05-24-21 - Handout - S. Sneadot &Aoki 6nzad 5/ tql 24 Commission Meeting 5/24/21 I am here with and idea I think will minimize the traffic problem on Beach Ave. Facts: 7300 pics on my game camera in 6 days No speed limit signs from Ahern until after 3rd. St. (first 4 blocks) and then only one mid block between 5th and 6th. until Club. From 10th to 18th there are 15MPH limit signs almost on every block. "Wrong Way" sign on wrong side of the road at 7th. No sidewalks One Way Road South to North There is one sign that displays "Local Traffic Only" on Ahern some feet past the left turn onto Beach Ave. Beach Ave. is the most used area in Atlantic Beach surpassing most of the parks. So let's make it an outstanding feature of Atlantic Beach that welcomes pedestrian traffic. It is a promenade. Let's dress it up as such. A group of neighbors met to discuss this situation two years ago. We all agreed that something needs to be done to slow down and discourage auto traffic. We discussed a partial blocking of the road that would not interfere with emergency vehicles or utility vehicles. We agreed to help develop the way. The road is 20 feet wide. Let's build nice wood planter boxes at the nort side of each intersection that extend out about 5 to 6 feet. We can plant these th beach hardy plants and put and "exit left" sign in each box to send traffic back to Ocean. This will encourage only local traffic to use Beach Ave. These boxes: Will not need water once established if planted correctly. They will not interfere with cars approaching the accesses for the few parking spots available. They will not inhibit vision of activity coming from north to south. They will greatly add to the attractiveness of our beach area, and keep our citizens who walk, ride bikes and run much safer. �-1