,January 11, 2021 10:06 AM To:Johnston,Jennifer<>;Giles, Christian<>; Gindlesperger,Toni<> Cc: Irizarry,Angela<>; Subject: RE:Violet St structure Jennifer,Christian,Toni and Angela— J.R. (cc'd)just called me. If I understand correctly, he's seeking clarification on two issues. If he opts to demolish the structure, does he need a permit for that?—Yes. Its an actual building, so he would need a demolition permit. If he opts to leave the unpermitted structure intact with hopes that the structure will be allowed if he goes through the permitting process after-the-fact,what does he need to do? Does he get that ball rolling by applying for a permit first? If so,what happens next? -As discussed with him in the lobby while he was here, he would need to fill out the application forms he was given and submit those with a survey showing the footprint of all the improvements that have been added and construction plans for the structures. Thanks, Kevin Kevin Hogencamp I Deputy City Manager City of Atlantic Beach I w. (904) 247-5804 c. (904) 362-0043 e. I visit Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email to Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook. Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request.Your email communications, including your email address, may therefore be subject to public disclosure. From: Hogencamp,Kevin Sent:Tuesday, December 15, 2020 2:43 PM 1 Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 96 of 212 To:Johnston,Jennifer<> Cc: Irizarry,Angela<>; ''<rolando> Subject: RE:Violet St structure Hi again. I messed up J.R.'s email address—I hope I have it now. Meanwhile, his phone number is 904-629-2263. Thanks, Kevin From: Hogencamp,Kevin Sent:Tuesday, December 15, 2020 2:36 PM To:Johnston,Jennifer<> Cc: lrizarry,Angela <>; ''<orlando> Subject: FW:Violet St structure Hi Jennifer, I'm connecting you with J.R. Manuzon,who was contacted by Code Enforcement today for having an unpermitted shed in the backyard of 1340 Violet St. I just spoke with Mr. Manuzon,who says he came to City Hall before building the shed, and was under the impression from his conversation with us that no permitted was needed, unless it looks good. Mr. Manuzon is very apologetic and says he wants to do what he needs to do to resolve this. Please assist him, OK? All—let me know if I can assist in any way. Thanks, Kevin Kevin Hogencamp I Deputy City Manager City of Atlantic Beach I w. (904) 247-5804 c. (904) 362- 0043 e. visit Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email to Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook. Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request.Your email communications, including your email address, may therefore be subject to public disclosure. From: Irizarry,Angela Sent:Tuesday, December 15, 2020 2:04 PM To: Hogencamp,Kevin<> Subject: RE:Violet St structure 2 Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 97 of 212 Mr. Manuzon is going to be calling you. He's worried he offended someone and says he wants to apologize to whoever contacted us about his shed. From: Hogencamp,Kevin Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 3:23 PM To: Irizarry,Angela<> Subject: Re:Violet St structure Sorry. 1340. May not see it from the road, which I know presents a challenge. They may have electricity running to the structure. Somebody may be living in it. Kevin Hogencamp Deputy City Manager City of Atlantic Beach, Fla. w. (904) 477-5325 c. (904) 247-5804 Please be advised that due to Florida's very broad public records law, correspondence to and from public officials is considered a public record and must be disclosed upon request. From: Irizarry,Angela<> Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 2:50:24 PM To: Hogencamp,Kevin<> Subject: Re:Violet St structure What address is this?And I'll see if I can see it from the street. Angela Irizarry Code Enforcement City of Atlantic Beach On Dec 11,2020, at 2:22 PM, Hogencamp,Kevin<>wrote: The person who shared this info doesn't think this backyard structure was permitted by COAB—and would know. Please let me know what you find out. <Image.jpeg> Kevin Hogencamp Deputy City Manager City of Atlantic Beach, Fla. w. (904)477-5325 c. (904)247-5804 Please be advised that due to Florida's very broad public records law,correspondence to and from public officials is considered a public record and must be disclosed upon request. 3 Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 98 of 212 Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 99 of 212 Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 100 of 212 j yLyrJ J CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 07 ,-; 1s. 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 is, PHONE (904)247-5800 J,31' CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7016 0910 0001 6799 3908 1/5/2021 MANUZON ROLANDO FIGUEROA JR 1340 VIOLET ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 171060 0010 Case Number: 20-154 Location of Violation: 1340 VIOLET ST, 18-34 17-2S-29E .075, SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH, LOT 2(EX N 42.71 FT),N 25 FT LOT 3 BLK 232 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6- 16. A code enforcement inspection at 1340 VIOLET ST was conducted on 12/15/2020 & 1/5/2021. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. NATURE OF VIOLATION: A stop work order was posted on your property on 12/15/2020. As of today, no applications have been received for the fence or accessory buildings. Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 101 of 212 This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by submitting a permit application for all unpermitted improvements on the property to include the fence and accessory structures within ten (10) days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247-5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I, e qcJD2cNzsz r` -( hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accu te. S' erely, Angela Irizarry CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 102 of 212 1 I ': COMPL THIS S CTION Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Si nature Print your name and address on the reverse X El Agent so that we can return the card to you. i." • Addr se Attach this card to:the back of the mailpiece, .•r B• ceive`dp ( ftetC.Pate o eliver or on the front i ce permits. 0 v I 1. GE.-- Article Addres ed • D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 es I ' r V\ If YES,enter de addr below: No sH v1 C.IJI 1 aLk.1-1-- gO - \ --\ 1 1 V F-n 11111111 ' I I 11111111111 I III I I 3. Service Type "C riority Mail ExpITr^e ss® Adult Signature egistere Mai Adult Signature Res every Regi tail Restrict 9590 9402 3831 8032 5661 68 0 Certified Mail® D ivr Certified Mail Restricted Delivery A urn Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise 2- Artir•.le Numher(Transfer from service lahell Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Si onfirmationt' Mail ignature Confirmation 7016 0910 0001 6799 3908 Mail Restricted i Restricted Delivery 300) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #5.C.08 Jul 2021Page 103 of 212 G / t V. a 4t a o a o 0 1 r' t i I Now p 1 Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 104 of 212 IM I J 4 J . 1 ti 1 i 6 1 r 1 Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 105 of 212 1 • 1.tIN4Y1ivnz* . .. ij1. t llgpe0.. k'y1.• ,:1 a_ AU xfl AV LIZ i 4 oft T "•r ... IV Vt&N JAW r 1 UWR=IQP- n Agenda Item #5.C.08 Jul 2021Page 106 of 212 Tti x r.: ti¢ 411. h •` e htGS ' e VJj 9. 1I . I n ? 7 I IIIw Qu Ilil{ p `{ III • { . moi` 1. pp 1 rl - WML, 4 t 4 Y yr) Y p j c Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 107 of 212 for CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 r CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT 7016 0910 0001 6799 4332 4/13/2021 MANUZON ROLANDO FIGUEROA JR SENT VIA RETURN RECEIPT 1340 VIOLET ST AND REGULAR USPS MAIL ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 171060 0010 Case Number:20-154 Location of Violation: 1340 VIOLET ST, 18- 34 17-2S-29E.075, SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH,LOT 2(EX N 42.71 FT),N 25 FT LOT 3 BLK 232 Atlantic Beach,Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 1340 VIOLET ST was conducted on 12/15/2020 & 1/20/2021. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: 1. NATURE OF VIOLATION:A stop work order was posted on your property on 12/15/2020 for installation of a fence without a permit. As of today,no application has been received for the 6 ft wood fence that was installed at your home. APPLICABLE CODE-Sec.24-157.Fences,walls and similar structures.(a)Permit required.Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions.Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences.The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter,and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17.Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. ACTION TO CORRECT: Obtain a valid fence permit within 10 days of receipt of this letter. 2. NATURE OF VIOLATION:An accessory structure was constructed in the back yard of the home without a valid building permit. A stop work order was issued on 12/25/2020.Your partial permit application submitted on 1/14/2021 was denied. APPLICABLE CODE-FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required.Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct,enlarge,alter,repair,remove,demolish,or change the occupancy of a building or structure,or to erect,install,enlarge,alter,repair,remove,convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings,electrical,gas,mechanical or plumbing system,the installation of which is regulated by this code,or to cause any such work to be done,shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 108 of 212 ACTION TO CORRECT:Remove the unpermitted structure within 30 days of receipt of this letter. 3. NATURE OF VIOLATION: The application submitted for the unpermitted structure calls the building a shed. The maximum size of a shed authorized by code is 150 square feet. According to the drawing submitted in your application,the dimension of the structure in the back yard is 37 feet x 12ft. This exceeds the 150 square feet permitted by code. APPLICABLE CODE-Chapter 24.Land Development Regulations. Sec.24-151.-Accessory uses and structures. 1. Storage and tool sheds,not to exceed one hundred fifty(150)square feet and twelve(12)feet in height.Only one(1)detached storage or tool shed shall be allowed on any single residential lot,and such structures shall be a minimum distance of five(5)feet from the rear and side lot lines. ACTION TO CORRECT: Remove the unpermitted structure within 30 days of receipt of this letter. 4. NATURE OF VIOLATION: The unpermitted structure in the back yard is located closer than 5 feet to the side and rear property lines. APPLICABLE CODE-Chapter 24.Land Development Regulations. Sec.24-151.-Accessory uses and structures.d.Unless otherwise specified within this section,accessory uses and structures shall not be located within required front yards and shall not be closer than five(5)feet from any lot line. ACTION TO CORRECT: Remove the unpermitted structure within 30 days of receipt of this letter. 5. NATURE OF VIOLATION:The area between the back of the house and the unpermitted structure has been covered in concrete.This has increased your impervious surface coverage to over 45%of the lot. APPLICABLE CODE-Chapter 24 Land Development Regulations Sec.24-107 Residential,two-family district(RG)(f)Building restrictions.Building restrictions within the RG zoning district shall be: (1) Maximum impervious surface: Forty-five(45)percent. ACTION TO CORRECT:Remove all concrete that has been added to the back yard that was not included in the original permitted plans within 30 days of receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date will result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I,7112.1?Der hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. ely, Bela Iri i4 CODE ENFORCEMENT Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 109 of 212 Irizarry,Angela From: I rizarry,Angela Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2021 9:40 AM To: Rolando Jr. Manuzon' Subject: RE:Violet St structure Mr. Manuzon, I am going to refer your case to the Special Magistrate. I am limited in how long of an extension I can give, but the Magistrate can hear your case and if she finds reason, can extended it out. The hearing is on July 8 at 2:00 at City Hall. I'll be sending you a notice for the meeting by mail as well. Did you start breaking up the concrete yet? The concrete around your tree in the back yard will, if it has not yet, kill the tree. That could be deemed a separate violation so please let me know when you have broken up that concrete so that the tree can get water. From: Rolando Jr. Manuzon [] Sent:Wednesday, May 19, 2021 11:58 AM To: Hogencamp,Kevin<>;Johnston,Jennifer<>;Giles,Christian>; Gindlesperger,Toni<> Cc: Irizarry,Angela<> Subject: Re:Violet St structure Good afternoon to all, I understand and respect the rules and regulations in response to our violations; however, I do not have enough funds to make any corrections and changes as of currently. This pandemic has affected my job as a server which also affected my family's financial stability. May I request an extended due date to correct my violations? I hope you understand my situation. Thank You, Rolando Manuzon Jr. Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Monday, January 11, 2021, 10:05 AM, Hogencamp,Kevin <> wrote: Jennifer, Christian, Toni and Angela— J.R. (cc'd)just called me. If I understand correctly, he's seeking clarification on two issues. If he opts to demolish the structure, does he need a permit for that? 1 Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 110 of 212 If he opts to leave the unpermitted structure intact with hopes that the structure will be allowed if he goes through the permitting process after-the-fact, what does he need to do? Does he get that ball rolling by applying for a permit first? If so, what happens next? Thanks, Kevin Kevin Hogencamp I Deputy City Manager City of Atlantic Beach I w. (904) 247-5804 c. (904) 362-0043 e. khogencamp(c I visit Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email to info( Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook. Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications, including your email address, may therefore be subject to public disclosure. From: Hogencamp,Kevin Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 2:43 PM To: Johnston, Jennifer<iiohnston(c> Cc: Irizarry,Angela <alrizarry(c>; '' rolando manuzon(a)> Subject: RE: Violet St structure Hi again. I messed up J.R.'s email address— I hope I have it now. Meanwhile, his phone number is 904-629-2263. 2 Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 111 of 212 Thanks, Kevin From: Hogencamp,Kevin Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 2:36 PM To: Johnston, Jennifer<jjohnston(a> Cc: Irizarry,Angela <>; '' orlando> Subject: FW: Violet St structure Hi Jennifer, I'm connecting you with J.R. Manuzon, who was contacted by Code Enforcement today for having an unpermitted shed in the backyard of 1340 Violet St. I just spoke with Mr. Manuzon, who says he came to City Hall before building the shed, and was under the impression from his conversation with us that no permitted was needed, unless it looks good. Mr. Manuzon is very apologetic and says he wants to do what he needs to do to resolve this. Please assist him, OK? All — let me know if I can assist in any way. Thanks, Kevin Kevin Hogencamp I Deputy City Manager City of Atlantic Beach I w. (904) 247-5804 c. (904) 362-0043 e. khogencamp(a I visit 3 Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 112 of 212 Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email to info(a Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook. Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications, including your email address, may therefore be subject to public disclosure. From: Irizarry,Angela Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 2:04 PM To: Hogencamp,Kevin <kHogencamp ac> Subject: RE: Violet St structure Mr. Manuzon is going to be calling you. He's worried he offended someone and says he wants to apologize to whoever contacted us about his shed. From: Hogencamp,Kevin Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 3:23 PM To: Irizarry,Angela <alrizarrv(a> Subject: Re: Violet St structure Sorry. 1340. May not see it from the road, which I know presents a challenge. They may have electricity running to the structure. Somebody may be living in it. Kevin Hogencamp Deputy City Manager City of Atlantic Beach, Fla. Khogencamp(a, w. (904)477-5325 4 Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 113 of 212 c. (904) 247-5804 Please be advised that due to Florida's very broad public records law, correspondence to and from public officials is considered a public record and must be disclosed upon request. From: Irizarry,Angela <alrizarry a(> Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 2:50:24 PM To: Hogencamp,Kevin <> Subject: Re: Violet St structure What address is this?And I'll see if I can see it from the street. Angela Irizarry Code Enforcement City of Atlantic Beach On Dec 11,2020,at 2:22 PM, Hogencamp,Kevin<>wrote: The person who shared this info doesn't think this backyard structure was permitted by COAB—and would know. Please let me know what you find out. <Image.jpeg> Kevin Hogencamp Deputy City Manager City of Atlantic Beach,Fla. w. (904)477-5325 c. (904) 247-5804 Please be advised that due to Florida's very broad public records law, correspondence to and from public officials is considered a public record and must be disclosed upon request. Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email to Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications, including your email address, may therefore be subject to public disclosure. 5 Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 114 of 212 S rL`J , CODE ENFORCEMENT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA J v NOTICE OF HEARING 6/3/2021 Case Number: 20-154 MANUZON ROLANDO FIGUEROA Certified Mail Return Receipt: 1340 VIOLET STREET 7017 0660 0000 3856 5200 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1340 VIOLET STREET ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 8,2021 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road,to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1340 VIOLET STREET, 18-34 17-2S-29E .075 SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH LOT 2(EX N 42.71 FT),N 25 FT LOT 3 BLK 232. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances 1. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required.Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. NATURE OF VIOLATION: An accessory structure was constructed in the back yard of the home without a valid building permit. A stop work order was issued on 12/25/2020. Your partial permit application submitted on 1/14/2021 was denied. 2. Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. NATURE OF VIOLATION: A stop work order was posted on your property on 12/15/2020 for installation of a fence without a permit. As of today, no application has been received for the 6 ft wood fence that was installed at your home. Page 1 of 3 Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 115 of 212 3. Chapter 24. Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24-151. - Accessory uses and structures. 1. Storage and tool sheds, not to exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet and twelve (12) feet in height. Only one (1) detached storage or tool shed shall be allowed on any single residential lot, and such structures shall be a minimum distance of five (5) feet from the rear and side lot lines. NATURE OF VIOLATION: The application submitted for the unpermitted structure calls the building a shed. The maximum size of a shed authorized by code is 150 square feet. According to the drawing submitted in your application, the dimension of the structure in the back yard is 37 feet x 12ft. This exceeds the 150 square feet permitted by code. 4. Chapter 24 Land Development Regulations Sec. 24-107 Residential, two-family district (RG) (f) Building restrictions. Building restrictions within the RG zoning district shall be: (1) Maximum impervious surface: Forty-five (45) percent. NATURE OF VIOLATION:The area between the back of the house and the unpermitted structure has been covered in concrete. This has increased your impervious surface coverage to over 45% of the lot. 5. Chapter 24. Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24-151. - Accessory uses and structures. d. Unless otherwise specified within this section, accessory uses and structures shall not be located within required front yards and shall not be closer than five (5) feet from any lot line. NATURE OF VIOLATION: The unpermitted structure in the back yard is located closer than 5 feet to the side and rear property lines. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: on December 15, 2020 a stop work order was posted on the property for construction of an accessory structure and fence without a permit. An after the fact permit application was submitted on January 14,2021 and denied. To date,there is no valid permit on file for the accessory structure or fence. On January 25, 2021 a site visit was conducted on your property to discuss the unapproved structures. At that time it was discovered that the back yard of the home was covered in concrete. To date,no follow up inspection has been requested to verify that the concrete has been removed. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received,the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the Page 2 of 3 Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 116 of 212 presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, (-"- -)nq.i2o, -- ' ' hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and'accurate. l • VIP IP Angela Iriz. Code Enforcement Officer, '•• i• 'Atlantic each ATTEST: 3141 ( b19)C17- Kim Flower, Records Clerk U.S. Postal ServiceTM CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT 1:3 Domestic Mail Only Ri For delivery information,visit our website at®. 11 Ln Certified Mail Fee fTl Extra Services&Fees(check bar,add fee es appropriate) 0 Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ CI 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark D 0 Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ Here Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ O Postage a Total Postage and Fees O ara°n LI 2,w) tZo garrlo £ u fX t. 20-1 sN p tr et and Apt. o., o Pb,eox ryo. r- 4CI VI ote`C 31YPP-T Cit tate,ZIP+4b L A kelt C l PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530 02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Page 3 of 3 Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 117 of 212 Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 118 of 212 I 91- 9 UOIMS 1I aloiud ` 9 ialdeg0 ut saaueuiPiO3o 3po0 goeag oilueliy3o 1440 agl3o and se apo, gulpling up! wL4 a R pue apo:) aaueualutejN Kuadoid Ieuoilemalul a p paldope goeag ociuellb 3o / 4I0 aqL ' Z£ Z ) I1g LO' I 13 SZ ISI ` iA ILOZ17I1 X3) Z . LO" I H0` d39 OLLNVIL` d H 03S SLO' 36Z - SZ - LI b£ - 8I 413T81S L3' IOIA Ob£ I se unnotq tu3dojd 3q1 uo suollelolA pa$ alle ftimollo3 a p uo p maq aq puu lamsuu of ` peog alounuaS 008 ` laqureg0 uoissRutuoO ` IIe1I CI 0 gaeag acluelld Te and OO Z Ie IZOZ ` 8 Inp uo alullsrft IeioadS luauiaoioju3 apo0 ag13o Ouueaq oilgnd wDu oq1 le madde of pa iapso pue paggou Xgaiag ale noA luapuodsaW leaQ j it n 0 3 ` H0V39:) Lfi` dUV 332ILS L370IA 0t7£ I : ssalppd 2Cpadoij I"" ALIO HOFS 3S OLLIhNUV INV ALHIdOHcl k0 ( JUSOd r- I - OZ magrun, ase0 ZZ£ ZH HDV99 3LLSVU ' L332ILS 1310I. A 06£ I HOI3_' IDI3 OaNV ION NOT- INM 9N" V3H 30 331ION Vaj2d ' I3 61EDV3$ JLLNjv" LV 30 A- LIJ lNl3w3:) HOjN3 3QOJ I Z() Zr f 9 Agenda Item #5.C. 08 Jul 2021 Page 119 of 212 Page 120 of 212 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 121 of 212 0-'1Jr CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH s" !;... ii. 800 SEMINOLE ROAD sr ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 ze PHONE (904) 247-5800 9/9/2020 SEMINOLE SOUTH LLC 2300 MARSH POINT RD#301 NEPTUNE BEACH, FL 32266 Real Estate Number: 170655 0000 Case Number: 20-106 Location of Violation: 705 ATLANTIC BLVD, 10-8 20-2S-29E .65 SALTAIR SEC 1 LOTS 744,745,746,747,748,749, 750,Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6- 16. A code enforcement inspection at 705 ATLANTIC BLVD was conducted on 9/9/2020. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 17- 41. Removal of unsafe, damaged or poorly maintained and abandoned signs. (c) Abandoned signs. Signs shall be removed by the owner or occupant within thirty(30)days of cessation of the business or activity shall be considered to have ceased when the premises are vacated, or in the absence of a valid occupational license(business tax receipt)or active utility service account. Signs not removed in accordance with these provisions shall be considered as abandoned and shall be removed at the property owner's expense. NATURE OF VIOLATION: There are at least two abandoned signs on this property. Atlantic Beach Paint Party and Sunnyland Coin Laundry. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by removing the abandoned signs within thirty 30)days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. I, Is\ 1\O.47AC1 --D2,17 eta hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. Sinc rely, gels Uis.: yec, CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 122 of 212 s CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH i f 800 SEMINOLE ROAD s)ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7013 1710 0002 1691 3910 11/19/2020 SEMINOLE SOUTH LLC 2300 MARSH POINT RD#301 NEPTUNE BEACH, FL 32266 Real Estate Number: 170655 0000 Case Number: 20-106 Location of Violation: 705 ATLANTIC BLVD, 10-8 20-2S-29E .65 SALTAIR SEC 1 LOTS 744,745,746,747,748, 749,750,Atlantic Beach,Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6- 16. A code enforcement inspection at 705 ATLANTIC BLVD was conducted on 9/9/2020 & 11/19/2020. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 17-41. Removal of unsafe,damaged or poorly maintained and abandoned signs. (c) Abandoned signs. Signs shall be removed by the owner or occupant within thirty(30)days of cessation of the business or activity shall be considered to have ceased when the premises are vacated,or in the absence of a valid occupational license(business tax receipt)or active utility service account. Signs not removed in accordance with these provisions shall be considered as abandoned and shall be removed at the property owner's expense. NATURE OF VIOLATION: There are at least two abandoned signs on this property. Atlantic Beach Paint Party and Sunnyland Coin Laundry. Sec. 17-65. -Enforcement and severability(a)Enforcement. Violations of this chapter shall result in code enforcement action pursuant to chapter 2, article V, division 2 of the city's Code of Ordinances. This is the second request. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by removing the abandoned signs within fifteen (15)days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 585((5 if you have any questions or need additional information. I, r-"S-Ny. _ara( ( hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. rely, 0111111 Angela Iri ode Enfor• Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 123 of 212 SENDER: COMPLE. ii-' _:;TION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature • Print your name and address on the reverse X Agent so that we can return the card to you. 0 Addressee Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,B. eceived by(Printed ame) C. a//e of Deliveryetoronthefrontifspacepermits. AG C 'D C) 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No i : 'c 20- \O II I I III III III I I I II II I I III II i I I I III 0 dult/ SSignature 0 ignature ice eRestricted Delivery 00 RegisteredMail Ex MaiPress® 9590 9402 3831 8032 5662 36 0 Certified Mail® Delivery 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise 2. Article Number(Transfer from service label) Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation" 0 Signature Confirmation 701.3 1710 0002 1.6 91 3 910 Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #5.D.08 Jul 2021Page 124 of 212 2/26/2021®-USPS Tracking®Results USPS Tracking® FAQs > Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70131710000216913910 Remove X Your item was delivered to the front desk, reception area, or mail room at 11:44 am on November 28, 2020 in NEPTUNE BEACH, FL 32266. C Delivered n November 28, 2020 at 11:44 am Delivered, Front Desk/Reception/Mail Room NEPTUNE BEACH, FL 32266 Get Updates u Text & Email Updates u Tracking History n November 28, 2020, 11:44 am Delivered, Front Desk/Reception/Mail Room NEPTUNE BEACH, FL 32266 Your item was delivered to the front desk, reception area, or mail room at 11:44 am on November 28, 2020 in NEPTUNE BEACH, FL 32266. November 27, 2020 In Transit to Next Facility November 25, 2020, 12:36 am Departed USPS Regional Facility 1=70131710000216913910 1/2 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 125 of 212 2/26/2021®-USPS Tracking®Results JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER November 23, 2020, 9:46 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER Product Information u See Less /\ Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. o CD a a- a o A- FAQs 2/2 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 126 of 212 UT470I01 City of Atlantic Beach 2/12/21 Account History - Combined Inquiry 11:29:01 Customer ID: 74387 Name: ATLANTIC BEACH PAINT PARTY Location ID: 7028 Addr: 703 ATLANTIC BLVD 707 Cycle/route 03 20 Amount due 00 Initiation date . . : 4/20/17 Pending 00 Termination date . : 4/04/ 18 Customer/location status . : F Type options, press Enter. 5=Display Trn Trn/Due Description Trn/ Pry Reference Running Opt Type Date Bill Comment Amount Date/Num Balance CR RFND 4/09/18 FIN. BILL CR. REFUND 74 .18 00 FB BILL 4/09/18 FINAL BILL 8.20 4/14/18 74 .18- DR PMT 4/09/18 DEP RFD : FIBILL 150.00- 82.38- LC ADJ 3/29/18 LATE CHARGE 10% 6.15 3/14/18 67. 62 BL BILL 3/07/18 CYCLE BILL 61.47 3/14/18 61.47 L2 PMT 2/13/18 BILL2PAY 02131899 61.47- 00 BL BILL 2/06/18 CYCLE BILL 61.47 2/14/18 61.47 L2 PMT 1/16/18 BILL2PAY 01161899 129.09- 00 More. . . F3=Exit F5=Adjustments F7=Pending F8=Charges F9=Print history F10=Change view F11=Payments F12=Cancel F24=More keys Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 127 of 212 S j`L.'' ie, CODE ENFORCEMENT 41 441 iii; s CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA r s) NOTICE OF HEARING 01119 2/12/2021 Case Number: 20-106 SEMINOLE SOUTH LLC Certified Mail Return Receipt: 2300 MARCH POINT RD#301 7013 1710 0002 1691 3903 NEPTUNE BEACH, 32266 Property Address: 705 ATLANTIC BLVD. ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on March 18, 2021 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 705 ATLANTIC BLVD 10-8 20-2S-29E .65 SALTAIR SEC 1 LOTS 744,745,746,747,748,749, 750, SW1/2 ST CLOSED BY U/R BCH ORD #65-86-13. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Sec. 17-41.Removal of unsafe,damaged or poorly maintained and abandoned signs. (c)Abandoned signs. Signs shall be removed by the owner or occupant within thirty (30) days of cessation of the business or activity shall be considered to have ceased when the premises are vacated, or in the absence of a valid occupational license (business tax receipt) or active utility service account. Signs not removed in accordance with these provisions shall be considered as abandoned and shall be removed at the property owner's expense. Sec. 17-65. -Enforcement and severability. (a)Enforcement. Violations of this chapter shall result in code enforcement action pursuant to chapter 2, article V, division 2 of the city's Code of Ordinances. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 9/9/2020 and 11/19/2020 notices were sent to you regarding abandoned signage at the commercial parcel located at 705 Atlantic Blvd. Atlantic Beach Paints disconnected their water service on 4/4/2018. The space formally occupied by Sunnyland Laundry is now occupied by Southern Roots Filling Station. The signage for these closed businesses has not been removed. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received,the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 128 of 212 You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, fe xa LQ,f hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate.I 1 \ Angela krry Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: 6514hb Cret51Ver Kim Flowers, Records Clerk 7013 1710 0002 1691 3903 N a g g m v7moam3 Co ma m§ fp z .g 3D3 2. a .p Ro m m ' ..; ,2mm n O io c 3 a y s 3 Tymdm, m T m o mNNnmd m m m O (n 11111ff ! m cin m cbNQ s w o Page 2 of 2 0 a 0 e, Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 129 of 212 ENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Sign A Print your name and address on the reverse X j` f 0 Agent so that we can return the card to you. 0 Addresses Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,B. Rereed by(Printed Name) C. D-te of eliven or on the front if space permits.f-t;9-ei 61n Z`i -4%1 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: ©1Vo S eY111(,.no 1c Sac,, LLC CE - 20 - 10C,c) V 111 11111 111111111IIIIIII III I IIII II III I I I 3. Service Type 0 Priority Mail Express LI Adult Signature Registered MaiIT" Adult Signature Restricted Delivery Registered Mail Restrict Certified Mail® Delivery 9590 9402 5728 0003 9150 20 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise 2. Article Number(Transfer from service label) 0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmations' isured Mail 0 Signature Confirmation 13 1710 0 n n P 1691 3903 inured Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery ever$500) PS Form 3811.July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #5.D.08 Jul 2021Page 130 of 212 Irizarry,Angela From: Irizarry,Angela Sent: Friday, February 19, 2021 2:38 PM To: Pedro Thomas' Cc: Jean Bakkes Subject: RE: Case Number 20-106 - Notice of Hearing Attachments: Copy of Notices sent re 705 Atantic parcel.pdf Pedro, I spoke our director of planning, Amanda Askew and she will be reaching out to you regarding the Sunnyland Laundry sign. Per your request below, attached are a copy of the notices that were sent to Seminole South, LLC. From: Pedro Thomas [] Sent:Thursday, February 18, 2021 3:39 PM To: Irizarry,Angela <> Cc:Jean Bakkes<> Subject: Case Number 20-106- Notice of Hearing Dear Ms. Irizarry, Good afternoon. Thank you for our phone call a few minutes ago. We are looking forward to work with you and resolve this matter before the hearing on March 18, 2021. Please forward us a copy of the notices mentioned in the Notice of hearing (attached for your convenience), knowingly, September 9, 2020 and November 19, 2020. We anticipate bringing 3 (three) witnesses to testify at the hearing, should you and I not be able to resolve this. Thank you, for your time and consideration. Have a great day. V/R., 4`F Office)+1-904-853-6801 I (Mobile) +1-904- 844-8730 Pedro Thomas, Esq. IS Fax: +1-904- 853-5404 General Counsel pthomas a( Sky Enterprises LLC it 2300 Marsh Point Road, Suite#301, Neptune Beach, Florida, 32266, USA 1 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 131 of 212 skyENTERPRISES Admitted in New York and in Brazil. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Unless otherwise indicated, this email, together with any attachments, contain confidential, privileged and/or legally protected information and is intended only for the named person(s). 2 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 132 of 212 Irizarry,Angela From: Askew, Amanda Sent: Friday, February 19, 2021 3:03 PM To: Cc:Irizarry,Angela Subject: FW: Case Number 20-106 - Notice of Hearing Attachments: 02-12-2021 - Notice of Hearing - Code Enforcement.pdf Mr. Thomas, Our code enforcement officer mentioned that you had some questions about the sign code. As indicated in the notice of hearing, the sign located at 705 Seminole Rd. (east side of property on Seminole Rd.) for the former Sunnyland Coin Laundry is considered an discontinued/abandoned. It is also considered a nonconforming sign (due to height and pole design). Google Street view Dec. 2018 yak r wy t, V S lX 711 saw. w}yps 1 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 133 of 212 Per section 17-41 (c) Code of Ordinances, this sign considered abandoned sign because Sunnyland Coin Laundry is no longer in business and has not been in business for over two 2) years. Abandoned signs. Signs shall be removed by the owner or occupant within thirty (30) days of cessation of the business or activity conducted on the property where the sign is located. A business or activity shall be considered to have ceased when the premises are vacated, or in the absence of a valid occupational license or active utility service account, Signs not removed in accordance with these provisions shall be considered as abandoned and shall be removed at the property owner's expense." It also meets the definition of a discontinued sign (17-2). Discontinued sign: Any sign located on a property or building that is: (1) vacated; (2) no longer has a valid certificate of occupancy or business tax receipt; (3) no longer has an active utility service account; or (4) displays a blank sign for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days or longer shall be considered a discontinued sign." Even though the original sign was in compliance with our code when it was permitted, section 17-51 requires that abandoned/discontinued signs come into compliance when the sign is no longer in use by the business to which the sign permit was granted. In addition, a change to the display area would trigger 17-51(1)( d). Sec. 17-51. - Nonconforming signs. All signs, which were lawfully in existence and constructed or installed with properly issued sign permits as of the effective date of these amended regulations, and which are made nonconforming by the provisions herein shall be allowed to remain in accordance with the following conditions: 1) Nonconforming signs shall be made conforming with all provisions of this chapter when any of the following changes are made or circumstances exist: a. Any change to the structural supports or structural materials, including temporary relocation associated with routine maintenance of a property. b. Any change which increases the illumination. c. Any change which increases the height of a sign. d. Any change, which alters the material used for the display area or face area by more than twenty-five (25) percent. e. Any replacement required as the result of an accidental act or a weather- related act. f. Any replacement of an abandoned sign or discontinued sign. g. Any change necessary for compliance with Florida Building Code requirements. 2 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 134 of 212 h. When the total cost of alteration, expansion or renovation of a structure or building at a location where any non-conforming signs are located within the boundaries of the development parcel is equal to or exceeds twenty-five (25) percent of the current assessed value of the parcel improvements, or when the total square footage of a structure is expanded by more than twenty-five (25) percent within a two-year time frame or when any cumulative expansions total more than twenty-five (25) percent within a two-year time frame. Construction costs shall be determined in accordance with the building evaluation data sheet as established by the International Code Council. 2) The provisions of this section shall not be construed to apply to signs that are abandoned, discontinued, deteriorated, dilapidated, or in a general state of disrepair, or which are determined to create a hazard to public safety. Such signs shall be subject to the provisions of section 17-41. Section 17-42 (16) also prohibits discontinued and abandoned signs. Below is a link to the sign code. It is found in Chapter 17 of our code of ordinances. The allowable freestanding sign regulations can be found in section 17-29. Please let me know if you have any questions. beach/codes/code of ordinances?nodeld=PTIICOOR CH17SIADST Amanda L. Askew, AICP Director of Planning and Community Development 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32266 904-247-5841 From: Irizarry,Angela Sent: Friday, February 19, 2021 2:31 PM To: Askew, Amanda Subject: FW: Case Number 20-106- Notice of Hearing From: Pedro Thomas [] Sent:Thursday, February 18, 2021 3:39 PM 3 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 135 of 212 To: Irizarry,Angela <> Cc:Jean Bakkes<> Subject: Case Number 20-106-Notice of Hearing Dear Ms. Irizarry, Good afternoon. Thank you for our phone call a few minutes ago. We are looking forward to work with you and resolve this matter before the hearing on March 18, 2021. Please forward us a copy of the notices mentioned in the Notice of hearing (attached for your convenience), knowingly, September 9, 2020 and November 19, 2020. We anticipate bringing 3 (three) witnesses to testify at the hearing, should you and I not be able to resolve this. Thank you, for your time and consideration. Have a great day. V/R., Office) +1-904-853-6801 I (Mobile) +1-904- 844-8730 Pedro Thomas, Esq. Fax: +1-904- 853-5404 General Counsel Sky Enterprises LLC 2300 Marsh Point Road, Suite#301, Neptune Beach, Florida, 32266, USA skyENTERPRISESIrl Admitted in New York and in Brazil. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Unless otherwise indicated, this email, together with any attachments, contain confidential, privileged and/or legally protected information and is intended only for the named person(s). 4 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 136 of 212 Irizarry,Angela From: Irizarry,Angela Sent: Monday, March 1, 2021 9:50 AM To: Pedro Thomas';Askew,Amanda Cc:Flower, Kimberly M.; Durden, Brenna Subject: RE: Second Public Records Request- Case 20-106 Your request for a continuance has been granted. You will be issued a new notice of hearing for the next regularly scheduled meeting that will take place in May, 2021. From: Pedro Thomas [] Sent: Monday, March 1, 2021 9:47 AM To:Askew,Amanda <> Cc: Irizarry,Angela<>; Flower, Kimberly M.<>; Durden, Brenna <> Subject: Re: Second Public Records Request-Case 20-106 Dear All, Good morning. We reviewed the code of ordinance and found no prohibition of continuing an enforcement hearing. The code seems to be silent on the subject. Thus, we, respectfully, believe our request should be granted to allow for a meaningful preparation after we receive all requested documents. Please let us know if we can agree with the continuance of the hearing at your earliest convenience. Thank you. V/R., Office)+1 (904)853-6801 I (Mobile)+1 (904)844-8730 Pedro Thomas, Esq. III Fax: +1 (904)853-5404 General Counsel pthomasCa Sky Enterprises LLC fiet 2300 Marsh Point Road, Suite 301, 1r Neptune Beach, Florida,32266, USA skyENTERPRISES Admitted in New York and in Brazil. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Unless otherwise indicated, this email, together with any attachments, contain confidential, privileged and/or legally protected information and is intended only for the named person(s). On Fri, Feb 26, 2021 at 4:59 PM Askew, Amanda<>wrote: Good afternoon Pedro, i Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 137 of 212 We are looking into your request. Because it has been advertised/noticed we can not just pull it from the agenda. We don't anticipate a problem with your extension however procedurally we need to make sure we do it correctly. We will follow up with you on Monday regarding the steps. Have a great weekend. Get Outlook for iOS<> From: Pedro Thomas <> Sent: Friday, February 26, 2021 10: 19:14 AM To: Irizarry,Angela<> Cc: Askew, Amanda<>; Flower, Kimberly M. <>; Jean Bakkes>; Durden, Brenna<> Subject: Re: Second Public Records Request- Case 20-106 Dear Angela, Amanda and Brenna, Good morning. We are following up with our request to continue the hearing to allow for our preparation after we receive records from COAB. Thank you. V/R., Pedro Thomas, Esq. General Counsel Sky Enterprises LLC] Office) +1 (904) 853-6801 <tel:+1-904-853-6801> I (Mobile)+1 (904) 844-8730<tel:+1-904-844-8730>] Fax: +1 (904) 853-5404<tel:+1.904.853.5404>]<>]] 2300 Marsh Point Road, Suite 301, Neptune Beach, Florida, 32266, USA 2 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 138 of 212 C at Le - c9Q9 Irizarry,Angela CS1' fit: co o, --c C U& ' From: Irizarry,Angela Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 4:12 PM To: Pedro Thomas'; Askew, Amanda;Jean Bakkes Subject: RE: Case No.: 20-106 Good afternoon, I will forward your request to the City Clerks office so that she can process a records request for you. At any point in time, the property can be brought into compliance with code and it will be reported to the Special Magistrate that you have obtained compliance. From: Pedro Thomas [] Sent:Tuesday, February 23, 2021 4:08 PM To: Irizarry,Angela <>; Askew, Amanda <>;Jean Bakkes<> Subject: Case No.: 20-106 Dear Ms. Irizarry, Good afternoon. We hope this email finds you and everyone at the COAB doing well and healthy. Could you please provide us with the following: 1) a complete copy of the file pertaining to 705 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL 32233, in connection with the Notice of Hearing. 2) copies of any and all documents, notes, annotations, records, emails, correspondence, and meeting minutes, prepared by Mr. Shane Corbin in connection with the above mentioned property, including conversations with the property owners and its representatives. 3) proof of delivery of the September and November notices. The September notice does not have tracking number nor any proof of delivery. The November notice was delivered to someone that is not readily identifiable. Kindly note that the "greencard" shows a combination of numbers and letters that is unknown to our company. 4) confirmation that the COAB is scheduling enough time for our witnesses to be heard 5) confirmation that Mr. Shane Corbin will be attending the hearing, as we would like to have him testifying in the matter. If possible, we would like to have the records well in advance of the hearing, in order to fully assess the matter. Ms. Irizarry, we would like to discuss any possible alternative to resolve this matter as soon as possible. Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 139 of 212 If you have any questions, please contact us. Thank you. V/R., L (Office) +1 (904) 853-6801 ( (Mobile) +1 (904)844-8730 Pedro Thomas, Esq. is Fax: +1 (904) 853-5404 General Counsel S Sky Enterprises LLC it 2300 Marsh Point Road, Suite 301, Neptune Beach, Florida, 32266, USA skyENTERPR/SES Admitted in New York and in Brazil. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Unless otherwise indicated, this email, together with any attachments, contain confidential, privileged and/or legally protected information and is intended only for the named person(s). 2 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 140 of 212 Tec cds uSk‘ C\-\- c .(7 cf1 j) Ic;), Irizarry,Angela From: Pedro Thomas <> Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 3:30 PM To: Askew, Amanda; Irizarry,Angela; Flower, Kimberly M.;Jean Bakkes Cc:Durden, Brenna Subject: Second Public Records Request - Case 20-106 Dear Amanda, Angela, and Brenna. Good afternoon. We hope this email finds you all doing well. In order to be able to prepare for the hearing scheduled for March 18, 2021, could the COAB please provide us with copies of the documents listed below? 1. Any and all permits and related documents pertaining to the sign located at the east side of the property at 705 Atlantic Blvd. 2. A list of all signs that the City of Atlantic Beach inspected after the amendment to the code of ordinances went into effect in 2020. 2.1. A report containing which action or recommendation the COAB is pursuing in connection with such signs. 2.2. For any non-conforming signs, please provide us with copies of all notices sent to property owners regarding such. 3. A list of all signs that the City of Atlantic Beach inspected before the amendment to the code of ordinances went into effect in 2020 in the last 5 years. 3.1. A report containing which action or recommendation the COAB is pursuing in connection with such signs. 3.2. For any non-conforming signs, please provide us with copies of all notices sent to property owners regarding such. 4. A copy of the special magistrate's appointment and hearing that voted for his appointment. Considering that the documents that will be produced to us will have a significant impact on what our defense and course action may be, could we please agree on a contini Ice of the nearing? We would like to have sufficient time to review all documents, possibly consult with experts and hear all possible witnesses before the hearing, in order to be able to have a meaningful preparation. Our request is predicated upon the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. If you have any questions, please contact us. Thank you. Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 141 of 212 V/R., r (Office)+1 (904) 853-6801 I (Mobile) +1 (904) 844-8730 Fax: +1 (904)853-5404 Pedro Thomas, Esq. General Counsel Sky Enterprises LLC C 2300 Marsh Point Road, Suite 301, Neptune Beach, Florida, 32266, USA Admitted in New York and in Brazil. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Unless otherwise indicated, this email, together with any attachments, contain confidential, privileged and/or legally protected information and is intended only for the named person(s). 2 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 142 of 212 Irizarry,Angela From: Pedro Thomas <> Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2021 2:45 PM To: Irizarry,Angela; Flower, Kimberly M.; Durden, Brenna;Jean Bakkes Subject: Seminole South - Additional FOIA Request Dear Ms. Irizarry, Good afternoon. I hope this email finds you well. We would like to make an additional FOIA request for the following records: 1. Copies of any and all complaints and grievances against the City of Atlantic Beach, made via email, regular mail, or any other communication method, in connection with permits and inspections in the last 3 years; 2. Copies of any and all complaints and grievances against Mr. Shane Corbin, made via email, regular mail, or any other communication method, in connection with permits and inspections in the last 3 years; We wish you all a great afternoon. Thank you. V/R., Office) +1 (904) 853-6801 I (Mobile) +1 (904)844-8730 Fax: +1 (904) 853-5404 Pedro Thomas, Esq. General Counsel Sky Enterprises LLC 5 2300 Marsh Point Road, Suite 301, Neptune Beach, Florida, 32266, USA X Admitted in New York and in Brazil. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Unless otherwise indicated, this email, together with any attachments, contain confidential, privileged and/or legally protected information and is intended only for the named person(s). Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 143 of 212 s sz 40 c19 v.e3+ z P ear Ci \L CI ec\ \--A ok-oeg-- 26-2021 JustFOIA 1. Copies of any and all complaints and grievances against the City of Atlantic Beach, made via email, regular mail, or any other communication method, in connection with permits and inspections in the last 3 years, in regards to the building and zoning department; 2. Copies of any and all complaints and grievances against Mr. Shane Corbin, made via email, regular mail, or any other communication method, in connection with permits and inspections in the last 3 years in regards to the building and zoning department. 3. Copies of any and all complaints and grievances made to any city Commissioner, via email, regular mail,public meetings or any other communication method, in connection with permits and inspections in the last 3 years in regards to the building and zoning department. Date Subject March 10, 2021 Request submitted. March 12, 2021 P. Thomas email list of search terms and request details. March 19, 2021 Request Invoice Paid. May 18, 2021 Provided link to access emails; 1553 emails provided. June 7, 2021 Uploaded 1276 emails to link; requester notified. June 10, 2021 Uploaded 2015 emails to link; requester notified. June 18, 2021 Request complete. Requester received 6,752 total emails. Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 144 of 212 ii: s t`11rf CODE ENFORCEMENT o 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 41)131.9;' 6/3/2021 Case Number: 20-106 SEMINOLE SOUTH LLC Certified Mail Return Receipt: 2300 MARCH POINT RD#301 7013 1710 0002 1691 0858 NEPTUNE BEACH, 32266 Property Address: 705 ATLANTIC BLVD. ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 8,2021 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 705 ATLANTIC BLVD 10-8 20-2S-29E .65 SALTAIR SEC 1 LOTS 744,745, 746,747,748,749,750, SW1/2 ST CLOSED BY U/R BCH ORD #65-86-13. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Sec. 17-41.Removal of unsafe,damaged or poorly maintained and abandoned signs.(c)Abandoned signs. Signs shall be removed by the owner or occupant within thirty (30) days of cessation of the business or activity shall be considered to have ceased when the premises are vacated, or in the absence of a valid occupational license (business tax receipt) or active utility service account. Signs not removed in accordance with these provisions shall be considered as abandoned and shall be removed at the property owner's expense. Sec. 17-65. -Enforcement and severability. (a)Enforcement.Violations of this chapter shall result in code enforcement action pursuant to chapter 2, article V, division 2 of the city's Code of Ordinances. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 9/9/2020 and 11/19/2020 notices were sent to you regarding abandoned signage at the commercial parcel located at 705 Atlantic Blvd. The space formally occupied by Sunnyland Laundry is now occupied by Southern Roots Filling Station.The signage for this closed businesses has not been removed. You were noticed for the Special Magistrate hearing that took place on May 6,2021. Per your request, a deferral was granted and your case was moved to the July hearing. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received,the case may be Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 145 of 212 presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, ( ' oQcL-- —ff`-f hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is t M e andurate. I Angela Iriz. ' Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: 464^ Kim Flower, Records Clerk U.S. Postal Service TM CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIPT cu91 (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.comeO r-R cr Postage $ Certified Fee ru O ReturnReceipt Fee O Postmark Endorsement Required)Here Restricted Delivery Fee 0 (Endorsement Required) r- Total Postage&Fees $ rq Sent To SCrnno( So LLC Street,Apt.No.; or PO Box No. City,State,ZIP+4 L, iv j PS Form 3800,August 2006 See Reverse for Instructions Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 146 of 212 Irizarry,Angela From: Jean Bakkes <> Sent: Tuesday,June 8, 2021 10:24 PM To: Askew, Amanda Cc:Irizarry,Angela; Flower, Kimberly M.; Glasser, Ellen Subject: Re: Pedro Thomas JustFOlA Requests 17-2021, 19-2021 Dear Amanda, We started off with good intentions engaging the city manager 2+ years ago about updating the sign on our property. The city manager told 2 different people on my staff at two different times to not touch the sign. The city claims no record. I am a property owner, an ordinary citizen without a college degree and I want to improve my property. I am not a lawyer and I can't read and be familiar with all the legal terms and ordinances which are hundreds of pages. I apply very basic principles in my approach in business and life. I don't understand how the city doesn't want to work with property owners. I have now received thousands of pages of complaints under a freedom of information act made by private citizens in just the last 2 years. There are so many, the city is taking months to produce them all. I don't want to complain, I want a solution. The message I am getting from the city is we don't care, we don't like the sign, we don't care about your property rights and you need to ahead and swallow the expense of removing a sign and replacing with something we like. That is not right. The sign had been there since 1960. It pains me that y'all hide behind your ordinances,this case is different. Changing the letters on the sign really only constitutes changing less than 1 %of the sign because the letters are 1 mm thick. Do you guys really want to fight with everybody ? Isn't it exhausting ? I really think the city should take a moment and consider how ridiculous this all is, about a 3 ft by 4 ft sign that has been as it is for 61 years. 1 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 147 of 212 Give it some thought. I hate spending the money I should be investing to improve my property on lawyers fighting issues that really should not be. I am not the only one who feels that way judging by the thousands of complaints from constituents. Jean Bakkes C (Office)+1-904-853-6801 I (Mobile)+1-407- 217-3255 Fax:+1.904-853-5404 CEO E Sky Enterprises LLC I C 2300 Marsh Point Road,Suite#301, Neptune Beach,Florida,32266,USA CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Unless otherwise indicated, this email, together with any attachments, contain confidential, privileged and/or legally protected information and is intended only for the named person(s). On Jun 7, 2021, at 3:49 PM, Askew, Amanda<>wrote: Good afternoon Jean, I've attached a copy of my correspondence with Mr. Thomas. Which explains the various sections of the code that this sign violates and why you cannot change the letters. Also see responses below in blue text. From:Jean Bakkes [] Sent: Monday,June 7, 2021 12:49 PM To: Irizarry,Angela Cc: Flower, Kimberly M.;Askew,Amanda Subject: Re: Pedro Thomas JustFOIA Requests 17-2021, 19-2021 Angela, I disagree with your view. Changing the vinyl letters on the sign should not require a permit and the whole issue at hand here is when we reached out to the city 2+years ago to update the sign the city manager said don't touch it. See section 17-41 (c), 17-2, 17-46, and 17-51 of the code of ordinances. Changing the sign has no structural component of any kind, what exactly would require a permit see section 17-51 of the code of ordinances. Why would we apply for a permit the city told us not to touch?—I have no records indicating the city has told you not to touch the sign. 2 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 148 of 212 Again counter intuitive. You guys continue to make zero sense to me on this matter and I am tired. Tired of having to argue that a city ordinance is the equivalent of a negative easement on my property or a an imminent domain takin without compensation which is prohibited by federal law. Several cases support that viewpoint. —The city feels strongly that sign code meets all state and federal requirements. I want to update the sign, have wanted to for years. The city manager says don't touch it,now after 2+yours you say pull a permit. Updating the sign would not require a permit. — I have no records indicating the city has told you not to touch the sign. What do y'all really want me to do. Just tell me straight up what you want me to do that does not reduce my property rights. The sign code requires the removal of the nonconforming sign. You are welcome to apply for a new free standing sign. Or you have the option of seeking a variance but please note staff does not feel like this property meets any of the criteria set forth in 24-65(c) and the likelihood of approval is very low. Sincerely Office)+1-904-853-6801 I (Mobile)+1-407- 217-3255 Jean Bakkes C Fax:+1.904-853-5404 CEO C Sky Enterprises LLC C C 2300 Marsh Point Road,Suite#301, Neptune Beach,Florida,32266,USA 13* CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Unless otherwise indicated, this email, together with any attachments, contain confidential, privileged and/or legally protected information and is intended only for the named person(s). On Jun 7, 2021, at 12:33 PM, Irizarry,Angela<>wrote: Mr. Bakkes, No alternations can be made to the sign without an approved variance and permit. No permit has been issued to update the sign. You will have the opportunity to present your case to the Magistrate for consideration of an extension. 3 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 149 of 212 From:Jean Bakkes [] Sent: Monday,June 7, 2021 11:38 AM To: Irizarry,Angela<>; Flower, Kimberly M. <> Subject: Re: FW: Pedro Thomas JustFOIA Requests 17-2021, 19-2021 Angela, Thank-you for your email. I am confused. We have instructions from the City Manager not to touch the sign. How can we do anything to remedy the violation in light of a direct order from the City Manager? In the alternative you want me to pay my lawyer to come and tell the magistrate that the city hasn't completed our discovery request and that we cant remedy the violation in light of a direct order from the city ? This seems like a waste of financial resources and the time of the magistrate to be frank. Are you telling us that we should go ahead and update the sign as we have tried to do for 2 years to correct the violation? I am confused. Thank-You C (Office)+1-904-853-6801 I (Mobile)+1-407-217-3255 Jean Bakkes C Fax: +1.904-853-5404 CEO Sky Enterprises LLC 5 2300 Marsh Point Road, Suite#301, Neptune Beach, Florida,32266, USA CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Unless otherwise indicated, this email, together with any attachments, contain confidential, privileged and/or legally protected information and is intended only for the named person(s). On Mon, Jun 7, 2021 at 11:30 AM Irizarry,Angela<>wrote: Mr. Bakkes, You will have the opportunity to present this information to the magistrate. You will remain on the agenda for the July meeting, as the violations still remains uncorrected. 4 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 150 of 212 From: Flower, Kimberly M. Sent: Monday,June 7, 2021 11:25 AM To: Irizarry,Angela <a> Cc:Jean Bakkes<> Subject: FW: Pedro Thomas JustFOIA Requests 17-2021, 19-2021 From:Jean Bakkes [mailto:jean@skyenterprises.coml Sent: Monday,June 7, 2021 11:07 AM To: Flower, Kimberly M.<> Subject: Re: Pedro Thomas JustFOIA Requests 17-2021, 19-2021 Good Morning K'se •- , Hope you had a great weekend. I am writing in response to a letter received in the mail today scheduling the special magistrate hearing on the sign issue for 705 Atlantic Blvd for July 8th. As far as I am aware, our records request from the city under FOIA as part of our discovery has not been completed. Additionally it is thousands of pages as you indicated when you called be a couple of weeks ago, which has taken the city more than 3 months now to produce. There is no way that we would be able to review all these records on a records request that is not yet complete in time to prepare for a July 8th Hearing. Once the records request has been completed and we know the overall size of the number of records we would indicate the amount of time we need to review it and prepare. This is an official request for extension of the hearing date to a future date to be determined once the records outstanding from the City in regards to the case 5 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 151 of 212 have been produced. Thereafter a reasonable amount of time has to be allotted for myself to review it along with my legal counsel to be able to prepare considering the enormity of the the records. Thank-You image001 .jpg>I(Ofce)+1-904-853-6801 I (Mobile)+1-407- 217-3255 Jean Bakkes image001 .jpg>IFax: +1.904-853-5404 CEO image001.jpg> Sky Enterprises LLC imageOOI.jpg> ima9 jpgenn1 > 2300 Marsh NeptuneBeachPointFlorida, Road, Suite32266#U301SA, image002.jpg> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Unless otherwise indicated, this email, together with any attachments, contain confidential, privileged and/or legally protected information and is intended only for the named person(s). On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 10:58 AM Flower, Kimberly M. <kflower(a,> wrote: Good Morning, The two prior closed JustFOIA records requests can be accessed on the City of Atlantic Beach portal by searching the record archives. Go to, Government, City Clerk, Public Records, Public Records Request Portal and Forms, Search Archive, and enter the request number 17-2021 and 19-2021 search each one separately) select search and click on the request number that will be displayed. Please contact me if additional information is required. Thank you and have a wonderful day. 6 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 152 of 212 Kimberly M. Flower Records Clerk City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 O:(904) 247-5810 F: (904) 247-5846 Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications, including your email address, may therefore be subject to public disclosure. From: Diaz, Lori Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2021 10:13 AM To: Flower, Kimberly M. <> Subject: RE: Pedro Thomas Requests Hi, The two prior closed requests can be viewed on the COAB Public Records Portal by searching the archive for 17-2021 and 19-2021. Lori Diaz, Deputy City Clerk City of Atlantic Beach, FL 7 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 153 of 212 904)247-5821 Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email to Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications, including your email address,may therefore be subject to public disclosure. Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email to Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications, including your email address,may therefore be subject to public disclosure. Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email to Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook Florida.has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications,including your email address,may therefore be subject to public disclosure. mime-attachment> Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email to Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications, including your email address,may therefore be subject to public disclosure. FW_Case Number 20-106 -Notice of Hearing.pdf> 8 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 154 of 212 Irizarry,Angela From: Corbin, Shane Sent: Wednesday, March 3, 2021 4:22 PM To: Askew, Amanda; Irizarry,Angela; Brenna Durden Subject: Signs Original Message From: Corbin, Shane Sent: Friday,January 10, 2020 10:00 AM To:Juan Salvat<> Subject: RE: Southern Roots Hey Juan, I can't circumvent the code. The sign (or whatever goes in its place) can't advertise a good or service. If propose something in its place, like an image that doesn't contain your logo, I'll consider it. That's the best I can do. Talk soon, Shane Original Message From:Juan Salvat [ Sent: Friday, January 10, 2020 8:19 AM To: Corbin, Shane<> Subject: Southern Roots Hey Shane, Hope all is well on your end. Happy new year! Now that we had our baby and the holidays are over I wanted to touch base on a couple of things. We are finally ready to get the ball rolling with the parklet, we are working with a designer to get some drawings over to you. Second, let's talk the laundry sign. I'd like to work with you in dj dj day a solution to that, as the whole laundry thing is still confusing people. Again, I'd LOVE to use it as a coffee mug if you've given that any thought. Or basically see what my options are so I can take down the laundry sign sooner than later. I will be at the AB spot today and will be more than happy to meet if you'd like. Let me know, Cheers, Juan Salvat 305-510-3960 Original Message From: Corbin, Shane 1 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 155 of 212 Sent:Wednesday, November 20,2019 4:08 PM To:Juan Salvat<> Subject: RE:Southern Roots 32 Seminole Hi JP, Thank you for your participation sat. I haven't had time to send out a follow up email yet. I think it was a success considering the weather. You are welcome to apply for a variance to the sign regs. However, it would be highly unlikely that it would be successful and I hate to put you through that. You could propose some alternative to a sign that we can react to. I personally think transforming the old pole into a big public art piece would be best. Talk soon, Shane From:Walker Mason [] Sent: Friday,October 05, 2018 10:44 AM To:Corbin, Shane<> Subject: Re: Update and Zoning Question Shane, Sorry for the late response! I agree, let's get these signs in compliance as we put up the new parapet. Can we set up a meeting sometime next week for Johnston island? Thanks Walker On Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 4:40 PM Corbin, Shane<>wrote: Hey Walker, This would be a good time to let you know about the sign regs. Some of your tenants are way out of whack with them. I'd like to get them cleaned up and in compliance, but I've been hesitant to bother them since they've obviously been left alone for years. I think we should basically"restart" with them after you begin making the upgrades. Hard to say about Johnston Island and not sure what you're thinking. Happy to brainstorm on it with you. Talk soon, Shane Shane Corbin, AICP City Manager 800 Seminole Road 2 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 156 of 212 City of Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 904) 247-5817 3 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 157 of 212 Irizarry,Angela From: Corbin, Shane Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2021 3:48 PM To: Irizarry,Angela Subject: FW: Southern Roots 32 Seminole See below. I've been consistent with this from the beginning of my communication with both the business and the property management company. I stopped short of telling them any signs were in violation and needed to come down. Shane Original Message From: Corbin, Shane Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 4:08 PM To:Juan Salvat<> Subject: RE: Southern Roots 32 Seminole Hi JP, Thank you for your participation sat. I haven't had time to send out a follow up email yet. I think it was a success considering the weather. You are welcome to apply for a variance to the sign regs. However, it would be highly unlikely that it would be successful and I hate to put you through that. You could propose some alternative to a sign that we can react to. I personally think transforming the old pole into a big public art piece would be best. Talk soon, Shane Original Message From:Juan Salvat [] Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 2:32 PM To: Corbin, Shane <> Subject: Re: Southern Roots 32 Seminole Hey Shane, Jp here. First of all thank you for hosting us at the event on Saturday. Rain and cold didn't stop people and overall felt rad. Reminded me of back home in Miami. I wanted to continue the conversation about the sunnyland laundry sign. I wanted to see if we can convince you to use it for southern roots(????) and/or decide what the outcome will be. Basically everyone still thinks there's a laundromat here and no one knows the best coffee shop in the country is right in their neighborhood!!! I am working on signage for the building but before I pull any triggers on that just want to make sure where we stand on the sign. 1 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 158 of 212 Thanks for your time, Jp Salvat 305- 510-3960 Sent from my iPhone On Sep 26, 2019, at 2:09 PM, Corbin, Shane<>wrote: Hey Juan, Tomorrow or Tuesday works better for me. Thanks, Shane Original Message From:Juan Salvat [] Sent: Thursday,September 26, 2019 1:01 PM To: Corbin, Shane<> Subject: Southern Roots 32 Seminole Hey Shane, This is Jp from southern roots. I've been out of town through this weekend. Wanted to follow up on our last conversation in regards to the Parklet and the sign. Is next week a good time for you? Monday? Thanks Jp Salvat 3055103960 Sent from my iPhone 2 Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 159 of 212 i0 1th 2300 Marsh Point Rd, Unit#301 i Neptune Beach, FL 32266 SEMINOLE 1 (904)853-6801 SOUTH, LLC June 25, 2021 Via USPS Priority Mail 70,21 0350 OcO 2t021 City of Atlantic Beach Attn.: Ms. Angela Irizary 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 RE: Request for continuance of July 8, 2021 hearing Sign matter—705 Atlantic Blvd. Dear Ms. Irizary, In April 2021, we made multiple public records requests under The Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA") in order to adequately and meaningfully prepare for a hearing schedule by the City of Atlantic Beach ("COAB") in connection with a sign installed at 705 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL. At the occasion the COAB officials informed us that the FOIA request would take a while in that it contains voluminous documents. On June 7, 2021, we exchanged emails with the COAB requesting the continuance of the hearing scheduled for July 8, 2021, in that the FOIA requests were not then completed by the COAB. To our surprise, the COAB took the position that the hearing would proceed as scheduled. We now write to, amicably, reaffirm our request for the continuance of said hearing to allow us to, meaningfully and reasonably, prepare for the administrative proceeding reasonably and meaningfully before the COAB. Without the continuance, we will simply not be able to adequately prepare for said hearing, which should include the opportunity to secure legal representation for the matter. Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 160 of 212 01%\ 2300 Marsh Point Rd, Unit#301 SM% ppliP' Neptune Beach, FL 32266 SEMINOLE 1 (904)853-6801 SOUTH,LLC The 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America reads: All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. (Emphasis added)' The purpose of the Due Process Clause is "to apprise the affected individual of, and permit adequate preparation for, an impending hearing." Memphis Light, Gas & Water Div. v. Craft, 436 U.S. 1, 14 (1978); see also In re Ruffalo, 390 U.S.544, 552 (1968); Ex Parte Wall, 107 U.S. 265, 271 (1883); Bowman Transp., Inc. v. Arkansas-Best Freight Sys., Inc., 419 U.S. 281, 288 n.4 1974); Goldberg, 397 U.S. at 267-78. Moreover, the hearing must be meaningful,"Armstrong v. Manzo, 380 U.S. 545, 552 (1965), and "appropriate to the nature of the case." Mullane, 339 U.S. at 313. Finally, a one must be allowed to identify issues on which a decision will turn, the standards by which it will be judged, and to be apprised of the factual material on which the agency relies for the decision so that the party may rebut it. See Bowman Transp., Inc., 419 U.S. at 288 n.4; Ohio Bell Telephone Co. v. Public Utilities Comm'n, 301 U.S. 292 1937); Mullane, 339 U.S. at 313 (1950); Morgan v. United States, 304 U.S. 1, 18- 19 (1938). In this case, we have requested public records to be able to fully prepare for the administrative proceedings before the Special Magistrate. However, the FOIA request was only completed as recent as June 21, 2021. We have not had the opportunity to meaningful prepare for the scheduled hearing, in that we simply have not had time to review the records produced by the COAB. Thus, moving forward with the scheduled hearing will prevent us from meaningfully prepare and identify the legal issues at hand,2 resulting in a clear violation of the due process clause of the 14th Amendment. 1-See Art.I,§9,Fla.Const. 2- During administrative proceedings a violation of due process clause must be avoided.See Jones Total Health Care Pharmacy,LLC v.Drug Enf'tAdmin.,881 F.3d 823,834-35(11th Cir.2018). Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 161 of 212 00114 2300 Marsh Point Rd, Unit#301 KNIPP%' Neptune Beach, FL 32266 S EMI N O LE 1 (904) 853-6801 SOUTH, LLC Noteworthy, as of the time of postmarking this letter, we have not been able to secure legal representation for the hearing, which should also be grounds for its continuance. WHEREFORE, we reaffirm our request for a continuance of the hearing scheduled for July 8, 2021. We ask that the COAB grants us reasonable time to review the FOIA records in its entirety. We believe 2 months to prepare to be reasonable considering that that was the time, approximately, that the COAB took to produce the records. The decisive question of due process in administrative proceedings does not strive for perfection, but the right to fair play. A hearing "must be a real one, not a sham or pretense."Palko v. Connecticut, 302 U.S. 319, 327 (1937). Should you like to discuss this matter, please contact us. Yours re e- IP. , Jean B. Bakker a - - Enclosures cc.: Office of the Honorable Mayor; Office of the City Manager;Office of the City Attorney;Office of the Special Magistrate Agenda Item #5.D. 08 Jul 2021 Page 162 of 212 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 20‐106 Printed: Tuesday, 06 July, 2021 1of 5 Description: Abandoned Sign Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: COMMERCIAL Opened: 9/9/2020 Closed: Last Action: 7/23/2021 Fllw Up: 5/27/2021 Site Address: 705 ATLANTIC BLVD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 170655 0000 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details: CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES NOV REG Angela Irizarry 9/9/2020 9/9/2020 NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 11/19/2020 11/19/2020 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 11/30/2020 11/30/2020 Per CERT violation letter was delivered on 11/28/2020. MISC NOTES/ACTION Angela Irizarry 1/21/2021 1/21/2021 Need to schedule for hearing once new magistrate is selected. NOTICE OF HEARING Angela Irizarry 2/6/2021 2/12/2021 TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 2/18/2021 2/18/2021 Received telephone call from Pedro Thomas, atty for respondent. Mr. Thomas is contesting the violation stating that the tenants were told by the City manager not to remove the sign. Mr. Thomas stated he would like to bring witnesses to the hearing to testify. Mr. Thomas questioned the code language regarding abandoned and grandfather signs. I referred him to Amanda Askew, Director of Planning for more information. Agenda Item #5.D.08 Jul 2021 Page 163 of 212 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 20‐106 Printed: Tuesday, 06 July, 2021 2of 5 EMAIL RECEIVED Angela Irizarry 2/18/2021 2/18/2021 From: Pedro Thomas [] Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2021 3:39 PM To: Irizarry,Angela <> Cc: Jean Bakkes <> Subject: Case Number 20‐106 ‐ Notice of Hearing Dear Ms. Irizarry, Good afternoon. Thank you for our phone call a few minutes ago. We are looking forward to work with you and resolve this matter before the hearing on March 18, 2021. Please forward us a copy of the notices mentioned in the Notice of hearing (attached for your convenience), knowingly, September 9, 2020 and November 19, 2020. We anticipate bringing 3 (three) witnesses to testify at the hearing, should you and I not be able to resolve this. Thank you, for your time and consideration. Have a great day. V/R., Pedro Thomas, Esq. General Counsel Sky Enterprises LLC (Office) +1‐904‐853‐6801 | (Mobile) +1‐904‐844‐8730 Fax: +1‐904‐853‐5404 Agenda Item #5.D.08 Jul 2021 Page 164 of 212 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 20‐106 Printed: Tuesday, 06 July, 2021 3of 5 2300 Marsh Point Road, Suite # 301, Neptune Beach, Florida, 32266, USA CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 2/23/2021 2/23/2021 Received signed green card for NOH letter. EMAIL RECEIVED Angela Irizarry 2/23/2021 2/23/2021 Mr. Thomas emailed in a records request. Forwarded email to clerks office for processing. Per Clerks office, the request was completed on 3/25/2021 EMAIL RECEIVED Angela Irizarry 2/24/2021 2/24/2021 Received and forwarded second records request to Clerks office. Per Clerks office, this request was completed on 4/21/2021 EXTENSION GRANTED Angela Irizarry 3/1/2021 3/1/2021 Pedro Thomas requested an extension and continuance to give them time to review the records requested from the Clerk office. Extension was granted. This property will be removed from the March hearing. EMAIL RECEIVED Angela Irizarry 3/10/2021 3/10/2021 Received third records request. Forwarded to clerk's office for processing. NOTICE OF HEARING Angela Irizarry 6/3/2021 6/3/2021 MISC LETTER/CORRESPONDENCE Angela Irizarry 6/28/2021 6/28/2021 Received written request asking for a continuance of hearing. Agenda Item #5.D.08 Jul 2021 Page 165 of 212 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 20‐106 Printed: Tuesday, 06 July, 2021 4of 5 CODE ENFORCEMENT AGENDA Kim Flower 7/6/2021 7/6/2021 CODE ENFORCEMENT ORDER Kim Flower 7/20/2021 SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Kim Flower 7/23/2021 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL OWNER SEMINOLE SOUTH LLC 2300 MARSH POINT RD #301 NEPTUNE BEACH, FL 32266 INSPECTIONS INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES INITIAL INSPECTION AI 9/9/2020 9/9/2020 VIOLATION FOUND Received an anonymous complaint regarding condition and signage on building. Atlantic Beach Paints is no longer there and Sunnyland laundry is no longer there. Old signage for both business are still there and have not been removed. REINSPECTION AI 10/23/2020 11/19/2020 VIOLATION CONTINUES VIOLATIONS VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES Abandoned Signs (Wall or GD) Angela Irizarry 9/9/2020 Sec. 17‐41. Removal of unsafe, damaged or poorly maintained and abandoned signs. (c) Abandoned signs. Signs shall be removed by the owner or Agenda Item #5.D.08 Jul 2021 Page 166 of 212 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 20‐106 Printed: Tuesday, 06 July, 2021 5of 5 occupant within thirty (30) days of cessation of the business or activity shall be considered to have ceased when the premises are vacated, or in the absence of a valid occupational license (business tax receipt) or active utility service account. Signs not removed in accordance with these provisions shall be considered as abandoned and shall be removed at the property owner''s expense. Agenda Item #5.D.08 Jul 2021 Page 167 of 212 Page 168 of 212 Irizarry,Angela From: Irizarry,Angela Sent: Friday, April 9, 2021 4:26 PM To: LeeAnn Chen' Subject: RE: Code Violation Payoff Request- Case#1312 Attachments: 945 Plaza Dr Payoff Calc..pdf LeeAnn, Here is the payoff letter. Like I said yesterday, it is a shocking amount and a representative for the owner can ask for a reduction. From: LeeAnn Chen [] Sent: Monday,April 5, 2021 12:32 PM To: Irizarry,Angela <> Subject:Code Violation Payoff Request-Case#1312 Hi there Q I am requesting a payoff the attached violation. Please let me know if you need any more information. COVID-19 procedures- In an effort to keep everyone healthy, we ask you to adhere to the following restrictions for your closing: ONLY THOSE ESSENTIAL to the closing attend. Real estate agents and loan officers are invited to participate through a Facetime call, or by phone, when possible. Please plan accordingly. Please advise the title company if anyone involved in the closing is reporting any symptoms that are concerning and is asking to make other arrangements. Please arrive on time for your closing. Appointments are booked in order to create as much social distancing as possible. We are also striving to avoid having you wait in a lobby area. LeeAnn Chen Licensed Florida Title Insurance Agent Crockett Law P.L. 10033 Sawgrass Drive West,Suite 125 Ponte Vedra Beach,FL 32082 7545 Centurion Parkway,Suite 202 Jacksonville,FL 32256 Phone: 904-2474831 Facsimile: 904- 685- 7028 Toll Free: 1-866497-9284 WIRE FRAUD ALERT: Criminals are hacking email accounts of real estate agents, title companies, settlement attorneys and others, resulting in fraudulent wire instructions being used to divert funds to the account of the criminal. The emails look legitimate but are not. Buyers and sellers are advised not to wire any funds without personally speaking with the intended recipient of the wire to confirm the routing number and the account number. Buyers and sellers should not send personal information such as Social Security Numbers, bank account numbers and credit card numbers except through secured email or personal delivery to the intended recipient. 1 Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 169 of 212 City of Atlantic Beach Lien Interest Calculation 945 Plaza Dr. April 8,2021 Amount $ 328,300.00 Interest Rate 10% Daily Interest Charged $ 89.9452 Agreement Date April 13, 2012 Pay off date April 8, 2021 Total Days 3,282 Total Days 3,282 Daily Interest Charged $ 89.9452 Total Calculated Interest $ 295,200.16 Total Due (Lien +Interest) $ 623,500.16 Calculation by M. Burns- City of Atlantic Beach - Finance Department 904.247.5807 Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 170 of 212 Irizarry,Angela From: Sara Hamblin <> Sent: Friday, May 7, 2021 4:09 PM To: Irizarry,Angela Cc: Gabe Menescal Subject: 945 Plaza Fine Reduction Hey Angela, thanks again for taking my call today! I am requesting for 945 Plaza to be put on the agenda for the fine reduction hearing on 7/8/2021. When you get a moment, please send over the required violations that need to be cleared prior to that date. Thank you, have a wonderful weekend! Sara Hamblin Xy` Sara Hamblin Closing Coordinator YellowBird 315-269-7420 saraa,yellowbirdre.corn 13361 Atlantic Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32225 1 Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 171 of 212 yL\j. J r sf CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 AFFIDAVIT OF NON COMPLIANCE I,Kathy Stiles, Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Division,verify that the property referenced below was inspected on April 16, 2012 and property remains in violation: Property Inspected located: Royal Palms, Unit 1, Lot 43 Blk 6, RE#171262-0000,Atlantic Beach, Florida, Case#1312,Bobby L. Knight,property owner of record whose mailing address is 945 Plaza Drive,Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233. ate Si a h re STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DUVAL 1, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid,hereby certify t at Utzt y SfiLES personally known to me to be the affiant in the foregoing affidavit,personally appeared before me this day and having been by me duly sworn deposes and says that the facts set forth in the above affidavit are true and correct. Witness my hand and official seal this the day of l a61 )-- tate oT Florida ams n EE119675( SEAL)015 Notary011 Public My Commission expires: Doc#2012083982,OR BK 15915 Page 1578, Number Pages:2 Recorded 04/1812012 at 08:54 AM, JIM FULLER CLERK CIRCUIT COURT DUVAL COUNTY RECORDING$18.50 Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 172 of 212 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA,Petitioner CASE#1312 VS. e Bobby L.Knight,Respondent Certified Mail Address: 945 Plaza Drive 7010 1870 0002 0629 7369 Description: Royal Palms Unit 1,Lot 43 Blk 6 RE# 171262-0000 945 Plaza Drive Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 ORDER IMPOSING FINE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on March 13,2012 and the Board having heard testimony under oath,received evidence,and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1.That the Respondent Bobby L.Knight owns the property located at 945 Plaza Drive,Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2.That notice was sent by certified mail and was signed on February 10, 2012 and that Respondent was not present at the hearing 3.That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 24-173 (b) 1 & 5-Neighborhood preservation and property maintenance standards and the International Property Maintenance Code, Chapter 3, Section 302.8 Motor Vehicles were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. 4.The exterior of the aforementioned property shall be corrected by cleaning up the remaining items including gas cans,tables, lumber, old bicycle,bucket,trash, crate, coolers,tackle box,tire, etc., and the jeep must be licensed. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 173 of 212 City of Atlantic Beach Request For Miscellaeous Receivable Billing Code Enforcement Date of Request: 05/ 01/12 Customer Account Information Code Enforcement Case#: 1312 R.E. Number: 171262-0000 Violation Address: 945 Plaza CEB Hearing Date: 03/13/12 Date of Affidavit of Non-Compliance: 04/16/ 12 Date of Affidavit of Compliance: New or Recurring Charges: NEW Name(Last, First): Knight, Bobby L. Mailing Address: 945 Plaza City,State,Zip Code: Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Phone#(include area code): Billing Information CEB Hearing Date: 03/12/12 Date of Affidavit of Non-Compliance: 04/16/12 Date of Affidavit of Compliance: New or Recurring Charges: Recurring Amount To Total Start End Be Billed Amount To Date Date Per Day Be Billed Dates to be Billed: 04/13/12 04/30/12 100.00 1,700.00 Description: Additional Comments: O Code Enforce I ion Name: Kathy Stiles Department: Code Enforcement Phone#: 5855 0:\Code Enforce ment\CODE ENFORCEMENT FINES\[Knight, Bobby-945 Plaza-1312.xls]CE charges Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 174 of 212 r r!KL j j•J s f CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACHs) 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 rj1;1)r PHONE (904)247-5800 AFFIDAVIT OF NON COMPLIANCE I,Kathy Stiles, Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Division,verify that the property referenced below was inspected on April 16, 2012 and property remains in violation: Property Inspected located: Royal Palms,Unit 1,Lot 43 Blk 6, RE#171262-0000,Atlantic Beach, Florida,Case#1312,Bobby L. Knight,property owner of record whose mailing address is 945 Plaza Drive,Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233. itv ate Si a re STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DUVAL a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid,hereby certify t at fo(ftj}y !;Ti L6S personally known to me to be the affiant in the foregoing affidavit, personally appeared before me this day and having been by me duly sworn deposes and says that the facts set forth in the above affidavit are true and correct. Witness my hand and official seal this the l VrH day of E sty Notary Public State of Florida F Dayna H WiNiams My Commission EE119676 SEAL) io,wd Expires on OiS W Notary Public My Commission expires: Doc#2012083982,OR BK 15915 Page 1578, Number Pages:2 Recorded 04/18/2012 at 08:54 AM, JIM FULLER CLERK CIRCUIT COURT DUVAL COUNTY RECORDING$18.50 Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 175 of 212 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA,Petitioner CASE#1312 vs. Bobby L.Knight,Respondent Certified Mail Address: 945 Plaza Drive 7010 1870 0002 0629 7369 Description: Royal Palms Unit 1,Lot 43 Blk 6 RE# 171262-0000 945 Plaza Drive Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 ORDER IMPOSING FINE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on March 13,2012 and the Board having heard testimony under oath,received evidence,and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters,and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1.That the Respondent Bobby L.Knight owns the property located at 945 Plaza Drive,Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2.That notice was sent by certified mail and was signed on February 10,2012 and that Respondent was not present at the hearing 3.That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 24-173 (b) 1 &5-Neighborhood preservation and property maintenance standards and the International Property Maintenance Code, Chapter 3, Section 302.8 Motor Vehicles were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. 4.The exterior of the aforementioned property shall be corrected by cleaning up the remaining items including gas cans,tables, lumber, old bicycle,bucket,trash, crate, coolers,tackle box,tire, etc., and the jeep must be licensed. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT Bobby L.Knight is not in compliance and has failed to correct such violation as of this hearing date. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach,Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance and must obtain compliance on or before April 13,2012. Failure to comply will result in fines of$100.00 for the first day and$100.00 for every day thereafter while the violation continues to exist. In addition, any fine shall also include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. THAT the Respondent is responsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fines will result in a lien being placed against the property at 945 Plaza Drive for the total assessment plus costs incurred for the filing of the lien. All lien amounts are to be made payable at an interest rate of ten(10)percent per annum from date of certification until paid. This Order becomes self-executing upon an Affidavit of Non-Compliance being filed with the City Clerk's Office. nnNF ANTI nRT)F.RF,T)THTS 13th day of March 2012. Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 176 of 212 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIVABLE INVOICE REQUEST Code Enforcement Request Date: CUSTOMER ACCOUNT INFORMATION,_ Code Enforcement Case Number:1 3 Name(Last,First): R.E.Number: Violation Address: y y ICJ Atlantic Beach, FL Zip Code:32233 Mailing Address: C)y S P n L Zip Code Phone Number Name Type CP-=-*-Person, C=company: INVOICE INFORMATION Charge Code: CE009 Code Case w/Interest CE004 Wee S) Transaction Date Amount: Is I g r)0 o Description:n Q A ni d ,nx Sv- rya I Q 1A I P Comments: (1 rYv,_ru i-"'X r', r aM , ivy lC1) Repeat this information if more than one item to invoice DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Requesting Department: Name: Extension: Do you want the invoice returned to you or mailed out directly? Returned Please attach any supporting documentation for amounts to be invoiced. (Board Order, Affidavit of Non Compliance) Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 177 of 212 City of Atlantic Beach Request For Miscellaeous Receivable Billing Code Enforcement Date of Request: 02/ 01/13 Customer Account Information Code Enforcement Case#: 1312 R.E.Number: 171262-0000 Violation Address: 945 Plaza CEB Hearing Date: 03/13/12 Date of Affidavit of Non-Compliance: 04/16/12 Date of Affidavit of Compliance: New or Recurring Charges: Recurring Name(Last,First): Knight, Bobby L. Mailing Address: 945 Plaza City,State,Zip Code: Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 Phone#(include area code): Billing Information i New or Recurring Charges: RECURRING Amount To Total Start End Be Billed Amount To Date Date Per Da Be Billed Dates to be Billed: 03/01/13 03/ 31/13 100.00 3,000.00 Description: recurring fine Additional Comments: Code Enforcement Information Name: Deborah White Department: Code Enforcement Phone#: 904 2475855 0:\Code Enforcement\INVOICES FOR CEB FINES\2013 INVOICES FOR CEB FINES\MARCH 2013 INVOICES FOR CE FINES\[Invoice for CEB Fines Knight,Bobby.xls]CE charges Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 178 of 212 City of Atlantic Beach Request For Miscellaeous Receivable Billing Code Enforcement Date of Request: 02/01/13 Customer Account Information Code Enforcement Case#: 1312 R.E.Number: 171262-0000 Violation Address: 945 Plaza q T CEB Hearing Date: 03/13/12 D r Date of Affidavit of Non-Compliance: 04/16/ 12 Date of Affidavit of Compliance: New or Recurring Charges: Recurring Name(Last,First): Knight,Bobby L. Mailing Address: 945 Plaza City,State,Zip Code: Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 Phone#(include area code): Billing Information New or Recurring Charges: RECURRING Amount To Total Start End Be Billed Amount To Date Date Per Day Be Billed Dates to be Billed: 02/ 01/13 02/28/13 100.00 2,700.00 Description: recurring fine Additional Comments: Code Enforcement Information Name: Deborah White Department: Code Enforcement Phone#: 904 2475855 0:\Code Enforcement\INVOICES FOR CEB FINES\2013 INVOICES FOR CEB FINES\FEBRUARY 2013 INVOICES FOR CE FINES\[Invoice for CEB Fines Knight,Bobby.xls]CE charges Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 179 of 212 Property Appraiser- Property Details Page 1 of 2 KNIGHT BOBBY L Primary Site Address Official Record Book/Page Tile# 945 PLAZA DR 945 PLAZA 13120-00967 9417 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Atlantic Beach FL 32233 945 PLAZA Property Detail Value Summa RE# 171262-0000 2012 Certified 2013 In P%2ress Tax District USD3 Value Method `:CAMA CAMA Property Use 0100 SINGLE FAMILY Total Building Value $34,115.00 $33,851.00 of Buildings 1 Extra Feature Value ;$633.00 633.00 q...... __..___. 30-60 38-2S-29E T Land Value(Market) ($59,500.00 $59,500.00 Legal Desc. ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 Land Value(Agric.) 1$0. 00 0.00 Subdivision 03120 ROYAL PALMS UNIT 01 Just(Market)Value 1$94,248.00 $93,984.00 Total Area 8902 Assessed Value $94,248.00 $93,984.00 The sale of this property may result in higher property taxes.For more information go to Cap Diff/Portability Amt €$0.00/$0.00 $0.00/$0.00 Save Our Homes and our Property Tax Estimator.Property values,exemptions and other Exemptions $50,000.00 See below information listed as'In Progress'are subject to change.These numbers are part of the 2013 working tax roll and will not be certified until October.Learn how the Property Appraiser's Taxable Value $44,248.00 See below Office values property. Taxable Values and Exemptions—In Progress If there are no exemptions applicable to a taxing authority,the Taxable Value is the same as the Assessed Value listed above in the Value Summary box. County/Municipal Taxable Value S]RWMD/FIND Taxable Value School Taxable Value Assessed Value 93,984:00 Assessed Value 93,984.00 Assessed Value 93,984.00 Homestead Exemption(HX) 25,000.00 Homestead Exemption(HX) 25,000.00 Homestead Exemption(HX) 25,000.00 Amend 1 Homestead(HB) 25,000.00 Amend 1 Homestead(HB) 25,000.00 Taxable Value 68,984.00 Taxable Value 43,984.00 Taxable Value 43,984.00 Sales History Book/Page Sale Date Sale Price Deed Instr_umPnt Type Code QualifiedLUnqualified Vacant/ Improved13120-00967 2/23/2006 $26,700.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved 13120-00965 1/20/2006 1$100.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified j Improved 13120-00466 1/11/2006 C$100.00 WD Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved 09458- 02008 11/1/1999 $40,285.00 QC-Quit Claim Unqualified i Improved 05951-01159 5/1/1985 i $42,000.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved Extra Features LN Feature Code Feature Description Bklg. Length Width Total Units Value m,.:... m ._ w.. 1 SCPC2 Screen Porch 1 10 12 120.00 633.00 Land&Legal Land ----- E Legal LN ;Cade Use Description Zoning Front Depth "Category Land Units Land...Type Land Value LN Legal Description 1 0100 RES LD 3-7 UNITS PER AC ARS-1 82.00 ' 110.00 Common 1.00 Lot 59,500.00 ( 1 30-60 38-2S-29E 2 ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 3 LOT 43 BLK 6 Buildings Building 1 Building 1 Site Address Element Code Detail 945 PLAZA Atlantic Beach FL 32233 Exterior Wall 15 15 Concrete Block Roofing Structure 3 3 Gable or Hip Building Type 0101-SFR 1 STORY SOH Roofing Cover 3 3 Asph/Comp Shingle Year Built 1961 Interior Wall 5 5 Drywall F_ eas Building Value $33,851.00 Int Flooring 7 7 Cork/Vinyl Tile f Heating Fuel 4 4 Electric ucP Tvoe Gross Heated Effective Heating Type 4 4 Forced-Ducted Area Area Area Air Conditioning 3 3 Central I L Base Area 975 975 975 Unfinished Carport 200 0 40 I Element Code Total 1175 1975 1015 I Stories 1.000 2/28/2013 Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 180 of 212 Property Appraiser- Property Details Page 1 of 2 KNIGHT BOBBY L Primary Site Address Official Record Book/Page Tile# 945 PLAZA DR 945 PLAZA 13120-00967 9417 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Atlantic Beach FL 32233 945 PLAZA Pro a Detail Value Summa RE# 171262 0000 2012 Certlfied 2013 In Pr Less Value Method i CAMA LAMA Tax District USD3 Total Building Value $34,115.00 $33,851.00 Property Use 0100 SINGLE FAMILY Extra Feature Value $633.00 633.00 of Buildings 1 Land Value(Market) $59, 151010. 0-0- $59,500.00 Legal Dest. 30-60 38-2S-29E ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 Land Value(Agric.) $0.00 0.00 W Subdivision 03120 ROYAL PALMS UNIT 01 Just(Market)Value $94,248.00 $93,984.00 Total Area 8902 Assessed Value $94,248.00 $93,984.00 The sale of this property may result in higher property taxes.For more information go to Cap Diff/Portability Amt $000/$0.00_ $0.000/$0.00 Save Our Homes and our Property Tax Estimator.Property values,exemptions and other Exemptions $50 000 00 See below information listed as'In Progress'are subject to change.These numbers are part of the 2013 working tax roll and will not be certified until October.Learn how the Property Appraiser's Taxa.bie Value $44,248.00 See below Office values property. Taxable Values and Exemptions—In Progress If there are no exemptions applicable to a taxing authority,the Taxable Value is the same as the Assessed Value listed above in the Value Summary box. County/Municipal Taxable Value SIRWMD/FIND Taxable Value School Taxable Value Assessed Value 93,984:00 Assessed Value 93,984.00 Assessed Value 93,984.00 Homestead Exemption(HX) 25,000.00 Homestead Exemption(HX) 25,000.00 Homestead Exemption(HX) 2`_;,000.00 Amend 1 Homestead(HB) 25,000.00 Amend 1 Homestead(HB) 25,000.00 Taxable Value 68,984.00 Taxable Value 43,984.00 Taxable Value 43,984.00 Sales History Book/Page Sale Date Sale Price Vacant/Improved 13120-00967 2/23/2006 $26,700.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved 1 1 0-00965 1/20/2006 $100.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved 13120-00966 1/11/2006 $100.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved 09458-02008 11/1/1999 $40,285. 00 'QC-Quit Claim Unqualified Improved i 05951-01159 5/1/1985 42,000.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved Extra Features LN Feature Code Feature Description Bklg. Length Width Total Units Value 1 SCPC2 Screen Porch 1 10 12 120.00 633.00 Land&Legal Land Legal LN CA& ,Use Description Zoning Front Depth Category Land Units Land Ty m Land Value FLA }Legal Description 1 0100 RES LD 3-7 UNITS PER AC ARS-1 82.00 110.00 Common 1.00 Lot 59,500.00 1 30-60 38-25-29E 2 i ROYAL PALMS-UNIT 1 i 3 LOT 43 BLK 6 Buildings Building 1 Building 1 Site Address Element Code I Detail 945 PLAZA Atlantic Beach FL 32233 Exterior Wall 15 15 Concrete Block Roofing Structure 3 3 Gable or Hip Building Type €0101-SFR 1 STORY SOH Roofing Cover 3 3 Asph/Comp Shingle Year Built 1961 Interior Wall 5 5 Drywall BAS Building Value 1$33,851.00 Int Flooring 7 7 Cork/Vinyl Tile Heating Fuel 4 4 Electric ucr z, G ITXII Gross i Heated i Effective Heating Type 4 i 4Forced-Ducted Area Area Area Air Conditioning 3 3 Central Base Area 975 975 975 Unfinished 200 0 40 Element l CodeCarport jTotal11759751015 Stories 1.000 I 2/1/2013 Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 181 of 212 City of Atlantic Beach Request For Miscellaeous Receivable Billing Code Enforcement Date of Request: 02/ 01/13 Customer Account Information Code Enforcement Case#: 1312 R.E.Number: 171262-0000 Violation Address: 945 Plaza CEB Hearing Date: 03/13/12 Date of Affidavit of Non-Compliance: 04/16/ 12 Date of Affidavit of Compliance: New or Recurring Charges: Recurring Name(Last, First): Knight,Bobby L. Mailing Address: 945 Plaza City,State,Zip Code: Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Phone#(include area code): Billing Information New or Recurring Charges: RECURRING CHARGES JANUARY 2013 Amount To Total Start End Be Billed Amount To Date Date Per Day Be Billed Dates to be Billed: 01/ 01/13 01/31/13 100.00 3,000.00 Description: recurring fine Additional Comments: Code Enforcement Information Name: Deborah White Department: Code Enforcement Phone#: 904 2475855 O:\Code Enforcement\INVOICES FOR CEB FINES\JANUARY 2013 INVOICES FOR CE FINES\[Invoice for CEB Fines Knight, Bobby.xls]CE charges Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 182 of 212 Property Appraiser-Property Details Page I of 2 KNIGHT BOBBY L Primary Site Address Official Record Book/Page Tile* 945 PLAZA DR 945 PLAZA 13120-00967 9417 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Atlantic Beach FL 32233 945 PLAZA Property Detail Value Summary RE#171162-0000 2012 Certified 2013 in Progress Value Method CAMA CAMA I Tax District USD3 Total Building Value $34,115.00 $33,851.00 Property-Use 0100 SINGLE FAMILY_.----_----- Extra Feature Value $633.00 633.00 of Buildings I 30-60 38-2S-29E Value(market) $59,5w.00 $59,500.00 Legal Desc. ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 Land Value(Aaft) $0.00 0.00 Subdivision 03120 ROYAL PALMS UNIT 01 Just(Market)Value $94,248.00 $93,984.00 Total Area 18902 Assessed Value $94,248.00 $93,984.00 The sale of this property may result in higher property taxes.For more information go to Cap Diff/Portabillity Amt $0.00/$•0 $0•00/$0.00 Save Our Homes and our Property Tax Estimator.Property values,exemptions and other Exemptions are part of the 2013informationlistedas'In Progress'are subject to change.These numbers See below working tax roll and will not be certified until October.Learn how the Property Appraise Taxable Value !L44,248.00 Office values property. Taxable Values and Exemptions—In Progress If there are no exemptions applicable to a taxing authority,the Taxable Value is the same as the Assessed Value listed above in the Value Summary box. County/Municipal Taxable Value SIRWMD/FIND Taxable Value School Taxable Value Assessed Value 93,984.00 Assessed Value 93,984.00 Assessed Value 93,984.00 I.. I........................................I........... Homestead Exemption(HX) 25,000.00 Homestead Exemption(HX) 25,000.00 Homestead Exemption(HX).. .....................$.2.5.,0.0.0...0.0. I............ ................................................................. Amend 1 Homestead(HB) 25,000-00 Amend I Homestead(HB) 25,000.00 I... ....................................I........................................................................... Taxable Value 68,984.00 Taxable Value 43,984.00 Taxable Value 43,984.00 Sales History Book/Page I Sale Date Sale Price Instrurnist JIM Qualified JUnqualjifwd Vacant/Improved 13120-00%7 12/23/2006 1$26,700.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved 13120-00%5 1/20/2006 $Ioo.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved 13120-00966 1/11/2006 100.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved 09458-02008 1 11/1/1999 $40,285.00 QC-Quit Claim Unqualified Improved 05951-01159 j 5/1/1985 42,000.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved Extra Features Feature Description Bldg. LengthLN1EQ=re Width Total Units Value 1 1 SCPC2 i Screen Porch 1 10 12 120.00 633.00 Land&Legal Land Legal LN I Qde Use Description U11111111111 Front Depth Category Land Units Land l= Land Value !LN Legal Description 1 0100 RES LD 3- 7 UNITS PER AC ARS-1 82.00 i 110.00 Common 1.00 Lot 59,500.00 1 30-60 38-2S-29E i2 ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 13 i LOT 43 BLK 6 Buildings Building 1 Building I Site Address j Element Code Detail 945 PLAZA i Atlantic Beach FL 32233 Exterior Wall 15 15 Concrete Block Roofing Structure 3 3 Gable or Hip Building Type 0101-SFR I STORY SOH Roofing Cover 3 3 Asph/Comp Shingle Year Built 1961 Interior Wall 5 5 Drywall I BAS Building Value $33,851.00 Int Floonng 7 7 Cork/Vinyl Tile Heating Fuel 4 4 Electric I F UCP Gross Heated Effective Heating Type 4 4 Forced-Ducted Area Area Area Air Conditioning 3 3 Central Base Area 975 975 975 Unfinished 200 0 40 Element Code Carport Total 1175 975 1015 I Stories 1.000 712620000 1/9/2013 Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 183 of 212 City of Atlantic Beach Request For Miscellaeous Receivable Billing Code Enforcement Date of Request: 01/02/13 Customer Account Information Code Enforcement Case#: 1312 R.E. Number: 171262-0000 Violation Address: 945 Plaza CEB Hearing Date: 03/13/12 Date of Affidavit of Non-Compliance: 04/16/12 Date of Affidavit of Compliance: New or Recurring Charges: Recurring Name(Last, First): Knight, Bobby L. Mailing Address: 945 Plaza City,State,Zip Code: Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Phone#(include area code): Billing Information New or Recurring Charges: RECURRING DECEMBER 2012 Amount To Total Start End Be Billed Amount To Date Date Per Day Be Billed Dates to be Billed: 12/01/12 12/31/12 100.00 3,000.00 Description: recurring fine Additional Comments: Code Enforcement Information Name: Deborah White Department: Code Enforcement Phone#: 904 2475855 0:\Code Enforcement\INVOICES FOR CEB FINES\December 2012 INVOICES FOR CEB FINES\[Invoice for CEB Fines Knight, Bobby.xls]CE charges Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 184 of 212 City of Atlantic Beach Request For Miscellaeous Receivable Billing Code Enforcement Date of Request: 12/03/12 Customer Account Information Code Enforcement Case#: 1312 R.E. Number: 171262-0000 Violation Address: 945 Plaza CEB Hearing Date: 03/13/ 12 Date of Affidavit of Non-Compliance: 04/16/12 Date of Affidavit of Compliance: New or Recurring Charges: Recurring Name(Last, First): Knight, Bobby L. Mailing Address: 945 Plaza City,State,Zip Code: Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Phone#(include area code): Billing Information New or Recurring Charges: RECURRING NOVEMBER 2012 Amount To Total Start End Be Billed Amount To Date Date Per Day Be Billed Dates to be Billed: 11/01/12 11/30/12 100.00 2,900.00 Description: recurring fine Additional Comments: Code Enforcement Information Name: Deborah White Department: Code Enforcement Phone#: 904 2475855 0:\Code Enforcement\INVOICES FOR CEB FINES\NOVEMBER 2012 INVOICES FOR CEB FINES\[Invoice for CEB Fines Knight, Bobby.xls)CE charges Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 185 of 212 City of Atlantic Beach Request For Miscellaeous Receivable Billing Code Enforcement Date of Request: 10/01/12 Customer Account Information Code Enforcement Case#: 1312 R.E. Number: 171262-0000 Violation Address: 945 Plaza CEB Hearing Date: 03/13/12 Date of Affidavit of Non-Compliance: 04/16/12 Date of Affidavit of Compliance: New or Recurring Charges: Recurring Name (Last, First): Knight, Bobby L. Mailing Address: 945 Plaza City, State, Zip Code: Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Phone# (include area code): Billing Information New or Recurring Charges: RECURRING SEPTEMBER 2012 Amount To Total Start End Be Billed Amount To Date Date Per Day Be Billed Dates to be Billed: 09/ 01/12 09/30/12 100.00 2,900.00 Description: recurring fine Additional Comments: Code Enforcement Information Name: Deborah White Department: Code Enforcement Phone#: 904 2475855 0:\Code Enforcement\INVOICES FOR CEB FINES\[Invoice for CEB Fines Knight, Bobby.xls]CE charges Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 186 of 212 4 n Li 0 OyUn s3 5 r z-n O o m n -i o 0o w ar- m N rri DW ;,o n W = fa gyp r V U-1 ar p d p n s, M tFr 7, r ru _ Cl r-. p X;.n) Ir N ru N rte• C x7 J 7.. m pta LLN Orn rI Z r- 0 0-1 M C? n rn Vy m1 I J:m z r GQ> 9 o uNtt 4 y p co L.0 D 1CD rJ , f N up F7 i 0X0 - u N Om —W 4U W N C) W 0WN Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 187 of 212 MR201I01 City of Atlantic Beach 9/10/12 By number 15 : 44 : 25 Position to I Customer Balance I Type options, I Customer ID . . . . . 430 1=Select 5 KNIGHT, BOBBY e(s) Customer type (s) CE CL CL CL I Loan Opt ST Cust/Alt I Number 7 43 I Total balance - all types Amount B 50 I Current . . . . . . . 4, 931 . 64 139 I Loan . . . . . . . . 9, 100 . 00 509 140 Total . . 14, 031 . 64 521 Z 142 I Pending . . . . . . . 00 525 43 Previous . . . . . . 14, 031 . 64 B 50 i Deposit . . . . • • • 00 25343 Z 50 I 253 B 51 I F12=Cancel Enter for detail information 425 Z 73 I More. . . F3=Exit F13=Search sequence F17=Subset Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 188 of 212 City of Atlantic Beach Request For Miscellaeous Receivable Billing Code Enforcement Date of Request: 08/31/12 Customer Account Information Code Enforcement Case#: 1312 R.E. Number: 171262-0000 Violation Address: 945 Plaza CEB Hearing Date: 03/13/12 Date of Affidavit of Non-Compliance: 04/16/12 Date of Affidavit of Compliance: New or Recurring Charges: Recurring Name (Last, First): Knight, Bobby L. Mailing Address: 945 Plaza City, State, Zip Code: Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Phone#(include area code): Billing Information New or Recurring Charges: Recurring Amount To Total Start End Be Billed Amount To Date Date Per Day Be Billed Dates to be Billed: 06/01/12 08/31/12 100.00 9,100.00 Description: recurring fine Additional Comments: Code Enforcement Information Name: Deborah White Department: Code Enforcement Phone#: 904 2475855 0:\Code Enforcement\INVOICES FOR CEB FINES\[Invoice for CEB Fines Knight, Bobby.xls]CE charges Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 189 of 212 Property Appraiser- Property Details Page 1 of 2 KNIGHT BOBBY L Primary Site Address Official Record Book/Page Tile-* 945 PLAZA DR 945 PLAZA 13120-00967 9417 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Atlantic Beach FL 32233 945 PLAZA Pro a Detail Value Summary .... 2011 Certifi 2012 In Pr s RE# 171262-0000 1- t_. Value Method :CAMA CAMA Tax District USD3 Total Budding Value $39,842.00 $34,115.00 Prope tY Use 0100 SINGLE FAMILY Extra Feature Value `$629.00 633.00 of Buildings 1 30-60 38-2S-29E Land Value(Market) $70,000.00 $59,500.00 Legal Desc. ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 Land Value(Aaric.) $0.00 0.00 Subdivision 03120 ROYAL PALMS UNIT 01 Just(Market)Value $110,471.00 $94,248.00 Total Area 8902 Assessed Value $109 704.00 $94,248. The sale of this property may result in higher property taxes.For more information go Cap Diff/Portability Amt $767.00/$0.00 $0.00/$0.00 to Save Our Homes and our Property Tax Estimator.Property values,exemptions and Exemptions $75,000.00 See below other information listed as'In Progress'are subject to change.These numbers are Taxable Value $3 4,704.00 See below part of the 2012 working tax roll and will not be certified until October.Learn how the "....................._,,...._..___....................._......__......................._........._ Property Appraiser's Office values property. Taxable Values and Exemptions—In Progress If there are no exemptions applicable to a taxing authority,the Taxable Value is the same as the Assessed Value listed above in the Value Summary box. County/Municipal Taxable Value SJRWMD/FIND Taxable Value School Taxable Value Assessed Value 94,248.00 Assessed Value 94,248.00 Assessed Value 94,248.00 Homestead Exemption(HX) 25,000.00 Homestead Exemption(HX) 25,000.00 Homestead Exemption(HX)25,000.00 Amend 1 Homestead(HB) 25,000.00 Amend 1 Homestead(HB) 25,000.00 Taxable Value 69,248.00 Taxable Value 44,248.00 Taxable Value 44,248.00 Sales Histo Book/Page Sale Date .Sale Price Deed Instrument Type Code Qualified/Unqualified Vacant/Improved 13120-00967 2/23/2006 $26,700.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved 13120-00965 1/20/2006 $100.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved i 13120-00966 1/11/2006 $100.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved 09458-02008 11/1/1999 $40,285.00 QC-Quit Claim Unqualified Improved 1 05951-01159 5/1/1985 $42,000.00 1 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved Extra Features LN ! Feature Code Feature Description Bldg. Length Width .Total Units Value 1 SCPC2 Screen Porch 1 10 12 120.00 633.00 Land&Legal Land rLe al LN Code.Use Description Zoning' Front,Depth Category Land Land Land N Legal Description Units Type Value 30-60 38-2S-29E 1 0100 RES LD 3-7 UNITS PER I ARS 1 82.00 110.00 Common 1.00 Lot 59,500.00 ( 2 ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 AC 13 LOT 43 BLK 6 Buildings Building 1 Building 1 Site Address Element Code Detail 945 PLAZA I Atlantic Beach FL 32233 Exterior Wall 15 15 Concrete Block 1 Roofing Structure 3 3 Gable or Hip Building Type 0101-SFR 1 STORY SOH Roofing Cover 3 3 Asph/Comp Shingle BAS Year Built 1961 Interior Wall 5 5 Drywall Building Value $34,115.00 Int Flooring 7 7 Cork/Vinyl Tile Heating Fuel 4 4 Electric ucr Gross Heated ( Effective Heating Type 4 4 Forced-Ducted I Type Area Area Area Air Conditioning 3 3 Central Base Area 975 975 975 Unfinished 200 0 40 Element Code Carport 8/15/2012 Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 190 of 212 MR201101 City of Atlantic Beach 8/15/ 12 By name 09: 24 : 57 Position to Customer Balance character (s) Type options, Customer ID . . . . . 430 1=Select 5 Knight, Bobby e (s) Customer type (s) CE CL CL Loan Opt ST Customer Number 7 Knight, Total balance - all types Amount B Knight, Current . . . . . . 4 , 931 . 64 KNIGHT, Loan . . . . . . . 00 509 Knight,Total . 4, 931 . 64 521 KNIGHT, Pending . . . . . . 00 246 B KNIGHT, Previous . . . . . 4, 931 . 64 246 KNIGHTEN Deposit . . . . . . 00 393 B KNIGHTEN 393 Koenig, B Koenig, F12=Cancel Enter for detail information Kolster,501 More. . . F3=Exit F13=Search sequence F17=Subset Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 191 of 212 ri%L 1r,, S CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH j N 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 AFFIDAVIT OF NON COMPLIANCE I I, Kathy Stiles, Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Division,verify that the property referenced below was inspected on April 16,2012 and property remains in violation: Property Inspected located: Royal Palms, Unit 1, Lot 43 Blk 6, RE#171262-0000,Atlantic Beach, Florida, Case #1312,Bobby L. Knight, property owner of record whose mailing address is 945 Plaza Drive, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233. ate SijiIla re STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DUVAL a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, hereby certify t at (A°tt y S1 lES personally known to me to be the affiant in the foregoing affidavit, personally appeared before me this day and having been by me duly sworn deposes and says that the facts set forth in the above affidavit are true and correct. Witness my hand and official seal this the l(o day of a V Notary Public State of Florida Dayne H Williams My Commission EE119675 SEAL) Nam Expireso6/0712015 Notary Public My Commission expires: Doc#2012083982,OR BK 15915 Page 1578, Number Pages:2 Recorded 04/18/2012 at 08:54 AM, JIM FULLER CLERK CIRCUIT COURT DUVAL COUNTY RECORDING$18.50 i Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 192 of 212 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA,Petitioner CASE#1312 vs. Bobby L. Knight,Respondent Certified Mail Address: 945 Plaza Drive 7010 1870 0002 0629 7369 Description: Royal Palms Unit 1,Lot 43 Blk 6 RE# 171262-0000 945 Plaza Drive Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 ORDER IMPOSING FINE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on March 13,2012 and the Board having heard testimony under oath,received evidence,and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters,and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact,Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1.That the Respondent Bobby L.Knight owns the property located at 945 Plaza Drive,Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2.That notice was sent by certified mail and was signed on February 10,2012 and that Respondent was not present at the hearing 3.That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach,Code of Ordinances,Chapter 24-173 (b) 1 & 5-Neighborhood preservation and property maintenance standards and the International Property Maintenance Code, Chapter 3, Section 302.8 Motor Vehicles were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. 4.The exterior of the aforementioned property shall be corrected by cleaning up the remaining items including gas cans,tables, lumber, old bicycle,bucket,trash,crate, coolers,tackle box,tire,etc.,and the jeep must be licensed. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT Bobby L. Knight is not in compliance and has failed to correct such violation as of this hearing date. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162,Florida Statutes,and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach,Florida it is Ordered: Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 193 of 212 M CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 ru postage $ 904) 247-5855 0 postmark O Certified Fee Here ru Return ReceipuirFee C3 (Endorsement F C Restricted DOC riedlEndorsementRe4 C3 r— Total Postage&Fees d] rr4 -5"l-------------- Sent To e p IA G 3X233Street,APt.No.. ' lJ...............'_'...'._..._.--------'-- or PO Box No. e-Qj1r.l City,S}yte,ZIP+4-_-Q(Y eac , Florida 32233 RE: CODE ENFORCEMENT ORDER CASE#1312,945 Plaza Drive, Royal Palms Unit 1, Lot 43 Blk 6 RE 4171262-0000,Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Knight: On April 16, 2012, an inspection was conducted on your property located at 945 Plaza Drive to verify compliance with the Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Board Order issued on March 13, 2012 (copy attached). The inspection revealed the property remains in violation and compliance has not been achieved as required. Please be advised that if you wish to request a determination in this matter an appeal must be submitted in writing to the Atlantic Beach City Clerk's Office, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, Florida no later than ten(10) days from the date of this letter. Should you have any questions relative to this matter, please contact Kathy Stiles at(904) 247-5855. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Kathy Stiles CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER KS/dlw Attachment cc: City Clerk Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 194 of 212 a w o4Vo 4j LL c-at3 p o y v MU)a cn n O w o m Q N Ali N CU U) o o cn n -i U a: O Q 0 70 (' J LL CO W C- r m N mD E LL c O Co U 0 0 w C3 a CrJ C3 r* .P O U) L rt ` d c p, I r C3 a° a w C7 C3 C7 C cl r o W Er N 0 W W LU o o 1N17 Q7y O N SJ M N K 9 co N N A- u zILI N O W -i dcoN ISGf'..isdll t'v' Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 195 of 212 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIVABLE INVOICE REQUEST Code Enforcement or Lot Clearing t ' 4 Xr ~ Request Date: CUSTOMER ACCOUNT INFORMATION Code Enforcement Case Number: I Name(Last,First): R.E.Number: Violation Address: ZipCode: 2 Mailing Address:Ann, -J r, - Zip Code: Phone Number: Name Type(P=person, C= company: TNVnTC'F.TNFORMATT(lN Charge Code: Cl: Code Case, LK: lot clearing) Transaction Date: Quantity: Amount: Description: Comments: Repeat this information if more than one item to invoice DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Requesting Department: Planning& Development Name: Colleen A. Klimtzak Extension: 6284 Do you want the invoice returned to you or mailed out directly? Returned Please attach any supporting documentation for amounts to be invoiced. (Formal Order, CE Letter) Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 196 of 212 Page 1 of 1 2053690* A Print Date: fir 4/18/2012 8:54:45 AM Transaction#: 2053690 Receipt#: 1990051 Jim Fuller Cashier Date: 4/18/2012 Clerk Circuit Court 8:54:43 AM (ARIVAS)Duval County 330 E. Bay Street Rm 103 Jacksonville, FL 32202 904) 630-2044 Customer Information Transaction Information Payment Summary DateReceived: 04/18/2012 Source Code: BEACH ATLANTIC BEACH CITY OF Q Code: BEACH Return Code: Over the Total Fees 18.50 Counter Total Payments 18.50 Trans Type: Recording Agent Ref Num: 1 Payments 18.50 P CASH 1 Recorded Items BKPG: 1591 S/1578 CFN.'2012083982 0 (AFF) AFFIDAVIT Date:411812012 8:54:41 AM From:ATLANTIC BCH CITY OF To:AFFIDAVIT INDEXING 2 0.00 RECORDING 2 18.50 0 Search Items 0 Miscellaneous Items file://C:\Program Files\RecordingModule\default.htm 4/18/2012 Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 197 of 212 lete A. Signature Agent Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also comp X C1 Addressee item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. pate of Delivery Print your name and address on the reverse ecejved by printed.l a C. so that we can return the card to you. B. R 3 ' Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, Went fro E]Yes or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery add No R tlress bel If YES,enter +« s 1. Article Addressed to: j o( l 6 BP7 3811 q 5 eL ZA 3. Se Type ress Mail tied Mail 59BnnrCertReturn Receipt for Merchandise C3 Registered Insured Mail C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?Extra Fee) Yes 7010 1,870 0002 0629 7369 2, Article Number 102595-02-M-1540 transfer from service label) Domestic Return Receipt PS Form 3811,February 2004 Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 198 of 212 a Provided) U.S. postal Service... ECEIPT ly,No Insu'rance Coverage MONO-0— -EME10— Q' D. MM 4. 0 3 E Cr 7- ru Postage $ cement Officer Statement r--) Certified Fee Postmark U Here O Return Receipt Fee 0 ( Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee Endorsement Required) h/ Location: 945 Plaza roTotal Postage&Fees $ 0 v r-q Block 6 Real Estate # 171262-0000 Sent To n I hY r-1 Street,Apt No.; 1 a -D?-.dt f Ordinances Section 24-173— NeighborhoodorPOBoxNo. 5 --------O City,Stare,ZIP+4--• - L 3aa33 g p(Cla.ti standards (b) 1 & 5 & International Property Lhapter 3—302.8 Motor vehicles Ownership of the property as determined by Tax Records Title Search Other X Propertiy Apraisers website 1. The inspection was prompted by: Complaint Routine Survey X Other 2. Proper Notice was achieved in accordance with F.S. 162 by: Certified Mail X Hand Delivery Posting of Property 3. 1 have X have not spoken with someone in control of the property 4. Description of violation: Unlicensed red Jeep, Cherokee, Discarded belongings & trash all over yard and carport. Here are some photos of the property. In order to correct the violation the property owner must: Clean up remaining items, gas cans, tables, lumber, old bicycle, bucket, trash, crate, coolers, tackle box, tire etc. Also must have the jeep licensed. Staff recommends the Board find the property owner in violation and order that compliance be obtained on or before 4/13/12 or a fine of$100.00 be imposed for the first day and 100.00 for every day thereafter the violation continues to exists. The fine shall include all administrative costs to the City.The property owner is responsible for contacting the City Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 199 of 212 i CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA ..SAtitrfCODEENFORCEMENTBOARD 8 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA,Petitioner CASE#1312 VS. Bobby L.Knight,Respondent Certified Mail Address: 945 Plaza.Drive 70101870 0002 0629 7369 Description: Royal Palms Unit 1,Lot 43 Blk 6 RE# 171262-0000 945 Plaza Drive Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 ORDER IMPOSING FINE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on March 13,2012 and the Board having heard testimony under oath,received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1.That the Respondent Bobby L.Knight owns the property located at 945 Plaza Drive;'Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2.That note was sent by certified mail and was gned on e uary 10, 2012 and that Respondent was not present at the hearing Q3.That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach,Code of Ordinances, Chapter 24-173 (b) 1 & 5-Neighborhood preservation and property maintenance standards and the International Property Maintenance Code, Chapter 3, Section 302.8 Motor Vehicles were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. 0'0v(ei'kj4.The exterior of the aforementioned property shall be ry,n'ed by cleaning up the remaining items including gas cans,tables, lumber, old bicycle,bucket, ash, crate, coolers,tackle box,tire,etc Achrr GCn 3nnst rnve thedeep ligaar. l- Ijus-- bpi I I GPM5ed , CONCLUSIONS OF LAW J THAT Bobby L.Knight is not in compliance and has failed to correct such violation as of this hearing date. Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 200 of 212 i D on N n 0 m - M I o Do n 3 W `° c i'a m 3 c -mm D a w m- o co n -Zi 1 m wSw • Q m 2_ rD mewCD w r) 00 CL uj n m 3 \ m MCD Cu CD CD Cl- A s- 0w N I o a us-> y, JO mo CD 8 Uri 0' I t-'fD 3 m3pmL-j -- N W CD o M p __ a p w v m D • p k r rt fU + p n c m a m <. (D mU) v c W p "" I f1J n c3 '{ z a m N p y Rim as 0' :2. CD CD W CD yCD 0 z a Er O gyp\n a d v 3 y y mErcDn mw v 3 3 m x D w 3 n r CD a L N O o CD oz N CL CD 7 W CD m m CD Z CD a D uMrr dp N s oDnco o n m o ca Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 201 of 212 ISSENDER: COMPLETE TH SECTION SECTION DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature Agent item 4 if Restricted Delivery is!desired. X M Addressee Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by(Pr' N e of Delivery Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, v or on the front if space permits.D. Is delivery addrs ' r nt m item 1? 13 es 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter deli ddress below: No rj h G 3. Sery e Type Certified Mail 0 press Mail Registered Nd Return Receipt for Merchandise Insured Mail C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) Yes 2. Article Number 7010 1870 0002 0629 7345 Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 202 of 212 NFORCEMENT BOARD ANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA P° stme( K CE OF HEARING c n Ne(e P° Se9e CASE # 1312 tSN Ce\ C( edFee o tFee Certified Mail N Peteme eP°U((edee C 7010 1870 0002 0629 7345 Q EPes`<wtemee\( Peq (edl k d°`S Fges 945 Plaza Drive C t°<a ° Stage& 2 `Atlantic Beach O St( eet,goX NO, 4a S-,, Cry Sie yIP+ (` The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on Tuesday, the 13th day of March, 2012, at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known as 945 Plaza Drive, Atlantic Beach, Royal Palms Unit 1,Lot 43 Blk 6,RE#171262-0000: International Property Maintenance Code Section 302.8 Motor Vehicles No inoperative or unlicensed motor vehicle shall be parked or kept or stored on any premises, and no vehicle shall at any time be in a state of disrepair, major disassembly or in the process of being stripped or dismantled. Red Jeep must be licensed and operable. City Code of Ordinances Section 24-173 Neighborhood preservation and property maintenance standards. b) Appropriate maintenance and upkeep. All areas of a lot and structures that are visible from a street or a neighboring property shall be maintained in an acceptable manner, which shall be defined by the following characteristics: 1. Lots are maintained free of litter, trash, debris, discarded belongings, automotive parts, old tires, construction materials, and broken and abandoned items. S. Household items of any type that are customarily intended to be used and maintained within the interior of a residence are not stored or discarded in any location on a lot that is visible from a street. Similarly, within the rear or side yards of a lot, such items are not stored in a manner or amount such that an Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 203 of 212 unsightly nuisance to neighboring properties or an environment that attracts rodents, insects, or other animals and pests is created. Table, buckets, jacks, tools, lawn mowers, coolers, wood, suitcase, gas cans, broken wheelbarrow and discarded belongings must be removed. This notice requests you comply by removing the table, buckets, jacks, tools, lawn mowers, coolers, wood, suitcase, gas cans, broken wheelbarrow and discarded belongings, and the red Jeep must be licensed and operative or removed from the property. A re-inspection will be done on or after March 2, 2012. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first offense and $500.00 for the second offense against the property, if a violation is found to exist beyond the date set by the Board for compliance. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer,the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904) 247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact Dayna Williams, Secretary of the Code Enforcement Board within five days of the receipt of this notice at 247-5810. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: Sincerely, w Dayn . Williams Kathy Stile Secre ary Code Enforcement Officer Notice of Hearing- Case # 1312 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 204 of 212 s r a rr oil CODE ENFORCEMENT LETTERS Case# /._3/ yAddressofViolation: Property Owner: Z Phone# Letter Addressed to: 4jj ajzr,l Action Taking: Letter of Violation Notice Letter of COEB Notice: s Re-inspection Date: CP c2Ka4. -srovc h#s been P.ea+oJ D> Information needed in lette al s I+y V nn er i tpa7 c Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 205 of 212 ii w lr Q Q U } Z Elm o 41 Cl. 6 a LnjtZV aEi o 2 ¢ frl to z '0 D n m E a a- 0 E n - 2 ca L rij O m O CD O O T w (D m D- I a -0` 0 Qa g -o m a ni 3 r ca mp mZ N mm Q ( m ° 6 0 E w n I m uj C3 E N N o a) a) a m O Cd o 2 a) o f 1 l o O Q - U'O O rt U3 N'' N Y E J fn o n N a) U R) f N m N Oro E ca 3 p N- p C U d o J u dCra) ro rLI r Nc U U J 1 E T 1 E e ap twv Er o3 °'c Q z Cl) Rl EEC-- CZ o °r LL U IL u)a Ld N LJ"P w r 7 1 UNI A C:) s o 00 N N O cu%.o oIm IWN :,4N H NW O W N 0 Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 206 of 212 SECTION DELIVERY COMPLETE 1 COMPLETE THIS• A. Signature AgentCompleteitems1,2,and 3.Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. X Addressee Print your namei and address on the reverse pate of Delivery so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by(printed N Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. ent Yes D. Is delivery addres fro item No ) 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter del' address4elow: W C\'y CID J 3. Service Type 0 Certified Mail 0 Express Mail 0 Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise Insured Mail C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) Yes 2. Article Number 7010 1870 0002 0629 5969 Transfer from service labtq 102595-02-M-1540 PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 207 of 212 Postal CERTIFIED MAILM RECEIPT 0 r. nly;No Insurance Coverage Provid T 01MUMMAIr-IM- M, , , - -- :: I A .*aU11 7Ln ru Postage $ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Certified Fee 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ru Postmark ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233ReturnReceiptFeeHere Endorsement Required) PHONE (904) 247-5800 Restricted Delivery Fee Endorsement Required) cEl Total Postage&Fees Sent To EQUESTED r" -------- Street,Apt.No.; or PO Box No.r3,r ------------------------- PS Form City,Stete,ZIF+4 00 August 2006 See Reverse for instructions 945 Plaza Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 RE: Notice of Violation—City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances,Neighborhood Preservation and International Property Maintenance Code,Motor Vehicles 945 Plaza,Lot 43,Block 6,Royal Palms Unit 1 RE#171262-0000 CASE NO. 1312 Dear Mr. Knight: Please be advised,Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found the property referenced above to be in violation of Chapter 24, City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances, Section 24-173 Neighborhood preservation and property maintenance standards and International Property Maintenance Code, overgrown yard and Section 302.8 Motor Vehicles to wit: VIOLATIONS Section 24-173. Neighborhood preservation and property maintenance standards. b) Appropriate maintenance and upkeep. All areas of a lot and structures that are visible from a street or a neighboring property shall be maintained in an acceptable manner, which shall be defined by the following characteristics: 1. Lots are maintained free of litter,trash, debris, discarded belongings, automotive parts and old tires, construction materials, and broken and abandoned items. 5. Household items of any type that are customarily intended to be used and maintained within the interior of a residence are not stored or discarded in any location on a lot that is visible from a street. Similarly,within the rear or side yards of a lot, such items are not stored in a manner or amount such that an unsightly nuisance to neighboring properties or an environment that attracts rodents, insects, or other animals and pests is created. (discarded belongings,appliances,lawn mowers,tools,debris and automobile parts) Section 302.8—Motor Vehicles"No inoperative or unlicensed motor vehicle shall be parked or kept or stored on any premises, and no vehicle shall at any time be in a state of disrepair,major disassembly or in the process or being stripped or dismantled". (Red Jeep both inoperable, unlicensed) Page 2 Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 208 of 212 945 Plaza Drive January 23,2012 This letter requests that the noted violations be corrected by removal of the all outside storage including all discarded items,appliances,lawn mowers,tools,debris,automobile parts and inoperable,unlicensed vehicle,Red Jeep within ten (10)days from receipt of this notice. A re-inspection will be done on or before February 6,2012. To avoid having this case be referred to the Code Enforcement Board,all listed violations on this notice must be in compliance on or before the date established by Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement. The Board may impose fines up to two hundred fifty 250.00)per day for continuing violations. It is our goal to enforce the codes and ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach and protect the health, safety and welfare of the City, and accordingly,your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at 904 247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Kathy Stiles, CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER KS/dw Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 209 of 212 RE #: c S CODE ENFORCEMENT LETTERS Case # Z 31/Q Address of Violation: s Property Owner: 1S - Phone# Letter Addressed to: Action Taking: Letter of Violation Notice etter of COEB Notice: Re-inspection Date: Information needed in letter: OW Q=etC d46Y T 647;1 dj Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 210 of 212 Compliance Investigation Form Investigation# Z,3f D Date of Request: 111j11a Time of Request: Name of Person Making Request: Address: Phone# Investigation Type: A,r rt cz i &ffet4 2 zz d X JA 4a.o e Cb) S Location (Address) of Violation: 7 Phone Number: Propert Owner anager: Request Taken by:Investigator: 0 Action Taken: Compliance: Legal Description: RE#: /7Z 2 FACode Enforcement\Compliance Investigation Form.doc Oct 9 2009 Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 211 of 212 Property Appraiser - Property Details Page 1 of 2 KNIGHT BOBBY L Primary Site Address Official Record Book/Page Tile# 945 PLAZA DR 945 PLAZA 13120-00967 9417 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Atlantic Beach FL 32233 945 PLAZA Property Detail Value Summary RE# 171262-0000 2011 Certified 2012 In Progress Tax District USD3 Value Method CAMA CAMA Property Use 0100 SINGLE FAMILY Total Building Value $39,842.00 $39,536.00 of Buildings 1 Extra Feature Value $629.00 629.00 30-60 38-2S-29E Land Value(Market) $70,000.00 $70,000.00 Legal Desc. ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 Land Value(Agric.) $0.00 0.00 Subdivision 03120 ROYAL PALMS UNIT 01 Just(Market)Value $110,471.00 $110,165.00 The sale of this property may result in higher property taxes.For more information go Assessed Value $109,704.00 $109,704.00 to Save Our Homes and our Property Tax Estimator.Property values,exemptions and Cap Dill/Portability Amt $767.00/$0.00 $461.00/$0.00 other information listed as'In Progress'are subject to change.These numbers are part of the 2012 working tax roll and will not be certified until October.Learn how the Exemptions $75,000.00 See below Property Appraiser's Office values property. Taxable Value $34,704.00 --iz below Taxable Values and Exemptions—In Progress If there are no exemptions applicable to a taxing authority,the Taxable Value is the same as the Assessed Value listed above in the Value Summary box. County/Municipal Taxable Value SJRWMD/FIND Taxable Value School Taxable Value Assessed Value 109,704.00 Assessed Value 109,704.00 Assessed Value 109,704.00 Homestead Exemption.(HX) 25,000.00 Homestead Exemption(HX) 25,000.00 Homestead Exemption(HX)25,000.00 I........... Amend 1 Homestead(HB) 25,000.00 Amend i Homestead(HB) 25,000.00 Taxable Value 84,704.00I............................ Senior Homestead Ex.emption. . (SX) :$25:000:00 Taxable Value 59,704.00 Taxable Value 34,704.00 Sales History Book/Page Sale Date Sale Price Deed Instrument Type Code Qualified/Unqualified Vacant/Improved 13120-00967 2/23/2006 $26,700.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved 13120-0-0%5 1/20/2006 $100.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved 13120-00_966 1/11/2006 $100.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved 0945&02008 11/1/1999 $40,285.00 QC-Quit Claim Unqualified Improved 05951-01159 5/1/1985 $42,000.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved Extra Features LN Feature Code Feature Description Bldg. Length Width Total Units Value 1 SCPC2 Screen Porch 1 10 12 120.00 629.00 Land&Legal Land al I LN Code Use Description Zoning Front Depth Category Land Units Land Value LN Legal Description 1 0100 RES LID 3-7 UNITS PER AC ARS-1 82.00 110.00 Common 1.00 70,000.00 1 30-60 38-2S-29E 2 ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 3 LOT 43 BLK 6 Buildings Building 1 Building 1 Site Address Element Code Detail 945 PLAZA Atlantic Beach FL 32233 Exterior Wall 15 15 Concrete Block Roofing Structure 3 3 Gable or Hip Building Type 0101-SFR 1 STORY SOH Roofing Cover 3 3 Asph/Comp Shingle BAS Lear Built 1961 Interior Wall 5 5 Drywall Int Flooring 7 7 Cork/Vinyl Tile Type Gross Area Heated Area Heating Fuel 4 4 Electric BCP Base Area 975 975 Heating Type 4 4 Forced-Ducted L, Unfinished Carport 200 1 o Air Conditioning 3 3 Central Total 1175 975 Element Code property Search/Basic/Detail.aspx?RE=1712620000 1/10/2012 Agenda Item #6.A. 08 Jul 2021 Page 212 of 212