MCHWB Vice Chair Summary of Recommendations - June 8, 2022Topic-Specific Summary of the MCHWB June 8, 2022 Meeting Topic: Youth: Challenges and Possibilities Presenters: Ellen Menendez, District Administration, DCPS. Elizabeth Andersen, DCPS School Board Member, District 2. Kim Gallagher, Principal, Atlantic Beach Elementary School. Dr. Charles Coker, Yesha Taekwondo. JoAnn Wallace, CEO, Dig Local Network. Theme of Presentation: Physical and emotional health requires programming that addresses safety, mental health, transportation, meaningful community (social) connections, natural movement, exercise, and wholesome/nutritious foods. Takeaways (a few): 1. The DCPS supports numerous programs to help students develop connections for wellness (e.g., The Grow Group; Beaches Resource Center, Wellness Wednesday). 2. Since feeling safe and being safe are different issues, student programming aims to reflect that dichotomy. 3. ABE has a Joint Use Agreement that allows the community to use the track and playground equipment when school is not in session. 4. ABE after-school pickup of students creates traffic challenges for Sherry Drive. 5. Yesha Taekwondo represents one of the youth programs COAB (through CRAC) supports with grant monies. 6. Food insecurity undermines emotional and physical health, affects academic development, and creates behavioral challenges. 7. Farmers Markets in the beaches area provide quality food, yet challenges remain like, marketing the programs; helping with transportation to and from the FMs; offering SNAP acceptance at all FMs. Recommendations (and which Council member made recommendation): 1. COAB needs to promote a walkability campaign (like “Walk and Roll”) that, among other benefits, will help to mitigate traffic and parking issues on Sherry Drive during ABE student drop-off and pick-up times? [Tracy Marko] 2. Explore a three-pronged approach to promote local Farmers Markets: a. develop an advertising/educational campaign about the FM benefits, b. find options for those with transportation issues, and c. get people to act on/take advantage of points 2.a. and 2.b. [Steve Piscitelli] 3. Advocate for the Atlantic Beach Farmers Market to begin accepting SNAP payments. [?] 4. Help develop symbiotic relationships between community centers and the Atlantic Beach Farmers Market. 5. Since ABE’s Joint Use Agreement allows the community to use its track and playground equipment, promote COAB financial assistance for new playground equipment. [Kyle Brady] 6. Promote a deliberative dialogue examining how COAB could enhance its grant allocations to address food insecurity for residents. [?] Submitted to the MCHWB on July 13, 2022 Steve Piscitelli, Vice Chair