FY2022 Proposed Budget as of 9-2-21City of Atlantic Beach CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FY2022 BUDGET Proposed version Last updated 09/01/21 City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 4 Budget Message 5 History of City 7 Demographics 9 Organization Chart 14 Fund Structure 15 Basis of Budgeting 17 Budget Process 18 Financial Policies 19 Property Values and Ad Valorem Taxes 20 Budget Overview 25 Strategic Priorities 26 Personnel Changes 28 Fund Summaries , 29 All Funds Summary 30 General Fund 41 Comm Dev Block Grant Fund 48 Pay For Parking Rev Fund 49 Tree Protection Fund 54 Convention Dev Tax Fund 55 Local Option Gas Tax Fund 56 Better Jax 1/2 Ct Sale Tx 60 FI Contraband Forfeit Fd 63 Court Cost Training Fund 64 Radio Communication Fund 65 Community Redevelopment 66 Debt Service Fund 67 Capital Projects Fund 69 Water Fund 74 Sewer Fund 79 Water -System Dev-Sdc-Fees 84 Sewer -System Dev-Sdc-Fees 85 Sanitation Fund 86 Building Code Enforcement Fund 92 Storm Water Drainage Fund 96 Pension Trust Fd -General 101 Pension Trust Fund -Police 105 Departments 109 City Commission 110 City Manager 114 City Clerk 117 Finance 122 Information Technology 128 Human Resources 132 City Attorney 136 Planning and Community Development 139 General Government 148 Public Safety 157 Public Works 182 Recreation and Cultural Arts 210 Public Utilities 216 Building Department 245 Pension 248 Capital Improvements 253 FY2022 Capital Projects 254 -: City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 2 FY2022 257 Multi-year plan 258 Debt 259 Government -wide Debt 260 Debt by Type Overview 262 Long Range Financial Plan 265 Until Fiscal Year 2030 266 Appendix 278 Glossary 279 City of Atlantic Beach i Budget Book 2022 Page 3 INTRODUCTION City of Atlantic Beach i Budget Book 2022 Page 4 Budget Message Shane Corbin 11: I Ile n,-1-...sc:1 b :It'mr r I LILL'LL'L'„L (Lnl• vi'LL..ter Lh.nC.L.IPTC.'"0" 1 1' I TirH5 pi7O515LHi nL ':'Hr LY(...[L :.;0CI 1 LI ": rt. ICr his,, je,c, Ouday Lho 11.. 1-10 1 n AL,',CL.‘A Pk' ,("` r r -riTlity nLal n ;unnd i 11LL 1.te r ?Ci l2nv: 2r1r,5 Cr,t \'ctlr • rPvt Pf.2rsonntl. City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 5 I 2022 1'1 New k.1.1“.i.1 get For rf-sat 1-0-0 th.:11- FA, kisi [ a I City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 6 ranc5(5, t licvvrio- Cervtic History of City (htt p://www.coa b.0 s/1 6/H istory) -iv:: Crrj 11(1 p5-551\,1 h15 -g 15:5555hL:-.; 5:1 c.1,-o‘5,5,5ier 5rf '‘,/\51,-0 cd'"[ 5151) i 5 1 1.7,55.51, lc, ht"-A.-,5-Jroc-, lc, \f55/555-5-qe J5 5-yflec Th5 ',-1,555,55:!,55:5J,.-', (7.:51-5/-5\,17 ..-2or 055 -iv Ac1*15o, (5.;1r,Ftge u ra 5 Center City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 7 111,(„3 11ii..1,,i11,31..7 ;33.7 C111, (3'1 1 1-1 11, (71, c.1"-1 ,Titv 11-31:1, (J33,11 ,J=1 33, 1L133c1(13 111:1'10 '1,133'.-331,73.1.1("q-) t:13..::11:1:33.11, -F, 1'1,11_1(3E-!:-13 iy` lorn 3c1,11,3111)113,...1,:)11 k'31' 313. p3L, r',130'.10 ,,33 r :3,1313 11.11',37, 1:=13j1,-,.1.. '; 11,:nn 33 3.n 11.3./ ,1"1.1e3r,L(cr 311. :111.3`1 Tr31, A1 h ShQr.Aiirrai 1 '1r3321:, s1.11 1 3.331 p, '-1.1331-1-..11.1-13 131:1 1,3,313 '(:)1 1',31-1133 p31.k City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 8 Population Overview Growth Rank TOTAL POPULATION 13,575 + 1.3% vs. 2018 117 Off OF 413 Municipalities in Florida ,,frfP drln fin-Athav! 1,16,0 e , 10 Lgt, DAYTIME POPULATION 0,805 Daytime population represents the effect of persons coming into or leaving a community for work. entertarnment. shopping, etc during the typical workday. An increased daytime population puts greater demand on host community services which directly impacts operational costs. City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 9 POPULATION BY AGE GROUP 1 1 1 <5 5- 9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-59 60-64 65-74 75-84 <85 Aging affects the needs and lifestyle choices of residents. Mun/cipal/t/es n US t adjust and plan services accordingly. City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 10 Household Analysis TOTAL HOUSEHOLDS 6,005 III r Municipalities must consider the dynamics of household types to plan for and provide services effectively. Household type also has a general correlation to income levels which affect the municipal tax base. City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 11 150, 125, ;100, $75, Economic Analysis Household income is a key data point in evaluating a community's wealth and spending power. Pay levels and earnings typically vary by geographic regions and should be looked at in context of the overall cost of living. Over $200,000 IS I 11# 11$ # •i. o $20Q000 o $150, o $125, o $100, # $50,000 - $75,000 $25,000 - $50, OS Below $25,000 HOUSEHOLD INCOME ABOVE 8200,000 13% ,111 00,00 MEDIAN INCOME 878,050 I FOOoo'FOo0Foo, O"Oo °OF, OF" 000'FO000°' °1O.oFF° F BELOW $25,000 12% Fir FFOO 1 000F: T0000l . ForF000"000 lO000.000F000lo City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 12 HOME OWNERS VS RENTERS Atlantic Beach State Avg. 65% OWN Housing Overview > $1,000,000 $750,000 to $999,999 $500.000 to $749,999 $400,000 to $499,999 $300,000 to 0399,999 $250000 to $299,999 0200,000 to $249,999 $150,000 to 0199,999 $100,000 to $149,999 $50,000 to 099,999 < 049,999 HOME VALUE DISTRIBUTION M=111111111=11111111111.11.1 • City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 13 Organization Chart ci of Atlantic Beath stens of Mantic Beach tinanoe FT E _13 Planning. & urn 1 • t FIE 33 Fnfor FT E E Publick El E, 8() Park Pei n E 7 flL 1,1 E. 1 Buikling Mani FTE,, Rui FTE. 3 75 ng FE 54 Public1301 FIE. 22 20 11;.try. Enp,itleer FIE 0.8 1 u n Police Fit 45 Lifeguards HI: 1339 City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 14 Fund Structure tUf)Pa n i Hee,' .i•ei'Jei C., f.1 L'IHt ,1\r! -1 L-11 eei rurds ;:n 1 "'Leen) :L. 1-unds dd.( CoveiinnIenta'1 FUnd TVPC.$ Ft - 71-iS 'ci'r 01 H.' .3not icHr Il[ee 1,,eplH,ce leri,TH.c.,.,7, I er' I n'.,:ve.erineed' ei',:c.-Cre. I 1,e Lker, Li' va PrOprietZlqi° Izo,4nd TypE7;S t Tr -R-2 :Le City of of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 15 ivri li:d'. ;t.,, General Fund ed to account for d report all ncial resources ounted for d reported in other fund. The oval government n have only one rt. if CDBG Fund Pay for Parking Fund Tree Replacement Fund Convention Dev TaxFund Debt Service Fund Local Option Gas Tax Fund Better lax 1/2 Cent Sales Tax Fund Police Special Revenue Funds Community Redevelopment Proceeds of specific revenue sources that are restricted (by creditors, grantors, contributors, laws of regulations) or committed (limitations imposed by the highest level of the government) to expend for specific purposes other than debt service or capital Report financial resouces that are restricted, ior Capital Projects Fund Used to build up cash reserve balances for future capital expenditures, including major purchases of committed or equipment and vehicles, other than assigned (intended) those recorded in the Enterprise to expend for (Proprietary) Funds. To account for the principal and spending of capital expenditure interest. Debt reserves which include items that are eral Fund projects. service funds not recurring or that will take more should not be used than one year to compete. To account to report resources for the costs of projects in a separate if legally fund from the associated activity in mandated. order to separate the capital outlay expenditure from the operating budget. Track funding sources specifically designated for capital projects. at biftfifrtfrtrtfftkbbf Cs" Water Fund Sewer Fund General Employees' Pension Fund Sanitation Fund Police Officers' Pension Fund BuiIding Department Fund Stormwater Drainage Fund Used to report any activity for which a fee is charged to external users for goods or services Used to report resources that are required to be held in trust for the members and beneficiar es of defined benefit pension plans, defined contribution plans, other postemployrnent benefit plans or other employee bene,ft plans. City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 16 Basis of Budgeting c‘coL.t.,:r1L.: d kid ak. kv.d.kni nk,d, 1,!rk kk.dk „k.d, kkikkdd mkdkk-Id _dc -cd k kk,:k.kt itkvki kk 1.1,k1 ftd-1V 111,'..1,-kk1kk kdk k 1[-'1,,iikk,k, • (1 ), I 17, L C‘I ri H j P-'rt'on hk kkk it.d.d,ork k r-kdkdsdkk. kdiddd dk:kkkdd.(- frkkdkc, kiddHo.' ,kkk, ddddykkikdd [ki.dikHikkdk Fkkdr hs. tdidd-svkkdkji rkid tki.qk.kikddikk. k'd -kdk.kdkk-, dkl kddk.tk Ikkhdj .'PH, lkdd_ tkdikki.dik 1' k.k.k kkkdk-td, P',d'dkk vd-k kdd.tdkokkt, kkdk dd. k....d.k.nk 1dd 1..kkHkkk dk kidhik ,di k.dk H,d1' kdk..dd 1' i , kr k=kk dk-kr \.d.; i,kk 1 k kk- kk-kdkdkk 1 1: Adc-..rk City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 17 Budget Timeline The budget is dependent upon the ad valorem millage rate, which was primarily established in July and formally adopted in September. The budget is legally adopted via ordinance following two public hearings. The budgets for all appropriated funds are prepared using the same basis of accounting used in the Citys audited financial statements; the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, and Debt Service Fund are budgeted using a modified accrual basis of accounting; an accrual basis is used for Enterprise Funds. ^*y70, 202/� Department Heads begin submitting their budget requests through the budget module Jun 7,o02/ Preliminary estimate oftaxable property values received from the Property Appraiser Jun18, 2027 Department Directors submit their *z0/ requests including operatlng, capital outlay and personne[ change requests ulz202/��� Duval County Property Appraiser releases Certification mTaxable Value Jul 7,zzm City Manager begins to hold meetings with department heads to discuss theft proposed budget requests Jul 22, 202/� First City Commission hudgetworkshop Aug 4, Tentative millage due to the Duval County Property Appraiser Aug 72, 2027 Second City CommdsionBudget workshop held Sep 73, 2027 First budget public hearing; adoption of tentative millage rate Sep 27 2027 Ana! Budget Public Hearing; adopt FY2022 budget and millage rate City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 18 Financial Policies pc, ,ttrtizu-st-,(0scl, 0 11,0., (t its,. cs! 3",_ .0 C 0'01 t'st,tts.,00tsi is:, 1:0010s sts,s1,-,ts 1" t0s,;tw, t.t Hts,s('iso ct hc, v HS it)-31-)",,-trIttt '00,01-,-, t.0',0',10', t.sttts t-tt stc00,".- ts,rc Ltits tt sts.0,..01 t-tonstici Htr.sttA,Ts, " (-::11:V ;i( '11TV '',11112 -,t;t sssrscstst,,tt,r ctst, ttsri Lltstt,:sts."(.01, 00001°0' r°01-tsirs '-'sJy00-t utt 0:0'0'd;ss" r''.1-1 00° cr-h0l-','-1-'t):0( t'00 ‘k0s..,0 sts.0 it '00 \s' :Thrkts UnlbC—C.C, "0.1'0-0 Isturt-t0H,..nu tt4t;sd 1..00.'" City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 19 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Property Value Highlights Taxable Property Values - Last 15 Fiscal Years .„. . ^^ 5500,000,000 51,000,000,000 $1,500,000000 $2,000,000,000 $2,500,000,000 City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 20 Millage Rates Historical Millage Rates City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 21 Ad Valorem Tax Levy and Budget History r ity of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 22 1‘. Total Tax Bill 20,2.2 Total NI rigk'" as Proposed Inland Navigation 0.032 Water Management Disctrict 0.2287 Altantic Beach 3.2285 School Board 5.808 City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 23 Atlantic Beach in Comparison Surn rn ry '2022,Ita4 City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 17.5855 17.445 • Tr 4-44"6 E4 4444 k4:44,„ 4444,1141 (.` .4.41144. 4C,.,"441 Page 24 BUDGET OVERVIEW City of Atlantic Beach i Budget Book 2022 Page 25 Strategic Priorities An initiative w improve 111RFartl-A, cu'iituvrs Dnd ur6,?, and cqh,or of-Ufe indicatom hc,"nci j !Hi ro, ,,,,vork!"r3r inU N41A Lriz:AL)',:-;HC'P' initizYthiertrqCiek,.\,,, A5,11;i2/Nti't:: Boach",,,, corn rnit rnont to ococ;i ntnnty. oonc and sL:',•,-.--tan,11.)iily da cy!- Fc.= m porch",r."1. krrIrr-rrTt",7 v‘s,"sirr- •"crr,"rir".1...", c,r)-nrr,ur.11‘, cr-r-1.1!"c"1 finaocia ar)1:.; infrastra.::tir,crk, priarir to pH. -1z.: 'or t..hc, vrr.",tei. F11^1.1.1111 C I'VV011c1.1 MAYPCPtiZOA) (C)PPDO An opriovio idEf!ntitiy, satcmy, ;;;)-ad cpportuniti 9d:.a,°:. . redo's:Hopi-, '1111111 1-1,1",,C,111101 -1r:1171-1'g :Cc:, 1 I)•-1 CTIT-111- iCHT,C:111.111 C1,211-1,11.11, CI 1: 1C.' [111,1C,C.Ig \Ar: L'.' )t, rc, City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 26 IN 40 EirrF)Af"-ZKft11,1'; 6ric.1 rk'1,11[;i1 c.,,d).14ddtc* ,Cdik...,d dd,d- idd rre, vo! !I r,,idt errnar., CIT'Y' sr‘,,, l'nitotiiiirt to (1,,,y-trzlep and ()V e P PI d wativi.lt. ern pi 0-3;'E.05, prOVidIF: hPgri kta iiiiiistiosiiner service to resklecits, businesses and e;Ottit.draCt("er.., ViA; cdn dr1:. porrnilivr,r; '[.(.),„lorrroolo inon c.,F, dIdd d.drd.ddrdd onor)krry-r,..n11.1.1„1 Lrnr, r-rn loorr nir,, nr, -1,r[rorrosr:2 City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 27 Personnel Changes v\4.-Hk: nuro ' i City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 28 FUND SUMMARIES City of Atlantic Beach i Budget Book 2022 Page 29 All Funds Summary $60M Summary < Revenue by Fund Convention Dev Tax Fund (0.6%) Local Option Gas Tax Fund (0.9%) Building Code Enforcement Fund (1.1%) Pension Trust Fund -Police (2.6%) Pension Trust Fd -General (4%) Sanitation Fund (4.5%) Better Jax 1/2 Ct Sale Tx (4.7%) American Rescue Plan Act (6.4%) Storm Water Drainage Fund (7.7%) Capital Projects Fund (8.8%) Water Fund (12.3%) • Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source Over Budget Revenue Source • Actual Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures General Fund (29.5%) Sewer Fund (15.2%) City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 30 12 FI Contraband Forfeit Fd Tree Replacement Fund • Debt Service Fund Sewer -System Dev-Sdc-Fees Building Code Enforcement Fund 1/2 V Name General Fund Total General Fund: Comm Dev Block Grant Fund Total Comm Dev Block Grant Fund: Tree Replacement Fund Total Tree Replacement Fund: Pay For Parking Rev Fund Total Pay For Parking Rev Fund: Convention Dev Tax Fund Total Convention Dev Tax Fund: Local Option Gas Tax Fund Total Local Option Gas Tax Fund: Better Jax1/2 Ct Sale Tx Total Better Jax 1/2 Ct Sale Tx: Radio Communication Fund 41 Pay For Parking Rev Fund • Water -System Dev-Sdc-Fees 0' Convention Dev Tax Fund Pension Trust Fund -Police FY2019 FY2020 Actual Actual $13,505,600 $14,164,436 $13,505,600 $14,164,436 Court Cost Training Fund Comm Dev Block Grant Fund Community Redevelopment Local Option Gas Tax Fund Pension Trust Fd -General FY2021 FY2022 Projected Budgeted $14,726,053 $16,075,519 $14,726,053 $16,075,519 $0 $86,950 $0 $86,950 $14,821 $22,505 $25,249 530,000 $14,821 $22,505 $25,249 $30,000 $52,823 $46,400 $60,000 $52,823 $46,400 $60,000 $127,935 $83,009 $144,456 $307,768 $127,935 $83,009 $144,456 $307,768 $505,136 $423,154 $311,472 $491,743 $505,136 $423,154 $311,472 $491,743 $952,357 $933,084 5862,866 $2,586,833 $952,357 $933,084 $862,866 $2,586,833 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) 8.1% 8.1% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 248.1% 248.1% 6.2% 62% 49.3% 493% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 31 Name Court Cost Training Fund Total Court Cost Training Fund: Radio Communication Fund Total Radio Communication Fund: Fl Contraband Forfeit Fd Total FI Contraband Forfeit Fd: Community Redevelopment Total Community Redevelopment: FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual: Projected Budgeted $3,012 $1,695 $3,183 $25,000 $3,012 $1,695 $3,183 $25,000 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) 21,086.4% 21,086.4% $20,296 $18,827 $19,436 $7,717 0% $20,296 $18,827 $19,436 $7,717 0% -$521 -$573 $9,011 $0 -100% -$521 -$573 $9,011 $0 -100% $0 $200,000 N/A $0 $200,000 N/A American Rescue Plan Act $3,473,921 N/A Total American Rescue Plan Act: $3,473,921 N/A Debt Service Fund Total Debt Service Fund: Capital Projects Fund Total Capital Projects Fund: Water Fund Total Water Fund: Sewer Fund Total Sewer Fund: Water -System Dev-Sdc-Fees Total Water -System Dev-Sdc-Fees: Sewer -System Dev-Sdc-Fees Total Sewer -System Dev-Sdc-Fees: Sanitation Fund Total Sanitation Fund: Building Code Enforcement Fund Total Building Code Enforcement Fund: Storm Water Drainage Fund Total Storm Water Drainage Fund: Pension Trust Fund -Police $118,458 $120,884 $123,133 1.9% $118,458 $120,884 $123,133 1.9% $2,012 $1,251,604 $990,342 $4,821,368 276.7% $2,012 $1,251,604 $990,342 $4,821,368 276.7% $3,736,557 $4,666,716 $4,535,171 $6,713,740 44% $3,736,557 $4,666,716 $4,535,171 $6,713,740 44% $5,522,023 $6,410,869 $6,624,667 $8,305,268 28.5% $5,522,023 $6,410,869 $6,624,667 $8,305,268 28.5% $292,901 $43336 $32,070 $150,000 0% $292,901 $43,336 $32,070 $150,000 0% $315,182 $96,595 $300,000 $564,654 :33:: $564,654 $315,182 $96,595 $300,000 $2705,300 $1,982,742 $1,990,010 $2,434,719 26.6% $2,705,300$1,982,742 $1,990,010 $2,434,719 26.6% $532,703 $352,753 $464,143 $575,629 20% $532,703 $352,753 $464,143 $575,629 20% $1,123,439 $1,148,513 $1,268,199 $4,213,559 75,8% $1,123,439 $1,148,513 $1,268,199 $4,213,559 75.8% $1,315,516 $1,689,139 $4,806,181 S1,398,378 -7.2% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 32 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Name FY2022 Budgeted (% Actual Actual Projected Budgeted Change) Total Pension Trust Fund -Police: $1,315,516 $1,689,139 $4,806,181 $1,398,378 -72% Pension Trust Fr:I-General $2,225,129 $2,687,680 $7,549,878 $2,192,867 -6.2% Total Pension Trust Fd -General: $2,225,129 $2,687,680 $7,549,878 $2,192,867 -62% Total: $33,148,871 $36,365,950 $44,626,265 $54,574,112 402% Revenues by Source Judements, Fines and Forefeits (0.1%) Permits, Fees, and Special Assessments (3.6%) Misc Revenues (8.7%) Intergovernmental Revenue (9.9%) Taxes (19.5%) ........... I " ." Other Sources (30.2%) Charges for Services (28.1%) City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 33 50 -10 -10 Judements, Fines and Foretells • Permits, Fees, and Special Assessments • Misc Revenues Intergovernmental Revenue Taxes 14111' Charges tor Services Other Sources Name Revenue Source Taxes Permits, Fees, and Special Assessments Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Judements, Fines and Forefeits Misc Revenues Other Sources Total Revenue Source: FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) $8,233,329 $8,653,712 $8,733,072 $10,622,019 6.9% $2,206,836 5-1,840,640 $1,486,090 $1,945,604 -1.6% $2,956,476 $1,874,216 $2,452,139 $5,377,729 46.64',, $14,061,186 $14,741,081 $15,057,864 $15,323,982 2.8% $63,367 $73,711 $83,509 $61,522 -2.6% $4,335,028 $4,867,523 $12,465,326 $4,745,847 15.8% $1,292,648 $4,315,066 $4,348,266 $16,497,409 284.8% $33,148,871 $36,365,950 $44626,265 $54,574,112 40.2% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 34 Expenditures by Fund Convention Dev Tax Fund (0.6%) Local Option Gas Tax Fund (a9%) Building Code Enforcement Fund (1.1%) Pension Trust Fund -Police (2.6%) Pension Trust Fd -General (4%) Sanitation Fund (4.5%) Better Jax 1/2 Ct Sale Tx (4.7%) American Rescue Plan Act (6.4%) — Stoma Water Drainage Fund (72%) ,50 IC Capital Projects Fund (8.8%) Water Fund (12.3%) General Fund (29.5%) Sewer Fund (15.2%) rii„,,,.:',,,,',H,.L:.:.:,..:...,::.7:77.........,.:-.,..,-...,:.-.'" . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . FI Contraband Forfeit Fd Tree Replacement Fund • Debt Service Fund Sewer -System Dev-Sdc-Fees Building Code Enforcement Fund 1/27 Name General Fund City of Atlantic Beach I Budget Book 2022 Radio Communication Fund • Pay For Parking Rev Fund • Water -System Dev-Sdc-Fees Convention Dev Tax Fund Pension Trust Fund -Police FY2019 Actual $14,047,846 Court Cost Training Fund `.H. Comm Dev Block Grant Fund Community Redevelopment Local Option Gas Tax Fund – Pension Trust Fd -General . _ FY2020 FY2021 Actual Projected $73,671,664 513,951,792 FY2022 Budgeted $16,075,519 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) 28% Page 35 Name Total General Fund: Comm Dev Block Grant Fund Total Comm Dev Block Grant Fund: Tree Replacement Fund Total Tree Replacement Fund: Pay For Parking Rev Fund Total Pay For Parking Rev Fund: Convention Dev Tax Fund Total Convention Dev Tax Fund: Local Option Gas Tax Fund Total Local Option Gas Tax Fund: BetterJax1/2Ct Sale Tx Total Better Jax 1/2 Ct Sale Tx: Court Cost Training Fund Total Court Cost Training Fund: Radio Communication Fund Total Radio Communication Fund: Fl Contraband Forfeit Fd Total FI Contraband Forfeit Fd: Community Redevelopment Total Community Redevelopment: American Rescue Plan Act Total American Rescue Plan Act: Debt Setvice Fund Total Debt Service Fund: Capital Projects Fund Total Capital Projects Fund: Water Fund Total Water Fund: FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Actual Actual Projected $14,047,846 $13,671,664 $13,951,792 $200,000 $20,000 $200,000 $20,000 $23,519 $22,714 $2,550 $23,519 $22,714 $2,550 $76,863 $232,152 $120,884 $76,863 $232,152 $120,884 $448,010 $704,623 $484,056 $448,010 $704,623 $484,056 $853,233 $397,552 $1,253,307 $853,233 $397,552 $1,253,307 $23,479 $17,751 $13,440 $23,479 $17,751 $13,440 $0 $.0 $24,884 $0 $24,884 $0 $513 $12,565 $47,794 $513 $12,565 $47,794 $19,850 $19,850 $118,458 $118,458 S3,000 $355,470 $3,000 $355,470 $2,961,403 $3,571,321 $2,961,403 $3,571,321 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 FY2022 Budgeted (% Budgeted Change) $16,075,519 2.8% $86,950 -56.5% $86,950 -56.5% $30,000 0% $30,000 0% $60,000 N/A $60,000 N/A $307,768 203% $307,768 203% $491743 -33.4% $491,743 -33.4% $2,586,833 88.7% $2,586,833 88.7% $25,000 0% $25,000 0% $7,717 N/A $7,717 N/A $o 0% $0 0% $200,000 2012% $200,000 2012% $3,473,921 N/A $3,473,921 N/A $120,884 $123,133 1.9% $120,884 $123,133 1.9% $118,895 $4,821,368 227.4% $118,895 $4,821,368 227.4% $3,449,106 $6,713740 49% $3,449,106 $6,713,740 49% City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 36 Name Sewer Fund Total Sewer Fund: Water -System Dev-Sdc-Fees Total Water -System Dev-Sdc-Fees: Sewer -System Dev-Sdc-Fees Total Sewer -System Dev-Sdc-Fees: Sanitation Fund Total Sanitation Fund: Building Code Enforcement Fund Total Building Code Enforcement Fund: Storm Water Drainage Fund Total Storm Water Drainage Fund: Pension Trust Fund -Police Total Pension Trust Fund -Police: FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted $5,109,315 55,967,919 $5,115,409 $8,305268 $5,109,315 $5,967,919 $5,115,409 $8,305,268 $900,000 $810,000 $150,000 $900,000 $810,000 $150,000 $500,000 $540,000 $300,000 $500,000 $540,000 $300,000 $1,709,616 $1,963,597 $1,672,724 $2,434,719 $1,709,616 $1,963,597 $1,672,724 $2,434,719 $550,492 $594,103 $527,196 $575,629 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) 3.5% 35% -83.3% -833% -50% -50% 16.5% 16.5% -1.3% $550,492 $594,103 $527,196 $575,629 -13% $1,609,949 $1,871,899 $11,609,900 $4,213,559 0% $1,609,949 $1,871,899 $1,609,900 $4,213,559 0% $1,225,223 $790,125 $784,538 51,398,378 62,7% $1,225,223 $790,125 $784538 $1,398,378 62.7% Pension Trust Fd -General $1,443,869 $1,447,452 $1,518,041 $2,192,867 56.6% Total Pension Trust Fd -General: $1,443,869 $1,447,452 $1,518,041 $2,192,867 56.6% Total: . $30,131,063 $33,339,363 $32,160,516 $54,574,112 26.7% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 37 -10 Expenditures by Function Human Services (0.2%) Other Nonoperating (0.4%) Culture and Recreation (5.2%) - Transportation (125%) - General Government (14.4%) - Public Safety (14.6%) illtrerillOrplaceprimisolowli"'"'""t; Other Uses (173%) II: Physical Environment (351%) • Human Services General Government Public Safety K,V Other Nonoperating • Culture and Recreation • Transportation 0, Other Uses Physical Environment City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 38 Name FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Projected FY2022 Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) Expenditures General Government $6,792,013 $6,264,991 $6,935,374 $7,861,450 8.7% Public Safety S7,262,160 $7,338,094 S7,468,215 $7,995,086 -2.1% Physical Environment $12,504,779 $12,310,351 $10,053,719 $19,178,073 14.8% Transportation $2356,602 $1,998,510 $1,993,967 $6,796,278 66.2% Human Services $91,912 $95,011 $106,382 $116,161 0% Culture and Recreation $1,816,229 $1,422,588 $1,294,498 $2,835,111 61.2% Other Uses $1,303,209 $4,388,742 $4,254,912 $9,562,964 104.3% Other Nonoperating -$1,995,840 -$478,924 $53,448 $228,989 -33.1% Total Expenditures: $30,131,063 $33,339,363 $32,160,516 $54,574,112 26.7% Expenditures by Expense Type Grants and Aids (0.1%) Debt Service (4%) Other Uses (17A%) Personnel Services (225%) City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Operating Expenses (28.4%) Capital Outlay (27.7%) Page 39 Name • Grants and Aids • Debt Service Other Uses Capital Outlay Operating Expenses Personnel Services FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Budget Projected Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) Expense Objects Personnel Services $11,362,886 $11,778,580 $12,232,857 $11,224,586 $12,265,616 0.3% Operating Expenses $15,738,224 $13,979,288 $15,237,500 $12,674,362 $15,494,246 1.7% Capital Outlay -$432,670 $1,010,211 $8,704,023 $1,661,444 $15,101,164 735% Debt Service $2,127,264 $2,196,442 $2,194,694 $2,298,757 $2,162,800 -1.5% Grants and Aids $42711 $59,776 $110,300 $120,130 561,000 -44.7% Other Uses $1,292,648 $4,315,066 $4,607,257 $4,181,237 $9,489,286 106% Total Expense Objects: $30,131,063 $33,339,363 $43,086,631 $32,160,516 $54,574,112 26.7% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 40 General Fund Summary The City of Atlantic Beach is projecting $16.08M of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 81% increase over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to increase by 28% or $440.71K to $16.08M in FY2022. Revenues by Source Judements, Fines and Forefeits (0.3%) Misc Revenues (1.5%) Permits, Fees, and Special Assessments (5.8%) Other Sources (13%) - Intergovernmental Revenue (13.7%) Charges for Services (16.3%) City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 • Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source Over Budget Revenue Source • Actual Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures Over Budget Expenditures Taxes (49.5%) Page 41 ,-rianFL Judements, Fines and Forefeits • Permits, Fees, and Special Assessments Intergovernmental Revenue Name Revenue Source Taxes Permits, Fees, and Special Assessments Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Judements, Fines and Forefeits Misc Revenues Other Sources Total Revenue Source: FY2019 Actual $6,701,645 $795,447 $2,224,731 $2,393,331 $41,115 5256,684 $1,092,648 $13,505,600 City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 • Misc Revenues Other Sources vo Charges for Services FY2020 Actual $7,050,224 $985,819 $1,869,603 $2,549,574 $52,945 $314,663 $1,341,608 $14,164,436 FY2021 Projected $7,281,477 S824,738 $2,370,868 $2,494,018 $52,111 $102,448 $1,600,392 $14,726,053 FY2022 Budgeted $7,956,693 $925,700 $2,194,779 $2,618,109 $51,375 $234,525 $2,094,338 $16,075,519 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) 540 8.4 Page 42 I 5 1 0 Expenditures by Function Human Services (0.7%) Culture and Recreation (9.9%) Transportation (14.3%) General Government (29.7%) Public Safety (45.3%) • Other Uses • Human Services 1t General Government Public Safety City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Culture and Recreation Transportation Page 43 Name Expenditures General Government Public Safety Transportation Human Services Culture and Recreation Total Expenditures: FY2019 Actual $4,071,039 $6,655,169 $1,855,193 $91,912 S1,374,532 $14,047,846 FY2020 Actual $3,849,442 $6,673,461 $1,744,856 $95,011 $1,308,894 $13,671,664 FY2021 Projected FY2022 Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) $4,110,178 $6,860770 $1,755,999 $106,382 $1,118,463 $13,951,792 $4,779,547 $7,281,176 $2799,659 $116,161 $1,598,976 $16,075,519 Expenditures by Expense Type Grants and Aids (0.4%) Capital Outlay (5.7%) Operating Expenses (35.5%) --- City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Personnel Services (58.4%) 2.8% Page 44 125 l; Name Expense Objects Personnel Services Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Grantsand Aids Total Expense Objects: JO' 1.1 • Debt Service • Other Uses l!T Grants and Aids Capital Outlay Operating Expenses Personnel Services FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Budget Projected Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) $8,737,015 $8,804,732 $9,286,092 $8,394,605 $9,392,871 11% $4,759752 $4190173 55,618,258 $4,884,860 $5,705,026 1.5% $508,368 $616,982 $670157 $602,189 $916,622 36.89b $42,711 $59,776 $60,300 $70,140 $61,000 12% $14,047,846 $13,671,664 $15,634,807 $13,951,792 $16,075,519 City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 2.8% Page 45 Fund Balance This is the fund balance history and projections. The City recently adopted a formal fund balance policy which stipulates that there must be no less than 25% of budgeted operating expenditures in the unassigned fund balance but no more than 50%. The City already assigns (or reserves) 25% of operating expenditure to ensure the compliance with the policy. It is projected that at the end of the current fiscal year, the fund balance will be at the 47% level. 11[,11,11,11,11,11,11, Nonspendable Unassigned Assigned The projected fund balance for FY2022 remains unchanged from the projected end fund balance for FY2021 as the FY2022 Budget is balanced with no use of unassigned fund balance projected to be utilized. FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 %Change Fund Balance Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Unassigned $3,675,559 $2,989759 52,923,600 $3,442,738 $3,442,738 0% Assigned $3,363,444 $3,477234 $3,700,716 $3,925,839 $3,925,839 0% Nonspendable $38,818 $46,994 $383,102 $383,102 $383,102 0°<, Total Fund Balance: $7,077,821 $6,513,987 $7,007,418 $7,751,679 $7,751,679 0% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 46 CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Fund Balance, Beginning of the Year Revenues Other Financing, Sources Expenditures Other Financing Uses FY2018 Actual Actual Actual Projected Proposed S 7„ 321. 519 5 777521 5 5.535,062 5 7,007 415 5 7,751.579 11„ 7'31 427 10-554599 11..21,4154 131256E1 147342S1 2,567,437 1„092..648 1341605 1690392 1340,238 -142495€2 112„2149„3C6j 0.2..05340E -13551752 16C74515 i3000 Net increasenDecreasej in Fund Balance 5 {243,398 5 044759) 472,336 5 744,261 Change Fund Balance. End of Year -9335 -7.67% 7.23% 10,6255 00% 5 7,077,521 5 6,539.962 5 7,007,418 5 7,751,679 7„751679 City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 47 Comm Dev Block Grant Fund a'adarvar.! 7)eal Summary The City of Atlantic Beach is projecting $86.95K of revenue in FY2022, which represents a % increase over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to decrease by 56.5% or $113.05K to $86.95K in FY2022. • Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source Over Budget Revenue Source • Actual Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures Over Budget Expenditures City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 48 Pay For Parking Rev Fund Summary The City of Atlantic Beach is projecting $60K of revenue in FY2022, which represents a % increase over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to increase by 0% or N/A to $60K in FY2022. 55 City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Expenditures by Fund ;'.:::',iiiiiiiii.iii,',',"..,:i„iiiiiiiiiiiii,i,i,.i..,..,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii„ Pay For Parking Rev Fund (100%) • Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source Budgeted Expenditures Page 49 Pay For Parking Rev Fund Name FY2022 Budgeted Pay For Pa rki ng Rev Fund Total Pay For Parking Rev Fund: FY2021 undefined vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) $60,000 N/A $60,000 N/A City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 50 1,1 Name Expenditures by Function 1fL City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Other Uses (100%) Other Uses FY2022 Budgeted FY2021 undefined vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) page 51 Name Expenditures Other Uses Total Expenditures: FY2022 Budgeted FY2021 undefined vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) $60,000 $60,000 Expenditures by Expense Type Other Uses (100%) City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 N/A N/A Page 52 Other Uses Name FY2022 Budgeted Expense Objects Other Uses Total Expense Objects: $60,000 $60,000 FY2021 undefined vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) N/A N/A City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 53 Tree Protection Fund Summary The City of Atlantic Beach is projecting $30K of revenue in FY2022, which represents a % increase over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to increase by 0% or N/A to $30K in FY2022. SOL*, 1140K $30K VOK • Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source Over Budget Revenue Source • Actual Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 54 Convention Dev Tax Fund Summary The City of Atlantic Beach is projecting $30777K of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 248.1% increase over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to increase by 203% or $51.88K to $307.77K in FY2022. Va:E, $20174,- • Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source Over Budget Revenue Source • Actual Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 55 Local Option Gas Tax Fund HLH IL '7r'L L C Summary The City of Atlantic Beach is projecting $491.74K of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 6.2% increase over the p or year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to decrease by 33.4% or $246.1K to $491.74K in FY2022. • Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source Over Budget Revenue Source • Actual Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures Over Budget Expenditures City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 56 0 -I 0 2 0 Name Revenue Source Revenues by Source Misc Revenues (3.2%) ....„.„„ ...„„..„„. Taxes (96.8%) oh, 111-1111,- 2021 Budget City of Atlantic Beach I Budget Book 2022 Misc Revenues 2021 Actuals Taxes FY2022 Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) Page 57 Name Taxes Misc Revenues Total Revenue Source: 2021 Budget $447,056 $15,862 $462,918 FY2021 Actuals $298,353 _$666 $297,687 FY2022 Budgeted $475,881 $15,862 $491,743 Expenditures by Expense Type City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 '''''"'""""'".::]..'...'..'.',..:„.:,'''''.,',...i.":"'",.'ii...'........;...."."'::.:.::„'...'....'"...,,,,..'."'..'...'.....'.'.'.',..'........,,,.F.'''.."".....'„"''..:':................i.,......,....,..,i,,,,,,,,?,,,:::,,,.....,,,......,u, Other Uses (100%) FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) 6.4% 0% 6.2% Page 58 o Name 0, Operating Expenses Other Uses FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Projected FY2022 Budgeted Expense Objects Operating Expenses $213,010 Other Uses $235,000 Total Expense Objects: $448,010 City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) SO $0 -100% $704,623 $484,056 $491,743 -8.6% $704,623 $484,056 $491,743 -33.4% Page 59 Better )ax 1/2 Ct Sale Tx Summary The City of Atlantic Beach is projecting $2.59M of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 49.3% increase over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to increase by 887% or $1.22M to $259M in FY2022. • Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source Over Budget Revenue Source • Actual Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 60 Expenditures by Expense Type Capital Outlay (47.3%) - Other Uses (52.7%) Operating Expenses City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 *.; Grants and Aids Capital Outlay Other Uses Page 61 Name FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 FY2021 Budget FY2021 Actuals FY2022 Budgeted Budgeted (% Change) Expense Objects Operating Expenses OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE $200,000 $240,000 $0 -100% OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS $40,000 $0 -100% Total Operating Expenses: $240,000 $240,000 $O -100% Capital Outlay LAND $11,167 $293,833 INFRASTRUCTURE $311,013 $137,401 $250,000 Sidewalks -Seminole, Country Club $200,000 ROW Parking Pads vy/Turf Blck $50,000 MOTOR VEH ICLES $24,000 $21,000 $0 INFRASTRUCTURE $206,000 $176,035 $680,000 Howell Park Turtle Bridge Replacement $30,000 Dutton Island Overlook Dock Repairs $20,000 Dutton Is/and Fishing Pier Structural Repair $80,000 Dutton Island Bridge Replacement $300,000 76th St Walkover $250,000 Total Capital Outlay: $541,013 $345,603 $1,223,833 N/A -19.6% -100% 230.1% 1262% Grants and Aids BUSINESS GRANT PROGRAM $50,000 $49,990 $0 -100% Total Grants and Aids: $50,000 $49,990 $0 -100% Other Uses FUND 300 -CAPITAL PROJECTS $255,000 $191,250 $878,000 244.3% FUND 470 -STORM WATER FUND $285,000 $213,750 $285,000 0% COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT $200,000 N/A Total Other Uses: $540,000 $405,000 $1,363,000 152.4% Total Expense Objects: $1,371,013 $1,040,593 $2,586,833 88.7% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 62 FI Contraband Forfeit Fd Summary The City of Atlantic Beach is projecting N/A of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 100% increase over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to increase by 0% or N/A to N/A in FY2022. 50 • Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source Over Budget Revenue Source • Actual Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 63 Court Cost Training Fund Summary The City of Atlantic Beach s projecting $25K of revenue in FY2022, which represents a % increase over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to increase by 0% or N/A to $25K in FY2022. $25K $20K $1.5k $101‹ SSD< lib <-` • Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source Over Budget Revenue Source • Actual Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 64 Radio Communication Fund Summary The City of Atlantic Beach is projecting $7.72K of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 0% increase over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to increase by % or $7.72K to $7.72K in FY2022. • • • Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source Over Budget Revenue Source • Actual Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 65 Community Redevelopment Summary The City of Atlantic Beach is projecting $200K of revenue in FY2022, which represents a % increase over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to increase by 201.2% or $133.61K to $200K in FY2022. • Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source • Actual Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 66 Debt Service Fund Summary The City of Atlantic Beach is projecting $123.13K of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 1.9% increase over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to increase by 19% or $2.25K to $123.13K in FY2022. 51 M MM miN Expenditures by Function City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 General Government (100%) • Actual BudgetedRevReenvuosurce Actual Expenditures • BudgetedExpenditures Page 67 0.1 12 11 ,V 000 0 04 0 0,-, Name Culture and Recreation 4 Other Nonoperating ""'; General Government FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Projected FY2022 Budgeted Budgeted (% Change) Expenditures General Government Debt Service 2018 BB&T DEBT 2018 BB&T DEBT $24,850 Total Debt Service: $24,850 Total General Government: $24,850 $70,000 $75,000 $80,000 6.7% $48,458 $45,884 $43,133 -6% $118,458 $120,884 $123,133 1.9% $118,458 $120,884 $123,133 1.9% Other Nonoperating Debt Service 2018 BOND ISSUE -$5,000 $0 $0 0% Total Debt Service: 45,000 $0 $0 N/A Total Other Nonoperating: -$5,000 $0 0% Total Expenditures: $19,850 $118,458 $120,884 $123,133 1.9% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 68 Capital Projects Fund Summary The City of Atlantic Beach is projecting $4.82M of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 276.7% increase over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to increase by 227.4% or $3.35M to $4.82M in FY2022. LM • Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source • Actual Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 69 Name Revenue Source Revenues by Source 111111111 '.;;.„1:11 Misc Revenues (17.3%) ttr-77-777-7-77 w Misc Revenues Other Sources Other Sources (82.7%) P12019 Actual P12020 Actual FY2021 Projected P12022 Budgeted City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 P/2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) Page 70 Name Misc Revenues Other Sources Total Revenue Source: FY2019 Actual $2,012 $2,012 FY2020 Actual $81,604 $1,170,000 $1,251,604 FY2021 Projected -$1,647 $991,990 $990,342 FY2022 Budgeted $832,547 $3,988,821 $4,821,368 Expenditures by Expense Type Operating Expenses (1.3%) Capital Outlay (98.7%) City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) N/A 211.6% 276.7% Page 71 -1' Name Expense Objects Operating Expenses General Government OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE Total General Government: Public Safety PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Carryover Bathroom Repair Total Public Safety: Total Operating Expenses: 0 - Other Uses Operating Expenses Capital Outlay „42 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted $3,000 $24,235 $0 $0 $3,000 $24,235 $0 $0 $62564 $62564 $62,564 $3,000 $24,235 $62,564 Capital Outlay Public Safety MACHIN ERY & EQUIPMENT $66,808 $43,000 Corn m unity Security Cameras 3 locations- budget last $43,000 year, but not completed Total Public Safety: $66,808 $43,000 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A -61.9% -65.6% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 72 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Name Actual Actual Projected Budgeted Transportation BUILDINGS $118,500 $24,600 $950,000 Public Works Building $950,000 INFRASTRUCTURE $122,603 $27,486 $2,759,669 Carryoverfrom FY27 $900,670 Donner Rd WM Upgrade $149,057 DonnerRd FM Replacement $187,000 Donner Rd Pipe/Manhole Rehab $100,000 Donner Rd Phase II & Part B $7,423008 Infrastructure $450,000 Mill/ng & Paving $325,000 Sidewalks -throughout City as needed $123000 Total Transportation: $241,103 $52,086 $4,159,669 Culture and Recreation INFRASTRUCTURE $0 $556,135 George St Parking Improvements and Splash Pad $377,500 20th St. Dune WalkoverRehab $184,635 Total Culture and Recreation: $556,135 Total Capital Outlay: Other Uses Other Uses FUND 001 -GENERAL FUND Total Other Uses: Total Other Uses: Total Expense Objects: FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) 5529% 129.6% N/A 208.7% N/A N/A $241,103 $118,895 $4,758,804 2232% $90,132 $0 $0 $90,132 $0 $0 0% 0% $90,132 $0 $0 0% $3,000 $355,470 $118,895 $4,821,368 227.4% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 73 Water Fund Summary The City of Atlantic Beach is projecting $6.71M of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 44% increase over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to increase by 49% or $2.21M to $6.71M in FY2022. V.111 i-irA • Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source Over Budget Revenue Source • Actual Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures 80 t Revenues by Source Misc Revenues (2.1%) Intergovernmental Revenue (11.9%) Other Sources (29.7%) Charges for Services (56.4%) City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 74 8 Name Name Misc Revenues Intergovernmental Revenue 'I;54 Other Sources Charges for Services Revenue Source intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Misc Revenues Other Sources Total Revenue Source: FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Projected FY2022 Budgeted Budgeted (% Change) $3,506,057 $3,580,266 $230,500 $186,450 $900,000 $3,736,557 $4,666,716 City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 $0 $3,626,452 $98,720 $81Q000 $4,535,171 $796,000 $3,783,805 $143,000 $1,990,935 $6,713,740 N/A 3.2% 50.7% 121.2% 44% Page 75 Expenditures by Function Other Nonoperating (0.9%) Other Uses (7.4%) Other Nonoperating e4P Other Uses Physical Environment City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 76 Name Expenditures Physical Environment Other Uses Other Nonoperating Total Expenditures: FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Projected FY2022 Budgeted $3,029,428 $3,230,327 $3,019,308 $6,162,141 $357,362 $298,571 $391,373 $494,527 -$425,388 $42,423 $38,426 $57,072 $2,961,403 $3,571,321 $3,449,106 $6,713,740 Expenditures by Expense Type Other Uses (7.4%) Debt Service (8.2%) Personnel Services (121%) Operating Expenses (22.9%) City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) Capital Outlay (49.4%) 507% 43.1% -21.5% 49% Page 77 .71 aka • • Other Uses Debt Service Personnel Services 4 Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Name FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Projected FY2022 Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) Expense Objects Personnel Services $499,848 $710,984 $805,706 S812,231 -2.2% Operating Expenses $1,992,243 $2,007,020 $1,369,499 $1,534,170 Capital Outlay -$475,964 l $0 $325,647 $3,319,740 185.6% Debt Service $587,914 $554,746 $556,882 $553,072 0% Other Uses $357,362 $298,571 $391,373 $494,527 431% Total Expense Objects: $2,961,403 $3,571,321 $3,449,106 $6,713,740 49% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 78 Sewer Fund Summary The City of Atlantic Beach is projecting $8.31M of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 28.5% increase over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to increase by 3.5% or $283.05K to $8.31M in FY2022. Other Sources (28.9%) Revenues by Source Misc Revenues (0.6%) City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 • Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source Over Budget Revenue Source • Actual Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures Charges for Services (70.5%) Page 79 Name ,c -- Intergovernmental Revenue Misc Revenues IS Other Sources ...2? Charges for Services FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Projected FY2022 Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) Revenue Source Intergovernmental Revenue $4,613 $0 $0 0% Charges for Services $5,406,634 $5,747,992 $6,082,917 $5,853,070 0.7% Misc Revenues $115,389 $158,264 $1,750 $50,000 -0.19/. Other Sources $500,000 $540,000 $2,402,198 300.49/0 Total Revenue Source: . $5,522,023 $6,410,869 $6,624,667 $8,305,268 283% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 80 Expenditures by Function Other Nonoperating (1.8%) Other Uses (11%) I II... .IIIII...... ....... I Physical Environment (87.2%) Other Nonoperating 1Ali Other Uses ""r Physical Environment City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 81 Name FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Projected FY2022 Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) Expenditures Physical Environment $5,771,848 $5,513,811 $4,416780 $7,239,721 1.8% Other Uses $505,566 $478,333 $706,135 5912,274 382% Other Nonoperating -$1,168,100 -$24,226 -$7,so6 $153,273 -38% Total Expenditures: $5,109,315 $5,967,919 $5,115,409 $8,305,268 35% Expenditures by Expense Type Personnel Services (151%) Debt Service (15.2%) Other Uses (10.5%) Capital Outlay (26.8%) Operating Expenses (32A%) City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 82 7 'l!:!117%; . . .... . . ' .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . ... „ . . „ .,',. 40 Other Uses Personnel Services Debt Service lit Capital Outlay s.; Operating Expenses Name FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Projected FY2022 Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) Expense Objects Personnel Services $1,294,368 $1,370,940 $1,189,008 $1,255,220 -4.7% Operating Expenses $3,004,533 l $2,856,605 $1,989,800 S2,687,274 -21% Capital Outlay -$1,003,908 $0 -$129,872 $2225,227 9% Debt Service $1,314,036 $1,298,879 $1,397,176 $1,262,112 -2.7% Other Uses $500,286 l $441,495 $669297 $875,435 40.4% Total Expense Objects: $5,109,315 $5,967,919 $5,115,409 $8,305,268 35% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 83 Water -System Dev-Sdc-Fees Summary The City of Atlantic Beach is projecting $150K of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 0% increase over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to decrease by 833% or $750K to $150K in FY2022. .50 .4) • Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source Over Budget Revenue Source • Actual Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 84 Sewer -System Dev-Sdc-Fees Summary The City of Atlantic Beach is projecting $300K of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 33.3% decrease over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to decrease by 50% or $300K to $300K in FY2022. WOOK $6S1OK • Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source Over Budget Revenue Source • Actual Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures Over Budget Expenditures City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 85 Sanitation Fund Summary The City of Atlantic Beach is projecting $2.43M of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 26.6% increase over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to increase by 16.5% or $345.47K to $2.43M in FY2022. $<$1 M .6P Revenues by Source Permits, Fees, and Special Assessments (3.6%) Other Sources (9.5%) - • Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source Over Budget Revenue Source • Actual Expenditures cf,, Budgeted Expenditures Over Budget Expenditures Charges for Services (86.8%) City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 86 1E, Name Revenue Source Permits, Fees, and Special Assessments • Intergovernmental Revenue e Misc Revenues Permits, Fees, and Special Assessments Other Sources Charges for Services FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted $87,464 $58,169 $80,574 $88,500 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) 98.9% Intergovernmental Revenue $731,746 $0 $0 0% Charges for Services $1,860792 $1,915,650 $1,910,127 $2,114,000 12.5% Misc Revenues . $25,299 $8,923 -$692 $0 0% Other Sources $0 $232,219 N/A Total Revenue Source: $2,705,300 $1,982,742 $1,990,010 $2,434,719 26.6% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 87 Expenditures by Function Other Uses (13.9%) Physical Environment (86.1%) ,c. Public Safety Other Uses Physical Environment City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 88 Name Expenditures Physical Environment Operating Expenses MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTHERCONTRACTUAL SERVICE PICK-UP AND HAUL CONTRACT Estimated Annual Fee for Sanitation Svcs. FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) $1,093 $771 $0 $0 0% $39 $11 $18 $0 0%, $15,872 $3,067 $24,814 $20,000 0% $1,460,218 $1,455,775 $1,155,819 $1,625,000 6.6% $1,600,000 Contingency $23000 INSURANCE $2,390 $1,834 $2,146 $2,000 FLEET MAINTENANCE $5,697 $5,671 $4,616 $6,300 PRINTING & PUBLISHING $108 $0 CI -TY MANAGER $35,425 $35,425 $29,302 $30,475 FINANCE AND ADMIN $90,904 $90,904 $89,532 $190,516 PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN $22,108 $22,108 $25,888 $35,152 HUMAN RESOURCES $793 $793 $745 $844 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY $3,046 $3,046 $2614 $2,433 Total Operating Expenses: $1,637,584 $1,619,405 $1,335,601 $1,912,720 Personnel Services SALARIES OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY F.I.C.A. BENEFIT CROUP -GENERAL 401 GEN L DEE CONTR MATCH UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP HEALTH LIFE WORKERSCOMPENSATION Total Personnel Services: $16,522 $19,190 $19,649 $21,916 $284 $200 $674 $0 $566 $570 $756 $624 $1,219 $1,412 $1,570 $1,725 $1,516 $1,309 51,210 $0 $212 $402 $540 $215 $45,896 $38,053 $0 $0 $5,062 $5,582 $6,312 $7,117 $41 $50 $57 $50 $714 $638 $726 $768 $72,032 $67,405 $31,494 $32,415 Capital Outlay MOTOR VEHICLES $0 $150,000 CLAM TRUCK (KEN WORTH 7370) 5150,000 Total Capital Outlay: $0 $150,000 Total Physical Environment: Other Uses Other Uses FUND 001 -GENERAL FUND Total Other Uses: - City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 $1,709,616 $1,686,810 $1,367,094 $2,095,135 $276,787 5305,629 $339,584 $276,787 $305,629 $339,584 0% 0% 0% 91.5% 22.2% 2.6% -16.2% 11A% 0% 10% 11.1% 0% N/A N/A 19.7% 0% N/A Page 89 Name Total Other Uses: Total Expenditures: FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual $276,787 $1,709,616 $1,963,597 FY2021 Projected $305,629 $1,672,724 Expenditures by Expense Type Personnel Services (1.3%) Capital Outlay (6.2%) Other Uses (13.9%) City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 FY2022 Budgeted $339,584 $2,434,719 Operating Expenses (78.6%) FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgetedhang(e% Change) ) 0% 16.5% Page 90 0 ,,,....,...:,..,,:,:,...,...:',..,,,'...:,..,...,::...:;.,!..:, . . - ' ,,,,,,,.......::.....H ,., Personnel Services Capital Outlay IP Other Uses ..,""n Operating Expenses Name FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Projected FY2022 Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) Expense Objects Personnel Services $72,032 $67,405 $31,494 $32,41.5 -0.1% Operating Expenses $1,637,584 : $1,619,405 $1,335,601 $1,912,720 11.4% Capital Outlay $0 $150,000 N/A Other Uses $276,787 $305,629 $339,584 0% Total Expense Objects: $1,709,616 $1,963,597 $1,672,724 $2,434,719 16.5% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 91 Building Code Enforcement Fund Summary The City of Atlantic Beach is projecting $575.63K of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 20% increase over the p Budgeted expenditures are projected to decrease by L3% or $729K to $575.63K in FY2022. Revenues by Source Misc Revenues (0.08%) Other Sources (16.3%) City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 or year. • Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source Over Budget Revenue Source • Actual Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures Permits, Fees, and Special Assessments (83.6%) Page 92 Charges for Services Name Revenue Source R5' es; Misc Revenues Other Sources Permits, Fees, and Special Assessments FY2019 F12020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted P12021 Budget vs. P12022 Budgeted (% Change) Permits, Fees, and Special $516,385 $370,960 $462080 $481,404 0.5% Assessments Charges for Services $0 $0 $0 0% Misc Revenues $16,318 418,208 $2,063 $450 0% Other Sources $0 $93,775 N/A Total Revenue Source: $532,703 $352,753 $464,143 $575,629 20% ' City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 93 r: 3 U Expenditures by Expense Type Operating Expenses (17.8%) Capital Outlay (1.6%) Personnel Services (80 6%) < .1` Capital Outlay .* Operating Expenses qT. Personnel Services City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 94 Name FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Projected FY2022 Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) Expense Objects Personnel Services $410,445 $445,429 $437,115 $463,920 2% Operating Expenses $140,057 $122,529 $86,631 $102,709 -13.6% Capital Outlay -$10 $26,145 $3,450 $9,000 0% Total Expense Objects: $550,492 $594,103 ! $527,196 $575,629 43% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 95 Storm Water Drainage Fund Summary The City of Atlantic Beach is projecting $421M of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 75.8% increase over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to increase by 0% or $1.58K to $4.21M in FY2022. S:AlFl .ti3M Charges for Services (21.2%) Other Sources (24.1%) HQ: Revenues by Source Misc Revenues (0.03%) City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Ill Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source Over Budget Revenue Source • Actual Expenditures ' 0 Budgeted Expenditures Intergovernmental Revenue (54.6%) Page 96 Name ."" Misc Revenues Charges for Services 10 Other Sources Intergovernmental Revenue FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Projected FY2022 Budgeted Budgeted (% Change) Revenue Source Intergovernmental Revenue $81,271 $2,300,000 53.3°7o Charges for Services $894,373 $894,776 $897,950 $894,998 0% Misc Revenues $29,066 -$31,263 $3,977 $1,471 0% Other Sources $200,000 $285,000 $285,000 $1,017,090 N/A Total Revenue Source: $1,123,439 $1,148,513 $1,268,199 $4,213,559 , 75.8% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 97 U Expenditures by Function Other Nonoperating (OR%) Other Uses (12.2%) Physical Environment (87.4%) Other Nonoperating 6:4 Other Uses City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Physical Environment Page 98 Name Expenditures Physical Environment Other Uses Other Nonoperating Total Expenditures: FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Projected FY2022 Budgeted $1,993,886 $1,879,402 $5,280 $436,838 -$389,217 -$444540 $1,609,949 $1,871,899 $1,250,537 $336,835 $22,528 $1,609,900 $3,681,076 $513,839 $18,644 $4,213,559 Expenditures by Expense Type Debt Service (5.3%) Personnel Services (7.3%) Other Uses (11.3%) Operating Expenses (16.7%) FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) Capital Outlay (59.3%) „.„ .„. '." City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 99 7.< Name • Debt Service Personnel Services Other Uses i7 Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Expense Objects Personnel Services Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Debt Service Other Uses Total Expense Objects: FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Projected FY2022 Budgeted $349,178 $1,213252 -$157,943 $205,463 $1,609,949 City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 $379,090 $366,658 $308,959 $868,449 $353,610 $705,179 $0 $365,819 $2497,938 $224,360 $223,816 $224,483 $400,000 $299,997 $477,000 $1,871,899 $1,609,900 $4,213,559 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) -0.9°70 16.7% -6.5% 0.3% 19.3% 0% Page 100 Pension Trust Fd -General Summary The City of Atlantic Beach is projecting $2.19M of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 6.2% decrease over the prioryear. Budgeted expenditures are projected to increase by 56.6% or $792.64K to $2.19M in FY2022. .,31\ 5511 5411 5051 1 Revenues by Source • Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source Over Budget Revenue Source • Actual Expenditures 'q Budgeted Expenditures Over Budget Expenditures City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 101 4 Misc Revenues Name FY2021 Budget FY2021 Actuals FY2022 Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) Revenue Source Misc Revenues INTE REST EARN INGS-ALLOCAT $1,000 -$6,810 $1,000 0% MSSB $150,840 $79,609 $150,840 0% MSSB $350,480 $338,202 $350,480 0% MSSB $162,797 $3,184,906 $162,797 0 MSSB $326,374 $1,543,931 $326,374 0% MSSB $191,986 NA EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION $1,248,604 S886,206 $1,099,876 -11.9% EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS $98,544 $73,535 $101,500 3% Total Misc Revenues: $2,338,639 $6,291,565 $2,192,867 -62% Total Revenue Source: $2,338,639 $6,291,565 $2,192,867 -62% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 102 Expenditures by Expense Type Operating Expenses (70.8%) ft Other Uses Operating Expenses City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 103 Name FY2021 Budget FY2021 Actuals FY2022 Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) Expense Objects Operating Expenses General Government INVESTMENT EXPENSES $72,382 $73,286 $75,500 4.3% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES $37,000 $18,695 $37,000 0% INSURANCE $4,188 $4,413 $4,188 0% PRINTING &PUBLISHING $50 $50 0% BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSHIPS $800 $620 $800 0% TRAINING $4,200 $8,400 100% CITY MANAGER $425 $315 $595 40% FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING $2,315 $1,737 $8,013 2461% HUMAN RESOURCES $2,788 $2,088 $3,365 20.7% SERVICE RETIRED PAY $1,039,996 $1,048,270 $1,178,031 DISABILITY RETIRED PAY $46,859 $42954 $48,000 2.4% BENEFICIARY PAY $174,226 $152,898 $174,226 0% DROP PAY -DB PLAN $0 $33,012 $0 0% PENSION REFUNDS $15,000 $15,000 Oi'A Total General Government: $1,400,229 $1,378,288 $1,553,168 10.9% Total Operating Expenses: $1,400,229 $1,378,288 $1,553,168 10.9% Other Uses Other Uses Appropriation to Fund Balance $639,699 N/A Total Other Uses: $639,699 N/A Total Other Uses: $639,699 N/A Total Expense Objects: $1,400,229 $1,378,288 $2,192,867 56.6% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 104 Pension Trust Fund -Police Summary The City of Atlantic Beach is projecting $1.4M of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 7.2% decrease over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to increase by 627% or $538.9K to $1.4M in FY2022. .S'..51101 54M 53M S'N,tt SIM $0 Revenues by Source Taxes (9.8%) Misc Revenues (90.2%) City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 • Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source Over Budget Revenue Source • Actual Expenditures 'q Budgeted Expenditures Over Budget Expenditures Page 105 Li Name IR, 000000000,0.0000000000000 000„00-0000000000 100000001.0000•t00,000.00.0 ;000000 0 Taxes Misc Revenues FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual . FY2021 Projected FY2022 Budgeted Budgeted (% Change) Revenue Source CASUALTY INS MEM TAX 185 $132844 $136,427 $136,427 0,70 INTEREST EARN I NGS-ALLOCAT -$3,752 $9,744 $2,550 $0 0% MSSB $103,551 $58,752 $55,721 $60,000 -18.5% MSSB $267,854 $238,919 $285,097 $188,869 0% DROP PLAN -ICMA 401 $4,594 $2,585 $669 $5,000 -16.7% MSSB -$142,860 $236,947 $2,361,032 $140,848 0% MSSB $117,400 $103,159 $952,523 $89,862 0% MSSB $58,202 N/A EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION $826,705 $745,022 $783,043 $579,249 -33.6% EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS $142,024 $181,166 $170,917 $198,123 N/A Total Revenue Source: $1,315,516 $1,689,139 $4,806,181 $1,398,378 -72% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 106 0.1 Other Uses (36.9%) Expenditures by Expense Type Operating Expenses (63.1%) :4. Other Uses ,;";; Operating Expenses City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 107 Name Expense Objects Operating Expenses INVESTMENT EXPENSES ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES INSURANCE PRINTING & PUBLISHING BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSHIPS TRAINING CITY MANAGER FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE RETIRED PAY DISABILITY RETIRED PAY PENSION REFUNDS Total Operating Expenses: FY2021 Budget FY2021 Actuals FY2022 Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. P12022 Budgeted (% Change) $37,000 $42,811 $40,000 al% $28,000 $17,244 $35,000 25% $3,477 $3,617 $3,500 0.76 $12 $20 66.7% $0 $620 $0 0% $3,500 $7,000 100% $441 $333 $595 34.9% $2,978 $2,232 $5,426 82.2% $7,063 $5,301 $3,225 -54.3% $643,672 $545,838 $643,672 0% $118,331 $67,979 $118,331 0% $15,000 $23,608 $25,000 66.7% $859,474 $709,583 $881,769 2.6% Other Uses Appropriation to Fund Balance $516,609 Total Other Uses: $516,609 Total Expense Objects: $859,474 $709,583 $1,398,378 N/A N/A 62.7% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 108 DEPARTMENTS City of Atlantic Beach i Budget Book 2022 Page 109 City Commission Purpose: The City Commission is the legislative and policymaking body of the City. The City Commission is comprised of an elected Mayor/Commissioner, who serves tvvo'yeorternns. and four City Commissioners who serve four-year terms, The City Commission is responsible for appointing the City Manager, City Clerk and City Attorney; adopting an operating budget for the City; establishing boards and committees as necessary and appointing the members thereof; passing ordinances and laws for the preservation of the public peace and order;and adopting zoning standardsforthe City. Mission Statement It is the intention of the City Commission to ensure that the City aintains and improves the residential quality of life now enjoyed by residents. Issues, Trends and Highlights: • In order to ensure that the mission of the City is carried out, the City Commission holds annual budget workshops and solicits input from city boards, city staff, and citizens for Commission consideration. • The City Commission conducts a priority -setting exercise each January • Four times a year, members ofthe City Commission hold Town Hall meetings to discuss matters of interest tothe public. • Included in the FY22 budget is a 1% raise for the Commission per the City code of ordinances to be based on the annual consumer price index, Expenditures Summary ������ $57,044 „.„. prior Y, -'a:) • Actual Budgeted • Over Budget City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 110 Operating Expenses (21.3%) Expenditures by Expense Type Grants and Aids (10.5%) Personnel Services (68.2%) City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 111 Name tt) t„. Grants and Aids Operating Expenses 4- Personnel Services FY2019 Actual Expense Objects General Government SALARIES $34,556 F.I.C.A $2,644 WORKERS' COMPENSATION $64 COMMUNICATIONS Commissioner Cell Phone 2 Miscellaneous Charges PRINTING & PUBLISHING OPERATING SUPPLIES City Shirts NE FLC Dinner Meetings Board Member Reception Recognition Plagues/items BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSH IPS Florida League of Mayors Additional Memberships TRAINING Institute for Elected Offcia Is $23 $25 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Projected Budgeted $35,598 $2,723 547 550 $475 $354 $2,408 $1,062 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) $33,090 $36,060 1% $2,531 $2,759 1% $39 $75 -56.4% 5591 $1,000 0% $744 $256 $500 0% $60 $3,200 2,03$3% $200 $7,000 $1,500 $500 $454 $450 0% $400 $50 $270 $7,000 40% $7,500 City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 112 Name Annual Conference Registration FY2019 Actual FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Projected Budgeted $700 FY2021 Budget vs, FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) Hotels $4,000 Per Diem $800 AIDS TO GOVERNMENT AGENCS $6,000 $7,200 $6,000 0% Total General Government: $40,194 $45,834 $44,234 $57,044 35.9% Total Expense Objects: $40,194 $45,834 $44,234 $57,044 103% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 113 City Manager Purpose: Shane Corbin City Manager To administer and enforce the enactments of the City Commission; to assist the Commission in making policy and program decisions; and, to otherwise administer the affairs of the City. The key component of administration ofthe City is the preparation and deNvery ofthe annual operating budget. Key objectives: = Prepare a Iong-range financial plan o Assist the Commission annually to develop priorities and then to supervise the accomplishment of the established priorities. o Continuously examine and monitor City departments to ensure that the City is operating in an effective and productive manner o Provide the Commission with adequate, pertinent and clear information to allow them to make prudent decisions o Ensure that the handling of citizen complaints s done in an efficient, timely and professional manner " Communicate with citizens and the press to maintain an open and responsive atmosphere necessary in a democratic government o Carry out the goals, objectives and policies established by the City Commission Expenditures Summary ��°��� $443,682 ��~�*���~° • Actual ,IIIIr Budgeted • Over Budget City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 114 ,1i Expenditures by Expense Type Operating Expenses (4.2%) Personnel Services (95.8%) qt Operating Expenses Personnel Services City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 115 Name Expense Objects General Government SALARIES OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY Car Allowance F.LC,A. ICMA 401 ICMA 457 BENEFITGROUP-GENERAL UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP HEALTH LIFE WORKERS' COMPENSATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Communications/Marketing Misc Professional Services TRAVEL AND PER DIEM COMMUN ICATIONS RENTALS & LEASES OTHER CURRENT CHARGES OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSH I PS TRAIN INC Total General Government: Total Expense Objects: FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted $304,422 $18,368 $23,992 516,411 $10,325 $5,666 521,578 $26,149 $370 52,034 $2,223 $219 517 $2436 $2,324 $1,114 $437,648 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) $298,744 $296,307 $313,371 3% $246 $0 0% $13,064 $5,526 $6,000 0% $6,000 $24,518 523,937 $24,447 3% $14,561 $14,509 $26,957 3% $11,414 $11,447 $11,414 14.2% $4,870 $6,221 $5,968 -13.7% $20,540 $16,254 $16,030 -11.2% $16,348 $16,838 $18,482 -33.1% $396 5396 $400 45.5% $1,896 $1,982 $2,000 38.7% $600 $4,000 300% $3, 000 $7,000 $34 $1,000 045 51,592 $1,421 $1,728 0% $217 $220 0% 554 $100 045 $62 $26 $65 30% $3,097 $976 $3,000 509x% $5,237 $5,711 $4,500 9.8% $2,910 53,968 $4,000 42.9% $419,797 $406,119 $443,682 21.7% $437,648 $419,797 $406,119 $443,682 1.4% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 116 City Clerk Donna L. Bartle, CMC Purpose: The City Clerk Department is responsible for a variety of duties including, but not limited to the following: o Performing administrative functions of the City Commission; preparing meeting notices, agendas and minutes for Commission meetings; setting up meeting room; attending and participating in meetings, recording and preserving the legislative actions of the Commission; advertising notices of public hearing for ordinances; receiving documents addressed to the Commission. ° Custodian of the City Seal o Administering oaths. • Acting as the City's filing officer for municipal elections; providing election information and tin-ielines to citizens and candidates,9ualii5/ing the candidate monitormg required reports, advertising, and declaring the results, " Custodian of official City records in accordance with State guidelines. o Receiving, processing and coordinating records requests in accordance with F.S.119 and City policies. o Updating the City's Code of Ordinances and providing code supplements to City staff. o Notarizing City documents. o Preparing, maintaining, certifying and recording city liens with the County Clerk of the Courts. * Researching property and prepa ring lien letters. o Acting as liaison and performing all necessary administrative duties for the Board Member Review Committee and Code Enforcement Special Magistrate such as preparing/publishing notices and agcnda,, coordinating meeting schedules, setting up meeting room, attending meetings, and preparing minutes. o Updating board and committee membership lists; monitoring terms and vacancies; accepting board and committee applications; and preparing required paperwork for appointments. o Coordinating with appropriate board members and City officials regard ng Financial oisc|osure requirements and submitting the names and addresses to the State. • Coordinating and tracking mandatory training for board/committee members and staff liaisons. o Purchasing tags and tities for City vehicles, o Attending bid openings o City Website maintenance Key Objective ° To increase the amount of information made available electronically, * To provide timely and efficient support to elected officials, staff and board/committee members. o To provide excellent customer service to internal and external customers. * To ensure records are properly recorded, maintained, retained, and/or destroyed. • To reduce the volume of obsolete records by purging/destroying documents that have met State retention requirements. Issues, Trends and Highlights: • Due /ocov|o+e.in-person interactions were minimal; many department services were processed electronically. • City's General Election was held on November 3, 2020; New Commission began on November 23, 2020. • Implemented new process for lien letter requests by utilizing the records request software, JustFOIA, effective July 2, 2021. , Worked extensively on records management projects. • Implemented and oversaw new mandatory training process for board/co m ee members and staff liaisons. August 26, 2020 to August 25, 2021: • Attended and performed administrative duties such as preparing notices, agendas, and minutes for 56 public meetings which included 23 Regular City Commission, 11 Commission Workshops, 2 Budget Workshops, 4 Special- called pecia|caUed Commission, 3 Town Hall, 7 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate, 4 Board Mennbe, Review Committee, | Board and Committee Mem bei/Staff Liaison Training, and] Miscellaneous meeting. ^ Scanned and/or added 7786 documents for electronic storage. City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 117 • Purged/destroyed 163 boxes of records. • Researched, processed, and prepared 578 lien letters. Expenditures Summary $360,956 42,153 priony'eal ) rY2:)1 -'"-T,20 • Actual Z.: Budgeted City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 118 u 0 05 Expenditures by Expense Type Operating Expenses (191%) , . Personnel Services (803%) Capital Outlay ‘(,,P Operating Expenses Personnel Services City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 119 Name Expense Objects FY2021 Budget vs. FY2019 P12020P12021P12022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted P12022 Budgeted (% Change) General Government SALARIES $156,636 $161,534 $163,741 OVERTIME $743 $2,419 $4,050 SPECIAL PAY $1,027 $1,100 $0 F.I.C.A. $11,511 $12,111 $12,589 BENEFITGROUP-GENERAL $12,742 $10,963 $15,552 401 GEN L DEF CONTR MATCH $1,650 $2,659 UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP $46,565 $44,326 $40,630 H EALTH $42,790 $32,740 $32,428 LIFE $309 $317 $356 WORKERSCOMPENSATION $231 $162 $152 REEMPLOYMENTCOMPENSATION $1,936 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $105 $0 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. $5,497 $4,284 $9,481 Shredding Monthly Contract Shredding extra bins and fuel costs Purge - each bin holds approx. 70 boxes Contract Employee - Admin Sery Digital conversion project Fire System Install for Records Facility TRAVEL AND PER DIEM $29 $0 Local Travel COMMUNICATIONS $211 Local Service Monthly Service for 2 fire system lines at $75 each $759 $706 Monthly Service for City Clerk cell phone TRANSP.,POSTAGE,MESSENGER $31 $175 $303 Miscellaneous REPAIRS & MA NTENANCE $17,499 $6,810 $4,990 Miscellaneous iCornpass - Meeting Manager Pro - annual fee (r- .3ustFOIA- records request program - annual fee (+3%) Laserfiche integration with JustFOIA - annual fee (+3'7,) iCompass Board Manager - annual fee .JustFOIA- Training Center Module - annual fee PRINTING & PUBLISHING $18,418 $18,261 $12,643 Legal Advertising Code Supplements Code to Internet annual fee (Web Hosting) $177,198 $4,000 0% $2,000 -92.5% $14,01S 41% $14,920 -13.7% $2,297 3% $40,074 -11.2% $34,711 -25.3% $355 $322 10.3% $0 -100% $0 0% $28,152 84% $420 $250 $300 $20,457 $4,485 $2240 $100 0% $700 $2,760 820% $300 $1,800 $660 $300 $300 $13,522 $200 $7079 13,569 $774 $7,500 $520 $12,970 $7,500 $8,000 $700 20% 7.2% -40.9% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 120 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 Budget vs. Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) Ordinances on Web (OrdBank) $525 MuniCode Administrative Support Fee $_3_50 Multiple Code Search (MuniPro)- one user $495 subscription/license Miscellaneous Printing (envelopes, name plates, etc.) Election Advertising (2022) no referendum projected OTHER CUPPENT CHARGES Record Documents with Duval Co. Clerk of Court $300 $1,700 $187 $369 $180 $500 Miscellaneous OFFICE SUPPLIES $861 $748 Miscellaneous Office Supplies OPERATING SUPPLIES $1,948 $3,828 Presentation Plaques/Folders/Fran es Records Storage (bins and supplies) NotaryStamp renewal Picnic Expenses (Food, supplies, prizes) Miscellaneous BOOK,SUBSCRI P,MEMBERSH I PS $170 Beaches Leader - Annual Subscription FACC Annual Memberships 11MC Annual Memberships ERMA An nual Membership (Institutional) Book/Manuals (Robert's Rules, Course Materials, etc.) IIMC -CMC Application Fee TRAINING FACC 2027 Fall Academy (mileage & meals) FACC 2022 Fall Academy (registra tion & hotel) FACC 2022 Summer Academy 2022 Region III Conference Miscellaneous Training (Records, Code Enf, etc.) IIMC Online Learning courses COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Total General Government: Total Expense Objects: $96 $1,545 $615 $138 $471 $2,014 $1,300 $400 $100 $1,300 $7,300 $5,120 $300 $300 $720 $3,500 $900 $960 $35 $150 $340 $160 $150 $125 $5,380 $250 $7,745 $1,139 $946 $1,000 $900 $0 0% 0% 15% 12.2% $4,416 $0 0% $360,956 $317,875 $309,704 $305,474 -7.9% $317,875 $309,704 $305,474 $360,956 -10.5% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 121 Finance Purpose Melissa Burns Director of Finance The City's Finance Department provides direct services to the Atlantic Beach community, which includes approximately 8,500 total residents and businesses. Comprised of four divisions (Accounting, Procurement, Customer Service and Utility Billing), the department is responsible for the following: ensuring effective and efficient management of citywide resources, supervision and direction annual budget preparation, investments, financial reporting, payroll taxes and reporting, grant and pension financial reporting, utility billing, purchasing, and accounts payable. Objectives o To continue to provide citizens and management with unqualified audit opinions annually o To prepare and monitor the annual operating budget and long term financial plan o To provide customers with excellent customer service o To provide timely and efficient procurement support for all departments o To assist management with financial and performance analysis to aid in decision mak ng o To ensure that all customer demands can be met from the comfort of their home ~ 10 increase the use of electronic documents versus hardcopies o To focus on a higher level of health, sanitation, and safety for both customers and City employees Issues, Trends and Highlights pv2o21 Workload Data Measurement pv2018 Fv2019 pv2020 em. Utility Bilis Generated 101,9201 10z336 10z562 10z769 Service Orders Completed 15,2471 12722 e,196 10220 Payroll Checks Processed 3,709 3,900 3,969 3,974 Accounts Payable Checks 4,723 4,577 42e2 4,1/6 Processed | ProcessedPurchase Orders �� � 7.932 1.853 1,7e4 Expenditures Summary There is a slight increase between the Fiscal Year 202budget and the proposed FicaI year 2022 Budget, Th increase can be ettributed to an ncrease in operating expenditures, specifically other operating expenses and training. The increase in operating costs is due to items that were neededbut not budgeted for previously, such as uniform cleaning, and office items needed. All members of the department have expressed a desire to receive some training related to their positions. This is reflected in the increase in the training budget. �������� $1 ���0,730 ���� City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 122 • Actual Budgeted • Over Budget Expenditures by Expense Type Capital Outlay (0.5%) Operating Expenses (13.7%) Personnel Services (85.8%) City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 123 Name . . ... .." . .. .. ... .. ". ... . . . . . . ". . .. . . . . .., . .. . . . . . . . ... . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Capital Outlay Operating Expenses Personnel Services FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 Budget vs. Actual Actual Budget Projected Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) Expense Objects Personnel Services General Government SALARIES $566,426 $624,735 $658,103 $623,290 $677,614 3% Director of Finance $778,004 Finance Associate $37857 Meter Reader 1 $40,573 Customer Service Supervisor $55677 Procurement Manager $62,858 Utility Billing Specialist $38,242 Billing Supervisor 358,537 Deputy Finance Director $84,850 Accountant $57374 Customer Service Rep #1 329,587 Meter Reader #2 $30,465 Meter Reader #3 332,329 Customer Service Rep #2 $37,387 OVERTIME $13,650 $11,552 $10,000 $10,363 $15,000 50% SPECIAL PAY $8,361 $415 $0 $3,505 $500 N/A FICA. 343,049 347,165 $51,110 $47,508 $53,024 3.7% 7- City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 124 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Budget Projected Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) BENEFIT GROUP -GEN EPAL $31,708 $27,276 $41,482 $37,336 $41,498 0% 401 GEN L DEF CONTR MATCH $7,095 $11,165 $12,000 $12,008 $12,360 3% UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP $123,529 $117,588 $108,351 $97,513 $112,207 3.6% HEALTH $89,922 $99,252 $93,775 $112,584 $120,465 28.5% LIFE $1,160 $1,333 $1,052 $1,348 $1,442 37.1% WORKERSCOMPENSATION $4,634 $4,177 $2,984 $$912 $4,200 40.8% REEMPLOYMENTCOMPENSATION $0 $255 $0 0% Total General Government: $889,534 $944,657 $978,857 $949,620 $1,038,310 6.1% Total Personnel Services: $889,534 $944,657 $978,857 $949,620 $1,038,310 6.1% Operating Expenses General Government PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $240 $315 $0 $252 $0 0% ACCOUNTING &AUDITING $29,899 $58,489 $57,805 $75,061 $59,550 3% Audit $45,000 Single Audit $3,000 Accounting Consultant $11,550 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. $1$025 $3$718 $18,500 $23,053 58,960 -51.6% Bank Merchan t Service Fees $3,400 Miscellaneous Charges (Emp $560 Screenings) TRAVEL AND PER DIEM $100 $500 $0 $500 0% COMMUNICATIONS $1,394 $$317 $$500 $3,416 $3,980 13.7° Cell phone charges $2500 Telephone Charges (In Office) $7,440 Unforeseen increases $40 TRANSP.,POSTAGE,MESSENGER $47,574 $38,603 $45,000 $53,880 $4$800 1.8% Arista -Utility Prin ting & Mailing $45,600 Postal Perrn it $200 RENTALS & LEASES $459 $180 $561 $630 250% Uniform Rental $630 REPAIR& MAINTENANCE $942 $1,000 $16 $1,000 0% PRINTING & PUBLISHING $19,467 $18,179 $20,000 $23,640 $16,000 -20% Bill/Newsletter Printing $16,000 OFFICE SUPPLIES $2,906 $2,498 $2,500 $3,024 $3,000 20% OPERATING SUPPLIES $7,743 $10,580 $8,000 $9,873 $10,000 25% Computer Supplies $3,000 Other Supplies $2,000 BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSH IPS $634 $789 $1,840 $814 $2,000 8.7% FGFOA Membership $150 GFOA Membership $360 First Coast Chapter FCFOA $30 City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 125 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 Budget vs. Actual Actual Budget Projected Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) National Procurement Association $200 North Florida Procurement Association $25 Government Finance Publications $550 Procurement Publications $500 Miscellaneous publications $785 TRAINING $6,675 $688 $7,105 $1,808 $15,000 FGFOA School of Government Finance $975 (Bums, Percell Ryes) FGFOA Annual Conference (Burns, Percell, Reyes) Hotels for Training (2 con ferences 3 employees Review Classes and Testing for CPA $7,200 Procurement Training $7,500 Miscellaneous Training for CSR $870 Total General Government: $129,556 $168,676 $165,930 $195,397 $166,420 03% Total Operating Expenses: $129,556 $168,676 $165,930 $195,397 $166,420 0.3% $7,455 $9,000 Capital Outlay General Government MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT $0 $0 $6,000 N/A MICR Prilter $6,000 Total General Government: $0 $0 $6,000 N/A Total Capital Outlay: $0 $0 $6,000 N/A Total Expense Objects: $1,019,090 $1;113,333 $1,144,787 $1,145,017 $1,210,730 5.8% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 126 Organizational Chart Finance Department rector of Firsartoe rnan City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Bi 111 Page 127 Information Technology Purpose: Information Technology, a component of the City Manager's Office, relies on its own internal staff, plus the assistance of external partners, to provide connected IT and cybersecurity continuity of all computer, te|ephone. and Wi-Fi-related systems and services for the City government. More than 160 desktop and laptop computers utilize the data network comprised of underground fiber and wireless bridges, giving access to business applications such as email, document management systems, police record management systems, the City website, data file storage, and videoconferencing. More than 120 City employees at 15 city locations are provided voice and data services. Most business applications such as email, file and records management, utility security access control systems, network connectivity, and monitoring tools are run on in-house conventional and virtual server platforms. Information Technology provides planning, acquisition, installation configuration, installation and support for all computers, printers, copiers and telephone systems for City government. Along with the day-to-day systems and desktop support, Information Technology carries responsibility for long- range information system planning and maintenance of services. .,.)..)1), r))..)^r Expenditures Summary �������� $834,217 _ • Actual Budgeted City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 128 Personnel Services (31.3%) 0 8 8,7 0 Ci 8,82. Expenditures by Expense Type Capital Outlay (7.3%) --„ Operating Expenses (61.4%) < Capital Outlay Personnel Services Operating Expenses City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 129 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Name Account ID Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted Notes (% Change) Expense Objects Personnel Services General Government SALARIES OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY E.I.C.A. BENEFITGROUP-GENERAL UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP HEALTH LIFE WORKERSCOMPENSATION 001-1011-516- 12-00 001-1011-516- 14-00 001-1011-516- 15-00 001-1011-516- 21-00 001-1011-516- 22-04 001-1011-516- 22-08 001-1011-516- 23-01 001-1011-516- 23-02 001-1011-516- 24-00 $166,599 $141,878 $151,477 $165,630 3% $10,563 $15,479 $8,383 $8,500 63% $21,242 $0 $800 0% $15,011 $11,892 $12,173 $13383 3.1% $20,902 $17,980 $15,552 $14,920 -13.7% $14,458 $13,763 $40,630 $40,074 -11,2% $18,527 $15,587 $16,338 $17,482 18.6% $319 $264 $264 $264 -24.6% $301 $154 $145 $382 0% $216,997 $244,961 $261,435 0.4% $244,961 $261,435 0.4% Total General Government: $267,921 Total Personnel Services: $267,921 $216,997 Operating Expenses General Government OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. TRAVEL AND PER DIEM COMMUNICATIONS TRANSR,POSTAGE,MESSENGER RENTAL AND LEASES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE PRINTING & PUBLISHING OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES GASOLINE BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSH IPS 001-1011-516- 34-00 001-1011-516- 40-00 001-1011-516- 41-00 001-1011-516- 42-00 001-1011-516- 44-00 001-1011-516- 46-00 001-1011-516- 47-00 001-1011-516- 51-00 001-1011-516- 52-00 001-1011-516- 52-01 001-1011-516- 54-00 $13,336 $8,444 $237 $64,221 $94 $18,046 $257,355 $312 $48,261 $260 $0 $18,727 36.4% $271 $28 $571 0% $65,243 $79,839 $77,254 0% $0 $0 0% $18,589 $22,896 $22,579 0% $318,066 $322739 $328,329 1.451 $90 $0 $0 0% $0 SO 0% $52283 $9,755 $56,843 5.6% $0 $500 0% $200 $0 $200 0% 1.*; City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 130 P12021 Budget vs. FY2019 P12020 FY2021 P12022 Name Account ID FY2022 Budgeted Notes Actual Actual Projected Budgeted (% Change) 001-100-516- TRAINING $3,006 $1,928 $4,554 $6,957 0% 55-00 Total General Government: $405,130 $465,113 $439,812 $511,960 2.5% Total Operating Expenses: $405,130 $465,113 $439,812 $511,960 2.5% Capital Outlay General Government 001 -1011 -516 - COMPUTER EQUIPMENT $7123 $26,301 $0 $60,822 O% 64-02 Total General Government: $7,123 $26,301 $0 $60,822 0% Total Capital Outlay: $7,123 $26,301 $0 $60,822 0% Total Expense Objects: $680,175 $708,411 $684,773 $834,217 1.6% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 131 Human Resources Purpose: Cathy Varian Director ofHumari Resources The Human Resource Department is responsible for providing programs and services designed to attract, retain and develop diverse employees committed to achieving City objectives and satisfying our customers, while promoting an atmosphere of employee engagennent, inclusivity and pride. Human Resources administers programs and activities related to recruitment and se|ection, equal employment opportunity, benefits administration, wellness initiativos, risk management, workers' compensation insurance and claims, commercial insurance and claims (property, liability, eutnnnohi|e, etc), position c|asshic*tion, performance management, compensation, employee relations, training and development and personnel policies and procedures. Key Objectives: o Recruit and hire the best possible applicants for employment. o Ensure that our work environment is diverse, inclusive and free from harassment and discrimination. o Maintain a positive working relationship with the City's two collective bargaining units. o Ensure that the City's policies are updated and enforced consistently. ° Update and maintain the Citys Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual. o Maintain the City's Employee and Retiree payroll systems and HR files to ensure efficiency and security. o Apply loss prevention and control methods through identification and analysis of loss exposure in the areas of Iiability, workers compensation and property Ioss, o Identify and provide training opportunities for staif. o Participate in the Incident Command structure for emergency preparedness and related incidents and events. Issues, TrendsHighlights: o Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Human Resources Department has had to make significant changes in how it operates, but it has been able to accomplish all of its responsibilities while still providing opportunities for employee engagement. o The events of 2020 have once again shone a light on race -related issues, so the Human Resources Department reviewed and updated the City's policies and developed and implemented training opportunities for staif to ensure racial equity and inclusivity. o The Human Resources Department continually monitors salary equity, both within and outside our organization and recognizes that we need to update our pay scale to keep up with inflation and other municipalities. In prior years, the City would give raises based on the mid -point of the scale, plus increase the paysca|ebylY6asaC0L4.butvvehaven'tdonethatsinceZOlB. O The City has had successful negations with both of its employee Unions this year. o The recruitment process is always a top priority, to ensure that we attract and retain the most qualified candidates and ensure a diverse and successful workforce. We have implemented NeoGov, a new recruitment platform, and continue to look at new opportunities for recruitment. o We have continued to emphasize our wellness program, with substantial employee participation. This is the third year in a row that the City has earned a Silver Level Award from the First Coast Worksite Wellness Council. o As part of its Risk Management role, the Human Resources Department recognizes the importance of having a robust, organization -wide Safety Program. ~ For the budget year 2020-2021, the cost of health insurance was anticipated to increase substantially due to increased utilization rates, so we went out to market to ensure the best products and the best rates for the City and our employees. We were able to select a new vendor at a great rate for calendar year 2021. o Insurance rate projections for liability and property loss are expected to increase substantially, so we are out to market for these policies. Workers compensation rates are expected to remain the same. '1:1: City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 132 • The Human Resources Department has been successful in converting all of its paper files to Laserfiche, and continues to do so on an on-going basis. Expenditures Summary $249,257 $4v679 1 • Actual Budgeted • Over Budget City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 133 3 ) Expenditures by Expense Type Operating Expenses (4.6%) Personnel Services (95.4%) • , i• Operating Expenses Personnel Services City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 134 Name Expense Objects Personnel Services General Government SALARIES SPECIAL PAY F.I.C.A. BENEFITGROUP-GENERAL 401 GEN L DEE CONTR MATCH UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP HEALTH LIFE WORKERSCOMPENSATION Total General Government: Total Personnel Services: Operating Expenses General Government OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. COMMUN ICATIONS TRANSP.,POSTAGE,MESSENGER OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES BOOK,SUBSCRI P,MEMBERSH I PS TRAINING Total General Government: Total Operating Expenses: Total Expense Objects: FY2019 P12020 Actual Actual FY2021 FY2022 Projected Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Notes Change) $148,902 $154,792 $145,838 $161,772 3% $3,057 $3,092 $2,803 $3,167 0% $11,064 $11,338 $11,003 $12,618 5.4% $5,807 $4,999 $6,221 $5,968 -13.7% $5,588 55,772 $5,786 $5,810 3% $34,009 $32,373 $16,254 $16,030 -112% $24,114 $28,968 $29,752 $31,835 5% $249 $264 5264 $264 -4.3% $217 $157 $140 $278 5.3% $233,007 $241,755 $218,060 $237,742 1.7% $233,007 $241,755 $218,060 $237,742 1.7% $4,191 $3,680 $5,330 $5,000 0% $441 $744 $928 $1,025 156.3% $10 $0 $100 0% $981 $1,747 -$349 $1,300 0% $1,647 $1,750 $3,735 51,500 0% $933 $708 5509 5590 0% $847 5507 $2,000 0% $9,041 $8,639 $10,659 $11,515 5.7% $9,041 $8,639 $10,659 $11,515 5.7% $242,047 $250,394 $228,719 , $249,257 . 1.9% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 135 Legal Services Purpose: The purpose of this program is to provide legal services, including ordinance interpnsa ion, legal opinion, negotiation, litigation, etc., requested by the C ty Commission, City Manager or City staff. Key Objectives: The City Attorney is appointed by the City Commission and acts as the legal advisor for the municipality and all of its officers in matters relating to their official duties. The attorney prepares ordinances, contracts, bonds, and other instruments in which the City is concerned and endorses on each his approval of the form and correctness thereof. When required to do so by the City Commission, it prosecutes and defends, for and on behalf of the City, complaints, suits and proceedings in which the City is a party. The attorney furnishes the City Commissioners, City Manager and department heads of the City opinions on questions of law relating to their respective powers and duties. Expenditures Summary mt�� $150,000 1-'112;,� Ft' :20�' Actual Budgeted City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 136 I Expenditures by Expense Type OperatingExpenses( .17 Operating Expenses City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 137 Name Expense Objects Operating Expenses General Government PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LAND ISSUE Total General Government: Total Operating Expenses: Total Expense Objects: FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Notes Change) $145,980 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 0% $19,975 $0 $0 O% $165,955 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 0% $165,955 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 0% $165,955 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 0% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 138 Planning and Community Development Purpose: Amanda Askew Planning and mmmumDevelopment Director The Planning and Community Development Department administers zoning and land use related functions of the City, including implementation and amendment of the Comprehensive Plan; review of applications for Development Permits to verity consistency with land development regulations and the Comprehensive Plan; compliance with sign code and tree code; proposes amendments to city land use regulations as appropriate; and implements studies, programs, and special projects as directed. The Department also serves as the City liaison to the Northeast Florida Regional Council, Florida Department of Community Affairs, and other local, state and federal agendes, and provides staff support to the Community Development Board and the Environmental Stewardship Committee. Key Objectives: • Work with the City Commission and city staff to maintain and improve the quality of life of Atlantic Beach in terms of aesthetics of the built environrnent, bicycle and pedestrian p|anning, economic deve|opnnent, redevelopment, long range planning, marsh master planning, and public works projects. Issues, Trends and Highlights: " Bicycle and Pedestrian Connectivity Plan completed ° Phase 1 Adaptation PIan Adaptation PIan completed o Completed the major update to Chapter 23 - Protection of Trees and the Natural Environment ~ Coordinated pilot Main Street Traffic Calming ° Planted more than 200 newtrees on public property • Obtaining LEED4.1 certification o Outside seating ordinance o Beach parking inventory o Hosted annual Arbor Day event ° Hosted Brazilian Pepperlree round -up Workload Data: The Planning and Community Department is responsible for planning functions along with land use and zon ng adnninistration, including review of all building permit applications and new business tax receipts to verify consistency with the zoning and land development regulations and the Comprehensive Plan. The department also administers the City's tree ordinance, assists with the Community Development Block Grant progenn, and provides staff support to the Community Development Board and the Environmental Stewardship Committee. Expenditures Summary City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 139 $687,373$156643 Special Revenue Funds (335%) frYad`., • Actual Budgeted Expenditures by Fund City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 ; A AIAA' y General Fund (66.5%) Page 140 Name General Fund General Fund Personnel Services 40 IP Special Revenue Funds ,"?, General Fund FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted SALARIES $212741 $180,814 $204,072 $236,961 OVERTIME $1,731 $38 $0 $100 SPECIAL PAY $6,065 $3,129 $2,716 $2,775 F.I.C.A. $16,566 $13,738 $15,588 $18,347 BENEFITGROUP-GENERAL $3,808 $0 $0 401 GEN L DE F CONTP MATCH $6,104 $9,192 $11,062 $6,022 UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP $12,512 511,910 $0 $0 HEALTH $26,133 $21,176 $26,862 $28,743 LIFE $353 $289 $366 $378 WORKERSCOMPENSATION $14,149 $2,152 $2,715 $2500 REEMPLOYMENT $0 COMPENSATION $145 SALARIES OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY F.I.C.A. 401 GEN L DEF CONTR MATCH UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Notes Change) 3% -80% 29% 2.8% 0% 3% 0% 811% 26% 47.1% -100% $42875 $45,247 $45,129 $47,732 3% $224 $0 $500 0% $291 $2,277 $2,268 $2,250 0% 53,193 $3,419 $3,476 $3,862 2.8% $640 $1,426 $1,811 $3,545 0% $12,752 $12,139 $0 $0 0% 1.*; City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 141 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Notes Change) HEALTH $5,532 $7,467 $7,757 $8,301 4.6% LIFE $101 $119 $124 $145 9.8% WORKERS' COMPENSATION $659 $643 $686 $675 -22.3% Total Personnel Services: $362,621 $318,982 ' $324,777 $362,836 6.6% Operating Expenses PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS REPAIR& MAINTENANCE PRINTING & PUBLISHING OTHER CURRENT CHARGES OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES GASOLINE BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSHIPS TRAINING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES COMMUN ICATIONS REPAIR& MAINTENANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES GASOLINE BOOK,SU BSCRI P,MEM BERSH I PS TRAINING Total Operating Expenses: Total General Fund: Total General Fund: $133,590 $105 $126 $3,808 $4775 $47,614 $543 $1,220 $1,264 $7,650 $9,180 $5,500 $7,056 $3,513 -$240 $216 $85 5364 $998 $3,662 $1,120 $252 $138 $0 $804 $238 $2,635 $849 $245 $105 $0 $20,448 $26,400 $921 $963 5854 $8 50 53 $0 $1,306 $200 $78 $206 5272 $32 $70 5332 $1,854 $1,956 $152,747 $47,496 $93,076 $0 0% $30,000 0% $2280 26.7% $7,650 0% $15,000 0% $0 0% $350 0% $2100 0% $250 0% $1,200 0% $6,500 0% $0 0% $24,000 0% $1,032 0% $0 0% $100 0% 5750 0% $250 0%, $75 0% $3,000 ' 0% $94,537 0.5% $515,368 $366,478 $417,852 $457,373 53% $515,368 $366,478 $417,852 $457,373 53% Special Revenue Funds Tree Replacement Fund Operating Expenses OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE $23,519 $22714 $2550 $30,000 Total Operating Expenses: $23,519 $22,714 $2,550 $30,000 Total Tree Replacement Fund: $23,519 $22,714 $2,550 $30,000 0% O% O% Community Redevelopment Operating Expenses OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE $513 $12,565 $47794 5200,000 201.2% Total Operating Expenses: $513 $12,565 $47,794 $200,000 201.2% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 142 Name Total Community Redevelopment: Total Special Revenue Funds: Total: FY2019 Actual $513 $24,032 $539,400 FY2020 Actual $12,565 $35,279 $401,757 FY2021 Projected $47,794 $50,344 $468,196 Expenditures by Function Code Enforcement (14%) City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 FY2022 Budgeted $200,000 $230,000 $687,373 Comprehensive Planning (86%) FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Notes Change) 2012% 138.6% 29.5% Page 143 0 L. Name Expenditures General Government Comprehensive Planning Planning & Zoning Personnel Services _6•`1' Code Enforcement Comprehensive Planning FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted SALARIES $212,741 $180,814 $204,072 $236,961 OVERTIME $1,731 $38 $0 $100 SPECIAL PAY $6,065 $3,129 $2,716 $2,775 F.I.C.A. $16,566 $13,738 $15,588 $18,347 BEN EFITOROUP-CENERAL $3,808 $0 $0 401 GEN L DEF CONTR MATCH $6,104 $9,192 $11,062 $6,022 UNFUNDED LIABILI1Y-GEPP $12,512 $11,910 $0 $0 HEALTH $26,133 $21,176 $26,862 $28,743 LIFE $353 $289 $366 $378 WORKERSCOMPENSATION $14,149 $2,152 $2,715 $2,500 REEMPLOYMENT $145 $0 COMPENSATION Total Personnel Services: $296,354 $246,245 $263,526 $295,826 Operating Expenses FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) 3% -80`% 2.9% 2.8% 0% 3% 0% 81.1% 26% 47.1% -100% 7.6% 1.*:: City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 144 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $133,590 $105 $126 $0 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE $3,808 $4,775 $47,614 $30,000 COMMUNICATIONS $543 $1,220 $1264 $2,280 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE $7,650 $9,180 $7,650 PRINTING &PUBLISHING $5,500 $7,056 $3,513 $15,000 OTHER CURRENT CHARGES -$240 $0 OFFICE SUPPLIES $216 $85 $364 $350 OPERATING SUPPLIES $998 53,662 $1,120 $2100 GASOLINE $252 $138 $0 $250 BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSHIPS $804 $238 $1200 TRAINING $2,635 5849 $245 $6,500 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE 524519 $22,714 $2,550 $30,000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE 5513 $12,565 $47794 $200,000 Total Operating Expenses: $172,379 $60,818 $113,767 $295,330 Total Planning & Zoning: Total Comprehensive Planning: Total General Government: Public Safety Protective Inspections Code Enforcement Personnel Services $468,733 $307,064 $377,293 $591,156 $468,733 $307,064 $377,293 $591,156 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) 0% 0% 26.7% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 201.2% 832% 35.5% 355% $468,733 $307,064 $377,293 $591,156 35.5% SALARIES $42,875 OVERTIME $224 SPECIAL PAY 5291 $2,277 F.I.C.A. $3,193 $3,419 401 GENL DEF CONTR MATCH $640 51,426 UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP 512752 $12,139 HEALTH 55,532 $7,467 LIFE $101 $119 WORKERS' COMPENSATION $659 $643 Total Personnel Services: $66,267 $72,737 $45,247 Operating Expenses PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS REPAIR& MAINTENANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES GASOLI N E $105 $20,448 5921 $963 $8 $1,306 $206 $3 $200 $272 $45,129 $47,732 $0 $500 $2,268 $2,250 $3,476 53,862 $1,811 $3,545 $0 $0 $7,757 58,301 $124 5145 $686 $675 $61,251 $67,010 3% OC°6 0% 28% 0% 0% 4.6% 9.8% -22.3% 2.6% $0 $0 0% 526,400 $24,000 0% $854 $1,032 0% $0 $0 0% $0 $100 0% $78 5750 0% 532 $250 0% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 145 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSHIPS $70 $332 S75 0% TRAINING $1,854 $1,956 $3,000 0% Total Operating Expenses: $4,400 $21,956 $29,652 $29,207 0% Total Code Enforcement: $70,667 $94,693 $90,903 $96,217 1.8% Total Protective Inspections: Total Public Safety: Total Expenditures: Operating Expenses (47.2%) $70,667 $94,693 $90,903 $96,217 1.8% $70,667 $94,693 $90,903 $96,217 1.8% $539,400 $401,757 $468,196 $687,373 Expenditures by Expense Type City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Personnel Services (52.8%) 29.5% Page 146 0 Li 0 0 0 0. Name Expense Objects Personnel Services Operating Expenses Total Expense Objects: Operating Expenses ia Personnel Services FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Projected FY2022 Budgeted $362,621 $176,779 $539,400 City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 $318,982 $82,775 $401,757 $324,777 $143,419 $468,196 $362,836 $324,537 $687,373 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) 6.6% 70.4% 29.5% Page 147 General Government The activities in this department are comprised of those expenditures that cannot be classified in any other department. Various funds are also included in this department. They are: Convention Development Tax Fund, Half Cent Sales Tax Fund and Capital Projects Fund, Expenditures Summary $1 406 338 $244561 (2 vs. prif_A- vea 50' • Actual Budgeted 5 :055 City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 148 (L: Name General Fund City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Better Jax 1/2 Ct Sale Tx (20.9%) Expenditures by Fund General Fund (70.1%) Capital Projects Fund 1.4° Better Jax 1/2 Ct Sale Tx "i General Fund Account ID FY2021 Budget FY2021 Actuals FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 FY2022 Budgeted (% Notes Budgeted Change) Page 149 P(2021 Budget vs. FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 Name Account ID Budget Actuals Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted (% Notes Change) General Fund Personnel Services SALARIES OVERTIME FICA. 401 GEN L DEF CONTR MATCH HEALTH LIFE WORKERSCOMPENSATION SALARIES OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY F.I.C.A. BENERTGROUR-GENERAL 401 GEN L DEF CONTR MATCH UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP HEALTH LIFE WORKERS' COMPENSATION Total Personnel Services: Operating Expenses PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE COMMUN ICATIONS TRANSRPOSTAGE,MESSENGER UTILITIES CITY PROVIDED 001-1009-519- 12-00 001-1009-519- 14-00 001-1009-519- 21-00 001-1009-519- 22-05 001-1009-519- 23-01 001-1009-519- 23-02 001-1009-519- 24-00 001-1012-519-12- 00 001-1012-519-14- 00 001-1012-519-15- 00 001-1012-519-21- 00 001-1012-519-22- 04 001-1012-519-22- 05 001-1012-519-22- 08 001-1012-519-23- 01 001-1012-519-23- 02 001-1012-519-24- 00 001-1009-519- 31-00 001-1009-519- 34-00 001-1009-519- 41-00 001-1009-519- 42-00 001-1009-519- 43-00 001-1009-519- 43-01 523,857 $20,197 $26,438 10.8% 50 $75 $0 0% 51,826 $1,536 $2,023 10.84, $1,945 $897 $2,004 3% $2,669 $3,939 $5,058 89,5% $23 $54 $66 187% $16 $18 $18 125% $66,235 $68,102 577,930 17.7% $200 5541 $100 -50% $0 $470 $150 N/A $5,083 $5,150 $5,962 17.3% 56,914 55,968 -13.7% $2,060 $1,651 $2,060 0% 518,059 $13,545 $16,030 -11,2% $25,548 $12,477 $16,021 -37.3% 5350 $160 $300 -14,3% $3,647 $2,692 $3,757 3% $158,432 $131,506 $163,885 3.4% $45,500 545,500 $95,500 109.9% $51,000 $54,033 $76,186 49.4% $424 $266 $424 0% $10,000 $7,000 $10,000 0% $18,000 $13,823 $18,000 0% $6,000 $5,367 $8,500 41.7% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 150 Name RENTALS & LEASES INSURANCE REPAIR& MAINTENANCE PRINTING & PUBLISHING OTHER CURRENTCHARCES CULTURAL ARTS BOARD OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSHIPS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS RENTALS & LEASES REPAIR& MAINTENANCE OPERATING SUPPLIES GASOLINE DIESEL TRAINING Total Operating Expenses: Capital Outlay MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT BUILDING MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT Total Capital Outlay: Total General Fund: Total General Fund: Account ID 001-1009-519- 44-00 001-1009-519- 45-00 001-1009-519- 46-00 001-1009-519- 47-00 001-1009-519- 49-00 001-1009-519- 49-01 001-1009-519- 51-00 001-1009-519- 52-00 001-1009-519- 54-00 001-1012-519-31- 00 001-1012-519-34- 00 001-1012-519-41- 00 001-1012-519- 44-00 001-1012-519- 46-00 001-1012-519-52- 00 001-1012-519-52- 01 001-1012-519-52- 02 001-1012-519-55- 00 001-1009-519- 64-00 001-1012-519-62- 00 001-1012-519- 64-00 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 Budget vs. FY Budget Actuals Budgeted 2022 Budgeted (% Notes Change) $3,833 $3,832 $3,833 0% $172,915 $157,716 $190,207 10% $13,000 $8,279 $12,900 -0.8% $750 $750 0% $1,300 $70,000 5,284.6% $2,000 $0 -100% 53,000 $1,045 $2,500 -16.7% $10,000 $6,427 512,000 2051 $1,100 $679 $1,200 9.1% $0 $45 $0 0% $189,500 $59,894 $167,000 -11.9% 5600 $366 $600 0% $300 $300 0% $5,000 547,095 841.9% $7,500 $11,316 $7,500 0% $600 $317 $600 0% $25 $25 0% $1,000 $1,000 0% $543,347 $375,905 $726,120 33.6% $209,998 $177,506 $0 -100% $200,000 N/A $0 522,500 N/A $209,998 $177,506 $222,500 6% $911,777 $684,917 $1112,505 22% $911,777 $684,917 $1,112,505 22% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 151 Name Better Jax 1/2 Ct Sale Tx Operating Expenses OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE Total Operating Expenses: Capital Outlay LAND Total Capital Outlay: ital Ou and Grants Aids BUSINESS GRANT PROGRAM Total Grants and Aids: Total Better Jax 1/2 Ct Sale Tx: Total: Account ID 131-• 1009-S19-34- 00 131_1009-519-61 00 13-1_1009-519-82-- 01 F Fy2021 Y2021 Budget Actuals $200,000 $200,000 60 $50,000 $50,000 $250,000 $1,161,777 $240,000 $240,000 $11:167 $11,167 $49,990 $49,990 $301,157 $986,074 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 FY2022 Budgeted (% Notes Budgeted Change) $0 60 $293,833 $293,833 $0 60 $293,833 $1,406,338 Expenditures by Expense Type Personnel Seryices (111%) Capital Outlay (36.7%) ,. '''''' ' .'.'......„::.........„....,.,.,,,.. '''iii"'"'"'','.i,ii,,,'",ii,""iiiiiiiii"''iiii',',",'',"iiiiiiii':iiiiiiii'""''i,,i,''ii,,ii'.',iiii'"'"':'"iiiiiiii",,"'",iiiiiiii,,iiii„ .,....... City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 _100% -100% N/A N/A -100% -100% Operating Expenses (51'6%) 175% 211% Page 152 0.1 Name Grants and Aids Personnel Services Capital Outlay Operating Expenses FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Notes Change) Expense Objects Personnel Services General Government SALARIES $13,905 $16,323 524,236 $26,438 10.8% OVERTIME $50 $39 $91 $0 0% SPECIAL PAY $270 $308 $0 $0 0% F.I.C.A. $1,059 $1,241 $1,843 $2,023 10.8% BENEFIT GROUP -GENERAL $721 $0 50 0% 401 GE N L DEE CONTR MATCH 5551 $623 51,077 $2,004 3% UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP $2,574 $2,450 $0 $0 0% HEALTH $2,672 $3,470 $4,727 $5,058 89.5% LIFE $35 $43 $65 $66 187% WORKERS' COMPENSATION $19 $17 $22 $18 12.5% SALARIES $90,874- $86,858 581,723 577,930 17.7% OVERTIME $1,560 $26 $649 $100 -50% SPECIAL PAY 5607 $206 $565 $150 N/A F.I.CA. $6,802 $6,337 $6,180 $5,962 17.3% BENEFIT GROUP -GENERAL $11,733 510,095 $0 $5,968 -13.7% 401 GEN L DE F CONTR MATCH $1,624 $1,671 $1,982 $2,060 0% UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP $19,564 $18,623 516,254 $16,030 -11,2% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 153 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Name Actual Actual Projected HEALTH $15,094 $15,372 LIFE $199 $197 WORKERSCOMPENSATION $3,904 $2,899 Total General Government: $173,094 $167,518 Total Personnel Services: $173,094 $167,518 Operating Expenses General Government $14,973 $192 $3,231 $157,807 $157,807 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 FY2022 Budgeted (% Notes Budgeted Change) $16,021 -37.3% $300 -14.3% $3,757 3% $163,885 3.4% $163,885 3.4% PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $85,724 $52,402 $54,600 $95,500 109.9% State Lobbyist Services $4$500 Traffic Engineer $50,000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE $81,146 $46,369 $64,839 $76,186 49.4% Grant Writing Services $42,986 Pest Control $7,200 Other Miscellaneous Services $4, 000 City's Share of Actuarial Eva I- $2,000 Police Legal Review of Charter Officers' $6,000 Bus Shelter/JTA $20,000 COMMUNICATIONS $564 $303 $319 5424 0% TRANSP.POSTAGE,MESSENGER $5,498 $9,094 $8,400 $10,000 0% UTILITIES $18,653 $18,477 $16,588 $18,000 0% CITY PROVIDED $6,197 $8,527 $6,440 $8,500 417% RENTALS & LEASES $3,404 $3,832 $4,599 $3,833 0% INSURANCE $189,819 $159,277 $189,259 $190,207 10% REPAIR& MAINTENANCE $8,041 $7,661 $9,935 $12,900 -0.8% North End Copier Charges $5,600 South End Copier Charges $2300 Misc. Building Repairs $5,000 PRINTING & PUBLISHING $9,176 $811 $0 $750 0% OTHER CURRENT CHARGES $1,295 $266 $0 $70,000 5,284.6% Contingency $70,000 OFFICE SUPPLIES $2,403 $1,880 $1254 $2,500 -16.7% OPERATING SUPPLIES $14,402 $10,463 $7,713 $12,000 20% BOOK,SUBSCRI P,MEMBERSH I PS $1,500 $1,179 $815 $1,200 9.1% OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE $288,000 $0 -100% OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE $3,000 $24,235 $0 $0 0% PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $105 $105 $54 $0 0% OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE $86,786 $61,818 $71,873 $167,000 T1.9% Janitoria HVAC Repairs, etc. $62,000 Public Works Roof Repair $20,000 Standard Roof Repairs $17,000 City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 154 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 P12021 Budget vs. Actual Actual Projected Budgeted P/2022 Budgeted (% Notes Change) Public Works Mold Mitigation $78,000 Sanitize City Hall 2x Per Year S70,000 Sanitize Jordan CC2x Per Year $5,000 Sanitize Gail Baker CC2x Per Year $5000 Sanitize Public Sa fety 2x Per Year $8,000 Sanitize Adele Grage a Per Year $7,000 Sanitize Public Utilities 2x Per Year $7,000 Sanitize Public Works 2x Per Year $8,000 COMMUNICATIONS $60 $95 $439 $600 Phone for Bldg. Maint. Tech $600 RENTALS & LEASES $0 S300 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE $2748 $8,736 $0 $47,095 Painting Interior of City $42095 Hall/Carpet repair Miscellaneous Repairs $5,000 OPERATING SUPPLIES $6,200 $6,252 $13,579 $7,500 Paint Supplies, Hardware, Tools $4,800 Janitorial Supplies $1,200 Hand Sanitizer, Disinfectants $1,500 GASOLINE $685 $401 $380 $600 DIESEL $0 $25 TRAINING $0 $1,000 Total General Government: $527,406 $422,183 $739,086 $726,120 Total Operating Expenses: $527,406 $422,183 $739,086 $726,120 0% 0% 841.9% 0% 0% 0% -23% -23% Capital Outlay General Government MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT $1,274 $14,718 $209,998 $0 -100% LAND $13,400 $293,833 N/A BUILDING $0 $200,000 N/A Re -Roof City Hall & Chambers $200,000 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT $0 $22,500 N/A 3 NEW A/C UNITS (LOCATIONS $22,500 TBD) MOTORVEHICLES $24,580 $0 $0 0% Total General Government: $25,854 $14,718 $223,398 $516,333 145.9% Total Capital Outlay: $25,854 $14,718 $223,398 $516,333 145.9% Grants and Aids General Government BUSINESS GRANT PROGRAM $49,990 $0 -100'70 Total General Government: $49,990 $0 -100% 1.*; City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 155 Name Total Grants and Aids: Total Expense Objects: FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted $49,990 $0 $726,354 $604,419 $1,170,281 $1,406,338 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Notes Change) -100% 21.1% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 156 Public Safety VictorGua|iUo Chief of Police Police Department Purpose: The Atlantic Beach Police Department's mission is to protect life and property, provide exceptional police service, and work in partnership with our community to improve the quality of life in the City of Atlantic Beach. The department will accomplish this by maintaining community partnerships that promote safe streets and neighborhoods. The Police Department operates eight (8) divisions which include Administration, Patrol & Traffic Enforcement, Training & Logistics, Community Affairs, Purchasing, Accreditation and Oversight, Property / Evidence and Investigations. Each of these divisions engages in pro -active community service, law enforcement and safety efforts. The members of these divisions provide service through criminal investigations, community patrol, traffic enforcernont, traffic crash investigations, records rnanagernent, animal control, Ocean Aescuo, accreditation management and a citizen volunteer program. The Communications Division answers all 911 calls for police, fire, and emergency medical responses within the City ofAtlantic Beach, Key Objectives 2020-21: The Priority Objective for Public Safety in 2020-21 is to promote and provide training on Racial Equity, Community Engagement, Officer Wellness and Leadership Development. Officers will be provided training that addresses the uniqueness that diverse cultures bring to our society and the challenges that can exist between citizens and law enforcement. The importance of community engagement in formal and informal settings will be a focus for programmatic planning and daily patrol operations. The holistic wellness of every police officer is a foundational element of a healthy relationship between the police department and the cornnnunity To that end the department will look for new ways to improve wellness throughout the career of our officers. We will continue to conduct in-service training for officers at every level within our department to help prepare them for a long and positive career in the City ofAtlantic Beach. 2020-21 Highlights: The 2020-21 year has seen a partial return to more normal operations but has once again been hampered by COVID. Manpower challenges have caused a strain on our team in the police department but despite that, our employees have continued to provide exceptional service to our city. This year has proven to us that the three beaches Police Departments can and need to rely on each other to provide public safety to all of our citizens and a strong working relationship can not be overlooked. Our neighboring police forces were called on to support our department for a month with manpower, when medical issues caused the ABPD patrol division to be strained to the point of needing assistance to provide adequate staffing levels for our citizens. After that, critical staffing need passed the beaches law enforcement agencies again relied on each other to prepare for a special event that had the potent al to affect public safety services in all three cities. All these events have strengthened how we work with all of our Emergency Management partners in Duval County. Multiple jurisdictions and disciplines came together to prepare for countrywide events that required communication and coordination over multiple days. Through this, we have strengthened our working relationship with our Law Enforcement and Emergency Management partners at the beaches and from the City o[Jacksonvi||e. Workload Data City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 157 verage Emergency Response Time in minutes 2019 2020 2021 (8 mo.) AatePer|D0D 16.89 21.84 10.92 Population 312 278 250 *Calls 20,995 23245 16,0e6 Traffic cicitations 2058 1803 1489 Police Grants Purpose: The Police Grants are used to enhance Public Safety operations and utilize available grants to provide the funding for public safety initiatives. Highlights: For FY 2020, the Department received $57,002 in Justice Assistance Grant County'wide (JACC) funds to be used to complete the purchase of the Computer Aided Dispatch system from FY2019. A portion will also be used to purchase upgraded dispatch consoles. The Department was also awarded $54.241 from the Coronavirus Supplemental Funding Program to be used to purchase equipment to assist in community education and cleaning of city facilities. The Department also anticipates approval of the Department of Justice Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant to purchase bulletproof vests for nfficeo, the exact amount has not been confirmed but is expected tobeabout $4.0V0. For FY 2021, the Department received $52,858 in Justice Assistance Grant County -wide (JAGC) funds to be used to complete the purchase of community security camerasThe Department received $2,177 in Justice Assistance Grant Direct (JAGD) funds to be used to complete the purchase of additional software for the ABPD Field Training Program. The Department also completed the purchasing process for the $64241 awarded in 2020 from the Coronavirus Supplemental Funding Program for disinfection equipment education and enforcement. The Department anticipates reimbursement through the Department of Justice Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant to purchase bulletproof vests for officers. The exact amount has not been confirmed but is expected to be approximately $4.000 For FY 2022, the Department anticipates receiving Justice Assistance Grant County -wide (JAGC) funds and Department of Justice Bulletproof Vest Partnership funds However, the amounts are yet to be approved. The funding level is expected to be similar to amounts awarded in FY 2020 and FY 2021. Animal Control Purpose: Atlantic Beach Animal Control's mission is to provide service to the public by enforcing local animal ordinances, capturing and impounding animals running at |arge, investigating reports of animal zttacks, animal cruelty and neglect, issuing citations for animal control code violations, invesigating animal bites, and coordinating handling and care ofanimals in the City kennel. Employees: Animal Control officers operate under the Police Department. There are two full-time Animal Control officers to Training/certifications City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 158 Atlantic Beach Animal Control officers receive state certification through FACA (Florida Animal Control Association). After the initial 40 hours of training is received, each Officer must pass a state certification test. Annual continuing education is required to maintain certification. Education/community outreach Atlantic Beach Animal Control officers emphasize community education and outreach. The officers attend the Citizens Police Academy and other events and activities to help keep the community informed about animal control issues. 1 Activity 2020 2021 (8 Months) 1Phone Calls 1274 821 Investigations 51 37 !Animals Handled 247 176 nimals rned to 93 47 rMiner Citations Written 110 88 1Warnings 183 111 Purpose: The Mission ofthe Atlantic Beach Ocean Lifeguards is to provide for the safety and protection of lives. An emphasis is placed on education and promoting awareness of the marine environment and identifying potential dangers associated with recreational activities in an open water environment. Ocean Lifeguards promote beach and ocean safety and provide efficient, effective water rescues and Basic Life Support (BLS) prior to ambulance arrival. Employees The lifeguards are a division of the Public Safety Department and report to the Chief of Police.Five lifeguards are employed year round in a part time capacity to provide seamless maintenance of the pnogrann, including applicant processing, training, equipment and supply inventory. An additional 40 lifeguards are hired annually to provide seasonal (6 months), part time service, Training/Certifications Each year, lifeguards begin training in January with formal testing and training in March. All lifeguards have current Emergency Medical Responders training and certification. All guards attend either new guard or returning guard training as well. Each guard has a minimum of 100 hours of training before working a tower alone. All mid-level supervisors and above have current EMT/Paramedic certifications. The Atlantic Beach Lifeguard Program has received USLA Advanced Certification, which means all lifeguards are certified Emergency Medical Responders or above. The lifeguards have a truck, ATV, and jet ski as part oftheir fleet, Beach Staffing The beach is staffed by guards 7 days per week from 1OAM - 5PM from Memorial Day through Labor Day; including 10 towers, truck and ATV patrols, station staffing and incident response. Additionally, Lifeguards provide coverage City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 159 For the 202FY, the City is budgeting for additional lifeguard coverage on the beach. Weekend -only staffing will be added in March and October. The coverage during the additional weekends will provide truck patrols, station coverage and incident response. Additional Services for 2021 A Junior Lifeguard Program was implemented in 2015 and is conducted each season. This program familiarizes youth with different aspects of |Ueguarding, including; first aid, lifesaving techniques, competition training, lifeguard training, marine life and safety, and physical fitness. The program is designed to run for one week, 4 hours per day, with 10 participants attending per session and is offered in 4 different sessions. It should be noted that during the time of the pandemic, the program was modified for the safety of attendees and instructors with the intent of returning the program to the original format when it is safe to do so. This program provides an opportunity for both a community outreach program and as a way to promote education for local youth who may have an interest in becoming an Atlantic Beach Lifeguard in the future. Community Affairs Division Purpose: The Atlantic Beach Department Community Affairs Division is tasked with esab|ishing, rnainteininB, and strengthening the relationship between the Atlantic Beach Police Department and our community, The Police Department is focused on community involvement and values its citizens' input, developing a strong open partnership through communication, services, and interaction. Working together to make Atlantic Beach a safe place to live, work, and play is our goal. Key Objectives: • Establish and maintain effective relationships with the community. • Collaborative problem solving through open dialogue with the community to promote meaningful discussion on topics relative to the community. • Link the Police Department's mission with community participation through community events, programs, and officer interaction. • Maintain and mprove the Atlantic Beach Police Volunteer Program. • Encourage Police Department personnel to participate and engage with the citizens at events and through community programs. • Collaborate and coordinate with the Parks and Recreations Department on spec al events. Volunteer Program: • The Atlantic Beach Police Department Volunteer Pnzgmrn, which began in January 201E\ consists of 41 individuals with additional interested applicants. • The volunteers Iogged a Iimited number of hours this s past year due to COVID restrictions, but were able to begin assisting with some duties around the Police station and a few community interactions this year. 0 The top 5 volunteer duties are clerical, patrol, special eventsparking enforcement/traffic control and City of Atlantic Beach I Budget Book 2022 Page 160 o The top 5 special events are Halloween, Christmas, Community Career Day, Atlantic Beach Elementary Walk & Roll. • The Department has volunteers within a specialized group, VERT (Volunteer Emergency Response Team), whirh accictc.. with nati iral ri tor n ri nnlirp-rplatnri calk nnrfnrminn di itipc that rnlatra tn traffic control Expenditures Summary $7 439 401$162,128 \.•s. pi tof- t-) Fstt20:0 0 Actual ..Z„ Budgeted 0 Over Budget City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 161 Name General Fund City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Expenditures by Fund Special Revenue Funds (0.4%) ...„, . Capital Projects ital Fun fl General Fund (98.1%) ‘‘. <A'‘ Special Revenue Funds '0 Capital Projects Funds C7,. General Fund Account ID Fy2021 Budget FY2021 Actuals _FY2021 Budgetvs.yrs; Fy202 2 FY2022 Budgeted Notes Budgeted Change) Page 162 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 Name Account ID Budget Actuals Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted (% Notes Change) General Fund Personnel Services SALARIES OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY F.I.C.A. BENEFIT GROUP -POLICE BENEFITGROUP-GENERAL 401 GEN L DEE CONTR MATCH UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP UNFUNDED LIABILITY -POLICE HEALTH LIFE WORKERSCOMPENSATION SALARIES OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY E.I.C.A. BENEFITGROUP-POLICE UNFUNDED LIABILITY -POLICE HEALTH LIFE WORKERS' COMPENSATION REEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION SALARIES OVERTIME 001-2001-521-12- 00 001-2001-521-14- 00 001-2001-521-15- 00 001-2001-521-21- 00 001-2001-521-22- 03 001-2001-521-22- 04 001-2001-521-22- 05 001-2001-521-22- 08 001-2001-521-22- 09 001-2001-521-23- 01 001-2001-521-23- 02 001-2001-521- 24-00 001-2002-521-12- 00 001-2002-521- 14-00 001-2002-521-15- 00 001-2002-521-21- 00 001-2002-521- 22-03 001-2002-521- 22-09 001-2002-521- 23-01 001-2002-521- 23-02 001-2002-521- 24-00 001-2002-521- 25-00 001-2003-521-12- 00 001-2003-521- 14-00 $470,646 $368,981 $484765 3% $650 $225 $650 0% $2,580 $2,671 ' $2,580 0% $36,407 $28,044 $37,332 2.5% $21,427 ' $16,074 , $12193 -4310 $17,248 $12,933 ' $14,920 -13.5% $8755 $2843 $8,755 0% $45,146 $33858 $40,074 -1120 545,147 $10,080 $10,978 -75.7% $59,843 $48,106 $61,678 310 $684 $663 $806 17.80 $4,306 $5,154 $9,500 120.6% $1,616,718 $1,277,712 51,759,188 8.8% $105,000 $75,320 $105,000 00 $106,696 $76,913 $108,000 1.2% $142,120 . $107,144 $150,873 6.20 $439,454 $332,163 $252,996 -424% $273,820 $209,223 $227,782 -16.80 $270,104 $202,058 $280,868 4% $2,823 $2,479 $3,105 10% $49,679 $26,732 $50,000 0.6% $103 $201 $0 -1000 $211,905 $113,948 $227,264 7.2% $15,000 $7,643 $15,000 00 City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 163 Name Account ID SPECIAL PAY F.I.C.A. BENEFIT GROUP -POLICE UNFUNDED LIABILITY -POLICE HEALTH LIFE WORKERS' COMPENSATION SALARIES OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY F.I.C.A. BENEFITGROUP-GENERAL 401 GEN L DEF CONTR MATCH UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP HEALTH LIFE WORKERS' COMPENSATION SALARIES OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY F.LCA. BENEFITGROUP-GENERAL 401 GEN L DEF CONTR MATCH UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP LIFE WORKERS' COMPENSATION 001-2003-521-15- 00 001-2003-521-21- 00 001-2003-521- 22-03 001-2003-521- 22-09 001-2003-521- 23-01 001-2003-521- 23-02 001-2003-521- 24-00 001-2004-521- 12-00 001-2004-521- 14-00 001-2004-521- 15-00 001-2004-521- 21-00 001-2004-521- 22-04 001-2004-521- 22-05 001-2004-521- 22-08 001-2004-521- 23-01 001-2004-521- 23-02 001-2004-521- 24-00 001-2005-562- 12-00 001-2005-562- 14-00 001-2005-562- 15-00 001-2005-562- 21-00 001-2005-562- 22-04 001-2005-562- 22-05 001-2005-562- 22-08 001-2005-562- 23-02 001-2005-562- 24-00 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 Budget vs. Budget Actuals Budgeted 2022 Budgeted (% Notes Change) $29,722 $19,277 $29,722 0% $18,734 $10,933 $20,807 11.1% $48,209 $36,153 $27,434 -43.1% $30,249 $22,689 $24,670 -18.4% $21,731 $14,875 $19,099 -12.1% 5408 $215 $275 -326% $7,326 $2,666 $4,000 -45.4% $281,258 $208,079 $289,696 3% $0 $4,064 $0 0% $9,472 $10,087 $9,472 0% $19,405 $16,762 $22886 17.9% $6,914 $5,184 $5,968 -137% $6,553 $6,095 $6,553 0% $18,059 $13,545 $16,030 -11.2% 552951 $38,000 $48,793 -7.9% 5408 $556 $449 10% $698 $201 $350 -49.9% 569,842 $57,086 $71,937 3% $1,500 $421 51,500 0% $3,130 $2,445 53,130 0% $5,621 $4,553 55,857 4.2% $6,914 55,184 $5,968 -13.7% 5250 $1,572 $250 0% 518,059 $13,545 $16,030 -11.2% $165 $119 $165 0% $1,074 $600 $1,074 0% City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 164 Name SALARIES FICA. WORKERS' COMPENSATION OVERTIME BENEFIT GROUP -POLICE UNFUNDED LIABILITY -POLICE HEALTH SALARIES F.LC.A. WORKERS' COMPENSATION REEMPLOYMENTCOMP Account ID 001-2006-521- 12-00 001-2006-521- 21-00 001-2006-521- 24-00 001-2007-521- 14-00 001-2007-521- 22-03 001-2007-521- 22-09 001-2007-521- 23-01 001-3005-522- 12-00 001-3005-522- 21-00 001-3005-522- 24-00 001-3005-522- 25-00 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 Budget vs. FY Budget Actuals Budgeted 2022 Budgeted (% Notes Change) $13,476 $1,031 $400 $5,000 $21,427 $16,074 $13,444 $10,080 $0 $432 $231,750 $148,038 $17,729 $11,325 $7,633 $3,183 $0 $255 $7,721 $13,476 0% $591 $1,031 0% $147 $210 -47.5% $5,000 0% $12,193 -43.1% $10,978 -1a3% so 0% $238,702 3% $18,261 3% $6,000 -21.4% $0 Total Personnel Services: $4,916,803 $3,653,920 $4,802,273 Operating Expenses PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. COMMUN ICATIONS TRANSP.,POSTAGE,MESSENGER UTILITIES CITY PROVIDED RENTALS & LEASES REPAIR&MAINTENANCE PRINTING & PUBLISHING PROMOTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES DIESEL 001-2001-521-31- 00 001-2001-521- 34-00 001-2001-521-41- 00 001-2001-521- 42-00 001-2001-521- 43-00 001-2001-521- 43-01 001-2001-521- 44-00 001-2001-521- 46-00 001-2001-521- 47-00 001-2001-521- 48-00 001-2001-521-51- 00 001-2001-521-52- 00 001-2001-521-52- 02 0% -23% 551,752 $19,741 $41,062 -20.7% $14,500 $12,241 $14,500 0% $195,500 $181,940 $121,220 -38% $500 $7 $500 0% $16,000 $11,020 $16,000 0% $5,600 $3,448 $5,600 0% $16,550 $16,354 $14,500 -124% $101,490 $51,428 $58,200 -42.7% $10,500 $2,212 $10,500 0% $11,287 $4,385 $11,200 -0.8% $11,000 $1,884 $11,000 0% $17,201 $7,982 $54,800 218.6% $500 $500 0% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 165 Name BOOK,SUBSCRI P,MEMBERSH I PS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. TRAVEL AND PEP DIEM REPAIR& MAINTENANCE OPERATING SUPPLIES GASOLINE OTH EP CONTRACTUAL SERVS. REPAIR& MAINTENANCE OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES BOOK,SUBSCRI P,MEMBERSH I PS COMMUN ICATIONS OPERATING SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTHER CONTRACT SERVICES CITY PROVIDED REPAIR& MAINTENANCE FIRSTVEHICLES/EQUIPMENT OPERATING SUPPLIES GASOLINE BOOKS,SUBSCRIPT,MEMBERSH P OPERATING SUPPLIES INVESTIGATIONS RENTALS & LEASES REPAIR& MAINTENANCE OPERATING SUPPLIES Account ID 001-2001-521- 54-00 001-2002-521- 34-00 001-2002-521- 40-00 001-2002-521- 46-00 001-2002-521- 52-00 001-2002-521- 52-01 001-2003-521- 34-00 001-2003-521- 46-00 001-2003-521- 52-00 001-2004-521- 52-00 001-2004-521- 54-00 001-2005-521- 41-00 001-2005-521- 52-00 001-2005-562- 31-00 001-2005-562- 34-00 001-2005-562- 43-01 001-2005-562- 46-00 001-2005-562- 46-01 001-2005-562- 52-00 001-2005-562- 52-01 001-2005-562- 54-00 001-2006-521- 52-00 001-2007-521- 35-00 001-2007-521- 44-00 001-2007-521- 46-00 001-2007-521- 52-00 PY2021 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 Budget vs. Budget Actuals Budgeted PY2022 Budgeted (% Notes Change) $4,000 $3,368 $4,000 0% $29,750 $23,609 $6,000 -79.8% $500 $500 0% 548,534 $22,457 ' $62,500 28.8% $140,374 5101,666 $109,480 -22% 565,300 $28,523 $67,259 3% $1,535 $1,250 $1,800 17.3% $4,000 $4,000 0% 51,000 5355 , $1,000 0% $3,000 $2,278 $3,000 0% 50 $350 N/A $0 $385 $0 0% 50 $15 $0 0% 5600 $750 5250 5186 $600 0% $750 0% $250 0% $1,000 $125 $1,000 0% $500 $1,000 100% $3,000 $483 $3,000 0% $3,300 ' $2,334 : $3,400 3% $250 $250 0% $300 $350 16.7% $6,000 $1,000 $6,000 0% $8,500 $6,679 $8,500 0% 51,000 $1,000 0% 51,000 $208 $1,000 0% : City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 166 Name CITY OF JAX CONTRACT UTILITIES CITY PROVIDED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SVC TRAVEL AND PER DIEM COMMUN ICATIONS UTILITIES CITY PROVIDED REPAIR& MAINTENANCE FIRSTVEHICLES/EQUIPMENT OPERATING SUPPLIES GASOLINE BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSH I PS TRAIN INC Total Operating Expenses: Capital Outlay MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT MOTOR VEH ICLES BUILDINGS MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT MOTOR VEH ICLES COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Total Capital Outlay: Account ID 001-3001-522- 34-01 001-3001-522- 43-00 001-3001-522- 43-01 001-3005-522- 31-00 001-3005-522- 34-00 001-3005-522- 40-00 001-3005-522- 41-00 001-3005-522- 43-00 001-3005-522- 43-01 001-3005-522- 46-00 001-3005-522- 46-01 001-3005-522- 52-00 001-3005-522- 52-01 001-3005-522- 54-00 001-3005-522- 55-00 001-2001-521- 64-00 001-2001-521- 64-02 001-2002-521- 64-00 001-2002-521- 64-01 001-3005-522- 62-00 001-3005-522- 64-00 001-3005-522- 64-01 001-3005-522- 64-02 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 Budget vs. FY Budget Actuals Budgeted 2022 Budgeted (% Notes Change) $1,363,785 $13,952 $5,000 $12,000 $3,500 $3,000 $6,589 $1,000 $3,000 $6,000 $4,000 $10,300 $2,000 5350 $1,000 $1,267,220 $10,935 $2,788 $2475 $2033 $3,541 $315 $2,231 $1,131 $5,488 $269 $164 $2,212,299 $1,806,154 $25,020 $26,328 $22,200 $21,603 $52541 $48,086 $210,666 $209,841 50 $6,000 $2,700 SO $180 $6,000 $4,359 $322,427 $313,096 $1,363,785 0% $13,952 0% $4,000 -20% $12,000 0% $3,500 0% $3,000 0% $6,589 0% $1,000 0% $3,000 0% $6,000 0% $4,000 0% $10,300 0` $2,000 0% $350 0% $1,000 0% $2,081,047 -5.9% $0 -100% $0 -100% $0 -100% $312000 48.1% $75,000 N/A $4,000 -33.3% $20,000 N/A $6,800 13.3% $417,800 29.6% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 167 Name Account ID Total General Fund: Total General Fund: Special Revenue Funds Court Cost Training Fund Operating Expenses TRAINING Total Operating Expenses: Total Court Cost Training Fund: Radio Communication Fund Operating Expenses COMMUNICATIONS Total Operating Expenses: Total Radio Communication Fund: 141-2001-521-55- 00 142-2001-521-41- 00 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 Budget Actuals Budgeted $7,451,529 $5,773,170 $7,301,120 $7,451,529 $5,773,170 $7,301,120 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Notes Change) -2% -2% $25,000 $11,199 525,000 0% $25,000 $11,199 $25,000 0% $25,000 $11,199 $25,000 O% $0 $7,717 N/A $0 $7,717 N/A $0 $7,717 N/A Total Special Revenue Funds: $25,000 $11,199 $32,717 30.9% Capital Projects Funds Capital Projects Fund Operating Expenses PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Total Operating Expenses: Capital Outlay BUILDINGS MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT Total Capital Outlay: Total Capital Projects Fund: Total Capital Projects Funds: Total: 300-2000-521- 31-00 300-2000-521- 62-00 300-2001-521- 64-00 $0 $62,564 $O $62,564 $12,000 $0 $113,000 $55,674 $43,000 $125,000 $55,674 $43,000 $125,000 $55,674 $105,564 $125,000 $55,674 $105,564 $7,601,529 $5,840,043 $7,439,401 N/A N/A -100% -61.9% -65.6% -15S% -15.5% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 168 Expenditures by Function Fire Control (24.2%) Animal Control (1.6%) Public Safety (74.2%) Animal Control Fire Control Public Safety City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 169 Name Expenditures Public Safety Public Safety Police - Non Divisional Operating Expenses PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Cam/over Bathroom /Repair Total Operating Expenses: Total Police - Non Divisional: FY2021 Budget vs. FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2022 Notes Actual Actual Projected Budgeted Budgeted (% Change) so $62,564 N/A $62564 $62,564 N/A $62,564 421.4% Administration Personnel Services SALARIES $302,118 $250,663 $442,778 $484,765 3% Ch ief of Poke $134,097 Commander - Support Services $722,997 Support Services Manager $47,753 Adm In Assistant $37426 Poke Records Specialist $46,077 Poke Records Specialist - PT $8,827 Police Records Clerk $47,647 Property/Evidence/Records Clerk $35, 703 Top Out Pay $70,256 OVERTIME $459 $594 $270 $650 0% SPECIAL PAY $9,787 $5,726 $3,206 $2,580 0% F.I.C.A. $23,457 $19,239 $33,653 $37,332 2.5% BENEFITCROUP-POLICE $19,989 $13,178 $19,289 $12,193 -43.1% BEN ETIT GROUP -GENERAL $8,373 $7,199 $15,520 $14,920 -13.5% 401 GEN L DEF CONTR MATCH $9,354 $5,873 $3,412 $8,755 0% UNFUNDED LIABILITY-CEPP $28,581 $27,206 $40,630 $40,074 -11.2% UNFUNDED LIABILITY -POLICE $31,655 $220,968 $12,096 $10,978 -75.7% HEALTH $37,796 $33,645 $57,727 $61,678 314 LIFE $607 $572 $795 $806 17.8% WORKERSCOMPENSATION $6,951 $9,359 $6,185 $9,500 120.6% Total Personnel Services: $479,127 $594,121 $635,559 $684,231 -4% Operating Expenses PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $20,943 $21,925 $23,689 $41,062 -20.7% Pre Empl Physicals $7750 Pre Empl Polygraph $400 Pre Empl Drug Screen $1,000 Pre Ernp/ Written Tests $7,000 City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 170 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Actual Actual Projected Hep B Titer Tests Hep B Vac Legal Representation for PRO State of FL Pros Sery State of FL Forfeit Prossessing Special Magistrate Animal Ctl Life Scan Wellness Medical Testing for COVID OTH ER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. $6,797 $7,438 $14,689 Outside Pest Control Inside Pest Control TLO Trans Union Fees plus Overage Crime Mapping Document Shredding Transcription Service CFA CFA Assessor Travel CFA Membership CFA Assessment FL Pac and Tac COMMUN ICATION 5 $197,630 $87,860 $218,328 Laptop Air Cards Police Radio Air Time 9 New Portable Radios ATTT1 Line ATT Fiber for CAO and Radio Verizon Cell service T Mobile Cell for CSU ComCast Data PD Portable Radios for 2 Additiona I Officers TRANSP.,POSTAC E,M ESSE NGER Dept Postage and Shipping UTI LITI ES City Utilities PD CITY PROVIDED City Provided Utilities RE NTALS & LEASES Misc Rentals Sunovia GPS Tracking REPAIR & MAINTENANCE $37,129 $39,077 $61,714 TriTech RMS & CAD $347 $11 $9 $14,066 515,805 $13,224 $3,588 $3,684 $4,137 $12,378 $9,778 $19,625 Konika Copier Netmotion FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 FY2022 Notes Budgeted Budgeted (% Change) $1,512 $2,400 $10,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,500 $77,000 $2,500 $14,500 0% $600 $700 $7,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500 $900 $3,000 $900 $5,000 $121,220 -38% $2,500 $47,520 $40,500 $7,500 $3,600 $4,800 $500 $5,100 $9,200 $500 0% $500 $16,000 0% $76,000 $5,600 0% $5,600 $14,500 -12.496 $1,500 $13,000 $58,200 -42.75 $15,000 $3,000 $1,000 City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 171 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Actual Actual Projected General Building Maint AP Systems Fire Alarm Monitoring FL Accred Software in Pwr DAIS Pwr DMS Directives and Tng Sys Generator Remote Monitor Moto CAD Ma int Agreement Fire Alarm & Sprinkler Service PRINTING & PUBLISHING $2,030 $1,728 $2,654 Dept Advertising /Recruiting Parking and AC Citations Surveys Internal foims and brochures Victim Rights English & Spanish Community Outreach PROMOTIONS Citizens Police Acadmey Comm Outreach CFA SWAG COPS OFFICE SUPPLIES $10,864 $9,239 $2,261 Office Supplies and Equipment OPERATING SUPPLIES $25,460 $18,539 $9,579 Small Tools/Equip/ Furnishings institutional Supplies Property and Evidence Supplies Uniforms for Civilian Staff Class D Uniforms for Sworn Staff AED Pad and Battery Replacement AED Replacements Laptop Computers Mobile Printers Laptops for 2 additional officers DIESEL $121 $0 Diesel tor PD Generator BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSH IPS $1,649 $1,145 $4,042 Professional Memberships for all Div TRAINING $23,479 $17,751 $13,440 COMMUNICATIONS $0 Total Operating Expenses: $366,573 $244,391 $392,654 $10,212 $10,290 $5,262 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 FY2022 Notes Budgeted Budgeted (% Change) $20, 000 $300 $300 $4,300 $300 $12,000 $2000 $10,500 0% $4,000 $2000 $500 $1,000 $2,000 $1,000 $11,200 -0.8% $2,000 $9,200 $11,000 0% $17,000 554,800 218.6% $4,000 $4,000 $2,000 $7,000 $2,000 $4,000 $11,000 $79,200 $2800 $4,800 $500 0% $500 $4,000 0% $4,000 $25,000 0% $7,717 N/A $396,299 -17.7% Capital Outlay BUILDINGS $21,272 $0 I $0 0% MACH IN ERY & EQUIPMENT $36,900 $26,328 $0 -100% MOTOR VEHICLES $193,358 $45,442 $0 I $0 0% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 172 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Notes Budgeted (% Change) COMPUTER EQUIPMENT $25,636 $64,036 $21,603 $0 -100% MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT Community Secu rity Ca meras loca dons - budget last year, but not completed Total Capital Outlay: Total Administration: $66,808 $43,000 -619% $43.000 $240,266 $146,379 $114,740 $43,000 -732% $1,085,966 $984,890 $1,142,953 $1,123,530 -17% Patrol Personnel Services SALARIES $1,603,358 $1,788,025 $1,533,254 Patrol Commander Lieutenant 5gt7 &5 Sgt 2 Sgt 3 Sgt 4 Part-time Officer Off/cerl& 76 Officer 2 Officer 3, 74 & 19 Officer 5 Officer 6 Officer 7 Officer 98 20 Officer 70, 72 815 Officer 77 & 17 Vacancy New Officers OVERTIME $77,319 $88,589 S90,384 SPECIAL PAY $236,858 $158,635 $92,296 F.I.C.A. $139,503 $148,580 $128,573 BEN EFIT GROUP -POLICE $267,143 $176,114 $398,596 UN FUN DED L IABILITY-POLICE $423,053 $278,900 $251,068 HEALTH $276,302 $287,991 $242,470 LIFE $2939 $3,278 $2,975 WORKERSCOMPENSATION $49,521 $41,602 $32,078 REEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION $241 Total Personnel Services: $3,075,997 $2,971,713 $2,771,934 Operating Expenses OTI-IER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. $1,759,188 8.8% $710,282 $98,674 $189,676 $90, 087 $87,727 $80,433 $60,320 $704, 086 $75809 $148,977 $80,483 $55,678 $44,975 $178,340 $741,897 $92,214 $89,830 $89,850 $105,000 0% $108,000 12% $150,873 62% $252,996 -42.4% $227,782 -16.8% $280,868 4% $3,105 10% $50,000 0.6% $0 -100% $2,937,812 -23% $5,989 $2,518 $28,331 $6,000 -79.8% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 173 Name Uniform Cleaning Dept Artwork TRAVEL AND PER DIEM Mileage REPAIR & MAINTENANCE Radar&Laser Calibration Ca rwash for Dept Vehicles General Equipment Repair and Maint Officer Cern Maint & Equip Comrnunity Security Camera Matht&Equip Vehicle Equip & Repair All Div MDE Software Ma int Fee Poke MTCY Parts& Maint Poke Bicycle Maint & Repair Poke Boat Maint & Repair Police AP/Maint & Repair HAM Radio Maint & Equip Evidence Libralycorn OPERATING SUPPLIES Poke Uniforms& Duty Gear Poke Equipment Firearms Supplies Training Supplies use of Force Non Lethal Munitions SRT Equip Body Armor Laptop Parts/Batteries Etc Crime Scene Processing & EvOi Supplies Training Supplies NATO Ballistic Shield Uniform & Equip for Part Time Off TASER Replacement & Hosted Training GASOLINE Fuel for PD _Pc; Increase DIESEL Total Operating Expenses: FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted $5,000 $7,000 $123 $0 $500 0% $500 $24,618 $18,348 $26,948 $62,500 28.8% 56,500 $1,500 $2,500 $5,000 $5000 $70,000 $7,300 $1,000 55,000 $7,200 $2,500 57,000 $20,000 $132,517 $99,574 $121,999 $109,480 -22% 576,000 $20,000 $77300 $7,500 51,500 $7,000 59,600 $2,000 $3,000 $7500 $4,500 $3,500 $22,080 $51,984 $54,933 $34,227 $67,259 3% $67259 5193 $0 $0 0% $215,424 $175,374 $211,505 $245,739 -13.6% FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Notes Budgeted (% Change) Capital Outlay MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT $57,703 $0 MOTOR VEH ICLES $79,725 $226,310 $209,841 $312,000 Patrol Vehic/es 35' price increase $777,000 Admin Detective Vehicle $27,000 -100% 481% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 174 Name Patrol Cars for 2 Add ition al Officers Total Capital Outlay: Total Patrol: FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Actual Actual Projected $79,725 $226,310 $267,544 $3,371,145 $3,373,396 $3,250,983 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 FY2022 Notes Budgeted Budgeted (% Change) $774,000 $312,000 183% $3,495,551 -1.6% Detective Personnel Services SALARIES $119,729 $139,487 $136,737 $227,264 7.2% Detective/Officer 8 $80,483 Detective/Officer 4 $80, 483 Detective/Officer 18 $66,298 OVERTIME $6,091 $9,096 $9,172 $15,000 0% SPECIAL PAY $29,425 $24,471 $23,132 $29,722 0% F.I.C.A. $11,565 $12784 $13,119 $20,807 11.1% BEN EFIT GROUP -POLICE $11,897 $7,843 $43,384 $27,434 -431% UNFUNDED LIABILITY -POLICE $18,840 $12,420 $27,227 $24,670 -184% HEALTH $18,959 $13,782 $17,850 $19,099 -121% LIFE $249 $264 $258 $275 -32.6% WORKERSCOMPENSATION $3,990 $3,504 $3,200 $4,000 -45.4% Total Personnel Services: $220,745 $223,651 $274,079 $368,271 -3.9% Operating Expenses OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. $1,250 $1324 $1,500 $1,800 173% Renewal of Confidential Tags $300 FaceLogics Composite & Line Up Sery $1,500 REPAIRS MAINTENANCE $0 . $4,000 0% Repair of Crime Scene and Surv. Equip $4,000 OPERATING SUPPLIES $1,496 $556 $426 ' $1,000 0% Investigative Supplies $7,000 Total Operating Expenses: $2,746 $1,880 $1,927 $6,800 4.1% Capital Outlay MOTOR VEHICLES $24,884 $0 $0 0% Total Capital Outlay: $24,884 Total Detective: $248,376 $225,530 $276,005 $375,071 -3.8% Dispatch Personnel Services SALARIES $216,350 $235237 $249,695 $289,696 3% OVERTIME $8,009 $6,068 $4,877 ' $0 0% SPECIAL PAY $9,111 $8,939 $12,104 . $9,472 0% F.I.C.A. $17,218 $18,411 $20,114 $22,886 BEN EFIT GROUP -GENERAL $7,674 $6,221 $5,968 -13.7% fl City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 175 Name FY2021 Budget vs. FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2022 Notes Actual Actual Projected Budgeted Budgeted (% Change) 401 CENL DEFCONTR MATCH $6,512 $6,611 $7,314 $6,553 0% UNFUNDED LIABILITY-CEPP $71,327 $67,897 $16,254 $16,030 -112% HEALTH $40,392 $45,059 $45,600 $48,793 LIFE $525 $610 $667 $449 10% WORKERSCOMPENSATION $321 $244 $242 $350 -49.9% Total Personnel Services: $369,765 $396,749 $363,089 $400,197 1.1% Operating Expenses TPAVELAND PER DIEM $125 $0 $0 0% OPERATING SUPPLIES $2,561 $2,653 $2,733 $3,000 0% Equip & Supp/fes for Comm Center $3,000 BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSHIPS $0 $350 N/A APCO Arlen- rbership for All Comm $350 Total Operating Expenses: $2,686 $2,653 $2,733 $3,350 11.7% Total Dispatch: $372,451 $399,401 $365,822 $403,547 12% Animal Control Personnel Services WORKERS' COMPENSATION Total Personnel Services: -$237 $0 $0 0% -$237 Operating Expenses COMMUNICATIONS $822 $462 $0 0% OPERATING SUPPLIES $18 $0 0% Total Operating Expenses: $822 $480 Total Animal Control: $585 $480 School Guards Personnel Services SALARIES $9,772 $9,699 $9,265 $13,476 0% F.I.C.A. $748 $742 $709 $1,031 0% WORKERS' COMPENSATION $270 $205 $176 $210 -473% Total Personnel Services: $10,789 $10,646 $10,150 $14,717 -13% Operating Expenses OPERATING SUPPLIES $139 $193 $0 $350 16.7% Equipment Replacement $350 Total Operating Expenses: $139 $193 $O $350 16.7% Total School Guards: $10,929 $10,839 $10,150 $15,067 -0.9% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 176 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Notes Budgeted (% Change) Crime Suppression Unit Personnel Services OVERTIME $0 $5,000 0% BEN EFITGROUP-POLICE $20,959 $13,817 $19,289 : $12,193 -43.1% UNFUNDED LIABILITY -POLICE $33,192 $21,882 $12,096 $10,978 -18.3% HEALTH $582 $576 $518 $0 Total Personnel Services: $54,733 $36,275 $31,903 $28,171 -293% Operating Expenses INVESTIGATIONS $1,000 $3,000 $1,200 $6,000 0% Investigative Fund $6,000 RENTALS & LEASES $6,677 $7,340 $8,014 $8,500 0% CSU Rental Vehicle $8,500 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE $0 $1,000 0% Repair of CSU Equipment $7,000 OPERATING SUPPLIES $711 $4,972 $250 $1,000 0% Equip Replacement $7,000 Total Operating Expenses: $8,388 $15,312 $9,464 $16,500 0% Capital Outlay MACI-IINERY & EQUIPMENT $4,543 $0 $0 0% MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT $44,985 $0 N/A Total Capital Outlay: $4,543 $44,985 $0 $0 0% Total Crime Suppression Unit: $67,663 $96,571 $41,367 $44,671 -20.8% Total Public Safety: $5,157,116 $5,090,629 $5,087,761 $5,520,001 -4.5% Fire Control Fire Control And Rescue Operating Expenses CITY OF JAX CONTRACT $1,200,419 $1236,431 $1,520,664 $1,363,785 0% UTILITIES $13,952 S15,691 $13,121 $13,952 0% CITY PROVIDED $3,588 $3,684 $3,346 $4,000 -20% Total Operating Expenses: $1,217,958 $1,255,806 $1,537,131 $1,381,737 -0.1% Total Fire Control And Rescue: $1,217,958 $1,255,806 $1,537,131 $1,381,737 -0.1% Lifeguards Personnel Services SALARIES $201,448 $224,097 $177,645 $238,702 3% F.I.C.A. S15,411 $17,144 $13,590 : $18,261 3% WORKERS' COMPENSATION $4787 $5,063 $3,819 $6,000 -21.4% REEMPLOYMENT COMP $306 $0 0% Total Personnel Services: $221,646 $246,303 $195,361 $262,963 23% 1.*; City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 177 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Notes Budgeted (% Change) Operating Expenses PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $5,895 $2,805 $2,970 $12,000 0% Pre Employment Physical & Drug Screen & $6,000 Hep B Titer & Vac Enviro Test tor Mold & Treatment $6,000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SVC $2,032 $2,005 $2,440 $3,500 0% Alarm Setv and ComCast Connect $3,500 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM $3,000 $0 $3,000 0% Travel & Training $3000 COMMUNICATIONS $3,647 $5,699 $4,249 $6,589 0% CO3 Radio Air Time $6,589 UTILITIES $477 $569 $378 $1,000 0% Utilities $7,000 CITY PROVIDED $2,797 $2814 $2,677 $3,000 0% City Provided Utilities $3,000 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE $7,539 $3,895 $1,358 $6,000 0% LC Chairs, Rescue Equipment $6,000 FIRSTVEHICLES/EQUIPMENT $1,268 $0 $4,000 0% LC Vehicle Ma int FV and Outside Vendors $4,000 OPERATING SUPPLIES $10,323 $12,568 $6,586 $10,300 0% LG Equip Personal & Rescue $70,300 GASOLINE $1,496 $1,649 $323 $2,000 0% LC Fuel $2„000 BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSH IPS $500 $0 $350 0% Membership to Prof Assn 5 Cert $350 TRAINING 5172 5539 $197 $1,000 0% LC Training $7,000 Total Operating Expenses: $36,145 $35,543 $21,178 $52,739 0% Capital Outlay BUILDINGS $0 $75,000 N/A Grant Match for Lifeguard Station $76000 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT $13,221 $3,240 $4,000 -33.3% Do/Suits for Lifeguards 54,000 MOTOR VEHICLES $216 $20,000 N/A Lifeguard ATV $20,000 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT $5,230 $6,800 13.3% Replace LG Radios $6,800 Total Capital Outlay: $13,221 $8,686 $105,800 781.7% Total Lifeguards: $257,791 $295,068 $225,224 $421,502 31% Total Fire Control: $1,475,750 $1,550,874 $1,762,355 $1,803,239 5.8% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 178 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Notes Budgeted (% Change) Total Public Safety: $6,632,865 $6,641,502 $6,850,116 $7,323,240 -22% Human Services Health Animal Control Personnel Services SALARIES OVERTIME ACO OT $66,057 $68,339 $68,503 $579 $955 $505 SPECIAL PAY 52,506 52,464 $2934 F.I.C.A. $5,224 $5,421 $5,463 BEN EFIT CROUP -GENERAL 53,630 $3,120 $6,221 401 GEN L DEF CONTR MATCH $993 $1,887 UN FUNDED LIABILITY-CEPP 54,690 $4,464 $16,254 LIFE $164 $140 $143 WORKERS' COMPENSATION $1,236 5751 $719 Total Personnel Services: $84,086 $86,647 $102,628 Operating Expenses PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $45 $0 Emerg Vet Service OTHER CONTRACT SERVICES $0 Trapper Service COMMUNICATIONS $636 $0 CITY PROVIDED $212 $219 $224 An ml Cil Building Utilities REPAIR & N1AINTENANCE $228 $950 $150 Repair of Equip & Kennel FIRSTVEHICL ES/EQUIPMENT $0 Anima/ Ctl Truck Repair OPERATING SUPPLIES 51,916 $1,979 $579 Capture Equipment, Cages, Protective gear GASOLINE $2,444 $3,835 52,801 Fuel for ACO vehicles BOOKS,SUBSCRIPT,MEMBERSH P 50 Membership to Professional Org & Notary Total Operating Expenses: $4,800 $7,664 $3,754 Total Animal Control: $88,887 $94,311 $106,382 Total Health: $88,887 $94,311 $106,382 $71,937 3% $1,500 0% 51,500 $3,130 0% $5,857 4.2% $5,968 5250 0% $16,030 -11.2% 5165 0% $1,074 0% $105,911 -0.6% $600 OK $600 $750 0% $750 $0 0% $250 OK $250 $1,000 OK $7,000 51,000 100% $7,000 53,000 0% $5000 $3,400 3% $5400 $250 OK 5250 $10,250 62% $116,161 0% $116,161 O% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 179 Name Total Human Services: Total Expenditures: Operating Expenses (29.3%) FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual $88,887 $94,311 FY2021 Projected $106,382 FY2022 Budgeted $116,161 $6,721,752 $6,735,813 $6,956,498 $7,439,401 Expenditures by Expense Type Capital Outlay (6.2%) City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Notes Budgeted (% Change) Personnel Services (64.6%) 0% -21% Page 180 IC Name r-` Capital Outlay ,M Operating Expenses C.. Personnel Services FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Projected FY2022 Budgeted Notes Budgeted (% Change) Expense Objects Personnel Services $4,516,652 Operating Expenses $1,855,682 Capital Outlay $349,418 Total Expense Objects: $6,721,752 City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 $4,566,105 $4,384704 $4,802,273 $1,738,815 $2180,825 $2176,328 $430,894 $390,970 $460,800 $6,735,813 $6,956,498 $7,439,401 -2.3% -27% 3% Page 181 Public Works Scott Williams Director of Public Works There are several departments/divisions covered under the Public Works umbrella. Here is a brief synopsis. Public Works Administration The purpose ofthe Public Works Administration Division is responsible for the administration o[des ign. construction, operation and maintenance activities for Streets, Stormwater, Buildings, Parks, Beautification, Sanitation, Fleet and Equipment Maintenance, as well as supporting annual contracts and customer requests related to Public Works functions. Buildina Maintenance The Building Maintenance Division of the Public Works Department is responsible for routine maintenance and improvements to the City's buildings and associated infrastructure. Fleet Maintenance The Fleet Maintenance Division of the Public Works Department is responsible for overseeing the fleet maintenance contractor's compliance with their contractual obligation to the City, including services and repairs on all City vehicles, and heavy and small equipment. The contract includes routine |ubhcation, oil change, mechanical repairs and other vehicle modifications as needed. Streets and Maintenance The Streets and Maintenance Division of the Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining and improving the City's streets, hghts'of-vvay beach, beach accesses, stormwater conveyance and treatment systems, and signage and strlping throughout the City. Parks The Parks Division of the Public Works Department manages the day-to-day maintenance and long-term improvements of the parks throughout the city. Responsibilities include providing functional, safe recreational areas for the citizens. and visitors who use the parks and keeping the parks aesthetically pleasing. Sanitation The Sanitation Department is responsible for overseeing the franchise refuse contractor's compliance with their contractual obligations to the City, including removal of garbage, yard waste, construction debris and recycling. StnrnnwaterUti|itv The Stormwater Utility is responsible for funding improvements and maintenance to reduce the impact of severe weather by providing effective treatment and conveyance ofthe City's stormwater. Expenditures Summary City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 182 $8,789 Sanitation Fund (23.8%) 893.90,102 ,-/.-s,_,„,s • Actual Budgeted Expenditures by Fund General Fund (34.3%) City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Storm Water Drainage Fund (41.9%) Page 183 Sanitation Fund 4. General Fund E. Storm Water Drainage Fund Name General Fund General Fund Personnel Services SALARIES RECEPTIONIST ADMIN ASST RT. ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR PW INSPECTOR CONTRACTS, NPDES & ADMIN CITY ENGINEER 25'6 OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY F.I.C.A. BENEFIT GROUP -GENERAL 401 GENL DEE CONTR MATCH UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP EALTH LIFE WORKERS' COMPENSATION SALARIES PW DIRECTOR 407' City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted S230,650 $249,197 $1,962 $743 $3,844 $4,384 $17,656 $18,893 $20,150 $17,330 $4,854 $5,997 $71,415 $67,981 $32,613 535,322 $472 $526 51,760 $1,793 $234,781 $263,436 $231,114 $235,805 $30,465 $17,794 $45,055 $55,274 $72135 $21, 082 $800 53,000 $18,330 55,968 $14,108 $16,030 $37,769 $578 52,000 $317,147 $1,198 $19,252 $19,035 $6,221 $7,328 $16,254 $35,297 $508 $2,072 $247,199 $38,949 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) -17.4% 60% -2.7% -20.9% -133% 3% -11.2% -41.6% 10.1% -53.8% 20.3% Page 184 Name BUILDING/SIGN MAINTENANCE BEACH RANGER 50',6 STRTS/STORMWATER/BCHS SUPERV GENERAL MAINT WORKER II GENERAL MAINTENANCE WORKER GENERAL MAINT WORKER 75% GENERAL MAINT WORKER 75% IRRIC/LANDSCAPE TECH 25% 3 GEN WORKER VACANCIES 75% OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY F.I.C.A. BENEFIT GROUP -GENERAL 401 GENL DEE CONTR MATCH UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP H EALTH LIFE WORKERSCOMPENSATION SALARY PARK RANGER PARK RANGER B PARK RANGER C PARK RANGER D PARK RANGER E PARK RANGER F PARK RANGER - NEW PARK RANGER II OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY F.I.C.A. BENEFITGROUP-GENERAL 401 GEN L DEF CONTR MATCH UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP H EALTH LIFE WORKERS' COMPENSATION REEM PL OYME NT COMPE NSATION SALARIES PARKS & BLDG MAINT SUPERVISOR IRRIGATION/LANDSCAPE TECH 75N OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY F.I.C.A. FY2019 FY2020 Actual Actual FY2021 Budget vs. FY2021 FY2022 FY2022 Budgeted (% Projected Budgeted Change) $8,293 $7,275 $6,075 $4,062 $5,196 $2190 $17,954 $20,015 $19,098 $15,372 $13,219 $15,552 $7,150 $7784 $7,049 $72749 $69,250 $40,630 $56,482 $64,580 $62,983 $546 $650 $647 16,883 $13,562 $12,872 $255,511 $228,912 $154,171 $8,762 $3,982 $8,616 $4,451 $6,076 $457 $19,833 $17,535 $12,202 $23,698 $23,368 $20,848 $1,884 $1,911 $32,631 $31,062 $40,630 $49,977 $54,765 $40,294 $638 $632 $472 $10,023 $6,017 53,995 $165 $817 $18,456 $33,101 $58,535 $388 $518 $2,848 $845 $863 : $1,088 $1,495 $2369 I $4,642 $42,977 $19,200 $22,755 $37921 $29,587 $28,023 $24,472 $8,634 $64, 637 $5,000 0% $1,500 0% $24759 19.8% $14,920 -13:7% 55,000 0% $40,074 -11.2% $69,218 -4.3% $650 4.8% $17,000 -5.5% $251,496 33% $32,329 $30,445 $29,587 $29,587 $29,587 $29,587 $28,725 $41,649 $6,000 0% $0 0% $19,698 3% $35,808 N/A $1,235 0% $96,178 N/A $60,270 7% 5658 10% $8,056 0% $0 -100% $70,207 108.9% $44,305 $25,902 $100 0% $0 0% $5,379 106.1% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 185 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) 401 GEN L DEF CONTR MATCH $1,212 $0 0% UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP $13,691 $0 $0 0% HEALTH $2,502 $12,619 $19,483 $20,847 90.7% LIFE $42 $87 $170 $182 136.4% WORKERS'COMPENSATION $1,200 $1,872 53,636 $1,872 26.7% Total Personnel Services: $1,250,266 $1,306,483 $1,128,599 $1,407,642 123% Operating Expenses PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Misc. Professional Engineering Svcs. OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. Pest Control/rermite Bond Only Exterminator Seco rity System Monthly Fee State Mandated Locate Services TRAVEL AND PER DIEM COMMUNICATIONS Local and Long Distance Phone Service Cell Phones (4) PW Admin. Answering Service Monthly Radio Fees Monthly Air Card Fee TRANSP.,POSTAGE,MESSENGER Misc. Fed Ex and Courier REPAIR & MAINTENANCE Misc. Cleaning & Painting Yearly Ma int. for PW Copier (downstairs) Yearly Main t. for PW Copier (upstairs) Ice Ma ch in e Maint. & Repair PRINTING & PUBLISHING Business Cards, Printing Services Newspaper Advertisements OFFICE SUPPLIES Office Supplies Toner OPERATING SUPPLIES Kitchen and Office Supplies First Aid and Safety 'terns Misc. Operating Supplies GASOLINE BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSH IPS APWA, FLA Memberships & Materials TRAINING $8,647 $7,361 $23,778 $30,000 -71.4% $30,000 $3,341 $3,352 $1,012 $5,100 0% $300 $900 $900 $3,000 $0 $1,000 0% $9,126 $11,780 0% $3,000 $2,500 $2,200 $3,600 $480 $7 $0 5100 0% $700 $2,005 $3,855 $6,534 $4,700 -39% $700 $7,500 $7,500 $7,000 $285 5178 $0 $1,000 O% $300 $700 52,899 $3,748 $2,373 $4,000 0% $00522,0000 $7,976 $10,229 $3,460 58,500 0% $2,500 $7,000 $5,000 $807 5645 $1,312 $1,000 0% $790 $775 $1,376 $2,500 0% $2500 $396 $250 $198 $2,000 0% $244 $26 $10,072 $8,060 *1:-- City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 186 Name Misc. Training PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Substance Abuse Testing (CDL) Misc. Professional Engineering OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. Lawn Maint - 4t/antic Blvd. Lawn Maint - Mayport Pond (Hess) Lawn Maint - Mayport Medians Pest Control PW Btfilding Irrg, RepairsAtlantic & Mayport Palm Tree Trimming (At/ & Mayport) ROW Herbicide Application Asphalt Repairs Concrete Repairs Soil & Density Testing for Paving Tree Cutting/Arborist Consultations Install/Remove Xmas Decorations (Ati & Mayport) Landscape Replacement (Atl. & Mayport) City Maintained Street Lights Beach Access and Preserve Walkway Repairs Thermoplastic Around City Rebuild Public Works Barn TOWN CENTER MAINTENANCE Palm Tree Trimming lx Year Replacement of Damaged Plants Replacement of Damaged Trees Brick Replacement/Concrete Repairs Striping & Pavement Marking City of Neptune Beach Water Replace 3 Trash Cans Irrigation Repairs Electric COAB Utilities Bench Replacements (4) 75 New Lights and Poles for TC MAYPORT FLYOVER MAI NT Lawn Maint - Neptune Beach Side Lawn Maint -Atlantic Beach Side Lawn Maint - Mayport Pond (W 4th) Palm Tree Trimming Around Pond Palm Tree Trimming - AB Side Palm Tree Trimming - NB Side FY2019 FY2020 Actual Actual 53,397 $245 S213,034 $100,028 $29,318 $38,354 $18,904 $19,511 FY2021 FY2022 Projected Budgeted $2,000 $488 $30,500 $500 $30,000 5146,069 5220,096 $30, 000 $1(976 $1T820 5300 55,500 53,200 $3,200 512,000 525,000 $1,100 $20,000 $6,000 $75,000 $5,000 $20,000 $25,000 525,000 $53,302 5140,900 $72,000 $3,200 $2400 $2,500 $5,000 $4,500 $4,200 $3,000 $600 53,500 $70,000 590.000 $21,758 560,250 $22800 $72,300 574,400 $800 $900 57,450 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) -39.6% 43.6% 98.5% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 187 Name Irrigation Repairs Replace Damaged Trees Replace Damaged Plants TRAVEL AND PER DIEM FY2019 FY2020 Actual Actual $175 COMMUNICATIONS $1,844 $5,420 4 Cell Phones for Division Monthly Radio Fees 2x 12 months TRANSP.,POSTAGE,MESSENGER $56 UTILITIES $110,014 $109,573 ELECTRIC STREET L IGHTS/TRAFFIC SIGNALS CITY PROVIDED $26,911 $24,209 Includes PW Garbage Costs RENTALS & LEASES $7,061 $4,330 Uniform Rentals& Prep Charges Lift Rental Heavy Equipment Rental REPAIR&MAINTENANCE 578 $1,631 PRINTING&PUBLISHING $347 $213 Newspaper Ads for Employment Newspaper -Ads for Bids OFFICE SUPPLIES $104 OPERATING SUPPLIES $109,028 595,158 Stop Bar Materials Signs & Stamping Seed & Sod Barricades, Cones& Lights Misc. Hardware & Electrical Supplies Boots, Gloves & Rain Gear Paint for Striping Parking Lines Replace 7 Stock Edger Replace l Backpack Blower Street sign poles and panels Lighted Speed Radar Signs (Dutton Island Rd.) New Front Gate at Public Works 240 Yd. Containers 19th Street Mobi-Mat GASOLINE 58,312 $7,675 DIESEL 53,354 $2,984 ROAD & MATERIAL SUPPLIES $900 51,038 Limerock Cold Patch & Crush Crete BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSHIPS -$80 TRAINING $1,533 $450 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2021 FY2022 FY2022 Budgeted (% Projected Budgeted Change) $3,200 $2,200 $2,200 $0 $0 0% $4,879 $2,600 0% $1,200 $1,400 $0 $0 0% $99,160 $125,000 0% $125,000 $22,068 $30,000 0% $30,000 $2,191 $14,500 0% $2,500 52000 $70,000 $0 $0 0% $361 $1,500 0% $750 $750 $276 5250 0% $67,497 5158,200 79.2% $7,500 $15,000 $8,.000 $4,000 $5000 $4,000 51,700 $500 $500 $22,000 $20,000 $23,000 $12000 $35,000 S5,271 $6,000 0% $1,375 $2,000 0% $0 $8,000 0% $8,000 $0 $1,500 0% $283 $2,000 0% City of Atlantic Beach ( Budget Book 2022 Page 188 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Actual Actual Projected MOSQUITO CONTROL $3,025 $700 $0 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $6,874 $315 $38,144 Consultants (Aborist, Eng., Design) OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. $205,881 $211,316 $236,392 Beach Cleaning (Annual Contract) Parks Lawn Maint (Annual Contract) Palm Tree Trimming (Annual Contract) Pest Control Building Monitoring General Concrete General Plumbing AC & Heat Repair Tree Services General Irrigation General Fence General Doors & Windows Signs Invasive Plant Control General Landscape & Beautification Misc. Services General Electrical Repairs Repairs& Imps. at Dog Parks Skate Park Repairs Baseball Light Repairs Basketball Goals& Rims - Dutton Island Rd. Regrading (bi- monthly) Russell Park Field Upkeep Dutton Island Dead Tree Removal TRAVEL AND PER DIEM $86 COMMUNICATIONS $2,121 $2,337 Phones for Parks Division Tideviews Internet for Security Cameras Monthly Radio Fees FREIGHT,POSTAGE,EXPR MAIL $18 $84 UTILITIES $17,303 $14,714 CITY PROVIDED $48,606 $41,301 RENTALS AND LEASES $4,523 $1,895 Equipment& Tool Rental Lift Rental Uniform Rental REPAIR& MAINTENANCE V7,650 $20,859 Parks Misc. Repairs Water Fountain Replacement FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 FY2022 Budgeted (% Budgeted Change) $0 0% 55,000 -88.9% $5,000 $267264 2.5% $32,200 $77,064 $77,000 $2,000 $7, 000 $6,000 $5,000 $70,000 $70,000 $6.000 $8,000 $4,000 $5,000 $2500 $7,000 $5,000 $7,500 $77,500 $2,500 $6,000 $5,000 $30,000 $6,000 $7,000 $0 $500 0% $2,632 $3,500 0% $7,600 $7,200 $700 $0 $50 0% $12,725 $16,500 0% $43,636 $42,000 $1,594 $6,500 0% $5,000 $7,500 $2,400 513,500 -301% $7,500 $2000 *1 City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 189 Name FY2019 FY2020 Actual Actual Pond Fountain Replacement FIRSTVEHICLES/EQUIPMENT PRINTING AND PUBLISHING $117 $59 Bids, Maps and Employment Ads OFFICE SUPPLIES $152 OPERATING SUPPLIES $173,442 $87,527 Cleaning Supplies for Parks Light Bulbs, Hardware, etc. General Landscape& Beautification Paint & Painting Supplies Hurricane Supplies Safety, Shirts, Boots Hats etc. Limerock, Sand, Coquina, Top Soil Public Amenities (Grills, Picnic Tables) Rakes, Shovels, Hand Tools, Oil, Blades Replacement Blowers Weedeaters, Edgers Tennis Court Windscreens Adoption Matching Funds Fibar Mulch at Playgrounds Wood Protectant for Marsh Boardwalks Sodding/Repairs Sod Aquatic Dog Park (2x year) Sod Rose Dog Park Sod Jordan Park 75 Folding Tables & 5 Round Tables 100 Black Vinyl Folding Chairs Flag Replacements 3 Handicap Picnic Tables Portable Canopy Main Canopy at Tideview Preserves GASOLINE DIESEL BOOK,SUBSCRI P,MEMBERSH I PS TRAINING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Arborist/Landscape Architect OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. General Landscape & Beautification Adoption Matching Funds Xmas Lights (p CH & Adele Grage COMMUNICATIONS OPERATING SUPPLIES $9,784 $11,142 $19 $1,417 $105 $540 $421 $6,286 $4 $6 $28,443 $13,000 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2021 FY2022 FY2022 Budgeted (% Projected Budgeted Change) $4,000 -$2,254 $0 0% $396 $1,000 0% $1,000 $158 $200 0% $74,360 $114,500 12.7% $6,500 $5,000 $6.000 $5,000 $7,500 $4,000 $7000 $10,000 $2,000 $1,600 $3,000 $2,000 $10,000 $5,000 $6,000 $20,000 $3,000 $2000 $2,000 $2,500 $2,000 $4,800 $600 $3,000 $7,674 $10,000 0% $0 $500 0% $0 $200 0% $198 $4,000 0% $0 S2,000 0% $2000 $11,771 $11,000 0% $7000 $1, 000 $-3,000 $1 $600 0% $9,035 $20,000 0% 1.*11 City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 190 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 Budget vs. Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) Mulch, Pine Stravv, Sod, Fertilizer, etc. $10,000 Annuals, Shrubs, Flowers, etc. $70,000 GASOLINE $0 $750 0% STREET -END ADOPT/MATCH PR $1,335 $0 $2,000 0% Adoption Matching Funds $2,000 Total Operating Expenses: $1,092,737 $861,726 $918,008 $1,396,540 22% Capital Outlay COMPUTER EQUIPMENT INFRASTRUCTURE MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT Genie Z-45 XC Articulating Boom Lift 2 Hustler X -One .52"Zero Turn Mowers Tilt Trailer for Excavator & Skid Steer MOTOR VEHICLES 20211 Ton Check Double Cab 4x4 MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT 60" Zero Tum Mower for BalThelcis Air Compressor (80 gal.) for Russell Park MOTOR VEHICLES New Trucks to Replace #59 or #P3 New Polaris Ranger 7000 Total Capital Outlay: Total General Fund: Total General Fund: $4,439 $4,284 $95,870 $12,064 $21,377 $22,988 $69,876 $3,700 $72,726 $26,688 $0 $0 -100% $0 $0 0% $46,910 $118,500 152.69/0 $90,000 $16,000 $72,500 $120 $28,000 N/A $28,000 $21,000 $7,500 -70% $6,000 $1,500 $0 $55,500 N/A $28,000 $27,500 $209,500 172.4% $148,373 $185,637 $68,029 $2,491,377 $2,353,847 $2,114,637 $2,491,377 $2,353,847 $2,114,637 $3,013,682 11.7% $3,013,682 11.7% Sanitation Fund Personnel Services SALARIES $16,522 $19,190 $19,649 $21,916 3% OVERTIME $284 $200 $674 $0 0% SPECIAL PAY $566 $570 $756 $624 F.I.C.A. $1,219 $1,412 $1,570 $1,725 1.1% BENEFITGROUP-GENERAL $1,516 $1,309 $1,210 $0 -100% 401 GEN L DEF CONTR MATCH $212 $402 $540 $215 0% UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP $45,896 $38,053 $0 $0 0% HEALTH $5,062 $5,582 $6,312 $7,117 10% LIFE $41 $50 $57 $50 111% WORKERS' COMPENSATION $714 $638 $726 $768 0% Total Personnel Services: $72,032 $67,405 $31,494 $32,415 -0.1% Operating Expenses MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT $1,093 $771 , $0 $0 0% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 191 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $39 $11 $18 $0 06 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE $15,872 $3,067 ' $24,814 $20,000 0% PICK-UP AND HAUL CONTRACT $1,460,218 $1,455,775 $1,155,819 $1,625,000 6.6% Estimated Annual Fee for Sanita tion Svcs. $1,600,000 Contingency $25,000 INSURANCE $2,390 $1,834 $2,146 $2,000 0% FLEET MAINTENANCE $5,697 $5,671 $4,616 $6,300 0% PRINTING&PUBLISHING $108 $0 0% CITY MANAGER $35,425 $35,425 $29,302 $30,475 -4.6% FINANCE AND ADMIN $90,904 $90,904 $89,532 $190,516 915% PUBLICWORKSADMIN $22,108 $22,108 $25,888 $35,152 22.2% HUMAN RESOURCES $793 $793 $745 $844 26% INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY $3,046 $3,046 $2,614 $2,433 -16.2%, Total Operating Expenses: $1,637,584 $1,619,405 $1,335,601 $1,912,720 11.4% Capital Outlay MOTORVEHICLES $0 5150000 CLAM TRUCK (KEN WORTH 7370) $150,000 Total Capital Outlay: $0 $150,000 Total Sanitation Fund: Storm Water Drainage Fund $1,709,616 $1,686,810 $1,367,094 $2,095,135 N/A N/A 19.7% Personnel Services SALARIES $194,672 $221,399 $196,397 $217,845 461% HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR l7 906 $33,705 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 90"), $32,297 CITY ENGINEER 25% 621,082 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 3016 $29,212 BEACH RANGER $79,700 STRTS/STORMWATER/BCHS SUPER $22,753 GEN MAINT WORKER II25',% 612,640 GEN MA/ NT WORKER 2.97b $7473 GEN MAINT WORKER B 255' $9,341 GEN MAINT WORKER C256 68,758 (3) GEN MAINT WORKER VACANCIES 25°0 $27,544 OVERTIME $6,943 $5,882 $6,881 $5,000 0% SPECIAL PAY $7,462 $9,698 $7,960 $5,934 0% COMPENSATED ANN UAL LEAVE $4,034 $425 $0 $0 0% F.I.C.A. $15,313 $17,345 $15,839 $17,502 35.9% BENEFITCROUP- GENERAL $5,702 $11,070 $0 -100% 401 GENL DEFCONTR MATCH $5,196 $8,467 $8,977 $0 0% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 192 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Actual Actual Projected UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP $64,603 $52,859 $62,446 HEALTH $36,313 $46,246 $46,407 LIFE $431 1,518 $495 WORKER'S COMPENSATION $12,610 $10,549 $10,186 OTH POSTEMPLOY BEN E(OPEB) $1,601 $0 Total Personnel Services: $349,178 $379,090 $366,658 Operating Expenses PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Flu Shots NPDES Monitoring Surveying for City Storm wa ter Projects CDL Drug Testing NODES Reporting Support $111747 $8,202 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE $207,304 $92,471 Asphalt Repairs Replace Orangeburg Pipe Point Repairs Concrete Repairs Street Sweeping (required by NPDES) Ditch Spraying & Maintenance Conveyance System Cleaning &71/ Inspections Annual Contract Drainage Ditch Maintenance COMMUNICATIONS $1,602 $1,047 3 Cell Phones Radio Charges 2 F/1-12 Months RENTALS 5 LEASES Uniform Rental Lift Rental INSURANCE $16,904 $14,859 FIRST VEH ICLES/EQUIPMENT PRINTING & PUBLISHING $363 5143 Newspaper and Employment Ads Notice of Violation Forms Erosion Control Inspection Forms OTHER CURRENTCHARGES $570 $570 Stormwater Surveillance Fee (State) OFFICE SUPPLIES $15 OPERATING SUPPLIES Hardware, Rubber Products, Mower Blades, Etc. Baircades, Cones& Lights $44A04 $31,635 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 FY2022 Budgeted (% Budgeted Change) $0 -100% $49,818 126% $500 0% $12,360 09f, $0 0% $308,959 -0.9% $41,296 $41,950 -43.3% $200 $10,000 $6,000 $750 $25.000 $95,583 $262,610 33% $10,000 $70.000 $75,000 $10,000 $35,610 $22,000 $25000 575000 $711 $2,000 0% $600 $1,400 $0 $2,450 -93.8% $450 $2,000 $17,376 $1E083 0% $0 $3,689 0% 5556 $1,500 0% $500 $250 $750 $684 $600 0% $600 $0 $300 0% $4,386 $48,500 -271% $3000 $3,500 City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 193 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 Budget vs. Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) SWA1P Minor Projects (City) $25,000 Grates and Manhole Covers $5000 Cement Bags $4,000 Erosion Control Fabric $2,000 Hurricane Supplies $2000 Field Testing Kits (E Coll Bacteria) $4,000 GASOLINE $6,801 $6,279 $4,312 55,000 0% DIESEL $2744 $2,441 $1,125 $2,500 0% ROAD MATERIALS $0 55,000 66.7% 57 Stone, Crush Crete & Cold Patch $5,000 BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSH IPS $565 $500 51,200 $500 0% FL Stornivva ter Assoc Membership $500 TRAINING $5,922 $2266 ' $57 $5,400 0% Stormwater Training $3,000 ESA Annual Conferet3ce $2400 CITY MANAGER $16,750 $16,750 516,092 $12380 -23.1% FINANCE AND ADMIN $44,576 $44,576 $49,896 $179,283 259.3% PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN $66,323 $66,323 $86,280 $85,370 -1% HUMAN RESOURCES $7,252 $7,252 57,524 $7,720 26% INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY $27,844 $27,844 $26,532 $22,244 -16.2% IMPR OTHER THAN BLD-PURCH $480,698 $480,514 $0 $0 0% MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT $59,663 $60,665 $0 $0 0% MOTOR VEHICLES $3,911 $3,911 $0 $0 0% LAND IMPROVEMENTS $107,310 $185 $0 $0 0% Total Operating Expenses: $1,213,252 $868,449 $353,610 $705,179 16.7% Capital Outlay EASEMENTS $0 $5,000 INFRASTRUCTURE $181,039 $450,700 $328,589 $2492938 Re-establish Seminole Ditch Bank $7,000 Dutton Is/ Pd. Drainage Improvements $70,000 Ca nyover Aquatic Gardens $2,365938 Creek Restoration Pilot Project $50,000 MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT $92,468 $19,963 $37,230 $0 Total Capital Outlay: $273,507 $470,663 $365,819 $2,497,938 Debt Service TD BAN K -URB SERIES 2014 $157,950 $161,200 $164,450 $169,000 Total Debt Service: $157,950 $161,200 $164,450 $169,000 Total Storm Water Drainage Fund: Total: $1,993,886 $1,879,402 $1,250,537 $3,681,076 $6,194,879 $5,920,059 $4,732,268 $8,789,893 0% -3.7% -100% 28% 2.8% -1.9% 72% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 194 Expenditures by Function Beautification (1.5%) Public Wks Administration (4.6%) — Maintenance (117%) Road & Street Division (16.4%) Garbage/Solid Waste (23.8%) Flood Control (41.9%) Road & Street Division Maintenance Flood Control City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 • Beautification • Public Wks Administration Road & Street Division /4 Garbage/Solid Waste Page 195 Name Expenditures Physical Environment Garbage/Solid Waste Not Defined Operating Expenses MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT Total Operating Expenses: Total Not Defined: Sanitation Personnel Services SALARIES OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY FICA. BEN EFIT GROUP -GEN ERAL 401 GEN L DEF CONTR MATCH UN FUNDED LIABILITY-CEPP HEALTH LIFE WORKERS' COMPENSATION Total Personnel Services: FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 Budget vs. Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) $1,093 $771 $0 $0 $1,093 $771 $0 $0 $1,093 $771 $0 $0 0% 0% 0% $16,522 $19,190 $19,649 $21,916 3% $284 $200 $674 $0 0% $566 $570 $756 $624 0% $1,219 $1,412 $1,570 $1,725 11% $1,516 $1,309 $1,210 $0 -100% $212 $402 $540 $215 0% $45,896 $38,053 $0 $0 0% 55,062 $5,582 $6,312 $7,117 10% $41 $50 $57 $50 11.1% $714 $638 $726 $768 0% $72,032 $67,405 $31,494 $32,415 -0.1% Operating Expenses PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $39 $11 $18 SO 0% OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE $15,872 $3,067 $24,814 $20,000 0% PICK-UP AN D HAUL CONTRACT $1,460,218 $1,455,775 $1,155,819 $1,625,000 E6% Estimated Annual Fee for Sanitation Svcs. Contingency INSURANCE FLEET MAINTENANCE PRINTING & PUBLISHING CITY MANAGER FINANCE AND ADMIN PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN HUMAN RESOURCES IN FORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total Operating Expenses: Capital Outlay MOTOR VEHICLES CLAM TRUCK (KENWORTH 7370) $1,600,000 $2,6000 $2,390 $1,834 $2,146 $2,000 0% $5,697 $5,671 $4,616 $6,300 0% $108 $0 0% $35,425 $29,302 $30,475 -4.6% $90,904 $89,532 $190,516 91.5% $22,108 $25,888 $35,152 22.2% $793 $745 S844 2.6% $3,046 $2,614 $2,433 -162% $1,618,634 $1,335,601 $1,912,720 11.4% 535,425 $90,904 $22,108 $793 $3,046 $1,636,491 $0 $150,000 $150,000 N/A *11- City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 196 P/2021 Budget vs. FY2019 P/2020 P12021 FY2022 Name FY2022 Budgeted (% Actual Actual Projected Budgeted Change) Total Capital Outlay: $0 $150,000 N/A Total Sanitation: $1,708,523 $1,686,038 $1,367,094 $2,095,135 19.7% Total Garbage/Solid Waste: $1,709,616 $1,686,810 $1,367,094 $2,095,135 19.7% Flood Control Not Defined Personnel Services SALARIES $194,672 5221,399 $196,397 $217,845 461% HEAVY EQUIPMENTOPERATOR II $33,705 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 905 $32,297 CITY ENGINEER 25'0 $27,082 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR30°O $29,212 BEACH RANGER $79,700 STRTS/STORMWATER/BCHS SUPER $22,753 GEN MAINT WORKER ll $72,640 GEN MAINT WORKER 25'o $7,473 GEN MAINT WORKER 0 25", $9,347 GEN MAINT WORKER C25% $8,759 (3) GEN MAINT WORKER VACANCIES $27,544 255 OVERTIME $6,943 $5,882 $6,881 $5,000 0% SPECIAL PAY $7,462 $9,698 $7,960 $5,934 0% COMPENSATED ANNUAL LEAVE $4,034 $425 $0 $0 0% F.I.C.A. $15,313 $17,345 $15,839 $17,502 35.95 BENEFITCROUP- GENERAL $5,702 $11,070 $0 -100% 401 GEN L DEE CONTFR MATCH $5)96 $8,467 $8,977 SO 0% UNFUNDED LIABILITY-CEPP $64,603 $52,859 $62,446 $0 -100% HEALTH $36,313 $46,246 546,407 $49,818 12.6% LIFE $431 $518 $495 $500 0% WORKER'S COMPENSATION $12,610 $10,549 510,186 $12,360 0% OTH POSTE MPLOY BEN E(OPEB) $1,601 $0 50 0% Total Personnel Services: $349,178 $379,090 $366,658 $308,959 -0.9% Operating Expenses PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Flu Shots NPDES A lonitoring Surveying for City Storm wa ter Projects CDL Drug Testing NPDES Reporting Support OTFIER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE Asphalt Repairs Replace Orangeburg Pipe $111,747 $8,202 $41,296 541,950 $200 $70, 000 $6,000 $750 $25,000 $92,471 595,583 $262,610 $70,000 $70,000 $207,304 -43.3% 33% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 197 Name Point Repairs Concrete Repairs Street Sweeping (required by NPDES) Ditch Spraying & Maintenance Conveyance System Cleaning & TV Inspections Annual Contract Drainage Ditch Maintenance FY2021 Budget vs. FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) $75,000 $10,000 $35,610 $22000 $25,000 $75,000 COMMUNICATIONS $1,602 $1,047 $711 $2,000 3 Cell Phones $600 Radio Cha rges2 F/T 12 Months $7,400 RENTALS & LEASES $0 $2,450 Uniform Rental $450 Lift Rental $2,000 INSURANCE $16,904 $14,859 $17,376 $16,183 FIRSTVEHICLES/EQUIPMENT $0 $3,689 PRINTING &PUBLISHING $363 $143 $556 $1,500 Newspaper and EmploymentAds $500 Notice of Violation Forms $250 Erosion Control inspection Forms $750 OTHER CURRENT CHARGES $570 $570 $684 $600 Storrs waterSurveillance Fee (State) $600 OFFICE SUPPLIES $15 $0 $300 OPERATING SUPPLIES $44,404 $31,635 $4,386 $48,500 Hardware, Rubber Products, Mower Blades, Etc. Barricades, Cones& Lights SWMP Motor Projects (City) Grates and Manhole Covers Cement Bags Erosion Control Fabric Hurricane Supplies Field Testing Kits (E Coli Bacteria) GASOLI N E DIESEL ROAD MATERIALS 57 Stone, Crush Crete & Cold Patch BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSHIPS FL Stormwater Assoc, Membership TRAINING StormwaterTraining FSA Annual Conference CITY MANAGER FINANCE AND ADMIN $3,000 0% -93.8% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% -27.1% $3,500 $25,000 $5,000 $4,000 $2,000 $2,000 $4,000 $6,801 $6,279 $4,312 $5,000 0% $2,744 $2,441 $1)25 $2,500 0% $0 $5,000 66.7% $5,000 $565 $500 $1,200 $500 0% $500 $5,922 $2,266 $57 $5,400 0% $3000 $2,400 $16,750 516,750 $16,092 $12,380 -23.1% $44,576 $44,576 $49,896 $179,283 2593% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 198 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 P12022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted P/2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN $66,323 $66,323 S86,280 $85,370 -1% HUMAN RESOURCES $7,252 $7,252 $7,524 $7720 2.6% IN FORMATION TECHNOLOGY $27,844 $27,844 $26,532 $22,244 -16.2% IMPR OTHER THAN BLD-PURCH $480,698 $480,514 $0 $0 0% MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT $59,663 560,665 $0 $0 0% MOTOR VEHICLES $3,911 $3,911 $0 $0 0% LAND IMPROVEMENTS $107,310 $185 $0 50 0% Total Operating Expenses: $1,213,252 $868,449 $353,610 $705,179 16.7% Capital Outlay EASEMENTS $0 $5,000 0%0 INFRASTRUCTURE $181,039 $450,700 $328,589 $2,492,938 -3.7% Re-establish Seminole Ditch Bank $7,000 Dutton 1st Rd. Drainage $70,000 Improvements Ca byover Aquatic Ga rdens $2,365,938 Creek Restoration Pilot Project $50,000 MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT $92,468 $19,963 $37,230 $0 -100% Total Capital Outlay: $273,507 $470,663 $365,819 $2,497,938 Debt Service TD BAN K -U RB SERIES 2014 $157,950 $161,200 $164,450 $169,000 2.8% Total Debt Service: $157,950 $161,200 $164,450 $169,000 2.8% Total Not Defined: $1,993,886 $1,879,402 $1,250,537 $3,681,076 -1.9% Total Flood Control: $1,993,886 $1,879,402 $1,250,537 $3,681,076 -1.9% Total Physical Environment: $3,703,502 $3,566,212 $2,617,631 $5,776,211 5% Transportation Public Works Public Wks Administration Personnel Services SALARIES RECEPTIONIST ADMIN ASSTP.71 ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR PW INSPECTOR CONTRACTS, NPDES & ADMIN CITY ENGINEER 255' OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY FICA. BENEFIT GROUP -GENERAL 401 GENL DEFCONTR MATCH $230,650 $249,197 $231,114 $235,805 : -17.4% $30,465 $11,794 $45,055 $55,274 $72135 $21,082 $1,962 $743 $1,198 5800 60%. $3,844 $4,384 $19,252 $3,000 -2.7% $17,656 $18,893 $19,035 $18,330 -20.9% 520,150 $17,330 56,221 $5,968 -13.7% $4,854 $5,997 $7,328 $14,108 3% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 199 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) UNFUNDED LIABILITY-CEPP $71,415 $67,981 $16,254 $16,030 -11.2% HEALTH $32,613 $35,322 $35,297 $37,769 -41.6% LIFE $472 $526 $508 $578 101% WORKERS' COMPENSATION $1,760 $1,793 $2,072 $2,000 -s3.8% Total Personnel Services: $385,375 $402,166 $338,279 $334,388 -20.5% Operating Expenses PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Misc. Professional Engineering Svcs. OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. Pest Control/Termite Bond Only Exterminator Security System Monthly Fee State Mandated Locate Services TRAVEL AND PER DIEM COMMUNICATIONS Local and Long Distance Phone Service Cell Phones (4) PW Admin. Answering Service Monthly Radio Fees Monthly Air Card Fee TRANSP.,POSTAGE,MESSENGER Misc. Fed Ex and Courier REPAIR & MAINTENANCE Misc. Cleaning & Painting Yearly Maint for PW Copier (downstairs) Yearly M3 int for PW Copier (upstairs) Ice Machine Maint & Repair PRINTING & PUBLISHING Business Cards, Printing Services Newspaper Advertisements OFFICE SUPPLIES Office Supplies Toner OPERATING SUPPLIES Kitchen and Office Supplies First Aid and Safety Items Misc. Operating Supplies GASOLINE BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSH IPS APWA, FLA Memberships& Materials TRAINING $8,647 $7,361 $28,778 $30,000 $30,000 $3,341 $3,352 $1,012 $5,100 $300 $900 $900 $3,000 $244 $26 $0 $1,000 $10,072 $8,060 $9,126 $11,780 $3,000 $2,500 $2,200 $3,600 $480 $7 $0 S100 $100 $2,005 $3,855 $6,534 $4,700 $700 $7,500 -71.4% 0% 0% 0% 0% -39% $1,500 $1,000 $285 $178 $0 $1,000 0"/, $300 $700 $2,899 $3,748 $2,373 $4,000 0% $2,000 $2,000 $7,976 $10,229 $3,460 $8,500 0% $2,500 $7,000 $5,000 $807 $645 $1,312 $1,000 0% $790 $775 $1,376 $2,500 0% $2,500 $396 $250 $198 $2,000 0% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 200 Name Misc. Training Total Operating Expenses: FY2019 P12020 P1202121 P12022 P12021 Budget vs. Actual Actual Projected Budgeted P12022 Budgeted (% Change) $2000 $37,461 $38,487 $54,170 $71,680 -52.1% Capital Outlay COMPUTER EQUIPMENT $4,439 $4,284 $0 $0 -100% Total Capital Outlay: $4,439 $4284 $0 $0 -100% Total Public Wks Administration: $427,275 $444,936 $392,449 $406,068 -29.4% Road & Street Division Personnel Services SALARIES PW DIRECTOR 40'1. BUILDING/SIGN MAINTENANCE BEACH RANGER 50I', STRTS/STORMWATER/BCHSSUPERV GENERAL MAINT WORKER II GENERAL MAINTENANCE WORKER GENERAL MAIN T WORKER 75C6 GENERAL MAINE WORKER 754 IRRIG/LANDSCAPE TECH 2.54 3 GEN WORKER VACANCIES 754 OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY F.I.C.A. BENEEITCROUP-GENERAL 401 GENL DEFCONTR MATCHI UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP HEALTH LIFE WORKERSCOMPENSATION Total Personnel Services: $234,781 $263,436 $247,199 $317,147 20.3% $38, 949 $42,977 $19,200 $22753 $37927 $29587 $28023 $24, 472 $8634 $64,637 $8,293 $7,275 $6,075 $5,000 0% $4,062 $5,196 $2,190 $1,500 0% $17,954 $20,015 $19,098 $24,759 19.8% $15,372 $13,219 $15,552 $14,920 -13.7% $7,150 $7,784 $7,049 $5,000 0% $72,749 $69,250 $40,630 $40,074 -11.2% $56,482 $64,580 $62,983 $69,218 -4.3% $546 $650 $647 $650 4.8% $16,883 $13,562 $12,872 $17,000 $434,272 $464,966 $414,294 $495,268 10.3% Operating Expenses PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $3,397 $245 $488 $30,500 Substance Abuse Testing (CDL) $500 Misc. Professional Engineering $30,000 OTI-IER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. $213,034 $100,028 $146,069 $220,096 Lawn Maint - Atlantic Blvd. $30,000 Lawn Maint - Mayport Pond (Hess) $11,976 Lawn Matht. - Mayport Medians $11,820 Pest Control PW Building $300 Irrg. RepairsAtlantic & Mayport $5,500 Palm Tree Trimming (At' & Mayport) $3200 -39.6% 43.6% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 201 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 Budget vs. Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) POWHerbic/de Application $3,200 Asphalt Repairs $72,000 Concrete Repairs $25,000 Soil & Density Testing for Paving $1,100 Tree Cutting/Arborist Consultations $20,000 Install/Rernove Xmas Decorations (Atl. $6,000 & Mayport) Landscape Replacement (Ati & Mayport) City Maintained Street Lights Beach Access and Preserve Walkway Repairs Thermoplastic Around City Rebuild Public Works Ban TOWN CENTER MAINTENANCE Palm Tree Trimming Ix Year Replacement of Damaged Plants Replacement of Damaged Trees Brick Replacement/Concrete Repairs Striping & Pavement Marking City of Neptune Beach Water Replace 3 Trash Cans Irrigation Repairs Electric COAB Utilities Bench Replacements (4) 15 New Lights and Poles for TC MAYPOPT FLYOVER MAINT Lawn Maint. - Neptune Beach Side Lawn Maint. - Atlantic Beach Side Lawn Maint - Mayport Pond (W. 4th) Palm Tree Trimming Around Pond Palm Tree Trimming - AB Side Palm Tree Trimming - NB Side Irrigation Repairs Replace Damaged Trees Replace Damaged Plants TRAVEL AND PER DIEM COMMUNICATIONS 4 Cell Phones for Division Monthly Radio Fees 2 x 12 months TRANSP.,POSTAGE,MESSENGER UTILITIES $75,000 $5,000 $20000 $25,000 $25,000 $29,318 $38,354 553,302 $140,900 -8.1% $72,000 $3,200 $2400 $2,500 $5,000 54,500 $4,200 $3,000 $600 $3,500 $10,000 $90,000 $19,511 $21,758 560,250 9a5% $22,800 $72300 $74,400 5800 $900 $1,450 $3,200 $2,200 $2,200 $175 $0 50 0% $1,844 $5,420 $4,879 $2,600 0% $1,200 $1,400 $o $0 0% $109,573 $99,160 $125,000 0% $18,904 $56 $110,014 City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 202 Name ELECTRIC STREET LIGHTS/TRAFFIC SIGNALS CITY PROVIDED Includes PWGarbage Costs RENTALS & LEASES Uniform Rentals & Prep Charges Lift Rental Heavy Equipment Rental REPAIR & MAINTENANCE PRINTING & PUBLISHING Newspaper Ads for Employment Newspaper Ads for Bids OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES Stop Bar Materials Signs& Stamping Seed &Sod Barricades, Cones & Lights Misc. Hardware & Electrical Supplies Boots, Gloves& Rain Gear Paint for Striping Parking Lines Replace 1 Stock Edger Replace 7 Backpack Blower Street sign poles and panels Lighted Speed Radar Signs (Dutton Island Rd.) New Front Gate at Public Works $23,000 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 Budget vs. Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) $725,000 $26,911 $24,209 $22,068 $30,000 $30,000 $7,061 $4,330 $2,191 $14,500 $2,500 $2,000 $10, 000 $78 $1,631 $0 SO $347 $213 $361 $1,500 $750 $ 750 $104 $276 $250 $109,028 $95,158 567,497 $158,200 $7,500 $15000 $8,000 $4,000 $5,000 54,000 51,700 $500 $500 $22,000 $20,000 0% 0% o% 0% 0% 79.2% 240 Yd. Containers 512000 19th Street Mobi-Mat 5.35,000 GASOLINE $8,312 $7,675 $5,271 $6,000 0% DIESEL $3,354 $2,984 $1,375 $2,000 0% ROAD & MATERIAL SUPPLIES $900 $1,038 $0 $8,000 0% Lirnerock, Cold Patch & Crush Crete $8,000 BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSH IPS -$80 $0 $1,500 0% TRAINING $1,533 $450 $283 $2,000 0% Total Operating Expenses: $534,188 $410,921 $424,976 $803,296 20.1% Capital Outlay INFRASTRUCTURE $95,870 $12,064 $0 $0 0% MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT $21,377 $46,910 $118,500 152.6% Genie Z-45 XC Articulating Boom Lift $90,000 2 Hustler X -One 52" Zero Turn Mowers $76,000 Tilt Trailer for Ex'cavator & Skid Steer $12,500 MOTOR VEHICLES $22,988 $69,876 $120 $28,000 N/A '-- City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 203 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 Budget vs. Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) 20211 Ton Check Double Cab 4x4 $28,000 Total Capital Outlay: $140,235 $81,940 $47,029 $146,500 Total Road & Street Division: $1,108,695 $957,827 $886,299 $1,445,064 2123% 24% Beautification Personnel Services SALARIES $18,456 $33,101 $58,535 $70,207 108.9% PARKS & BLDG MAINTSUPERVISOR $44,30.5 IRRIGATION/LANDSCAPE TECH 7.9', $25,902 OVERTIME $388 $518 $2,848 $100 0% SPECIAL PAY $845 $863 $1,088 $0 0% F.I.C.A. $1,495 $2,369 $4,642 $5,379 1061% 401 GEN L DEF CONTR MATCH $1212 $0 0% UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP $13691 $0 SO 0% HEALTH $2,502 $12,619 $19,483 $20,847 90.7% LIFE $42 $87 $170 $182 136.4% WORKERS' COMPENSATION $1,200 $1,872 $3,636 $1,872 26.7% Total Personnel Services: $24,928 $65,119 $91,613 $98,587 102% Operating Expenses PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Arborist/Landscape Architect OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. General Landscape & Beautification Adoption Matching Funds Xmas Lights (C -,z CH & Adele Grage COMMUNICATIONS OPERATING SUPPLIES Mulch, Pine Straw, Sod, Fertilizet; etc. Annuals, Shrubs, Flowers, etc. GASOLINE STREET -END ADOPT/MATCH PR Adoption Matching Funds Total Operating Expenses: $105 $0 $2,000 0% $2000 $421 $6,286 $11,771 $11,000 0% $7,000 $7,000 $3,000 $4 $6 $1 $600 0% $28,443 $13,000 $9,035 $20,000 0% $70,000 $70,000 $0 $750 0% $1,335 $0 $2,000 0% $2,000 $30,308 $19,292 $20,807 $36,350 0% Total Beautification: $55,236 $84,410 $112,420 $134,937 583% Total Public Works: $1,591,206 $1,487,174 $1,391,169 $1,986069 8.8% Total Transportation: $1,591,206 $1,487,174 $1,391,169 $1,986,069 8.8% Human Services Health Road & Street Division City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 204 Name Operating Expenses MOSQUITO CONTROL Total Operating Expenses: Total Road & Street Division: Total Health: Total Human Services: Culture and Recreation Parks And Recreation Maintenance Personnel Services SALARY PARK RANGER PARK RANGER B PARK RANGER C PARK RANGER D PARK RANGER E PARK RANGER F PARK RANGER - NEW PARK RANGER II OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY F.I.C.A. BENEFITCROUP-GENERAL 401 GENL DEFCONTR MATCH UNFUNDED LIABILITY-CEPP HEALTH LIFE WORKERSCOMPENSATION REEMPLOYMENTCOMPENSATION Total Personnel Services: Operating Expenses PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Consultants(Aborist, Eng., Design) OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. Beach Cleaning (Annual Contract) Parks Lawn Maint (Annual Contract) Palm Tree Trimming (Annual Contract) Pest Control Building Monitor/ng General Concrete General Plumbing FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 Budget vs. Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) $3,025 $700 $0 50 0% $3,025 $700 $0 $0 0% $3,025 $700 $0 $0 0% $3,025 $700 $0 $0 0% $3,025 $700 $0 $0 0% $255,511 S228,912 $154,171 $251,496 3.3% $32329 $30;445 $29,587 $29,587 $29,587 $29,587 $26.725 $41,649 $8,762 $3,982 58,616 $6,000 0% $4,451 $6,076 $457 $0 0% $19,833 $17,535 $12,202 519,698 3% $23,698 $23,368 $20,848 $35,808 N/A $1,884 51,911 $1,235 0% $32,631 $31,062 $40,630 596,178 N/A $49,977 $54,765 540,294 $60,270 7% $638 $632 $472 $658 10% $10,023 $6,017 $3,995 $8,056 0% $165 $817 SO -100% $405,690 $374,232 $284,413 $479,399 42.9% $6,874 $315 $38,144 55,000 -88.9% $5,000 $205,881 $211,316 $236,392 $267,264 2.5% $32,200 $77064 $11,000 $2,000 $7,000 $6,000 $5,000 City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 205 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 Budget vs. Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) AC & Heat Repair $10,000 Tree Services $70,000 General Irrigation $6,000 General Fence $8,000 General Doors& Windows $4,000 Signs $5,000 Invasive Plant Control $2,500 General Landscape & Beautification $Z000 Misc. Services $5,000 General Electrical Repairs $7,500 Repairs & Imps, at Dog Parks $71,500 Skate Park Repairs $2,500 Baseball Light Repairs $6,000 Basketball Goals& Prins $5,000 Dutton Island Rd. Regrading (bi- $30,000 monthly) Russell Park Field Upkeep Dutton Island Dead Tree Removal TRAVEL AND PER DIEM COMMUNICATIONS Phones for Parks Division Tideviews Internet for Securty Cameras Monthly P3 clio Fees FREIGHT,POSTAGE,EXPR MAIL UTILITIES CITY PROVIDED RENTALS AND LEASES Equipment& Tool Rental Lift Rental Uniform Rental REPAIR & MAINTENANCE Parks Misc, Repairs Water Fountain Replacement Pond Fountain Replacement FPSTVEHICLES/EQUIPMENT PRINTING AND PUBLISHING Bids, Maps and Employment Ads OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES Cleaning Supplies for Parks Light Bulbs, Hardware, etc. General Landscape& Beautification Paint & Painting Supplies Hurricane Supplies $6,000 $7,000 $86 $0 $500 $2,121 $2,337 $2,632 $3,500 $1,600 $1,200 0% 0% $700 $18 $84 $0 $50 0% $17,303 $14,714 $12,725 $16,500 0% $48,606 $41,301 $43,636 $42,000 0% $4,523 $1,895 $1,594 $6,500 0% $5,000 51,500 $17,650 $20,859 $2,400 513,500 -30.1% $7,500 $2,000 $4,000 -$2,254 SO 0% $117 $59 $396 $1,000 $7,000 $152 $158 $200 0% $173,442 $87,527 $74,360 $114,500 12.7% $6,500 $5,000 $6,000 $5,000 $7,500 : City of Atlantic Beach i Budget Book 2022 Page 206 Name Safety, Shirts, Boots, Hats, etc. Lirnerock, Sand, Coquina, Top Soil Public Amenities (Grills, Picnic Tables) Rakes, Shovels, Hand Tools, Oil, Blades Replacement Blowers, Weedeaters, Edgers Tennis Court Windscreens Adoption Matching Funds Fibar Mulch at Playgrounds Wood Protectant for Marsh Boardwalks Sodding/Repairs Sod Aquatic Dog Park (2x year) Sod Rose Dog Park Sod Jordan Park 75 Folding Tables& 5/Round Tables 100 Black Vinyl Folding Chairs Flag Replacements 3 Handicap PiCIRiCTables Portable Canopy Main Canopy at Tideview Preserves GASOLINE DIESEL BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSH IPS TRAINING Total Operating Expenses: Capital Outlay MACH IN ERY & EQUIPMENT GO" Zero Turn Mower for Ba Ilfields Air Compressor (80 gal) for Russell Park FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 Budget vs. Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) $4,000 $7000 $70,000 $2000 51,600 53,000 $2000 570,000 $5,000 $6,000 $20, 000 $3,000 $2,000 52000 52500 52,000 $4,800 $600 $3,000 59,784 $11,142 $7,674 $10,000 0% $19 $0 $500 0% $0 $200 0% $540 $198 $4,000 0% $392,327 $418,055 $485,214 -52% 51,417 $487,756 $3,700 $72,726 $21,000 $7,500 -70% $6,000 $7,500 MOTOR VEHICLES New Trucks to Replace 459 or #P3 New Polaris /Ranger 1000 Total Capital Outlay: $3,700 Total Maintenance: $897,146 Total Parks And Recreation: Total Culture and Recreation: Total Expenditures: $26,688 $0 $55,500 N/A $28,000 527500 $99,414 $21,000 $63,000 152% $865,973 $723,468 $1,027,613 17.8% $897,146 $865,973 $723,468 $1,027,613 17.8% $897,146 $865,973 $723,468 $1,027,613 17.8% $6,194,879 $5,920,059 $4,732,268 $8,789,893 7.2% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 207 Expenditures by Expense Type Personnel Services (199%) Debt Service (1.9%) Capital Outlay (32.5%) Operating Expenses (45.7%) Debt Service Service Personnel Services Capital Outlay Operating Expenses City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 208 Name FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Projected FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 FY2022 Budgeted Notes Budgeted (% Change) Expense Objects Personnel Services $1,671,476 S1,752,979 $1,526751 $1749,016 9.5% Operating Expenses $3,943,573 $3,349,580 $2,607,218 $4,014,439 88% Capital Outlay $421,880 $656,300 $433,849 $2,857,438 3.9% Debt Service $157,950 $161,200 $164,450 $169,000 28% Total Expense Objects: $6,194,879 , $5,920,059 $4,732,268 $8,789,893 7.2% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 209 Cultural Arts and Recreation Timmy Johnson Director of Cultural Arts and Recreation Recreation Purpose: The Recreation Department administers the recreational activities and special events throughout the city. The department sponsors such programs as spring and Fall Flag Football, summer camp, festivals, and senior and aft*pschoo|prngrsnnsthrnughthecnnnrnunitycentersandparks.[arnpoutUnderthe5ters.VVi|dVVonders.and monthly art shows. The Department also serves as City liaison to the Cultural Arts and Recreation Committee where, together, the following events are held: Jazz Festival, Arts in the Park, Dog Festival, the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee grant program; Acoustic and Songwriters nights, and the Tour de Parks bicycle trek. Key Objectives: • Work with the City Commission and City staff to rnaintain and irnpnovethe quality of Iife of Atlantic Beach residentsthrough cultural arts and recreation, • Maintain and enhance current programs and events. • Work with the Atlantic Beach Youth Council on programs and projects. • Administer facility rentals, permitting private special events and provide staff support to the Cultural Arts and Recreation Committee. Issues, Trends and Highlights • The Recreation Department works with the Cultural Arts and Recreation Committee in providing grant funding for non-profit organization programs and events for residents of Atlantic Beach. • The Recreation Department worked with the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee in sending out a survey to the residents. • The Recreation Department worked with city staff to revise the after-school COVID plan. • The department coordinated homework assistance at the Jordan and Baker Center. • The department continued to work with the teen groups and provided an internship program. Expenditures Summary ������� � �$571�m�r���� City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 210 • Actual ^ Budgeted • Over Budget EY.:02.1 Expenditures by Expense Type Grants and Aids (9.6%) Operating Expenses (26.5%) - • City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Personnel Services (63.9%) Page 211 5; i1111,11, .1111 Capital Outlay • Debt Service Grants and Aids Operating Expenses Personnel Services Name Account ID Expense Objects Personnel Services Culture and Recreation SALARY OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY F.I.C.A. BENEFIT GROUP -GEN ERAL 401 GE N L DEF CONTR MATCH UNFUNDED LIABIL ITY-GE.PP HEALTH LIFE WORKERSCOMPENSATION 001-6010-572- 12-00 001-6010-572- 14-00 001-6010-572- 15-00 001-6010-572- 21-00 001-6010-572- 22-04 001-6010-572- 22-05 001-6010-572- 22-08 001-6010-572- 23-01 001-6010-572- 23-02 001-6010-572- 24-00 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 Budget Actuals Budgeted $235,537 $7,000 $0 $18,554 $17,248 $1,283 $45,146 $20,410 $317 $6,077 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted Notes (% Change) $177,918 $242,597 3°/0 5740 $7,000 0% $2,896 $0 0% $13,597 519,630 58% $12,933 $14,920 -13.5% $2,056 $1,283 0% $40,074 -11.2% $21,838 $28,040 37.4% $248 $349 10.1% $3,530 $11,000 81% 1.*11 City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 212 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 Name Account ID Budget Actuals Budgeted Total Culture and Recreation: $351,566 $235,756 $364,893 Total Personnel Services: $351,566 $235,756 $364,893 Operating Expenses Culture and Recreation PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVO. Senior Program Bus tor Field Trips Monitor alarm (p centers Performers for events Flag Football Referees Dance Instructor Wild Wonders Carriagefor Holiday Celebration Petting zoo and ponies for Egg Hunt Art Program iJordan & Baker Centers TRAVEL AND PER DIEM Travel for City Business COMMUNICATIONS telephone, wifl DSL service for bldgs FREICHT,POSTAGE,EXPR MAIL Postage for ma ilouts UTILITIES electric for recreation buildings CITY PROVIDED water for city recreation bldgs 001-6010-572- 31-00 001-6010-572- 34-00 007-6070-572- 34-00 001-6010-572- 34-00 007-6010-572- 34-00 007-6070-572- 34-00 001-6010-572- 34-00 007-6010-572- 34-00 007-6010-572- 34-00 007-6070-572- 34-00 007-6010-572- 34-00 007-6070-572- 34-00 001-6010-572- 40-00 007-6010-572- 40-00 001-6010-572- 41-00 001-6070-572- 41-00 001-6010-572- 42-00 007-6070-572- 42-00 001-6010-572- 43-00 007-6070-572- 43-00 001-6010-572- 43-01 007-6010-572- 43-07 $0 $24,000 $400 $11,000 Viso $10,000 $8,500 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted Notes (% Change) 3.8% 3.8% $315 $0 0% $6,977 $24,300 $7,500 $2,500 $7,500 $6,000 $1,800 $2.000 $2400 $1,800 $7,800 $3,000 $128 $400 $400 $6,977 $11,000 $71,000 $150 $750 $7,096 $10,000 $70,000 $5,021 $8,500 $8,500 1.3% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 213 Name Account ID FY2021 FY2021 Budget Actuals 001 -6010 -572 - RENTALS AND LEASES $9,000 $2,133 44-00 rental equipment for various events 007-6010-572- R programs 44-00 REPAIR& MAINTENANCE bldg repairs copier CULTURAL ARTS Arts in the Park acoustic & songwriters Intern bike tour calendar of events brochure Jazz Festival Teen Council Dog Festival Planning software Survey Event OFFICE SUPPLIES cartridges, pa pet; envelopes& etc OPERATING SUPPLIES Egg Hunt supplies flag footba/Isupp//es fall fest/valsiippf/es senior supplies toy drive supplies after school program supplies holiday celebration supplies 001-6010-572- 46-00 001-6010-572- 46-00 001-6010-572- 46-00 001-6010-572- 49-01 001-6010-572- 49-07 001-6010-572- 49-01 001-6010-572- 49-01 001-6010-572- 49-01 007-6070-572- 49-07 001-6010-572- 49-01 001-6010-572- 49-07 007-6010-572- 49-01 007-6010-572- 49-01 007-6010-572- 49-01 001-6010-572- 51-00 007-6070-572- 57-00 001-6010-572- 52-00 001-6010-572- 52-00 001-6010-572- 52-00 001-6010-572- 52-00 007-6010-572- 52-00 001-6010-572- 52-00 001-6010-572- 52-00 001-6010-572- 52-00 53,500 $37,700 $1,000 $30,065 FY2022 Budgeted $9,000 $9,000 $929 $3,500 $3000 .5500 $1,950 $43,300 572,000 $6,000 $7,500 $800 .51,500 512000 $7,000 $3,200 $300 55,000 5415 $1,000 $7,000 $8,792 $35,500 $3,000 $4,000 53.000 $1,000 $7,500 $4,000 $4,000 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted Notes (% Change) 0% 0% 14.9% 0% 181% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 214 Name Account ID paper supplies campoutsupp//es black history month supplies Teen program supplies Supplies for ArtisansFa ire Summer camp supplies GASOLINE Gas for city van BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSH IPS FRPA membership TRAINING Stafftraining Total Culture and Recreation: Total Operating Expenses: Grants and Aids 007-6070-572- 52-00 001-6010-572- 52-00 007-6010-572- 52-00 007-6010-572- 52-00 007-6010-572- 52-00 007-6010-572- 52-00 001-6010-572- 52-01 007-6010-572- 52-07 001-6010-572- 54-00 007-6070-572- 54-00 001-6010-572- 55-00 007-6010-572- 55-00 Culture and Recreation 001 -6010 -572 - CU LTURAL ARTS /SCHOOLS 81-01 lawn service for Atlantic Beach 007 -6010 -572 - Elementary 87-01 001 -6010 -572 - AIDS TO PRIVATE ORGAN IZAT 82-00 contribution to outside 007 -6070 -572 - organizations 82-00 007 -6010 -572 - contribution to duva I county schools 62-00 Total Culture and Recreation: Total Grants and Aids: Total Expense Objects: FY2021 Budget FY2021 FY2022 Actuals Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted Notes (% Change) $500 $5000 $3,000 $5000 $2000 $3.500 $1,500 $130 $1,500 0% $7,500 $320 $320 0% $320 $3,000 $94 $3,000 0% $3,000 $140,135 $40,957 $151,470 8.1% $140,135 $40,957 $151,470 8.1% $6,000 $5,820 $6,000 $6,000 $49,000 $20,000 $29,000 $48,300 $47,600 0% 1.4% $54,300 $53,420 $55,000 13% $54,300 $53,420 $55,000 13% $546,001 $330,132 $571,363 4.6% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 215 Public Utilities Troy Stephens Director of Public Utilities Responsibilities The primary responsibility ot Public Utilities is to protect public health and the environment. This is accomplished by operating and maintaining the potable water and wastewater systems to meet or exceed local, state and federal regulations and standards, Staffing Public Utilities is staffed by 22 employees with the responsibility to: o Operate and maintain the • Potable water, wastewater and reclaimed water treatment plants • Potable water and reclaimed distribution system • Sewer collection system, including 33 itt stations o Conduct regulatory compliance reporting and permitting o Monitor the Cross -Connection Control Program • Continually update the GIS mapping and data system o Read and maintain meters o Manage the Capital Improvements Program Water Utility Purpose: The Water Production and Water Distribution Divisions operate and maintain four water treatment p|ants, nine potable waterwells, and the distribution systemem to supply potable water and fire protection. Key Objectives: • To protect the public health through compliance with local, state and federal regulatory requirements for drinking water standards o To maintain water supply and facilities to provide fire protection • To insure adequate quantity and quality of future water supplies throughout the service area through proper maintenance and planning o To protect existing water facilities through accurate sysem mapping and data entry into the GIS sysern o To operate and maintain the system as efficiently as possible to ensure the rates paid by our customers remain reasonable Issues, Trends and Highlights: o Over the last several years, water consumption dropped off fairly dramatically. A combination of factors, including conservation, the economic downturn, vacant apartments and mobile home parks, installation of private wells and retrofitting homes with water conserving plumbing fixtures may have accounted for the decreased water use. With the new planned subdivisions, consumption should begin to increase. " The St. Johns River Water Management D strict (SJRWMD) continues to work on the Water Supply Plan and Minimum Flows and Levels (MFLs). The plan may show Northeast Florida area as a potential Priority Water Caution Area with possible limits on withdrawals from the Floridan Aquifer. In addition, the SJRWMD may require cost participation from all utilities to pay for regional projects that will meet the MFLrequirements. The City will continue working with other utilities and the District to determine potential effects on water supply allocations and costs and protect the City's interests. City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 216 'Workload Data Million Gallons Treated40 602 850 854 FY -19 FY20(esc) FY21 (est.) Miles of Distribution System 9475 96 96 96 Maintained Number of Active Accounts 8300 8405 8496 8600 Sewer Utility Fund Purpose: The Sewer Collection and Sewer Treatment Divisions operate and maintain wastewater collection, transmission and treatment facilities. These facilities include the treatment p|ant, reclaimed water facilities, lift stations, forcernains, gravity rnains, semices, and the effluent pumping system and outfall forcemains which discharge to the St. Johns River. Biosn|ids, the treated product of wastewater /neairnent, are disposed of at the Trail Ridge Key Objectives: o To protect the environment and public health by maintaining compliance with local, state and federal regulatory requirements and standards o To maintain and improve facilities and equipment to extend the life expectancy of all systems as much as possible " To rehabilitate the sewer collection system as recommended in the Capital Improvement Program o To protect the system by continually updating sewer maps and data using the GIS system o To operate and maintain the system as efficiently as possible to ensure the rates paid by our customers remain reasonable o To beneficially reuse treated effluent by providing reclaimed waterfor irrigation Issues, Trends and Highlights: • Recla med water facilities provide up to 500,000 gallons per day of reclaimed water to the Atlantic Beach Country Club for residential and golfcourse irrigation. • The Wastewater Treatment Facility remains well within permit limits for phosphorus and nitrogen discharges to the St. Johns River Data 'Activity FY18 FY19 FY20(esrj FY21 (est.) Millions ofGallons Treated 847 866 862 741 Miles of Sewer Lines Maintained 68.75 70.50 /0.50 70.50 Miles of Reclaimed Mains3 3 3 3 Maintained Number of Lift Stations Main tained 32 33 33 33 City of Atlantic Beach I Budget Book 2022 Page 217 Expenditures Summary $13,401,862 $2,198,897 • Actual Budgeted • Over Budget City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 218 Expenditures by Fund Sewer Fund (54%) r,ris Water Fund a Sewer Fund City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 219 Name Account ID Water Fund Personnel Services SALARIES OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY F.I.C.A. BENEFIT GROUP -GENERAL 401 GEN L DEF CONTR MATCH UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP HEALTH LIFE WORKERSCOMPENSATION SALARIES OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY F.I.C.A. BENEFITGROUP-GENERAL 401 GE N L DEF CONTR MATCH UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP HEALTH LIFE FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 Budget Actuals Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted Change) Notes 400-5502- Salary adjustment latter part $166,702 $157,928 $181,937 9.1% 533-12-00 of FY21 to 3 employees $10,000 $7,421 $10,000 0% 400-5502- 533-14-00 400-5502- 533-15-00 400-5502- 533-21-00 400-5502- 533-22-04 400-5502- 533-22-05 400-5502- 533-22-08 400-5502- 533-23-01 400-5502- 533-23-02 400-5502- 533-24-00 400- 5504-533- 12-00 400- 5504-533- 14-00 $3,082 $1,560 $3,082 0% $9,959 $12,641 $14,919 49.8% $13,342 $6,804 $5,968 -55.3% $1,582 $2,680 $1,582 0% $34,589 $13,545 $16,030 -537% $28,870 $22,526 $29,503 2.2% $241 $328 $241 0% $4,459 $2,955 $4,459 0% $277,804 $235,956 $286,139 3% $30,000 $16,480 $30,000 400- 5504-533- $9,752 $8,929 $9,752 0% 15-00 400- 5504-533- $24,294 $19,598 $24,931 2.6% 21-00 400- 5504-533- 537,540 524,954 $26,856 -28.5% 22-04 400- 5504-533- $3,614 $5,211 $3,614 0% 22-05 400- 5504-533- 537793 $60,948 $72,134 -26.2% 22-08 400- 5504-533- $69,621 $64,979 $83,288 19.6% 23-01 400- 5504-533- $487 $643 $800 643% 23-02 City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 220 Name Account ID 400 - WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5504-533- 24 -00 Total Personnel Services: Operating Expenses 400- COLLECTN AGENCY COMMISSIN 0000-533- 34-05 INSURANCE CITY MANAGER FINANCE AND ADMIN PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN HUMAN RESOURCES IN FORMATION TECHNOLOGY FACILITIES MAINTENANCE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. TRAVEL AND PER DIEM COMMUNICATIONS TRANSP ,POSTAGE,MESSENGR UTILITIES CITY PROVIDED RENTALS & LEASES REPAIRS MAINTENANCE FIRST VEH ICLES/EQUIPMENT 400- 0000-533- 45-00 400- 0000-533- 56-01 400- 0000-533- 56-02 400- 0000-533- 56-03 400- 0000-533- 56-05 400- 0000-533- 56-06 400- 0000-533- 56-07 400-5502- 533-31-00 400-5502- 533-34-00 400-5502- 533-40-00 400-5502- 533-41-00 400-5502- 533-42-00 400-5502- 533-43-00 400-5502- 533-43-01 400-5502- 533-44-00 400-5502- 533-46-00 400-5502- 533-46-01 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 Budget Actuals Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) $6,996 $5,336 $6,996 0% $830,727 $671,422 $812,231 -22% $2,000 $735 52,000 0% $58,598 $51,956 $58,598 0% $46,165 $34,623 $37,523 -187% $322,630 $241,974 $288,381 -10.6% $120,784 $90,585 $70,305 -41.8% $12,082 $9,063 $12,391 2.6% $42,590 $31,941 $35,701 -16.2% $40,613 $30,456 $53,658 32.1% $81,000 524,095 $81,000 0% $161,433 $127,558 $161,433 0% $3,000 $514 $3,000 0% $4,750 $2,938 $4,750 0% 5200 $11 $200 0% $98,000 569,969 $98,000 0% $11,000 $6,802 $11,000 0% $400 $400 0% $78,500 $29,787 $78,500 0% $7,000 $4,093 $7,000 0% Notes City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 221 Name PRINTING AND PUBLISHING OTHER CURRENTCHARCES OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES GASOLINE DIESEL BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSHIPS TRAINING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. TRAVEL AND PER DIEM COMMUNICATIONS TRAN SP.,POSTAGE,MESSE NCR. UTILITIES RENTALS & LEASES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FIRST VEH ICLES/EQUIPMENT PRINTING AND PUBLISHING OFFICE SUPPLIES Account ID 400-5502- 533-47-00 400-5502- 533-49-00 400-5502- 533-51-00 400-5502- 533-52-00 400-5502- 533-52-01 400-5502- 533-52-02 400-5502- 533-54-00 400-5502- 533-55-00 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 FY2022 Budget Actuals Budgeted Budgeted (OA Change) $2,600 $305 $2,600 0% $5,500 $4,721 $5,500 0% $2,000 $981 $2,000 02 Notes Added $1,700 for computer $52,750 $40,391 $54,450 32% equipmentthatwasin capital outlay. $2,000 $1,263 $2,000 0% $2,500 $2,500 0% $2,925 $1,700 $2,925 0% $8,000 -$418 $8,000 0% 400- Increase isdue to 5504-533- $29,445 $23,942 $29,445 0% anticipated engineering 31-00 consultant fees 400- 5504-533- $215,355 $77,726 $215,355 0% 34-00 400- 5504-533- $1,200 $1,177 $3,000 150% 40-00 400- 5504-533- $3,400 $5,031 $3,400 0% 41-00 400- 5504-533- 5100 $16 $100 0% 42-00 400- 5504-533- $2,200 $1,110 $2,200 0% 43-00 400- 5504-533- $2,000 $2,130 $2,000 0% 44-00 400- 5504-533- $17,950 $7,284 $17,950 052 46-00 400- 5504-533- $24,200 $18,736 $24,200 0% 46-01 400- 5504-533- 47-00 $1,500 $126 $1,500 0% 400- 5504-533- $1,000 $572 $1,000 0% 51-00 City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 222 Name Account ID OPERATING SUPPLIES GASOLINE DIESEL BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSHIPS TRAINING Total Operating Expenses: Capital Outlay INFRASTRUCTURE MACHINERY AN D EQUIPMENT MOTOR VEHICLES COMPUTER EQUIPMENT INFRASTRUCTURE MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT MOTOR VEHICLES COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Total Capital Outlay: Debt Service TD BAN K -URB SERIES 2014 KEY GOV'T FIN SERIES 2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 Budget Actuals Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) Notes Increase was due to us 400- having to do budget mods 5504-533- $130,555 V37,063 $133,955 26% this past year; moved $3,400 52-00 from computer equipment capital outlay. Not Capital 400- 5504-533- $10,000 $9,815 $10,000 0% 52-01 400- 5504-533- $1,250 $134 S1,250 0% 52-02 400- 5504-533- $1,000 $190 $1,000 0% 54-00 400- 5504-533- $4,000 $1,417 $4,000 0% 55-00 $1,614,175 $1,092,511 $1,534,170 -5% 400-5502- $26,425 $174,425 $2,065,000 7,714.6% 533-63-00 400-5502- carry over remaining $63,740 $28,775 $63,740 0% 533-64-00 balance 400-5502- $6,760 $6,756 $30,000 343.8% 533-64-01 400-5502- $1,700 $867 $0 -100% Removed, not capital 533-64-02 400- would liketorolethis 5504-533- $965,000 $1,091,000 13.1% amount_ over to next years 63-00 budget 400- 5504-533- $45,000 $39,246 $0 -100% one double diaphragm 64-00 pump 400- 5504-533- $50,534 $50,534 $70,000 3a5% 64-01 400- 5504-533- $3,400 $2,314 $0 -100% 64-02 $1,162,559 $302,916 $3,319,740 185.6% 400- 0000-533- $442,750 $442,750 $455,000 2.8% 71-04 400- 0000-533- $41,000 N/A 71-05 Moved tooperating, not capital City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 223 Name Account ID SRF LOAN-DW160710 Total Debt Service: Total Water Fund: Sewer Fund Personnel Services SALARIES OVE RTI ME SPECIAL PAY BENEFITGROUP-GENERAL 401 GENL DEF CONTR MATCH UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP HEALTH LIFE WORKERS' COMPENSATION SALARIES OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY F.I.C.A. BENEFITGROUP-GENERAL 401 GENL DEF CONTR MATCH UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP HEALTH LIFE FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 Budget Actuals Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted Change) 400- 0000 533- $37,853 $37,853 $0 -100% 71-09 $480,603 $480,603 $496,000 32% $4,088,064 $2,547,452 $6,162,141 50.7% 410-5506- 535-12-00 410-5506- 535-14-00 410-5506- 535-15-00 410-5506- 535-21-00 410-5506- 535-22-04 410-5506- 535-22-05 410-5506- 535-22-08 410-5506- 535-23-01 410-5506- 535-23-02 410-5506- 535-24-00 410-5508- 535-12-00 410-5508- 535-14-00 410-5508- 535-15-00 410-5508- 535-21-00 410-5508- 535-22-04 410-5508- 535-22-05 410-5508- 535-22-08 410-5508- 535-23-01 410-5508- 535-23-02 $179,212 $144,376 5184,589 3% $10,000 $8,527 $10,000 0% $3,251 $5,553 $3,251 0% $13,959 $11,948 $15,135 8.4% $23,713 $14,586 $14,920 -37.1% $566 $461 $566 0% $61,677 $33,858 $40,074 -35% $23,283 $22,983 $29,342 26% $409 $319 $409 0% $5,611 $2585 $5,611 0% $543,466 $418,912 $559,770 3% $18,000 $25,513 $18,000 0% $9,835 $11,864 $9,835 0% $47,694 $34,174 $47,694 0% $61,738 $43,098 $48,022 -22,255 $4,014 $3,701 $4,014 0% $160,938 $108,351 5128,237 -20.3% $101,295 $82,779 $106,631 5.3% $1,120 $828 $1,120 0% Notes City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 224 Name Account ID WORKERSCOMPENSATION Total Personnel Services: Operating Expenses INSURANCE CITY MANAGER FINANCE AND ADMIN PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN HUMAN RESOURCES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FACILITIES MAINTENANCE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TRAVEL AND PER DIEM COMMUNICATIONS TRANSP.,POSTAGE,MESSENGER UTILITIES CITY PROVIDED RENTALS & LEASES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 410-5508- 535-24-00 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 Budget Actuals Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) $47,045 $16,423 $28,000 -40.5% $1,316,876 $990,840 $1,255,220 -4.7% 410- 0000-535- $141,153 $142,049 515E269 10% 45-00 410- 0000-535- $66,273 $49,707 $60,747 -8.3% 56-01 410- 0000-535- $327,658 $24E745 $284,929 -13% 56-02 410- 0000-535- $120,784 $90,585 $70,305 -41.8% 56-03 410- 0000-535- $25,439 $19,080 $26,089 2.6% 56-05 410- 0000-535- $89,675 $67,257 $75,169 -1E2% 56-06 410- 0000-535- $69,152 $51,867 591,364 321% 56-07 410-5506- 535-31-00 410-5506- 535-34-00 410-5506- 535-40-00 410-5506- 535-41-00 410-5506- 535-42-00 410-5506- 535-43-00 410-5506- 535-43-01 410-5506- 535-44-00 410-5506- 535-46-00 $71,013 $48,163 $71,013 0% $211,600 $160,348 $226,600 7.1% $2,000 $1,895 $3,500 75% $2,500 $2,945 $2,500 0% $50 $8 $50 0% $55,000 $41,323 $55,000 0% 512,000 $8,782 $12,000 0% $500 $263 $500 0% $477,734 $57,505 $477,734 0% Notes 7/20/21 added money to budget from CI P for ventilation of blower building Melissa , we vvould like to carry over 200,000 of this years budget due to us not being able to getthe ductile iron pipe replaced at several lift stations City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 225 Name FIRST VEH ICLES/EQUIPMENT PRINTING & PUBLISHING OPERATING SUPPLIES GASOLINE DIESEL BOOK,SUBSCRI P,MEMBERSH IPS TRAIN INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTH ER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TRAVEL AND PER DIEM COMMUNICATIONS TRANSP.,POSTAGE,MESSENGER UTILITIES CITY PROVIDED RENTALS & LEASES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE Fl FIST VEH ICLES/EQUIPMENT PRINTING & PUBLISHING OTH ER CURRENT CHARGES OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES GASOLINE DIESEL BOOK,SUBSCRI P,MEMBERSH IPS Account ID 410-5506- 535-46-01 410-5506- 535-47-00 410-5506- 535-52-00 410-5506- 535-52-01 410-5506- 535-52-02 410-5506- 535-54-00 410-5506- 535-55-00 410-5508- 535-31-00 410-5508- 535-34-00 410-5508- 535-40-00 410-5508- 535-41-00 410-5508- 535-42-00 410-5508- 535-43-00 410-5508- 535-43-01 410-5508- 535-44-00 410-5508- 535-46-00 410-5508- 535-46-01 410-3508- 535-47-00 410-5508- 535-49-00 410-5508- 535-51-00 410-5508- 535-52-00 410-5508- 535-52-01 410-5508- 535-52-02 410-5508- 535-54-00 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 Budget Actuals Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) Notes due to having to do budget $15,000 $17,692 $15,000 0% mods during the year, this account needs to be 25,000 $800 $800 0% $44,000 $22,418 $45,700 3.9% $1,000 $1,236 $1,000 0% $3,000 $780 $3,000 0% $750 $750 0% $2000 $147 $2000 0% $136,873 $24,654 $136,873 0% $247,184 $128,519 $247,184 0% $500 $35 $500 0% $3,320 $3,186 $3,320 0% $500 $13 $500 0% $192,000 5111563 $192,000 0% $20,000 $21,953 $20,000 0% $1,000 $656 $1,000 0% $199,300 $132,043 $199,300 0% $11,000 $13,764 $11,000 0% $500 $121 $500 0% $7,600 $6,250 $7,600 0% $1,000 $151 $1,000 0% $161,778 $141,877 $163,478 1.1% $3,500 $2,239 $3,500 0% $10,000 $5,329 $10,000 0% $2,000 $225 $2,000 0% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 226 Name Account ID TRAINING Total Operating Expenses: Capital Outlay INFRASTRUCTURE MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT INFRASTRUCTURE MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Total Capital Outlay: Debt Service TD BAN K -URB SERIES 2014 KEY GOVT FIN SERIFS 2021 SRF LOAN-VVVV160700 Total Debt Service: Total Sewer Fund: Total: 410-5508- 535-55-00 410-5506- 535-63-00 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 Budget Actuals Budgeted P12021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) Notes Increase is due to new $6,500 $1,221 $6,500 0% Renewal period for CEU's for Operators $2,743,636 $1,623,593 $2,687,274 -2.1% $864,260 $51,127 $1,055,000 221% We would like to carryover the balance to next year. 7/20/21 added projects to budget. replacement of clay service lines for Selva Marina, Oak Harbor and Park Terrace 410-5506- $131,637 5131,381 $180,000 36.7% 535-64-00 410-5506- $1,700 $0 -100% Moved $1,700 to Operating. 535-64-02 410-5508- Carry over existing balance $1,006,270 $199843 $990,227 -1.6% due to not able to get 535-63-00 projects done in 2021 Carly over existing balance 410-5508- and add 50,000 for roof 536,000 $5,117 $0 -100% 535-64-00 replacementsfor blower building and office 410-5508- Moved 51700 computer $1,700 $0 -100% 535-64-02 equipment to operating. $2,041567 $387,568 $2,225,227 9% 410- 0000-535- $657,800 $657,800 $676,000 2.8% 71-04 410- 0000-535- $396,000 N/A 71-05 410- 0000-535- $355,022 $355022 $0 -100% 71-10 $1,012,822 $1,012,822 $1,072,000 5.8% $7,114,901 $4,014,822 $7,239,721 1.8% $11,202,965 $6562,274 $13,401,862 19.6% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 227 Water Utility Services (46%) ---- c' Expenditures by Function Sewer Services (54%) Water Utility Services Sewer Services City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 228 Name Account ID Expenditures Physical Environment Water Utility Services Not Defined Operating Expenses COLLECTN AGENCY COMMISSIN INSURANCE CITY MANAGER FINANCE AND ADMIN PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN HUMAN RESOURCES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FACILITIES MAINTENANCE Total Operating Expenses: Debt Service TD BANK -URB SERIES 2014 KEY GOV'T FIN SERIES 2021 SRF LOAN-DVV160710 Total Debt Service: Total Not Defined: Production Personnel Services FY2021 Budget FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 vs. FY2022 Budget Actuals Budgeted Budgeted (% Change) 400- 0000-533- $2,000 $735 $2000 0% 34-05 400- 0000-533- $58,598 $51,956 $58,598 0% 45-00 400- 0000-533- $46,165 $34,623 $37,523 -1874 56-01 400- 0000-533- $322,630 $241,974 $288,381 -10.6% 56-02 400- 0000-533- $120784 $90,585 $70,305 -41.8% 56-03 400- 0000-533- $12,082 $9,063 $12,391 2.6% 56-05 400- 0000-533- $42590 $31,941 $35,701 -16.2% 56-06 400- 0000-533- $40,613 $30,456 $53,658 32.1% 56-07 $645,462 $491,333 $558,557 -13.5% 400- 0000-533- $442750 $442750 $455,000 28% 71-04 400- 0000-533- $41,000 N/A 71-05 400- 0000-533- $37,853 $37,853 $0 -100% 71-09 $480,603 $480,603 $496,000 32% $1,126,065 $971,936 $1,054,557 -6.4% Notes City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 229 Name Account ID SALARIES OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY F.I.CA BENEFIT GROUP -GENERAL 401 GEN L DEF CONTR MATCH UNFUNDED LIABILITY-CEPP HEALTH LIFE WORKERS' COMPENSATION 400-5502- 533-12-00 400-5502- 533-14-00 400-5502- 533-15-00 400-5502- 533-21-00 400-5502- 533-22-04 400-5502- 533-22-05 400-5502- 533-22-08 400-5502- 533-23-01 400-5502- 533-23-02 400-5502- 533-24-00 FY2021 Budget $166,702 $10,000 $3,082 $9,959 $13,342 $1,582 $34,589 $28,870 5241 $4,459 Total Personnel Services: $272,826 Operating Expenses PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. TRAVEL AND PER DIEM COMMUNICATIONS TRANSP.,POSTACE,MESSENGR. UTILITIES CITY PROVIDED RENTALS & LEASES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FIRST VEH ICLES/EQUIPMENT PRINTING AND PUBLISHING OTHER CUPPENTCHARGES 400-5502- 533-31-00 400-5502- 533-34-00 FY2021 Budget FY2021 FY2022 vs. FY2022 Actuals Budgeted Budgeted (% Change) Notes Salary adjustment $157,928 $181,937 9.1% latter part of FY21103 employees $7,421 $10,000 0% $1,560 $3,082 0% $12,641 $14,919 49.8% $6,804 $5,968 -55.3% $2,680 $1,582 0% $13,545 $16,030 -53.7% $22,526 $29,503 2.2% 5328 $241 0% $2,955 $4,459 0% $228,388 $267,721 -1.9% $81,000 $24,095 $81,000 0% $161,433 $127,558 $161,433 0% 400-5502- $3,000 5514 $3,000 0% 533-40-00 400-5502- $4,750 $2,938 $4,750 0% $200 $11 $200 0% $98,000 $69,969 $98,000 0% $11,000 $6,802 $11,000 0% 5400 $400 0% $78,500 $29,787 578,500 0% $7,000 $4,093 $7,000 0% $2,600 $305 $2,600 0% $5,500 ' $4,721 $5,500 0% 533-41-00 400-5502- 533-42-00 400-5502- 533-43-00 400-5502- 533-43-01 400-5502- 533-44-00 400-5502- 533-46-00 400-5502- 533-46-01 400-5502- 533-47-00 400-5502- 533-49-00 City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 230 Name Account ID OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES GASOLINE DIESEL BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSH IPS TRAINING 400-5502- 533-51-00 400-5502- 533-52-00 400-5502- 533-52-01 400-.5502- 533-52-02 400-5502- 533-54-00 400-.5502- 533-55-00 FY2021 Budget $2,000 $52750 $2000 $2,500 52,925 S8,000 Total Operating Expenses: $523,558 Capital Outlay INFRASTRUCTURE MACHINERYAND EQUIPMENT MOTOR VEHICLES COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Total Capital Outlay: Total Production: Distribution Personnel Services SALARIES OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY FICA BENEFIT GROUP -GENERAL 401 GEN L DEF CONTR MATCH 400-5502- 533-63-00 400-5502- 533-64-00 400-.5502- 533-64-01 400-5502- 533-64-02 $26,425 $63,740 $6760 $1,700 FY2021 Budget FY2021 FY2022 vs. FY2022 Actuals Budgeted Budgeted (% Change) $981 $2,000 0% $40,391 554,450 3.2% $1,263 $2,000 0% $2,500 0% 51,700 $2,925 0% -5418 $8,000 0% $314,709 $525,258 03% $174,425 52,065,000 7,714.6% $28,775 $63,740 0% $6,756 $30,000 343.853 $867 $0 -100% $2,158,740 2,088.8% $2,951,719 229.8% $235,956 $286,139 355 $30,000 0% $8,929 $9,752 0% 519,598 $24,931 2.6% $24,954 $26,856 -28.55 $98,625 $210,823 $895,009 $753,919 400- 5504-533- $277,804 12-00 400- 5504-533- 14-00 400- 5504-533- 15-00 $30,000 $16,480 $9,752 400- 5504-533- $24,294 21-00 400- 5504-533- $37,540 22-04 400- 5504-533- 53,614 $5,211 $3,614 0% 22-05 Notes Added $1,700 for computer equipment that was in capital outlay, carryover remaining balance Removed, not capital City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 231 Name Account ID UNFUNDED LIABILITY-CEPR HEALTH LIFE WORKERSCOMPENSATION Total Personnel Services: Operating Expenses PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. TRAVEL AND PER DIEM COMMUNICATIONS TRANSP.,POSTACE,MESSENCR. UTILITIES RENTALS & LEASES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FIRSTVEHICLES/EQUIPMENT PRINTING AND PUBLISHING OFFICE SUPPLIES FY2021 Budget FY2021 Budget FY2021 FY2022 vs. FY2022 Actuals Budgeted Budgeted (% Change) 400- 5504-533- $97,793 $60,948 572,134 -26.2% 22-08 400- 5504-533- $69,621 $64,979 $83,288 19.6% 23-01 400- 5504-533- $487 $643 $800 64.3% 23-02 400- 5504-533- 56,996 $5,336 56,996 0% 24-00 $557,901 $443,034 $544,510 -2.4% 400- 5504-533- $29,445 $23,942 $29,445 0% 31-00 400- 5504-533- $215,355 $77,726 $215,355 0% 34-00 400- 5504-533- 51,200 $1,177 $3,000 15041 40-00 400- 5504-533- 53,400 55,031 $3,400 0% 41-00 400- 5504-533- $100 $16 $100 0% 42-00 400- 5504-533- 52,200 $1,110 $2,200 0% 43-00 400- 5504-533- $2,000 $2,130 $2,000 0% 44-00 400- 5504-533- 517,950 $7,284 517,950 0% 46-00 400- 5504-533- $24,200 518,736 $24,200 0% 46-01 400- 5504-533- $1,500 5126 $1,500 0% 47-00 400- 5504-533- 51,000 5572 $1,000 041 51-00 Notes Increase is due to anticipated engineering consultant fees City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 232 Name Account ID OPERATING SUPPLIES GASOLINE DIESEL 400- 5504-533- 52-00 FY2021 Budget FY2021 Budget FY2021 FY2022 vs. FY2022 Actuals Budgeted Budgeted (% Change) $130,555 $137,063 $133,955 2.6% 400- 5504-533- $10,000 $9,815 $10,000 0% 52-01 400- 5504-533- $1,250 $134 $1,250 0% 52-02 400- BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSH I PS 5504-533- $1,000 5190 $1,000 0% 54-00 TRAINING Total Operating Expenses: Capital Outlay 400- 5504-533- $4,000 $1,417 $4,000 0% 55-00 $445,155 $286,468 $450,355 12% 400 - INFRASTRUCTURE 5504-533- $965,000 63-00 400 - MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 5504-533- $45,000 64-00 400 - MOTOR VEHICLES 5504-533- 64-01 400 - COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 5504-533- 64-02 Total Capital Outlay: Total Distribution: Total Water Utility Services: Sewer Services Not Defined Operating Expenses $50,534 Notes Increase was due to us having to do budget mods this past year; moved $3,400 from computer equipment capital outlay. Not Capital would like to role this $1,091,000 13.1% amount over to next years budget one double $39,246 $0 -10003 $50,534 $70,000 38.5% $3,400 $2,314 $0 -100% $1,063,934 $92,094 $1,161,000 9.1% $2,066,990 $821,596 $2,155,865 43% $4,088,064 $2,547,452 $6,162,141 50.7% 410 - INSURANCE 0000-535- $141,153 $142,049 $155,269 10% 45-00 410 - CITY MANAGER 0000-535- $66,273 $49,707 $60,747 -8.3% 56-01 410 - FINANCE AND AD MIN 0000-535- 5327,658 $245,745 $284,929 -13% 56-02 diaphragm pump Moved to operating, not capital - City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 233 Name Account ID PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN HUMAN RESOURCES IN FORMATION TECHNOLOGY FACILITIES MAINTENANCE Total Operating Expenses: Debt Service TD BAN K -URB SERIES 2014 KEY GOVT FIN SERIES 2021 SRF LOAN-VVW160700 Total Debt Service: Total Not Defined: Collection/Transmission Personnel Services SALARIES OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY F.I.C.A. BEN EFIT GROUP -GENERAL 401 GEN L DEF CONTR MATCH UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP HEALTH LIFE WORKERSCOMPENSATION FY2021 Budget FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 vs. FY2022 Budget Actuals Budgeted Budgeted (% Change) 410- 0000-535- $120,784 56-03 $90,585 $70,305 -41.8% 410- 0000-535- $25,439 $19,080 $26,089 2.6% 56-05 410- 0000-535- $89,675 $67,257 $75,169 -16.2% 56-06 410- 0000-535- $69,152 S51,867 $91,364 321% 56-07 $840,134 410- 0000-535- $657,800 71-04 410- 0000-535- 71-05 410_ 0000-535- $355,022 71-10 410-5506- 535-12-00 410-5506- 535-14-00 410-5506- 535-15-00 410-5506- 535-21-00 410-5506- 535-22-04 410-5506- 535-22-05 410-5506- 535-22-08 410-5506- 535-23-01 410-5506- 535-23-02 410-5506- 535-24-00 $666,290 $763,872 -9.1% $657,800 $676,000 28% $396,000 N/A $355,022 $0 -100% $1,012,822 $1,012,822 $1,072,000 5.8% $1,852,956 $1,679,112 $1,835,872 -0.9% $179,212 $144,376 $184,589 3% $10,000 $8,527 $10,000 0% $3,251 $5,553 $3,251 0% $13,959 $11,948 $15,135 8.4% $23,713 $14,586 $14,920 -37.1% $566 S461 $566 0% $61,677 $33,858 $40,074 -35% $23,283 $22,983 $29,342 265o $409 $319 $409 0% $5,611 $2,585 $5,611 0% Notes &1 City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 234 Name Account ID Total Personnel Services: Operating Expenses PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TRAVEL AND PER DIEM COMMUNICATIONS TRAN SP.,POSTAGE,MESSE NGE R UTILITIES CITY PROVIDED RENTALS & LEASES 410-5506- 535-31-00 410-5506- 535-34-00 410-5506- 535-40-00 410-5506- 535-41-00 410-5506- 535-42-00 410-5506- 535-43-00 410-5506- 535-43-01 410-5506- 535-44-00 FY2021 Budget FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 vs. FY2022 Budget Actuals Budgeted Budgeted (% Change) $321,681 $245,197 $303,897 -5.5% $71,013 $48,163 $71,013 0% Notes 7/20/21 added money to budget $211,600 $160,348 $226,600 71% from CI P for ventilation of blower building $2,000 52,500 $50 $55,000 $12,000 $500 410 -5506 - REPAIR & NlAINTENANCE $477,734 535-46-00 FIRST VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT PRINTING & PUBLISHING OPERATING SUPPLIES GASOLINE DIESEL BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSH IPS TRAINING Total Operating Expenses: Capital Outlay 410-5506- 535-46-01 410-5506- S35-47-00 410-5506- 535-52-00 410-5506- 535-52-01 $1,895 $3,500 75% $2,945 $2,500 0% $8 $50 OA $41,323 555,000 0% $8,782 512,000 015 5263 $500 0% $57,505 $477,734 0% Melissa , we would like to carryover 200,000 of thisyears budget due to us not being able to get the ductile iron pipe replaced at several lift stations due to having todo budget mods during $15,000 $17,692 $15,000 0% the year, this account needs to be 25,000 $800 $800 0% $44,000 522,418 $45,700 3.9% 51,000 $1,236 51,000 015 410-5506- $3,000 5780 $3,000 0% 535-52-02 410-5506- 535-54-00 $750 $750 0% 410-5506- $2,000 $147 $2,000 0% 535-55-00 $898,947 $363,505 $917,147 2% City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 235 Name Account ID FY2021 Budget 410 -5506 - INFRASTRUCTURE $864,260 535-63-00 MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Total Capital Outlay: Total Collection/Transmission: Sewer Treatment Personnel Services SALARIES OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY F.I.C.A. BEN EFITGROUP-GENERAL 401 GENL DEF CONTR MATCH UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP HEALTH LIFE WORKERSCOMPENSATION 410-5506- 535-64-00 410-5506- 535-64-02 410-5508- 535-12-00 410-5508- 535-14-00 410-5508- 535-15-00 410-5508- 535-21-00 410-5508- 535-22-04 410-5508- 535-22-05 410-5508- 535-22-08 410-5508- 535-23-01 410-5508- 535-23-02 410-5508- 535-24-00 $131,637 $1,700 $997,597 $2,218,225 $543,466 $18,000 $9,835 $47,694 FY2021 Budget FY2021 FY2022 vs. FY2022 Actuals Budgeted Budgeted (% Change) Notes We vvould like to carry over the balance to next year. 7/20/21 added $51,127 $1,055,000 22.1% projects to budget. replacement of clay service lines for Selva Marina, Oak Harbor and Park Terrace $131,381 $180,000 367% $0 -100% $182,508 $1,235,000 23.8% $791,210 $2,456,044 10.7% $418,912 $559,770 3% $25,513 $18,000 0% $11,864 $9,835 0% $34,174 $47,694 055 $48,022 -22.2% $3,701 $4,014 0% $108,351 $128237 -20.3% $82,779 $106,631 5.3% $828 $1,120 0% 516,423 $28,000 -40.555 $61,738 $43,098 $4,014 $160,988 $101295 $1,120 $47,045 Total Personnel Services: $995,195 Operating Expenses PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TRAVEL AND PEP DIEM 410-5508- 535-31-00 410-5508- 535-34-00 410-5508- 535-40-00 $136,873 $247,184 $500 $745,643 $951,323 -4.4% $24,654 $136,873 0% $128,519 $247,184 0% $35 $500 0% Moved $1,700 to Operating. City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 236 Name Account ID COMMUNICATIONS TRANSP.,POSTAGE,MESSE NICER UTILITIES CITY PROVIDED RENTALS & LEASES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FIRST VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT PRINTING & PUBLISHING OTHER CURRENT CHARGES OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES GASOLINE DIESEL BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSH IPS TRAINING Total Operating Expenses: Capital Outlay INFRASTRUCTURE 410-5508- 535-41-00 410-5508- 535-42-00 410-5508- 535-43-00 410-5508- 535-43-01 410-5508- 535-44-00 410-5508- 535-46-00 410-5508- 535-46-01 410-5508- 535-47-00 410-5508- 535-49-00 410-5508- 535-51-00 410-5508- 535-52-00 410-5508- 535-52-01 FY2021 Budget FY2021 Budget FY2021 FY2022 vs. FY2022 Actuals Budgeted Budgeted (% Change) $3,320 $3,186 $3,320 0% $500 $13 $500 0% $192,000 $111,563 $192,000 0% $20,000 $21,953 $20,000 0% 51,000 $656 $1,000 0% 5199,300 $132043 $199,300 0% $11,000 $13,764 $11,000 0% $500 $121 $500 0% $7,600 $6,250 $7,600 0% $1,000 $151 $1,000 0% $161,778 $141,877 $163,478 1.1% $3,500 $2,239 $3,500 0% 410-5508- $10,000 I $5,329 510,000 0% $2,000 $225 $2,000 0% 535-52-02 410-5508- 535-54-00 410-5508- 535-55-00 410-5508- 535-63-00 $6,500 $1,221 $6,500 0% $1,004,555 $593,797 $1,006,255 02% $1,006,270 410 -5508 - MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT $36,000 535-64-00 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Total Capital Outlay: 410-5508- 535-64-02 $1,700 $1,043,970 $199,943 $990,227 -1.6% $5,117 $0 -100% $0 -100% $205,059 $990,227 -5.1% Notes Increase isdue to new Renevva I period for CEU'sfor Operators Carry over existing balance due to not able to get projects done in 2021 Carry over existing balance and add 50,000 For roof replacementsfor blower building and office Moved $1700 computer equipment to operating. 1.*:- City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 Page 237 Name Account ID FY2021 Budget FY2021 Actuals FY2022 Budgeted Total Sewer Treatment: $3,043,720 $1,544,500 $2,947,805 Total Sewer Services: Total Physical Environment: Total Expenditures: Personnel Services (15.4%) $7,T14,901 $4,014,822 $7,239,721 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) -32% 1.8% $11,202,965 $6,562,274 $13,401,862 19.6% $11,202,965 $6,56Z274 $13,401,862 19.6% Expenditures by Expense Type Debt Service (11.7%) ,‘ Operating Expenses (31.5%) Capital Outlay (41.4%) Notes City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 238 58 Debt Service Name Expense Objects Personnel Services Physical Environment SALARIES OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY COMPENSATED AN N UAL LEAVE F.I.C.A. BENEFITCROUP-CENERAL 401 GEN L_ DEF CONTR MATCH UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP HEALTH LIFE WORKERS' COMPENSATION OTH POSTEMPLOY BEN E(OPEB) SALARIES OVERTIME SPECIAL PAY City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 41 Personnel Services Operating Expenses FY2019 Actual $153,336 59,550 $4,451 $3,287 $12,276 $24,424 -5177,237 $22,659 $271 $2,455 -$2,929 $235,649 $30,394 $8,644 FY2020 Actual $134,201 $4,965 $4,576 -$12,543 $10,620 $21,008 $793 $27,140 $20,332 $268 $2,607 $268,806 $25,338 $12,678 Capital Outlay FY2021 Projected $189,513 $8,906 $1,872 $0 $15,169 $8,165 $3,216 516,254 $27,031 $394 $3,545 $0 $283,147 $19,776 $10,714 FY2022 Budgeted $181,937 $10,000 $3,082 $0 $14,919 $5,968 $1,582 $16,030 $29,503 $241 $4,459 $0 $286,139 $30,000 $9,752 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) 9.1% 0%, 0% 0% 49.8%, -55.3% 0% -53.7% 22% 0% 0% 0% 3% 0% 0% Page 239 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) COMPENSATED AN N UAL LEAVE $3,209 $10,307 $0 $0 096 FICA. $20,633 $22622 $23,518 $24,931 26% BENEFIT GROUP -GENERAL $18,176 $15,630 $29,945 $26,856 -28.5% 401 GEN L DEF CONTR MATCH $295 $3,168 $6,254 $3,614 0% UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP $75,428 $71,801 $73,138 $72E4 -26.2% HEALTH $47,520 $59,799 $77,974 $83288 19.696 LIFE $557 $667 $771 $800 64.3% WORKERSCOMPENSATION $6,799 $6,200 $6,404 $6,996 0% SALARIES $183,446 $176,837 $173251 $184,589 3% OVERTIME $9,609 $7,504 $10,232 $10,000 0% SPECIAL PAY $8,322 $6,746 $6,664 $3,251 0% COMPENSATED ANN UAL LEAVE -$138 $5,667 $0 $0 096 F.I.C.A. $14,620 $14,087 $14,338 $15,135 84% BE GROUP -GENERAL $21,772 $18,731 $17,503 $14,920 -371% 401 GEN L DEF CONTR MATCH $259 $552 $553 $566 0% UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP $35,867 $34,142 $40,630 $40,074 -35% H EALTH $35,324 $28,724 $27,580 $29,342 26% LIFE $379 $377 $382 $409 0% WORKERS' COMPENSATION $4,265 $3,331 $3,103 $5,611 0% OTH POSTEMPLOY BEN E(OPEB) -$3,132 $0 $0 0% SALARIES $471,995 $512,853 $502,694 $559,770 3% OVERTIME $23,213 $35,311 $30,616 $18,000 0% SPECIAL PAY $24,372 $20,911 $14,236 $9,835 096 COMPENSATED ANN UAL LEAVE $2206 $48,835 $0 $0 0% F.I.C.A. $37,723 $41,208 $41,009 $47,694 0% BE GROUP -GENERAL $55,339 $47,606 $51,718 $48022 -22296 401 GEN L DEF CONTR MATCH $2,388 53,301 $4,442 $4,014 0% UNFUNDED LIABILITY-GEPP $255,775 $243,474 $130,021 $128,237 -20.3% HEALTH $88,164 $95,001 $99,335 $106,631 5.3% LIFE $884 $970 $993 $1,120 0% WORKERS' COMPENSATION $21,716 $24,772 $19,707 $28,000 -40.5%0 Total Physical Environment: $1,794,216 $2,081,924 $1,994,714 $2,067,451 -3.7% Total Personnel Services: $1,794,216 $2,081,924 $1,994,714 $2,067,451 -3.7% Operating Expenses Physical Environment COLLECTN AGENCY COMMISSIN $2,620 $1,741 $882 $2,000 0% INSURANCE $49,904 $48,908 $62,347 $58,598 0% CITY MANAGER $34,935 $34,935 $46,164 $37,523 -18.7% FINANCE AND ADMIN $295,448 $386,843 $322632 $288,381 -10.6% PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN $92,853 $92,853 $120,780 $70,305 -41.8% 1.*; City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 240 Name FY2021 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Budget vs. Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) HUMAN RESOURCES $11,639 $11,639 $12,084 $12391 26% INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY $44,687 $70,381 $42588 $35,701 -16.2% FACILITIES MAINTENANCE $29,093 $45,773 $40,608 $53,658 32.1% BUILDING -PURCHASED 51,296 $1,296 $0 $0 036 BUILDING -CONTRIBUTED $1,820 $1,820 $0 $0 0% IMPROTHERTHAN BLD-PURCH $518,263 $514,549 $0 $0 0% IMP OTHER THAN BL-CONTRIB $84,297 $83,105 $0 $0 0% MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT $35,426 $34,765 $0 $0 0% MOTOR VEHICLES $26,530 $26,455 $0 $0 0% COMPUTER EQUIPMENT $984 5328 $0 $0 0% PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $38,796 52550 $28,914 581,000 0% OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. 5114,859 $69,155 $153,069 5161,433 O% TRAVEL AND PER DIEM $429 $467 $617 $3,000 0% COMMUNICATIONS $2,064 $3,364 53,526 $4,750 0% TRANSP.,POSTAGE,MESSENGR. $68 514 $200 0% UTILITIES $96,834 $98,975 $83,963 $98,000 0% CITY PROVIDED 510,084 $8,685 $8,162 $11,000 0% RENTALS & LEASES $42 $0 $400 0% REPAIR & MAINTENANCE $50,687 $33,037 535,744 $78,500 0% FIRSTVEHICLES/EQUIPMENT $13,925 516,724 $4,912 $7,000 0% PRINTING AND PUBLISHING $85 S265 $366 $2,600 0% OTHERCURRENTCHARCES $5,000 54,000 $5,665 $5,500 0% OFFICE SUPPLIES $1,475 $1,008 $1,177 52000 0% OPERATING SUPPLIES 545,036 $45,160 $48,469 $54,450 3.2% GASOLINE 52,805 $3,119 $1,516 $2,000 0% DIESEL $895 $0 $2,500 0% BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSHIPS 51,502 51,389 $2,040 $2,925 0% TRAINING $4,864 $4,726 -$501 $8,000 0% PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $2,258 $10,776 $28,731 $29,445 0% OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. $102,295 561,856 $93,271 $215,355 0% TRAVEL AND PER DIEM $1,456 53,254 $1,412 $3,000 150% COMMUNICATIONS 54,170 $6,857 $6,037 $3,400 0% TRANSP.,POSTAGE,MESSENGR. $19 $100 0% UTILITIES $1,688 51,632 $1,332 $2,200 0% RENTALS & LEASES 51,656 $1,854 $2,556 $2,000 0% REPAIR & MAINTENANCE $6,426 $3,114 $8,741 $17,950 0% FIRSTVEHICLES/EQUIPMENT $25,829 $26,589 $22,484 $24,200 0% PRINTING AND PUBLISHING 580 $151 $1,500 0% OFFICE SUPPLIES $559 3575 $686 $1,000 0% OPERATING SUPPLIES $213,113 $230,186 $164,476 $133,955 2.6% GASOLINE $12,305 $10,100 $11,778 $10,000 0% DIESEL $308 5505 $161 $1,250 0% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 241 Name BOOK,SU BSCRI P,MEM BERSH IPS TRAINING INSURANCE CITY MANAGER FINANCE AND ADMIN PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN HUMAN RESOURCES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FACILITIES MAINTENANCE BUILDING -PURCHASED IMPROTHERTHAN BLD-PURCH IMPOTHERTHAN BL-CONTRIB MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT MOTOR VEHICLES COMPUTER EQUIPMENT LAND IMPROVEMENTS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TRAVEL AND PER DIEM COMMUNICATIONS TRANSP.,POSTAGE,MESSENGER UTILITIES CITY PROVIDED RENTALS & LEASES REPAIR MAINTENANCE FIRSTVEHICLES/EQUIPMENT PRINTING & PUBLISHING OPERATING SUPPLIES GASOLINE DIESEL BOOK,SU BSCRI P,MEM BE RSH IPS TRAINING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TRAVEL AND PER DIEM COMMUNICATIONS TRANSP.,POSTAGE,MESSENGE R UTILITIES CITY PROVIDED RENTALS & LEASES REPAIR& MAINTENANCE FIRSTVEHICLES/EQUIPMENT FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) $415 $185 $228 $1,000 0% $506 $1,455 $1,701 $4,000 0% $138,148 $134,706 $142,049 $155,269 10% $63,251 $63,251 $66,276 $60,747 -8.3% $300,558 $300,558 $327,660 $284,929 -13% $92,853 $92,853 $120,780 $70,305 -41.8% $24,506 $24,506 $25,440 $26,089 2.6% $94,091 $119,785 $89,676 $75,169 -16.2% $49,537 $77,937 $69,156 $91,364 32.1% $5,326 $5,326 $0 $0 0% $1,019,755 $1,001,734 $0 $0 0% $119,816 $119,816 $0 $0 0% $72535 $79,963 $0 $0 0% $29,403 $29,403 $0 $0 0% $179 $179 $0 $0 0% $633 $633 $0 $0 0% $4,231 $11,058 $57,795 $71,013 0% $176,184 $81,553 $192,417 $226,600 71% $1,768 $1,879 $2,274 $3,500 75% $3,871 $3,894 $3,535 $2,500 0°% $75 $33 $10 $50 0% $50,048 $53,469 $49,587 $55,000 0% $9,710 $10,580 $10,539 $12,000 0% $10,627 $343 $316 $500 0% $25,910 $31,152 $69,006 $477,734 0% $34,449 $19,641 $21,230 $15,000 0% $177 $0 $800 0% $35,625 $33,890 $26,902 $45,700 3.9% $884 $1,347 $1,483 $1,000 0% $3,024 $3,413 $936 $3,000 0% $100 $0 $750 0% $75 $317 $177 $2,000 0% $20,121 $41,649 $29,584 $136,873 0% $184,617 $96,547 $154,222 $247,184 0% $74 $364 $42 $500 0% $4,148 $3,813 $3,823 $3,320 0% $196 $213 $15 $500 0°4, $158,450 $151,984 $133,875 $192,000 0% $25,716 $26,122 $26,344 $20,000 0%5, $906 $958 $7s7 $1,000 0% $71,073 $44,949 $158,451 $199,300 0% $13,831 $13,950 516,516 $11,000 0% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 242 Name PRINTING & PUBLISHING OTHER CURRENTCHARGES OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES GASOLINE DIESEL BOOK,SUBSCRIP,MEMBERSHIPS TRAINING Total Physical Environment: Total Operating Expenses: FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) $746 $145 $500 0% $11,250 $6,250 $7,500 $7,600 0% $477 $239 $181 $1,000 0% $123,440 $150,912 $170,253 $163,478 11% $4,029 $2,982 $2,687 $3,500 0% $14,221 $10,396 $6,395 $10,000 0% $1,654 S922 $270 $2,000 0% $2,235 $1,135 $1,465 $6,500 0% $4,996,775 $4,863,625 $3,359,299 $4,221,444 -3.1% $4,996,775 $4,863,625 $3,359,299 $4,221,444 -3.1% Capital Outlay Physical Environment INFRASTRUCTURE $41,476 $209,310 $2,065,000 7,714.6% PU2770 WTPffl Upgrades Carryover $7,400,000 Well#3g WTP2 & 3 - Acid Cleaning & Casing Repair $780,000 V1/773#7 Replace 2 Aerator Houses $60,000 WTPtt2 Replace 1 Aerator Hoc/se $30,000 W7P#2 Modernization - Design & Engineering $175,000 VVTP#2 Clean & Paint CST $90,000 Retrofit High Priority Wells Vulnerable to Flooding $20,000 WTP#4 Decommission $700,000 Completion of 4 Log Virus Inactivity $70, 000 MACHINERYAND EQUIPMENT $23,555$34,50 0% 3 Replace Flow Meters @ Wells -Carryover $63,740 $63, 740 MOTOR VEHICLES $8,107 $30,000 343.8% new truck- replace truck $30,000 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT $1,040 $0 -100% INFRASTRUCTURE $0 $1,091,000 131% PU2707 Carryover Mayport Rd. Crossing HA7A $750,000 PU2707 Carryover Construct 770 LF of 72" PVC frorn Mariner's $700,000 Village to 76" WM on Mayport Rd Service Line & Valve Replacements (Various) $700,000 Construct 850 LF or /2" PVC WM Ocean Walk 10" WM to $128,000 Sherry Dr Cutoff Construct 7,850 LF of 72" PVC WM Sherry Dr Cutoffto $278,000 Pioneer Dr Construct 7,300 LF of 72" PVC WM Pioneer Dr to $195,000 Wonderwood DR Tie in 00/120" WM to existing eir Renault & Sherry Dr, Install 2 $700,000 Isolation valves on 20" WM Cava Ila-Insta 11 New Long Side Service Connections $40,000 City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 243 Name FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) MACHINERYAND EQUIPMENT $27,685 $47,095 $0 -100% MOTORVEHICLES $24,979 $60,641 $70,000 38.5% replace one distribution utility truck due tor-, of hours on $40,000 motor replace P-29 truck due to year and shape $30,000 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT $2,777 $0 -100% INFRASTRUCTURE $392,559 $68,478 $61,352 $1,055,000 22.1% PU2704 Carryover-Selva Marina LS Forcemain Extension $770,000 PU2703 Ca hyover-Puckett Creek FM Crossing Oak $770,000 Harbor Baptist LS Influent Line Replacement (3 LS) $300,000 Replacement of ClayService Lines for Serve Marina, Oak $200,000 Harbor and Park Terrace Services Retrofit 74 High Priority LS Vulnerable to Flooding $275000 MACHIN FRY & EQUIPMENT $41,273 $157,658 $180,000 36.7% Odor control for Buccaneer rift station $700,000 Odor control for Selva Marina $80,000 INFRASTRUCTURE $15,026 $217,983 $990,227 -1.6% PU2709 Carryover Outfall D-007 Repair-WWTP to Outfall $325227 Replace Digester Catwalk $200,000 Upsize Headworks line to influent basin $350, 000 SB64 Compliance -Engineering Study to determine options $700,000 for removing river discha rge Improve Ventilation at Blower Buildings $15000 MACHIN FRY & EQUIPMENT $40,145 $10,875 $6,140 $0 -100% MOTOR VEH ICLES $18,570 $0 $0 Total Physical Environment: $583,792 $338,811 $588,650 $5,544,967 73.1% Total Capital Outlay: $583,792 $338,811 $588,650 $5,544,967 73.1% Debt Service Physical Environment TD BAN K -URB SERIES 2014 $425,250 $434,000 $442,750 $455,000 28% KEY GOV'T FIN SERIES 2021 $0 $41,000 N/A SRF LOAN-DW160710 $35,869 $36,848 $37,853 $0 -100% TD BAN K -URB SERIES 2014 $631,800 $644,800 $657,800 $676,000 28% KEY GOVT FIN SERIES 2021 $0 $396,000 N/A SRF LOAN-WW160700 $333,575 $344,131 $355,022 $0 -100% Total Physical Environment: $1,426,494 $1,459,779 $1,493,425 $1568,000 5% Total Debt Service: $1,426,494 $1,459,779 $1,493,425 $1,568,000 5% Total Expense Objects: $8,801,277 $8,744,139 $7,436,088 $13,401,862 19.6% City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 244 Building Department Dan Arlington Building Official Building Department Purpose: The BuHding Department is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Florida Building Code and Iocal regulations relating to building construction. The Building Department coordinates the permitting requirements of other departments and agencies; issues building permits and certificates of occupancy; and maintains records of building construction in the City, building codes, contractor licensing, and floodplain maintenance. The Building Official also serves as the Floodplain Manager and Community Rating System (CRS) Coordinator. Key Objectives: • To serve the public by ensuring that the health, safety, and welfare of citizens are protected by enforcing the provons of the various codeadopted by the Federal, State, and City governments, • To educate builders and property owners about building codes, the reasons for them, and the mportance in maintaining public safety. Workload Data: The Building Department is responsible for enforcing the provisions of Federal, State, and City Codes, including the Florida Building, Residential, Mechanical, Plumbing, Fuel Gas, Existing Building, and Energy Codes; National Electric Code (NEC); International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC); Florida Fire Prevention Code; FEMA and National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) regulations, Atlantic Beach Land Development Regulations; and Code required referenced standards. The Building Department Staff includes the Building Official, two Building Inspectors, the Operations Manager, and two Permit Technicians, * The Building Official has administrative duties and conducts plan reviews and building inspections, and holds the three State Iicenses required for those duties. o The Senior Building Inspector conducts plan reviews and building inspections, andholustoetwnStateUrenses,enui,eum, those duties. • The Residential Building Inspector conducts residential building inspections, and holds that State license. " The Operations Manager supervises the front counter, is an ICC Certified Permit Technician, and serveas the Administrator of the Community Development software system. o The Senior Permit Technician (Level 3) receives, processes, and distributes permit documents, mainta ns records, notarizes documents, and is an ICC Certified Permit Technician. • The Permit Technician (Level 1) also processes permit documents, aintains records, does other administrative duties in the Department, and serves as the City Receptionist. Expenditures Summary $575 629 ~�����n2����� City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 245 C, FY88' 8 • Actual FY:0 Budgeted • Over Budget Expenditures by Expense Type Capital Outlay (1.6%) Operating Expenses (17.8%) City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Personnel Services (80.6%) Page 246 Name G Capital Outlay :& Operating Expenses Personnel Services FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Projected FY2022 Budgeted Expense Objects Personnel Services $410,445 $443,429 $437,115 $463,920 Operating Expenses $140,057 $122529 $86,631 $102,709 Capital Outlay $8,126 $78,925 $3,450 $9,000 Total Expense Objects: $558,628 $646,883 $527,196 $575,629 City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) Page 247 I 1 20'7 Pension Expenditures Summary $2 202 260 $149,176 • Actual Budgeted • Over Budget r Y0_00 I City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 248 Pension Trust Fund -Police (35.7%) Expenditures by Fund Pension Trust Fd -General (64.3%) Name Pension Trust Fund -Police „nn Pension Trust Fund -Police C: Pension Trust Fd -General FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Projected FY2022 Budgeted Budgeted (% Change) City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 249 Name FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Projected FY2022 Budgeted Budgeted (% Change) Operating Expenses SERVICE RETIRED PAY $579,609 $595,459 $595,459 $643,672 0% DISABILITY RETIRED PAY $118,331 $110,969 $74,159 ' $118,331 0% icma drop payout $326,218 $0 $0 0% MSSB drop payout $74,686 $0 PENSION REFUNDS $44,934 $9,448 S28,330 $25,000 66.7% Total Operating Expenses: $1,143,777 $715,876 $697,948 $787,003 13% Total Pension Trust Fund -Police: $1,143,777 $715,876 $697,948 $787,003 13% Pension Trust Fd -General Operating Expenses SERVICE RETIRED PAY $1,059,683 $1,116,496 S1,143,386 $1,178,031 133% DISABILITY RETIRED PAY $46,859 $46,859 $46,859 $48,000 24% BENEFICIARY PAY $174,635 $166,197 $166,797 $174,226 0% DROP PAY -DB PLAN $45,985 $39,615 SO 0% PENSION REFUNDS $0 $15,000 0% Total Operating Expenses: $1,327,161 $1,329,553 $1,396,657 $1,415,257 10.9% Total Pension Trust Fd -General: $1,327,161 $1,329553 $1,396,657 $1,415,257 10.9% Total: $2,470,938 $2,045,429 $2,094,605 $2,202,260 73% Police Employees (35.7%) Expenditures by Function ) City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Pension General Employees (64.3%) Page 250 Name Police Employees „:, Pension General Employees P(2019 FY2020 FY2021 P(2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted FY2021 Budget vs. P12022 Budgeted (% Change) Expenditures General Government Pension Benefits Police Employees Operating Expenses SERVICE RETIRED PAY $579,609 $595,459 $595,459 $643,672 0% DISABILITY RETIRED PAY $118,331 $110,969 $74159 $118,331 0% icma drop payout $326,218 MSSB drop payout $74,686 $0 $0 0% PENSION REFUNDS $44,934 $9,448 $28,330 $25,000 66.7% Total Operating Expenses: $1,143,777 $715,876 $697,948 $787,003 13% Total Police Employees: $1,143,777 $715876 $697,948 $787,003 13% Pension General Employees Operating Expenses SERVICE RETIRED PAY $1,059,683 $1,116,496 $1,143,386 $1,178,031 13.3% DISABILITY RETIRED PAY $46,859 $46,859 $46,859 $48,000 24% BENEFICIARY PAY $174,635 $166,197 $166,797 $174,226 0% DROP PAY -DB PLAN $45,985 $39,61S $0 0% PENSION REFUNDS $0 $15,000 City of Atlantic Beach 1 Budget Book 2022 Page 251 Name Total Operating Expenses: Total Pension General FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Projected Budgeted $1,327,161 $1,329553 $1,396,657 $1,415,257 $1,327,161 $1,329,553 $1,396,657 $1,415,257 Employees: Total Pension Benefits: $2,470,938 $2,045,429 $2,094,605 $2,202,260 Total General Government: $2,470,938 $2,045,429 $2,094,605 $2,202,260 Total Expenditures: $2,470,938 $2,045,429 $2,094,605 $2,202,260 FY2021 Budget vs. FY2022 Budgeted (% Change) 10.9% 10.9% 73% 73% 73% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 252 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 253 FY 2022 Capital Projects by Fund City of Atlantic Beach i Budget Book 2022 Page 254 rkAlvd EV'tVvral.'tTroVvvvv IVV.v:Vrt V Arv1CvVvvVII: tetnertivi TOUVVI VV7,VElleraV FUIVVA Fttff ntet Sake 'Tex ter .1ttt? 'Yoked nen' Cent Satee $11,te ett 11H-1( I et feet 'nett. te tett inlet, tettneettee tee et$ etteetk -Cte Lenten e'en 'Tient tenet' leettitie ince, tieenceie rki[eneecte Fund, tee, Irenettemene. :etre te, ( neer:men-nettle". 'IJC" rotai• cnpin, Preyeent Fund $$ette' UnItint Fund Ceett_ tt-t - r et -101 H.DM te, reC,$: 21-$$ , telt-4)41nel, e tt$1. :in "en te e ent te I le:neve nee - leeeto Len enettt •,1 \A' .11::1‘,1,H, - tet entet 'renttnt -:nretetv City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 255 fekkLaI UlkIty FIdricP a!! Furol );ailltj,,,701)741 rI1J51C,-1 Stornywdtdd Fund 55,,,N5d,,,vatedk Radii HuiIddl..09 Code EII'dfordenddrd r"und Razdi CIdd5d11 City of Atlantic Beach l Budget Book 2022 C kk. d,ke e t e r co 1 ttek, kk,'- ko,- [Ikke "deo:, 1-,Cdoet,,eoc'ek'c'eed lok o, I',I ' -I e kr I-ckie- Ikeeetke \O/5 I 1(e' I-ded k,CO ekelkok`I do L.:, eer ',/kIIk re Heide [kr, 11,-o 1 kktpd,:t rod - I ' )II I Le- di I I Id III:',5,55k-kkde.. old ITIkkee.5,kke -eocok ,O5kke, eke,5 ieddet. kee. kI k IO reed de I de ',, I'd el, II , eiked),,d el.-kedkod de- Dee., I ocen -coke -doe hero keercoe.- ke ledk:ekck Ike -15561575!, Page 256 There are no submitted Capital Requests City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 257 There are no submitted Capital Requests City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 258 DEBT City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 259 Government -wide Debt Overview ':1A"EFMNAMAPYAMWAMAISPe Debt Service Funds (5.7%) .„, ....„ 2168 507 All Funds Debt Service Funds Enterprise Funds Total All Funds: City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Enterprise FY2021 Actual $120,884 $2,073,801 $2,194,685 FY2022 Actual $123,133 $2,045,374 $2,168,507 % Change 1.9% -1.4% -12% Page 260 Debt Service Funds FV9i F%29 I FY99...r FY2021 FY2022 % Change Debt Service Funds Actual Actual Debt Service Fund $120,884 $123,133 1.9% Total Debt Service Funds: $120,884 $123,133 1.9% Enterprise Funds FC90 199::! FY2021 FY2022 % Change Enterprise Funds Actual Actual Water Fund $553,282 $553,070 0% Sewer Fund $1,296,703 $1,267,823 Storm Water Drainage Fund $223,816 $224,481 0.3% Total Enterprise Funds: $2,073,801 $2,045,374 -1.4% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 261 .5.77 9s.s, OP; (99 Debt Snapshot 44, $2168,507 -$26,178 (-1,19% vs, 2021 year) ':Iggii4MVaerVS.,6:,71MITAM. 5.7% (1, Iluck Lo,h,e 3.4% Debt 2018 Bond Series - Selva Preserve TD Bank- URB Series2014 SRF Loan WW160700 SRF DW160710 Refunding Bond Series 2021 Vac -Con Truck Lease Total Debt: City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 24.4% FY2021 Actual $120,884 $1,438,294 $511,953 $49,879 $0 $73,675 $2,194685 FY2022 Actual $123,133 $1,443,412 $0 $0 $528,287 $73,675 $2,168,507 % Change 1.9% 0.4% -100% -100% 0 0 -12% Page 262 2018 Bond Series - Selva Preserve EY:10:'11 F111,111 FY2021 FY2022 % Change 2018 Bond Series - Selva Preserve Actual Actual Pri nci pa I 575,000 $80,000 6,7% I nterest $45,884 $43,133 -6% Total 2018 Bond Series - Selva Preserve: $120,884 $123,133 1.9% TD Bank - URB Series 2014 I 1'2021 I 1'2022 FY2021 FY2022 % Change TD Bank - URB Series 2014 Actual Actual Principal $1,265,000 $1,300,000 28% I nterest October $94,016 $79,278 -15.7% I nterest Apri I $79,278 $64,133 -19.1% Total TD Bank - URB Series 2014: $1,438,294 $1,443,412 0.4% City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 263 Refunding Bond Series 2021 Refunding Bond Series 2021 Principal Interest Total Refunding Bond Series 2021: Vac -Con Truck Lease Vac -Con Truck Lease Principal Interest Total Vac -Con Truck Lease: City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 rsi fl fTh 2021 FY2022 Actual $442,740 $85,547 $528,287 FY2021 FY2022 % Change Actual Actual $65,562 $65,562 0% $8,114 $8,114 0% $73,675 $73,675 0% Page 264 LONG RANGE FINANCIAL PLAN City of Atlantic Beach i Budget Book 2022 Page 265 Cash Balance Forward Revenues Long Range Finance Plan Until FY2030 City of Atlantic Beach Long Term Financial Plan Projection Summary General Fund Actual Actual Estimate Budget Proj Proj Proj Pro] Proj Proj Proj Proj FY -19 FY20FY-21 FY -22 FY -23 FY -24 FY -25 FY26FY-27 FY28FY-29 FY -30 7,751.517 6.374.988 7.525.928 7,142,478 9,242.671 11.251,299 13,162,418 14,969.817 16,667,021 18,247,272 19,703,535 21,028.453 Taxes 5.153.947 7.950224 7.281 477 1956 693 8 354.528 8 772.251 5 219.867 9 571 410 10 154,981 10662.730 11 195.855 11.755.559 Licenses and Permits 868 477 985 819 824.738 925 700 944 214 953.098 582.350 1 002.907 1.022.048 1 042.489 1 063.338 1.984.605 Intergovernmental Revenues 2019.814 1,859.603 2.370.868 2,849 897 2 993 914 2957.121 3.012.236 3 968 379 3 125 568 3.181823 3243.154 3303611 Charges for See, es 2.374.573 2.549.574 2 494.018 2.617 109 2 071 225 2.725 459 2 782.835 2 840 379 2.899.111 2,959.058 3 920.244 3.982.690 Frnes and Forfeitures 90781 52 945 92.111 51 375 52145 52 928 53722 54528 55345 56 176 57 818 57 874 Miscellaneous Revenues 17.895 314.956 102448 234525' 229835 225 238 ° 1120 733 1° 216318 ° 211992 ° 207_752 ° 203557 ° 1995^_5 Interfund Transfers 1135_245 1_341_608 1.600 392 1.340 238 1 350,342 1.380 747 1 401_458 1 422_480 1 443.817 1_465_474 1 487_455 1509_768 Total Revenues 12,670,732 14,164,729 14,726,052 15,975,537 16,515,342 17,077,845 17,684,212 18,275,501 18,912,862 15,577,501 20,270,685 20,953,738 Other Financing Sources Total Resources 20.422,249 20.539.717 22.251,980 23,118,015 25,757.973 28,329,144 30,826,630 33,245.318 35.579,883 37,824,774 39,574,214 42,022,192 Expenditures by Department City Administration 902984 2997473 3244.349 3305886 3455304 3.613.566 3777903 3949881 4129601 4317498 4017944 47100328 Planning and Zoning 444.791 305.806 339 700 355 156 371.315 388 211 405.874 424.342 443 649 463.835 484.940 507.005 General Government 723.354 509.355 701.773 733 710 767994 891 997 838.487 875 539 915,525 958.227 1 001 827 1947.419 Public Safety 6.743.471 5.573.461 7.318.357 7.651.342 7 999,478 8.363.455 8 743.992 9 141,843 9 557.797 5.992.577 10,447.344 10.922.598 Public Works 2 705.354 1203.706 2.959 301 ° 1 258 474 1 315 735 1 375.601 1.438.191 1 503 028 1.572.043 1.643.571 1 718 354 1.795 539 Recreation 477.385 1223 977 545.936 570 775 695_745 623 898 552_285 581_955 712.994 745_435 779353 814.813 Total Expenditures 14,047,261 13,013,788 15,104,502 13,875,345 14,555,673 15,161727 15,856,813 15,578,298 17,332,510 18,121,244 18,545,761 19,007,793 Revenues Less Expenditures 11.375,529) 1.150.941 (383,450) 2,180,192 2,048.625 1.911,118 1,807,399 1,697.243 1.584,252 1,455,257 1,324.924 1.185.945 Other Financing Uses Total Cash Reserves 1374.988 7.525.928 7,142,478 9,242,671 11,251.299 13.162,418 14,959,817 15,657.021 18.247,272 19,703,530 21,528.453 22.214.399 Restricted Cash 3.375,150 3.990.775 3.588.507 3.295 394 3 445.335 3 502 098 3.765.993 3 937.345 4.115 495 4.303.795 4 499,518 4.704.351 Unrestricted Cash 2990828 4,435.154 3.553.972 5.947275 7805.955 9,5E0 320 11203.824 12729675 14 130 777 15399.734 16520.835 17510.048 Total Exp. & Cash Reserves 20,422,245 20,539,717 22,251,980 23,118,915 25,757,973 28,329,144 30,826,630 33,245,318 35,579,883 37,824,774 39,574,214 42,022,192 City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 266 0 25 9 20 15 10 General Fund me Personnel, Services immOperating anCapital L.,_,JTransfers -.-Revenues! City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 267 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Long Term Financial Plan Financial Projection Summary Gas Tax Fund Actual Estimate Budget Proj Pro( Proj Pro l Proj Proj Pioj Proj FY -20 FY -21 FY -22 FY -23 FY -24 FY -25 FY -26 FY -27 FY -28 FY -29 FY 30 ish Balance Forward 176,770 (10-1,699) (314,158) 10,842 128,844 215,619 321960 418.724 533,188 060 031 047.352 /venues Let al Op1io7Gas Taxes 445.752 012 022 475,631 494 9106 514 701 535 390 555 71? 570 932 502 141 026,227 650 276 9i5ie0bitininl3it 523 0090i 15 062 15 602 16 0156 l' 150 17 343 13 550 19,2900 20,070 20 073 20 708 O5iii88 Reitpentieta Total Revenue 423,154 528,3E14 491,143 511,413 531,869 553,144 575 270 598,281 620.210 647,100 672,9114 Tenses Operanny 0 204 000 0 202,002 250 030 250 200 203,003 202 503 296 567 2030959 292_062 Capital 0 0 2 25 000 25 090 25200 25031 20 000 25 000 0 0 "'Tarsiers 704,523 537 843 066.7013 160 410 170 095 171.795 1'3 513 175.219 177.001 173 771 160 503 Total Expenses 704,623 737,843 166,743 393,4/0 445,05 446,795 478,513 483.217 487.969 467,770 472,621 ,t Change in Cash Balance (281,469) (209,459) 325.000 118,02 86,775 106.349 96,156 115,664 134,243 179.330 200,363 r1 Change in Working Capital Wing Cash B01E11100 Restricted Designated Unrestricted 1104.9991 (314.158) 10,842 128,844 215,619 121,968 417.724 533,788 668,031 847,367 1,041,725 1104 599; 014 153; 10 342 129 344 210 514 321 953 409 T24 530 7036 503 031 247 102 1 547 725 City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 268 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 City of Atlantic Beach Total Revenues and Expenditures Gas Tax Fund =operating ow Capital ::)Transfers Revenues City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 269 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Long Term Financial Plan Financial Projection Summary 112 Cent Discretionary Sales Tax Fund Actrial Estimate Budget Pi Pj Proj Proj Proj Proj Proj Pro) Prni FY -29 FY -21 857,-22 FY -23 FY -24 79.25 Fr -26 FY -27 FY -20 F1-20 FY30 II. Solance 1-ortrar4 1.646,199 1,516,571 1,02V 122 1.084556 1.999,007 3.018,461 3.616.765 5,36),,363 6,836.619 8.210896 5.960.6211 !venues Tax Placeeds 617697 1161207 t 931 10 1 995 038 2 000 031 2 049 212 2 093 "56 1 1352 520 2 174 940 2 218 133 1202491 Interest 07'62 0 6.70 0 849 1413 6 043 15 092 I) 081 0457 41 107 42.419 19.3413 Grant Proceeds ' Other 61606 Total Revenue 920,759 1.173277 1.939,667 1,975,051 2,0113.974 2,064,304 2.199,780 2.158,517 2,206,823 2,260,351 2,311,943 1760660 Operating E3pen6es 313 712. 210 770 005 DO 534 050 306 1160 205 301 213292 212 304 211 027 316 571 Capitol -659691 9. 357 21 305 113 033 225 020 126 000 46090 250 006 132 050 104 600 330 GOO 200 000 617341f3aT6s 774122 500 000 357 100 375.000 630 000 Tronrfrrle Gaptal Priwi 14040..a 0.76 g4.0. 012 1776 Transfei to St4rn493164 911 235 055 237 057 205 1300 285 000 290,000 265 000 255 000 230 500 240 001 205,000 205,000 1707.1611 tDebt 3P3,33e Total Expenses 391,467 1.020.120 2.5.7 833 1,069,100 099,020 1,166,060 723-121 628,202 .301,605 014.427 761,571 it Change in Cash Balaii 529.292 553,951 1647,166) 905,951 1.029,954 1191,244 1.395,659 1.533.315 3.657,018 1,425,924 1,566,272 14 Change in Working Capital rding Cosh Balance 1,576.571 1.724.722 1.082.556 1396,507 3,018,461 3.916,105 5.303,363 6,836,680 8,441.696 9,969,620 11,420.002 Restricted Desinnated Unrestricted 1.976,501 1,739.170 1,00.556 1,909 506 5.510,161 9,915375 5.303.163 6,836,600 8,443,606 0,066.6211 11,423,902 City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 270 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 Q 1,000 500 Half Cent Sale Tax 1 �..m_.. .......�_.. m...I......_.,m......_-I iRevenues Operating apical " Transfers Total City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 271 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Long Tern Financial Plan Financial Projection Summary Sanitation Utility Ached Athol Estimate E3talget Pioj Piot Piet PIM Pfeil Pioi Proj PIM FY -19 [9 29 FY.21 [4) 20 Pe -23 FY -24 FY -25 FY -24 FY -27 P125 FY 29 1730 Cash Balance Fetwatti 515,546 1.474131 1,436,799 2657,384 1,267,491 962.104 665,446 316.845 102516 1169133) 1413,3967 t692,312) Bei/mutes C1111rgi1 Filt 1'1,01/U12,2 1 Al 0011 1 910 610 1470 153 1 035 574 1 143 651 2 953 450 2 110 554 2 176 941 2 24,3 C61 2,111,127 2 300,612 2 131 922 136,3441941 FP33914 9 24es 02 401 67 164 44 404 44 504 44 695 44224 44 94 44 004 44204 44 024 44 1424 44 004 1.4,041439, 15446 P MI5, 11.2111021?1.192649 1 000 2 306 1 000 4220 3 00)5 6 ou ? on 0 000 9(00 149491 043499 '0149 641 3 717 25 753 14 242 „424,30 7 937 2 011 4 3371 (81,668; 12 946; Bea:state 4)60,7) 54)4434 231 '46 9 6. 9. 1,anster Pm' Gen941 Fund Neal Ravenna 2,644,509 1,991,142 1013102 914 4( 72,729405 .,1.1111296 7,11146/ 1235,.544 /15 710 2,359194 2,422345 2191,59S Expenses 091404613 Semc ea 72 032 67 405 31 494 32 413 1172 529 75 935 73316 32 290 05 051 09 103 92 399 95 006 125ect6tm 1 5319 491 1 644 782 1 3'3':, 423 1912:13 1 070 132 54535435 2 090 0E11 2 132 709 2 11 211 / 2 201 629 5350)464 2 4:.' 9211 3433171 130 041 5 200 5 203 521(4) 023) 2, 002 5 833 6 do 1. 233 1454 . . . . . 7440944 776 267 305 620 339 264 322 605 300 425 53326) 271 503 260 014 245 513 238 362 025214 total Expenses 2709,573 2.079,9/4 1,6 0x1 i 7,434119 10101187... ?tiiitiiiiiiM_'it-ictliy _ Z,511,855. ?.'56,?.11 2,64357 7,653,264 2,745,991 604o 411ange in Cash Balance 335,11716 (913,,1210) 051,085 741011835 306,3)17 7095.038) 1.159.8207 7016,3197 (26911587 1054,0639 (255,916) (254,1)51 Not Cham:, ill INotkilig Capital 1 [alloy Cash lia lance 2471531 — 1,436,2l119 12181384 1/51 4)7 682,104 665148 1(57145 1)0,9211 1189,333) 1433,3941 11112,3211-1946,l716 Roweled -427 1;5 4 1/1 207 :al 1 Ll( lafl 5,16 leei 026 21,0 947 2C5 04)744(4 033, 64 56.1 260 611 MI Unmehicted 2047.400 998.002 1.345.630 181230 451,335 139.170 11654401 1459.2421 1745.0811 11.026.6561 11.303.6131 1946.7171 City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 272 3,500 ,000 Sanitation Fund Personnel Services City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Operating Capital 1_,_iTransfers —41—Revenues Page 273 Cash Balance Forward Revenues Charg56770 71946064 7695996757640 1750641 F594 40654 11199977795 Total Revenue CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Long Term Financial Plan Financial Projection Summary Water and Sewer Utility Combined Summary Actual Actin! Enimato Bigot Pin) Proj Prof Pro) Pr al Proj Proj Proj 19Y-19 1-1140 FY 21 8Y.72 F.Y.13 17674 410.25 f Y-29 t Y-27 4448 FY19 1530 5,910,946 5410,410 6.475,934 6,101,863 1,1617,711 404,398 027,7177 514409 7,026404 6,310,734 10,429,437 11,349.261 0 119 067 1 300 413 7 709 306 11.515 651 11 312 199 11 24.1 67°6 12 441 121 10464004 12 1797 916 13 9110 4177 12 011 324 13 649 401 . . 3074 621 5139 5067 1 750 90 49 677 660 42 0252 53 000 54 122 59201 56 301 1'434 51 503 3,517448 1,162.541 9,111,119 11,447,875 11,063,190 11,436,694 12,460,585 12,585,171 12,714120 12439,197 1/.960,054 11899416 174447566459 17796076121569524775 2 154 458 1 113 104 1 964 714 2 015 414 2 114 293 3 210 076 2:10,2 327 2 345 043 4005:1,7 2 414 211 2 914 2221 2 511 :.22 95-767631440 9 362 109 2 500 900 1 155 259 221 444 3 671 584 3 960 254 3 719 240 4 041 !12 4 544 201 4 906 21 4 207 4713 0146410 Cap091 769 100 437 663 (341(5 5 541 957 1 311 7-49 3 993 404 2 635 020 1 095 000 1 615 HO 1 315 MO 1 214 993 1414(95 17941 1 419 910 1 853 046 3 917 10 1 115116 2 599 400 2 245 004 1 1110 500 1.052 262 110 916 210 910 2201195 2,809 169 17699996 6171144 '40065 (22(0242 1 414 997 605 475 309 634 732 591 742 511 511 111 914 111 954 (274 114 109 Total Expanses 9,449.714 4,362,156 14435,194 16,043478 17,915,50? 11,868,313 11,795,558 10.09406 9,418,594 9,470494 11,648434 11,448474 Nat Change in Cash Balance 1066464 405,528 (514,015) 0,635.157) 11,062,312) (531,016) 645,017 2,488,995 3,783.530 3,119,103 1,319,824 1,450,090 Net Change Winking Capital E nd hitt Cash Balance 6470,418 4615,948 6,101,843 1,466,110 404,374 1117,21/1 539,079 3,126,404 6,310,334 10,029,431 11,349,161 12,799.351 R.ilitte4 3 410 9-15 3 479 506 3 017 939 5 373 ',F2 1 421 2214 t 4717609 3 933 934 3 017 4.477 2 ;12 16 1 161 692 3 339 329 3 4(3 142 Desiglinied 7846541,40d 7,711,464 7,546453 7.714474 (1.94.7,252) n,017,1501 17074237 11,990,5241 1555.6731 7,768.139 6,663,155 7.949,922 9,766.715 City of Atlantic Beach I Budget Book 2022 Page 274 18 16 14 10 8 6 2 0 Public Utilities MI Personnel Services MilltOperating Expenses Debt Service .:JTransfers Capital Outlay -- Revenues City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 275 Cash 'Balance Forward CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Long Term Financial Plan Financial Projection Summary Storm Water Utility Actual Actual Estimate Budget Proj Proj Proj Proj Proj Proj Proj Proj FY -19 FY.20 F521 FY -22 FY -23 FY -24 FY -25 FY -26 FY -27 FY -28 8Y-29 FY -30 3.558.819 2.785.196 2.114.310 3.081.333 3.022.465 3.151,203 3.142.928 1034.949 2.924.675 3,122.297 3.323.918 3.529.560 Revenues C9ara;s fer Ser,,:aa tit_,rn,"ilat_, FeSS 652-='71 562 771 8'5'5 952996 521':62,a 5..5_._ 577 H-3 1 C,C7.329 1.=7._27 1520074 1 1C,L71 1'3,.7_ u i7,har r ti3..,5s 354777 17"'5-4 792.9.E ..7125.3 945 1'77'56, . „47.425 1'527±41 1451675 1 14.,_7.,9 9."_.. Gran; - .mss - CCC, a 377 INC 91,ketest - etes4 carnr,aa 29397 _ , 4 349 5. ^-45 51'.6_ 52 E_5 1a_5." _a 491 42.496 25.977 . 4. TeanEf,h - Gras Tar " 2 C le9 2C.C,_r 257 4 257144 3;5 21_ :_. 2x5 514 237 ,34'„ 2E5 445' 221_.„4 2._ .4. 205 43x. 242 iTra..ste_i-,-';99,9,rai, F;399' lR7v ou_a Total Revenue 1.123.439 1.101.043 2.686.927 3.558.469 1.267.297 1.297.527 1.325.847 1.353.027 1.309.043 1.416.120 1.452.213 1.489.348 Expenses F':=.,. .r.. ,es 2,t'. 'SC - .,s7 556 _ rn - _514 2 .354 - 5 26'5;54 y 9.,,E'n 113,:. 5 .95~ 1,,8 - :771'43 Fill 477577 '552.0=3 775427 X662471 I,_._�.. _0424 ap, alr 'S1, H5 1 gal - 4;N9°n f+r - - - - L y Decl y e24..H1 229,1.,_ ,2,__, 355 1r 23 3.576 15E:55557 177 LI.,; 17 L'C 1F7 V3F. TrepEfe,, 4707 747' =.8'.'+471 46.4737'7 1.771.899 1.719.9+34 3.617.337 1.138.560 1.305.802 1.433.826 1.463.341 1.183.420 1214.499 1.246.571 1.313.824 Total Expenses 1.897.062 Net Change in Cash Balance [713.6231 (570,886) 967,023 (58,868) 128.737 18,275) 1107.979) 1910.2741 197.622 201.621 205.642 175,524 Net Change in Working Capital Ending Cash Balance Restricted Designated 2.785.196 2.114.310 3,081,333 3,022.465 3.151.203 3.942.928 3.034.949 2,924.675 3.122.297 3.323.918 3,529.560 3.705.084 527_7..5 =._.245, _,5_.,54 457 744 7143,7. __x,257 428.651 43941,,, :134_79. 452.959 5,12 Unrestricted 2.327.657 7.570.066 2.674,949 2.561.752 2.743,393 2.728,438 2.613.652 2.495.794 2.685.886 2.819.737 3.077.361 3.235,072 I City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 276 Storm Water Utility Pergonjiel Series mmOpe rating =Debt meCapital Tra rts fers —.—Rev en ues City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 277 APPENDIX City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 278 Glossary Ili-,:k1Crref317. 11 : d rr: :11 11.1111 1'1,- ,-1,-11" ,11'11'1 1:111 1:1,1 '1'11' 111,-1,1111111111 ,111:1, 1,11„1-'1111,11,111 L'11e: 1 1,„,, 1.11 1n1./1 111,1111H 1 '11,11111,1,,,:, „' 10' AfriVird?:atiOrit: k hr.` APPrcT:n*hAtliorr:., .1k_kL rkkk ;;;;-;;;;:',..'11;k1"1.; LkIkkkk;kk:;1., k k;kk'k 1",,1 1111„ , 111'1' 111111'1:1C 1,01'11'1: ,11,-11,111,1 P,-11.,-1,'1,11-` ,•1, C,1i. 11'111,'11'1,11, 11,13C1 ,111'1,1 ',, 11 11 ,11,111 11111'11/1,' r: it r:[ ''1‘i • • '•••• I • -L'n ` • C., h • H 01' ,•:•.,t-:•01 :rr,,[!,?! c,:1 Vim) 1173,...Ind and h."atet:e,,,,A1Wo:-:chrck [1):d - rr-n, orrs' t'rr'r'f inirr and: City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 279 iff iif r 1,, , lif %off fin 1 'I', if if f -i if iff !If' I f'.ii•offii Ifli ff oi iffooffif"ifi fffironq offfasf,fffiraijofff Iffeff Procoffrofo ooffoo ffl 1,H; ';;; C..onsunler IPRkc.; Inc41Q.x°: ),11 C ,r' Offoffft-Effei,,,,c,ftt fff fl off If: ‘=r1r ,X•;: cl; kff ft.fffifffiSfff Ff.V.Ofif`a.f ;;;-1. '11 li"- ;?;1 ;-`.; ; ;.,.;;;;;;TT t -J -LI, ''"; :Ltd H. I, r C'dr• if r.d. City of Atlantic Beach Budget Book 2022 Page 280 too o't,rmitt", i tttt,,,i, to oltt,1,- I otIO HI Intti. It, Ltr,q..i,esildiotttvrtEtt ,toittltrtt ot-,' ocott- titt5-1-crt rtot-d Ftiutiuclary it)t,trtdttt: cttit I', ,‘ tt. t.,5 Jcv,.. )1.5 ct.1, ,t,t5 trlilrlottctt, 111.1t,1 if‘1.135i.t; ;-• 11,1-1 0H1=4,11-11.:TA ott:1,11,ttttt !t-tt5; .orcttt httnt:, It-4,xetti tt.t,;),3P:tst y !oolti:1,tt tout ,tftt, t, ttt tt 1 t,tO1 ,ttr, Acti‘ott.t,- it,t1 , ittttt vt,q",1 -„,)-ttOrl hot I [be!, tatocahtnlithtigt rt:o.cq dt" to, ;I ortthrt, -,t55'..-i't).5"5-t,tEcolt, ,[-51 OLCC. -th TtLiol tt ,..t.cuilt-e-on.t.. k=1,A11 ion: tunti 5tE t„y1 „to rpt5c:, t-tt '-kt:rO! tttrn ttt ttt,ttt,1 ''','‘t,t,"11 3 I ,t1,ti,„li t,, CZtqt tto I to,.1 t,. 151' H.,51', I t, ' jt,t;1 i "O1 Ipk-th-t 1. 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