06-14-22 CARAC Adopted MiuntesMINUTES Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee (CARAC) Meeting Tuesday, June 14, 2022 - 6:00 PM "'r Commission Chamber Present: An Oskarsson, CARAC Chair Jane Stevens, Member Lisa Goodrich, Member Mateo Jurasic, Member Carol Silcox, Member Mary Mullahey, Member Joseph Schwarz, Member Absent: Wally Sears, Alternate Member Also Present: Latrenia Thomas, Director of Cultural Arts and Recreation 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Meeting was called to order by An Oskarsson at 6:01 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approve minutes of the May 10, 2022 Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting. 3. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS A. Atlantic Beach Artisans Faire Terry Seldon and Jeannie Gagrynowicz came before the committee to see if they could host the Artisan's Faire this year. Terry shared that she's been active in the Arts Community for a long time and that she was afforded the opportunity last year to operate the Artisan's Faire. She would love the opportunity to do it again this year if needed along with Jeannie to assist. Because of the success from last year she wanted to hear ideas from CARAC to make it better this year. An O. welcomed Terry's desire to coordinate the event. An O. also shared that Pam White has expressed an interest in helping with the event. Terry responded that she would be open to working with Pam. Other CARAC members were thrilled that Terry wanted to spearhead the event and is interested in any ideas Terry and Jeannie may have. CARAC shared some ideas on things they would like to see. An O. recommendation would be to keep what was good last year and try to expand it with more kid friendly options. Committee members shared more ideas of what they would like to see in the future. Terry and Jeannie were very receptive to the committees ideas. An O. made the recommendation to Terry and Jeannie that they get on the CARAC Agenda to give an update or get feedback from CARAC in the next few months. Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee (CARAC) June 14, 2022 Page 1 of 4 B. 4. ONGOING BUSINESS A. CARAC July Newsletter Suggestions The Committee had a brief discussion about the newsletter. They made the suggestion of including a local featured artist in the newsletter. An requested to see how circulation was going to the CARAC newsletter. Latrenia gave an update on the amount of emails that were sent and how many were opened. An O. shared that she would like to see an upward trend month to month and who's on the list. Mayor Glasser chimed in that Kevin has been working many years on the City's Newsletter Email. She also suggests that the Committee can find ways to multiply that effort. Latrenia also shared that Veronica has been very successful keeping post updated on Social Media. B. Canine Carnival Update Latrenia shared that aside from the heat the overall event was great. From the feedback she gathered from attendees one suggestion was to have more dog bowl stations available. She also mentioned Commissioner Kelly did a great job assisting the Department with putting the event together. An O. asked if it would be staffs recommendation for the event to be annually? Latrenia responded that the event is included in the next budget cycle. The projected amount of attendees for the Canine Carnival was a guesstimate of 200 including dogs. There was also mentioning of ways to promote the event for the upcoming year. C. Request for Progress / Final Report from Grant Recipients Update Latrenia shared that she sent out an email to the Grant Recipient's to submit their Progress / Final Report. An O. mentioned if the staff could compile a spreadsheet of the grant recipients reports for CARAC to view. Mary M. asked is there a way to set up in the future for applicants to submit there final report in the new software. We also discussed the final report for the Grant Applications that is in process to be submitted to the Commission for approval. D. Mayor Glasser's suggestions to the CARAC Resolution Mayor Glasser encouraged the Committee to stick with the word Holiday for the Artisan's Faire instead of anything that says Christmas. She explained that the City has been through this topic prior and it could cause political fire. She suggest not to change physically anywhere in reference to City Events. Mayor Glasser spoke in regards to the Commission's action on the grants. It was discussed with the Commissioner's that the draft wasn't voted on but they did a straw poll to move forward. She explained that it will come back in a resolution at the next meeting to be voted on to be apart of the upcoming grant cycle. She brought up a couple concerns that were raised. One concern is how do you score individual artist on the amount of residents that it touches? Second, how is CARAC going to consider a lot of the artist that may apply? She explained what the Commissions have received in the past about supporting as far as for profits, the City relies on CARAC to exercise wonderful Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee (CARAC) June 14, 2022 Page 2 of 4 judgment. Mayor Glasser explained to the Committee to be on the lookout for organization that run programs in the schools that aren't necessarily sanctioned by the schools. Lastly, she asked how is the Committee going to deal with more than one school that will apply for grants? Mayor Glasser went on to discuss the Youth Councils major recommendations that she's made. First the membership needs to be approved by the Youth Council Advisory on a rolling basis with a list available to the City and CARAC. Second, in the Resolution it states that the appointment of the Advisory for the Youth Council to be by the ARCC / ARCC, the Mayor recommended for it to be changed to the Mayor with the consent of the Commission on an annual basis. Third change was to make sure the Youth Council activities are to be supported by City Staff, with biannual reports and a annual budget by the faculty advisor. Joe S. mentioned that we should consider adding background checks for advisors to the resolution. E. Civic Rec Update Latrenia gave a brief update that July 1 st is our target date to launch for rentals, beach wheelchairs, camping and more. She also shared that she will ask members to go on the Civic Rec page to navigate through the page to give feedback. Jane S. mentioned about the option in the new software to include a survey that will follow after participants sign up for a program. F. Volunteer Program Update Latrenia shared briefly on how the Recreation Department would like to develop a volunteer program. She also mentioned that she would meet with the police department to gather info on how they operate their Police Volunteer program. Jane offered that she would find organizations that have active volunteers and put together a draft to present. An O. suggest that after Latrenia meets with the police that she should schedule a meeting with Jane to discuss their process. Mary M. made a suggestion to include in the Agenda at the bottom a section for "open items" examples like volunteer program update, Youth Council Resolution etc. 5. NEW BUSINESS N/A 6. OTHER AGENDA ITEMS/ANNOUNCEMENTS An suggested at the next meeting for the Committee to vote on a Vice Chairman for the Committee. The committee also discussed about the next scheduled meeting on July 12th not having enough committee members in attendance. Members suggested moving it from the 12th of July to the 19th if the Commissions Chambers are available. Latrenia responded that she would check the availability and contact the committee if the date was available. 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chair An Oskarsson adjourned the meeting at 7:32 p.m. Attest: Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee (CARAQ June 14, 2022 Page 3 of 4 An Oskarsson, Chair Latrenia Thomas Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee (CARAC) June 14, 2022 Page 4 of 4