October 2021.pdfR EC REA TIO N S P EC I AL E VE NTS FALL FESTIVAL – SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9 - 11 A.M. GAIL BAKER COMMUNITY CENTER 2072 GEORGE ST. VIRTUAL SONGWRITER’S CONCERT SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10 - 6 P.M. FAMILY FUN DAY – SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16 - 3 P.M. & CAMPOUT UNDER THE STARS JACK RUSSELL PARK, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ACOUSTIC NIGHT – SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24 - 6 P.M. BULL PARK, 716 OCEAN BLVD. WWW.COAB.US/RECREATION/RECREATION@COAB.US/(904) 247-5828 C I T Y O F A T L A N T I C B E A C H Monthly Newsletter OCTOBER 2021 | VOL. 17 NO. 10 October 2021 Oct 11 Commission Meeting 6:30 pm Oct 13 Environmental Stewardship Committee 6 pm Oct 16 Town Hall (Jordan Center) 10am Oct 19 Community Development Board 6 pm Oct 20 ESC Outreach Subcommittee 6:30 pm Oct 25 Commission Meeting 6:30 pm Oct 26 ESC LEED Subcommittee 11 am November 2021 Nov 4 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate 2 pm Nov 8 Commission Meeting 6:30 pm Nov 10 Environmental Stewardship Committee 6 pm Nov 11 Veterans Day - City Offices Closed Nov 16 Community Development Board 6 pm Nov 17 ESC Outreach Subcommittee 6:30 pm Nov 18 Pension Board 6:30 pm Nov 22 Commission Meeting 6:30 pm Nov 23 LEED Subcommittee 11 am Nov 25-26 Thanksgiving – City Offices Closed Visit www.coab.us/calendar for updates and information on meeting attendance and participation. C I T Y C A L E N D A R W W W .C O A B .U S /I N T H E K N O WSTAY I N T H E K N O W KNOW What is your 2040 VISION of Atlantic Beach? Your 2040 VISION of AB matters. Will you please imagine what your community could be at its very best in the year 2040, and share your thoughts? Please complete the City of Atlantic Beach 2040 VISION Citizen Questionnaire by Oct. 20, 2021. visioningis the act of imagining the future. C o m p l e t e t h i s f o r m o n l i n e a t w w w .c o a b .u s /v i s i o n ; o r F i l l o u t t h i s f o r m (u s e a d d i t i o n a l p a p e r , i f y o u 'd l i k e ), s c a n i t , a n d : E m a i l i t t o i n f o @ c o a b .u s ; o r M a i l o r d e l i v e r i t t o : C i t y o f A t l a n t i c B e a c h , A T T N : D e p u t y C i t y M a n a g e r , 8 0 0 S e m i n o l e R o a d , A t l a n t i c B e a c h , F L 3 2 2 3 3 . H o w t o p a r t i c i p a t e : 1. Envision that Atlantic Beach becomes the community you want it to be over the next 20 years. What three words would you use to describe life in Atlantic Beach in 2040? 2. What would change Atlantic Beach’s character if it were lost? 3. What is the best thing about the streets and neighborhoods of Atlantic Beach? (Remember, it’s 2040!) 4. What is the best thing about the people who live in Atlantic Beach? 5. If Atlantic Beach becomes the community you imagined it to be by the year 2040, progress will have been made in which of the following areas of concern that matter the most to you. Check as many and you want, and comment, if you'd like. ☐ Aging in place ☐ Family life ☐ Public amenities/spaces ☐ Business/economic development ☐ Green spaces ☐ Regional issues ☐ Changing demographics ☐ Health ☐ Resilience ☐ Environment ☐ Housing ☐ Transportation Comments: W W W .C O A B .U S /V I S I O N