1177 Atlantic Boulevard ZVL (Hulihan-Mueggenberg) 12.11.2002 December 11, 2002 Scott Hulihan Hulihan Territory, Inc. P.O. Box 331268-1268 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Re: Private parking on City owned parcel (RE# 170707-0000) Dear Mr. Hulihan: I write regarding the parcel owned by the City of Atlantic Beach, which is across from your business at 1177 Atlantic Boulevard, and which is currently used for parking by your business and other adjacent property owners. In order for this portion of the lot to be used in this manner by a private property owner(s), the City must have an executed lease agreement with those parties using this area for parking. The City proposes a lease amount of $200.00 per month for the graveled parking area, which consists of approximately 3591 square feet of lot area. It is my intent to make this same offer to the adjacent property owner, and any lease agreement may be a shared lease between the City and both property owners, or between the City and either property owner. The City would propose a thirty (30) day termination clause for all parties, and restrictions prohibiting structures and limiting the use to parking only would also be included. Final acceptance of a lease agreement would be subject to approval of the City Commission. If these terms are acceptable, or should you have any questions, please contact my Community Development Director, Sonya Doerr, at 247-5817 or by e-mail at sdoerr@ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us. Sincerely, Jim Hanson City Manager cc: Sonya Doerr, Community Development Director Alan Jensen, City Attorney