08-19-21 reported on but not a handout or presentation2022 Proposed Public Utilities Capital Projects by Group&Priority August 4, 2021 PW DISTRIBUTION Construct 850 LF of 12"PVC WM-Ocean Walk 10"WM to Sherry Dr Cutoff 128,000 W PW DISTRIBUTION Construct 1,850 LF of 12"PVC WM-Sherry Dr Cutoff to Pioneer Dr 278,000 $ 601,000 W PW DISTRIBUTION Construct 1,300 LF of 12"PVC WM-Pioneer Dr to Wonderwood Dr 195,000 W PW DISTRIBUTION Donner Rd WM Upgrade(PU2101 Carryover) 149,051 $ 149,051 W PW PRODUCTION Replace Flow Meters at Wells at WTPs(FY21 Carryover) 63,740 $ 63,740 W PW PRODUCTION WTP#1 Modernization-Construction(P2110 Carryover) 1,400,000 $ 1,400,000 W WW TREATMENT SB64 Compliance-Engineering Study to Determine Options for Removing River Discharge $ 100,000 $ 100,000 WW WW TREATMENT Outfall D-001 Repair-WWTF to Outfall (PU2109 Carryover) 325,227 $ 325,227 WW WW COLLECTION Replace 1,340 LF of 8"FM LS Donner-Donner Rd Rebuild Project(PU2106 Carryover) 187,000 $ 187,000 WW WW COLLECTION Selva Marina LS Forcemain Extension(PU2104 Carryover) 170,000 $ 170,000 WW WW COLLECTION Donner Rd Pipe/Manhole Rehab(PU2103 Carryover) 100,000 $ 100,000 WW WW COLLECTION Puckett Creek FM Crossing @ Oak Harbor Baptist(PU2103 Carryover) 110,000 $ 110,000 WW PW DISTRIBUTION Purchase Existing JEA 20"HDPE WM on Wonderwood Dr 1,000,000 W 1,100,000 PW DISTRIBUTION Tie in JEA 20"WM to existing @Renault&Sherry Dr,Install 2 Isolation valves 100,000 W PW PRODUCTION WTP#2 Modernization-Design&Eng 175,000 $ 175,000 W PW DISTRIBUTION Replace Truck-Distribution(Excessive Engine Hours) 40,000 $ 40,000 W PW DISTRIBUTION Replace Truck-Distribution(Truck P-29)30,000 $ 30,000 W PW DISTRIBUTION Construct 250 LF of 12"PVC WM-Mayport Rd @ AlA (PU2101 Carryover) 150,000 $ 150,000 W PW DISTRIBUTION Construct 110 LF of 12"PVC WM-Mayport Rd @ Mariner's Village(PU2101 Carryover) 100,000 $ 100,000 W WW COLLECTION Odor Control for Buccaneer 1.5 100,000 $ 100,000 WW WW COLLECTION Odor Control for Selva Marina LS 80,000 $ 80,000 WW PW PRODUCTION Retrofit High Priority Wells Vulnerable to Flooding 20,000 W 295,000 WW COLLECTION Retrofit 14 High Priority LS Vulnerable to Flooding 275,000 WW PW PRODUCTION Replace Truck-Water Production 30,000 $ 30,000 W Subtotal: $ 5,306,018 Medium Priority PW PRODUCTION WTP#4-Decommission 100,000 $ 100,000 W PW DISTRIBUTION Cavalla-Install New Long Side Service Connections 40,000 $ 40,000 W WW COLLECTION LS Influent Line Replacement(3 LS) 300,000 $ 300,000 WW WW TREATMENT Replace Digester Catwalk 200,000 $ 200,000 WW PW PRODUCTION Well#3 @ WTP#2&Well#3W @ WTP#3:Acid Cleaning&Casing Repair 180,000 $ 180,000 W PW PRODUCTION WTP#1-Replace 2 Aerator Houses 60,000 W PW PRODUCTION WTP#2-Replace 1 Aerator House 30,000 $ 180,000 W PW PRODUCTION WTP#2-Clean&Paint GST 90,000 W Subtotal: $ 1,000,000 a ; y r - -..a.r' "rn y rGa o- ,{x ar rat'r' ir rfd s1 zT .fi(r- i '>:'?"d:,¢ %' ".'fl," Pdata ri zr, f t , v..aa.ddk Xn'".5 i 2.:,`%3 PW DISTRIBUTION Service Line&Valve Replacements(various) 100,000 $ 100,000 W WW COLLECTION Replacement of Clay Service lines for Selva Marina,Oak Harbor&Park Terrace and Services $ 200,000 $ 200,000 WW WW TREATMENT Upsize headworks line to influent Basin 350,000 $ 350,000 WW PW PRODUCTION Completion of 4-Log Virus Inactivity 10,000 $ 10,000 W WW TREATMENT Blower Buildings:improve ventilation at blower buildings 15,000 $ 15,000 WW Subtotal: $ 675,000 Total: $ 6,981,018