07-26-21 Regular City Commission Adopted MinutesMINUTES Regular City Commission Meeting Monday, July 26, 2021 - 6:30 PM svi Commission Chamber INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CALL TO ORDER Following the Pledge, Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. City Clerk Bartle called the roll. ATTENDANCE: Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor- Seat 1 Bruce Bole, Commissioner- Seat 2 Michael Waters, Commissioner- Seat 3 Candace Kelly, Commissioner- Seat 4 Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem/Commissioner- Seat 5 Also Present: Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1A. Approve minutes of the Public Meeting between Mayor Pro Tern Norris and Commissioner Waters on March 24,2021. 1B. Approve minutes of the April 19,2021 Special Called Meeting. Mayor Glasser asked if there were any corrections or changes needed. There were no corrections to the minutes. Mayor Glasser stated the minutes stand as submitted. 2 COURTESY OF FLOOR TO VISITORS 2A. Jacksonville City Council Member Rory Diamond (various topics of interest affecting Atlantic Beach). Mayor Glasser welcomed Councilman Rory Diamond. Councilman Diamond highlighted the following topics relevant to Atlantic Beach: Land Use and Zoning Committee Investigation of JEA Created approximately 18 bills to assure government transparency Combined with the three beaches' mayors to promote a Sexual Assault Awareness campaign Continue the fight to assure as much tax money as possible is returned to the Beach community, including Mayport docks Regular City Commission July 26,2021 Support Penman Road updates Completion of the pier in 2022 Accurately manage Hanna Park, including incentives for families and patrons CIP plans Creation of The Fire Watch program (NE Florida's fight against Veteran's suicide) Re-Districting to possibly include Intracoastal West area Properly distributed COVID-19 programs, assistance, and testing centers Future Bill proposal to stop the Mayor of Jacksonville from being able to close the Beaches without obtaining consent from local leaders of the Beach community Councilman Diamond answered questions from the Commission. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Glasser opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. No one wished to speak. Mayor Glasser closed Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. 3 CITY MANAGER REPORTS 3A. Paid Parking CM Corbin reported on the two proposed changes from Neptune Beach regarding the paid parking for 18th and 19th Street in Atlantic Beach as follows: Increase in the revenue split just for the 18th and 19th Street spaces (50/50 split) Install cash machine on 18th Street only due to surveillance camera on the street CM Corbin stated if the Commission agrees with the proposed changes from Neptune Beach, amendments would be made to the document immediately,allowing for Neptune Beach to add the agreement to their next agenda for approval. Discussion ensued regarding the proposed amendments from Neptune Beach about the 50/50 split in revenue from the 18th and 19th Street parking. The Commission agreed to propose the following counter-offer with Neptune Beach: Immediate approval and program start-up at the consistent rate of 70/30 split. Postpone program start-up and request document showing data for an increase in cost to justify rate split. 3B. Accept the 90-Day Calendar ACTION: There was CONSENSUS to accept the 90-Day Calendar. COVID-19 Update: CM Corbin spoke about the recent spike in COVID-19, mentioning a few staff members and a child in the afterschool program testing positive recently. Regular City Commission July 26,2021 Vision Statement: Deputy City Manager Kevin Hogencamp spoke about the need for Vision and Mission statements for the COAB and the plan to create both statements with the help of the residents, staff, and Commission. 4 REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Kelly proposed using some of the parking funds to clean up the corner of Ahern Street and East Coast Drive. Commissioner Norris requested an update on Sherry Drive near Atlantic Beach Elementary. Mayor Glasser gave a brief history of her efforts, explained her plans to speak with the principal again, and emphasized the importance of managing expectations. Commissioner Waters asked CM for follow-up regarding a previous conversation regarding no parking on 19th Street during certain hours, removing some bike racks on 19th Street to convert into low-velocity vehicle parking, and parking at Waters Park. CM Corbin explained the signs had been changed, showing the allowed parking times on 18th and 19th Street. Before making any changes regarding parking,he would want to present the changes to the Commission first. He reviewed the options with the Commission and was directed to bring the topic back for further discussion at a future meeting. Mayor Glasser mentioned the COAB earned a City Catalyst Grant from Florida League of Cities for a project to create ADA-accessible playground equipment. She also mentioned the community mourns the loss of Dr. Leon Haley from UF Health. 5 UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS None. 6 CONSENT AGENDA 6A. Acknowledge receipt of the Monthly Financial Report as of June 30, 2021. 6B. Acknowledge receipt of the Building Department Quarterly Report through Q3. MOTION: Approve Consent Agenda Items A and B as written. Motion: Brittany Norris Second: Candace Kelly Candace Kelly (Seconded By) For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Ellen Glasser For Bruce Bole For Michael Waters For Motion passed 5 to 0. Regular City Commission July 26,2021 7 COMMITTEE REPORTS None. 8 ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS None. 9 ACTION ON ORDINANCES None. 10 MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 10A. Jacksonville City Council Member Rory Diamond (various topics of interest affecting Atlantic Beach). CM Corbin mentioned Public Works and Public Utilities had their department's FY2021- 22 budget review last week and tonight the Police Department would conduct their budget review. Police Chief Gualillo reviewed his PowerPoint titled 2022 Police Budget Presentation along with the pay scales of Police Union Employees (which are attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as ATTACHMENT A). He explained his and the union's proposals and requested feedback on which option(s) to include in the proposed budget. PC Gualillo and FD Burns answered questions from the Commission regarding salaries, recruitment, retention, pension costs, and benefits. The Commission provided feedback and gave direction to include the 10.5 Hour Shift option in the proposed budget and open the pay issue. ATTACHMENT A to 7-26-21 Minutes 11 CITY ATTORNEY/CITY CLERK REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS None. 12 CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COMMISSIONERS AND CITY MANAGER None. 13 ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, Mayor Glasser declared the meeting adjourned at p.m. Attest: 424;ee, Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Ellen Glasser, Mayor Date Approved: 8/z3/z0z/ Regular City Commission July 26,2021 ATTACHMENT A 7-26-21 Minutes 2022 Police Budget Presentation ATTACHMENT A7-26-21 Minutes Challenges Officers are not happy with the work schedule The Department needs to provide adequate training We need to provide appropriate staffing levels for service and safety Attracting and Retaining Officers is a problem::: Staffing plans have to consider-not only crime rates and calls for service but also types of service:per-formed and the ability to allow employees time off ATTACHMENT A 7-26-21 Minutes Scheduling Options 10.5 Hour Shift 12 Hour Shifts 5/4, 5/4,...6/4 Pro - 24 training days / Pro - 1 Officer on PL year No .0T coverage Con — need to cover needed Leave with OT, frequently Con — significant causing Off. to work reduction of training multiple of their ,days off days Solution — Increase: 0Solution -` Increase manpower OT Budget ATTACHMENT A 7-26-21 Minutes Budget Impact of Staffing Options 10.5 Hour Shift 12 Hour Shift 110,000 increase in 150,000 increase in OT - salary & benefits for 2 for training Off. positions 24,000 increase for equipment 114,000 increase in vehicles (7 year invest. Or $16,285 per year) i5O,285 Per year ATTACHMENT A 7-26-21 Minutes Per Capita Officer Ratios Per 1.000 Residents Agency Ratio Pop. NB 22 Officers 3 .03 7,259 2019.. USCB) JB 67 Officers 2 .83 23,628 2019 USCB) AB 30 Officers 2 . 16 13,872 2019 USCB) JSO 1800 .0ff. 1 .9 911,507. 2019 USCB) My desire is to bring the agency up to 36 sworn positions or 2.6 Officers per 1000 residents Additional Officers would also help maintain adequate staffing levels ATTACHMENT A 7-26-21 Minutes ro • ect Community Security Cameras $50K ATTACHMENT A 7-26-21 Minutes Current Pay Pay w/No Changes 1 Pay w/Proposed Changes Employee Officer/Sergeant Current Step Hourly Rate Annual Salary '.+;Step(as of Oct 1,2021) Hourly Rate Annual Salary Difference .,,Step(as of Oct 1,2021) Hourly Rate Annual Salary Difference Rustic()8onifacio Officer 4 $21.25 $46,410.00 S $22.27 $48,637.68 $2,227.68 .i 5 $23.83 $52,042.32 $5,632.32 William Cassidy Officer 12 $31.42 $68,621.28%%tl; 13 $32.44 $70,848.96 $2,227.68"sg' 13 $34.71 $75,808.39 $7,187.11 Andressa Damascene Officer 3 $20.24 $44,204.16 .t., 4 $21.25 $46,410.00 $2,20584 wj 4$ 22.74 $49,658.70 $5,45454 Paul Diakos Sergeant 7 $38.55 $84,193.20 ,r 8 $40.57 $88,604.88 $4,411.68 ic,, 8 $43.41 $94,807.22 $10,614.02 Jason Fissel Officer 14 $34A4 $75,216.96 ..: 14 $34.44 $75,216.96 0.00 i"F 14 $36.85 $80,482.15 $5,265.19 8t' Robert Harding Officer 14 $34.44 $75,216.96 1 14 $34A4 $75,216.96 0.00 / 14 $36.85 $80,482.15 $5,265.19 r;°'. Jimmy Hundley Sergeant 6 $37.54 $81,987.36 ,,-';, 6 537.54. 581,987.36 0.00 ter: 7 $41.25 $90,086.72 $8,099.36 Yavonne Ikram Officer 5 $22.27 $48,637.68 n, 6 $23.80 $51,979.20 $3,34152 ,. 6 $25.46 $55,617.74 $6,980.06 Charles Jamison- Sergeant 5 $3650 $79,716.00 6 $37.54 $81,987.36 $2,271.36. - 6 ' $40.17 $87,726.47 $8,010.47 Barrett lockers Officer 1 $19.22 $41,976.48 -': 1, 519.22 $41,976.48 0.00 'f: 1 $2057 $44,914.83 $2,938.35 Carl Johnston Officer 14 $34.44 $75,216.96 `,, 14 '$34.44 $75,216.96 0.00 Cr. 14 $36.85 $80,482.15 $5,265.19 r,. Dustin Joiner Officer 6 $23.80 51,979.20,i`: 7 525.32 $55,298.88 $3,319.68:-; 7 $27.09 $59,169.80 $7,190.60 Griffin Kelly Officer 2 $19.73 $43,090.32,jir, 3 $20.24 $44,204.16 $1,113.84-,-¢' 3 $21.67 $47,298.45 $4,208.13 Jeremy Manini Officer 2 519.73 $43,090.32 " 2 $19.73 $43,090.32 0.00 2 $21.11 $46,106.64 $3,016.32 Robert McLendon Officer 2 $19.73 - $43,090.32 zs 3 - $20.24 $44,204.16 $1,113.84 , 3 $21.67 $47,298.45 $4,208.13 u' Kevin Miley Officer 3 $20.24 $44,204.16 . 4 $21.25 $46,410.00 $2,205.84 `. 4 $22.74 $49,658.70 $5,454.54 Cody Miller Officer - 2 $19.73 $43,090.32;A%j, 3 $20.24 $44,204.16 $1,113.84',,v,, 3 $21.67 $47,298.45 $4,208.13 Adrian Moore Sergeant 2 $32.44 $70,848.96,. t 3 $34.44 $75,216.96 $4,368.00 ' 3 $36.85 $80,482.15 $9,633.19 Christopher Pegram Sergeant 7 $38.55 , $84,193.20 s 8 , $40.57 $88,604.88 , $4,411.68 8 - $43.41 $94,807.22 $10,614.02 Corey Rhodes Officer 4 $21.25 $46,410.00 5 522.27 $48,637.68 $2,227.68 # 5 $23.83 $52,042.32 $5,632.32 Jennifer Richardson Officer 2 $19.73 543,090.32 f . 2 $19.73 , $43,090.32 0.00 Fk; 2 r,;,, 21x11 $46,106.64 $3,016.32 F_= Mason Shaffer Officer S $26.85 $58,640.40 r'."x1 9 $28.37 $61,960.08 $3,319.68fii. 9 53035 $66,297.28 $7,656.88 Timothy Stafford Officer 3 $20.24 $44,204.16;v 4 $21.25 $46,410.00 $2,205.84'4 4 $22.74 $49,658.70 $5,454.54 Josef VanHof Officer 6 $23.80 $51,979.20',,,r, 6 $23.80, $51,979.20 0.00 21 7 $27.09 $59,169.80 $7,190.60 1,389,307.92 1,431,393.60 $42,085.68 1,537,503.44 $148,195.52 41, C.P4 Aid 2'; 1 V