Baptist Primary Care Atlantic Beach Final Reportjf Baptist Primary Care Atlantic Beach Test and Balance Report Table of Contents Project Details 1 Certification Page 2 Abbreviation Page 3 Instrument Calibration Report 4 Project Summary 5 Plan Layout 6 Building Pressure Analysis 7 Unit Sheet AHU-1 8 AHU-1 OA CFM Test 9 AHU-1 Diffuser Report 10 Unit Sheet AHU-2 11 AHU-2 OA CFM Test 12 AHU-2 Diffuser Report 13 Unit Sheet AHU-3 14 AHU-3 OA CFM Test 15 AHU-3 Diffuser Report 16 Unit Sheet AHU-4 17 AHU-4 OA CFM Test 18 AHU-4 Diffuser Report 19 Fan Test Report 20 Project: Baptist Primary Care Mechanical Engineer: Gregory Engineering Architect: Lilly Haynes Architecture, Inc. HVAC Contractor: Accu Air TAB Firm: Holistic Test and Balance TAB CT : Shawn Berlinghoff Project Details NCI Certified Test and Balance Report Report Date: 10/25/2021 Page 1 CerUUed Commercial Air Balancer SHAWN BERLINGHOFF Has successfully completed the required training and passed the written exam by the to perform HVAC commercial system balancing up to 20 tons according to NCI practical standards and procedures. �rnfo I l � nal Candon Inst/tu•• g rtifi / Certified Since: January 28, 2021 Certification# 21-016-07 Expires: January 28, 2023 �� Rob Falke, President, National Comfort Institute, Inc. Page 2 AC or ACU Air Conditioner or Air Conditioning Unit TDH Pressure Difference across the entering AH or AHU Air Handler or Air Handling Unit and leaving side of a pump. AVG Average HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance BHP Brake Horsepower HP Horsepower CAV Constant Air Volume HVAC Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning CBV Calbirated Balancing Valve HWS Heating Water Supply (Circuit Setter)HWR Heating Water Return CC Cooling Coil HX Heat Exchanger CD Ceiling Diffuser HZ Hertz, cycle per second in.inches CFM Cubic Feet per Minute in.w.g.inches of water gauge CH Chiller Kfactor Correction factor to the free area need to CHWS Chilled Water Supply calculate CFM. CHWR Chilled Water Return KW Kilowatts LAT Leaving Air Temperature CP Circulating Pump LWG Low Wall Grille CR Ceiling Register LWR Low Wall Register CRAC Computer Room Air Conditioner LWT Leaving Water Temperature CRU Computer Room Unit MAU Make-up Air Hangling Unit CT Cooling Tower MBH 1,000 BTUH CU Condenser Unit CUH Cabinet Unit Heater CWS Condenser Water Supply N/A Not Applicable NV Not Visible NS Not Specified CWR Condenser Water Return ∆P Pressure Drop. DAT Discharge Air Temperature PH Phase DB Dyr Bulb PSI Pounds per Square Inch DD Direct Drive RA Return Air DDC Direct Digital Controls: EMS Control RAT Return Air Temperature System for the HVAC RF Return Fan Des.Design RH Relative Humidity Dia.Diameter RHC Reheat Coil Disch.Discharge RPM Revolutions per Minute EA Exhaust Air RTU Roof Top Unit EAT Entering Air Temperature SA Supply Air Economizer Controls and components that allow an SAT Supply Air Temerature air handler to logically utilize outdoor air S.F.Service Factor for cooling as opposed to the use of SF Supply Fan mechanical cooling.SFD Smoke/Fire Damper EF Exhaust Fan SP Static Pressure EG Exhaust Grille sq.ft.square feet EMCS Energy Management Control System Suct.Suction ERU Energy Recovery Unit SWG Sidewall Grille E.S.P.External Static Pressure SWR Sidewall Register HRC Heat Recovery Coil TAB Test; Adjust; and Balance EWT Entering Water Temperature TSP Total Static Pressure: Difference FCU Fan Coil Unit between the entering and leaving FD Fire Damper static pressure of a fan. FLA Full Load Amperage: Maximum UH Unit Heater amperage a motor can draw.VAV Variable Air Volume; box that Flow Hood Instrument that captures air and contains a motorized damper that converts the reading to CFM.modulates airflow. FHT VD Volume Damper FPB Fan Powered Box VFD Variable Frequency Drive FPM Feet per Minute Velgrid Instrument that reads used to read FR Field Report velocity in feet per minute. FT Foot, Feet VVT Variable Volume Terminal FTU Fan Terminal Unit WC Water Column GPM Gallons per Minute W.G.Water Gauge HC Heating Coil WB Wet Bulb Fume Hood Test Common Test and Balance Terms Page 3 www.htbjax.com Holistic Test and Balance, Inc.Phone (904)-900-1484 Fax (904)-900-1485 Velgrid: 1 Total Velgrid a 12"x12" square and accurately measures 25-2500 fpm face velocity grid for coil, filter, fume hood, outside air louver, and clean room testing) Pitot Tube Sizes:12", 18", 24", 36", 48" Evergreen Flow Hood Sizes: 15" Base (NIST-traceable accuracy from 100 CFM to 2500 supply, 2000 exhaust), 8" Base (accurate readings of bathroom grilles and similar diffusers. Readings as low as 24 CFM can be made accurately due to the small cross-sectional area of this base) Shawn Berlinghoff Instrument Calibration Report Instrument 10/8/2021Testo4205.06075E+11 Digital Direct Reading Capture Hood 10/8/2020 2/25/2022 2/25/2021 2/25/2022 2/25/2022 Evergreen Telemetry S-H-3-5 2100099 Humidity 2/25/2021 2/25/2022 Evergreen Telemetry S-PVF-1 1700121 Air Pressure 2/25/2021 Evergreen Telemetry S-PVF-1 1700121 Evergreen Telemetry S-PVF-1 1700121 FHT Air Velocity Air Velocity Instrument 2/25/2021 2/25/2022 Evergreen Telemetry PR-T-1 1700283 Temperature Probe 2/25/2021 2/25/2022 Evergreen Telemetry RM-T-1 2100099 Temperature Module 2/25/2021 Klein CL120 0520U-A1 Amperage Measurement 2/25/2021 2/25/2022 Extech 461920 201001990 Tachometer/Counter 2/25/2021 2/25/2022 Evergreen Telemetry S-H-3-5 2100098 Humidity 2/25/2021 Model #Serial #Application Calibration Test Date Calibration End Date 2/25/2022 Klein CL120 0520U-A1 Voltage Measurement 2/25/2021 2/25/2022 Page 4 Date:SB Remark 7 8 Technician: 5 2 3 4 6 9 Project Summary Item # 1 For reference supply air is numbered blue, return air is numbered pink, exhaust air is numbered green, and finally outside air where applicable is highlighted orange. This is done to emphasize drawings and locations of diffusers/duct better. Project:Baptist Primary Care 10/25/2021 All diffusers read using a direct reading flowhood. Diffusers totaled specifically for each unit and ensured within design airflow. Diffusers correlated from plan layout to diffuser report to show the exact diffuser being read and where it is located on the drawings. Building pressure is slightly positive at 137 cfm at the front entry with all systems running. Cooling and heating test taken on all units, this shows units are within design capacity. AHU's read by testing and then performing balance on each grille to ensure each grille is within design airflow parameters. Grilles then totaled and ensured within design airflow tolerance. Once airflow balance is done, pressure drops across unit components then taken and final cooling and heating test taken. OA read using a pitot tube to convert velocity to OA cfm. Appropriate damper position then set to achieve design cfm. EF's read with a direct reading flowhood to ensure each fan is set to within design airflow tolerance. There are multiple EF-1 types, these have been numbered by TAB tech to properly correlate. AHU-4 is designed for 1850 cfm total, however diffusers total 1860 cfm total. Diffusers able to be balanced to within design airflow tolerance. Page 5 NO . RE V I S I O N D E S C R I P T I O N DA T E TH I S D R A W I N G I S A N I N S T R U M E N T O F S E R V I C E A N D S H A L L R E M A I N T H E P R O P E R T Y O F L I L L Y H A Y N E S A R C H I T E C T U R E , I N C . T H E U S E O F T H I S D R A W I N G I S L I M I T E D T O T H E O R I G I N A L P R O J E C T A N D P U R P O S E F O R W H I C H I T W A S P R E P A R E D . 58 E v a n s D r i v e . J a c k s o n v i l l e B e a c h , F L 3 2 2 5 0 Co r p o r a t e L i c e n s e N o . A A 2 6 0 0 2 4 2 8 . P h o n e N o . 9 0 4 . 2 0 7 . 1 8 7 1 4567 Deep River Place Jacksonville, FL 32224 FBPE Certificate # 28163 (904) 714-5188 YROGERG L E A H C I M M A I L L I W P R O F E S S I O N A L E N G I N E E R F L O R I D A L I C E N S E No . 4 6 6 0 7 ST A T E O F PROJECT NO.: DATE: 08.11.20 20.002 ME D I C A L O F F I C E B U I L D I N G AT L A N T I C B O U L E V A R D . A T L A N T I C B E A C H , F L 3 2 2 3 3 AT L A N T I C B E A C H BA P T I S T Pr i m a r y C a r e ME C H A N I C A L F L O O R P L A N M1.1 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 345 1 2 3 45 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 2 3 Page 6 Technician: Total Building Pressure Analysis Date: Building Static Pressure NA Building CFM Difference Total CFM 610 Total CFM Total Exhaust 137 473 68 74 73 52 206 231 EF-3 Exhaust Airflow Tested 127 EF-1(1) EF-1(2) EF-1(3) EF-2 OA Airflow Tested Unit 125 127 Total Outside Air Unit 10/25/2021SB AHU-1 AHU-2 AHU-3 AHU-4 Page 7 Motor Make HP Frame Full Load Amps 5.46 Service Factor Volts/Phase 208 1PH 209 Corrected FLA Fan RPM DB:85.5°WB:Motor RPM BHP Total Fan CFM Outlet CFM Traverse CFM Return Air CFM Outside Air CFM Embedded OA Ratio % 208 1PH Embedded TSP In. of W.C. ESP In. of W.C. Coil Pressure Differential Entering Fan Pressure Supply Duct Pressure 0.11 NA NA NA 0.48 0.42 HVAC Unit Test Report Motor Design and Test Test 1500 Design NS 1500 1500 1375 125 Embedded 3/4 Embedded Direct Drive 6 Direct Drive Direct Drive 1 Miscellaneous Info Direct Drive NS NS 46.00 81.2 NS10/25/2021 Coil Test Report Filter Quantity 50.0 Fan Sheave NS Cooling LAWB F°52.4°Filter Model/Size Cooling EAWB F° Date: Design Cooling EADB F°75.0° 63.0° OA Temp DB/WB Test NA 1517 NS NS Seasonal Test Seasonal Test Test 1517 Cooling MBH 27.9 1390 127 CFM 1517 Sensible MBH Duct Detector Test CFM and Pressure Test NA46.00 Seasonal Test 1500 34.60 Design Type Area Served Location Unit Designation Manufacturer Model # Serial # 6 Embedded Embedded Static Pressure Profile 0.530.6 Return Duct SP: Mixing OA and RA SP: Filter Pressure Differential Unit and Nameplate Data AHU-1 Carrier FX4DNF049 1721F00053 HP Multiple Areas Atlantic Beach, Florida Electric Heat Report SBTested By: HP Test 71.2° 63.5° Designation 8% Design Heating MBH Direct Drive NS High SpeedServiceSupply/Return KW 10.0 Amps Volts/Phase NS 0.9 Belt Size/ Quantity Motor Sheave Center to Center 1.1 Heating EADB Heating LADB Cooling LADB F°54.2° 24x24x1 8% Page 8 Type 1 620 675 1 628 670 689 651 642 607 127 Area 0.20 Total Velocity: 637 125 5182 Pitot TubeBaptist Primary Care 102% Date Design Velocity Design CFM Velocity Readings 0.20 Average Velocity Damper Position: Remarks VFD Speed 25-Oct Round Duct Traverse Test System Instrument Used Outside AirAHU-1 Project NA 6'' Area 648 Louver/Duct Size % Variance CFM Tested 10% Page 9 VEL CFM VEL CFM 1 A 10''24"x24"Hood 375 368 98% 2 A 10''24"x24"Hood 375 379 101% 3 A 20"x6"20"x6"Hood 250 255 102% 4 A 20"x6"20"x6"Hood 250 263 105% 5 A 20"x6"20"x6"Hood 250 252 101% 1500 1517 101% Technician:Date: SupplyDuct Type: # VarianceDesign Diffuser Test Report SYSTEM: AHU-1 101 Supply Air Final 101 101 Test 1 101 AK or HoodFace Size 101 Type Neck Size 10/25/2021 Area Served # SB Page 10 Motor Make HP Frame Full Load Amps 3.34 Service Factor Volts/Phase 208 1PH 211 Corrected FLA Fan RPM DB:86.4°WB:Motor RPM BHP Total Fan CFM Outlet CFM Traverse CFM Return Air CFM Outside Air CFM Embedded OA Ratio % 208 1PH Embedded TSP In. of W.C. ESP In. of W.C. 7% Design Heating MBH Direct Drive NS Medium SpeedServiceSupply/Return KW 10.0 Amps Volts/Phase NS 0.83 Belt Size/ Quantity Motor Sheave Center to Center 0.7 Heating EADB Heating LADB Cooling LADB F°53.6° 22x20x1 11% Embedded Static Pressure Profile 0.470.6 Return Duct SP: Mixing OA and RA SP: Filter Pressure Differential Unit and Nameplate Data AHU-2 Carrier FX4DNF037 1021F22257 HP Multiple Areas Atlantic Beach, Florida Electric Heat Report SBTested By: HP Test 70.3° 63.2° Designation Design Type Area Served Location Unit Designation Manufacturer Model # Serial # 4.1 Embedded Test NA 1138 NS NS Seasonal Test Seasonal Test Test 1138 Cooling MBH 20.5 1013 125 CFM 1138 Sensible MBH Duct Detector Test CFM and Pressure Test NA46.00 Seasonal Test 1100 26.00 36.00 81.9 NS10/25/2021 Coil Test Report Filter Quantity 34.9 Fan Sheave NS Cooling LAWB F°52.9°Filter Model/Size Cooling EAWB F° Date: Design Cooling EADB F°75.0° 63.0° OA Temp DB/WB HVAC Unit Test Report Motor Design and Test Test 1100 Design NS 1100 1100 1025 75 Embedded 1/2 Embedded Direct Drive 4.1 Direct Drive Direct Drive 1 Miscellaneous Info Direct Drive NS NS Coil Pressure Differential Entering Fan Pressure Supply Duct Pressure 0.09 NA NA NA 0.45 0.38 Page 11 Type 1 642 664 1 619 647 658 613 643 621 125 Area 0.20 Total Velocity: 637 125 5107 Pitot TubeBaptist Primary Care 100% Date Design Velocity Design CFM Velocity Readings 0.20 Average Velocity Damper Position: Remarks VFD Speed 25-Oct Round Duct Traverse Test System Instrument Used Outside AirAHU-2 Project NA 6'' Area 638 Louver/Duct Size % Variance CFM Tested 10% Page 12 VEL CFM VEL CFM 1 A 8''24"x24"Hood 230 238 103% 2 A 6''24"x24"Hood 75 77 103% 3 A 8''24"x24"Hood 145 150 103% 4 A 8''24"x24"Hood 275 283 103% 5 A 8''24"x24"Hood 240 251 105% 6 A 8''24"x24"Hood 135 139 103% 1100 1138 103% Technician:Date: SupplyDuct Type: # VarianceDesign Diffuser Test Report SYSTEM: AHU-2 109 Supply Air 107 Final 106 109 Test 1 106 AK or HoodFace Size 104 Type Neck Size 10/25/2021 Area Served # SB Page 13 Motor Make HP Frame Full Load Amps 5.54 Service Factor Volts/Phase 208 1PH 211 Corrected FLA Fan RPM DB:86.9°WB:Motor RPM BHP Total Fan CFM Outlet CFM Traverse CFM Return Air CFM Outside Air CFM Embedded OA Ratio % 208 1PH Embedded TSP In. of W.C. ESP In. of W.C. 7% Design Heating MBH Direct Drive NS Medium SpeedServiceSupply/Return KW 10.0 Amps Volts/Phase NS 0.94 Belt Size/ Quantity Motor Sheave Center to Center 1.1 Heating EADB Heating LADB Cooling LADB F°55.2° 24x24x1 7% Embedded Static Pressure Profile 0.550.6 Return Duct SP: Mixing OA and RA SP: Filter Pressure Differential Unit and Nameplate Data AHU-3 Carrier FX4DNF061 2121F07356 HP Multiple Areas Atlantic Beach, Florida Electric Heat Report SBTested By: HP Test 74.0° 64.3° Designation Design Type Area Served Location Unit Designation Manufacturer Model # Serial # 6 Embedded Test NA 1910 NS NS Seasonal Test Seasonal Test Test 1910 Cooling MBH 38.7 1783 127 CFM 1910 Sensible MBH Duct Detector Test CFM and Pressure Test NA58.00 Seasonal Test 1850 43.20 60.00 82.0 NS10/25/2021 Coil Test Report Filter Quantity 64.1 Fan Sheave NS Cooling LAWB F°53.1°Filter Model/Size Cooling EAWB F° Date: Design Cooling EADB F°75.0° 63.0° OA Temp DB/WB HVAC Unit Test Report Motor Design and Test Test 1850 Design NS 1850 1850 1725 125 Embedded 3/4 Embedded Direct Drive 6 Direct Drive Direct Drive 1 Miscellaneous Info Direct Drive NS NS Coil Pressure Differential Entering Fan Pressure Supply Duct Pressure 0.14 NA NA NA 0.53 0.41 Page 14 Type 1 611 638 1 634 672 685 633 670 648 127 Area 0.20 Total Velocity: 637 125 5191 Pitot TubeBaptist Primary Care 102% Date Design Velocity Design CFM Velocity Readings 0.20 Average Velocity Damper Position: Remarks VFD Speed 25-Oct Round Duct Traverse Test System Instrument Used Outside AirAHU-3 Project NA 6'' Area 649 Louver/Duct Size % Variance CFM Tested 10% Page 15 VEL CFM VEL CFM 1 A 12''24"x24"Hood 420 432 103% 2 A 6''24"x24"Hood 100 106 106% 3 A 8''24"x24"Hood 180 176 98% 4 A 8''24"x24"Hood 180 188 104% 5 A 8''24"x24"Hood 180 182 101% 6 A 8''24"x24"Hood 180 192 107% 7 A 8''24"x24"Hood 180 186 103% 8 A 8''24"x24"Hood 180 188 104% 9 B 6''12"x12"Hood 50 53 106% 10 A 8''24"x24"Hood 200 207 104% 1850 1910 103% Technician:Date: SupplyDuct Type: # VarianceDesign Diffuser Test Report SYSTEM: AHU-3 120 Supply Air 121 Final 115 116 Test 1 112 AK or HoodFace Size 114 Type Neck Size 123 125 122 124 10/25/2021 Area Served # SB Page 16 Motor Make HP Frame Full Load Amps 5.13 Service Factor Volts/Phase 208 1PH 210 Corrected FLA Fan RPM DB:86.5°WB:Motor RPM BHP Total Fan CFM Outlet CFM Traverse CFM Return Air CFM Outside Air CFM Embedded OA Ratio % 208 1PH Embedded TSP In. of W.C. ESP In. of W.C. 12% Design Heating MBH Direct Drive NS Medium SpeedServiceSupply/Return KW 10.0 Amps Volts/Phase NS 0.96 Belt Size/ Quantity Motor Sheave Center to Center 1.0 Heating EADB Heating LADB Cooling LADB F°55.3° 24x24x1 12% Embedded Static Pressure Profile 0.580.6 Return Duct SP: Mixing OA and RA SP: Filter Pressure Differential Unit and Nameplate Data AHU-4 Carrier FX4DNF061 2121F10771 HP Multiple Areas Atlantic Beach, Florida Electric Heat Report SBTested By: HP Test 70.8° 63.4° Designation Design Type Area Served Location Unit Designation Manufacturer Model # Serial # 6 Embedded Test NA 1898 NS NS Seasonal Test Seasonal Test Test 1898 Cooling MBH 31.8 1667 231 CFM 1898 Sensible MBH Duct Detector Test CFM and Pressure Test NA58.00 Seasonal Test 1900 43.20 60.00 81.4 NS10/25/2021 Coil Test Report Filter Quantity 59.9 Fan Sheave NS Cooling LAWB F°52.6°Filter Model/Size Cooling EAWB F° Date: Design Cooling EADB F°75.0° 63.0° OA Temp DB/WB HVAC Unit Test Report Motor Design and Test Test 1900 Design NS 1900 1900 1675 225 Embedded 3/4 Embedded Direct Drive 6 Direct Drive Direct Drive 1 Miscellaneous Info Direct Drive NS NS Coil Pressure Differential Entering Fan Pressure Supply Duct Pressure 0.12 NA NA NA 0.5 0.46 Page 17 Type 1 653 689 1 644 702 660 647 668 632 NA 8'' Area 662 Louver/Duct Size % Variance CFM Tested 10% Remarks VFD Speed 25-Oct Round Duct Traverse Test System Instrument Used Outside AirAHU-4 Project Pitot TubeBaptist Primary Care 103% Date Design Velocity Design CFM Velocity Readings 0.35 Average Velocity Damper Position: 231 Area 0.35 Total Velocity: 645 225 5295 Page 18 VEL CFM VEL CFM 1 A 12''24"x24"Hood 460 461 100% 2 A 6''24"x24"Hood 150 158 105% 3 A 6''12"x12"Hood 75 77 103% 4 A 8''24"x24"Hood 80 75 94% 5 A 8''24"x24"Hood 150 148 99% 6 A 8''24"x24"Hood 35 36 103% 7 D 12"x6"12"x6"Hood 175 182 104% 8 A 8''24"x24"Hood 85 83 98% 9 D 12"x6"12"x6"Hood 175 184 105% 10 A 8''24"x24"Hood 75 79 105% 11 A 8''24"x24"Hood 80 85 106% 12 A 8''24"x24"Hood 85 88 104% 13 A 8''24"x24"Hood 85 86 101% 14 A 8''24"x24"Hood 80 84 105% 15 A 8''12"x12"Hood 35 35 100% 16 A 8''12"x12"Hood 35 37 106% 1860 1898 102% Technician:Date: SupplyDuct Type: # Variance 110 Design Diffuser Test Report SYSTEM: AHU-4 Corridor Supply Air 102 Corridor 102 102 Final 130 Corridor Test 1 127 AK or HoodFace Size 126 Type Neck Size 102 111 119 118 119 Corridor 10/25/2021 Area Served # TAB Page 19 ManufacturerModelSerial CFMSPMotor MakeRPMHPVolts/Phase 120 1 124 120 1 123 120 1 124 120 1 124 120 1 124Amperage0.19 0.20 0.19 0.26 1.68Frame Service FactorBHPOverload SizeMotor SheaveFan SheaveBelt NS NS 0.02 0.03 Remarks: Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Date: 10/25/2021Baptist Primary Care NS NS NS NS NSNS NA Project: Fan Test Report Fan # NS Direct Drive NS NS NA0.25 Embedded 720 1291 158 Watts 2.1 NS NS NS NS 925 Embedded 0.25 52 Watts NS NS NS NS Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive 0.02 Direct Drive NA 74 73 NA Direct DriveDirect Drive 38 Watts 0.3 206 Direct Drive Embedded 50 200 52 Watts 0.25 Direct Drive Direct Drive 0.02 Embedded 925 Direct Drive 0.20 Design Embedded Embedded Embedded TEST DATA 70 68 EF-1(1) 70 70 Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded 925 52 Watts 0.25 NS 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 52 NA Embedded 990722994A TEST DATA TEST DATA TEST DATA TEST DATA Broan CAS Embedded Embedded AE80B-B CFA250 EF-1(2)EF-1(3)EF-2 EF-3 Design Design Design Design Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Technician:SB email: nuffelman@htbjax.com www.htbjax.com Phone 9049001484 Fax 9049001485Page 20