02-15-22 CDB Adopted MinutesPresent: Absent: Also Present: MINUTES Community Development Board (CDB) Meeting Tuesday, February 15,2022 - 6:00 PM Commission Chamber Jennifer Lagner, Member Kirk Ilansen. CM Chair James Moyer, Member Richard Schooling, Member Jeff 1 laynie, lember Linda Lanier. Member Sylvia Simmons, Member Ellen Golombek. Member Brenna Durden. City Attorney ((A) Amanda Askew, Planning and Community Development Director (PCDD) Valerie Jones, Recording Clerk Abrielle Genesi, Planner CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Ms. Lagner arrived at approximately 6:06 p.m. and was not able to vote 011 LVAR22-0001. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approve minutes of the January 18, 2022 regular meeting of the Community Development Board. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. 4. NEW BUSINESS A. 1858 Beachside Court ZVAR22-0001 (Jeffrey Ritter) Request for a variance to reduce the minimum rear yard setback to convert an existing unpermitted attached pergola into a covered porch at 1858 Beachside Court. STAFF REPORT: Planner Genesi presented the information as explained in the staff report. She also provided a PowerPoint presentation. Mr. 1 Haynie asked for clarification on the distance of the existing structure from the properly line. Planner Genest said it was 7.78 feet according to the survey. APPLICANT COMMENT: Suzanne Ritter introduced herself as the applicant. She said that her and her husband were wanting to put a roof on the structure in order to have Community Development Board ((OB) February 15, 2022 Page 1 016 a dry seating area otthloors. Nis. Ritter pointed out the unusual shape of their lot and said they don't really' have any areas in the rear or the property that are 20 feet from the property line. Mr,Schooling asked i (they N1 ere planning on enclosing the area and Ms. Ritter said they do not intend to enclose it. PUBLIC C:OIVIMENT: Chair 1 Jansen opened the floor to public comment. J hcre heing no public comments Chair Hansen closed the floor. BOARD DIS('USSION: Mr. Moyer was in favor of the request. Mr. Haynie said he doesn't see grounds for approval. Mr. Schooling said he thought it fell within #5 lrregular shape of the property warranting special consideration). MOTION: To APPROVF /VAR22-0001 on the condition of #5 (Irregular shape of the property warranting special consideration). Motion: Jeff Haynie Second: James Moyer Kirk Hansen For James Moyer (Seconded B)) For Richard Schooling For Jeff Haynie (Moved RI) For Motion passed 4 to 0. B. 487 Royal Palms Drive ZVAR22-0002 (Maureen Lamar) Request for a variance from Section 24-253(a)(3) to allow a circular driveway on a property with less than 100 feet of street frontage at 487 Royal Palms Drive. STAFF REPORT: Director Askew presented the information as explained in the staff report. She also provided a PowerPoint presentation. Ms. Lagner asked if there was a recent traffic study. Director Askew said she wasn't aware of specific data but they have received speeding complaints and a radar/sign has been installed. Mr. Haynie asked if the property was smaller than surrounding lots. Director Askew said the lots in the neighborhood are very' similar in size. APPLICANT COMMENT: Maureen 1,amar, property owner, introduced herself. She said that 3 out of the 4 lots on her street that have circular driveways are the same width at the front of the property. Ms. Lamar said her husband had hack surgery and it was a challenge fin him to back out of the driveway. Mr. Haynie asked about a comment that was on the application referring to trees blocking her vision. Ms. Lamar said that the trees are not a problem at this point because the trees Community Development Board ((A)B) February 15, 2022 Page 2 016 are yo tlrlg but as it will be difficult. N1r. Haynie asked it' there was an alternate\e clrivewi\ design and is there room to turn around and cuter the road going forward. Ms. hamar said there isn't the ability to that with the existing dri\ eway and that she would have to expand the width of the driveway to make that happen. She said she had discussed that option with her husband hut they concluded that they didn't want to go that road. T1s. Lamar explained that the\ Were going to use concrete edging with gravel in the middle, Mr. Schooling asked if the palm trees on the north end of the lot would he affected and Nis. Lamar said they will not. I't113L1(' COMMENT: ("hair' I lansen opened the floor to public comment. "I 110 MI inerts ('hair I Jansen closed the floor. 13()ARI) I)1,'ti("IJSSION: Mr. Schooling visibility to come in and out of the properti ing ewly planted trees ethe ver° said lle thought the circular driveway were better looking,. Nis. I,agner said that there are other streets ill Atlantic Beach that are just as busy but she does like the idea of this variance. Mr. Haynie said he didn't see any ground for approval. Mr. Schooling was leaning toward #1 or t#4. Mr. Moyer understood the safety issue. (.'hair Hansen said that with Tess driveway the applicant could still pull in straight and have a turnaround as an alternative and would not need a variance. 4107'1 ON: l o APPROVI .,VAR22-O002 on the condition of #4 (Onerous regttlattions enacted after I)lattirlg or after development of the property construction of inlprt..)vement upon the property). Motion: Richard Schooling Second: Janes Moyer Jennifer Lagner Kirk Hansen James Moyer (Seconded By) Richard Schooling (Moped By) Jeff Haynie Motion, failed 2 to 3. Against .Against For For Against 705 Atlantic Boulevard (Seminole South LLC -tach Miller) Request for a variance from Section 17-29 to exceed the maximum freestanding sign height and reduce the minimum 5 -foot setback. STAFF REPORT: Director Askew presented the information as explained in the staff report. She also provided a PowerPoint presentation. Mr. 1 Iayrlie asked if the sign was taken down then is it considered abandoned according to the code. Director Askew said that in the sign code a sign is considered abandoned when the business is no longer 111 service even though the sign is still standing. She said Community Development board (('1)8) February 15, 2022 3 16 they need a either get a variance (..)r the sign has to he taken down. Chair I Jansen asked if Code f:liforcement was involved. Director Askew said the property is under code enforcement action and they are allowing the applicant to exhaust all remedies before going back to the special magistrate. She said that if the variance is denied then they will continue the Code EntOreement process. ,iiPPLI('ANT COMMENT: lach Miller of 3203 Old Barn Court. Pante Vedra introduced himself as representing Seminole South. I le said that he since coming helore the Board in October he has tried unsuccessfully to find another place for the sign that would meet the set -backs without the need for a variance. Mr. Miller said that the conclusion was to asked for a variance tOr the existing sign that has been there since 1960, Mr. I Iaynie asked if the size or material of the sign would he different. Mr. Ni iller said they would he similar to the existing sign with different occupants listed. BOARD D1SCUSSMN: Mr. Moyer said there were a lot of signs on the existing building and thought there was a better way to do a sign. Mr. Schooling said he was 50/50 on the request. Ms. Lagner said she didn't have any issues with it. Mr. Haynie said he was trying to see which ground for decision would apply. Ile had considered #4 but didn't teel there was onerous effect because the building fascia already had so much signage. Chair Hansen said the only grounds he saw was the irregular shape of the property. Ile said he was also conflicted and didn't want to encourage other 25 foot high signs. MOTION: lo DENY ZVAR22-0003 due to there being no grounds for approval. Motion: Jeff Haynie Second: James Aloyer Jennifer Lagner Against kirk Hansen for James Moyer (Seconded By) For Richard Schooling Against Jeff Haynie (Mm'ed By) For Motion passed 3 to 2. 1). 469 Atlantic Boulevard Unit 5 UBEX22-0001 (Amelia and Adam I'ainton) Request for a use -by -exception to allow a tattoo studio within the Commercial General 'zoning district at 469 Atlantic Boulevard Unit 5. STAFF REPORT: Planner Genesi presented the intOrmation as explained in the stall' report. She also provided a PowerPoint presentation. Community Development Board (( February 15, 2022 Page 4 o16 Mfr. Haynie asked iI Stall kne\\ it Some of llarr• tattoo studs drat were approved in the past are still aspen. Planner (ienest saki she thought a couple ol'them were. I,I('ANT ('O 1 1 NT: !\Lhli r Painton introduced himself and his wile Amelia as the owners of Raptors 1 attoo Studio. els. Painton thanked the Board an(I explained that their place would not he your typical tattoo shop. She said they pride themselves on line art in a clean and respectful environment. Mr. Painton said they believe in community 'ol\crnent and added that he is active military. Ile said they want to provide an. artists ol the safrle tlnrldset to change the stigma around the tattoo industry. ylr. N'loyer asked ts said thew were looking, at 1 1:0(1 a.rm to 9:00 p.m. N1r. Haynie asked if there was anything circ involved such as music, noise, etc. Mr. Painton said the music would he relaxing and there wouldn't he alcohol. The applicants talked about their history, traveling international!). and managing another. studio for 5 veal's. P1J!WIC ('O]\1 '1I NT: ('hair I lansen mentioned they received -elerence in favor of the applicants. ('haie►led the floor to public comment. his. burden did the swearing in. Mary Ilea(ltrway of Atlantic Reach introduced herself. She said that the applicants «ere wanting to open their shop within a 4 block radius of 3 other tattoo and piercing studios that are currently open. Ms. '1'readawav was not in favor of the request. There being no public comments (..hair 1 Jansen closed the floor. BOARD DISC( SSI()N: Mr. Haynie asked if the use ��oul(I dominate the :trot. Ile didn't have a problem .with it. Mr. Moyer agreed that it wash Schooling said was in fawn• of the request. MOT/ON: were no conditil tOV1;, 1)UI:X22-0001 tirl(lirlg it consistent with the uses permitted (there flfotion: Jenirifer Lagner Second: Jeff Haynie Jennifer Lagner (Moved Btu) For Kirk Hansen For James Moyer For Richard Schooling For Jeff Haynie (Seconded Bl) For Motion passed 5 to 0. REPORTS Ms. 1:)urden said that Nis. Lamar was asking for clarity 011 the vote for her variance and 11 was explained to the applicant. Community Development B<raarat (('I)B) February 15, 2022 Page 5 of 6 Comp Plan lipdate: Director Askew explained to the Board that Starr will he bringing so eral Comp Plan changes to them in the next eral months. She said there will he special meetings and workshops. Director Askew said the Comprehensive Plan is the guide for the City and they would like to make a Ie\\ changes. She said that they will also he updating Chapter 24 which is how the City implements the Comp Plan. Director Askew said the changes weren't hi g but they want to he on hoard with the State legiskiture. She said that a puhlic mailer will he required that goes OW to approximately 5,000 residents. 6. PUBLIC COMMENT There Were no public comments, 7. ADJOURNMENT 'Inere being no further discussion, Chair I liaise!' declared the meeting adjourned at 6:57 p.m. Attest: 11 Arrianda ASkeNV COM In 11 n ty Development Board (CDB) February 15, 2022 Page 6 o 6