November 2021.pdfREC R E A T ION SP EC I A L E VE N TS JAZZ FESTIVAL JOHANSEN PARK, 1535 PARK TERRACE E. 2-6 P.M. SATURDAY, NOV. 20 ACOUSTIC NIGHT BULL PARK, 716 OCEAN BLVD. 4 P.M. SUNDAY, NOV. 28 S T A Y I N T H E K N O W KNOW C I T Y O F A T L A N T I C B E A C H Monthly Newsletter NOVEMBER 2021 | VOL. 17 NO. 11 November 2021 Nov 4 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate 2 pm Nov 8 Commission Meeting 6:30 pm Nov 10 Environmental Stewardship Committee 6 pm Nov 11 Veterans Day - City Offices Closed Nov 16 Community Development Board 6 pm Nov 17 ESC Outreach Subcommittee 6:30 pm Nov 18 Pension Board 6:30 pm Nov 22 Commission Meeting 6:30 pm Nov 23 LEED Subcommittee 11 am Nov 25-26 Thanksgiving – City Offices Closed December 2021 Dec 8 Environmental Stewardship Committee 6 pm Dec 13 Commission Meeting 6:30 pm Dec 14 CARAC Meeting 6 pm Dec 15 ESC Outreach Subcommittee 6:30 pm Dec 21 Community Development Board 6 pm Dec 23-24 Christmas Holiday – City Offices Closed Dec 28 ESC LEED Subcommittee 11 am Dec 31 New Year’s – City Offices Closed Visit www.coab.us/calendar for updates and information on meeting attendance and participation. C IT Y C A L E N D AR W W W .C O A B .U S /I N T H E K N O W W W W .C O A B .U S /R E C R E A T I O N - R E C R E A T I O N @ C O A B .U S - (9 0 4 ) 2 4 7 -5 8 2 8 By laying out what the community wants Atlantic Beach to look like in the year 2040 physically, socially and environmentally, the community will have a litmus test to define the direction of its future plans and projects. When the community sets annual or longer term priorities, residents and City leaders will be encouraged to ask, “Will this plan or project bring us closer to our community vision?” A community vision is a positive mindset – the success residents look forward to rather than the obstacles that might be face. The visioning process focuses on the future without being hindered by the past. Community visions are inspirational. They motivate, inspire and excite people as they come together, establish trust, respect diversity, and listen respectfully. Step 2 (under way – October-November 2021): Identify themes. Staff will gather citizens’ answers and identify the most prevalent themes and compelling ideas. Step 3: Fine-tuning (November 2021). Members of the City’s committees and advisory boards will be called upon to help with this stage of the process. They will assist staff in reality testing and prioritizing the themes. Step 4: The finished product (December 2021). The Atlantic Beach City Commission will finalize and approve the community vision and announce it to the citizens. In summer 2021, the Atlantic Beach City Commission asked City staff to conduct a community visioning process, beginning in the fall and wrapping up before the end of the year. Planning for Atlantic Beach’s future is proceeding full-steam ahead. What is a community vision and why is one needed? A community vision is an image of the city’s future – a place where residents and business operators want to journey together. It’s an ideal statement that goes beyond today’s political or economic boundaries to a picture of life as it could be in a community in the future. For the purpose of the City of Atlantic Beach’s AB2040VISION project, the future that is being defined is almost 20 years from now – the year 2040. How will the community do this? Step 1 (Completed – September-October 2021). City staff distributed a questionnaire in utility bills, at committee and advisory meetings, city commission meetings, on the city’s website, newsletters, social media outlets, and at the customer service counters. The idea was to gather thousands of ideas from every neighborhood and business in Atlantic Beach; 785 questionnaire responses were received. From Mayor Ellen Glasser: "A big thank you to our residents and local stakeholders who took time to complete the questionnaire for our vision and mission planning. Some might think it is cliche' to comment that, ‘If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.’ But I happen to believe this is true. Here at the City, we look forward to examining the data and engaging further with our community. After all, we work for YOU, and your voice matters.” For information on the AB2040VISION project, visit www.coab.us/vision; email info@coab.us; or call (904) 247-5804. Congratulations Public Works The Five-Way Intersection is the Ribault Garden Club Business Yard of the Month