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BMRC Agenda Packet 9-13-07.pdf
CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BOARD MEMBER REVIEW COMMITTEE September 13, 2007 5:00 PM AGENDA 1 Call to Order 2. Approval of the minutes of the BMRC meeting of June 14, 2007. Interview new applicants for two vacancies on the Pension Board of Trustees. A. New Applicants: 1. Alan Gleit (5 10 pm) 2 John Wolfel (5:30 pm) 3. Bob Sternfeld (5 50 pm) 4. Status on Code Enforcement Board membership. • Velda Wells vacated in August 2007; Juliette Hagist, the previous alternate, is now filling Ms. Wells unexpired term; • Ray Breault's term expires on September 30, 2007. He is not interested in reappointment; • Ray Martin will fill alternate vacancy of Ms. Hagist through September 30, 2007, then, will fill expired term of Ray Breault, • Richard Ouellette's term expires on September 30, 2007. Mr. Ouellette is interested in reappointment; and • Carl Russell s term expires on September 30, 2007. Mr. Russell interested in reappointment. 5. Discuss/review whether the Expiring Members, Richard Ouellette and/or Carl Russell should be reappointed. Determine if applicants for the Code Enforcement Board should be interviewed and/or re -interviewed for vacancies. New Applicants: Veda Bernstein (last interviewed on 8-17-06) Ed Raube, (interviewed several times since 2004). Curtis Sanders (last interviewed on 8-17-06) Ellen Glasser 7. Discuss next meeting agenda and date. Other Business Adjournment DRAF1 MINUTES Board d Member Review COMillatitee Meeting JRu e 14, 007 5:00 pm o C 111 to order( The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Dezmond Waters at 5:10 pm. Those in attendance were Mayor Pro Tem Dezmond Waters, City Manager Jim Hanson, Member Glen Fisher, City Clerk Donna Bussey, Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee Chair Laurie Melancon, and Parks and Recreation Director Timmy Johnson. Member Casey Quinif was absent. 2 Approval of tete minutes of the HMS C To -neat -1g of Febr uarev 2007, Moil:ion: Approve rii� intutes of theBoard Prem -Abell' Review Corrt nlitt e fi►t ceetjng o1 �e ebrisivawy_ ZL x®0`7 Motioned by Melancon, seconded by Hanson Motion carded T nanilhiL r ously J INsc ss/review jpossIlble T'egoppoint �i�i1ents of cumitent members ®L+R the Culturfall Alit 0 0 and Recreation Advfisory Corin itteeo � A. Ray Coleman B. Laurie Melancon C. John Longbottom D. Mark Howard Timmy Johnson explained that three of the current members, Laurie Melancon, John Longbottom and Mark Howard, whose terms are expiring, are interested in being reappointed. He noted that Ray Coleman is not interested in reappointment. Mr. Johnson gave his evaluation of Laurie Melancon. Mr. Johnson and Ms. Melancon gave their evaluation of John Longbottom and Mark Howard. They discussed each member's attendance record and contribution to the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee. Ms. Melancon noted that Mr. Longbottom and Mr. Howard have only served on the Committee since February and would like to see them continue on the Committee. Motion: Recomn►nerind rea ofifithing Melancon, John Longbottom, and MrI A- owaSi to serve an additional telehin 0111 the Cnliturill Arts and Recreation Advisory con-minee® Moved by Waters, seconded by Fisher Motflam carried urtiart1Ilmouslyo .p Discuss/review new applicant for the Culitilwali l nits and Reell'e tllorin Advlisory _ oA Minutes of the Board Member Review Committee Meeting on June 14, 2007 Page 1 of 2 A. Lori Gaglione Mr. Hanson explained there is only one applicant on file to consider for the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee. He reminded the committee that Lori Gaglione had been interviewed at the last meeting in February. Ms. Melancon asked the Committee questions about Ms. Gaglione since she was not at the last meeting. The Committee reported their positive assessment of Ms. Gaglione. Motion: Recommend appointing Lori Gaglione as a new member to the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee. Moved by Fisher, Seconded by Hanson Motion carried unanimously. 5. Other Business The Committee discussed upcoming vacancies. It was determined that membership on the Code Enforcement Board should be addressed at the next meeting scheduled for July 12, 2007 There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 5:31 pm. J. Dezmond Waters, III Minutes of the Board Member Review Committee Meeting on June 14, 2007 Page 2 of 2 CJIT Y Mil ATIT4ANTEC REACT' CODE K+:NJI ORCEM + kTT BOARD 3 year terms; 3 consecutive term limit Meet in Commission Chambers 7:00 p.m. Second Tuesday odd numbered months NAI`r/i E 6''?r_ADDRESS JJuullilette L [agist 1763 Park Terrence recce I+'ast Athuifific H en'io 9 f I .10 32233 Richard L. Ouellette 1060 SernainoIle Road Atlantic Beach, ! + I� ,o 32233 Ray Bre ult 214 7th Street A tlinntie KII4. 32233 Ron Perrri elletorn 1825 Live Oaks Lane ,, tlarratfc Beach, FL. 32233 Cad Rumen M2 Ocean Blvd. Atlantic Beach, FL. 32233 Mamie VV. Hurd 720 West 14th Street Atiantic Beach, r TF,0 32233 Barbara Weiss 1049 Utile Cypress Key Atllantkc Bench, FL. no 32233 Ray Mar tin 2263 Barefoot Treace .AlianS IB3each9 !+11 a 32233 AZesk Sherrer Susan Gor' tnalili Smanne Green 4300 Mars11-144aandifin Jacksonville ; Sc cl' 9 FL. 32250 Allarrli Jensen 935 N. 3" Street P000 Boa 50457 Jaeksonvil llie Beach, FL. 3224Qt EXJP.DA 1! JI14 8/28/2®09 a.(18t tel'run) 9/30/2007 (18t teT+lricil) POSTI ZC N Alternate Member 9/30/2007 Member (711dttehT ) 9/30/2008 (18t terc'Irmm) Vice Chair 9/30/2007 CImb) (2nd term) 9/30/2009 (3rd term) lerrniheh' 9/30/2009 Member (2nd teir'rrn) 9/30/07 then rr'egullarc runeinabew' to rcepfl ce Bh'eaulit (1St term) A lterr'rnate Until 9/30/07 Cone Enforcement Officer Secrr'etalr y 0 Prosecuthig Attorney HUSIIN KSS HOME E P I ►iON ►, JPHONI1+; 2494=223 21 24909933 2477414 247=7475 (fax) 249 0,64 6974100 (celili) 241=2307 rbreault(a�alaloans.com (Pfteaase email notification, 8/1/06) 246=8746 Ron.'endletonna,comcast.net 2464130 246-4130 C1ER(a,bellsouth.net 241=3372 247°5255 247=681 2808770 273M571(fi x) City Attorney 246=2500 246=9960 (fax) 222-8467 247-0935 ENVCFW@COMCAST.NET RayDMartin(a,comcast.net Revised 9/13/07 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. •• .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. am Begins 10-1-07 Vacant ea E Qma Ray Martin Exp. 9-30-10 at sw an um .. .. .. .. ..we .. .. -. .. Present P resent Barbra Weiss Exp. 9-30-09 -- ma -- an - ma - ow Present Present P resent Present Present Present am um sit Present P resent Present Present Hurd 1-30-09 Present Present Present Present Present Present P resent P resent Present P resent c to 0 Q Canceled Meeting - No 1 Canceled Meeting - No 0 Juliette Hagist Exp. 9-30-08 .. .... .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Present .. .. .. .. .. Code Enforcement Board Member Attendance P resent Present Vice -Chairman Present Present P resent P resent C d d a Absent Pendle nn 9-31 en on in at am as ss va in in Present P resent C CL X Present P resent P resent Present Present Absent Richard 1 Exp. 9 Gm as as an am P resent Absent coc Chairman Carl Russell Exp. 9-30-07 Absent P resent Present Present 11.1 c d P resent P resent P resent Present via Present C W CC Meeting Date 10 8 -Mar -2005 12 -Apr -2005 tom 24 -Jan -2006 to p NNN Q. tote O 0 p c 0) 11 -Jul-2006 cot•-•f 0 NN 0 r i. 10 -Jul -2007 CD O 0 0 0 Ca c LN t0 R N M tVN 3 d Csi, t) C) O ., D r CD utail4TOEU. 12:45 FAX 90929 cnn CITY OF ATLANTIC: BEACH BOARD / COMMITTEE MEMBER APPLICATION FORM Please check (4) beside each Board or Committee that you are applying to serve on: (A stunmary of each board/committee is available on page 2 of this form ) Coale Enforcement Board 0 Community Development Board 0 Pension Board of Trustees ❑ Tree Conservation Board © Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee APPLICANT'S NAlvIE ADDRESS: 45 DAYTIME PHONE: ei4t l d i ati B -MAIL ADDRESS: 11'1.5 RifiNs EVENING PHONE: FAX: 4a. &ts1 Please explain any employment experience, board/committee experience, and/or community volunteer experience relative to the board/conunittee applying for. Please provide a brief explanation of your interest or any special qualifications you have in this field and your reasons for wishing to be appointed to this board/committee, Please return completed form to Donna L. Bussey, City Clerk, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 2002 08/14/06 12:05 FAX 9042493292 August 141 2006 CDB Veda 1 Bernstein 680 Sailfish Drive Atlantic Beach, FC 32233 904-242-8159 Home 904-61O-5927 Cell City of Atlantic Beach Board/Committee Member Application Form Response to Questions on, Application: I have been ,privileged to be'a resident of Atlantic Beach since 1992. I have worked at the beaches for as many years. I graduated from Jacksonville University in 2003 with a Bachelors of General Studies, Cum Laud. My employment history, has been steeped In business administration and accounting. My ability to focus on details, as well as the long term residual effects of decisions made today, would be a welcome addition to the Code Enforcement Board. I look forward to a challenging and rewarding commitment working for the residents of Atlantic Beach. As Head of Household and a single parent my volunteer experience has been limited as 1 spent my time working full time and giving my daughter a secure, safe and loving home, At this time my daughter is a sophomore at Stanton College' Preparatory High School, and as she will tell you, it is time for me to "get a life. 'I would like to spend my free time he ping my community become recognized as a model for other communities. I live in the "Royal Palms" neighborhood and I anticipate a lot of changes in ownership in the up coming years We have in place a wonderful mix of residential and commercial land use and I would like to keep that balance and hopefully ensure that my daughter and other future residents of Atlantic Beach feel the same way. I look forward b) the opportunity to give back to my community. OF 4ARDICO 4fl E t NAME 0P FPL! ANT, Eh BER ADDRE � DAYTIME PHONE t 4 MING PHONE Edward J. Raube Sea Place 79 901 Ocean Blvd Atlantic Beach, F132233 904 246 7979 eraube@yahoo.com SUMMARY OF QUALIICATIONS Having been a resident and home owner in Atlantic Beach, since 1985, I feel that my knowledge and personal experience can only be a help to the community growth of Atlantic Beach. Having been born and raised in Philadelphia Pa, I soon traveled the world when I joined the military. That military experience quickly gave me substantial responsibility. I provided security for nuclear -armed aircraft for the Strategic Air Command division of the U.S. Air Force, before going to Viet Nam, where I engaged in combat with enemies of the United States of America and earned nine decorations, including the Vietnamese Medal of Honor and the Air Force Commendation medal. My military experience set the groundwork for developing values of discipline and personal responsibility that have guided my life. Following my military service, I resumed my education and within three years worked my way through and completed my Bachelor of Science in Communications degree at Temple University in Philadelphia. I then began a successful 25 year career in broadcasting, on, and off the air with marketing and advertising agency experience, coupled with sales, rounding out my experiences of working with and dealing with people and helping them solve their needs. Having turned my attention now to Atlantic Beach, I have gotten involved with my community. In the Sea Place Condominium community, where I live, I was elected to the board of Directors, where we as a team have planned major renovations. Our plan was sound enough to gain bank financing and the renovations were completed on time and on budget. The loan was repaid ahead of schedule, saving on interest cost and property values were boosted substantially. Currently I serve as the Vice President of the board I also in 2003 ran an election campaign for an Atlantic Beach City Commissioners seat, where I learned even more about my community and its citizens needs. While going door to door, attending many community events and speaking before many different community groups, I gained the experience and learned first hand, the feel of the community and the people who live and work here. My on going community involvement has included volunteering and working with the Players Championship, the American Diabetes Association, the Susan B Komen Breast Cancer Fund, the Beaches Chamber of Commerce, the Membership committee and the Welcome committee of the University Club, and serving the Republican Club of the Beaches as its Vice President. I look forward to any opportunity that the community of Atlantic Beach will offer to me to serve our community, in helping protect the character of our community and the quality of life in Atlantic Beach. Code Enforcement Board Meets in Commission Chambers, 800 Seminole Road, at 7:00 pin the second Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September and November. The board consists of seven members who are appointed by the City Commission and who serve three-year terms. The Code Enforcement Board has the jurisdiction and authority to hear and act on alleged violations of the following: • City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances, • Building codes, as adopted by the City, • Standard Housing Code, as .adopted. by the City,.. State of Florida Health Code, • Florida State Statutes and State, county, and local laws and ordinances whose intent is to promote the health, welfare; and safety of the citizens of the City. The Code Enforcement Board has the authority to assign penalties as provided by Florida Statutes, Chapter 162. Community Development Board Meets in Commission Chambers, 800 Seminole Road, at 7:00 pm the third Tuesday 'afeach month. The board consists of seven members who are appointed by the City Commission and who serve two-year terms. Applications for Variances, Uses -by -Exception, and rezonings are considered by the Community Development Board. The board makes final decisions on Variances and forwards recommendations to the City Commission on Uses -by -Exception, rezonings and several other types of applications. The City Commission makes a final decision on these requests. Pension Board of Trustees Meets in City Hall, 800 Seminole Road, quarterly, as scheduled. The City has two five -member pension boards, one for police employees and one for general employees. The boards are responsible for the; general administration, management, and oversight of the operation of the retirement .system Eachboard consists of five members. Tree Conservation Board Meets in Adele Grage Cultural Center, 716 Ocean Boulevard at 7:00 pm on the second and fourth Wednesday. of each month. The board consists of five members who are appointed by the City Commission and who serve 2 -year terms. The board reviews applications for site clearing and remoNal and relocation of protected trees, determines mitigation for removal of protected trees, brings to the attention of the community development director any violations of the City s tree protection ordinance and recommends appropriate action toward enforcement and correction. • Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee Meets in Adele Grage Cultural Center, 716 Ocean Boulevard at 7:00 pm on the fourth Tuesday of each month. This committee consists of nine members w,ho are appointed by the City Commission and who serve 2 -year terms. The duties and responsibilities of the committee include: • Develop plans, promote and support programs and projects to bring the benefits of recreation to the citizens of Atlantic Beach, • Recommend a calendar of special events, « Evaluate and advise the City on the effectiveness of programs, • Evaluate and make recommendations on assignments or requests made by the City Commission or City Manager, and • Evaluate and make recommendations to the City commission on requests for City funding for special events, art projects, and recreation programs. CI 'Y OF ATLANTIC BEACH OAR]) / COMMITTEE MEMBER APPLICATION ICATION FO Ple ise eb.eck ('1) beside each Board car Committee that you are applying to serve` 0n: (A sat of each boardicorrninittee is available on page 2afthis form } Code Enforcement Beard Cornrnunity De }eloprnent Board Pension Board of Trustees Tree Conservation B and Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee Please explain a yr em loy neat experience, boardlcommittee expenenee, anr enm unite #crltzn experience relative to the board/committee applying for Please provide a brief explanation of your interest or any special qualifications you have in this field'a =c uz reasons for wishing to be appointed to this board/committee. Please return completed form to DonnaL; Bussey, City Clerk. 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach.} FL 32/ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BOARD / COMMITTEE MEMBER APPLICATION FO Please check (') beside each Board or Committee that you are applying to serve on: (A summary of each board/committee is available on page 2 of this form.) ode Enforcement Boar RECEIVED AUG -- 7 2007 _QFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Community Development Board Pension Board of Trustees Tree Conservation Board ✓Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee(j APPLICANT'S NAME: ADDRESS: �.I �Cal/1 W G A A-" (C� Vr. arm. C- Cm 3 733 2 DAYTIME PHONE: Lf -7) -co 2 Co 2 EVENING PHONE 214(1- 5 9- 3 E-MAIL ADDRESS: a (655 C' rCCCr�� + FAX: Please explain any employment experience, board/committee experience, and/or community volunteer experience relative to th-.board/committee applying for. -{'i re et J c4 r , (ct-.) e^ rce. 1 ,-, 200‘2 , AMPirarairallia nin..' is 1.4, ccl Gc+,U,1 t/\ c 400J,OGS ! 55 i /n i}" I ti]CYKetch al -ti -m P� �o l , c- �Y 4' C vyn e -.-ii e e- i e rc e — / (S (4-c( We 5 k---trio-Th ( C--, cu C j14? R 0 Ui U ---,'i- e e.--- LtNi 0.---(c ..,,Q. ofri__ / 2 im seQvrtm ,z( 4-,\) -4,r ‘ co-) 04.----1; c pc eFr.A..... c „J. 1 -1-3--- vnate•--crli-urC )t/J1 -fr.-ft-es 6itC ride t in cu t,�.,�c6) (cclu<,"� L ���c��ce� c�c��' -- u 0(-ke Ute, Q1, f, Please provide a brief explanation of your interest or any special qualifications you have in this field and y ur reasons for G..1G,.-%- wishing to be Jeo appointed to this board/committee. 64` cur. (Ur.r,t,--. s1 ,— C _ u5 e ,-- o ye,.'' 2 ci -.-f e r p r5.) --cif es -ie I( 1 % 1 ?fedi ' ci 4,10-. N ( _ LCl� S e'U c ( f tri 3 cow. � rJekC(�✓ 4..40�- .e 1/41/ C ,-�. r pre re ce Please return completed form to Donna L. Bussey, City Clerk, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233