MCHWB Vice Chair Summary of Recommendations - October 12, 2022Topic-Specific Summary of the MCHWB October 12, 2022 Meeting The Main Topic: Health Equity The Presenters: Rachel Berry, PR and Community Relations Coordinator, Baptist Medical Center Beaches, and Glenwood Charles, Community Partnership Coordinator, Baptist Medical Center (Downtown) The Theme of the Presentation: The Community Health Needs Assessment and Findings for Duval County The Takeaways (a few): 1. The Jacksonville Nonprofit Hospital Partnership consists of five healthcare systems over thirteen campuses. 2. The focus of CHNA: people most at risk to experience health disparities. 3. There is community concern about a lack of affordable and safe housing. 4. Among the social determinants for a healthy life are access, habits, and lifestyles. 5. The MCHWB can help CHNA reach its goals by helping to identify community partners, and speak up for what the beaches need regarding health disparities. The Recommendations (and the Council member making the recommendation): 1. Recommend that the City of Atlantic Beach incorporate into its city charter procedures to determine and focus on health needs and disparities. [Michael Lanier] 2. Recommend that the City of Atlantic Beach help residents with access to healthy lifestyle options through education and screening. [Ellen Golombek and Kyle Brady] 3. Use health screenings as a way to target health problems and disparities within specific localities. [Tracy Marko] 4. Encourage more health fairs and health screenings at Farmers’ Markets by using resources such as UNF nursing, nutrition, and mental health students) [Joann Wallace or Joyce Freeman?] Submitted to the MCHWB on November 2, 2022 Steve Piscitelli, Vice Chair