1029 Atlantic Blvd SIGN21-0019 Baptist Primary Care SignOWNER:ADDRESS:CITY:STATE:ZIP: EQUITY ONE ATLANTIC VILLAGE INC 1600 NE MIAMI GARDENS DR NORTH MIAMI BEACH FL 33179 COMPANY:ADDRESS:CITY:STATE:ZIP: TAYLOR SIGN & DESIGN, INC.4162 ST AUGUSTINE RD JACKSONVILLE FL 32207 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: REAL ESTATE NUMBER:ZONING:BUILDING USE GROUP:SUBDIVISION: JOB ADDRESS:PERMIT TYPE:DESCRIPTION: VALUE OF WORK: 1029 Atlantic Blvd SIGN FREE STANDING install 3 illuminated wall signs, monument sign $12000.00 LIST OF CONDITIONS Roll off container company must be on City approved list . Container cannot be placed on City right-of-way. 1 PUBLIC UTILITIES UNDERGROUND WATER SEWER UTILITIES INFORMATIONAL Notes: Avoid damage to underground water and sewer utilities. Verify vertical and horizontal location of utilities. Hand dig if necessary. If field coordination is needed, call 247-5878. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. MUST CALL INSPECTION PHONE LINE (904) 247-5814 BY 4 PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION. ALL WORK MUST CONFORM TO THE CURRENT 6TH EDITION (2017) OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, NEC, IPMC, AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CODE OF ORDINANCES . ALL CONDITIONS OF PERMIT APPLY, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. 1 of 2Issued Date: 10/7/2021 PERMIT NUMBER SIGN21-0019 ISSUED: 10/7/2021 EXPIRES: 4/5/2022 SIGN PERMIT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 FEES DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QUANTITY PAID AMOUNT PU REVIEW BUILDING MOD OR ROW 001-0000-329-1007 0 $25.00 PW REVIEW BUILDING MOD OR ROW 001-0000-329-1004 0 $25.00 SIGN WITH OR WITHOUT ELECTRIC 455-0000-322-1000 23.9 $65.00 SIGN WITH OR WITHOUT ELECTRIC 455-0000-322-1000 29.9 $65.00 ZONING MONUMENT SIGN FEE 001-0000-329-1003 0 $50.00 TOTAL: $230.00 2 PUBLIC WORKS ROLL OFF CONTAINER INFORMATIONAL Notes: Roll off container company must be on City approved list. Approved list can be obtained at the Building Department at City Hall. Roll off container cannot be placed on City right-of-way. 3 PUBLIC WORKS RIGHT OF WAY RESTORATION INFORMATIONAL Notes: Full right-of-way restoration, including sod, is required. 4 PUBLIC WORKS INFRASTRUCTURE INFORMATIONAL Notes: Any damage done to infrastructure must be repaired by Contractor. 5 PUBLIC WORKS OTHER PUBLIC WORKS CONDITION INFORMATIONAL Notes: Installed sign cannot block the line of sight of drivers entering or exiting the shopping center. 2 of 2Issued Date: 10/7/2021 PERMIT NUMBER SIGN21-0019 ISSUED: 10/7/2021 EXPIRES: 4/5/2022 SIGN PERMIT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY PAID PermitTRAK $230.00 SIGN21-0019 Address: 1029 Atlantic Blvd APN: $230.00 BUILDING $130.00 SIGN WITH OR WITHOUT ELECTRIC 455-0000-322-1000 30 $65.00 SIGN WITH OR WITHOUT ELECTRIC 455-0000-322-1000 24 $65.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES PLAN REVIEW $25.00 PU REVIEW BUILDING MOD OR ROW 001-0000-329-1007 0 $25.00 PUBLIC WORKS PLAN REVIEW $25.00 PW REVIEW BUILDING MOD OR ROW 001-0000-329-1004 0 $25.00 ZONING PLAN REVIEW $50.00 ZONING MONUMENT SIGN FEE 001-0000-329-1003 0 $50.00 TOTAL FEES PAID BY RECEIPT: R17564 $230.00 Printed: Thursday, October 7, 2021 11:51 AM Date Paid: Thursday, October 07, 2021 Paid By: TAYLOR SIGN & DESIGN, INC. Pay Method: CREDIT CARD 192822419 1 of 1 Cashier: CG Cash Register Receipt City of Atlantic Beach Receipt Number R17564 ~+; CENTRALSQUARE Final Plumbing Final Electrical Final HVAC CC Final Final Building* Swimming Pool Steel Swimming Pool Safety Electrical Grounding & Bonding Swimming Pool Final (Bldg) Swimming Pool Final (PW) Formed Columns/ Beams* Masonry Cell Fill Structural Steel* OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: Power Pole Silt Fence Piers/ Stem Walls Underground Plumbing Underground Electric Foundation/ Footing Slab** Retaining Wall Footing Driveway Sewer (Building Dept) Sewer Tap (Utilities Dept) Rough Electric* Rough Plumbing/ Top Out* Rough Mechanical* House Wrap Wall Sheathing Roof Sheathing Tie-down Framing Connections Rough Framing Roofing In Progress Window/Door In-Progress Insulation Ceiling Insulation Wall Exterior Lath Stucco Scratch Coat Exterior Siding In-Progress Brick Flashing & Ties Early Power Gas Rough Gas Final* * When all rough electric, plumbing, mechanical are complete but before any work is covered up. * When all gas piping is complete and wallboard is installed but before gas is attached to any appliance. All outlets must be capped and pipe pressurized at a minimum of 15 lbs. * For new living space: When all construction work including electrical, plumbing, mechanical, exterior finish, grading, required paving and landscaping is complete and the building is ready for occupancy, but before being occupied Additional inspections may apply to your project if your project contains these elements: INSPECTIONS REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMITS To verify compliance with building codes, inspections of the work authorized are required at various points of the construction. The following inspections are typically required for residential projects: Date: Initial: Date: Initial: _____________________________________________________ Permit Type ____________________________________________________ Permit No. __________________________________________________________ Job Address ____________________________________________________ Contractor POST THIS CARD WITH PERMITS AND PERMIT DOCUMENTATION IN FRONT OF BUILDING Construction Hours per City Code: 7am—7pm Weekdays; 9am—7pm Weekends Building Department Public Works/Utilities Fire Department Phone: 904-247-5826 Phone: 904-247-5834 Phone: 904-630-4789 Fax: 904-247-5845 Fax: 904-247-5843 Fax: 904-630-4203 * When forms and reinforcing steel, anchor bolts, sleeves and inserts, and all electrical, plumbing and mechanical work is in place, but before concrete is poured. * When all structural steel members are in place and all connections are complete, but before such work is covered or concealed. ** FORM BOARD ELEVATION CERTIFICATE MUST BE ON-SITE FOR SLAB INSPECTION IN fE'1r l@N l lN E~ ~I@ ~1-iM Musr CAIi. BY 4PM PREVIOUS DAY FOR NIEXI' DAY INSPECIION Building Permit Application City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Phone: (904) 247-5826 Fax: {904) 247-5845 Job Address: IO ?A A+ l a.nn v ~ vd . ,7;p~eg ription 2i~t(--2/)f' 14 . {)l,(O W-lro y FtYrtv &iranf Prl.t?Ct2 RE# f ,,, 0 ifaiuati~n ~f ~i ~;;,lacement Cost) $ I Z,, ,aa O .o O Heated/Cooled SF NIA Non-Heated/Cooled._,_,.'-+-'-'--'---, I • Class of Work (Circle one): @ Addition ve Demo Pool Window/Door • Use of existing/proposed structure(s) {Circle one): ommer Residential • If an existing structure, is a fire sprinkler system ins e ? (Circle one): Yes N<@ • Submit a Tree Removal Permit Application if any trees are to be removed or Affidavit of ,~o Tree Removal Florida Product Approval# __________________ for multiple products use product approval form Pro · ·~..ll-µ.-+----"~-+-'-'-C<.4-'U-.!..'l:........L!..!..!..!CC!.!!.J-=--'-/..:..,.:"1c-'-'---~~d:Js8:2-~~ &p ~ho~~Y ~Q?f K -1 :J I 0 Exempt/ Insurer/ Lease Employees/ Expiration Date Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or in stallat ion has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all the laws regulationg construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTR ICA L WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS , HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RiRDIN YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT/ ~ lrersonally Known OR " VJ Personally Known OR I ] Produced Identification [ ] Produced Identification Type of Identification: ____________ _ Type of Id entification: ____________ _ Regency Centers. July 28, 2021 City of Atlantic Beach Building and Zoning 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 RE: LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION FOR BAPTIST PRIMARY CARE AT ATLANTIC VILLAGE DUVAL COUNTY To Whom It May Concern: One I n dependent Drive Suite 114 Jacksonville, FL 32202 904 598 7000 RegencyCenters.com This authorizes Taylor Sign & Design as licensed sign contractor (or Agent or Subcontractor) for the tenant to secure permits, variances and perform sign installations , removals or maintenance at the property located at 1029 Atlantic Blvd Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 (Atlantic Village). Please feel free to call me if you have any questions 904-598-7710. By: _\""=....,__.c=,,,<=----~~"-=--=--=--- Ann Gallaher, Property Manager Regency Centers, As Agent for Owner TE OF FLORIDA NYOFDU~A~ Nata Public, State and County Above My commission Expires : 0'~~v •uq( WENDI HILL /,,Qt-. Commission # GG 240468 "!:-,~<>"" Expires November 20, 2022 ~ OF fcO~ Booded Thru Budge! Nolary Sorilces           5  &RQWDFW 3KRQH HPDLO =RQLQJ 6DYHGDV 5HYLVLRQV 'DWH $GGUHVV  -XG\/RFNH\  -XG\/RFNH\#EPFMD[FRP %$37,6735,0$5<&$5( 6,*1$5($ 6T)W 5LFN6PLWK'HVLJQHU   =RQLQJ 6)3(5/,1($5)7 %XLOGLQJ  :[ 6T)W$OORZHG 6LJQ :[+ 6TIW6LJQDJH 'HVLJQZLQGSUHVVXUHLQFRQIRUPDQFHZ)%& (G5HI$6&(6HHFKDUWIRUGHVLJQFULWHULDSHU$6&( )ODW&XW$FU\OLF/HWWHUV µ6WXG )XOO\(PEHGGHG PLQµ)ODW&XW$FU\OLF ([LVWLQJ:DOO $FU\OLF3UH'ULOOHG IRUµ6WXG 6WDQG2II DFU\OLF %3&B$WODQWLF%OYG$WODQWLF%HDFK&'5 $WODQWLF%OYG $WODQWLF%HDFK)/ %DSWLVW3ULPDU\&DUH$FU\OLF:DOO6LJQ:HVW(OHYDWLRQ$WODQWLF%OYG$WODQWLF%HDFK)/ 6T)WSHU/LQHDU)W t%FTJHOJTJOBDDPSEBODFXJUIUIFSFRVJSFNFOUTPGUIFFla Bldg Code 7th Ed (2020)GPSVTFXJUIJOPVUTJEFUIF)JHI7FMPDJUZ)VSSJDBOF;POF )7); t5IJTFOHJOFFSJOHDFSUJöFTPOMZUIFTUSVDUVSBMJOUFHSJUZPGUIPTFTZTUFNT DPNQPOFOUT BOEPSPUIFSDPOTUSVDUJPOFYQMJDJUMZTQFDJöFEIFSFJOt&MFDUSJDBMOPUFT EFUBJMT TQFDJöDBUJPOTBSFQSPWJEFECZBOEBSFUIFTPMFSFTQPOTJCJMJUZPGUIFFMFDUSJDBMDPOUSBDUPS/PFMFDUSJDBMSFWJFXIBTCFFOQFSGPSNFEBOEOPDFSUJöDBUJPOPGTVDIJTJOUFOEFEt4USVDUVSBMEFTJHONFFUTSFRVJSFNFOUTPG"$* "*4$ "%. /%4  BTBQQMJDBCMFt4UFFMDPNQPOFOUTTIBMMCFDPBUFE QBJOUFE PSPUIFSXJTFQSPUFDUFEBHBJOTUDPSSPTJPOQFS'#$4FDt"MVNDPNQPOFOUTJODPOUBDUXJUITUFFMPSFNCFEEFEJODPODSFUFTIBMMCFQBJOUFEPSQSPUFDUFEBTQSFTDSJCFEJO"%. B PSQMBTUJDOFPQSFOFTQBDFSTQSPWJEFEt"MMFYQPTFEGBTUFOFSTTIBMMCF44PSIBWFBQSPUFDUJWFDPBUJOHGPSDPSSPTJPOQSPUFDUJPOt"MMXFMEJOHTIBMMDPNQMZXJUI"84SFRVJSFNFOUTt4UFFMXFMET&YYFMFDUSPEFTt"MVNJOVNXFMETöMMFSBMMPZt"MVNFYUSVTJPOT5PSTUSPOHFS 6/0 General Notes: 12 0 0 N F e d e r a l H w y , # 2 0 0 Bo c a R a t o n , F L 3 3 4 3 2 1- 8 8 8 - 3 7 1 - 3 1 1 3 Ch r i s t i a n L a n g l e y Fl o r i d a P E # 6 7 3 8 2 Ce r t o f A u t h # 31 1 2 4 ENGINEER’S SIGNATURE Easy Seals easyseals.com AS C E 7 - 1 6 WI N D L O A D S : t 4 J H O  ) F J H I U       G U  N B Y t , [ U      , E       (      8B M M  D P N Q P O F O U T    D M B E E J O H  t  ; P O F     ± 2 3 . 8 p s f    t  ; P O F     ± 3 0 . 3 p s f t 3 J T L  $ B U F H P S Z    4 U S V D U  t " 4 %  - P B E  $ P F G G       t 7      N Q I t & Y Q P T V S F  h $ h JUL 25 2021 $ $    P R O R F E SSIONA L E C C C C C C C H R I SSSS F L 6T)W 6T)6T) 6T A L E N G I N N N N N N N E E E E E R  R I SSSS TTTT  T  II AALAA66AA6AAA66 NN 6T6T NNNN T6T GG LLLLLL E Y L I C E N S E F LO R I D A 73827383No. 6738237No. 6  ATE OFOSTATE OOOF   A L E R I SSSS F L E NENNE GELLA OOOLL F SIG F N IGN NGININ 02211 R R I s.coISalscSeaSSSSeaTSe Ea EaE  N   N   NN   N   N  N P R O S O O SS O O S O O S O R SSFSTFFFSTASTAFFSTA E TATA EE TA S O SS O RSSRRSSRSSRSSRIRRIIIIRIOOOOIIODDOOIOODODOODOIDDNNNNNDDNNNNANNDANAGAANNAGGAAANAAGAAGNGGLGGL I ILLGL ILLG I EENNNNNNNNNNNNNNEENENNNNNN NNNEENNNNNENE GGGGGG I I I N EENNNNNNNNNNNNENNNNNNNNNE E 22EEEE22 E 22EJ 22 R JUJURULRJRJULJ  AAA N N N N E E E ET EATA NoNo L I C W))6TTTT666T6 C LCCCLLCCCCCLCCL H H HSSTTTTTTTT H H H IIHHHHTTTHSTTTT I R RIIRAAAAAARR RAARI AATTTTTT IIIA6666A6666AAAA666A6666N66N666666N6666 LTTLTA)W)WA)WA)A))W)NWWNWNWGGGGGGG EE LLLL EE LSLLLL E E E E SS easyeasy E E E E E E E S easy E E S easy Y Y yseyse Y Y asys Y Y yseLLLLLLIILLILAACAA6666AACA666666A66A66666666666666666A6666 NTTTTTTTTNT N TTTNTTTTTTT N TT SSSSS )))) SSSS ))))) EEEEEEE FEFFTETEFTELLOOOOOOOOLLLOOOOOOLLLLOOOOOOOOFOFOOFOOFOOFOOOFF R I DDDDDD EDDDD A E EAA EAA EAA EAA EA RA E E E E8E E E82E E2 Y Y 277888E E E E E E E E E E833 LL 382No. 6738o8273 LLL 38E E E82 Y 2 S E66EE6o.oNo. 6 E LL E E E E Y E E E E E E E Y 2822228282 ATE FFSTATE OTSTATTSTATE OFFFFO Anchor Notes: - #10-24 studs (6061-T6 Alum or 316 S.S.), centered in stroke width - Min (4) studs per logo element, spaced evenly - Min (3) studs per letter, spaced evenly - Letters drilled and tapped to receive studs, min (5) threads engaged - Stud length to accommodate embed to host structure - Min 1.5" stud embed to hollow CBS (block) or concrete - Fill holes w/ LiquidNails LN-901 adhesive (or equiv) -- REAR/WEST EXTElUOR ELEVATION .... ~1 --------- TAYLOR.. lign ti l)e-5ign, :Inc. COMMERCIAL SIGN TECHNOLOGIES State Certifled#ES12000117 www.TaylorSlgnCo.com 4162 St. Augustine Rd -Jacksonville, FL 32207 Phone# 904.396.4652 • Fax# 904.396.3777 0 Please ensure all colors, dimensions, verbiage, layout, etc. are correct before approving rendering. Colors portrayed on proof may not match final product due to the difference between digital and pigmented colors. Once artwork Is approved you will be responsible for l /2 of the re-make cost should any problems be found after Installation. This artwor1< protected under copyright law and is the property of Taylor Sign & Design, Inc. and is not to be duplicated, reproduced or distributed without written permission. © Taylor Sign &. Dealgn, Inc This sign meats or ucaads 132 mph wind zona raqulramants as par 20 Florlda Bulldlng Coda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ÀOHDOXPLQXPSDQSDLQWHG WRPDWFKEXLOGLQJIDVFLD &RORU7%' :HHS+ROHVIRUGUDLQDJH /(' )OXVK0RXQW&KDQQHO/HWWHUVRQEDFNHUSDQ /RZYROWDJHZLULQJ IURP/('WRWUDQVIRUPHU /('0RGXOHV µDFU\OLFIDFH $OXPLQXPEDFNLQJ µ-HZHOLWH7ULP&DS $OXPLQXP5HWXUQV 'LVFRQQHFW6ZLWFK 3ULPDU\ /('3RZHU6XSSO\  µDOXPVWXG ([LVWLQJ:DOO *URXQGLQJ/LQH 1RQ,OOXPLQDWHG DOXPLQXPSDQ )LQLVKHGIDVFLDZLOOKDYHEXPSRXW $OXPSDQ IUDPHWREHQRWFKHGRXWWRDFFRPPRGDWH :[+['DOXPSDQ3DQWREH QRWFKHGRXWWRDFFRPPRGDWHEXPSRXWLQIDVFLD )OXVKPRXQW&/V'D\1LJKWYLQ\OWRPDWFK 306&:KLWHWULP UHWXUQV t%FTJHOJTJOBDDPSEBODFXJUIUIFSFRVJSFNFOUTPGUIFFla Bldg Code 7th Ed (2020)GPSVTFXJUIJOPVUTJEFUIF)JHI7FMPDJUZ)VSSJDBOF;POF )7); t5IJTFOHJOFFSJOHDFSUJöFTPOMZUIFTUSVDUVSBMJOUFHSJUZPGUIPTFTZTUFNT DPNQPOFOUT BOEPSPUIFSDPOTUSVDUJPOFYQMJDJUMZTQFDJöFEIFSFJOt&MFDUSJDBMOPUFT EFUBJMT TQFDJöDBUJPOTBSFQSPWJEFECZBOEBSFUIFTPMFSFTQPOTJCJMJUZPGUIFFMFDUSJDBMDPOUSBDUPS/PFMFDUSJDBMSFWJFXIBTCFFOQFSGPSNFEBOEOPDFSUJöDBUJPOPGTVDIJTJOUFOEFEt4USVDUVSBMEFTJHONFFUTSFRVJSFNFOUTPG"$* "*4$ "%. /%4  BTBQQMJDBCMFt4UFFMDPNQPOFOUTTIBMMCFDPBUFE QBJOUFE PSPUIFSXJTFQSPUFDUFEBHBJOTUDPSSPTJPOQFS'#$4FDt"MVNDPNQPOFOUTJODPOUBDUXJUITUFFMPSFNCFEEFEJODPODSFUFTIBMMCFQBJOUFEPSQSPUFDUFEBTQSFTDSJCFEJO"%. B PSQMBTUJDOFPQSFOFTQBDFSTQSPWJEFEt"MMFYQPTFEGBTUFOFSTTIBMMCF44PSIBWFBQSPUFDUJWFDPBUJOHGPSDPSSPTJPOQSPUFDUJPOt"MMXFMEJOHTIBMMDPNQMZXJUI"84SFRVJSFNFOUTt4UFFMXFMET&YYFMFDUSPEFTt"MVNJOVNXFMETöMMFSBMMPZt"MVNFYUSVTJPOT5PSTUSPOHFS 6/0 General Notes: 12 0 0 N F e d e r a l H w y , # 2 0 0 Bo c a R a t o n , F L 3 3 4 3 2 1- 8 8 8 - 3 7 1 - 3 1 1 3 Ch r i s t i a n L a n g l e y Fl o r i d a P E # 6 7 3 8 2 Ce r t o f A u t h # 31 1 2 4 ENGINEER’S SIGNATURE Easy Seals easyseals.com AS C E 7 - 1 6 WI N D L O A D S : t 4 J H O  ) F J H I U       G U  N B Y t , [ U      , E       (      8B M M  D P N Q P O F O U T    D M B E E J O H  t  ; P O F     ± 2 3 . 8 p s f    t  ; P O F     ± 3 0 . 3 p s f t 3 J T L  $ B U F H P S Z    4 U S V D U  t " 4 %  - P B E  $ P F G G       t 7      N Q I t & Y Q P T V S F  h $ h JUL 25 2021 ANCHOR SCHEDULE **ALL FASTENERS SHALL BE SPACED EVENLY** WALL MATERIAL ANCHOR TYPE 1/4" THREADED RODS WITH MIN 2" EMBED IN ADHESIVE 1/4" TAPCONS (OR EQUIV) WITH 1.75" EMBED 1/4" EXPANSION ANCHORS WITH 2.5" EMBED 1/4" TOGGLE BOLTS 1/4" WOOD SCREWS, FULL EMBED METAL STUDS OR METAL PANELS #14 METAL SCREWS TO MIN 18ga STEEL OR 0.090" ALUM HOLLOW WALL (BLOCKING BEHIND) 1/4" THRUBOLTS OR LAGS TO SOLID BLOCKING BEHIND QTY or SPACING CONCRETE (3ksi) or HOLLOW MASONRY 1/2" PLYWOOD (NO ACCESS BEHIND) - - - -NOT- - - - -APPLICABLE- MIN (6) TOTAL MIN (6) TOTAL MIN (6) TOTAL MIN (8) TOTAL MIN (6) TOTAL MIN (6) TOTAL REF ANCHOR SCHEDULE 6T)W E SIG N IGN NGININ 02211 s.coalsc eaeaSe Ea EaE               P R O R FFFFFFFFFF EEEEEEEEEEE SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSIIIIOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA LLLLLLLLLL EEEEEEE N GGGGGGGGGGGGGG I I N EENNNNNNNNNNNNENNNNNNNNNE E 22EEEE22 E 22EJ 22 R JUJURULRJRJULJ  6T)W C C C C C C C C C C C C C H H H H H H H H H H R RR RTT IA66AA6A6N6N66N6 LTTLTA)W)WA)WA)A))W)NWWNWNWGGGGGGG EE LLLL EE LSLLLL E E E E SS easyeasy E E E E E E E S easy E E S easy Y Y yseyse Y Y asys Y Y yseLLLLIICC66C66666 NTTNTT SS )) SS )) EEEE F LOOOOOOOO RRRRRRRRR III DDD AAAAAAA No. 67382  ATE FFSTATE OFFFOF Min (3) #10 SMS per Ltr/Logo element ..C~ Baptist "' d Primary Care n u ~IBaptiSC u IPrimary f _J 0 TAYLOR. lign ti llea~ign. :Inc. COMMERCIAL SIGN TECHNOLOGIES Stats Certifed#ES12000117 www.Tay1orSlgnCo.com 4162 St. Augustine Rd -Jacksonville, FL 32207 Phone# 904 .396 .4652 • Fax# 904.396.3777 0 0 0 Please ensure all colors, dimensions, verbiage, layout, etc. are correct before approving rendering. Colors portrayed on proof may not match final product due to the difference between digital and pigmented colors. Once artwork is approved you will be responsible for l /2 of the re-make cost should any problems be found after installation. ®ALLSIGNS U.L. LISTED SIDE/SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION This artwork protected under copyright law and is the property of Taylor Sign & Design, Inc. and is not to be duplicated, reproduced or distributed without written permission. @ Taylor Sign &; Design, Inc This sign maats or a1caads 132 mph wind zone requirements as per 20 Florlda Bulldlng Code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ÀQLVK %DSWLVWORJRDQGDGGUHVVWREH39&ÁXVKVWXGPRXQWWRVLJQ$OOFRS\WREH:KLWHRSDTXHYLQ\O :KLWH9LQ\O&RS\ 3DLQWWRPDWFK306&VLJQ´ERG\µ VHPLJORVVVPRRWKÀQLVK 7RPDWFK5H\QRERQG&RORUZHOG3HZWHUEDVH VHPLJORVVVPRRWKÀQLVK &RS\$UHD /RJR+[: VI VI$GGUHVV+[: VI%3&+[: 727$/&23<$5($ 6T)W 6LJQ$UHD  +[ : 6T)W  6:3RSXODU*UD\WRSSHU´ZDYHµEDVHFDS VHPLJORVVVPRRWKÀQLVK :KLWHSDLQW t%FTJHOJTJOBDDPSEBODFXJUIUIFSFRVJSFNFOUTPGUIFFla Bldg Code 7th Ed (2020)GPSVTFXJUIJOPVUTJEFUIF)JHI7FMPDJUZ)VSSJDBOF;POF )7); t5IJTFOHJOFFSJOHDFSUJöFTPOMZUIFTUSVDUVSBMJOUFHSJUZPGUIPTFTZTUFNT DPNQPOFOUT BOEPSPUIFSDPOTUSVDUJPOFYQMJDJUMZTQFDJöFEIFSFJOt&MFDUSJDBMOPUFT EFUBJMT TQFDJöDBUJPOTBSFQSPWJEFECZBOEBSFUIFTPMFSFTQPOTJCJMJUZPGUIFFMFDUSJDBMDPOUSBDUPS/PFMFDUSJDBMSFWJFXIBTCFFOQFSGPSNFEBOEOPDFSUJöDBUJPOPGTVDIJTJOUFOEFEt4USVDUVSBMEFTJHONFFUTSFRVJSFNFOUTPG"$* "*4$ "%. /%4  BTBQQMJDBCMFt4UFFMDPNQPOFOUTTIBMMCFDPBUFE QBJOUFE PSPUIFSXJTFQSPUFDUFEBHBJOTUDPSSPTJPOQFS'#$4FDt"MVNDPNQPOFOUTJODPOUBDUXJUITUFFMPSFNCFEEFEJODPODSFUFTIBMMCFQBJOUFEPSQSPUFDUFEBTQSFTDSJCFEJO"%. B PSQMBTUJDOFPQSFOFTQBDFSTQSPWJEFEt"MMFYQPTFEGBTUFOFSTTIBMMCF44PSIBWFBQSPUFDUJWFDPBUJOHGPSDPSSPTJPOQSPUFDUJPOt"MMXFMEJOHTIBMMDPNQMZXJUI"84SFRVJSFNFOUTt4UFFMXFMET&YYFMFDUSPEFTt"MVNJOVNXFMETöMMFSBMMPZt"MVNFYUSVTJPOT5PSTUSPOHFS 6/0 General Notes: 12 0 0 N F e d e r a l H w y , # 2 0 0 Bo c a R a t o n , F L 3 3 4 3 2 1- 8 8 8 - 3 7 1 - 3 1 1 3 Ch r i s t i a n L a n g l e y Fl o r i d a P E # 6 7 3 8 2 Ce r t o f A u t h # 31 1 2 4 ENGINEER’S SIGNATURE Easy Seals easyseals.com AS C E 7 - 1 6 WI N D L O A D S : t 4 J H O  ) F J H I U       G U  N B Y t , [ U      , E       (      4P M J E  G S F F T U B O E J O H  T J H O  B U  H S B E F  t  $ G       X  I  S B U J P  Ż         ± 2 1 . 0 p s f t 7      N Q I t & Y Q P T V S F  h $ h t 3 J T L  $ B U F H P S Z    4 U S V D U  t " 4 %  - P B E  $ P F G G       JUL 25 2021 CONCRETE FOOTER OPTIONS (2500 PSI): • 24" DIA x 5'-1" DEEP [AUGERED] • 3'-4" SQ x 2'-6" DEEP [SPREAD, WITH (3) #5 BARS EACH WAY, TOP+BOT] MIN 4" SCH 40 STEEL POST (A53/B), EMBED TO 6" FROM FOOTER BOT GRADE 6T)W E SIG N IGN NGININ 02211 s.coalsc eaea Se EaEaE  P P P P R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R O O O O O O O O O O O O R F E SSSSSSIIOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAA LLLLL E NNNNNN GGGGG I I N EENNNNNNENNNNNNE E 22EEE22 E 22EJ 22 R JUJURULRJRJULJ  6T)W C C C C C C C C C C C C C C H H H H H H R RRTTIA66A6AA6A6N6NN66NN6 LL))L))A)W)WA)WA)A))W)NWWNWGGGGGGGG EE LLL EE LSLLL E E E E SS easyeasy E E E E S easy E SS easy Y Y yseyse Y Y asys Y Y yseLLLLIC6666T6T6TTTTS))S)) EEEE F LO R I D AAAA 873872223388No. 673822No 67382o66o.ooNNNoo 66NNN  STATE OF TAYLOR. ~ign t;, »e~ign, :Inc. COMMERCIAL SIGN TECHNOLOGIES State Certified# ES12000117 www.TaylorSignCo.com 4162 St. Augustine Rd -Jacksonville, FL 32207 Phone# 904.396.4652 • Fax# 904.396.3777 7 7 1029 Baptist Primary Care Matthew Modansky, MD Future MD, MD Melissa Frederickson, PA-C Steel Angle Welded to Pi e Cradle Section NTS Bolts to cradle &to ~==ri:~=~~~=1:ri=:=::31:=='I-._ :::. aluminum tube all welded frame ---+--Steel angle all welded cradles ......-~..._.-Steel angle clips welded to cradle II< welded to pipe Materials: All joints to be welded all around Grade A36 Steel Shapes Grade 606 l -T6 Aluminum Shapes Grade 153 B Steel Pipe Grade A325 Fastener Bolts • • 0 • 0 Calculations Color Legend This artwork protected under copyright law and is the property of Taylor Sign & Design, Inc. and is not to be duplicated, reproduced or distributed without written permission. © Taylor Sign & Design, Inc This sign meets or exceeds 132 mph wind zone requirements as per 20 Florida Building Code. Please ensure all colors, dimensions, verbiage, layout, etc. are correct before approving rendering. Colors portrayed on proof may not match final product due to the difference between digital and pigmented colors. Once artwork is approved you will be responsible for 1/2 of the re-make cost should any problems be found after installation. APPROVED BY ______ _ DATE %DSWLVW3ULPDU\&DUH$FU\OLF:DOO6LJQ(DVW(OHYDWLRQ$WODQWLF%OYG$WODQWLF%HDFK)/ %3&B$WODQWLF%OYG$WODQWLF%HDFK&'5 5 $WODQWLF%OYG $WODQWLF%HDFK)/  &RQWDFW 3KRQH HPDLO =RQLQJ 6DYHGDV 5HYLVLRQV 'DWH $GGUHVV  -XG\/RFNH\  -XG\/RFNH\#EPFMD[FRP %$37,6735,0$5<&$5( 6T)WSHU/LQHDU)W 6,*1$5($ 6T)W 5LFN6PLWK'HVLJQHU   =RQLQJ 6)3(5/,1($5)7 %XLOGLQJ  [ 6T)W$OORZHG 6LJQ :[+ 6TIW6LJQDJH 'HVLJQZLQGSUHVVXUHLQFRQIRUPDQFHZ)%& (G5HI$6&(6HHFKDUWIRUGHVLJQFULWHULDSHU$6&( )ODW&XW$FU\OLF/HWWHUV µ6WXG )XOO\(PEHGGHG PLQµ)ODW&XW$FU\OLF ([LVWLQJ:DOO $FU\OLF3UH'ULOOHG IRUµ6WXG 6WDQG2II           DFU\OLF (OURSOF /PERATION t%FTJHOJTJOBDDPSEBODFXJUIUIFSFRVJSFNFOUTPGUIFFla Bldg Code 7th Ed (2020)GPSVTFXJUIJOPVUTJEFUIF)JHI7FMPDJUZ)VSSJDBOF;POF )7); t5IJTFOHJOFFSJOHDFSUJöFTPOMZUIFTUSVDUVSBMJOUFHSJUZPGUIPTFTZTUFNT DPNQPOFOUT BOEPSPUIFSDPOTUSVDUJPOFYQMJDJUMZTQFDJöFEIFSFJOt&MFDUSJDBMOPUFT EFUBJMT TQFDJöDBUJPOTBSFQSPWJEFECZBOEBSFUIFTPMFSFTQPOTJCJMJUZPGUIFFMFDUSJDBMDPOUSBDUPS/PFMFDUSJDBMSFWJFXIBTCFFOQFSGPSNFEBOEOPDFSUJöDBUJPOPGTVDIJTJOUFOEFEt4USVDUVSBMEFTJHONFFUTSFRVJSFNFOUTPG"$* "*4$ "%. /%4  BTBQQMJDBCMFt4UFFMDPNQPOFOUTTIBMMCFDPBUFE QBJOUFE PSPUIFSXJTFQSPUFDUFEBHBJOTUDPSSPTJPOQFS'#$4FDt"MVNDPNQPOFOUTJODPOUBDUXJUITUFFMPSFNCFEEFEJODPODSFUFTIBMMCFQBJOUFEPSQSPUFDUFEBTQSFTDSJCFEJO"%. B PSQMBTUJDOFPQSFOFTQBDFSTQSPWJEFEt"MMFYQPTFEGBTUFOFSTTIBMMCF44PSIBWFBQSPUFDUJWFDPBUJOHGPSDPSSPTJPOQSPUFDUJPOt"MMXFMEJOHTIBMMDPNQMZXJUI"84SFRVJSFNFOUTt4UFFMXFMET&YYFMFDUSPEFTt"MVNJOVNXFMETöMMFSBMMPZt"MVNFYUSVTJPOT5PSTUSPOHFS 6/0 General Notes: 12 0 0 N F e d e r a l H w y , # 2 0 0 Bo c a R a t o n , F L 3 3 4 3 2 1- 8 8 8 - 3 7 1 - 3 1 1 3 Ch r i s t i a n L a n g l e y Fl o r i d a P E # 6 7 3 8 2 Ce r t o f A u t h # 31 1 2 4 ENGINEER’S SIGNATURE Easy Seals easyseals.com AS C E 7 - 1 6 WI N D L O A D S : t 4 J H O  ) F J H I U       G U  N B Y t , [ U      , E       (      8B M M  D P N Q P O F O U T    D M B E E J O H  t  ; P O F     ± 2 3 . 8 p s f    t  ; P O F     ± 3 0 . 3 p s f t 3 J T L  $ B U F H P S Z    4 U S V D U  t " 4 %  - P B E  $ P F G G       t 7      N Q I t & Y Q P T V S F  h $ h JUL 25 2021 6T)WE SIG N IGN NGININ 02211 s.coalsc eaeaSe EaEaE  P R O R F E SSIONA L E N G I I N EENNNNNNNNNNNNENNNNNNNNNE E 22EEEE22 E 22EJ 22 R JUJURULRJRJULJ  6T)W C H H H H R RR RTTIA66AA6A6N6N66N6 LTTLTA)W)WA)WA)A))W)NWWNWNWGGGGGGG EE LLLL EE LSLLLL E E E E SS easyeasy E E E E E E E S easy E E SS easy Y Y yseyse Y Y asys Y Y yseLLLLIICC66C66666 NTTNTT SS )) SS )) EEEE F LLLLO R I D A o. 67382oNo. 67382oN  STATE OFTSTATTSTATE OF Anchor Notes: - #10-24 studs (6061-T6 Alum or 316 S.S.), centered in stroke width - Min (3) studs per logo element, spaced evenly - Min (3) studs per letter, spaced evenly - Letters drilled and tapped to receive studs, min (5) threads engaged - Stud length to accommodate embed to host structure - Min 1.5" stud embed to hollow CBS (block) or concrete - Fill holes w/ LiquidNails LN-901 adhesive (or equiv) -- FRONT/EAST EXTERIOR ELEVATION .... ~1 --------- TAYLOR.. lign ti l)e-5ign, :Inc. COMMERCIAL SIGN TECHNOLOGIES State Certifled#ES12000117 www.TaylorSlgnCo.com 4162 St. Augustine Rd -Jacksonville, FL 32207 Phone# 904.396.4652 • Fax# 904.396.3777 0 Please ensure all colors, dimensions, verbiage, layout, etc. are correct before approving rendering. Colors portrayed on proof may not match final product due to the difference between digital and pigmented colors. Once artwork Is approved you will be responsible for l /2 of the re-make cost should any problems be found after Installation. This artwor1< protected under copyright law and is the property of Taylor Sign & Design, Inc. and is not to be duplicated, reproduced or distributed without written permission. © Taylor Sign &. Dealgn, Inc This sign meats or ucaads 132 mph wind zona raqulramants as par 20 Florlda Bulldlng Coda. APPROVED BY ______ _ DATE __ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 9 9 ' · 6 " f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- fc 21 . 1 · ~ J Fl a t Cu t 3/ 8 " Ac r y l i c Le t t e r s T ... ;;;. a , I +- - - - . . . . W W U W : l l l l l ! 1 l c u ' "'S t u " " O '7 /F u l l y Em b t i h 1 " d ) .\ c i y ~r Pr t l - O t il l ed f( ' f 11 . r S! U d b1 s t 1 0 0 W a U 0 3/ 8 " ac r y l ic ,1 1 1 , . - ~ . f l - . . . ~ 1 1 9 ' M - ! o ! ~ l , - O N M . n ~ , t . , 1 1 w "" ' " " " " ' d o ! s d 9 C II :: - . : : ' : " ' .:: - ~ . . . lwM, l. _ , " ° P ~ . . . - ~ ,.,""'4 :. . . , . f l ! , , , _ - - . .. .,,, Zo n i ng; I Sf PE R LI N E A R FT Bu i l d i n g : 9% " , 1 = 99 . 6 Sq Ft AH o w e d Si g n : 90 - W x 61 . 2 5 "H / 1 44 • 38 . 2 8 Sq tt Sl g n a ge An c h o r No t e s · Dig itally s i gned by Christian Lang l ey Da te: 2021.07.26 10 :53:57 ·04'00' FRONT/EAST EXTERlORELEVATION - ~1 0 -24 s t ud s (6 0 6 1 -T6 Al um or 3 1 6 S. S ), c entered in stroke width - M m ( 3) s tu d s pe r lo go e l em c m t , sp a c e d ev e n l y - Mi n (3 ) s t u ds pe r le t t N , sp a t : : e d ev e n l y - Le t t er s dr i l l e d a 11 d ta p p e d to re c e i ve s tu d s , m m JS} thread s engaged • St u d le n g th to ac c o m m o d a t e e m be d to h os t structure • M i n l S sl U d em b e d to ho l l o w CB S (b l o c k ) o r c.o n crete - F il l ho l e s w / l i qu i dN a il s LN 90 1 ad he ~ r v e (or equiv ) 11/l " ""' ~ ~ ;;; . N<c 58 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l f ] T A Y L O R . . BA P T I S T PR I M A R Y CA R E Da t e : 2/ 1 9 / 2 02 1 De s i gn er : R i ck Smith Th i sartwo rk prolectedunder ~~ cop y right law a n d is the prope rty of -~ ~i g n 6- l) e: s i g n , l n c . Re v i s i o n s: R1 : Tayl orS i gn&Design.l n c a n d i sn ot to be d u p l i c ated, rep ro d u c ed or C OM M E RC I AL SI G N TE C H N O LO GI E S Co n t a c t : Ju d y Lo c k e y Ad d r e s s : 10 2 9 At l a n t ic Bl v d d i stribute d without wri tten perm i ssion . S li l l t ' (' P T ti / i i' d # C: S / W f / 0 1 J i © 2021 loy!OrSlgn & Desig n, Inc ww w .:i o v1 0 1 s ; g n c o .co m Ph o n e # : 90 4 . 3 7 6 . 3 7 1 6 At l a n t i c Be a c h . FL 32 2 3 3 Zo n i ng : 1 Sq Ft pe r Li n e a r Ft ;~ : ! ~ ~u ; ~ ' ; ' !, ~ ; :" ; " 0 :' ; ' ~ " : ; i / J ; ? ; em a i l : Ju d y . L o c k e y @ b m c j a x . c o m Sa v e d as : BP C _ 10 2 9 A tl an t i c Bl v d - At l a n t i c Be a c h . C D R P l ea s e en s u r e al l co l o o . d1 m e n m n s , ve r b 1 ag e , la y 0 \ J l , et c . ar e co n e c t be f o r e ap p r O V 1 n g re n d en n g . Co l o r s po r t r a y e d on pr o o f ma y no t m a t ch t 1 na l pr o d u cl du e t o !he d1 t t e r e n c e be t w e e n cf , g t a / an d pl g m e n l e d co l o r s . On c e ar t w 0 < k I s ap p r o v e d yo u wi l l be r es p o n s i b l e f0 < 1 /2 of !h e r e -ma k e co s l sh o u l d an y p1 o b l e m s be fo u n d of t e r i ns l o ll o l io n . APP R O V E D BY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DATE __ _ G e n e r i l l •° " " ' J n ~ ll l .. . \~ W l 1 h l h , : w - , r w c , t , i l l l t , , > fl . l ll l l ;C o d t 1 t h ( d( 2C 2 0 H o - ~ w, , h w l 1 0l l h i d e l ll l ' l li f l 1 v, t , , , q l l u n u 1 1 t l v l t ( I M 1 l l . • l h i 1 ~ { i e i l l h no n i y t h c w 1 J 1 l ~4 1~ i l y i l l l h w : i. r , l m ' l l , t o o , p t , f H ' ~ h .« ' l l l l or 1 1 l h ( ' 1t OO - b1 X II O l l ~ !1 f r ~l t d l l e t o n . · l. h l l k, l ro t . t 1 , d d i f l ,& ~ i h l 4 1 10 0 \ i ft pN l ' , d > ' d t J j . t O C l , ~ II M ' ! O k ~ o l t M < ' h l f i < . t l ( o n U c t O I . N o t ~ ll i ( . l l ,e , r i , ; , w h . s l l o ' f l l ~ l o r m ,, c hl l d o o ( NltJC~t uiotw,::h t1llllffi:INI_.\II IJl!v J ~~~tuequi ,-t:H lf A(l!UH4 ,AbC.l60-16.ADM1 ·1 \,&1()$•1 1. N o t e s : .n . p i i l i t M r . ~Im , ~ M b , , u> , i k d . p,, r , " 1 1 . o, o \l t ; f w M p t , l ( ' l . k d 4 ' } t l ' l ) I 10 ! 1 1 . ) ' , i o , i p,- r fB ( ,I t . UO J J I W 1 6 . • Al i . i i ~ 1 1 1 < ~ 1 wn h ~( T ! 01 l' f l ~ d i k d In <tN ' I I M t ,! \ , I ~ pM l t r d c i ~ ~ •~ l) f n ( r h - J il l AD M 1 ·1 ~ 1 •) . OI i; 4 ! , U J 11 t q 1 1 t r 1 op , K f f l ~- . l e d • All t' q l Q l t C I 1~ 1 1'1 ' 1 1 1 \ - . h d br - ) .~. OI hi" ' • pl l ) I N l t v . cO J l a J c j f C l f 1 ~ pi l ) l « I W • AI I W f l i . . g .. n . i l l t l ) ! M f l t f wl l h AW ) l t q l l 1 ~ 1 l o . • \lttl ...,,..,.,_ !10,ru!N,ll'odn. • Altlntn,_m wtk!s .,tO,IJ liltr doy • .IJurn vtMiom,;606J ·1 6 111 WOll9N, U.1 1.0. J' i h #z , Ba p t i s t Pr i m a r y Ca r e - Fl u s h Mo u n t Ch a n n e l Le t t e r s on Ba c k e r Pa n - So u t h El e v a t i o n - 1 02 9 At l a n t i c Bl v d - At l a n t i c Be a c h , FL 32 2 3 3 SIGN AREA =~i &°9 ,1 6q ~ l ◄• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! ~ l- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 .. C ~ Baptist • ~ d Primary Care ·.: _ : JUI " 2021 T F ir u s h c d f a SC l i l wr b ha v e b u m p OU ! . Ak . m . pa n & l ra r n e t o be no t ch e ( I om to ac c o m m o o a1 c II 27 . 5 " '1 I I 11 4 . 7 5 " 45 . 4 • .. C : - i Ba p t i s t • '1 Pr i m a r y Ca r e II II I I I I ., ' ~•:··Ba p t i s b · ::,- u .. :Pr i m a r y C a r 12 0 " W x 32 "H x 4" 0 al u m pa n. Pa n to be no t c h e d ou t to ac c o m m o d a te bu m -o u t i n fa s c i a . Fl u s h mo u n t CL s . Da y /N i gh t vi n y l to ma t c h PM S 29 3 C . W hi te tr i m & re t u r n s . Q 3/ 1 6 " Y,tn t e a ct y l i c • Da y /N ig h t Pe r l or a t e d Vi n y l to ma t c h P MS 29 3 c 0 49 . 4 " 1 ' wh i t e 1r i mc a p 8. 4 " .I 28 " .I Q 4 "0 wh i t e re t u r n s Q Lo w pr o f i l e a l um i nu m pa n pa i n t e d 10 ma t c h b u i l di ng fa sc i a (C o l o r TB D } Zo n i ng · 1 SF Pf A ll 11 EA R f- T Bu i l d i n g : 54 ' W x , -. ~ & i n Al o w tc l S i gn : t 14 . l 5 ' W '( 30 1 - l , 11 \ 4 '" ' Z J .9 S1 1 11 Si l ~I O I I LE D l Fl u s h - M o u n t Ch a n n e l Le t t e r s o n ba c k e r pan {. . . . £ , ti i i : ' ~/ ~:c 1 ; ~ D ~- = = " " " ' = ' • ~ - ~ c y M "' ( l ) • ) O S M S p c , L t r / l o t O c l o i ! , , . . , . ~ • ~ r Je wtl ~ e Jn m C w LO W \'ol l J 9 e w i n n g lr o m L E Dl o l r 3 r . S l o r l ' l ' l e f S i mu l ated N i gh t View n,,,.,Joc-M~ ~\ilr>..t.idl<'MlliJ (~Ulillk'T ,N:Ollh ~-~-mos~ ~~(~81 ~ ~ "'11(1\ tllll;do,fdliqrtttll,,t .... l, •~~IJll'IIVl!Nfttlllttl 1111-,tl«t -~ ... Digitall y signed by C h r i s t i a n Lang le y Date: 2 02 1.07 .2 6 1 0:5 4 :49--04 '00 ' SIDE /SOUTH E XT:£RIOR ELEVATION ANCHOR SCHEDU L E WA ll M ATCRIAl ANC)IOA TYP C l/-l"T1'1AtAOE0 1100 SWl fH MI N r (M 8t0 I N A DI-ff.SN£ NOT · , APPUCA8U (()ttlll,l;l[m.1,fo, }/J"T A~CONSfot![QUIV)WITH M:N j6) liOllQWl,"),S()Nfl ~ 1-'-:,":~-"-~"';:"":::"'oo~,-'"~"'°'-,-w,-,+-:.c.~~--~;_I -I IOTAL l/2'1"1YV."000 {'i O ACCW f(li i "0) '-'£MlSltJ~Ofl M CT A \l'A'IFLS liO~lOVJWA LL {tL:'X.K!NOitlPltl) u,· wooo SC:11.EW ~ ru~l (MB !O '1• MiTAl S..:11.EW> lOt.UN t l,i \Tf{lOIIOe<IO" >\tUV 1t•"TMIIU80LT}Ofl L AG~TO SOUO iJI.OCt::il<G 8EIIW O f.t 1 Nl8-I TOT AL ~ 2 ~ .:;:i I I N., "'~ OU i?"O 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ u~ T A Y L O R . . i i g n ~ l) e ~ i g n . J n c . fO M M E R C I A L SI G N Tf f H N O L O G I E S Sf ; , 1 1 1 Cl " f ' t i { i ~ d # L~ S l : : U U fJ J I i ww w S oy l o f S l g n C o .co m 41 6 2 S t Au gu s t r. a R d · Jo c k s o o v i U e , F l 32 2 0 7 Ph on e # 90 4 .39 > .46 52 • fo x # 90 4. 39 6 . 3 7 7 7 Co n t a c t : Ph o n e # : em a i l : BA P T I S T PR I M A R Y CA R E Ju d y Lo c k e y 90 4 . 3 7 6 . 3 7 1 6 Ju d y . L o c k e y @ b m c j a x . c o m Ad d r e s s : 10 2 9 A tl a n t i c Bl v d At l a n t i c Be a c h . FL 32 2 3 3 Da t e : 2i 1 9 / 2 0 2 1 Re v i s i o n s : R1 : 7 .1 5. 2 1 R2 : 7. 1 5 . 2 1 Zo n i n g : 1 Sq Ft pe r Li n e a r Ft De s i g n e r : R i ck Smith Sa v e d as : BP C _ 10 2 9 A tl an ti c B lv d - A tl an t i c Be a c h .CD R Pl e a s e en s u r e al l c o lo r s , d 1 me n s,on s , ve r b i ag e , l ay o u 1. el c . ar e co r r e c 1 be f o r e ap p r o v i n g re n d e r i n g . Co l o 1 s po r t r a y e d on pr o o l ma y no l ma t ch fi n a l pr o d u c 1 du e t o th e di f f e r e n c e be t w e e n d l gt a l an d p i gm e n t e d c ol o r s . On c e ar t w o r k Is ap p r o v e d vo u w i ll be re s p o n s i b l e fo r 1/ 2 ot th e re -ma k e co s t sh o u l d an y pr o b l e m s be fo u n d af t e r in s l a l l a 1 i o n . APP R O V E D BY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Th i s art w ork p r otec t ed u n de r copyri ght law a n d is t he property of T ay l o r S i gn & Desi g n , I nc. an d i s n ot to be dup l i ca te d , reproduced or d i s t ri buted with out wri tten perm i ssion . © 2 0 21 Toyto, S i gn&. Desig n, In c DATE __ ~a .:!'VI ~., G e n e r a l • Dh l g n t \ l l ' l ~ < C t d m ,tW I II I (~ ) ' O tl o f l h t f l •I W g (o d t ?l l l l 4 ( 20 2 0 )f o l c- . t - ·•t l' l i f l & D\1 1 \ l t l ( , ~ l ~V d : . . 1 ( \ ' l l u ! II UI I C ' LG n r ( I IV l l l l , l l l n ~ l t H ~ o n l y ll l t W 1 R l l H I I I M t 9 1 11 y o l !t · m n ~ l O f f l ! X " l ( ' l b .i l > d . ' O I ~ (t m l . l 1K l io n ~ i t l i f 'l f l ' . ' l l 1 ' 1C d hi : t l ' I II . • L k\ l o , : l l n o l n . « t~ k . & ~ ? t d t l ul l l l l ! n . r ~p! V l l i d e d 1:¥ •0 0 ll ' t f f i ' ! Ri n p o r l ' M r y o l lM t l « l r K ~ Ul nt l . t l l O I No c l « I I ( . , _ h . h ~ p ( t l 011 1 ' 1 < . ' C l . r idflO(t1~flu l lOl'1 ols.hi',~. •~IIMIUl .il ONfl lllttl\leq,Jtfl'fflo.'lltsof ACU\IJ.M ,W. H0-1,, AIIMl-lU,Nl)).I ~. N o t u : t1 ,w l ; ( , U , . , ) l t d lO I II O « > " l l o , ~ hr <o . ! l <'d p, l n l o - d .O f ~ pM , d t ~ • ~ ( « w .M p : 1 IS l }t i . l1 0 J J / ] ] U . 6 . • M11 m l ot l l f O l > t ' n b in u,1 1 1 1 ~1 Wit h 1( f f i O f ~ ll u > 1 w; " I I ! >l ' w l b.o 1> 1 l n l td t1 1 i: f l H I ' < ~ •1 ~ 1 I ~ ~ AO M l - 1 ) ( 1 , ) , Of li o \ . 0 0 1 1 ( ' ¢ f l i ' l ' ! ' l l : 11 ¥ 1 . o : h ll ' O " l t b :d . • Al ti P I M d f •sl . ! 1 1 d 1 1 » 1 be S. S . Of lw ' " ° • ~ ~ 1 h ' t t wl s i g k> t ll l l f ; , " ° ' 1 pr !M \ l k a . · ~I wd: . 1 1!9 )I i . i l l ,or r , ~ wi t h A W) ~ n . . • }l:dwt~ lll)nd«t!Odn . • A/wrllu,,wrk:!\. 404 1 Mll'1 ~-. Alnfl l<U'«lll\:606.J-16 elf\~, UH.a. .- - - - m - - - - " • • 't- - + - -' - - -f- L - - > o - - - - - - - - - ~-" "- .. -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----~~~-~!S-~-!L'l ----,e ; cxy Seals ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 9 9 ' - 6 " r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- l + - - 38 .5" - + I I ll II Fl a t Cu t 3/ 8 " Ac r y l i c Le t t e r s .: i . t : r , l i c P r t- O i i l t e d it ' r 1 / . t ' St u d • I II REAR/WEST EXTERIOR ELEVATION Zo n i n g : I Sf PE R LIN E A R FT Bu i l dl ng : 99 ' 6 ' W X I ~ 99 . 6 Sq fl Al~ w c d Si g n : 13 2 " W x 90 ' H i 14 4 = 82 .5 Sq n Sl g n a g e A n ch o r No t es · + #1 0 - 2 4 st u ds j6 0 6 1 -f 6 A lu m o r 31 6 S. S . ! , ce n t e r e d in s t roke width - M i n {4 ) s tu d s pe r lo g o el e m e n t , s pa c e d ev e n l v • M i n (3 ) ~t u ds pe r le t t er . sp a ce d e ve n l y - le t t e r s d ri ll e d an d L ap p ed to re c e i v e st u d s , min (5) thr eads en gaged - St u d le n g th to ac c o m m o d a t e em b ed t o ho s t structure • M i n 1 .5 ' ' s tu d em b e d to ho l l o w CB S !bl o ck ) o r concre t e - F il l ho l es w/ Uq u i dN a i l s L N -90 1 ad h e s i v e (o r e quiv ) Th,~ docume n t tm befl1 dig il.i lly si gntdc111 d5-e21edby Ch r islliln~e,.Honthe d a l e not NI in t h is dtgital ~igM 1 Urt. Prin1ed cop~ of t his docum4!nl a re not <OflSidtltd Signed & ~.lied , & th rSlgoa 1 u1tmU1tbe v e1ifl ~ ~an~Zi~';'::~~~WJ ... , Digitally signed by Christ i a n L a ngley Date: 2021 .07 .26 10 :54 :27 ·04'00' M ,, ,.,, j~ N:,, 0 3/ 8 " ac r y li c ~ ~ 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 f3 T A Y L O R . i i g n ~ l) e . s i g n . Jn c . C0 ,\1 M £ R C I A I SI G N TE C I I N O L O G I E S .\ · ta l t ! Ct • ~ t ~ / i E ' I I 11 ES / 2 0 0 0 1 I i ww w 5 o y l O J S i g n C o .co m 11 1 6 2 S I. Au g u s t oo R d · .J o C k s o n V I D e , FL 32 2 0 7 Ph o n e # 90 4 . 3 9 ~ - . 4 6 5 2 • Fo x # 90 ' 2 . 3 9 6 . 3 7 7 7 Co n t a c t : Ph o n e # : em a i l : BA P T I S T PR I M A R Y CA R E J ud y Lo c k e y 90 4 . 3 7 6 . 3 7 1 6 Ju d y . L o c k e y @ b m c j a x . c o m Ad d r e s s : 10 2 9 At l a n t i c Bl v d At l a n t i c Be a c h . FL 32 2 3 3 Da t e: 2/ 1 9 / 2 0 2 1 Re v i s i o n s : R1 : Zo n i n g : 1 Sq Ft pe r Li n e a r Ft De s i g n e r : Rick Smith Sa v e d as : BP C _ 10 2 9 At l a n t i c Bl v d - At l a n t i c Be a c h . C D R Pl ea s e en s u r e oi l C ?lo r s , d I me n s I o n s . ve r b r o g e , lo y o u t . et c. or e co r r e c l be l o r e ap p r o v i n g r en d e r r n g . Co i o f s po r t r a y e d oo pr o o f ma y no f ma t c h fi n al pr o d u c t du e t o th e dr f f er e n c e be t w e e n dl g i a l an d p i gm e n t ed cO I O ! s . On c e ar t v 1 0 1 k I s ap p r o v e d yo u w r il be re s p o n s i bl e fO ! 1 /2 o f t he re -mo k e co s t s h ou l d an y p r ob l e ms be f ou n d of t er In s t al l a t i o n . APP R O V E D BY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ This ar1wo11< pro t ecled u n der copyr i g h t la w an d is l he p ro pe rty of T a y l o r Sign & Design. I n c. and i s n01 to be dupl ic at ed, re produce d or dist ributed witho ut writt en permiss i on . © 2021 Taylor Sign & Design , Inc DATE __ u ~ ~a .!!!VI "'" G e n e r • I , Dt - , i c p l ' i la , k lO ! W ' l l t W I O l ~ m t f l l Hl l lh l ' Fl • ll c l 9 (o c l t 1t ~ Uf 2 0 2 0 ) 1o r ~) ( W , t l • n S tl u l \ l \ k l h t l h g h ~ • ~ il ll l f K . l f k ' ~ fl M I / ) • II I I H l ~ f " ' 9 l t f l i1 t 1 ll n t t ll l , . > ~ l r . . l u r . o l H ' l l < : - q 1 1t'j l el 1 1m e ~ r , t tt m , 1 f f l l l ) O l l l ! l ' \ h . , 4 1 ' d . - ' O I O ~ (Ol l \ h 11 C t l O l t n; : . & 1 t, ' i p . '( i l i ( . d !l e f t "! . · Ll e c: 1 1 , u , I OC 1 ' 1 . , d t Ui t l , &~p M l l : 4 i . J M 4 1 ~ p! ' ( l l l d e d ~ " n l t K ' ' i C i k ' ~ o l lh l ' ~ l f i t ~ l l )l'l l f .f l kl f N, ) c l t t l! ic ' . . I I KV k . - - W h . ! S ~ p t ' f l o < f l " < l .o d n o t " L l 1 1 1 1 t x , , i ~ - , U . h ~ l f l l t 1 ! ( l e d . -~t n11.1Ur oll ~mtt 1Hf\lU!ftlllo!IIUol 1'1 1 18--14,Abe. M,0--1 6..l+llMl •I~ &Nlb ·U , No t es : .. ~• F d o l . t , i e • ~ l t t l t om i , J fl t ' . . . -h . ! l b r ,w 1 ed , p , , 1 • 1 - ' d , u r o lh r r w ! .. . ~ h : d .,; : ; , !J m t 11 1 ' f 1 1 1 o r i 1 . . - t f8 ( k t uo u n m , • No o 11 o m p » : r 1.> i r l <o n t , 1. t wi t t i 1 t t t ! 0 1 t l ' ~ . i 1 0 I I 0 ' ~ 1 t ~ l b t p u l l '4 u r ~ 1 ~i,, . c ~. . . , l l l " N l it , , ; - d l n A O M l - l ~ [l , ). 0 1 fM \ I K/ " " ° J ' f - l ' l l ' \ l l f l ' l ' ~ p r l " " i d r d . >J , J po o , , , : 1 1 4 \1 ~11 1 ' !\ ~t i . l t , . \ _\ • .. . , . , . . . ~l N t ( O d 1 i r ' 9 l o r , o r r : l ' J i : c l p , , lf < do n • ~I W l ' l 1 ! 1 1 q ) l i . . a l 10 f f l l ) l y w~ ~ ~W ) ~ . !.kd~~KllJ rlr.uodrs .• A l111 !ll..-nw.ld.·-IDt l ftlt1 ,no,, • '-'nf ~l!\.llloM;606l •l 6 t>11 t ~UJ+.O . , Ba pt f s t Pr i m a r y Ca r e - No n Il l u m i n a t e d Mo n u m e n t Si g n - 1 02 9 At l a nt i c B lv d - At l a n t i c Be a c h , FL 32 2 3 3 C O PY AR EA =,,1 _0-4 t $_q ·Ft : No n ll l u m i n at e c al u m i n u m fr a m e an d sk i n mo n u m e n t si g n pa i n t e d 3 co l o r s wi t h sm o o t h fi n i s h . Ba p t i s t lo go am ! ad d r e s s to be 1 /2 " PV C fl u s h st u d mo un t to si g n . Al l co p y to be Wh i t e op a q u e vi n y l . 7' - 0 " Th i s do c u m e n t ha s be e n d~ 1 a l1 y si g nt d ar i d !> f ' a l e d by Ch r i s ti a n la n g l c y, PC o n th e di t r no t e ( J in th h di g i ta l ~i g n at u , e . Pr i n t t d co p i tS or th is do c u m e n t a, e no t co m i de r ed ~i g n e d & st a l ed , & th r n g n,1 t u 1 e mu s t ~ "' " f l e d on c 1 n ye l e < t t o n i c c o p ! t s . Sf , 4 , , t U l ? ! l \ l i i l H C OO f l 9 J ' l " I Di g i ta l l y si g n e d by C hr i s t i an La n g l e y Da t e : 20 2 1 . 0 7 . 2 6 10 : 5 5 :1 6- 0 4 ' 0 0 ' 1 / 2" PV C lo g o & ad d r e s s #s . Fl u s h , st u d - m o u n t . ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 60 " - - - - - - - < r 30 · AT L A N T I C BO U L E V A R D ** P r o p o s e d lo c a t i o n of ne w mo n u m e n t si g n * * !o Mount O.iad NTS Motorioll All )0".11ls to oe w ek!od oll Ol'oond Gr octo AJ 6 Stoel Shope,$ Groekt606 1 -T6.-.JOO'Nl'\Uf'l'IShopoa; Grode 1 53 8 StO<M Plpo C.r ode A32~ Fos»nol' loll s Copy Area: Logo: 9.6"H x 1 o·w /144 = o 7 sf A ddr ess# S "H x 14.S"W / 144 = 0 .5 s f BPC: 22"H x 60"W / 14 ➔ = 9.2 sf TOTAL COPY AREA = 10.4 Sq Ft Sign Area : 8"H x 7'W = 56 Sq Ft SW 7061 Popular Gray• top pe r ·wavt1 "/b3se cap (s em i-g l o s s . smooth finish) e T o match ReynoOOfl d COlorwcld 500 Pewte, base (stffii.g!oss.smooth f irish) Q W hite Vinyl -Copy }'J l " 10 2 1 e Pa i nt t o mat ch PMS 293 C • s ign ·bodv" (sem i -gloss , smooth fi nish ) ~ ~ .. - - - - :~~- ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ,~~: !!!~ ~ P S I ) : Si d e B O Whrte p a i nt ~ ; M I N • • SC H ,m s r m PO S T IA S J / B ) , sid ~ A EM SE O TO ii i " FR O M FO O TE R 80 T - - - - - r ._ ~ • 3' • 4 " SQ x 2' · 6 " DE E P [SP R E A D , W I TH ~ ~ (3 ) •S B A R S EA C H WA Y , TO P +SO T ] :?--o t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ 6 T A "" I . T L Q R . Da t e · 2/ 1 9 / 2 0 2 1 De s i gn e r : Rick Smith T h i s artwork pr otect ed under ~ ~ ._ BA P T I S T PR I M A R Y CA R E · c opyr i ghtlawand i sthep ro pe rtyof >a~ ~ i Q f i ~ JE ) e ~ i Q f i , :J n C . Re v i s i o n s: R1 : 5 . 7 . 2 1 - m,, s , d p l a n " " " t ' " B P C TaylorS i gn&Des,gn,l nc.and i snot to be dup l icate d, reproduced or CO M M E R CI A L S I GN HC H I \ O LO G l [ S Co n t a c t : Ju d y L oc k e y Ad d r e s s : 10 2 9 At l a n t i c Bl v d dis t ri but e d wi t hout w ri tte n perm ,ssion S M " Cc J! f i ~ d II l: S / 2 f l f l f l / l ~ C 2021 Taylo r Sign & Design . I nc ww w .\a y l O r S i g n C o . c o m 4 16 2 St Au g u s t t r n R d · JO Ck s o r M l le , FL 32 2 0 7 Ph o n e # 90 4 . 3 9 6 . . 4 6 5 2 • Fo x K 90 4 .39 6 .37 7 7 Ph o n e # : 90 4 . 3 7 6 . 3 7 1 6 At l a n t i c Be a c h , FL 32 2 3 3 Zo n in g : 96 Sq Ft MA X · 8' H MA X em a i l : Ju d y .Lo c k e y @ b m q a x . c o m Sa v e d as : BP C _ 10 2 9 At la nt i c B l vd - At l a n t i c Be a c h . CD R Pl e a s e en s u , e al l cc , l o r s . d 1 me n s l 0 f l s , ve r b i a g e . la y o u t . et c . ar e co n e c t be f o r e op p r o v i n g re n d e r i n g Co l o i s po r t r a y e d on pr o o f mo y no t ma f c h fi n a l pr o d u c t du e lo th e d1 l f e r e n c e be t w e e n di g J o l on d pi g m e n t e d co l o r s . On c e or t w o r k Is op p r o v e d yo u wi l l be re s p o n s i bl e to r 1 /2 of th e re -mo k e co s f sh o u l d on y p r ob l e m s be fo u n d ot t e r ln s t o l l o l i o n . APP R O V E D BY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DATE __ _ G e n e r a l ' °" " l n " ' ' ' q , u O N L , r . . 1 · W1 l h l r ~ G I I M F1 . l l 1 6 g C N t 7 1 h& l (2 0 2 0 ) 1 o r ~W l lh i n & oo t ! J d t ' t h l ' lh g h ~b . i : y l U 1 1 ( - l O l " l l ' ( HV I I / ) •ll l r l f f i Q l ! t ' t l ! ! ' ~ ( r 1 ld 1 t ~c d , - t ll t ~ l l v ; l 11 1 . t l i ~' 1 t t f ! l l ' t h o < , t ~ l ' f l l l , , t Oll l p C 0 0 1 1 \ , , ! , n d , ' 1 1 1 o !h N <O f l > ll 1 K I I O l l ~ i fi / 1 J i e t : i f l ! ' d t l « n n . • ll e d r .C . ~ d r l . 1 , k , &\I X ' < l f l f 4 1J o M 41 ~po , , , ; k dl , f , 1 , ! k l .r t l h r ' l l l i : ~ b i l i l y l l l k d e ( l l 1 Y l ( o n W l . l ! J I .No M ti i u t - 1 1n b e t t i l p t t l oH n1 •1 h ndJ10 (NliflullO!lof 1U1ll;.iinlendl:d , •~tr utlt .ul ~mttl)/l'qllllt91en!SCIIN'.ll11-1 4 ,,'J<,{)(,0.1(,,MJMl-l~.&li l ll~-u . N o t e s : •~ < I D ! i t : • ~ • ~t tt l ( O l ! W l ' ~ l > M ti t lO . l t d . . p, w i . d , . 1 1 1 Ol t . t r ~ pr o i « l t e l ~l l l ! I I (l l l ' l ' O ' , l ! J l l P' 1 f lk Yf . }lO J . 1 l U J U . • At. w r 1 I Ol ~ ll in (O l l l o < . 1 "" t h ~l t t l 01 t i ~ Ii i ll l l l ( . l t1 ' ~ t ll \ ' 11 t i n k d 1 J 1 pf l , l j, , ( \ C d ~L l l ' ~ li b w In AO M l -l ~(i . l .O I ~ ~ I l l : ~ l, ' « I W ! d \ - d , • / J I , ~ ,~l t r . t l l } N ~ ~ H . • 11 . w • 11 1 a i e . : ~ , M lf ' 9 r « (O O ® O f l pr t l k ' i l i , , i n . • -· · ~.it l · lO O ' ~ \\ ' i t h A W) ~~ n u . · ~ ~~~ tNu ~trodti., A"""""11~ 00 f!llr! .fkJy , ~ln tr t r !MOM: 6061 -16 01 WOPgo!t U.tl .O. How to Choose a Tapcon°: 0 Choose a Head Type : Phillip s Head Hex Head a Choose a Length: ( \ Maxi-Set Fixture 1-1¾ in. Thickness + Embedment ➔ +-➔ e Choose a Diameter: . ~~VY ¼ ~ LIGHT 3f1 6 1 DUTY •~· DIA, DUTY in. DIA. ----J 0 Choose a drill bit long enough to allow the hole to be drilled at least 1/4 in. longer than anchor embedment: 30% less installation torque • 20% more holding power Performance Values: Anchor 3/16" 1" 340 lbs. 730 lbs. 114" 1" 500 lbs. 1,000 lbs. ·A safety factor of 4 1 or 25% of ultimate pullout'shear value ,s generally accepted as a safe worlvng load. Product Features & Benefits • Patented Advance Threadform provides superior pull-out performance. • Application of Climaseaf! coating adds extra corrosion protection. • 30% Jess installation torque; 20% more holding power. • Reversible and removable, can be installed close to concrete edge. • Building code approved. Common Applications • Downspout straps • Electrical equipment • Furring strips • Flag holders • Hurricane preparation • HVAC strapping • 2 x 4 's • Window/Door frames & bucks Maxi-Set Tapcon"' Available in silver or white finish Product Features & Benefits • Patented Advance Threadform provides superior pull-out performance. • Large 5/8" diameter flange provides more bearing surface than regular Tapcon. • UltraShie/d" long-life finish delivers excellent corrosion protection. • Reversible and removable, can be installed close to concrete edge. • Building code approved. Common Appficatlons • Shutters-protective and decorative • Screened porch and pool enclosures 410 Stainless Steel Tapcone Superior Co"osio Protection .,, .. ~~ Product Features & Benefits • 41 O Series Stainless for superior corrosion protection. • Cuts threads into concrete, brick and hollow block. • Reversible and removable, can be installed close to concrete edge. • Fast installation ... drill a hole ... drive an anchor. Common Applications • Marine • Screened porch and pool enclosures • Railings-safety and decorative White Tapcon" Product Features & Benefits • Patented Advance Threadform provides superior pull-out performance. • White UltraShield'" long-life finish delivers excellent corrosion protection. • Recommended for use in AGO pressure-treated lumber. • Reversible and removable , can be installed close to concrete edge. • BttHdit,g oofie l1f}f)ftJwxi. Common Applications • Window frames • Shutters-pro tective and dec orative Tapcon Installation Accessories Tapcon concrete anchors are designed to work as a part of a system. The system includes the Condrive ® Installation Tool, the carbide tipped Tapcorf Drill Bit, and the Tapcon® anchor. For consistent performance, it is recommended to use the entire system. Tapcon Drill Bits • Ensure the precise drilling of pilot holes when installing Tapcon anchors. • Masonry drill bits with a carbide tip. • Tapcon drill bits are sold separately and are also included in the large packages of anchors (at select stores only). • Colorstripe on drill bit package corresponds to Tapcon Packaging. -For installing 1/4" Tapcon fasteners , use a 3/16" Tapcon drill bit (Green Stripe) -For installing 3/16 " Tapcon fasteners, use a 5/32" Tapcon drill bit (Red Stripe) Fixture Thickness Oto 114" 114" to 314" 314" to 1-114" 1-114" to 3-114" 1-314" to 2-1/4'' 2·114" to 2-314" 2-112" to 3" Pick the correct drill bit diameter by matching the color stripes on the packaging. Recommended Drill Bit Anchor Length Length 1-1/4" 3-1/2" 1-3/4" 3-1/2" 2-1/4" 4-112" 2-3/4" 4-1/2" 3-1/4" 5-112" 3-3/4" 5-1/2" 4" 5-1/2" Condrive 500 Installation Tool • Makes installation of Tapcon ® Concrete Anchors easy, fast , and accurate. • Designed for use with a hammer drill and Tapc on drill bits. • Elim inates the need for two drills or extra nut drivers. • Installs both head styles and all lengths of Tapcons. • Tool drives 3/16" and 1/4" diameterTapcons. Torque adjusted driver prevents over-torquing anchor heads. . . . ~1 Drill hole. ~I I .. -. •· .. . . . ~ i Drive anchor. Drill Slide Drive BP C At l a n t i c Vi l l a g e - -- - 1 \ \ \ \ r : - - - - - ' & ,. ( ~ a :, ' \ ' ' ' ' ' ' \ \ \ ' ' ' ' ' I " ( I OC A . 1£ 0 ! " I I ., I 1 O T 1 ' I ~~ I I I I I I I \ I ~ ~. . . . , D 9 C A . P C W . T E " ll , I . W I II ! . OY • I :!: ~ ~ .. ~~ ~;~ ~ , ! h i o ; - - -1 . _ . ; ; ; ; ; "" ' _'~ o , .. . . ; _ '" o c " _m -- . . : 1 - 1 - - - - - - - . #- / 11 1 ; , 0 0 1 , 1 1 11 . 1 1 1 1 : : , / WJ O Y J V m t h f Ji tf J / 1 • 0 ' Je f h a l i c W1 1 h SIGN21-0019 XXXXXXXX Revision Request/Correction to Comments City of Atlantic Beach Building Department 800 Seminole Rd, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 **ALL INFORMATION HIGHLIGHTED IN GRAY IS REQUIRED. Phone: (904) 247-5826 Email: Building-Dept@coab.us PERMIT#: SIGN21-0017 D Revision to Issued Permit OR 0 Correct ions to Comments Project Address: 1029 ATLANT IC BLVD Contractor/Contact Name: TAYLOR SIGN & DESIGN, INC Date: 09/16/2021 Contact Phone: (904) 396-4652 Email: KVARN@TAYLORSIGNCO.COM ------------ Description of Proposed Revision/ Corrections: REMOVED WALL SIGN FROM REAR/WEST ELEVATION REVISED FRONT/EAST ELEVATION WALL SIGN TO 29.9 SQ. FT. & SIDE/SOUTH ELEVATION WALL SIGN TO 23.9 SQ. FT. (TOTAL SQ. FT.= 53.8) **PLEASE REMOVE MONUMENT SIGN FROM THIS SUBMTTAL -CUSTOMER MIGHT SEEK VARIANCE AT A LATER TIME I._T_A_Y_LO_R_S_IG_N_&_D_ES_I_G_N_, I_N_C ___ affirm the revision/correction to comments is inclusive of the proposed changes. (printed name) • Will proposed revision/corrections add additional square footage to original submittal? 0No D Yes (additional s.f. to be added: ____________ ) mittal? ontracto r m ust sign if increase in valuation) (Office Use Only) [YApproved D Denied D Not Applicable to Department Permit Fee Due$ _____ _ Revision/Plan Review Commen ts ____________________________ _ Department Review Required: Bu il ding Planning & Zoning Tree Administrator Public Works Publi c l)tilitie~ Public Safety Fire Serv ices Reviewed By Date Upd ated 10/17/18 Baptist Primary Care - Acrylic Wall Sign - East Elevation - 1029 Atlantic Blvd - Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 BPC_ 1029 Atlantic Blvd - Atlantic Beach.CDR 1029 Atlantic Blvd Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 2021 Contact: Phone#: email: Zoning: Saved as: Revisions: Date: Address: 20 Judy Lockey 904.376.3716 Judy.Lockey@bmcjax.com BAPTIST PRIMARY CARE 1 Sq Ft per Linear Ft SIGN AREA = 29.9 Sq Ft Designer: 99'-6" 99'-6" Zoning: 1 SF PER LINEAR FT Building: 54” x 1 = 54 Sq Ft. Allowed Sign: 79.5"W x 54"H / 144 = 29.9 Sq ft Signage 1. Design wind pressure in conformance w/ FBC-2020 Ed Ref. ASCE7. See chart for design criteria per ASCE 7-10. Flat Cut 3/8" Acrylic Letters 1/4” Stud (Fully Embedded) min. 3/8” Flat Cut Acrylic Existing Wall Acrylic Pre-Drilled for 1/4” Stud 1" Stand-Off 79.5" 54" 3/8" acrylic 54'-0" Hours of Operation R1: 7.15.21 R2: 7.15.21 R3: 9.15.21 2/19/2021 Signe Grozier ~ ~ [ill ~~~□~~ ~f u □ OTiu ~uw [~LJ® TAYLOR. lign td-lle::iiQn~ :Inc. COMMERCIAL SIGN TECHNOLOGIES Statt! Certified# ES12000117 www.TaylorSlgnCo.com 4162 st. Augusttne Rd -Jacksonvtlle, FL 32207 Phone# 904.396.4652 • Fax# 904.396.3777 _,..... .... ·--------- 0 WIND DESIGN CRITERIA WIND VELOCITY 132MPH RISK CATEGORY II EXPOSURE CATEGORY (MMRF) C INTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENT +O --0 COMPOtET & Cl.ADON) PRESSURES 36.8 PSF I FORCE COEFFICIENT 1.7 FRONT/EAST EXTERIOR ELEVATION This artwork protected under copyright law and is the property of Taylor Sign & Design , Inc. and is not to be duplicated, reproduced or distributed without written permission. © Taylor Sign &; Design, Inc Tbia sign meets or exceeds 132 mph wind zone requlraman!J as par 20 Florlda Bulldlng Coda. Please ensure all colors, dimensions, verbiage, layout, etc. are correct before approving rendering. COiors portrayed on proof may not match final product due to the difference between dlgltal and pigmented colors. Once artwork Is approved you will be responsible for 1/2 of the re-make cost should any problems be found after Installation. APPROVED BY ______ _ DATE __ 54'-0" R1: 7.15.21 R2: 7.15.21 R3: 9.15.21 2/19/2021 2021 Contact: Phone#: email: Zoning: Saved as: Revisions: Date: Address: 20 Judy Lockey 904.376.3716 Judy.Lockey@bmcjax.com BAPTIST PRIMARY CARE SIGN AREA = 23.9 Sq Ft Signe GrozierDesigner: Baptist Primary Care - Flush Mount Channel Letters on Backer Pan - South Elevation - 1029 Atlantic Blvd - Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 BPC_ 1029 Atlantic Blvd - Atlantic Beach.CDR 1029 Atlantic Blvd Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 1 Sq Ft per Linear Ft 46.4" 10.8"8.4" 10.8" 28" 27.5" 26.375"30" 10.5" 114.75" 114.75" 49.4" Zoning: 1 SF PER LINEAR FT Building: 54'W x 1 = 54 Sq Ft. Allowed Sign: 114.75"W x 30"H / 144 = 23.9 Sq ft Signage 1. Design wind pressure in conformance w/ FBC-2020 Ed Ref. ASCE7. See chart for design criteria per ASCE 7-10. Simulated Night View Raceway Mount Channel Letters (LED)1” Jewelite Trim Cap Aluminum Returns3/16” Acrylic FaceGround ScrewLED ModulesLow voltage wiring fromLED to Power SupplyExisting WallElectrical Connectionto PrimaryLED power supplyhoused in weather-proof raceway3/8” Bolts #8-32 X 1/2” Phillips57 Aluminum BackingDisconnect Switch Day/Night Perforated Vinyl 3M Smoke Grey 3/16" white acrylic 4"D white returns1" white trimcap Low profile aluminum pan painted to match building fascia (Color TBD) 46.4" 10.8"8.4" 8.4"10.8" 28" 27.5" 26.375"30" 10.5" 114.75" 49.4" Weep Holes for drainage (LED) Flush-Mount Channel Letters on backer pan Low voltage wiring from LED to transformer LED Modules 3/16” acrylic face Aluminum backing 1” Jewelite Trim Cap Aluminum Returns Disconnect Switch Primary LED Power Supply 4 3/8” alum. stud Existing Wall Grounding Line Non-Illuminated aluminum pan 120"W x 32"H x 4"D alum pan. Pan to be notched out to accommodate bump-out in fascia. 181"W x 32"H x 4"D alum pan. Size of pan to be determined upon formal survey Flush mount CLs. Day/Night vinyl to match PMS 293C. White trim & returns. Flush mount CLs. Day/Night vinyl 3M Smoke Grey. White trim & returns. 46.4" 10.8"8.4" 10.8" 28" 27.5" 26.375" 10.5" 49.4" 30" .C-Baptis ~ di Primary Care n Ll ~IBapti SC J u IPrimary Car 0 TAYLOR. lign td' l)tz:~ign,. :Inc. COMMERCIAL SIGN TECHNOLOGIES State Certified# ES12000117 www.TaylorSlgnCo.com 4162 st. AugusHne Rd -Jacksonvllle, FL 32207 Phone# 904.396.4652 • Fax# 904.396.3777 0 0 0 Please ensure all colors, dimensions, verbiage, layout, etc. are correct before approving rendering. Colors portrayed on proof may not match final product due to the difference between dlgltal and pigmented colors. Once artwork Is approved you wlll be responslble for l /2 of the re-make cost should any problems be found after Installation. SIDE/SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION t----7 @,u-UL...,,, l,_ / ~ r 11111 -" WIND DESIGN CRITERIA WIND VELOCITY 13ZW'H RISK CATEGORY II EXP05Ull:Qt.Tm0fft'{'IR') C ltaBN!l~aEFF1CBT '° .., ctllPONEr&WOOlil:IPIIMJ& SUPS I FORCE COEfFICIENT 1"7 This artwork protected under copyright law and is the property of Taylor Sign & Design, Inc. and is not to be duplicated, reproduced or distributed without written permission. © Taylor Sign & Design, Inc This sign maets or e1eaad1132 mph wind zone requlramenls as per 20 Florlda Bulldlng Coda. APPROVED BY ______ _ DATE __