CE 1021 Atlantic Blvd Case #22-001 I rizarry,Angela From: Irizarry,Angela Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2022 4:30 PM To: 'Gallaher,Ann' Subject: RE: Esporta Fitness signage Thank you. I appreciate your help. Can you also remind your tenants of the temporary signage guidelines. The whole shopping center is 1 Parcel so this isn't per business, it's for the whole parcel. I am mostly worried about the signage and flutter flags that get put in the right of way along Atlantic out front and on Royal Palms and Aquatic drive side streets. Sec. 17-33. -Temporary signs. Temporary signs in accordance with this section do not require a sign permit.Temporary signs shall not be illuminated nor shall any temporary signs be placed on public property without permission from the city. (b)Within all non-residential zoning districts,the following signs shall be considered as temporary signs and must meet the following standards: (1)Temporary signs, other than banners. a. Maximum number allowed per parcel:two (2). b. Maximum square footage allowed per sign: sixteen (16) square feet. c. Maximum height allowed: six(6)feet. d. Duration allowed for each sign: sixty(60) days or seven (7) days after the event, if applicable: provided, however,one (1)temporary sign may be displayed at all times. (2)Banner signs a. Maximum number allowed per parcel:two (2) b. Maximum square footage allowed per sign: sixty (60) square feet. c. Duration allowed for each sign: sixty(60) days or seven (7) days after the event, if applicable. d. Banner signs shall not hang over or extend into public rights-of-way. e. Banner signs shall be securely anchored to buildings, poles, or suitable structural supports and shall not be attached to the roof of a building or exceed the height of such building or structure. f. Banner signs shall not be attached to trees, public buildings or structures, utility poles or any type of utility structure or equipment, including lift stations,fire hydrants, and the like. From:Gallaher,Ann [mailto:AnnGallaher@regencycenters.com] Sent:Tuesday, February 15,2022 3:43 PM To: Irizarry,Angela<alrizarry@coab.us> Subject: RE: Esporta Fitness signage Hi Angela, I've reached back out to Esporta and asked for an update. It's unusual for them to take this long on any issue,they're usually pretty good about things. We have provided them an approved package and they have what they need to apply for a permit. I'll let you know when I hear back. Thanks again for your patience. Ann Gallaher Property Manager 1 T 904 598 7710 F 904 358 9344 One Independent Drive, Suite 114 Jacksonville, FL 32202 Regency Centers. As a reminder, Regency has partnered with VersaPay to offer our tenants a secure and more robust tenant payment experience. Login or register today by visiting www.regencycenters.com/tenants to view monthly invoices/statements, up- to-date balances and historical payment transactions. You can even communicate with your property manager and configure which email notifications you wish to receive all from within the app! PLEASE NOTE: You will need both your tenant and lease number to register The information contained in this email message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. This communication is for discussion purposes only and does not create any obligation to negotiate or enter into a binding agreement. You should be aware that discussions or negotiations may be occurring simultaneously with other parties regarding the property or space discussed herein, and that neither party shall be bound by any terms contained herein until an agreement has been mutually executed and delivered. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by email, and delete the original message. From: Irizarry,Angela<alrizarry@coab.us> Sent:Tuesday, February 15, 2022 3:21 PM To:Gallaher,Ann<AnnGallaher@regencycenters.com> Subject: RE: Esporta Fitness signage ('_Al ' I IO'y: I:vtonal email be careful with Iinl:s'attachmcnts. especially i from unknown source OR if une.yhcctcd from Iknovv n source Good afternoon Ann, I am just following up. We still have not received anything from Esporta or Regency for the Esporta sign. Can you give me an update please? From:Gallaher,Ann [mailto:AnnGallaher@regencycenters.com] Sent:Wednesday, February 2,2022 3:44 PM To: Irizarry,Angela <alrizarry@coab.us> Subject: RE: Esporta Fitness signage Thanks, I'll let them know. Ann Gallaher Property Manager T 904 598 7710 F 904 358 9344 One Independent Drive , Suite 114 Jacksonville, FL 32202 2 Regency Centers. As a reminder, Regency has partnered with VersaPay to offer our tenants a secure and more robust tenant payment experience. Login or register today by visiting www.regencycenters.com/tenants to view monthly invoices/statements, up- to-date balances and historical payment transactions. You can even communicate with your property manager and configure which email notifications you wish to receive all from within the app! PLEASE NOTE: You will need both your tenant and lease number to register The information contained in this email message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. This communication is for discussion purposes only and does not create any obligation to negotiate or enter into a binding agreement. You should be aware that discussions or negotiations may be occurring simultaneously with other parties regarding the property or space discussed herein, and that neither party shall be bound by any terms contained herein until an agreement has been mutually executed and delivered. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by email, and delete the original message. From: Irizarry,Angela<alrizarry@coab.us> Sent:Wednesday, February 2, 2022 3:43 PM To:Gallaher,Ann<AnnGallaher@regencycenters.com> Subject: RE: Esporta Fitness signage (':AtI lO'y: I=ytcrnal cnriil he carciul ith IinLs attachmcnt,, e pecially if Iron unknomii suuurcc ( I iC uncxhcctcd from knowv n Source It was denied by Zoning. They just need to tell their sign contractor to call the building department to find out what they have to do to get the permit moving again.That way you and I don't get stuck being the middle men in the permit process. From:Gallaher,Ann [mailto:AnnGallaher@regencycenters.com] Sent:Wednesday, February 2,2022 3:33 PM To: Irizarry,Angela<alrizarry@coab.us> Subject: RE: Esporta Fitness signage Odd... do you need anything else from us? Ann Gallaher Property Manager T 904 598 7710 F 904 358 9344 One Independent Drive, Suite 114 Jacksonville, FL 32202 Regency Centers. As a reminder, Regency has partnered with VersaPay to offer our tenants a secure and more robust tenant payment experience. Login or register today by visiting www.regencycenters.com/tenants to view monthly invoices/statements, up- to-date balances and historical payment transactions. You can even communicate with your property manager and 3 configure which email notifications you wish to receive all from within the app! PLEASE NOTE: You will need both your tenant and lease number to register The information contained in this email message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. This communication is for discussion purposes only and does not create any obligation to negotiate or enter into a binding agreement. You should be aware that discussions or negotiations may be occurring simultaneously with other parties regarding the property or space discussed herein, and that neither party shall be bound by any terms contained herein until an agreement has been mutually executed and delivered. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by email, and delete the original message. From: Irizarry,Angela<alrizarry@coab.us> Sent:Wednesday, February 2, 2022 3:32 PM To:Gallaher,Ann<AnnGallaher@regencvicenters.com> Subject: Esporta Fitness signage ('_Ai' 110\: I.ytcrnal email he careful with Iinl:, attachments. especially ilsIrom unknowwn source OR uncypectcd from Lnovv n ,ourcc Ann, I looked into it further.We did get a sign application from Sign A Rama last September but it was denied because we needed additional information.They never responded back and so it's just sitting there in Pending. Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 O:(904)247-5855 Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email to info@coab.us. Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook at wwwfacebook.com/cityofatlanticbeach. Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to or from state and local officials and agencies regarding state or local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications, including your email address, may therefore be subject to public disclosure. Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email to info@coab.us. Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cityofatlanticbeach. Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to or from state and local officials and agencies regarding state or local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications, including your email address, may therefore be subject to public disclosure. Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email to info@coab.us. Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cityofatlanticbeach. Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to or from state and local officials and agencies regarding state or local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications, including your email address,may therefore be subject to public disclosure. Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email to info@coab.us. Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cityofatlanticbeach. Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to or from state and local officials and agencies regarding state or 4 local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications, including your email address, may therefore be subject to public disclosure. 5 ;' 'f ��r eI CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD iiiiAi r) ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 *� PHONE (904)247-5800 -.r l I) 3/2/2022 EQUITY ONE ATLANTIC VILLAGE INC PO BOX 2539 SAN ANTONIO,TX 78299 ESPORTA FITNESS 985 ATLANTIC BLVD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 177602 0040 Case Number: 22-001 Location of Violation: 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD 953-975, 38-2S-29E 14.040 CASTRO Y FERRER GRANT PT RECD O/R 8130-2297 Atlantic Beach,Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD 953-975 was conducted on 3/2/2022. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: NATURE OF VIOLATION: A banner is being used as the signage for this building. Banners are considered temporary signage and are a limited to a period of only 60 days. Permanent signage requires an approved City of Atlantic Beach permit and no permit has been issued for this signage. VIOLATION CODE: 1. Sec. 17-33—Temporary signs. (b)Within all non-residential zoning districts,the following signs shall be considered as temporary signs and must meet the following standards: (1)Temporary signs, other than banners. a. Maximum number allowed per parcel:two(2). b.Maximum square footage allowed per sign: sixteen(16)square feet. c. Maximum height allowed: six(6)feet. d.Duration allowed for each sign: sixty(60)days or seven(7)days after the event,if applicable: provided,however,one(1)temporary sign may be displayed at all times. 2. Sec. 17-27. -General provisions applying to all permitted signs.All signs shall be subject to the following general provisions. (1) No sign shall be installed,erected or placed prior to issuance of a sign permit as required by article VI of this chapter,except for exempt signs as set forth in section 17-26. Signs shall be located only on property where the sign serves. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by removing the banner and obtaining a permit for permanent signage within ten (10)days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 ogairizarry@coab.us if you have any questions or need additional information. I, 1 (0 I Z.f , hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. 1 Silicerely, �lJ 1 t RC1 ( Cn Angela Iri CODE ENFORCEMENT Cc: Regency Centers 1 Independent Drive Suite 114 Jacksonville,FL 32202 Fitness International LLC 3161 Michelson Drive Suite 600 Irvine,CA 92612