03-08-22 CARAC - Adopted Minutesy�, r MINUTES Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee (CARAC) Meeting Tuesday, March 8, 2022 - 6:00 PM Commission Chamber Present: An Oskarsson, CARAC Chair Jane Stevens, Member Lisa Goodrich, Member Mateo Jurasic, Member Carol Silcox, Member Mary Mullahey, Member Joseph Schwarz, Member Wally Sears, Alternate Member Absent: Also Present: Latrenia Thomas, Interim Dir. of Cultural Arts and Recreation Veronica Richard, Recreation Associate Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM) 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approve minutes of the Tuesday, February 8, 2022 Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting. 3. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS A. An recognized Commissioner Kelly for her attendance. 4. ONGOING BUSINESS A. Welcome New Committee Members Lisa Goodrich and Carol Silcox - Trenia An asked everyone to introduce themselves. She also asked the members to share briefly what they are most excited about bringing to the table and why they want to be on the committee as well. Each member gave a brief statement B. CARAC March Newsletter - An Oskarsson An asked if anyone receives the CARAC Facebook newsletter. She encouraged committee members to sign up to take a look and provide feedback to Kevin Hogencamp. Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee (CARAC) March 8, 2022 Page 1 of 3 She also gave her feedback on the process to sign up wasn't clear. She implied that it should be more user friendly. She asked if the Recreation staff could send the link for the Facebook newsletter to the committee members to sign up. C. Canine Carnival Update - Commissioner Candice Kelly Commissioner Kelly gave a PowerPoint presentation in detail about the layout of the Canine Carnivale D. Arts in the Park Update - Latrenia Thomas Latrenia shared the status on the plans for Arts in the Park. A request form for volunteers to sign up was given to each Committee member. A suggestion from a member was given to see if the Youth Council would be available to volunteer and to also split the times for some of the jobs on the volunteer sign up form. E. List of City Events for Consideration Shane gave his reason for the request of the agenda item that the Commission recommend for CARAC to review the list of events the City holds and to flag an event that may be underutilized, outdated or anything that the committee would like to do away with. It would create an opportunity to suggest new events. An suggested for the committee to think about what type of data they want to make for suggestion on how well the events work in the City. Jane shared that during an event she would be willing to ask vendors and guest for their thoughts on the events the City host. An would like to have a list of events that are held by the city, sponsored, partnered or funded by a independent organization. Mary shared that we may want to send something with a catchy line to grab people's attention when we send out information in regards to the events. Joe asked if we could have signage for upcoming events. F. Review and Revise the CARAC Resolution (Duties, Responsibilities, Rename, Inputs to City drafts and Oversight) An informed the new committee members that the post and present resolution. It was requested that CARAC should revise the resolution on how the committee operates and what they do. She also suggest that there would be value in reviewing the resolution and receive training. The committee gave an overview while discussing the suggestions submitted. During the review Jane gave a motion to change the name from CARAC to ARCC. An stated that she would make a recommendation to the Commission. MOTION: For CARAC name to be changed to ARCC Motion: Wally Sears Second: Lisa Goodrich Lisa Goodrich (Seconded By) For Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee (CARAQ March 8, 2022 Page 2of3 Wally Sears (Moved By) An Oskarsson Jane Stevens Carol Silcox Mary Mullahey Joseph Schwarz Motion passed 7 to 0. 5. NEW BUSINESS A For For For For For For Schedule Grant Workshop for April - Latrenia Thomas An requested to see if the Chambers would be available the evening of March 21 st - March 25th. 6. OTHER AGENDA ITEMS/ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Agenda Items for the Next Meeting 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chair An Oskarsson adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m. Attest: An Oskarsson, Chair Latrenia Thomas Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee (CARAC) March S, 2022 Page 3 of 3