1725 Beach Ave Zoning ReviewGood morning Brian, I’m resending the message below since you were out of town last week. I hope you had a good trip. Please let us know if you are able to write a revised letter. Thank you. Christi Bowler Elflein, AICP Planning Director Starr Sanford Design www.starrsanford.com <http://www.starrsanford.com> (904) 477-2207 (cell) Begin forwarded message: From: Christi Elflein <christi@starrsanford.com <mailto:christi@starrsanford.com> > Subject: Re: 1725 Beach Ave Zoning Review Date: May 13, 2019 at 3:18:19 PM EDT To: "Broedell, Brian" <bbroedell@coab.us <mailto:bbroedell@coab.us> > Cc: Michael Sherrod <mike@starrsanforddesign.com <mailto:mike@starrsanforddesign.com> >, Julia Starr Sanford <julia@starrsanford.com <mailto:julia@starrsanford.com> > Hi Brian, Thank you for reviewing the plans and writing the letter for DEP. Attached are two revised sheets of the site plan set that should address the two concerns you pointed out below. #1. Site Plan - The balcony width and roof overhang are decreased and dimensioned. #2. Elevation - The southern wall height is decreased and dimensioned. If these resolve your concerns, can you write a revised letter? Thank you again for working with us on this project. Christi Bowler Elflein, AICP Planning Director Starr Sanford Design www.starrsanford.com <http://www.starrsanford.com/> (904) 477-2207 (cell)