02-01-21 Joint Workshop of the City Commission and ESC adopted minutesMINUTES Joint Workshop of the City Commission and 7g0.,e Environmental Stewardship Committee Monday, February 1, 2021 - 6:00 PM st- Commission Chambers & Zoom ATTENDANCE: Present in Chamber: Ellen Glasser, Mayor- Seat 1 Bruce Bole, Commissioner- Seat 2 Michael Waters, Commissioner- Seat 3 Candace Kelly, Commissioner- Seat 4 Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tern/Commissioner- Seat 5 Mark Gabrynowicz, ESC Chair, District 1307 Member Bruce Andrews, At-Large Member, ESC Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Amanda Askew, Planning and Community Development Director(PCDD) Victor Gualillo, Police Chief Brian Broedell, Principal Planner Present via Zoom: Daniele Giovannucci, Vice Chair, At-Large Member, ESC Romy Vann, At-Large Member, ESC Sarah Andrews Dark, At-Large Member, ESC Amy Palmer, At-Large Member, ESC Sarah Boren, District 1306 Member, ESC Linda Chipperfield, At-Large Member, ESC Deborah Andrews, District 1308 Member, ESC Barbie Brooksher, District 1312 Member, ESC Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) CALL TO ORDER Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. 1. TOPICS - CHAPTER 23 - PROTECTION OF TREES AND NATIVE VEGETATION A. Overview by the Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) Mayor Glasser reviewed the procedure for virtual discussion on the Zoom meeting format. CM Corbin explained the history of the proposed changes to Chapter 23 and stated this project has been ongoing for two years. He mentioned this is the first of many Workshops to be held regarding Chapter 23. Commission Workshop February 1,2021 Mark Gabrynowicz, ESC Chair, presented a PowerPoint titled Chapter 23, Protection of Trees and the Natural Environment(which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as ATTACHMENT A). Dan Giovannucci, ESC Vice-Chair,presented a PowerPoint titled Chapter 23-Protection of Trees and Native Vegetation (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as ATTACHMENT B). Bruce Andrews expressed concerns about the impacts of F.S. 163.045 - Tree pruning, trimming, or removal on residential property. ATTACHMENT A of 02-01-21 Minutes ATTACHMENT B of 02-01-21 Minutes B. Staff Presentation of proposed Chapter 23 Code Update Planning and Community Development Director (PCDD) Amanda Askew presented a PowerPoint titled Chapter 23, Protection of Trees and Native Vegetation (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as ATTACHMENT C) reviewing the Purpose of Code Update. Principal Planner Brian Broedell presented a PowerPoint regarding Proposed Changes to Chapter 23 (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as ATTACHMENT D). CA Durden spoke on recent legislation regarding the House and Senate bills to repeal Florida Statute 163.045, recommendations going forward, and the additional responsibilities to the ESC. CA Durden applauded City staff and ESC for their efforts regarding Chapter 23 updates/revisions. ATTACHMENT C of 02-01-21 Minutes ATTACHMENT D of 02-01-21 Minutes C. Commission and ESC Discussion - Q & A Bruce Andrews spoke regarding the enforcement of the Tree Code by the ESC Tree Subcommittee and the duty to administer the Ordinance. CA Durden explained she responded to the description of the appeal process by adding the Tree Subcommittee into the appeal process. She stated if that intent is not desired,changes would need to be made. Commissioner Kelly asked for clarification regarding the prosecution for an offense. CA Durden responded the offense would be considered a misdemeanor as stated in the provision included in Chapter 1 and enforced by the Police Department. Commission Workshop February 1,2021 PC Gualillo explained the process of enforcement of the Tree Code and explained the resident's intent is part of the investigation. Commissioner Bole asked the magnitude of violations of the Tree Code. PP Broedell responded that on a monthly average, there is approximately one Tree Code violation. Commissioner Kelly asked about repercussions to tree companies operating outside of the COAB ordinances. PCDD Askew mentioned that ESC has an outreach subcommittee wanting to provide information to the public about Tree Code but has held off due to changes in the Code. PCDD Askew explained code violations would be directed to the property owner, not to the tree companies. Commissioner Norris asked for clarification regarding how the Tree Code can protect residents regarding tree mitigation from natural disasters or wrongful mitigation by previous owners. Mr. Andrews explained specific situations would most likely be settled in Civil court. Commissioner Norris expressed interest in creating an appeal process for specific situations. Deborah Andrews explained she would need to read more into the Code about mitigation by natural disaster to determine the violation or exemptions. She spoke about the appeals process, including the Tree Subcommittee. Bruce Andrew reviewed the definition of a regulated tree and changes within the Ordinance to identify a regulated tree. In addition, he spoke about the change in the mitigation rates and both being important to maintaining the COAB tree canopy. Commissioner Kelly asked for a definition of environmentally sensitive areas to be added and asked for additional clarification regarding other amendments. Mark Gabrynowicz mentioned not all trees are on the protected list. Commissioner Kelly asked about the Tree Protection Plan. PP Broedell responded applicants are required to submit a Tree Protection Plan as part of the permit process. She asked about the enforcement of the "determination of success" from the owner and what happens if the property is sold during the three-year process. PP Broedell explained the tracking system used for enforcement. Bruce Andrews added there are many things the City does not actively enforce. By having an Ordinance, it allows enforcement when needed. Commissioner Kelly asked about the enforcement of heritage trees. PP Broedell said there is a map of all heritage trees used for identification, and on-site plaques are used for identification also. Commissioner Norris asked how the definition of"protected nature" gets communicated to new property owners. She suggested more education about trees and the tree programs in AB be more available to residents. Commission Workshop February 1,2021 Sarah Boren suggested using technology (Google Drive) to keep track of trees and their timelines. She supports the disclosure of information regarding heritage trees to the public. Mayor Glasser spoke about using the tree fund money on private property. A conversation ensued regarding planting trees on private property and common areas. Mayor Glasser asked about the statutory requirements regarding removing a tree presenting a danger to a person or property. Bruce Andrews responded State Statute regulates the current language. Mayor Glasser asked about "real life" mitigation situations. A conversation ensued regarding options for paying fines or planting trees for required mitigation. Commissioner Kelly asked about enforcement of excessive pruning and what are the fines associated with excessive pruning. PP Broedell responded he rarely enforces this code. Commissioner Bole added comments about the significance of a tree root raising a part of a driveway and the risk of injury from it. Daniele Giovannucci spoke about the enforcement and interpretation of the State Statute. He suggested the City obtain or have access to expert help with addressing the Tree Code. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Stephen Fouraker spoke regarding the Tree Code appeal process, accountability of licensed tree trimmers, and the formation of City-recommended arborists to protect our quality of life and property values. The Commission spoke about and requested additional information on the following: Clarification of the role of the ECS Tree Subcommittee and the appeal process Role of Code Enforcement, staff, and Police regarding Class D misdemeanors The tracking and enforcement of the three-year mitigation requirement City certified,preferred arborist Balancing private property rights and restrictions Enforcement options for Code Enforcement Officer CM Corbin mentioned additional attempts to reach out for more public involvement would be made. He also mentioned the ESC Outreach Subcommittee would offer tree trimming training to individuals. Once complete,those individuals would be placed on a list of trained individuals and make that list available to the public. Commissioner Kelly requested staff to add the tree fund to the financial report, and CM Corbin requested using the tree mitigation fund for securing arborists for the City. CM Corbin suggested another Public Workshop would be scheduled soon. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 8:20 PM. Commission Workshop February 1,2021 Attest: AltY1-4, Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Elle 1• ser, Mayor Date Approved: 23/2C2 Commission Workshop February 1,2021 TH 02-AT0AC1-21 Minutes zk MENT I.' ti k yam - Li k v r i E k 114: C. ...,'' i P 44„--'.. Nom'. a s: x Nn.C iNt..4.a 7P. 4.''''.....,''''-'1...:. PROTECTIN._REFS AN D T TMJ R o- W NVIR NMENT "F 4 h,, 111:4,:,.. w b n 13 kt1101yt ,E y1 e. til e 'fin` i ' w .. 4, is Lrw A rs 111 i^tits,%1,,,, ilit,. 1 ATTACHMENT A 02-01-21 Minutes i i rw a t- a +t f ' ,,... FF :: 114:1,...U.:t y El Environmental Stewardship Commi•ttee ` r Y , j} :I ; 3= d x Created by Ordinance 5-17-64 f L. Appended to the end of Chapter 23 as paragraph 23 52 Purposes aI , 1) To study and make recommendations to the City, w Commission and City staff with respect to,the City's Fj ' a. Maritime forest; w. 3°, ° pF'` r lu>h FSI b. Parks and open spaces: y r: c. Beautification of public and private spaces, and a d. Environmental stewardship j` Y.u® 2) To act as.a motivating and coordinating body to encourage",>---.-.,1r,;',' ,...:,,.:,:-. _ joint and private participation in promoting these purposes a . :`_ m ATTACHMENT A 02-01-21 Minutes imini Chapter 23 F, -., tk... f`. i. . 7- ,. Protection of Trees and the Natural It F. Environment 1 3.:.;„4:.' ' ''..." ., i, .4;., , , , Inherent Protocols for our task Retain intent of prime directive r r Preserve the Maritime Forest" Simplify definitions, reduce redundancies, conflicts Review and make recommendations I, f for update of policies r Recognize the role of continuous e E improvement 40 Otte: ,''t -1; 11.1.' Balance Private property rights / common good of the community ATTACHMENT A 02-01-21 Minutes 4am-•,,.1, L.. • ' ,.;-, . ,;'',. p-.4-.'- '. ' 1 ..4' ,i. .,,„.: '!+Iter ' jh '-'1.0,..;;;r-442:Wt.- ii•/kr 4f:i -71,44;-414.--J•1immisiiim 41 - ''. 116,,,h,, 7 5.4-ik, r:-._ - ,.. .,,N.. :Maritime Forest Synergisms 7,; ,' ' ; f4 -'''. 1 I ratre,ii-r1 --1',-,,--:.: - _% ...,_,,,,,” 4_. 4,,,,a4 Chapter 23 Intent t,,._FY 41,, ". ,v ,, if i II ,..--.- .- - , ,"..1.;,;r4;04,12'4"' -'—'3 :ffi •i,, ‘,.. -1,,4. ,./ , ,',4 1, if-. ,1%,2,41 ',77-...., ,-,.„4,1.):,',! . .,,,, ' '1,, r• t ,...... ., , ,.,.- -. . 1 ii,, '- i .„ , , , ..-,.-. 23-1 " ....purpose of enhancing, conserving, restoring, L, protecting and preserving the natural environment, i.ril iii::.,:-_- specifically related to tree canopy, stratified understoryand ,::_:., : s,,: r. - ,,,,•7,__,„. -::„.:-.,-,:,..,.,,:i. 1,.!,...,:.:-7-ei,. '"---: , tp,,,:,::./k,,,,,,,,,,..native coastal dune vegetation that provide ecosystem goods and services and co-benefits for shade of criticalareas, .--.: stabilize soils, sequester carbon, improve air quality, reduce runoff...." I .,.. .., , ; r.„. t) . The maritime forest is an integral and uniquely valuable part: io., - ; ' :::-: ' 1.-,i.,,,,,,':'!„:•.cf,-.-:-, . of the City. The maritime forest creates beauty, provides a home for wildlife, functions as a critical element of water- '.; - . :.', , management system, and is confirmed to enhance overall i, property values. ATTACHMENT A 02-01-21 Minutes 3 j r. T 4,71A.',.,.- 0 Y lw , 4i 1.. 1 i..t. ..rn. " 1zrz. ,r,# . p .L .r, „& , trs , t ;, N R,, S,/ Fr , D"• ' e a. w bY g-.."°m _—» t a x a- 4....,7'.----,:-.' 1+"' 4. Y3 :,.. re f [ a4 • F C aVl -: y • I f 3 4 w, _ , y*,.. 1_ _401 ", '.''• C"3%a. t T'. 3},} ., ',...;!.. 7r,-;‘,..-''fw ' 4 ^r sem.. - :..! It ef ./ f 1 ,' r. , '-' 1 Y -' 1( 4`.: g7.';'''''''!:.' k4 lL ? rfr PHI., t_ 1x*,!: i f x ', ? 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Al4. balance of Ecosystems Resources Awareness iirpIrtip Iiir Inft 1 41,.....".7. .........-"7i— 1.......="a.,.....--••„.• •..„-...-..--z.x-ti- 'ot:47.7.-. r.7--, ..:”."..0"7"..:'. 4. m.-.1....--...-;==- -'-' ---'-.,‘i,,-- '.• ATTACHMENT A 02-01-21 Minutes C41 .,A.„„.t 't +bS.„,,-1/4.,.0,1q'4'-'iZb4 `F, '( a w ,, 4,, , -0 -,,`- x ah- ' s ex5 .,f`§ 7 t r a _ra eye- ,p 8 3Ff 4E b in^ 1..,..4. 1,4'!":'14,/,' F 9 re ESQ Scope of Activities rt VL i 23 52 ...protecting the beach, dunes, marshlands and wetlands as critical defenses in hurricane, erosion and 14.;=•..;.-'.'•-.. flooding conditions r, . 5,1"-=:.;-, 2 s f ,p,V E 5.,:".'” ' 3 t. , yrs •ae -,x ' ' a n. ry } k X i' s f j a Kr M 9x `"l h 3I. t fit „ a 6 _ y ATTACHMENT A 02-01-21 Minutes 3...-.- 4,. - ", rt, ,,..., as 1 _-, { C Y .‘ r' ti• s-' ,s,' K- ' r F a ..„,,,, - 1 —'' mow". y'...1.1.—:!:‘,.... 1,1: 7:4 l Q. rd- a °rK, ,',.,,,,,,'"•-•-.r y'' , a`?^ s j. l n t >`"` ;,-- j V'''''.--7--::-.. 0 .M } 1 kq a. 114C. y i rz .fes tt :4 (u r-z VV:.11,„,:`,,, ,i,,, 1e v,;;;;,,,,,-.:;,-•;,-1::_•.--'..::7,-,..44":•-• 44".. 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ATTACHMENT A 02-01-21 Minutes i 1 l 1 p+ dFytr +W m a kyg#i.' i m d 4 }F ixYE ya li ., # a s 5x f 5; -§ ` 'S' -"'7zdy95R R ' 3=Y}'l a, 'i i " k k4rs ' y „Vi. fi F fF k Lh,, cksYiiY „, 7 & hJ2 ) „+' a EYa +r w rBaa u1 r 4 fi 7 d d N., V) jr 1 E f j I ATTACHMENT A 02-01-21 Minutes iii BALANCE WEkki ''' 1 Ch-23 Individual property rights / common good t"iii,_ is ,. ...Resources 4 Maritime Forest and ecosystems Incentives / deterrents a +r e 4 '; L.',..,-.7":; , 1.-_-:.".. . .jF ATTACHMENT B 02-01-21 Minutes L.4.0" C-;a• .r$, a'F_" ii' `.?u a .F_'r... r 5$b. toV sci ? 4'•" 1 5? ,'s i"r.'t' Y r.'2N' q„ 1, ix 1 i' 3` ' k E 's. a Mr ,,, ;P•?' 1 „„ ,` f ,t.. x . k' Li,. i s te,,, .-"ii i. 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' ---• •'.:. , . -. ,, - ....,,,, f421 -;,-..-•;"?.• . - ,...,- 24..;„ -' -:,-;;.-!,-z,..',-,-,-.....-.- --..,,:-... .;:,-;,..,: 17,t-,: t.,,,..,er.,,;.f-k,-,:'t:',F,,, i,.;,;,.:::;. ..,...,_.--, , . •., ., - r••,.-..-„, , , -:, , .,-;,-,- 44,^ii,,;°:;--, , ''':-,1,,,,',,' t«,:::41',...F.1-,,,w,„ _i'-',-;-:.s,-;,,..-','," .,.:-% -'•.-:-. - - '' ATTACHMENT B 02-01-21 Minutes i114 tril; LL INVIRONMER'tat STEWQRDEINROMMRTu, 2017-2020 Statistics a) 92 "Finaled" permits b) Planted more trees than removed 589/673 Hidden statistics a) Avg of 82 in. removed per permit but only 53 in. being re-planted b) A thousand trees (?) removed without permits c) Irrevocable loss of mature trees that take many generations to recover ATTACHMENT B 02-01-21 Minutes ENVIRONMENTALSTEWARDSHIPCOMMITTEE II . The costs-benefits are fairly clear ATTACHMENT B 02-01-21 Minutes OS a EHVIRDNMEN1At..SICWARDSHIPCOMMRttu The Common Benefits of Public Good & Private Property 1. Trees lower all our energy use and costs a) Trees can reduce air conditioning needs by 20-50% since they can lower surface and air temperatures by 20-45°F b) Just ONE tree can save the average household $56 annually in cooling costs. c) Cincinnati community trees save residents $4.8 million annually 2. For resilience, trees save millions, and size matters : a) A community planting 5,000 trees reduces stormwater runoff by millions of gallons. This means less flooded and safer neighborhoods and reduced stress on storm drainage systems saving millions of $ in infrastructure upgrade costs. 5 year old tree intercepts 133 GAL rainfall per year while a 40 year old intercepts 5,387 GAL rainfall per year a mature oak can transpire 40,000 GAL per year — not many left a) Tree canopies significantly reduce and dissipate high winds. But cutting out pockets of trees increases the vulnerability of others and the chances that trees and homes around them will be damaged. N.B. Credible DATA from sources that include: USGS, U.S. EPA, Carnegie Institution, U.S. Forest Service, ,Arbor Foundation, National Association of Realtors, Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers. ATTACHMENT B 02-01-21 Minutes E" QNM STEWARDTW COMMITTEE, The Common Benefits of Public Good & Private Property 3. Economic home values are strongly affected by trees a) Just one mature tree can add up to $10K to the value of a home according to the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers. Houses neighboring those with trees also sell for thousands more b) Homes with mature trees are worth 5% to 15% more than homes without trees and sell more quickly In Portland, homes with street trees sold faster and for $7K more c) Homes may be worth up to 25% more where the entire street is tree-lined. In Atlanta, homes sold for nearly $105,000 more in neighborhoods with mature trees ATTACHMENT B 02-01-21 Minutes 111;i3 Cif ENVIRCHINISMITAt STEW/MIMI? coMMRRt II . The Code Highlights ATTACHMENT B 02-01-21 Minutes ritE a..- ETNIROHMEp7At_- .. nEIHARDS HP COMMITTEL Atlantic Beach Tree and Native Vegetation Code Simpler for community and for city staff Responsive to the expressed needs of the community for clarity and to protect resources, especially those that are a generational Legacy Updated with new understanding of canopy and value of certain species and allows continuous improvement Building on best practice — reviews of other communities in FL and across US Flawed in that it does not yet address a critical issue of how.a community. can determine its future given the rights of cutters ATTACHMENT B 02-01-21 INVIROMMINIALSitWARDSHN COMMrtiEE. FL statute 163.045 - Tree pruning, trimming, or removal on residential property 1) A local government may not require a notice, application, approval, permit, fee, or mitigation for the pruning, trimming, or removal of a tree on residential property if the property owner obtains documentation from an arborist certified by the International Society of Arboriculture or a Florida licensed landscape architect that the tree presents a danger to persons or property. 2) A local government may not require a property owner to replant a tree that was pruned, trimmed, or removed in accordance with this section. ATTACHMENT C 02-01-21 Minutes a C 1 - 1,.f i,Wi ; '''' k t i ill'. ntic S C r 2 ProtectionateoTrees and Native La0 rA. $C s_. ...........,._. N.y,,.,„„,- . ...., r WS 1W74,-. - c4 y w-:•.., ,; i x st. at.i l: aZ*. r 1 4, ATTACH MENT C 02-01-21 Minutes Purpose of Code Update Ei . KSrElli°11::: COMPAM EE Late 2018: Staff & the (ESC) review the Tree Code at the direction of the City Commission Directed to reviewincluding vacant lots,specific items heritage tree exemptions, & waivers) passed affecting regulation 0,11 ,,2019: StateLegislation of trees private property entire code should betotStaffagreed2019: ESC ° that the updated rather than a few sections meetings and2019- Staff2020.ESC held severalpublic workshops to discuss and Propose updates to the Tree Code Tonight: Presenting the proposed changes for feedback and input ATTACHMENT C 02-01-21 Minutes Ai! efft. *-;..'. ,. 04. i''' Brief overview of code y_. ° k i.ri t )4',, M ps rtf 1 - ,t1. 44Y:::, 4 ,., '."' , r i s1' a I. 't: tit 'A, ° d+_,„ 01dc_' s , t x1 :4; i F. * • 1 e`- 111 « , .'k rr Ilk, ,/"441- pVolL• { yL r ts i. lt• A' N f Y f V-.1* PURPOSE OF CODE: i11,';':00 q" . as Establish procedures and i ., ,,, 44' T 1,yY1. 1 may,. + J•..:.: 1:,',,,:::'.. 17,-,:,1,7„..1:4 ,-. 1:„.,• } A t1`p- re ulations to rotect. restore . . x"I .® and. enhance the tree _canopy erc IpYdAl S. t. and the natural environment 0:4,-*-4.:?...-: .;...,....;.•Ii.,-----;z:e. :' Y •0 Fp3 •I1{A.Jii µ'og' e 1a Y f, J i a- 11`+j }i i 1,... g ...1"'...4° IN), '...!6 ..,1 1 1. 1i 1,te% i v . - i Y$ jr• t t r 1d r 4 s`' R • S noir "'"- 0*' 1.t. r c a moi .^ M1 74y V 1 rINAf a 9j c6".4-41:4 1 y i ° s l gg c. 1ti' a iq1g : - .,- *Si . 7 r .r4d=1 t t M „ f kti ts• ATTACHMENT C 02-01-21 Minutes What trees are protected/regulated ? Trees with a DBH of six (6) inches or more on residentially zoned property that will be removed two (2) years prior to or two (2) years subsequent to construction valued at over ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00); Trees defined as legacy trees (larger hardwood trees); A DBH of ten (10) inches or more, ifzoned nonresidential. . Existing code 14141 rI4. , a t tfLrrl f tir ww1:r Tri ti „- a ti 1a t ,` s } `. 3. a , tf'•, f' 471%,' aly `f t 1 - ice 1, A #` t + F n t j l>, r r,- t..,,• A # A,1 .v„..,0--. ” ti J.i x;}4'1 r-t A ....,..._. 4 ' dr. I I I . 0 r 1 r °St. t , `'. 1 . a , rid B t M v , Js y I•- ' a' t ''It' arm' td 4 a c"—... ATTACHMENT C 02-01-21 Minutes ishen i. 1ri n€r Ft t`t0. E f M AL . RMIT ' iEtitiliTTTEAnswer:A, 8 and t- find, i u i t- rt Existing code Qp 1``, A ittv1 4., C tf - 10)..... tta i PEPS had 0.3#141011.411t Ate any of-ttra Bt, to be retneOed . 1 "Age.An. of 4 Un tot ,ei nti nilin 211, .F.'tl a as dial or Lbw iii i e O ICkiinr andhal - '`'- n-Piennn i f rthelexe ye4m? 1 Fo.`• • proteid' pette-s} 'dlrra,eteret lirre ' am 0 414 glii l 4Liro. 4% s• o. 40661 a YE ' Ei YES- .'_'• ,. .- '- , --Na A„.0-YE - . ' 1410___1-» stntctlar1 pie rtitvatus Are shy of tine tr*e.,srr _ Go drractf" .'r A,g, mF I5 A_, ARMITIS, at S7,It00armore"i Gadtrectlytofi ';- of €eat speaes7 tai REQUIRED!'. NOT REQUIRED Bald dinged Southern . Florida s;' Cypress Elm Magnoliahhapi ES - vutherti Fiodtm 'Sweetbay Red reestc bd rnoltedare Re Cedar' MagnoliaRedCeEim • Magn a Maple titer oriatg r?. Go d6ractty.t1):6 7-,s,.. r r, b dram, Eas#errs Reran Pl n fupe oRedCedarrEio y Live flhlaaly. 4-;.4 ; ` s Yes\ . t:N- o Oak pays A-rERMIEIS-• APERM1'1S RE UIRED NOTR UtJIR E7 DIAMETER' k PIe1 I?IIT I . _ .A PERTAINS, ' Dtnn€to i rnaashred at 54"htcgh lithe trettfork,.beer r#hat, REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED t4mbiiie tkie diameter of each tiitnk, tflt"iforksat: 4'yrig*aauraltt beiow ti theightt:• ATTACHMENT C 02-01-21 Minutes Exemptions : Trees that are not protected/regulated , f, .1144::,,-,,1, k Invasive/prohibited species yy =11 - ,-^ jr"..„ „ f `,,,,,t I Emergency Situation Storm damage is 9 Safety Hazar Poses a threat to public health, safety or welfare :' Diseased Pest Infested Trees p f f:, a eta ArW.t Utility Operations 4 :'••._ i::';''',.-A' 4, , a4*kg ,r, ' µ 4 Ex. J EA: 4 r . FF City Crews rExisting code tx k: ;± w ATTACHMENT C 02-01-21 Minutes Required Mitigation Mitigation is the required "compensation" when a protected tree is removed. Mitigation can be accomplished by planting new trees, relocating trees, and/or paying into the Tree Fund. 7" 1.f.7.,: - , v :•,,,,,s5 c:... ';.i-,„,,,,,,, 4, -,, Los:tir.,, 4.. ,::,,, 3 t , 4 4.,,... t * -A4-''6"...,..,,, it i i.- ---4.,2.4...,; . • ,- ...,- , 1 1104 4. Required Mitigation Ratios: ---- - - --'- PROPERTY TYPE REMOVED REQUIRED Existing code cut down) MITIGATION Private Property = i, 2 inch 1 inches Public Property • .=- 1 inch 1 inch ATTACHMENT C 02-01-21 Minutes Required Mitigation Cost to pay into Tree Fund mirrors COJ's rate and is based on the price for a new 4" caliper Live Oak. Current rate is $144 per inch) Oaks must be replaced by new oaks Legacy Trees must be .replaced by "Legacy Species Palms may be used to replacepalmsp Trees planted for mitigation must survive for at least 3 years Protected trees removed without a permit are assessed double the required mitigation Existing code ATTACHMENT C 02-01-21 Minutes Required Mitigation Example : 20" diameter magnolia* removed = 10" diameter mitigation legacy tree = must be replaced with legacy species (hardwood) Existing code New Plantings: Two (2) 5" caliper live oak a 11‘lt% h...f.4' ' ` ir•' tom• '< y S 4? a, r Y t t rte,} v Existing code 43, 5" live oak Ian20" magnolia removed 5" live oak planted p ted ATTACHMENT C 02-01-21 Minutes Current C® e "Analysis"n Statistics (92 permits) May, 2017 to Dec. 2020 1,;V:,.-',7.fi566ibtgEr-itittibtti104.74v4d.,-- ' - ,, Aifja6 1(''' ''• '''.''' '''.'.' '' '''. ' ', '1.!:',' : ' , '.1'i'''' .. • 1' I 1.!'.:1•4!.;.: 4a..5:z.,,Titeragplloot,00-- 4',:' t4g,i4Oht-tftiiiiOhti46t6i-lhiKg'T'i' tr-000114PaihtlE130',U01)1g 471060:6Y:044,itiiih6*ebeltig: ,, :L 1...:,,,-„,,,,,,,,,,:,2,;,..--?;..:-,:!.,:::;.,,,:;74.,,,,,,:,,:::,•:..:"..::,‘:,,,,...-,,,,,,•:- .. -,••••, 61fi . 0P: :ik4fi::, 1!•,, , ...i., : ' ' ,5' ' • 4t'', .Aii&661 ,'Cifii 2ftlbtTltitit,:, 2.'• °, 1: '.:,.., 1,pH::201,•,;04:01W.ti.l.J1W6ti494il.: ' ' '• :iY OgiliVrt;;.;T 4, 00fale:bft:SifildWti5ifig,,!:' 1.' planted 00:-.itree-s,temoitat pe tritL.T 4:.,,' : .-V,•:,.,, TIH:: :!.1''.:Y.,. ...•'1..1..re 4,....•,9., „ :., '. , II , Previouff Code pre-201Sk 1.1.Zr pbrited fr0m Joao ,29,2..59 go Sept. 2(),V,4 illimitrr;&:;',-..Resrn:47k0,0::- . ',:liith-,,74;.R1,44-nia,fp' ATTACHMENT C 02-01-21 Minutes Current Code "Analysis" 1.64" are planted for every 2" removed Roughly 1 "Legacy Tree" is removed for every 2 tree . permits t 46,438.28 paid into Tree Fund for these permits:, as :well These stats only includes protected trees, they dosnot .j capture other "non-regulated" ,trees that were removed i.e. no construction) ATTACHMENT D 02-01-2021 Minutes ProposedChanges to Chapter 23 Recap of Issues with Current Code . Confusing Difficult to Enforce Creates Loopholes Doesn't protect larger trees No incentives to keep larger trees E's ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP OmMITTEE ATTACHMENT D 02-01-2021 Minutes Proposed Changes ( Global Overview) Clean up definitions and language: Consistent terminology, add gt remove definitions, clarify conflicting or unclear language, etc. i.e. "regulated" vs. "protected" Change which trees are considered regulated Change/clarify which trees receive preservation credit mitigationIncreasetherequired Allow Tree Fund money to be spent on private property (front Change appeals process Address mitigation for tree removal on undeveloped l ots Add language addressing recent state legislation ATTACHMENT D 02-01-2021 Minutes Regulated Trees Current Definition : Proposed Definition : (Remove a. A DBH of six (6) inches or more on lok threshold) residentially zoned property that will a. All trees with a DBH of six (6) be removed two (2) years prior to or two (2) years subsequent to inches or more on residentially construction valued at over ten zoned property thousand dollars ($10,000.00); Confusing for public Easier to follow and Difficult to track &.. enforce understand Creates loopholes (remove Easier to enforce trees & wait two years)Eliminates loopholes Disproportionate results Will result in more Leaves many larger . protected treeshardwoodsunprotected ATTACHMENT D 02-01-2021 Minutes Preservation Credit Current Language for Pres. Proposed Change : Credit: Eliminate preservation credit, EXCEPT Existing onsite trees that are three that New Residential Development 3) inches DBH or greater and will receive a: which are neither protected nor 25% reduction in overall mitigation for transplanted may be utilized as every "designated maritime species" credit towards the assessed that is 14"+ dbh that is preserved, up mitigation, subject to the other to a 50% reduction or 40 inches conditions stated in this section, if whichever is less preserved onsite" Leftover" language from 3 • Creates incentive to preserve original Tree Code with large hardwoods during new buildable areas, etc. home construction Generally, results in all Would onlyapply to property unprotected trees receiving pp y p p y preservation credit with an open permit for a new home ATTACHMENT D 02-01-2021 Minutes Required Mitigation ESC Proposed Changes: Increase mitigation and create new categories TABLE-14 TANQAt4.1jAlrriGATION A'S$E-$:SIMENT I CIASSIFitooN:pf cLA'ssill:ciktioN,0P'13Ed,OliAlTI):TEi1*.OPEkrir I 1. Proposed code i',i1-4:1...c11,''t'..illigaMit;. '7,'`-,,,nik%fiffotrefrit'Ne h'ehe"-s'reqatirecir Orarra, e' .--,4,17.e.•,,, ;' _. f - 4 _e. 1, , jf't ',:41,;`,,ez t*-,-,:42',:.,'''',Ki.,;,'Nfif4s,,, ,•T,k,'-,P,',:V414.<tt4 A.'-,,'',,,',.-'..' 'i' -. .,..,.,,,,,........,. ..,...,.-- rj - ' 'MM.&,4-.',- 'f ,"; 1 t 0 B r 1' L ...55Zt.:2.:-;M C ' ia-11;.V"'i- 'I''.5'r .'''''' -. 4.'.. - ci'''-'''' ------ww-fmr5/ —Numfiberontiniglat, irews:rieritiloye ,,,--.. V - - mt 1-04&,--,,,,:*, ---,z-i - -'-'-- ---,----- -,--,i,— --,t', 7.-:•'7'''':'''. ''t'';r2-.-' ' :. ----'''''.7r.-''' ti, cn-- ''..,"A i 5 4; ,f0 e .,,„, 5 HeritagePIMMEMtift miliavi III.*A 4. 1, private Oa rtel5 i;1_ ii.,v.,...,. , Public parcels La- e_.- ' 2:i Public-eightS:'0f-'1,011:-, 3; a ea Sertient$,-;.eth., I Environmentailli:sensitive BJ..:,. i.-46- 2:-I. lit 3:.11-listoriC corridor- 2:1 ATTACHMENT D 02-01-2021 Minutes Require d Mitigation Examples from Real Permits ExistingCode Prop,, _,..,,,,,_ .,: 7- '-':- osed.Code', Total Mitigation".:' Mitigation diameter Owed Planting Payment paled Planting Payment Inches ('s"owed=for 1' ' , Example :Example 1 s"-owed for 1"Example' Example Removed removed) lr removed) o or General Plant • Plant three (3) nine,(9) Removal e 24" 12" 1,728 36" 4" caliper 5,184 4 caliper oaks soaks 7--*: , F r._t+t Fit :..,11,;;;...4,...., Y 6 y Y t t s t — s e 1 wwt..Xr.....rt.a....u.uw.,..m«YwL+. T..t..a...{ u'...u. ATTACHMENT D 02-01-2021 Minutes ReqRequired Mitigation Examples from Real Permits Existing Code Proposed Code Total Diameter Mitigation Planting Payment Mitigation Planting Payment Inches Owed Example Example Owed Example Example Removed Tear Down and Plant twenty Plant sixty six Development 212" 106" seven (27) 4" $15,246 262"66) 4" caliper 37,728 of New Home caliper trees trees mr--- pIfke; , a.et.': 4 j •:.1;,:t.; s X 66 R i p.4 _" ytlT R 4.1 1 ii iiii ....„ , , , , H „. „ Ai ,. , ,,Ai. .,.. .,,, c ''• iti Ilia. 4 , . 6.... , jii 1. „; „ A " + c a + .J. i_ii.,_ 2 r r ATTACHMENT D 02-01-2021 Minutes iReuredMitigation Examples from Real Permits Existing Code Proposed Code Total Diameter Mitigation Owed Planting Example Payment Mitigation Owed Planting ExampleInchesRemovedExample Example Payment New Home Built on Plant fifty four(54) Plant one hundred Vacant Lot 540" 270" 5" caliper trees $ 38,880 592.5" nineteen(119) 5" $85,320 caliper trees fir i ! *,,,- trU°' . ••' 1u— kr - - ic d r r• -7'I. 54 AFC'+ si ' 1—A4, vyRht w h mar r1 > j' ... i M r l r s.r ATTACHMENT D 02-01-2021 Minutes Tree Fund Monies Used to plant trees within the city Trees must be planted on public property Proposed Change: Allow trees paid for by the Tree Fund to be planted on private property Only in front yards, or side yards on corner lots Encourage shade trees that impact public spaces. Often times utilities/powerlines prohibit planting in public right of ways Property owners would agree to maintain (reduce city maintenance costs) i re.... 4.L ^ j r ,,* -,!.: 1 7.0 aye I—.: f i., _3 ry j rr lit,, y. r * '. -'.... r 4,,, A.t I;. 4..'.*',,. '.tom " µr 1 1 ATTACHMENT I) 02-01-2021 Minutes Appeals Process Current Code: Generally, all appeals or request for relief from the code go to the City Commission On very limited occasions, appeals go the Tree Subcommittee (of the ESC) Existing code Proposed Change: AU appeals or requests for relief would be heard by the Tree Subcommittee. Appeals of their decision then go to the Community Development Board and further appeals to the City Commission. Tree. Subcommittee is knowledgeable of and familiar withthe tree code (existing & proposed) Proposed code, ATTACHMENT D 02-01-2021 Minutes Undeveloped/Vacant Lots City Commission directed ESC & staff to address mitigation for lots that haven't been developed l . These lots are often overgrown with vegetation and trees Higher than usual mitigation required developed Often not enough room on-site to replant the 11‘ required mitigation Proposed Change: Allow applicants to plant trees on private property within mile radius Still replenishes the tree canopy A Provides flexibility to meet the required mitigationfn fr ONLY applies to lots that haven't had a structure in 20+ years Proposed code ATTACHMENT D 02-01-2021 Minutes Recent State Legislation Local Gov. cannot require a permit or mitigation for the removal of a tree on private property if the property owner obtains documentation from an arborist or landscape architect that the . . - tree presents a danger to persons or property. Proposed Language: 2INOMithstandino any rovision in thit,Cha•ter:to the _contrary, the city may not require a.nOtice. approval, permit.or mitigation for the- .pruning, trimming or' removal of- atreeon residentially used property if the-,:prOpetty.OWner obtains documentation from an arhorist or a Florida licensed landscape architect that the tree presents a danger to persons or PrOpertv. Documentation must be obtained by the:property.oWner 1..)4ior to:the tree r emOVaj and.must:note that theiremoyal of theAree,is-necessary due to presenting adart,•gerto personor proPerty:. The documentation must he made ,available to the adMinistrator Within three (3) business days from the-date 'of-request Falsification of such documentation is-:a serious ,offense that is subject to, prosecution and May alsci)be reported to the'.r-elevant certification body Proposed code ATTACHMENT D 02-01-2021 Minutes Questions and Public Comments? 1,3 ' $ A.,,,,,,,,.....,...,..„.4 ^,. tita t ! • ' lila ^4' oA . } - . " v y y e. r Jy'AP* ..'4•21" i •C . 4. nR '" % :i'.r1?• 0TH Au31 ; 1 14 ,.y '41 •a r'ejAS'+rM ±, T , !. 4S"fc p• yx:.'1.4C,,,:-Y i ] .6 4..,;,•„;,9,A-i,,, "` $y.` aVr72 •I';':,, ¢ 'i''. r G$ria rg. '1xFt: i r G ' Q + y t rfo1lr E a z t '( 13j1 t• 9 S%.,-. 7i,;.. ,,,g.,4-1:, on ".` 1 RFs , i 7A ttlj7 am+rA i , Y p a E• 5 yirn a'kpt N ..1 4•ty 2'5,,.(,x.,,(,c. 1 .. ',•.-:-`"-`-t,.- I . ' SrO ten' - aK# 9F• Rr 4 r r 4` t o,1*-,,,, -i.,-,P.,,,,..„,&‘-, r l.. s ti w « Y1' i`I , • Ie•-!•"4*. jS ,1 ct j N •r ltd t Sfi .."A, r ' -, l , c. " V ~ s . , Y, gizfo- .n ATTACHMENT D 02-01-2021 Minutes Next Steps & Information Keep up to date at: https://www.coab.us/808/City-Projects COAB/Departments/Planning and Community Development/City Project/Chapter 23) . ' Comments forwarded to trees@coab.us All code changes require an ordinance change and will be heard at a min. two times before Commission e ' tit' s i ate 70. ,_"-' ',R°' y 41 rrk ry11M-' A c r, rfi' rig,r h' r F E ) -may, t' A+ 4 fir6 k Aella