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1029 Atlantic Blvd ROOF21-0045 Commercial Roof
OWNER:ADDRESS:CITY:STATE:ZIP: EQUITY ONE ATLANTIC VILLAGE INC 1600 NE MIAMI GARDENS DR NORTH MIAMI BEACH FL 33179 COMPANY:ADDRESS:CITY:STATE:ZIP: STONEBRIDGE CONSTRUCTION 6956 PHILLIPS PARKWAY DR N JACKSONVILLE FL 32258 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: REAL ESTATE NUMBER:ZONING:BUILDING USE GROUP:SUBDIVISION: JOB ADDRESS:PERMIT TYPE:DESCRIPTION: VALUE OF WORK: 1029 ATLANTIC BLVD ROOF NON SHINGLE COMMERCIAL - METAL ROOF $82900.00 FEES DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QUANTITY PAID AMOUNT BUILDING PERMIT 455-0000-322-1000 0 $412.00 BUILDING PLAN CHECK 455-0000-322-1001 0 $206.00 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0700 0 $9.27 STATE DCA SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0600 0 $6.18 TOTAL: $633.45 LIST OF CONDITIONS Roll off container company must be on City approved list . Container cannot be placed on City right-of-way. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. MUST CALL INSPECTION PHONE LINE (904) 247-5814 BY 4 PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION. ALL WORK MUST CONFORM TO THE CURRENT 6TH EDITION (2017) OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, NEC, IPMC, AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CODE OF ORDINANCES . ALL CONDITIONS OF PERMIT APPLY, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. 1 of 2Issued Date: 7/23/2021 PERMIT NUMBER ROOF21-0045 ISSUED: 7/23/2021 EXPIRES: 1/19/2022 ROOF NON SHINGLE PERMIT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 2 of 2Issued Date: 7/23/2021 PERMIT NUMBER ROOF21-0045 ISSUED: 7/23/2021 EXPIRES: 1/19/2022 ROOF NON SHINGLE PERMIT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY PAID PermitTRAK $633.45 ROOF21-0045 Address: 1029 ATLANTIC BLVD APN: $633.45 BUILDING $412.00 BUILDING PERMIT 455-0000-322-1000 0 $412.00 BUILDING PLAN REVIEW $206.00 BUILDING PLAN CHECK 455-0000-322-1001 0 $206.00 STATE SURCHARGES $15.45 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0700 0 $9.27 STATE DCA SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0600 0 $6.18 TOTAL FEES PAID BY RECEIPT: R16422 $633.45 Printed: Friday, July 23, 2021 2:37 PM Date Paid: Friday, July 23, 2021 Paid By: STONEBRIDGE CONSTRUCTION Pay Method: CREDIT CARD 486120115 1 of 1 Cashier: CG Cash Register Receipt City of Atlantic Beach Receipt Number R16422 ~+; CENTRALSQUARE Final Plumbing Final Electrical Final HVAC CC Final Final Building* Swimming Pool Steel Swimming Pool Safety Electrical Grounding & Bonding Swimming Pool Final (Bldg) Swimming Pool Final (PW) Formed Columns/ Beams* Masonry Cell Fill Structural Steel* OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: Power Pole Silt Fence Piers/ Stem Walls Underground Plumbing Underground Electric Foundation/ Footing Slab** Retaining Wall Footing Driveway Sewer (Building Dept) Sewer Tap (Utilities Dept) Rough Electric* Rough Plumbing/ Top Out* Rough Mechanical* House Wrap Wall Sheathing Roof Sheathing Tie-down Framing Connections Rough Framing Roofing In Progress Window/Door In-Progress Insulation Ceiling Insulation Wall Exterior Lath Stucco Scratch Coat Exterior Siding In-Progress Brick Flashing & Ties Early Power Gas Rough Gas Final* * When all rough electric, plumbing, mechanical are complete but before any work is covered up. * When all gas piping is complete and wallboard is installed but before gas is attached to any appliance. All outlets must be capped and pipe pressurized at a minimum of 15 lbs. * For new living space: When all construction work including electrical, plumbing, mechanical, exterior finish, grading, required paving and landscaping is complete and the building is ready for occupancy, but before being occupied Additional inspections may apply to your project if your project contains these elements: INSPECTIONS REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMITS To verify compliance with building codes, inspections of the work authorized are required at various points of the construction. The following inspections are typically required for residential projects: Date: Initial: Date: Initial: _____________________________________________________ Permit Type ____________________________________________________ Permit No. __________________________________________________________ Job Address ____________________________________________________ Contractor POST THIS CARD WITH PERMITS AND PERMIT DOCUMENTATION IN FRONT OF BUILDING Construction Hours per City Code: 7am—7pm Weekdays; 9am—7pm Weekends Building Department Public Works/Utilities Fire Department Phone: 904-247-5826 Phone: 904-247-5834 Phone: 904-630-4789 Fax: 904-247-5845 Fax: 904-247-5843 Fax: 904-630-4203 * When forms and reinforcing steel, anchor bolts, sleeves and inserts, and all electrical, plumbing and mechanical work is in place, but before concrete is poured. * When all structural steel members are in place and all connections are complete, but before such work is covered or concealed. ** FORM BOARD ELEVATION CERTIFICATE MUST BE ON-SITE FOR SLAB INSPECTION IN fE'1r l@N l lN E~ ~I@ ~1-iM Musr CAIi. BY 4PM PREVIOUS DAY FOR NIEXI' DAY INSPECIION R O O F 2 1 - 0 0 4 5 , , ; , i ~ ~ ' J . , . ! , : , . B u i l d i n g P e r m i t A p p l i c a t i o n ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ C i t y o f A t l a n t i c B e a c h B u i l d i n g D e p a r t m e n t · 8 0 0 S e m i n o l e R o a d , A t l a n t i c B e a c h , F L 3 2 2 3 3 . . . . . P h o n e : ( 9 0 4 ) 2 4 7 - 5 8 2 6 E m a i l : B u i l d i n g - D e p t @ c o a b . u s U p d a t e d 1 0 / 9 / 1 8 * * A L L I N F O R M A T I O N 1 H I G H L I G H T E D I N G R A Y I S R E Q U I R E D . . l J o b A d d r e s s : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P e r m i t N u m b e r : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L e g a l D e s c r i p t i o n s h i p 3 S o u t h - R 2 9 E a s t R E # 1 7 1 8 5 0 - 0 0 0 0 V a l u a t i o n o f W o r k ( R e p l a c e m e n t C o s t ) $ 8 2 , 9 0 0 . 0 0 · 1 H e a t e d / C o o l e d S F N o n - H e a t e d / C o o l e d - - - - - - - - - - - • C l a s s o f W o r k : l i ! ! N e w □ A d d i t i o n □ A l t e r a t i o n □ R e p a i r □ M o v e □ D e m o □ P o o l □ W i n d o w / D o o r • U s e o f e x i s t i n g / p r o p o s e d s t r u c t u r e ( s ) : O O C o m m e r c i a l □ R e s i d e n t i a l • I f a n e x i s t i n g s t r u c t u r e , i s a f i r e s p r i n k l e r s y s t e m i n s t a l l e d ? : □ Y e s □ N o • W i l l t r e e s b e r e m o v e d i n a s s o c i a t i o n w i t h r o o s e d r o · e c t ? □ Y e s m u s t s u b m i t s e a r a t e T r e e R e m o v a l P e r m i t D e s c r i b e i n d e t a i l t h e t y p e o f w o r k t o b e p e r f o r m e d : N e w C o n s t r u c t i o n a t t a c h t o B u i l d i n g P e r m i t . . . C O M M 2 0 - 0 0 3 2 R o o f P e r m i t D e t a i l s 4 0 s q P a c - C l a d M e t a l S t a n d i n g S e a m F L 1 3 5 4 9 & 1 O s q G A F M B S F L 1 6 7 3 i W n d e r l a y m e n t - C a r i s l e W I P 3 0 0 H J f o r e n t i r e r \ ) O f s y s t e m F L 6 7 8 5 N o F l o r i d a P r o d u c t A p p r o v a l # F L 1 3 5 4 9 & F L 1 6 7 3 2 & F L 6 7 8 5 f o r m u l t i p l e p r o d u c t s u s e p r o d u c t a p p r o v a l f o r m P r o p e r t y O w n e r I n f o r m a t i o n N a m e E q u t t y O n e A t l a n t i c \ l 1 l l a g e I n c 1 A d d r e s s 1 6 0 0 N E l M i a m i G a r a e n s l ) r C i t y N o r t h M i a m i ! 3 e a c h l z i p - · 3 3 1 7 9 l P h o n e _ ~ - - - - - - , - - - ~ - - - - = - ' E - M a i l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ O w n e r o r A g e n t ( I f A g e n t , P o w e r o f A t t o r n e y o r A g e n c y L e t t e r R e q u i r e d ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C o n t r a c t o r I n f o r m a t i o n N a m e o f C o m p a n y S t o n e b r i d g e C o n s t r : u c t i o n S e r v i c e s l . J L C A d d r e s s 6 9 5 6 P h t t i p s P a r k w a y D r N · C i t y J a c k s o n v i l l e I S t a t e F L . Z i p ' - ' 3 = 2 = 2 = 5 - = - 6 - - - - ' O f f i c e P h o n e 9 0 4 - 2 6 2 - 6 6 3 6 J o b S i t e C o n t a c t N u m b e r K e v i n M a t s o n 9 0 4 - 5 7 5 - 1 0 7 0 S t a t e C e r t i f i c a t i o n / R e g i s t r a t i o n # C C C 1 3 2 8 9 1 7 l E - M a i l j e n n i f e r @ s t o n e 6 r i ~ b u i l t . c o m A r c h i t e c t N a m e & P h o n e # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E n g i n e e r ' s N a m e & P h o n e # _ - = , . . , - - : , = = : = - - , - - - : - = ~ - = = = = = = = - , . . . . . . , , - - - - , , , , - - - - - - - - = = = = = = = - - - " " " 7 W o r k e r s C o m p e n s a t i o n I n s u r e r B r i d g e f i e l d C a s . u a l t y O R E x e m p t g E x p i r a t i o n D a t e _ 0 _ 5 _ / 1 _ 6 _ / 2 ~ 2 ~ - - . . . . . . . . - ' A p p l i c a t i o n i s h e r e b y m a d e t o o b t a i n a p e r m i t t o d o t h e w o r k a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n s a s i n d i c a t e d . I c e r t i f y t h a t n o w o r k o r i n s t a l l a t i o n h a s c o m m e n c e d p r i o r t o t h e i s s u a n c e o f a p e r m i t a n d t h a t a l l w o r k w i l l b e p e r f o r m e d t o m e e t t h e s t a n d a r d s o f a l l t h e l a w s r e g u l a t i n g c o n s t r u c t i o n i n t h i s j u r i s d i c t i o n . I u n d e r s t a n d t h a t a s e p a r a t e p e r m i t m u s t b e s e c u r e d f o r E L E C T R I C A L W O R K , P L U M B I N G , S I G N S , W E L L S , P O O L S , F U R N A C E S , B O I L E R S , H E A T E R S , T A N K S , a n d A I R C O N D I T I O N E R S , e t c . N O T I C E : I n a d d i t i o n t o t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s o f t h i s p e r m i t , t h e r e m a y b e a d d i t i o n a ) r e s t r i c t i o n s a p p l i c a b . l e t Q t l i i s p r o p E i r t y t h a t m a y b e f o u n d i n t h e p u b l i c r e c o r d s o f t h i s c o u n t y , a n d t h e r e m a y b e a d d i t i o n a l p e r m i t s r e q u i r e d f r o m o t h e r g o v e r n m _ e n t a l e n t i t i e s s u c h a s w a t e r m a n a g e m e n t d i s t r i c t s , s t a t e a g e n c i ~ s , o r f e _ d e r c ! ! . 9 . g ~ n c i e s f O W N E R ' S A F F I D A V I T : I c e r t i f y t h a t a l l t h e f o r e g o i n g i n f o r m a t i o n i s a c c u r a t e a n d t h a t a l l w o r k w i l l b e d o n e i n c o m p l i a n c e w i t h a l l a p p l i c a b l e l a w s r e g u l a t i n g c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d z o n i n g . W A R N I N G T O O W N E R : Y O U R F A I L U R E T O R E C O R D A N O T I C E O F C O M M E N C E M E N T M A Y R E S U L T I N Y O U R P A Y I N G T W I C E F O R I M P R O V E M E N T S T O Y O U R P R O P E R T Y . I F Y O U I N T E N D T O O B T A I N F I N A N C I N G , C O N S U L T W I T H Y O U R L E N D E R O R A N A T T O R N E Y B E F O R E R E C f . J ~ I N G ( ° - ; J J - ~ O M M E N C E M ~ N T . ~ ~ ( S i g n a t u r e o f O w n e r o A g e n t ) { S i g n a t u r e o f C o n t r a c t o r ) S i g n e d a n d s w o r n t o ( o r a f f i r m e d ) b e f o r e m e t h i s J d ' i + - - d a y o f , J L J i , P l b y - 2 ! = " ' - " V . . : , . . : i c \ . 1 / P = ~ r l ' r - - . . , , . . , , . . . - = - S i g n e d a n d s w o · d a y o f 0 u - l ~ , - = - - > < = - . . ! . . . V _ . 1 , f ~ ~ ? ~ ; . - , , J E N N I F E R L Y N N S C H L A C H T E R ~ [ - ( A · ~ ; l C o m m i s s i o n # H H 1 2 9 4 8 8 ~ J . . - , p ~ ~ · ~ ~ ' ; , - . J E N N I F E R L Y N N S C H L A C H T E R P e r s o n a l l y K n o w n O ~ - " : . · . . : ~ ! E x p · e M 3 1 2 0 2 5 b l ) P e r s o n a l l y K n o w n O R C ( A · ~ : 1 C o m m i s s i o n # H H 1 2 9 4 8 8 · · · . 7 , . . . . , , . . . , . . i r s a y • [ ] P d d I d t ' f ' t · " ' ' M 3 1 2 0 2 5 P r o d u c e d l d e n t 1 f 1 c a t 1 n , , f o . , , q • • · B o n d e d T h r u T r o y F . 1 8 0 0 3 8 5 - r o u c e e n 1 1 c a i o n " - . · i . . ; , / . · ' E x p i r e s a y , . . . . . . . . . " a i n n s u r a n c e • 7 0 1 9 • , r , , , " , ' o " • ' T y p e o f I d e n t i f i c a t i o n : ~ ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! l ! ! ! ! l ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 1 " . . . T y p e o f I d e n t i f i c a t i o n : - - t ; ; ' ~ • - , P : • : • • ~ • · • · ; ; : s : o n : d e : ; d T h ~ r u : ; T : r o ~ v F ~ a ~ i n l : ; : n s : ; ; u r a ; ; n ~ c e ; ; 8 0 ; ; 0 · ; ; 3 8 ; , , ; 5 - 7 : , : , 0 1 ; , ; ; , t 9 R O O F 2 1 - 0 0 4 5 R e v i s i o n R e q u e s t / C o r r e c t i o n t o C o m m e n t s C i t y o f A t l a n t i c B e a c h B u i l d i n g D e p a r t m e n t 8 0 0 S e m i n o l e R d , A t l a n t i c B e a c h , F L 3 2 2 3 3 " ' * A L L I N F O R M A T I O N H I G H L I G H T E D I N G R A V I S R E Q U I R E D . P h o n e : ( 9 0 4 ) 2 4 7 - 5 8 2 6 E m a i l : B u i l d i n g - D e p t @ c o a b . u s P E R M I T # : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D R e v i s i o n t o I s s u e d P e r m i t O R 0 C o r r e c t i o n s t o C o m m e n t s D a t e : 0 7 / 1 9 / 2 0 2 1 P r o j e c t A d d r e s s : _ 1 _ 0 2 _ 9 _ A _ t _ l a _ n t _ i c _ B _ l v _ d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C o n t r a c t o r / C o n t a c t N a m e : S t o n e b r i d g e C o n s t r u c t i o n S e N l c e s L L C C o n t a c t P h o n e : 2 6 2 - 6 6 3 6 E m a i l : j e n n i f e r @ s t o n e b r i d e g b u i l t . c o m - - - - - - - - - - - - - D e s c r i p t i o n o f P r o p o s e d R e v i s i o n / C o r r e c t i o n s : M i k e J o n e s a s k e d f o r t h e e v a l u a t i o n r e p o r t f o r t h e M e t a l r o o f 1 S t o n e b r i d g e C o n s t r u c t i o n S e r v i c e s L L C a f f i r m t h e r e v i s i o n / c o r r e c t i o n t o c o m m e n t s i s i n c l u s i v e o f t h e p r o p o s e d c h a n g e s . ( p r i n t e d n a m e ) • W i l l p r o p o s e d r e v i s i o n / c o r r e c t i o n s a d d a d d i t i o n a l s q u a r e f o o t a g e t o o r i g i n a l s u b m i t t a l ? 0 N o D Y e s ( a d d i t i o n a l s . f . t o b e a d d e d : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) • ~ i l l p r o p o s e d r e v i s i o n ( c _ o r r e c ~ i o n s a d ~ a d d ' . t i ~ n a l i n c r e a s e i n b u i l d i n g v a l u e t o o r i g i n a l s u b m i t t a l ? ~ N o D * Y e s ( a d d 1 t 1 o n a l i n c r e a s e i n b u i l d i n g v a l u e : $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) ( C o n t r a c t o r m u s t s i g n i f i n c r e a s e i n v a l u a t i o n ) * S i g n a t u r e o f C o n t r a c t o r / A g e n t : - - ~ - 1 c - , - < - . . - . ~ ~ / K " ' - r " _ _ , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( O f f i c e U s e O n l y ) f i A p p r o v e d D D e n i e d D N o t A p p l i c a b l e t o D e p a r t m e n t P e r m i t F e e D u e $ _ _ _ _ _ _ R e v i s i o n / P l a n R e v i e w C o m m e n t s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D e p a r t m e n t R e v i e w R e q u i r e d : B u i l d i n g P l a n n i n g & Z o n i n g T r e e A d m i n i s t r a t o r P u b l i c W o r k s P u b l i c U t i l i t i e s P u b l i c S a f e t y F i r e S e r v i c e s R e v i e w e d B y D a t e U p d a t e d 1 0 / 1 7 / 1 8 NOA No.: 19 -0909.17 Expiration Date: 04/18/2023 Approval Date: 01/09/2020 Page 1 of 5 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Miami, Florida 33175-2474 T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www.miamidade.gov/economy Petersen Aluminum Corporation 102 Northpoint Parkway, Bldg. 106 Acworth, GA. 30102 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in Miami-Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami-Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami-Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jur isdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: Tite -Loc Plus 0.032” x 12” thru 18” Wide Aluminum Panel over Steel Deck LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has be en filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA–No. 17-1002.08 consists of pages 1 through 5. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Freddy Semino ROOF21-0045 MIAMI·· B•i•mh .. - NOA No.: 19 -0909.17 Expiration Date: 04/18/2023 Approval Date: 01/09/2020 Page 2 of 5 ROOFING ASSEMBLY APPROVAL: Category: Roofing Sub-Category: Non-Structural Metal Roofing Material: Aluminum Deck Type: Steel Maximum Design Pressure –204.25 psf. TRADE NAMES OF P RODUCTS M ANUFACTURED OR LABELED B Y APPLICANT: Product Dimensions Test Specifications Product Description Tite-Loc Plus 0.032” Aluminum Panel Length: varies Width: 12” thru 18” Height: 2” Thickness: 0.032” Min. Yield Strength: 18 ksi. T AS 110 Valspar Fluropon coated rollformed 0.032” aluminum interlocking panels. Tite-Loc Plus Clips (Option 1 & 2) Length: 4.3” Width: 2.145” Height: 2.1” Base Thickness 18ga. Tab Thickness 22ga. TAS 110 Galvanized Steel, Galvalume Steel or Stainless steel stamped clips for use with Tite-Loc Plus 0.032” aluminum panel. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: Test Agency Test Identifier Test Name/Report Date Architectural Testing, Inc. B8438.01-450-18 TAS 125 09/24/12 74913.01-109-18-r1 TAS 100 04/15/15 Intertek | ATI J5603.01-450-18 TAS 100 08/12/19 C5105.02-801-44 ASTM E2140 04/24/15 Valspar 433X515 433B173 Salt Spray ASTM B 117 Accelerated Weathering ASTM G 23 NOA No.: 19 -0909.17 Expiration Date: 04/18/2023 Approval Date: 01/09/2020 Page 3 of 5 APPROVED ASSEMBLIES: System A: Tite-Loc Plus 0.032” Aluminum 12” thru 18” Wide Panel Deck Type: Steel, Insulated Deck Description: Metal roof deck 22 MSG, G60 coated steel, Minimum 33ksi. Slope Range: 2": 12" or greater (1”:12” or greater effective w/2020 FBC 7th Edition) Maximum Uplift Pressure: See Table A below Deck Attachment: Minimum 22 gage steel deck shall be secured 6” o.c. to structural supports spaced a maximum of 5 ft. o.c. with one (1) #12 x 2” Hex Washer Head self drilling screws fastened at the bottom of each flute (6” o.c.). Deck sidelaps shall be fastened 6” o .c. with #12 x 2” Hex Head self-drilling screws. Insulation: Minimum ¾” thick maximum 4” thick of an approved rigid board insulation with current NOA having a minimum 20psi compressive strength fastened with approved ¼” pan head self tapping screws long enough to penetrate the deck through a 2-7/8” x 2-7/8” insulation plates. Fastening density shall be in compliance with applicable Building Code and Roofing Application Standard RAS 117. Coverboard: A single layer of ½” DensDeck Roof Board was applied over the insulation fastened with approved #14 pancake head screws long enough to penetrate the steel deck through 3” diameter insulation plates. Underlayment: Quick-Stick HT self-adhering underlayment or any Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved underlayment having a current NOA. Fire Barrier: Any approved fire barrier having a current NOA. Refer to a current fire directory listing for fire ratings of this roofing system assembly as well as the location of the fire barrier within the assembly. See Limitation # 1. Valleys: Valley construction shall be in compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 133 and with the current published installation instructions and details in PAC Contractors Association’s Roofing Installation Manual. Metal Panels and Accessories: Install the " Tite-Loc Plus 0.032” Aluminum Panel " panels including flashing penetrations, valleys, end laps and accessories in compliance PAC Contractors Association’s current, published installation instructions and in compliance with the minimum requirements detailed in Roofing Application Standard RAS 133. Tite-Loc panels shall be secured with Tite-Loc Plus clips at a spacing listed below in Table A. Clips are to be fastened with a minimum of two #14 x 6” long pan head self-tapping screws of sufficient length to penetrate through the deck at a minimum of ½”. Place the female end of the adjacent panel over the clip/panel male assembly and seam 180 o degree. See detail herein. Factory or field applied sealant in the seam is optional. TABLE A MAXIMUM DESIGN PRESSURES Roof Areas Field Perimeter and Corner2 Maximum Design Pressures –114.25 psf –204.25 psf Maximum Clip Spacing 24” o.c. 6” o.c. 1. Extrapolation shall not be allowed NOA No.: 19 -0909.17 Expiration Date: 04/18/2023 Approval Date: 01/09/2020 Page 4 of 5 SYSTEM LIMITATIONS 1. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance; refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 2. The maximum designed pressure listed herein shall be applicable to all roof pressure zones (i.e. field, perimeters, and corners). Neither rational analysis, nor extrapolation shall be permitted for enhanced fastening at enhanced pressure zones (i.e. perimeters, extended corners and corners). 3. Panels may be rolls formed in continuous lengths from eave to ridge. Maximum le ngths shall be as described in Roofing Application Standard RAS 133. 4. All panels shall be permanently labeled with the manufacturer’s name and/or logo, city, state, and the following statement: “Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved” or with the Miami-Dade County Product Control Seal as seen below. All clips shall be permanently labeled with the manufacturer’s name and/or logo, and/or model. 5. All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Bu ilding Code and Rule 61G20-3 of the Florida Administrative Code. 6. Panels may be shop or jobsite roll formed with machine model #’s 10110884, E00578860 & 01110072 from PAC Contractors Association. P ROFILE DRAWING 180 DEGREE 2” HIGH X 12” THRU 18” WIDE DOUBLE LOCK PANEL OPTIONAL FACTORY OR FIELD APPLIED SEALANT IN THE SEAM CLIP RELIEFS, STIFFENING RIBS AND STRIATIONS OPTIONAL NOA No.: 19 -0909.17 Expiration Date: 04/18/2023 Approval Date: 01/09/2020 Page 5 of 5 CLIP DETAIL DRAWINGS CLIP OPTION 1 CLIP OPTION 2 END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE ISOMETRIC VIEW ISOMETRIC VIEW 1----4.313"-----i SIDE VIEW SIDE VIEW Il 1-2. 145•--l FRONT VIEW FRONT VIEW ODIFIED BITUMEN ROOF OVER VER 1 /2" ROO F BOARD OVER IN. 2 L AYE RS OF 2.6" TH ICK -30 RIGID INSULATION OVER ETAL DECK ~ r-- 1-e O:'. l,J l,J 0. 0.' O v ui::- TI LEVERED JRE S TANDIN G SEA M META L RO OF _/ OVER SELF -AD HERIN G !.2 AND U NDERL A YMENT OVER 1 /2" RO OF BOAR D OVE R 2 L A YERS OF 2.6" ~ :~~~~~~~~~~=---~--~ I I I I I I '" I I I I ,,, I I ,11 111 :.t:e ~ :,, 111 I I "' I PER RADIUS -I '" I •' I I I I I I 1,, I ! I I I I ,, I I ,, I ? -~ I I ~:_ 1i I I r i: : : :1 1' I I 11 I, I / I II/ I f-----~ ______ __,_____ - - ~ STONEBRIDGE ROOFING • WATERPROOFING • EXTERIORS 6956 Phillips Parkway Dr N. Jacksonville, FL 32256 Office: 904-262-6636 Fax: 904-262-2247 www.stonebridgebuilt.com ROOFING SUBMITTAL CONTENTS Project: Baptist MOB Atlantic Beach Location: Atlantic Beach, FL SBCS Project #BB20-351C Product Data MB (2-ply cold applied) System: • Polyisocyanurate roof insulation (both MB & SSMR areas) a. Two layers 2.6” thick • Securock cover board (both MB & SSMR areas) a. One layer ½” • GAF Drill-Tec #15 screws • GAF Drill-Tec plates • GAF Ruberoid 20 smooth base sheet & interply at wall flashing • GAF Ruberoid 30 Granule FR cap sheet • GAF Matrix 102 SBS adhesive Product Data Sheet Metal & SSMR: • Carlisle WIP 300 HT o Underlayment required for warranty • Peterson Aluminum PAC 150 roof panel o .032” aluminum o Please confirm profile, “Striations” used on last project • Peterson Aluminum flat stock colors o Please confirm color, “Slate Gray” used on last project for SSMR and “Graphite” for coping and roof to wall counter flashing General Details and Shop Drawings: • Modified bitumen o Base flashing at parapet wall (interior wall is similar) o Equipment base flashing o Vent stack o Roof drain • Metal roof o SSMR eave o SSMR gable o SSMR ridge peak o Roof panel layout drawing ~ STONEBRIDGE ROOFING• WATERPROOFING • EXTERIORS 6956 Phillips Parkway Dr N. Jacksonville, FL 32256 Office: 904-262-6636 Fax: 904-262-2247 www.stonebridgebuilt.com Roofing submittal contents Page 2 of 2 Sample Warranties: • GAF Modified bitumen NDL • Peterson weathertightness • Peterson finish warranty ~ STONEBRIDGE ROOFING• WATERPROOFING • EXTERIORS TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTY DATA CHART (POLYISO FOAM CORE ONLY) PROPERTY TEST METHOD VALUE Compressive Strength ASTM D1621 > 20 PSI Dimensional Stability (Length + Width) ASTM D2126 < 2% Water Absorption ASTM C209 < 1.5% Moisture Vapor Transmission ASTM E96 < 1.5 Perm Service Temperature -100° to 250°F (37.8° to 121.1°C) Flame Spread Index ASTM E84 < 75* Smoke Developed Index ASTM E84 < 200* HD gaf.com POLYISO INSULATION Description EnergyGuard™ Polyiso Insulation board is made of glass fiber-reinforced cellulosic felt facers bonded to a core of isocyanurate foam. EnergyGuard™ Polyiso Insulation manufactured in our plants use the latest technology in manufacturing to provide a product of the highest quality. Features and Benefits • EnergyGuard™ Polyiso Insulation is designed for use in practically any low- slope roof application, including built-up roofs, modified bitumen, or most single-ply roofing systems • High insulation value — Superior “LTTR” value compared to any other FM Class I rated product of equivalent thickness at 5.7 per inch • Meets the requirements of ASTM C1289 Type II, Class 1, Grade 2 (20 PSI), and available in Grade 3 (25 PSI) • Because of its light weight, this material is easy to handle on the job site and installs faster. Easier cutting in the field provides the installer with simplified fabricating on the roof deck • Manufactured with EPA-compliant blowing agents containing no CFCs or HCFCs; has zero ozone depletion potential (ODP) and virtually no global warming potential (GWP) • Available in a variety of thicknesses from 0.5" (12.7 mm) to 4.0" (102 mm) to best suit your needs • Available in 4' x 4' (1.21 m x 1.21 m) and 4' x 8' (1.21 m x 2.44 m) boards • Tapered panels are also available for when the roof design requires improved drainage in slopes of 1/16" (1.59 mm), 3/16" (4.76 mm), 1/8" (3.18 mm), 3/8" (9.53 mm), 1/4" (6.35 mm), and 1/2" (12.7 mm) EnergyGuard™ Polyiso Insulation and Tapered Polyiso Insulation Codes & Compliance • FM Approved—consult RoofNav.com for specific assemblies • UL Classified—consult ul.com for specific assemblies • For additional information contact GAF Technical Services at 1-800-ROOF-411 or technicalquestions@gaf.com P O L Y I S O IN S U L A T I O N Fl a t S t o c k a n d T a p e r e d B o a r d s *Foam Core Quality You Can Trust ... From North America's largest Roofing Manufacturer!™ *Other sizes available upon request *Other sizes available upon request Physical Characteristics Shipping Information (4' x 4') (1.21 m x 1.21 m) Shipping Information (4' x 8') (1.21 m x 2.44 m) Flat Stock Physical Characteristics and Shipping Information Size*R-Value Max Flute Span (in) Bds/ Bundle Bds/Truck Bundles/ Truck Sq. Ft. Per Truck Bds/ Bundle Bds/Truck Bundles/ Truck Sq. Ft. Per Truck 1.0" (25.4 mm)5.6 2 5/8" (66.7 mm)48 2,304 48 36,864 (3,425 sq. m) 48 1,152 24 36,864 (3,425 sq. m) 1.1" (27.9 mm)6.2 2 5/8" (66.7 mm)43 2,064 48 33,024 (3,068 sq. m)43 1,032 24 33,024 (3,068 sq. m) 1.2" (30.5 mm)6.7 2 5/8" (66.7 mm)38 1,824 48 29,184 (2,711 sq. m)38 912 24 29,184 (2,711 sq. m) 1.3" (33 mm)7.3 3 5/8" (92 mm)36 1,728 48 27,648 (2,568 sq. m)36 864 24 27,648 (2,568 sq. m) 1.4" (35.6 mm)7.9 4 3/8" (111 mm)34 1,632 48 26,112 (2,426 sq. m)34 816 24 26,112 (2,426 sq. m) 1.5" (38.1 mm)8.6 4 3/8" (111 mm)32 1,536 48 24,576 (2,283 sq. m)32 768 24 24,576 (2,283 sq. m) 1.6" (40.6 mm)9.1 4 3/8" (111 mm)30 1,440 48 23,040 (2,140 sq. m)30 720 24 23,040 (2,140 sq. m) 1.7" (43.1 mm)9.6 4 3/8" (111 mm)28 1,344 48 21,504 (1,998 sq. m)28 672 24 21,504 (1,998 sq. m) 1.8" (45.7 mm)10.2 4 3/8" (111 mm)25 1,200 48 19,200 (1,784 sq. m)25 600 24 19,200 (1,784 sq. m) 1.9" (48.3 mm)10.8 4 3/8" (111 mm)25 1,200 48 19,200 (1,784 sq. m)25 600 24 19,200 (1,784 sq. m) 2.0" (51 mm)11.4 4 3/8" (111 mm)24 1,152 48 18,432 (1,712 sq. m)24 576 24 18,432 (1,712 sq. m) 2.1" (53 mm)12.0 4 3/8" (111 mm)22 1,056 48 16,896 (1,570 sq. m)22 528 24 16,896 (1,570 sq. m) 2.2" (56 mm)12.6 4 3/8" (111 mm)21 1,008 48 16,128 (1,498 sq. m)21 504 24 16,128 (1,498 sq. m) 2.3" (58 mm)13.2 4 3/8" (111 mm)20 960 48 15,360 (1,427 sq. m)20 480 24 15,360 (1,427 sq. m) 2.4" (61 mm)13.8 4 3/8" (111 mm)20 960 48 15,360 (1,427 sq. m)20 480 24 15,360 (1,427 sq. m) 2.5" (64 mm)14.4 4 3/8" (111 mm)19 912 48 14,592 (1,356 sq. m)19 456 24 14,592 (1,356 sq. m) 2.6" (66 mm)15.0 4 3/8" (111 mm)18 864 48 13,824 (1,284 sq. m)18 432 24 13,824 (1,284 sq. m) 2.7" (69 mm)15.6 4 3/8" (111 mm)17 816 48 13,056 (1,213 sq. m)17 408 24 13,056 (1,213 sq. m) 2.8" (71 mm)16.2 4 3/8" (111 mm)17 816 48 13,056 (1,213 sq. m)17 408 24 13,056 (1,213 sq. m) 2.9" (74 mm)16.8 4 3/8" (111 mm)16 768 48 12,288 (1,142 sq. m)16 384 24 12,288 (1,142 sq. m) 3.0" (76 mm)17.4 4 3/8" (111 mm)16 768 48 12,288 (1,142 sq. m)16 384 24 12,288 (1,142 sq. m) 3.1" (79 mm)18.0 4 3/8" (111 mm)15 720 48 11,520 (1,070 sq. m)15 360 24 11,520 (1,070 sq. m) 3.2" (81 mm)18.6 4 3/8" (111 mm)15 720 48 11,520 (1,070 sq. m)15 360 24 11,520 (1,070 sq. m) 3.25" (83 mm)18.9 4 3/8" (111 mm)14 672 48 10,752 (999 sq. m)14 336 24 10,752 (999 sq. m) 3.3" (84 mm)19.2 4 3/8" (111 mm)14 672 48 10,752 (999 sq. m)14 336 24 10,752 (999 sq. m) 3.4" (86 mm)19.9 4 3/8" (111 mm)14 672 48 10,752 (999 sq. m)14 336 24 10,752 (999 sq. m) 3.5" (89 mm)20.5 4 3/8" (111 mm)13 624 48 9,984 (928 sq. m)13 312 24 9,984 (928 sq. m) 3.6" (91 mm)21.1 4 3/8" (111 mm)13 624 48 9,984 (928 sq. m)13 312 24 9,984 (928 sq. m) 3.7" (94 mm)21.7 4 3/8" (111 mm)12 576 48 9,216 (856 sq. m)12 288 24 9,216 (856 sq. m) 3.8" (97 mm)22.3 4 3/8" (111 mm)12 576 48 9,216 (856 sq. m)12 288 24 9,216 (856 sq. m) 3.9" (99 mm)23.0 4 3/8" (111 mm)12 576 48 9,216 (856 sq. m)12 288 24 9,216 (856 sq. m) 4.0" (102 mm)23.6 4 3/8" (111 mm)12 576 48 9,216 (856 sq. m)12 288 24 9,216 (856 sq. m) Slope Thickness Size* Bds/ Bundle Bds/ Truck Bundles/ Truck Sq. Ft. Per Truck 1/8" (3.18 mm).5"-1" (12.7 mm - 25.4 mm)AA 64 3,072 48 49,152 (4,566 sq. m) 1"-1.5" (25.4 mm - 38.1 mm)A 38 1,824 48 29,184 (2,711 sq. m) 1.5"-2" (38.1 mm - 51 mm)B 26 1,248 48 19,968 (1,855 sq. m) 2"-2.5" (51 mm - 64 mm)C 20 960 48 15,360 (1,427 sq. m) 2.5"-3" (64 mm - 76 mm)D 16 768 48 12,288 (1,142 sq. m) 3"-3.5" (76 mm - 89 mm)E 14 672 48 10,752 (999 sq. m) 3.5"-4" (89 mm - 102 mm)F 12 576 48 9,216 (856 sq. m) 1/4" (6.35 mm).5"-1.5" (12.7 mm - 38.1 mm)X 48 2,304 48 36,864 (3,425 sq. m) 1.5"-2.5" (38.1 mm - 64 mm)Y 24 1,152 48 18,432 (1,712 sq. m) 2.5"-3.5" (64 mm - 89 mm)Z 16 768 48 12,288 (1,142 sq. m) 1"-2" (25.4 mm - 51 mm)G 32 1,536 48 24,576 (2,283 sq. m) 2"-3" (51 mm - 76 mm)H 19 912 48 14,592 (1,356 sq. m) 3"-4" (76 mm - 102 mm)I 12 576 48 9,216 (856 sq. m) 1/2" (12.7 mm).5"-2.5" (12.7 mm - 64 mm)Q 32 1,536 48 24,576 (2,283 sq. m) 1"-3" (25.4 mm - 76 mm)XX 22 1,056 48 16,896 (1,570 sq. m) Physical Characteristics Shipping Information (4' x 4') (1.21 m x 1.21 m) Tapered Physical Characteristics and Shipping Information ©2014 GAF 9/14 • #384 COMGT318 The trademarks USG, Securock®, the USG logo, the design elements and colors, and related marks are trademarks of USG Corporation or its affiliates. ©2015 GAF 8/15 gaf.com • 1-800-ROOF-411 Description USG Securock® Brand Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board is a high-performance roof board for use in low-slope roofing systems. Its unique fiber-reinforced, homogenous composition gives the panel strength and water resistance through to the core. USG Securock Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board provides exceptional bond and low absorption in adhered systems, and its homogenous composition achieves high wind-uplift ratings with no risk of facer delamination. Made from 97% pre-consumer recycled materials, USG Securock Gypsum- Fiber Roof Board combines superior performance with sustainable design for all types of roofing systems, including single-ply, fluid-applied, built-up, spray foam, metal, and modified bitumen roofing. Advantages • Exceptional Strength… Engineered to provide superior wind-uplift per- formance for a wide variety of roof assemblies. USG Securock Gypsum- Fiber Roof Board has uniform com- position, providing enhanced bond strength of membrane systems with reduced risk of facer delamination. • Fire Performance… Provides excellent fire performance and demonstrates exceptional surface- burning characteristics (ASTM E84 [CAN/ULC-S102] Flame Spread 5, Smoke Developed 0). • Moisture and Mold… Uniform water- resistant core ensures excellent moisture and mold resistance. Scored a maximum "10" for mold resistance on ASTM D3273. • Versatile… Can be used as a compo- nent in single-ply, fluid-applied, built- up, spray foam, metal, and modified bitumen roofing. • Sustainability… Made from 97% pre- consumer recycled materials and has earned independent certification from Scientific Certification Systems for this achievement. Limitations • USG Securock Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board is engineered to perform within a properly designed roof system. The use of USG Securock Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board as a roofing component is the responsibility of the design professional. • Consult roofing manufacturers for specific instructions on the application of their products to USG Securock Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board. • Weather conditions, dew, application temperature, installation techniques, and moisture drive can have adverse effects on the performance of the roof system and are beyond the control of USG. • Keep USG Securock Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board panels dry before, during, and after installation. USG Securock Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board should not be installed during rain, heavy fog, or any other condition that deposits moisture on the surface of the board. Apply only as much USG Securock Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board that can be covered by final roof membrane system in the same day. Avoid exposure to moisture from leaks or condensation. • For reroof or re-cover applications, existing roofing system must be dry throughout prior to application of USG Securock Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board. • Plastic or poly packaging applied at the plant to protect board during rail or other transit should be removed upon receipt to prevent condensation or trapping of moisture, which may cause application problems. • USG Securock Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board should be stored flat and off the ground with protection from the weather. If stored outdoors, a breathable waterproof covering should be used. • When applying solvent-based adhe- sives or primers, allow sufficient time for the solvent to evaporate to avoid damage to roofing components. • USG allows the bonding of cold mastic modified bitumen and torching directly to the surface. Consult with the system manufacturer for recom- mendations on this application. • USG recommends maximum asphalt application temperature for Type III asphalt of 455°F (235°C) when using USG Securock Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board. Application temperatures above these recommended tempera- tures may adversely affect roof system performance. USG SECUROCK® BRAND Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board (1 of 2) Distributed by: Manufactured by: USG-- Installation Refer to roof system manufacturer's written instructions, local code require- ments, and Factory Mutual Global (FMG) and/or Underwriters Laboratories (UL) requirements for proper installation techniques. • Use fasteners specified in accordance with above requirements. Install approved fasteners with plates into the USG Securock® Brand Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board, flush with the surface. Fasteners should be installed in strict compliance with the roof system manu- facturer’s installation recommendations and FMG Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29. Proper fastener spacing is essen- tial to achieve wind-uplift performance. Fire Performance UL Classified as to Surface Burning Characteristics and Non-Combustibility in accordance with ASTM E84 (CAN/ULC-S102). • Spread 5 and Smoke Developed 0 • ¼" (6.35 mm), 3/8" (9.53 mm), 1/2" (12.7 mm), and 5/8" (15.9 mm) thickness — Class A in accordance with UL790 (CAN/ULC-S107). See the UL Building Materials Directory for more information. • 5/8" (15.9 mm) thickness — Meets requirements of Type X per ASTM C1278 and may be used in P series designs as a thermal barrier. System Performance FM Approved • Complies with requirements of FM 4450 and FM 4470 • Meets FM Class 1 Standards Compliance USG Securock Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board is manufactured to conform to ASTM C1278, “Standard Specification for Fiber-Reinforced Gypsum Panel.” PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 1/4" (6.35 mm)3/8" (9.53 mm)1/2" (12.7 mm)5/8" (15.9 mm) Width, standard 4' (1.21 m) 4' (1.21 m) 4' (1.21 m) 4' (1.21 m) Length, standard 4' (1.21 m) 8' (2.44 m) 4' (1.21 m) 8' (2.44 m)4' (1.21 m) 8' (2.44 m)4' (1.21 m) 8' (2.44 m) Pieces per unit for 4' x 8' (1.21 m x 2.44 m) sheets 50 40 30 24 Weight, nom. lbs./unit 4' x 8' (1.21 m x 2.44 m) sheets 2,575 (1,168 kg) 2,575 (1,168 kg) 2,725 (1,236 kg) 2,525 (1,145 kg) Weight, nom. lbs./sq. ft.1.57 (7.66 kg/m2)1.96 (9.57 kg/m2)2.76 (13.47 kg/m2)3.20 (15.62 kg/m2) Flexural strength, parallel, lbs. min., per ASTM C473 40 (18.14 kg) 70 (31.75 kg) 110 (50 kg) 161 (73 kg) Compressive strength, psi nominal 1800 1800 1800 1800 Flute spannability per ASTM E661 2 5/8" (66.7 mm)5" (127 mm) 8" (203 mm) 10" (254 mm) Permeance, perms, per ASTM E96 30 26 26 24 R-Value per ASTM C518 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.6 Coefficient of thermal expansion, inches/inch • -6°F/-21.1°C, per ASTM E831 8" x 10" (203 mm x 254 mm)8" x 10" (203 mm x 254 mm)8" x 10" (203 mm x 254 mm)8" x 10" (203 mm x 254 mm) Linear variation with change in moisture, inches/inch • %RH, per ASTM D1037 8" x 10" (203 mm x 254 mm)8" x 10" (203 mm x 254 mm)8" x 10" (203 mm x 254 mm)8" x 10" (203 mm x 254 mm) Water absorption, % max, per ASTM C473 10 10 10 10 Surface water absorption, nominal grams, per ASTM C473 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 Mold resistance per ASTM D3273*10 10 10 10 Bending Radius 25' (7.62 m)25' (7.62 m) 25' (7.62 m) 30' (9.14 m) * ASTM D3273 Mold Resistance Testing – In independent lab tests conducted on USG Securock® Brand Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board and Securock Glass-Mat Roof Board at the time of manufacture per ASTM D3273 Standard Test Method for Resistance to Growth of Mold on the Surface of Interior Coatings in an Environmental Chamber, both panels scored a 10. The ASTM lab test may not accurately represent the mold performance of building materials in actual use. Given unsuitable project conditions during storage, installation, or after completion, any building material can be overwhelmed by mold. To manage the growth of mold, the best and most cost-effective strategy is to protect building products from water exposure during storage and installation and after completion of the building. This can be accomplished by using good design and construction practices. ©2015 GAF 8/15 gaf.com • 1-800-ROOF-411 USG SECUROCK® BRAND Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board (2 of 2) Distributed by: Description The Drill-Tec™ Extra Heavy Duty #15 Roofing Fastener is a specialized, high performance fastener designed to secure insulation and single-ply membrane to steel, O.S.B., or aluminum roof decks. Application The Drill-Tec™ Extra Heavy Duty #15 Roofing Fastener should always be tested on site by a GAF representative to determine performance and proper installation procedure. Call GAF to schedule testing. Note: Make sure not to overdrive the fastener. Fastener must be tight enough so that the plate doesn’t turn. Factory Mutual requires that the fastener pen- etrates the steel deck at the top flute. Advantages •Oversizedheavyshankandthread diameters for enhanced pull-out resistance in steel and aluminum roof decks. •Deepbuttressthreadsfurtherincrease pull-out resistance. •Miniaturedrillpointpenetrates decks quickly and contributes to exceptional resistance to backout as well as pullout. Plates & Accessories A variety of plates are available. Contact GAF to determine the appropriate plate for your application. Specifications The fastener will be a Drill-Tec™ Extra Heavy Duty #15 Roofing Fastener with a thread diameter of .275. The fastener must have 12 threads per inch and a drill point. Also, the fastener must be heat treated per specification OMG-1. The Drill-Tec™ Extra Heavy Duty #15 Roofing Fastener will be used with a Factory Mutual approved, Drill-Tec round pressure plate or pressure bar. The fastener must be made in the U.S.A. Coating Requirement The fastener will be coated with the Drill-Tec™ CR-10 corrosion resistant coating.Whensubjectedto30 Kesternich cycles (DIN 50018), the fastener must show less than 15% red rust and surpass Factory Mutual Approval Standard 4470. DRILL-TEC™ EXTRA HEAVY DUTY #15 ROOFING FASTENER Drill-Tec™ Extra Heavy Duty #15 Roofing Fastener SKU # Length Thread Length Packaging Weight 86PA 2” Full 1000 21 lbs 86PB 3” Full 1000 30 lbs 86PC 4” 3” 1000 39 lbs 86PD 5” 4” 500 25 lbs 86PE 6” 4” 500 29 lbs 86PF 7” 4” 500 33 lbs 86PG 8” 4” 500 38 lbs 86PH 9” 4” 500 41 lbs 86PI 10” 4” 500 46 lbs 86PJ 11” 4” 500 52 lbs 86PK 12” 4” 500 55 lbs 86PL 13” 4” 250 38 lbs Product Data Head Diameter .435 Thread Diameter .275 Head Style #3 Phillips Truss Head Coating CR-10 Specialty Fastener ©2009 GAF Materials Corporation 01/10 77 www.gaf.com • 1-800-ROOF-411 GAF MATERIALS CORPORATION ® DRILL-TEC™ STEEL AND PLASTIC PLATES Drill-Tec™ Plastic Plates Description Drill-Tec™ Steel Plates are made of Galvalume® coated steel. The round design provides an even distribution of loads and eliminates sharp corners that can damage the insulation or membrane. Drill-Tec™ 23/8” and 23/4” plates should be used for lap seam fastening. Drill-Tec™ 3” plates should be used when fastening insulation. These plates are designed to be used with Drill-Tec™ fasteners. Code Approvals Physical Data 2” Barbed Plate Application: Attaches EverGuard® membrane to the substrate. Fastener: Drill-Tec™ HD #14 Fasteners, XHD #15 Fasteners and Drill-Tec™ CD-10 Fasteners 2” Double-Barbed Plate Application: Attaches EverGuard® membrane to the substrate. Fastener: Drill-Tec™ XHD #15 Fasteners, SXHD #21 Fasteners and Drill-Tec™ CD-10 Fasteners. 23/8” XHD Barbed Seam Plate Application: Attaches EverGuard® membrane to the substrate. Fastener: Drill-Tec™ XHD #15 Fasteners and Drill-Tec™ CD-10 Fasteners. 23/4” Super XHD Double-Barbed Seam Plate Application: Attaches EverGuard® membrane to the substrate. Fastener: Drill-Tec™ SXHD #21 Fasteners and Drill-Tec™ CD-10 Fasteners. 3” Galvalume® Plate Application: Attaches insulation to the substrate. Fastener: Drill-Tec™ Standard, #12 Fasteners, HD #14 Fasteners, CD-10 Fasteners, Fluted Nail. Lite-Deck Plate Application: Attaches insulation to gypsum, Tectum® and lightweight concrete decks. Fastener: Drill-Tec™ Lite-Deck Fastener. Base Sheet Plate Application: Attaches base sheets to lightweight insulating concrete and various gypsums. Fastener: Drill-Tec™ Standard or 1.2 Base Sheet Fastener. Drill-Tec™ Steel Plates Pressure Plates Product Data Plate SKU # Diameter Packaging Weight 2" Barbed Plate 8676 2" 1000 29 lbs 2" Double-Barbed Plate 46DB 2 1/8” 1000 34 lbs 2 3/8" XHD Barbed Seam Plate 8678 2 3/8” 1000 45 lbs 2 3/4” Super XHD Plate 8679 2 3/4” 500 37 lbs 3" Galvalume® Plate 4577 2 7/8” 1000 37 lbs 3" Lite-Deck Plate 457B 3" 500 19 lbs 3" Base Sheet Plate 45JJ 3" 1000 46 lbs Product Data Plate SKU # Diameter Packaging Weight 3" Plastic Plate 4578 3 1/16" 1000 25 lbs 3" Locking Plastic Plate 45JK 3 1/16” 1000 25 lbs Description Drill-Tec™ 3” plates should be used when fastening insulation. All Drill-Tec™ plates are round and designed to be used with Drill-Tec™ fasteners. Code Approvals Physical Data 3” Polypropylene Plastic Plate Application: Attaches insulation to the substrate. Fastener: Drill-Tec Standard, Heavy Duty, CD-10, Fluted Nail or Toggle Bolt fastener. 3” Polypropylene Locking Plastic Plate Application: Attaches insulation to the substrate. Fastener: Drill-Tec Standard, Heavy Duty or Toggle Bolt fastener. ©2009 GAF Materials Corporation 01/10 74 www.gaf.com • 1-800-ROOF-411 GAF MATERIALS CORPORATION ® <8> APPROVED <8> APPROVED ----- ----- ©2016 GAF 8/16 gaf.com • 1-800-ROOF-411 Description RUBEROID® 20 Smooth Membrane is a tough, resilient modified bitumen membrane manufactured to stringent GAF specifications. Its core is a strong, resilient non-woven glass mat that is coated with flexible, SBS polymer modified asphalt. Uses RUBEROID® 20 Smooth Membrane is designed for new roofing and re-cover applications as wel l as in the construction of flashings. RUBEROID® 20 Smooth Membrane is an ideal base or interply roofing membrane in modified bitumen systems, including GAF CompositeRoof™ and 20/30 systems. Advantages • System guarantees are available for up to 20 years.* • Light weight—Installed roof designs weigh less than 3 pounds per square foot (14.6 kg/m2). • Durable—Combines the strength of fiberglass reinforcement with the elongation characteristics of SBS modified asphalt. Advantages (Continued) • RUBEROID® 20 Smooth Membrane is manufactured by GAF, a company with over 125 years in the roofing business. • Available as a smooth surface. RUBEROID® 20 SMOOTH MEMBRANE Formerly RUBEROID 20 Product Specifications (nominal) Roll Size 1.5 square (161.4 gross sq. ft.) (15.0 m2) Roll Length 49.2' (15.34 m) Roll Width 39.375" (1.0 m) Approx.Roll Weight 89.0 lb (40.37 kg) ProductThickness 0.085" (2.1 mm) This product meets or exceeds the following ASTM D6163, Type I, Grade S, minimum requirements: Property Test Method Value Tensile Strength @ 0°F (min), lbf/in ASTM D5147 70 Elongation @ 0°F (min), %ASTM D5147 1 Low Temperature Flexibility (max), °F ASTM D5147 0 Tear Strength (min), lbf ASTM D5147 35 Dimensional Stability, (max) %ASTM D5147 0.5 Applicable Standards Meets ASTM D6163, Type I, Grade S FM Approved ICC ESR-1274 Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved State of Florida Approved Texas Department of Insurance UL/ULC Classified * See applicable guarantee for complete coverage and restrictions. - ©2016 GAF 8/16 gaf.com • 1-800-ROOF-411 Description RUBEROID® 30 Granule FR Membrane is a fire-retarding modified bitumen membrane manufactured to stringent GAF specifications. Its core is a strong, resilient non-woven glass mat that is coated with an inherently fire- retardant SBS polymer modified asphalt and surfaced with mineral granules. Uses RUBEROID® 30 Granule FR Membrane is designed for new roofing, including GAF’s 20/30 FR system and re-cover applica- tions as well as in the construc- tion of flashings. RUBEROID® 30 Granule FR Membrane is also an ideal product for repairs of built- up roofing membranes or modified bitumen systems. Advantages • System guarantees available for up to 15 years; select system constructions available with up to 20-year guarantee coverage.* • Durable—RUBEROID® 30 Granule FR Membrane com- bines the strength of fiberglass reinforcement with the elongation characteristic of SBS modified asphalt. Advantages (Continued) • Light weight—Installed roof designs weigh less than 3 pounds per square foot (14.6 kg/m2).• RUBEROID® 30 Granule FR Membrane is manufactured by GAF, a company with over 125 years in the roofing business. • No coating required for Class A rating from UL. • Available with black or white granules. RUBEROID® 30 GRANULE FR MEMBRANE Formerly RUBEROID® 30 FR Product Specifications (nominal) Roll Size 1 square (107.6 gross sq. ft.) (10.0 m2) Roll Length 32.8' (10.0 m) Roll Width 39.375" (1.0 m) Approx.Roll Weight 95.9 lb (43.50 kg) ProductThickness 0.140" (3.56 mm) This product meets or exceeds the following ASTM D6163, Type I, Grade G, minimum requirements: Property Test Method Value Tensile Strength @ 0°F (min), lbf/in ASTM D5147 70 Elongation @ 0°F (min), %ASTM D5147 1 Low Temperature Flexibility (max), °F ASTM D5147 0 Tear Strength (min), lbf ASTM D5147 35 Dimensional Stability, (max) %ASTM D5147 0.5 Applicable Standards Meets ASTM D6163, Type I, Grade G FM Approved ICC ESR-1274 Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved State of Florida Approved Texas Department of Insurance UL/ULC Classified * See applicable guarantee for complete coverage and restrictions. - ©2016 GAF 8/16 gaf.com • 1-800-ROOF-411 M ATRIX ™102 SBS MEMBRANE ADHESIVE (1OF 2) Description Matrix™ 102 SBS Membrane Adhesive is an asbestos-free, fiber-reinforced rubberized adhesive with a bonding strength designed specifically for cold-applied modified bitumen membranes. • Superior bonding strength and high flexibility to accommodate temperature- related expansion and contraction of the roof system • Exclusive SURE GRIP™ Technology with superior bonding strength and high flexibility • Low-odor formulation for a better environ- ment for installer and building occupants • Easy application…sprayer, brush, or notched squeegee—maintains excellent low-temperature flexibility Uses Matrix™ 102 SBS Membrane Adhesive is a cold-applied adhesive for modified bitumen systems (in place of hot asphalt) to adhere: • SBS base, interply & cap sheets • Existing smooth asphalt roofs • Type G2 asphalt-coated glass base sheet Approvals & Certification Matrix™ 102 SBS Membrane Adhesive is listed and approved by the following agencies or code bodies: Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Factory Mutual (FM). Meets or exceeds the requirements of ASTM D3019 Lap Adhesive used with Asphalt Roll Roofing, Type III. Approvals may vary by region. Be sure to review pail labels before purchase. Surface Preparation All surfaces must be clean, dry, and free from any foreign matter, such as oil, grease, dirt, or debris that could inhibit the bonding capabili- ties of the adhesive. On existing roofs, inspect roof deck condition; moisture in old roof may require complete removal of existing roof. Check local building codes; local building codes may require complete removal of exist- ing roof. Contact GAF Technical Services for details on cutting out and repairing blis- ters, buckles, and raised edges for a smooth surface. Check all flashings, edges, drains, valleys, and vents, and repair as needed. Application Application Rate: Application rate is between 1.5–2 gallons (5.7–7.6 liters) per 100 square feet (.6–.8 L/m2) when applied to base sheet. Application rate may vary based on porosity of substrate. Application: Stir before application. Apply adhesive by sprayer, brush, or notched squeegee at a rate of 1.5–2.0 gallons (5.7–7.6 liters) per 100 square feet (.6–.8 L/m2) to primed structural concrete deck, polyisocyan- urate insulation, Type G2 base sheet, or SBS modified asphalt membrane. Application Method: Spray: A Graco 45.1 pump or equivalent is recommended. Consult equipment manufacturer for optimum psi, spray tip size, length of hose, and number of guns to achieve uniform application. Squeegee: When using a squeegee, it should have 1/4" (6 mm) serrations to apply a uniform, smooth, even coat without gaps, dry areas, or bubbles. Brush: Apply in a uniform, smooth, even coat without gaps, dry areas, or bubbles. Attachment: The adhesive sets by evapora- tion of the solvent. After adhesive application, allow 5–15 minutes cure time before applying membrane. Unroll modified and base sheet rolls and allow them to relax prior to installa- tion. Broom-in membrane, making sure that it is lying flat and making full contact with the adhesive. Roll all side and end laps, making sure a sufficient amount of adhesive is applied to the laps so that a bead of adhesive is visible at all lap edges. NOTE: Do not apply more than two layers of SBS membrane in adhesive. Roof Slope: The roof must have positive drainage. The adhesive may be used on slopes up to 1.5:12; for slopes exceeding 1.5:12, use only Matrix™ 202 SBS Flashing Cement. Precautions Compatibility & Limitations: Do not use with any APP modified products. Do not use on wet or damp surfaces, directly over wood, or on surfaces previously covered with coal tar products. Do not install over or under polystyrene insulation. NOTE: Matrix™ 102 SBS Membrane Adhesive should not be used with any APP modified or any modified bitumen membranes that have a plastic film surface or are metal foil-faced. Do not use with burn-off film membranes. Temperature Range: Apply only when tem- peratures are 45°F (7.2°C) and rising. Cold weather will cause product to stiffen, making application difficult. Store 24 hours at room temperature prior to application. Do not heat container or attempt to thin this product. Do not apply on substrates that exceed 140°F (60°C). Cements and coatings for roofing systems as to external fire exposure. Superior Bonding Strength & Flexibility CODE APPROVALS Product Specifications (Nominal) Weight 9.3 lb (4.2 kg) per gallon VOC (max) 250 grams/liter Non-volatile content 70% minimum SETA Flash Point 105°F (40.6°C) Sizes 5 gal/18.9 L or 55 gallon/208.2 L ©2016 GAF 8/16 gaf.com • 1-800-ROOF-411 Precautions (Continued) Storage/Handling & FIRE WARNING: Matrix™ 102 SBS Membrane Adhesive is COMBUSTIBLE and should always be kept away from heat, open flame, and any source of ignition. Observe normal safeguards for storing and handling of this product prior to and during application. Do not allow adhesive to freeze. Important: Repair leaks promptly to avoid adverse effects, including, but not limited to, mold growth. Clean Up Keep containers covered when not in use. Clean equipment and overspray with kero- sene, mineral spirits, or petroleum naphtha. Clean hands with waterless hand cleaner. Caution Matrix™ 102 SBS Membrane Adhesive contains petroleum distillate. Ventilation – Use with adequate ventilation and close containers when not in use. If TLV (Threshold Limit Value) is exceeded, respirators are required (NIOSH/OSHA). Inhalation of high vapor concentration may result in headaches and/or dizziness. Remove individual to fresh air and administer oxygen if breathing is difficult. If breathing has stopped, administer artificial respiration, keep victim warm, and order emergency medical attention immediately. Eye Contact – Rinse immediately with water for 15 minutes and seek medical advice. Personal Protection – Irritation may result from prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Wear chemical-resistant gloves, protective goggles, and protective clothing, if needed. Fire Protection – Matrix™ 102 SBS Membrane Adhesive is COMBUSTIBLE and should always be kept away from heat, open flame, and any source of ignition. Waste Disposal – Empty containers must be disposed of in an approved landfill in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. For Application Questions Contact GAF Technical Services at 1-800-766-3411 or visit gaf.com. M ATRIX ™102 SBS MEMBRANE ADHESIVE (2 OF 2) Superior Bonding Strength & Flexibility 300 HT WATER & ICE PROTECTION HIGH-TEMPERATURE PROTECTION WIP 300HT High-Temperature Protection Self-Adhering Roofi ng Underlayment WIP 300HT is a high-tensile-strength rubberized asphalt underlayment specifi cally designed to withstand temperatures up to 250°F (121°C). Ideal for use under metal including copper, zinc and COR-TEN® (consult technical department for installation instructions), WIP 300HT can also be used under synthetic, concrete and clay tiles and asphalt shingles. This strong, skid-resistant membrane is available in either black or white and provides superior protection from water penetration caused by wind-driven rain and ice dams. Features and Benefi ts • Protects the roof structure from water seepage caused by ice dams and wind-driven rains • Resists temperatures up to 250°F without degradation of the adhesive • Seals around roofi ng nails, staples and screws • Split-release fi lm provides easier, faster installation • Resists cracking, drying and rotting, providing long-term waterproofi ng performance and low lifecycle cost • Concealed waterproofi ng system will not detract from the architectural aesthetics of the primary roofi ng system • Exposed rubberized asphalt bead along the membrane edge ensures watertightness of lap seams • 180 days exposure time Standards • UL Classifi ed • ICC-ES ESR #2206 • 2009, 2012, and 2015 International Building Code™ • Florida Building Code Approved Product #6785 • Meets ASTM D1970 • Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved • ASTM E108/UL 790 Class A Fire Resistance • 2016 California Green Building Standards, Title 24 • 2015, 2012, and 2008 ICC 700 National Green Building Standard Storage WIP 300HT roofi ng underlayment rolls should be stored on their side, under cover and in areas where the temperature is between 40° and 100°F (4.4° and 38°C). Do not double-stack pallets. Warranty Carlisle WIP products are backed by Carlisle’s industry-leading warranty. Carlisle WIP Products will display optimal performance when stored under recommended conditions and used within one year of date of manufacture. Product installed after one year of date of manufacture is not covered under defect warranty. Visit our website for warranty details. Installation WIP 300HT underlayment is applied when the roof deck is dry and the substrate temperature is 40°F (4.4°C) or higher. At temperatures below 40°F, nailing or priming should be used to temporarily hold the membrane in place while adhesion develops. WIP 300HT is designed to be covered with the primary roofi ng system and should not be exposed to sunlight for more than 60 days (black fi lm only). White underlayment offers exposure time of 180 days. Substrate must be free of any moisture. If moisture is present, it may inhibit adhesion. Prepare the roof deck by removing all loose objects, dirt, dust and debris. For re-roofi ng applications, remove all old materials from the roof deck in the area to be covered with WIP 300HT underlayment. Replace water-damaged sheathing and sweep roof deck thoroughly. 13$1;/!t--t!;:t WIP PRODLJCTS WIP Priming Priming is not required on clean, dry wood, metal or most polyisocyanurate surfaces (polyiso paper facer does require priming). Masonry and exterior gypsum boards (such as DensDeck®) should be primed using an appropriate primer or adhesive. Some rigid insulation boards with porous or dusty surfaces may require priming to promote initial adhesion. Priming is required on all substrates when air or substrate temperatures are below 40°F (4.4°C). Adhesives such as CCW-702, CCW-702WB, CAV-GRIP™ and CCW-AWP are approved for use with WIP products. Refer to your local building codes to determine acceptable product for use in your region. Selection of roof deck or insulation substrate and/or use of a primer or adhesive are the responsibility of the architect, specifi er or roofi ng contractor to determine based on the roof assembly and environmental conditions. Valleys, Hips & Ridges Cut WIP 300HT roofi ng underlayment into manageable lengths. Align over the center of the valley, hip or ridge. Remove release fi lm. Press the middle of the membrane fi rst before working toward the edges. For open valleys, cover WIP 300HT roofi ng underlayment with metal valley liners. Eaves & Rakes Cut WIP 300HT underlayment into 10–15' pieces. Remove 2–3' of release fi lm and align the edge of the membrane, sticky side down, so it overhangs the drip edge by 3⁄8" (10 mm). Continue to remove release fi lm and press as you move across the roof. Use a hand roller and/or hand pressure to press into place. Overlap end laps a minimum of 6". WIP roofi ng underlayment should reach a point 2' inside the interior wall line. Local codes may require additional courses. If additional courses are required, the top lap must be at least 3½". Drip Edges At the rake edge, apply WIP 300HT underlayment fi rst and place drip edge on top. At the eave, apply drip edge fi rst and place WIP underlayment on top of the drip edge so that it overhangs drip edge by 3⁄8" (10 mm). For standard installation details, follow the WIP detail drawings. For non-standard installation instructions, contact your local Carlisle WIP representative. Metal Roof Underlayment Under water-shedding metal roof systems or low-slope metal roofs with a minimum ½" slope, start at the low point and apply WIP 300HT over the full surface of the roof deck. Review the metal roofi ng manufacturer’s instructions for limitations and precautions. Beginning at the eaves, apply underlayment from the low point to the high point of the roof, running the roll horizontally. Lap Edges Lap edge seams should be hand rolled to ensure maximum adhesion. Carlisle, WIP and CAV-GRIP are trademarks of Carlisle. DensDeck is a registered trademark of Georgia-Pacifi c. © 2019 Carlisle. 605059 - WIP 300HT Sell Sheet - 07.16.19 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Surface Black/White Engineered Polyolefi n Composite Film with Factory-applied Anti-skid Coating Membrane Rubberized Asphalt PRODUCT CHARACTERISTIC UNITS RESULTS Roll Length feet 66 Roll Weight lbs 55 Roll Size sq ft 198 Roll Width inches 36 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE PROPERTIES TEST METHOD RESULTS Thickness ASTM D1970 40 mils Low Temperature Flexibility ASTM D1970 -45°F Adhesion to Plywood at 75°F ASTM D1970 35 lbs/ft Lap Seam Adhesion at 75°F ASTM D1970 21 lbs/ft Sealability Around Nail ASTM D1970 Pass Slip Resistance ASTM D1970 Pass Thermal Stability ASTM D1970 Pass Moisture Vapor Permeance ASTM D1970 0.02 perms Water Absorption ASTM D1970 0.5% Tensile Strength Machine Direction ASTM D412 250 psi Tensile Strength Transverse Direction ASTM D412 1390 psi Elongation at Break Machine Direction ASTM D412 250% Elongation at Break Transverse Direction ASTM D412 170% PACKAGING INFORMATION Boxes (rolls) per pallet 25 WIP 300HT High-Temperature Protection Self-Adhering Roofi ng Underlayment Carlisle WIP Products 1285 Ritner Highway • Carlisle, PA 17013 888.717.1440 www.carlislewipproducts.com Limitations • WIP 300HT should be installed when air, roof deck and membrane temperatures are at or above 40°F (4.4°C). • WIP 300HT should not be left exposed to sunlight for more than 60 days for black membrane or 180 days for white membrane. • WIP 300HT membrane should not be folded over the roof edge unless protected by a gutter or other fl ashing materials. • The primary roof system must be ventilated to prevent excessive moisture build-up in the interior structure. • Use caution during the installation of the membrane as it may become slippery when wet or covered with frost. • WIP 300HT must not to be used in contact with PVC material. • WIP 300HT is not approved for use in foam set tile applications. • WIP 300HT is not designed for wall assemblies. INOTE:I ;~-----COPING CAP ~~~!r'---------FASTENERS APPROX. 8" (203 mm) O.C. FOR HEIGHTS UP TO 12" (305 mm) AND 4" (102 mm) O.C. FOR HEIGHTS ABOVE 12" (305 mm) ,r"7'~---"'7',--2" (51 mm) WIDE CLIP -APPROX. 30" (762 mm) O.C. _..,...........,....,.,...._...._..._ ... _ ...• '.·~·"::,...,< .... ? .... ~~-ENERGYGUARD TM CANT STRIP ~;llti[~lt~ ~::::o~;~:=G~~BASE F=HING RUBEROlif / GAFGLAS8 MEMBRANE BASE / PLY SHEET(S) ENERGYGUARD™ ROOF INSULATION 1. WHEN PARAPET WALL EXCEEDS 24" (610 mm) IN HEIGHT, REFER TO DETAIL MB/BUR 6, "HIGH PARAPET WALL." 2. MASONRY WALLS TO BE PRIMED PRIOR TO FLASHING. WOOD WALLS REQUIRE BASE SHEET NAILED TO WALL 8" (203 mm) O.C. ALONG TOP AND LAPS AND 8" (203 mm) O.C. THROUGHOUT THE FIELD OF THE BASE SHEET ON THE WALL. 3. BASE FLASHINGS TURNED OVER EDGE A MINIMUM OF 1 1/2" (38 mm) OR THICKNESS OF NAILER, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. 4. BASE FLASHING ON ALL 15-AND 20-YEAR GUARANTEE SYSTEMS MUST HAVE A BASE PLY. REFER TO FLASHING MEMBRANE APPLICATION AND FLASHING SPECIFICATION PLATES. • GAFGLAS BASE FLASHING DETAIL FOR WALL DRAWING# SYSTEM Bullt-Up Roofing Systems 03 MB/BUR R~E:!:tQJ.Q" SUPPORTED DECK WWW.~.COM SCALE ISSUE/ REVISION DATE 1 Campus Drive. Parsippany, NJ N.T.S. 7-01-14 07054 ,-------------METALFRAME SEALING MATERIAL MUST BE CONTINUOUS ON THE PERIMETER ,----BASE OF UNIT EXTENDS 1/2" (13 mm) MINIMUM BEYOND AND DOWN OVER TOP OF CURB WOOD NAILER ,---------SEAL STRIP ,--------WOOD NAILER -NOMINAL 2" (51 mm) x 4" (102 mm) ,--------INSULATION ,--------FASTENERS MAXIMUM 8" (102 mm)O.C ,-------COUNTERFLASHING FASTENED APPROX. 18" (457 mm) O.C. ·;;,......-----ENERGYGUARD™CANT STRIP -SET IN BITUMEN EROID8 / GAFGLAS8 FLASHING ~-----ENERGYGUARD™ROOF INSULATION ....__ ______ WOOD NAILER FASTENED TO DECK (OPTIONAL) ~------DECK -NOMINAL 2" (51 mm) X 4" (102 mm) i---+----FLASHING RECEIVER /\~~____;:::.._FASTENERS ,__ __ COUNTERFLASHING .,,.1i-,----BASE FLASHING ~r-->++1--+----UNIT MOUNTING CURB r~11+-1---INSULATION GAFGLAS INOTE:I 1. BASE FLASHING ON ALL 15-& 20-YEAR GUARANTEE SYSTEMS MUST HAVE A BASE PLY. REFER TO FLASHING APPLICATION AND FLASHING SPECIFICATION PLATE SECTIONS. DRAWING# SYSTEM • Bullt-Up Roofing Systems EQUIPMENT BASE FLASHING DETAIL 10 MB/BUR R~E=-1:tQJ.Q" WWW.~.COM SCALE ISSUE/ REVISION DATE 1 Campus Drive. Parsippany, NJ N.T.S. 7-01-14 07054 7-01-14N.T.S. SCALE ISSUE/ REVISION DATE DRAWING #SYSTEMR WWW.GAF.COM MB/BURGAFGLASR R 15 4" (102 mm)MIN. ROLL LEAD FLASHING 1" (25 mm) DOWN INTO PIPE PLUMBING VENT STACK RUBEROID / GAFGLAS 2. MINIMUM 18" (457 mm) CLEARANCE FROM PIPES, 4" (102 mm)MIN. PREFERRED 2-PLY ALTERNATE BASE / PLY SHEETS DECK ENERGYGUARD ROOF INSULATION RUBEROID / GAFGLAS MEMBRANE BASE FLASHING 4" (102 mm) MIN. 4" (102 mm)MIN. 4" (102 mm)MIN. WALLS, AND CURBS. NOTE: R R TM R R R VENT STACK FLASHING DETAIL PRIMED LEAD FLASHING, MINIMUM 2 1/2 TO 4 LBS (1.13 TO 1.81 KG). SET PRIMED FLANGE IN ROOF CEMENT ON MOP, COLD MB, SA-MB AND BUR. SET PRIMED FLANGE IN HEAT-SOFTENED MEMBRANE ON TORCH APP AND HEAT-WELD SBS. 3. FOR HEAT-WELD OR TORCH-APPLIED RUBEROID MB, TORCH THE AREA OF RUBEROID MB OVER WHICH THE METAL IS TO BE PLACED TO A MOLTEN STATE. PRESS THE PRIMED FLANGE INTO THE MODIFED BITUMEN WHILE IT IS STILL MOLTEN. R 1. SHEET LEAD MINIMUM OF 2-1/2 POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT(12.2 KG PER SQUARE METER). 1 Campus Drive. Parsippany, NJ 07054 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,-----OPTIONAL 1" (25 mm) X 4" (102 mm)---..... SHEET METAL GRAVEL STOP -36" (914 mm) SQUARE MIN. SEE NOTES BELOW. STRIPPING FELTS ,-----RUBEROll1/ GAFGLA~ FLASHING ~::-----LEAD FLASHING SET IN DECK CLAMP _ __, ENERGYGUARD" ROOF INSULATION ---~,J -TAPER INSULATION 24" (610 mm) DOWN TO DRAIN DECK-------~ INOTE:I FLASHING CEMENT 1. MINIMUM 30" (762 mm) SQUARE, 2-1/2-LB. TO 4-LB. (1.13 kg TO 1.81 kg) LEAD OR 16-OZ. SOFT COPPER FLASHING. SET PRIMED FLANGE IN ROOF CEMENT IN MOP MB, SA MB, COLD MB, OR BUR. SET PRIMED FLANGE IN HEAT-SOFTENED MEMBRANE ON TORCH APP OR HW SBS SYSTEMS. PRIME TOP SURFACE BEFORE STRIPPING. 2. MEMBRANE PLIES, METAL FLASHING, AND FLASHING PLIES EXTEND UNDER CLAMPING RING. 3. STRIPPING FELTS EXTEND 4" (102 mm) AND 8" (203 mm) BEYOND EDGE OF FLASHING SHEET, BUT NOT BEYOND EDGE OF SUMP. INSTALL STRIPPING BEFORE INSTALLATION OF CAP SHEET OR GRAVEL. • GAFGLAS DRAWING# SYSTEM Bullt-Up Roofing Systems ROOF DRAIN DETAIL 08 MB/BUR R~E:!:tQJ.Q" WWW.~.COM SCALE ISSUE/ REVISION DATE 1 Campus Drive. Parsippany, NJ N.T.S. 7-01-14 07054