08-09-21 - Handout- Mayor Glassers',/q/
Municipal Official "101":
1 Council - Manager Form of Government
City Manager Role as CAO
2. AB Local State of Emergency - Sec. 2- 403
City Manager/Mayor Shared Roles
Renewed in 7 -day increments by CM & Mayor, no limit
Past Local Executive Orders - Alcohol hours, virtual meetings
Protracted to maintain virtual meetings
3. COJ County Role
Strong Mayor Form of Government
Mayor Curry is Unified Governing Body
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan - COJ Ordinance Ch. 674-206
Promotes Consistency - does not limit AB
Past Mayor Curry Orders - Beaches, Curfews, Sheltering, Occupancy, Masks
4. State Legislation and Executive Orders with Changes
FL EO 21-101- Invalidated Previous Local COVID-19 Emergency Orders
FL 21-102 - Suspended Local COVID19 Mandates & Restrictions
SB 2006 - Local Emergency Order restrictions,
Caps orders that restrict individual or business to 7 days
Majority of Commission can renew up to total of 42 days
Governor can invalidate local orders that restrict individual rights
5. Status of AB Current Ordinance
6. Calling Special Meetings
Municipal Issues:
1. With no emergency
Workforce Issues - masks, remote work, city venues, meetings
Public Meetings & City Venues
Commission encouraged to provide direction to CM
City Manager Message & Compliance
2. If new emergency is defined
Local data
Health Experts
3. State of Emergency
Commission Buy -In needed for city and/or public mask mandate
Community issues:
1. Crisis of the Unvaccinated & Trends
2. Widespread support of Vaccine
3. Local Hospitals
4. Duty of Health Care Workers & First Responders
5. Private Sector Mandates for Vaccines
6. School Mask Mandate with Opt -Out
7. Voluntary Measures by Businesses
8. Other Florida Cities