A-12 vMerlaiusren. �F e it enacted ' -the kayor mid the Town Council of tae Town a ,. Atlantic Meaab S !�` O :1. Weeds,- It shall be any person. to - erm t weed,#;, r .ss .ar vtrld+ rbrazh` :to . ro*�- mfth ground exceeding sax, inches... on arq lands ownked:t .ease(l or 0CC pi :d by him' or her, or to the raiddle of any lane or street or thorough-fai.re imMo ivrt.ely adjacent: thereto, 'Any person viol . i:i the provisions of thie. section Shall upon 0onv?ct.ion be finod not exceeding $10,,00 or Imprisonment not exceedimg 10 days fOr f3li.ch offense.s . It Is hereby Fuad@the duty of the -Conwli,ttee 0x1 Pi bl.ic Works, its officers and agents or. of the Toren n F n r ]al1_,.. to see to the enfo r cemen.t . o f the pro' i cions of this Article and to that end the Coxarjiittlpe on Pub:li.c. Works or the Torn Ma elhr ll# fe. hereby required to notify percons =jam viol4e such p -., visions, that., unless the grass.,, weedti and underbrush are cut and removed or caused to be rer.,nove d or burned by the- oimerl. -within 5 days after, the servin€- of such notice,' the vaol for of such provi, axions shall be prosecuted in the 1,j@j7 or 1 s Cour- and in the event of the fr=:i.iure of any pe;rsson violating; the provisions of this Section*.. to comply with the prov:l cions of t,h1.s n.oti.ee., vti:thin the time spec- ified, it shall be the duty of the Com, i.ttee. on Public }forks, its Officers and agents, Or of -t he ` clan I'Aar l all., 'to have such violdtor . arrested and prosecuted, in the Nlayorl-f3 Cotir.tbut tl,,Le prov. ions of this. 0,rdinanoe. requiring the. gkipri _.oi`. notice shah ot- bei oonstmed as exempt -ft. from the penalties prescribed f6r: the V10 ation. of the )rovisi.ons of this 11ection t;intil such notice be given-j,. given-j,.but persons vi.olo-ting such provisiotins shall be zmgendble to pros.eoution, as sooh as t ;e provision is violated, � OTION 2. Assesmaent. Whenever the grast, weeds. or un- derbri-.),s � she-11 have been peniiitted 'to F;rovq to a height exeeeding two feet from the ground on awj preAses or to the middle: of any 41" ORDINANCE A-12 (Cont"d) street. lane or thoroughftLre immediately adjacent thereto,,, the Gommit- tee on Public WWorks sh.all..' have, the same cut and carried away., and the e=_ense of cutting and carrying away of the same shall be assessed sgalnfit the property, upon or to the middle of the Gtreet., lane or, thoroug.hArLre upon whIch the sv-qe has been grown, each lot being held responsible for the cost of cutting and carrying Away of the weeds and grass a under'brush. to the -fiddle of the street,,. lane or thor. oi Whfare i-adjaeont thereto.* As soon as the Committee on Public Works sjall have out and carried. away #ny grass or weeds or undebrash tw- der the provisions of. this Oection-,. the cost of such woVk. shall be certified by the said Committee on Pablie Works to the Town Ole&# and the east thereof shall entered up in the Street Improvement. lien book as a lien aeon the property upon which such workshallhave been donee* if the eost of such vork shall be raid to the Town Clerk within Sixty (60) day-, after the entry thereof in the Street Improve.; -'ment lien book.- such cost shall be accepted without- Interest; but if not paid within the said Sixty. (60) days.,, interest and cost of col- lection thereof shall be charged the seine as in the ease of sidewalks. and street pavements may be madeo Aftroved this 20th day of T'aly., 1926, HAROOURT BULL ATTEM President of the Council, ATTIMIST